~mrym~,J4K CnJT, LL~VJTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917.) Pl _____ I______________ iaM n n lugt 8:25 a opecfai train d u~egeleit pulled up to the depot t0 tae on 88 of the dia! ted min from iet. net No. 1, vbo lfeu for camp Girant, at $Màlv. No demonsttton Wpee en# au It vueth ougbt bette, ateb C-baye have quletly wth a@ lutile eite- etaupossible. T1%9 mue&Uai Semed ln.gdod epiri - und ie laegiter sud 101cm amobgefhetiî g-e tvlduc that thRy voe fcoutentecl andi ouxione b get loto tesoi. > Mnî reltive. sud friende výe o bd-s bail lbure. snd mgge bboyo a bcsil farevel li eu lbey boarded the car. Aller iee owdMa vecenousbee i Pf El. &V. ,Wbo b.d cbstm of the psu, 9614 ébat tbore va. aliAi roesm on the car lot pore f auy frlenu id d bedIéecdîpsuii lb. boys a ditame.on thei*r fouvee. Thle eekM"lb MlçI b>.gi loft tion thie placeSi i. one binif 20 pur cent of the quiota trou ibhis dItrict. Lack oft Due viRi Bots&Dowoum ta Pnb- iiesh lbhecamnes of tiiose Who 1...iI "îoruaug. LOCAL EIM TO A party di lb. local RAfleClub uem- ber. aie Planning to epând lb. comlng galurai aetlie mêval aluSIofn u rifle ranu g pîlngflld rifles sué au- unad*wvli b. ftndnled liee 10 member of tbe in>c hw r am« t .hoifog. Ail mombon f0* e0elnb obeo vleb 6 take idd ge litée opa.ldUlIare requmo! W advmse Sereari Alemen belore FnlWe4eting 50 arsegeumunts "y b bma& etallierancs. Amn tu I*0 market 60 buy egg. sud ail 11e -of iesetabe. Phone 878 Lake rouelt.R. 9. HlorIon, Lake yo=e Uslveesl aie Forer. l. I . IL -eIli lui - --- --- -- - - ---- p.r Package 9 Tolet Pa. r l Two iOc.- 15c EdelweissFrankfurteirs 20 Per Pound 20c Good Rump Roait Pm Poud 20ce 5. J. DEINLEIN I PEARMES' IS Up to You RIOIIT NOW RAISE MoRE GRAIN To Feed the World and 1tg Frie-urds TILE ALL YOVJR LAND It Wili Pay 94g 1I.ntcret With 01» perma"t lt nvetmient, OUPl'.STO.C)( IS LARGEý LIIR 11,11111LbeL--C' D.wu-thaRi~Pl~5 nome twle *iar Phoup 47 Lawblop, Mur. T4b1emt. ]LPayîlmg Implement on the Èari Net coAl D'ere G N'ýw Ides oo E.ieso~ Ones Corne in and Iook theri, over. Priced Right ,L~eetiiW~ eibertqviIIel g ou IKnow of News of loosai ntoret Pleas Cafl Telephone Numbr 1.. a Ir. aud lisre.ILBoyee were Ropkiord caRier. uudoi. M. L, Jordan bas been entertalntng relatIves trom Ludions. Mis. W. O Colihm bu es tartais. :ugber aeter (rom S>'camore. Mi. J. N. Bercard and one epet the " eta luet Wou# st Dermed. Mm .L. B. Book le Moln nto mb e 9otl fat on Milwaukeavenue. Mr. "d ie. B. C. Uindof Walpkegn. were Llbertyvflle vieltorsTusedat. Bora, t tir. and Mr. Bd Offle sna elgbt pouud dangliter, Sept. 156h. John Cronk, trou Lake Formst, trans- aeted buse ueRnLlertyvllle Mondai. M. and dMie EdgalGod vin wee gueà !4 of Mr. apd MUn. Frank Di. Bun4sy. Mr. and Mr*. John Dolleomaler bave returned ftrom àa cit laiSouth Dakhota. Mr. and' Mr@.OGeo. Bond received a iiluIst week from Mr. 1. Mcelan of Ontario. Cha«. fttz and f amily of Waukegsn, epent Bndai wth Mr. and Min. L. B. Whtney. The Alpha Club wIll met with Mm. Sv& Dymond.on Wdeday alternoon, Oct 10. The Lbettyv1lli ed Cro.. AuilirY wIii mnotse noal st the towu hall until future sotim. lie. Rubi Book snd famil of Guru.., ver. ideors st the John Leuer horne during th» fair. C B. 1 and