z -- EBftLS luNi 'Rb, BOMrdFnds Itlta xesv 'Work ToWatoh The Bue' PigshI county. FRANCIS EVIDENCE . $750. Board Approprae. $1000 Fer Faim Ip1 ve utAmn Whlch Rabsod$3000 TRut l la inepénsive vok eoietg data on Sundar vilation. on lowa option violations, etc., vats abahé fore thé supérvueos taié monra, vhén State'p Atterney WelCh subutit ted billartrmdteçtlvé aaliffl ot servicerenderai! ln cooltlg vi douce et F'ox Lake, Fort Shéridan. 'Nhukegan, Great lakés end Nort SThé bll ran ta thé Cetral Dte- tivé Agency ai Chicago for $1,016. Primat Evidéncé N.uplvs * Anbothér bill was ronnthéeR£.-s Secrét Sbrvice forlfflîOaSMi!coveréd thé collecting of evidéaca la the I%. tbér SFrancs casé. Ths la thé, ose vl'eré Fthér r nclsand émiaIet b lave héé l t hhéd fi au4 jWY on * change pretérred tonthé Mtil sn 01r plaint of séveral boye. That tlhetatéê made exhaustive invelgatim I&lathe * case la aboya l'y thé detactvés' de- -iaild bills. Oué Itm shorsi! fiat John Welcb md atrip te Detrot tu contéer ith a Xomeboi!> relat te Francis.t The biestefo aRalltng evîdénceà vere rosa! ta the bord, thé comiltiéa décliuIng taO0. K. tbés vithôut thé bord'* approvaR. Eger rai>ei ihe point thst hé hai! nudenatéoi!thé ord decLd et ai t lait mingé fat thé prouctorvas 80 ouigén ta héalicrai! ta hrade- tectives for fils kind of mon. The bileAs sored flotthle s4tcilvés chsrgei! $7 a d&Y aUd expeusea- fia thée !ýp béslSdéd l'out.liesé- tel esoanus, phone oeilsaitoar. c àoCéoiscubla dioname" oailmedn aa i wlvusdécidd!t a Ur M. Wélch béfoné thé board! ta ciplala the bie. EGER la OUTSPORCN. Thé mater of thé italie's ttarné> Mlias evideucé la ýconusaction il fthe opératIon of blini! pigz. Sun- day violatoni. locaR option viola1tions,1 etc.. in one rhich mrslintaoseiiSes- ai"of 0<thé board a! supervsop asud it rame op villa vekagéancaOR Wei!- neda> %heu thé buis traom two.doteC- tives vere préented for, pa&yaent. Thoua bille lOtaI eh out $3090repre- soutins about $2100 trou né ne&fcY nhich Invetîgate! salooan mtiér, thé second! one bolus 8760 tlu ouPeCtlan wih thé PalIer Francis cse. ThecPresiNtof lIéhebils for the bonrdi@consdrSt" AitetthelIacoon- mttee ha! déciined O0. K. flans brougbt forth considarailé comment. Mr. ffér of lihétYvlle nus ona ')i ihose vbo foit moal ku»lY about the delicate situations. iie vas sot backirdIn l sylug fia lo e fli Ita nslghtY ilckllsk Position t he state's attorney' ta hé Placét! in becanse afler a confeaeo,. yulMr. Wlch. fie iroscutor ti! hlim that theré are so mina>sociles sud so j-msny ladîvidualsa ho sre cont*iiiY cuminstu te bsate's attoraéy'soôtricé and malng comnplainte that certain violation& are la pragmépsé lanffféietl part of thie coutl>'hat ho ls placéi! Ia thé positien ot not belng able tu knw Just vhat tW do. "Fpor lgtné sii!M. IEger, 'thoe la on@ case wbére a roman camé tu 3Mr. Wlch an! toi! hlm about a bonne et prostitution tht vas OPetlUg lu Aatlach. Thé noman roui! net tell bcr naine, nether IwOultl ho i"u a cotaplaint. file