* <w~ 'e-W MY f C-na. Lake Forest ani Wsconsin A ' e'nd in Nsnber Who Wèý eim mm This Cty. lov la a practcally complete lst of 4110 Weukegau youmg xeOPle who bave gens ta varlons collegea 1cir thd offling Yu»: Illiame sUnversity, Champage. peux Streed. Wendeli lathorne. Diorotby Dnu. 1Pioriece Johnseon. wurleiOAnL. Louis Hs4eiuaii. Raymond p teia. Edwin Bidnger. James ,onahue. WJltred Hall. Charlotte Welch. lllldred Welçb. Lake Forest- Univerity.' Richard Morro'w. Walter MorroW. Herbert Itoos. IloraceHortan. Margaret Horton. Ida Oliver. 1lilarjorie fReynolds. Harriet Davis. bila Batterths.ll. Amie Greenleaf. Nrthwetern University, Evanutoil. Regluaid Hlte. Clara Carke. Isabel Pearce. Donald McKlnney. Wlsconsln Urdveroity, MadisOn, %fie Edward Eiiwliey. Russell Mowuey. Wlliam SqbwUrt. John tevsrTt. Resal Schnidei K.atbgerlue Pearce. 'Fraces *aes, Oxford College, Ox- lord, 0.,0gfs~j.&o Rheata MoGay, Blackburn' College,- . CrlisvtilIe nII plsd» ud, Rocktord "Colleie, tlhI iy Gla ' * .' l5 ýJf~~iA, 5 L1City. wakfrea Im auu uue- ~ ~ WM UlIfIL sity ot Ameica, Washington, D. C.- Mary Hardy, Chicago Uiveraltyr. Waukegafl. Oct. 3. May Merehant, Chlicago University. Nlt. and ýMr. Hiranmi tlesÉ Of SautS Bordici Rosenblum, Chicagoa. Uni- Sheridali rxoad haye recelvred lmest us versity. estitig jl ýfr trm their su -. a memlgerai Rattery 2P, tÉfrdginiei* Bertha Steele, Washlgton, D. C. U.. S. A. Th .1 la ehe lmrtlttsi 4the Charles Oson, Annapolis Naval tfarnit'ly hs recelved lu t*o mont».. lkcsdemy. lie la tisé ybougèt sot o i lteParants. Hoe aM,ýee -safejy and w v o thut41 Clarence Oison, Annapolis Naval effeci hâ's1ýbeeu anxiausîy awraited by ~caaomy.his paffts. Miller lias heen lu the _______________ armi 19,moutha, having Jolued at the outrea ~ isetrouble betwen the sw Mer. li. S. ausý axîco. Mrs. A.-"! eceeved ann wtul tright le hI î5sen at1Ltioned at dtteru yesterdsy attenoosi." Mrs. B "e orts -n lâbt epartur& for H*and. I sav her ringlng jour doorbeil." PercivWl4 hýia'ncphmEwlmer Har- j.hCttoi o h mu- b g Inelud7ihg "eust every new style feature worthy of consideration, and these .hand.sonb effects developed ini the favored fabries and lead- îng hues. You'l p Suits and Coats at $25 in every store, but no- where else will yjid the b eauty of charaeter, cleverneus, uncolu- monnes a and intsie worth as presented by this store ai the saine ee-$25. Many of them exquisitely trimnied with fur, others wth plush, braid and seI embellishments. .411 tbese smart Suis and Coati are d~sImgfhed b qaE'yaiid work mon. shpordiniàtlty tobe /iridOnb W mûc hi«ber price. The selec tion is -uùnOnImit4. ?