R. G. Niholeansd familles are movlig leto the IMeGregot bouse, on Mlwaukee ave. The Epwortb League social given at the M. E. chureb laet Frday eveniuig va eRt attended. Henry lchtfeld and fa"fly and! tir Auetin vistieg retltvec Ui. AI Joheston. wbo hai heinellIil- lng a aieek with ber parents bei-e, hem returued to hem home lu Chîrageq Mir. and tirs Ja-Clark, tir-and! tro.c Beckmau ansueon Victor uf Waukegan.c vere Rôcîfuird vletores Anday. e The WI. C. T. L. vIll hole! their regulai meeting àt the home of Mr@. Mary. Oburchii on Tueldy Oct. 9. Prfflptlyc et12 P. M. Cicen phe upper to-night('i'buiI5d3) given hy the Lakeelde Cemetery aoelit et lb. Md. E. churcli et 5 o'ciock. Eveiy ou@ne Ilevtedt 10attend. Ums Ad& Ncholeasaud Mies Etbel Wbeler entertalnee! tMr. Lang eud Mi. Mcv of Aurore, over Suuday. The bois se!, lb. trip lu an automobile, Mlme Fimnle Taylor,, h o me Iim «go vue lb. victim of au anto acCidet. and aualned a brôked jsv, vue takýn Mondai teChîcago bal@have boue se'. Dr. George Y. Pomeroî. 01Ohkane!, Calforne vitaiMr. and Mrs.-E. il. HBurîhut ou Rudsî afernoon. Heva. e cronle rou a viSit ln Nov York sud 'Wiaebngton. Blyron Proesei hasves Priday for Camp érmnt. Rocford. vber. be vilI b. a tninlelathlulb. Sid Artlllmrv Baud. U. Pieser ha@ enilele! for the pencelo Il-r. Tb@ Ried Crase Chullu.bagfor nur modier boy$e vIiihe nexï vsek sd suione vlmlug Ici«maie asudcontrIbu- ticuns shoule! gel tbenlaob.t cmmttîce se early as poseible. Tis'.e TAiS ht ebasc hall teattide- feale! lbertyville at*lie Lake countY fair Thursday afluinooli hy thse Score1 of 4to 3. T. H. MeCann, Jr, ptchcd1 for.Laie Forest sud aloved on»y liveE bita, retirlng 12 men via atrike-Ut. The Ilileole Centennial Association vante tee nameso i ail persona and -hr e-inViographlewws-Wiiitise jou I111 will have attalne! the age o! UsO ycars. Thoecin Laie County are ami. cd f0 eend the data te, County Ceoit Lew A. Rende. The advisoi-y committee oh tbe State Couneil of Detenre for Lake -founty will hod an aIll.eay meting lu the township hlgb @chool ounhlturday Oltuber 18, be- inuncg ut 10 'or-beik. Gond speaker. du tu help Ilte ie ar aed otirer mutterm ofývllaliImportance aut iis ime.t tla boped tiret Ibis movement vili mel vith the herty c-opration of tbe vo. min ofI Llbertyvilli. Look for a more extenelc! notnocxl week. Mrs. Mary Aen Yen, age! 68, of Dîerfiîld. v-as trlîd for ber sanity le 'count icount ou Sept. 29. The cvi- dence Ahoved thal ahi la eutterlug of mate manila aud -frequmUty -bicornes violeat. Athough Saie bas maLde gever- al tbreatio. to clmtt suicide she lias Mt yul . sudmacpued to put -any .of 14.statt-hoapIW Mroith i 1s- mi» s aWiliam 1) l 'Icg~ R. Thompeon 9mule a tliP IltiiE!mafe ahno.bttotvalWe'efHpt 6I Sunuy.alt.liNund-t. The draft ebaw cnu prtialiiksand coule! Miss Falnnle TaYIO? 09 LIbttIe tirs A. Meer vieil.i ~ ini1iWri. W-J. Wpllto ecterteineil relaàtivre enau«- ito ifleceéiieeinianv casehrieee fD alr a nuv*6 Clîair frue 'bcag, St eetfore. wherî hie ncember w'ao called, he wam 1IPre-cbiyerlan hospital In lbe 001usd, MdýýDeill umn iion Betha Petgee l sagaiti amon xcldtueeaîbledd-1 etzeil ambulance Oct. 1 ~eTay- RCdilDnil I creie br riedeallr e~ig î.ifled îî crfepIifiW uof patrotitum or wRe InJureû several Weei*#.go fi A a ir mum thilwek. e id kt . Khnefrcnetueb les.