sid $hoé tueWr ré oftabhe spoké. M. Welci. takims ber tatemnet as suthentilc bre! tva de téciveu and deiégaté! thora la go ta Antlach and!féee rbat thare vUs to ber dlais. Thé dtectives aPeul a fer .ays out theré but coul! gel aoth- Jus to indcate Ih!at sncb a Place rai bolus opetated. Ilowvevr. lh coalthe count>' conslderabRé sonar an! Mr.m Welh l! is hé trie! to do vhat ho thoughi hé should do." If we're ging ta en! dtéctîrél rharever anybai!y auggesls, mbété go- Sclety demande5, etc., ibère la no au! tu it," sai! M. Eger 'andi h met1 me as t6ugb itIti turelaI fie board ai!>' héther h vIi tolrate this ort of expendlture or nat, Umlfrton changes Opinon.. »aspéstloks hRintô mi! tIsai hb nasg tfegi bt.h gotaim rait t-, Cp«I JUV~.EW-sudhha! 15 b4 h ctor fte," t asi, 5 h s tu kir@e dtéctleî aud go look up 0EV tain évid«edéthan 1cItjsta bdosg au 4otion aiumt the fuIiNisatcalt red to, t4e the M bforé *4 gtaud tu,, sud thon a Rter Jmlt O, trima I a"d ïWarthat ?Lind of pqSIté u have the uflte invétwated by da«U« t[t ad détermine *bether tfeoT. 1Asaaythim tW thé ca" er o nIThete Are The l 1iy& Du- xr.- amairtov 84484 tint thé agta- hntdWiII .Fd tie n t the prment time are go kéan o]Aid'.WIlBe A*eëd. aud s otaatthat fit lOoethe lrméue na £very unduedbabl po-BEFORE BOARD0 THURSOAT. mtie. Hé ésYs fth"condit3uu, tliat]- et agitation Io fatrwomta uit hm~~s moa rlr0 u] "oer beau b0f o becaumme tlmre are WH s p" &1 f " o m«r anduri bn t gtb At 10:30 cb*O. te neLt theavidémâce, etc., ha le bani- WukssaSt. 1I. d for tacurrlng thea expensie. if ho Thée uberviaow tomorrow morngn doomma't get thip évidecé. thonaho e t 10 o'clock rul takènu p thea discus- là, bloméd by thèse various ocités BMon of I.ke cunty talg Mene tep aUd ladlviduial for flot tating th* bilding the pont rond tbrough Lke proper tape. -1teproeuré fédéral oat!stata jadidn invaét'gatone Catiy. - omnty, a stop ,hich viii InvoIve the Xrý gerinsste, bwevr, batIl Penditure by thé covaty of about thé state'> attorney raats tW lock iP The board! made the order of busl- -i~7~ tat a--sA- ldsBa!thélOur aon roqunt o 0< rw hlm k vwiii cot the cauty an ami tarY WlIlis of the chamber of oom- Hlmtai! amount of moume>'., l aet inec.H tti ha rsd dn * vI rua la thé tani et thogULni InerM tHe jsaet~ ihayt Provéren nt a- ler. Tha& in vhy e tot tbat théeo the te g rai s 115>-ara as-g Wordof npévlaré eoul t~e ~ot Ilibhand Park. IMajor Pearson or to# t = pola Dother vardt, bhl$po. allieswas that fi tRiéboard votai! taq pautthéestatas attorney to carry on bis work, aIl velR and! gooi!. but if tRie boud votai! not to péfmlt hlm W arry on this Investigation yrocicd. are through detectivéé. thon thé pub- nec mutI boRd thé bouard an't ;be prosécttor responile tir IRt. SupérvIsor iurphy muid 1 <caR 1218e shouli! bp a imit placed on tbé amacut of mGii,,-: spent on hiring de- téctiveB." The général sentinment of thé super- iom eéma u toht tthé prosecutôr la pRacedin l thé postion of belng *"hé- twéén thé devil