ÂBRICB:COLOM: -X'~Ôac1oth çd290 B0Wy -Bùu acloth -Men'a-wear Swge - -N-)ew Novel: -Ivy _W001 Velour O7a l 6 ..1 's- AT TUE ~G~aOBI u~.ervrnr va'n lmdv I ,tlhnew ù" îù 'u1pre ~or- ings wit h larg ýecolars8a1d m li be.lted effects in cheviots and novelty w .4thîs prtce are coats for vomen and ineres l styl e epeclally desigued for eILTige regular price la $18. Those fashboable mrations from thte Wooltex and Sunalhine tailors- coats of extrenie beau*y, extra quai- ity in velours, cheviots, burellfs and other wanted fabries are here in al colors. The New Treoch Cote Veryspecial a 85 tuwla&5t"M SM per abum &.US Ambw* tr*fuort Sing -»Uuk off New Tot# eiUbt hosrs ont. That vas uppff4- t6 De out'bot ut Il visaùit Uté a çur bo*%8 and *4 otiiors wIh, 1 ba». W. Sariia'lt diWhties to d sny'tbiug ai aIL. Ton-themu 'ail ai 1bagland b110f ept t6lu Iee - Nham 001Laoo. 4*thOns mau ta fW~ an 1 would like it oheu rain home. OFFICIAL LIST OF REAL 7, à Masole Tmple Sdg. Phono 4. SEPT. 9% 1a17. lmou Front ana wite ta Trustent (,,> Sc1oo district No. 110, 1-4 of an acr lunvW cor. .e. 23, Deertleld 1owsip, W. D. 1110. C. A. Newcoiuh, Jr., to Emland Amelle Derew, lots 26 sud 26, bicot 'tt, Waphburn Park, North Chicago, Veed $1610. SEPT. 29, 1917. É. C. Waiter and' vite. et al, to lIaté i. Crat ty et al, e 10 ft lot 2 aud 100 ft lot 3, Cohb & HamUt'a sub Lae F orest, W. D. $10. -Lb.Lb. tocklug ta C. M. HaInes9, Jr.. e 20 acres of nv 14's0 1-4 sec. 25. Waucouda towuship, W. D. $1. Estella iabo and huaband to ,Jmes Catlov and vite, jet 3 snd e 16 fi je 1-2 lot 4 bIh "A" ZsrrlugtonVW Mter lu Chaucery ta W. J. Raid, 6 1-2 aces on north aide of road la W 1-2 uv 1-4. sec. le, Euat Antioch, DeetI, $3,475. W. J. 13.14 snd vife ta catherlus Held, 6 1-2 acres lu uorth aide et, rond lu v 1-2 uv 1-4 sec. le, Esat Ântich, Q. C. $4000. A C. Reichard sud vite te Samuel Schwartz, eut 111 feet lots 3 and 4,, bih 14, Suuderln'a Ipt add Wasike- gan, Q. C. si. Claytou Cuniughsm snd vite ta J. U. Irving, lot 9 lWz 6 , Kenloch Park Ares, W, . $, 10.00. Cellsctinq Antiques The littIe to-s us Idghly exew Ovr the. anuocMen ogagemeut or0f uineu-yesr-old widow te Mr. 1Rcary, *"WhY. Daai." ho hesg frimsai mUta the Yaunu low, "yoo're net gong tie Ioarsolf lu that aid sau'r Why, Wtau te" iid" our*ire, What i j'a on lng it for?» "Ob1 eàIcaut reniât ha 1viug hlm!" «aW tii.yong wdow. "Hie dose a no bsutlfuly vuS nMy antique tario- tuss!"-Pearson'a Weekiy. Wh*" e HoW«s Weàk "T'àat boy of mine knows a lot et Lattin" said Mr. Cobbies. "XYesr' "Hie klu translate them Latig wvoed aia sillver dollar juat Me a £fi&&a'sb, * Dot ulm nomehody beudis him th' dolar »N-Birsldgh*m Ag*lteraid ôtc urseMM-ppu~ etn a af i1 a"'oee ui ieewor eabthoubhall- £uale1 due to thse clrcurnstance that th.eviU* hasnoghlug ta o aitbomerneu th1e isytixsi&M' sud t" uhib ah à'oË4i tirelr too mu" taludo dovatolM at nlght-Etbuton pont - Counting aSBillion, AA expert rnoffl atc ofutet i.uwi. ed statip trensury Scn uni 00dm lik. v*r dqllIs »au boni, or 