~prýu red tut ll the i-ceaucy brit an effort: but was remov,d to Ter home recéut- Mors'à store aturdayî b-,.'%' Ira. AiiII& roker and lire. R'red Cro- la biigmade f, li k- an',tber fhif-orc?î.aprnl uhl~li MimmAlverl t hsdis ei wsete er aIe lvt.d.tlfit lb- lf iol I.vesirliive , tridWdedcfoiIuree !î. îe . ho lena feu am. hd el"ORn! tva Lihn Lt S trdilew'alsga1n. a arlps n i a .eé Mie Bisnch Kimbali ha@ , îîiq.-llirotChaot,. r t-,wb. died of oppe.nJl- for the plaee t ei e uI ucili-. v il , -t oai brtote ofPla. kluderartsîîdaim ae! a gid ~ rhe lbehrtyville towneblp bîuh echiiol [I 1I~ ance l~ ~ vît,> ierit froni ke4 hall team bave a ganue echeduiedPwrfiCnOne.U LAt> LewIe Bockelman, wowttfül wltftb taieift r esuhem I riday nialit. PwA TOOn pe bere to Rocktoit. bs rnue! mor thie The gauie wtll bu playfd in the higb foct.power cari opener for restau- TOLTl!T tW goveroment service. lmung rpjecleýd ou I mool gYmnaslum and a&0 aîîle&ied rents cote tRie entire top fr'>m ae au s'i10,P- accoaut of udv.ach. jContent la anticipted. &a e peiel lm rîs'dWANTEU-100 eordd 4 ft j i. Tih. Public Spevi é (' th'@ e e fale Jue Carson of Hlghwood who was N. ll emy ashCali up 47 Llttrli dlaplalung in udr euw window a boant over to thiqgrand jury an a The ladoeewienle"@e&IL. Lumber Co.4)6 power waeher. T1>emachine le motion charge of havln tabbed a Campan- - lias dAwn lb. stleutlon of everal Ion 5e*il wesgt> wa,%releamged pamsrby. troin cut9di ioday because the man who vas stabbed retnaed to prose-' Mr@ M. L. Jocm Islft Tuesday for cute, saing lie vas flot pure Ibm' Car- el Montana, wberM aie eXpeCté ta help ber ma doue the cuttln. The assoit took, brthr.HîsuWI~ bo b r~0~ fplace during a drunken bravi. . ocU 5eflI gb oth.. ffTbree youlim konted oraisrnlar tb. recet detb f»ol ,ba en ot The ou 5aretedfrbrgay R vîlli four oSi 511 é t [in L ie 'metvien e ae red therei TheLadee'Aid60eelyoh he reeyLakevareus.t he pileonea are dwlner terian churcli meetiia Frlday of this l ionst. aged 14, 1331 Souith Wes- Wooride a 2teru avenue; bis brother, Frank. and! wesa wth tàra.*9Wol deai Patflc{ lvere, 14. 2439 West Fimore ~ ; 'elock. Th ba*M behoanisted by Street. Il ve A . no yi Uc Mr@ F'rank Vileca Md Mr@. Oleudorf. Glanders,. vihli rarely attacks bu- aVp o' o e i le Alil the ladies are lod lu he preseet. mati beings, but la extremely conta- 4- George Vlpoui veucahing cn rlende lois and fnvarlably fatal vhon lit ber. tbl Is ek00 ve Onued lu gete a mIa, te the latent serious is. case to thi-eaten Chicago.Onec vîctlmt kyo-ten a irm=là ail Canadiab l nbors sd he eany frende han beon quarantined n St. Luke's i e were gis!at ise t ie. lie vas former- heepitai sud bealtlidePartment O061-. ycu a e n L of Lbertyville sud llved at the Elaw.1 clais are actRvely seekîng tu ascertain ýo ie r thomie amithe InfeptIon and are uncoueclously Edwn Autin. ttif ie ru of Dyetocd spreading the germe.01L, o.! mo e u &Austin, le Sb@ POe.MeOr 0f some of the 'hie three boys ariesîce! hy the grain ezhbbled la lie Forth Dakota dis- Lake Forent police Friday, sud 4 , u dmho1o tie plaatthetai. ?laebasveo veregiven vere rehased a short tme afileard y u r tQ UiX~ y u Mr. Austin