and théeideep use" mont of thé timé. Hé le biaméd by thé board Il hé dom it andin lalmed b> socletléi andi! idividuale if he dosnt. TRier. mééms to hé Do happy A bilA as prémeatai f ramTénu> l10rtun & shemmni for $340 $or court vont zwpPreaenins ibm-aoty l ao- nection vlth thé Ournéé mubvar. The boutord yato!a lihe» Irmk Straceir of Cuba townaship. $15,139 STATE AID. Waukégan, Sept Il. Thé annui al aR mésion of the cona- ty bord itrtai! tIis moralag vlth practlcaly a full boad prémégt KigRt portitlons for county aid en bridge la LUs rare reportad ta thé commltée as vas slo evamp land pe. tition. Petiin oft tSoktr for Ucénse la Cuba, ras réferred to commtéee. "aé banivwu otlfled that theé aujougt vallable neatrf yeram thé -Mot W biay tuad, pridIas thé zona- t>' raeg ma1airant la- $14,139. Thé coÙaty acoondinglr vmiitae k ténec- emarr staDe te gai thé e#lt*teaid. Thé board voici! $1000 ta 1e t14 Lao eCouaty Paàru Impnt Aisoa. on immtén thfai ibis nmta hégivan pro- fiK thé amooion ralsof SS$m" webwsdoue. . Shé cuaty treaurie'aanmalre- port vas rai!and tférréd tu com- te. ~L UnomW 81F'>. lof 1917. J, S. Gnil!iy et aI ta J. U. Hock, oi 14, bock 1, IlverWbeeze «ub Lous Lia. , so.0 ». B. Neville et ai ta Avi sud Mat B. 1100k lot 14, block 1, Hock NevM*l'& Loag Lake SuR, $1.00. . Mtella R. Garner et aI ta PIareuce X, Dectér, lot 31, block 64, lot 42 ln blockt U and lois 20 an! 21 block 8S, blorfla Chico. $302. Xauie 3IL Lusit et al la Chas. and DEALT tlm TNO "Gét Rich Qul* WOIl notlulng on 0. k »0'mlh la thé mattér of i<m gar! for monér. wlR 'be"alongside oLihavt repecta. Davning $truc&t WMe ani! annoutscad thé ***Kt Interuationa l FIuai0 ammoth coneeln l e i.1 ta bé l,.o ate'nW«e lénooe, Mayon Addlngtnon f Lakeé D'ictainwui lrest sud other gooi! roads booterl ia- reto ii>"as mat à*M" VIII attend. d-ragt bita l, ;W,-» bUidér Mis nev 15v $400.000 ls avaiS- Ceihiba livét' m, fs able <nom mi"te andR fédéral id prio- nouacad i lislf tas piai vilAa,g thé countiep taise an asaunt compaay, G. T. Yo@eýof equaS ta 50 per cent; part cf the pro- vice Praménts ud e". posed rosi! la ln Cook count>' se Lake «eestreét, WOukla county's haré vould hé *bout $150,- 9uy appormat: qrb»ait 000. Im"g,.'attér ail, to, -hier The proposé! planr la ta designate cared ho dl4a't WElle ibis Une for thé ner roni!: baadléd busisélu statMu's Sheridan Roui! trom Wisconsin irai! lm. sté e Una down ta Lake Bluff; Télé- Dovning came 10 Ie i gtaph rondi south or Lake Bluff ta dré! bis bhnss ésuls Cook connty Une: Belvîdere ros-d tram for théin, soit hem. a»i! Wauitegaa meut limita ta McHenry oni. count>' line.I This It liseaén. rouI! 5ive a north Maqulons oret lea ani! muth an! mét and éast roai Delorés eaving »ç'VpI Ibrongb thé county. pal! for partly tée <ct tfiat l by thé lISte and! nation, sud pitly by ventim a u a m q thé counir. A bond léue rouI! liethée é and!lhé. bai!3 W&y It mouS! hée carriéd tbrough la, W thé uerslpor*W, thé eountitaItu h e sen that La'cacoa-n- fy