32.»00. t A Mbgt rate i;las ftund that itw oimd %Rk hlien102 Yearsta ocont a billico Origin of Mineralo. Âccording ta one account, Gorber't afterwards Pope Sylvester 11, learme th1e une or the numéral»a from in1I Moore ID Spainlaulutetuh ee~. Another aecunt Ila Ltai1oiird<& ofî 'Plan introdnced Utien e110ast Iuta ItsI about 1202. Tlhe use 0« ilseinwuaa t i eneralutil the invew- tion of prtntlng. Notice-Public bridge L.ttlng. Notice in hereby giveu tb*t sealed PropOsalx viii Se recelved ai a ment- Illg ta e 111lu Inthe tovil hall fit Lakce Zurich at 1,30 p. m., Oct. 8tbý 1917, for the construction af seven 1« lufrcai 9ondri'te brldgea iD the tow* 0f Ris, Lake costy, Illinois, in se-, cordanes vw ithPas an d apoclfiltfti Prepsred h seolmity supetliute*i leut of hlgswaya vhich mai' 1oe see Ît tihe oble-of lte undersgned au& tm, vhom further iuformation miii h. obtalnsed, Â certifiai cheek s«Uý ta ai i..ut lé par es of thre amou#r OË the. bld sti-cep rskbid;. I)tdai a psesilblthis, 22" day etofsept. A. DM 1#17. À>m4eof *47M sept. 191, # .Ii lY> 2.50 -at 14 Here la jour greatest opportun- iii' of the seasou-pretty $250 bouse dresses lu hast stytes at 11.59. Women's silk--- reweau Handsome uev styles and coloriuge la regu- bar 14.50 and $6 811k a petticoats, Apecial ai. Wamien's Fail Worth yp to 22.50 Veiry styhish suits indeed are here at this very Iow price. Serges, poplins, tweeds,. etc., embodying fashion 's newcst features. -voere selocted wltb the groatest care and reclsion and reftect the utmost ln clever styl- tig talru.coloreand ara f we*i4# b hsie'oIsatnl brlgh coi~iiiuviMIL 'àe The New Soft Brimmed Velvet 27t , 29ý8 AhoTailored Street Hats at 2.98 Simple, ricli andi decldedly fash, lnbeare these chic hats of vet- ve nail colora vlth their soft brm.Albs many uev styles ln tailored street hats; special, $298, k' Sdr no bu et Bd fil Ci to th ln, wi N kg T m th ci EXTRA SPECIALS - à5c C.. C.vits Women*s regular 350 corst cavera in pettyj styles sud .a i ai 9 Chidaa"s 5sa Deldern's 760 Bsn- aI isel; gond quality; Wooi or Sal Mani' realli' uev style Ideas are shovu In these pretti' skirts of yood or .11k. Large plaids, stripes, checksansd plain colora. Women's Auto- or eolwlge M~a~ ~- Tuoea plenli' of rpal style t0 I iitbo -these coas The-y are waterproof; corne ln gond colora and aIl sizas. andCoset Shop--- tul aeo p~'Tailred Styles Here extr aQrdinary iinportanep. These nwtbsilk as ine tailored styles laave high col- lasadare show-n ini a variety of strilie effeets in al colors. Women's 27.50 ee- 1 . Ca 'rnes 5 Aspecial purchase-dresses of fine quality serge with convertible collar and button domm front ini the new coat style. AIR W WoIS.gpDresses 9.75 ...A opecial asortmnent oi prtfty styles lu vanted colormansd a good ise range la offered aithus very low price. eI-::