efortbeeaibit wae packed. vben t va« foune! there vas nohlig and!h beaeamnbiàoluBd ci on Mlwau- ta hold thero on ver. re-rrested later rut uren kee avenus. lu the day viren t vms learned that C 1 1 i Many viii b. pleel 60 leaîn îhat AI. the electrie ralirose! depot lsea benihM ie AJ~~ ~arif Hapke. oùe of Lier$ty#ie'a vell.kDovn broken Intel antiehey accoilgly av muecme.bec Wtifdvthanupera heen hcld under the charge of liavlng 1 Company toapeea vra training hioken luto the detiot. campe' The boy tro boie vere gIse! Durlng the five veeks that the sec- grBet 'hlm aà&Cmp Granti. Roklord, one! reserve offtcer.' training Camp Mondai, vberotbee0wanyeubertained. bac beec lu progreas at Port Sherldail 105; canddatee for Commissions have î Bec. T. 9. Beau it-Tumdai attend bien dropped trout the rolIs. About àthe regular sunl-lsfrneOf the 75 of these vere dlaquallided hy uPhy- pastore oh the M. M. énicli Lest $un. elcal defects developed 1y the stren- tday 1ev. Resmu emrd hisenat sermon nue grlid mposed, some voluntarlY or he oetmen~. Huwevr, ~vreslaned, virie -tle remalner. about I oftecneoe.»r'Hwvr tv20, were discharged for "cogent rea I îN?1 Bam bas hoeu 051*1 4«k ny the iuti- sons. The number drouteed le much I boes sud olEcers of the church berP. emaller than durlng the fIret fixe l,*a Jon l r sate uhn&i..l , (7>1 .weeis ot the iist camp. f cago Wee!needaY. Se sad e! hwvu goinfi up 10 advise thse faderaI court as lu the uyality of sme of hie bôarders, bertRie- ing verne! liai If h. -tale!ail hi Lnev about hlmeiroardere b. vonldn't dare couic 'baek. he decidmedte peusup the rouît buemnd buslidbuel gettlug aloreeald bourdera ouetbtng tu est. Brigadier Mary Stlflvellf lb. Salve- lion ArMey spoko at;e~piot.,Yterimn chorch Weduseday aitiu'nOi.id evein- lug. eh. lbe e À.jnsi leu 09 ftRie arwy tbily.soi gsenu -ton lb. bhW of the Social SerVl ort yul ";( Laý Iewtà1Igu sud 1 *~V»,ippi. Hem teritoîy tsklng lu iii Sievalan Imlande wb.re ivu Remes oues for boys and! girle aSm btdugcpoodetsdby tbearany. Dut o>tas r.cexleedowci o lier many jears eervlce for bêIsulîy she hrougbl a memo bubjuW»tid ber audieesand loncbed the bssre of ber bearee Se Musde Mani kdborthse I oîl of h e S.A. On Mondai tuornlng 4liOtatons ver. madie for edtor foi L. T. 8.8. annuel, Russel i Fagg vas electse lItor aud ttrtsd ilagerlybuselnssmageit. They :Wjll appoint fellow-attdite 80 lie thoea put, ont one of heb.b totiauna tual has ever boen pnblsoied mwv wieh cveryone 10 co-opemd vlli ns and maie It àa uccee. Frlday nlght a very eg*tliup basket bail game viii b. plsyed bat*issn the L, T. B. S. lesu snd lb. Tovu lteam. Coue ont ane! ses viaI proopre. M Coleman le maktug wth oui boy@. Ad, mission P25 cente. T9esdsy moruiug Mr. Theogmoîton recoived stelegram, 10 repom%-ormUlltary4 service st Louisville, Ky.. by Wedneeday evenlng. Everyoue %vas tory dleppoint- dto thin k he tbsd tu go au b. la si- tremely vell Rlked up at i 1gb mchool. W@ are &Il 'wsltlcg for morne Word frou him sud imptur tirai ven Dov h. miglit be exempt froni service. A large crove! of 81lgb ochool itudeate met at the deput and enut Mr. Throginortoti off vîth cheers anddsouge», Mdouday quite ýa bit of excilement vas dispiayed by the -poor llttl Ireshiee;" ae hazino wap begun by thelr upperclaee- ."