iandtol.th!MU4f- t>' vopid Set a lot a fgQod rosi nd I0O0..h.rr pa' b ut a partion of the cool. b odya -emo«$ Thére ras somé question as 1t5.Cttoy or my awn.» mather Sheridan rond <om thé Wis- raised the sumi ta f00 couin limita sonth ébould ie hédeag- claré! fié aampony wrfl nat.! or mbtbér ik abouti héethé Mil- moadar la Wautean bie maukia Roc!PIMnaRîr it ras feu it hre -éita0t. Mayhé am"- MM nrad rouI! hé thé btter aRR are fbat il di!u't tiinm cansideré!. But. lîke Walllagford. I Northi Shore FaVora fonde. no Pikier. superviaor Clarke exprs.! enîhua- Wlth his businéss cm lau ovér the Prospectiva bond Issue handa, hé ranit a a oca tO gel goo! roads. Hé sai! he fit thé pros.îéMet lha vas exp Positive thal Deérfiéli! an! Shields a-m lu thé aflerona mha pay a tht! 0of thé laxes of thé bartar compan>' and! w count>'.nIl voté, n fayoro f aboni! 13.000 an $4.000lu the me lémues. Hé fééla tRut at $EO,000 boni! rishe! la open an acqou ceati. bcb rouI! neprenant a coulot iii' vr héthér il ei Of $250,00 or $20000 Pet year. $4.000. Hé explainé! bis1 A ÀpélitIan vas racelve! tram vern.aail>'efienréident agreed on rauldenta urgfng the l'air! ta la- t tbe extent e!tén do cudé thé Aaf-DayHghraod ron! ln mhat revelationé camne aocptag tte-federai aid. b«nitr mishé! hee hal me Cluainnan Kirchiner éxplaine! that lxxsead of a tea spot. there art many réqueti comiag ln 'I'm eaving for gregci fia! fie supervions maké a change anug,'" sali! Downing Tu la certaa ronds that have been dés- Édi!ig: "AI'vé sol! fout isusié! as ptteeroads, thé feeling fil W thé cotaîulstsid bein& tRal an lr rying out thé plan it Fari Shenilan1 Imet au latell SsI at roa!s othen flan those restaurant ant nighi, au déignaI.! tvoas ago shculd now bis fnagera) nouAil t ta lie desgnatai!. thal." __________Downlig, J liRie Wl Wol! han héeexpéecté! mare f ish ta thé naval nf as soon as hie coul!me othar Waukégaus tman lh va. Cingt ailue prun, o e teasîvé scalé sud bhngt - tégan. Thé relu.-t <ave Weshiingtpto, Sept. 1l-lIMé boum e vas expectlag ro tee! th memiara ver. naned Ioda>' t9a pat-and! thus guibRiah a circle or Clarki: oiay te invécilgta the race 1utaka bis monev coinsti r z i i e Jas-ette Wau'd. five acres la ne 1-4 sac. 17, Llbetyvlié township, $2,500.a lots i1 3, 2. h'& 1, Dévllnam uh la- gieside, $10.00. *bhel M. Ocrtley ta John and Maryir ChudmiatjRt 28, blotk 7 Wahbum à Park. orfi h cago% 10. ' Rruxan o d rite t.Jese. martino. part lot 45. COUD*>' gereu sub Âatloclt. 81.00. metr la hancéry 10 Wbft1. eWl. Wot 147o* ie t eMb « fr «mpM W*hI.189 -*j ramoution, providlug fan îçiqiry e-as agreéd ta unauimlr. The pester named Rapraseatative Joltu- on of Kentucitster et Califorula. and Ploster of IMllol. i!emtaarls, mai! Ç4ooer of Wisconsan aUFasiof liii sos, rapublican. Thé cainitiee le givea thé pmofai icourt. TO 1Ordera fig JI FR081 AIUT04TREIET CAR CRASH City And t0 hé caréfuR that bl wasn't acins .WrLao Puni!>, thé chauffeur for .un Two .luit rlgh aiet . ruét Lélm. wvhowaa drtvlng thé Folks. ige.car wrb # v us bit y a North Shore Downing, without a crstéfor thé ex-electilocar ait1 Telegraph Rosi! anai - péndîturé of moaxey, lRoakédnt inpa lguui Lka IlffDomqdout Road Monday )USANDS. Paint-r, CawRéey. nc.de aN-lie OPtl "I vont somé big sins. a,"mli!bc é peded*eXu Mckeliatg ptR,:30 ish By The aur.' ,1élwý- -Théy valked dowa thé stféét. .Pndy huA neyer régal néd con- rhousands ADvang ipoftI! aOut sévéral bg Aigu*, gsciamuéa. Onc, or Ivicé hp eee ion. "«Why t11e. nil cosu up ta $M0,.sald ta W &au*et0< ur goaaciotxs. Cavîey. li" et Ut oeb ~an instant. ingford" Ras "Mers nathing ta me-l'vé gol We*uiauly'noon fit as annouincé tg o! Gurnéé, moaéy," salA RDovnnag lna anonchal- hé U5 yin-ad ittIe hopé vas bell ;uttér disre- qui mannér as though $500 vas mua.i-tRit he.*ould survive thte day. Puroy aford ras a ingleea and! lafinitesnal ta bita. iiadban iplurlobét 131é chéat slang ln man>"WRl"sad Cevley; «'111 havé ta havé thé m oaéy , beforé 1 tarI on trog h éncesm ér recoééta réd thé o . t gaut. MOndaY th-." Andi, Dowaiag valkéd dom bis chy ancs f2r re ory arndslvec tian of "Thé thé ptreét, ta ses câvRéy latér. héo Purdy as 22 éars3 Etoh atreetvu Coffpces."réa Haéi en Lt tlphn aChicago. Hé wop thé son of PrédrI£-t b Ofics wre e nt wnt é te tleponeof-Purdy and bai! vorkOd fer LehmÇà f gan and! vho tics vbéré hé vantéi! W caRUI BD thé fr nme ime %la and FPoi. preidént of théeAInteratonal Ilarvea h cniio flIs e1a o latéd Salmon ter Comany'aud lse v.hy thal $3.00 ff l la t M q lts frramthe bai! Dot arrive&d. ononSut Puer are >short di à .» Hé an- Whén Dovning faunai the tre*uty lina. .WISUe hopé la hiRd Out fM ISt $tw aident of thé ihousand lbai! not an-rved . troumthé ebtasa »vil, récover, itlaisadmIatted f Gurné., as harvéuter company, hé id't téél -the at thé hoeptai thal >Bhe le n on ar Guy,. 10i8len- leaat dlacouraged, Iastei! .hé weatot tin ud u,îît au xécrtary. to a véRR knovn Waukégaa laryér Mr. Lebman and! Mr. Stf4l!rOut4ai1 much of aa ni! rétai! dhlm asacouaidél to a hadibath gcttlng on nicéRr. la tacothfey Dovning dé- thé lit1gatlon that vau 10 follow. He are ln tno danger rb*tevér, théir ln 1 thé waY hé rantai ta gué hlm a retainer tee o ilée haviag béafouni tobe minar1 ru nô hé mast unllmltéd »Ise but thé attorney ai'-- Inofco-rangéd to méet hlm ater -and hé acv- 1 a ffl 1 r,LAKE FOR Est. Bun ffie, r-ér got thé paitér. ouae f1dlar WthO pnlnted, paii! There's one tbing certain: If Wall- ouieo olr'v bc then started Ingfard bRil!any tua epeadiag bis»ainting and rélica mor r nésuéd troip monéy. or If thé Germen cabbler rbo thé home of John V.,Y'atvéll ln ax4k è,to. to' possession af thé City vbilî POU. Forést Wled!neday, riépt. 