-n, thev claimed flot tu h.e aeared but if appeaàrances bave ituYthing tu de witb lt, lu Bmne ca@es we bave oecasion to belleve otherwise. 'rhe Dr. W. J. làeary ollice bas been îuoved to 221) North Genesee t., Largue b.uilding, *#aukpgaei. Dr. El. J. MeKeau ha.@ charge of the practice, Dr. MeKest'e workmnenhip la dentletry le îated smous the beet in the sitate. 40.8tp Cor EUk.s À et F air Exhibit Oamaged The, exhitloh North DataS lroduets ai the faim Iset vsek sîtractue! cuceîder- able attention.i ht vaasfuexeibit ae! ndest con- oiderubie. AfIer the fai ws- dcte! - ~. ~. va..-,.. earefully packed n boxaee esmuse. vWfi ý MW WW i-iudy for, ebîpmeut. Bometime Bunday t ho boxes vere toin open and thie gralns-o wvers sirevu about th. grounds. The D o (ou Look . glass containers I la bib vfgtables vire preerved vèe broket. sud loft on To T-~ utr ?. the gronude. The veeetahlee bomevori T KKThe u turé5W . y oen la solution of aid andi voule! b. Have you stored in you coal for ne wlnter? of uo use u10 anyonu sud vby tho dee! vas :oumIltted le a myeleri. It lei Have you taJken advantage of the lower pupicc, - thuught liaIttvas tbew oîl ni boys by ordering early? a. it pSs thIalthere wvDuîd Rie nI ubaent reason for anone ele to bave a deeirsIf Ou have notNC9 10 eetroy il. The losal i'e arewoau- DO 0 AT NC no %b" as sd it te tbought tb, 'Twill sace you xxoney. ceIide ytlZ7,ounded up in a fewdam Prof. Throgmorlon Caled tn, Colore W . F A Z N R Thes publie wyul regret to leua o hatTepoiéBibtyla Prof. Thiogniombu, principal of Lîbeili ville tovueiblp h wsbool, loft Ibie ve.k for Roulille, Ky., vbem e obas bheon W calied bi lb. goyernucul, tbrongh the adraft, to enter tb. national armY.f Prof. Thiogmoitou. bad plana for bl@ yeam's vorin luheb. gh -b-1oland hie "The Proot of thé Pudding is ini tho Eating." The l belng taiensaaietIthia lime hampeis tb. progmeesoh the ichool considerably pefldent's Classified Ads have been provexi by Iw Y~4 for lb. timo being. Altbough the pioee satlsfied estomner. A;k ny usr ofthese ltte saleiar.- feer"soreaare oh the liabilti of hlmel rb.lugcaile!, ho vas In hopes that bhot,-. vonl .d ho able 10 finish hle vork hem. --- The board umede etresuous efforts In hie 1 z:... - ~ ~ ----- ---- - - - "6Athena" Untder As in seasons past, we will, th!% fall, feature the@,teat Iiu-1 wear in our autuxnn and winter stock. For wear, -fit, appeirllfd0 and improved Ilpecial features, we believe that the, -Athena" tla tho best lune we CRU offer to 6ur trade.» We have thons gSoude la the teparate garments, as well as lu the unidu tuits, and iu seveyal* weights and styles. Union suits in the -Athenat' range in price e FROM .$1.25 TO $6.00 We have a special lot of Ladiiem' Fait Underwear, in eeparate gar- e înents, which we offer at 50c. each- These are far betteit #a1ues m than will be sold in the regular way for this price, thieBs mon. Sorne broken lines of Children's Fait Underwear will be èlomed ont- at less than value. It will pay you to co'nie iu and ame We sell the Ladies' Hlome Journal MaqaziQand Patterns. Tii. Journal is 15 cents anid the patteras até nOse. highOi t lân, il Wa WÇA il MR om L- ........... 1 P. r-K iý i4 ý- ýîfflA 77