12. vbea 15, inwa a ofiersu a scb w as parti>' iestroyéd by tiré. Kaida cgmentlanéd thé cil>' tréaeurybai!ay<u a chauffeurs ad aélshbora remové! tht *étvêd an tu- tormlag big stut, théy ha! aothitng articles tron: thé uminsetru«tur Ot f a iéei! on Downing. Hé luit bida piculc fte r . .te' Réeiatéth iaa Ithé mattir tro i!ays and! it rap uncéremoniaugly abmore than $25.080. Théetiré étatt otéter Cot1e. literliPted lanhiis!téqumghurIen fr = éfesolive vlrtugluc is 1i colty- ins ens amW nom Gemanue5d tkmL--Kathrine Frvél. éon# hi.St hm e. M thé llnsj ixe.t, u N"i stairt ' lHe hal visions f akliatng maaéy -a"ln flaier rout on tfi é»Mi0id ~*adylée vbch roui! put la the Shads thé foor vhén thé tiré startai!. Shé var n d ldde- plan of thé maa vha va Seging, tu réaqpd by a maal!. w,1. bave thé matre no much monar on bis cet r0,047y af t-ranch. That telow vas going to taeks 'ha mces a dosent cats int<> thé couintr'y, tum ra TOl théns loué vberé théré veré ots of Dovioag vas rate. Hé tiguréi! thé cat oi>old ust thé rats, thé rata mouldeset thé cte ai0, * la hisan! ln tisé hé rouldRé ahi. ta real- aI »Im%4 tld Ise miRions off thé csasan! rate ln rpcl s4,4t big one va>' or anathér. Thé rat rancher alai tlom nite shoui! havé aken emsus trami thé Retailer To Be Atlwed14 wi»Wte, get Ournée Walllngtard. of $2 a T@ô On AntimiBIte »ag*ue s ha Preéjt. ut. a vaa' DUD 1flC AWathlnswa. Bépi. 0-The viclosw vas 13,000,or[ J~ U I ,houzéholdér muts% par for lis 0001 plag ui! fa- ~sè>~ iurins thé vinter viii hé fIxod befot'. à t e s w i nin tO l pb r 1 . F u e l D io ta t O a r m f l é i a u - hum. atérnoën8di! tonight, a alousth îe A Tf I VR Thc fuel ad!ministration leaiet ork 3ad4t* dià eÀT'RE GR'upolian Investigation ti hb Il de termains a fait avérege margin ta thî' ro h vs Exciting Incident ln Lake For- ý r or n ail coal andai!for fie rlosi!,or est As Cop ln Flivver, Cha- ,'Oderlàury made b>'thé fadérai lépowuM.î. aI ses, RaofMan's Son. rade omislon, the margia W o l a otUuMr la a -aloved thie netailér gotul! ho <boni id. D"91>1114 -An Intéreatlng Incident 100k place $2 a tan on ethrfiote oaci. Théeon bita *5151like inlaiUe Forest Monda>' afttrnon lai! mission bas tonad retail marghlnl Ferdinand Bergdora, a traftie co> y arionscitles vblch exce! Ibis figr IIIfoi'd thén gave chaue te Rupsell Kelly, Son of ure are ton, bigli and4la pr*parf.d . lot é*IR éta W. B. Ktelly', a ricI steeR man, ani! la say fie $2 morgin la a ir' tAilISfUér5Ordér ta comitéS hlm ta atop . o. sýrélura tb SM, TO à- oblligd ta tiré four shots ai thé neimé'- WItb thé basic pricé of cool ai thie Le omI :bor lie buautoilat -moathof tRie W»usie ed ai *out.4I nos ou asnuex It eemethat thé polIcemýfa baslit- a treu4v-eént min .allové4 job,~ t'Oé f0Wau. le! bniself out nith a "fllvvr" and bers Who handiéf bé produot sMd IP 'e lait 11151 hédiscarde! thée untorcycle uséd la aiove! te thé reller, ool voul h l fui Itflé claiang spéédlng autoiis lat théepeu, conte Wapricae ofabout $4.1 Part oà 'e vbIMb nUbA lHe vas jogging aloug vhan a0 g pas or t inpotailbn. BE>a ln fd roadatér dashé! pasi hlm and bhé mer trolllbg thée route ovér .vhicla coal tg Ada.thé driver was going about 50 mile$ shlppé* the fuel administrtion >b"pé id - . aen baur. ta lover thé Irasportation chargés. ,He camé ta thé Sua office OuAos *T1 ant sauad about thal aie(pi lng tua aeet of papén Sil noiua e That nl cïi yau s0m@lEffl0 al! île adverllsainsu--. "«Oh, tbat's ail nlgbt. Xoamç pie." -sai! thé Gurnee tl$ 'Weil, Il vilSl'e $60 for o mon wn thé repir. "Bmm>' éough-heré h lu;ssii» ami ho viéte et a chec. aJ O tfic ivetielg man's eie dlpi ho iras gudi!étly imlemiluS5s Q&é GWeV5.man addi: «bats &»h ftbtfor a tér la1%Iuc Owéete a. mon.>' la fie bulk zo01 tie ffvii hé ater. I'St.gPt ag mm &6wn te arvésici éempsu 41ss béaI vas colei! UOPPM4 Il imi! siut. b>' -Ré tarté! up thé flilver. and! pur- suai! bAs for soae lIme but rsa not ahie ta catch hlm. - Aminthé dran hie revolver aid fli! done@hotat aithé car but tfigdii nat etap thé driver, at the sm@ hp.l ~4,JON fhe uslag oua band te shiot. thé flitr lord. Etslfneani>' vent ittutRie dibol oA Cont nu prlaiend*nt T, à-.S'ma> ith,,' Bergdamui h a cloueeésompe. 0, soxn fde fiat an érr or iraVUs M1e tépt on, harevér. MO! star hupIs latu1t.ldit O M«mc trulshé il hé tire! ihree more sbols, the Kelly ogr t'bu nd*Pendet aOfie ighSI ade pi au was rughlt tea alandatiîl. Kelr id Oasat.v oseued-tbe Ibe* out. net déay le ram speedlne Aft«, s-vpgee. 'KaatWlWYile Ofthé Ns-O oben péara! in court Tueoda>' parlas a ftieVU5> - 10hol acuréd, the sevob #Mof 0f$10 and coas. IsgImuO pétsand bis nsm sab«» *me. baveappffesIn u t ondéS. 110 als Irbut Pearia. Ili., Sept. H-«.TRuie Be, h a! tba gbést avarinlaTeusilS k hig James NMrison Darnail, nelqiesi res4961,ai! emo mttunfy wvue hbhso el-,, terds>' tram theFte «Leévovh pupil roui fiat towm&ihP. LiIyear sentence 4téIvià0- of k A« 04» l réas em~ 41Mmaa adi, sic ,héedsevu sLeffflTholn TAKEN ILL IN CKICAGO. -"~Who Was Pleked (W ld'n t llrTht ormm he eaodu lto t 'an ff inumum e Tt bé iao vIste mcuffer th* cftpasi lMWb Io*e teiriet»Mstwo a a' téilte ýeegie bflot Kcn Iirati!*» u $850M lap~o taew ril»ag h*mO b<0 imo« um M fiséot flothmpbu" low upthé*stnvo aauiésll la«y hi. péés' ceuptbe sauLme ocséotd rtsi* oe. rWéuu"ti tomi!laticpeOeotm a 800 huo Isi e él>~ssat tht hl eh- mK" oegpc bgtfl be «IJO trW' ltélWtthat mth$t ho,&M»t $1$Wi sc M -tr dM la aib om -M suerh«. v pa mnpcmd*id w htmT rulIoésmd. li*arIMit lam1me of is eio ara auteS~l mê wbM ati ie »,asSai b o*hé hb alibf shot*st ' itesuM m ihha i hum that tga a, oppéera 1 L uis le a ntit>riOelésaM* mdaUnhl og o mouei 15-agt» ~~et c-t 't hta euW Ne bs ne tRi aRatéet ' à "Mia stry e ufte . pute wD tb* lIe same malodins ovet g rhct é amystwM Mb » 8 '-- ooppubiw old éUlr dtue i émné lIetr li>' mor e otttf 9ut builitv aes "4"Igt h but ée ffir 1'. sCmemf 1w« M sd It e 0» Urba b firme oR SI pbuýted I>l sit m loti -<dmsfm4l oqmuleA Suiae <1Sm. &port"&*l have roTUMI5 rue lie rsle d .hAni. bý ~ pecSIy Veldble la liq0 mie s-ni!othen a0 46, erat* m au et thc prtnciS West let ly M f fié t Lake part ens.' >ainS8t of 0cm. ,han-"e - and Par- ed reaR and! tbst of< sali! Coa imiL o Cotu# g., 1,a Monda>' 4by Ram mi pend- WAY, at(odL. n'Ain