CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Oct 1917, p. 11

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Em h tth,. efed't lii.tiieralse, tii4 At $11.' AUi t~t#mort lin oaab. siii *bout raisittg fooisafsà. Ut'.ne la lmed b>' the apltuaiist TkoSât iflt.s T .ad luie PotUr back te lthés08~16Muae aW abs h ad boonam lWs 12 I aWYU4 l'e knevn eh US beele oadý! Val ve Wie ho. dairm. ho. prt.d Oft raisn or proeysomd qPt m.e Ut t. #top sSa Afl A s 5hi#4 end wbela Us%0MMtIgeven iegut ni ln 4$ber WiWa*whqoaa"il «Y &Ueai #W OT avida h«. bseh.- "1 @h i-bock. UUSSMLII, TIrVI.I TK DOZIL Un hlapea lewea lemiby AfflRTO WM.T. !!PftP UqlSt FIN0 PROTEOO 11r,1MSPULL. MAN SUN CAROLINA. WAS LOSTTWELVE DAYS. YWO DAYS «EPORE WANDIERINO 01111. 1S LOCll[DAtd4O UISES BACIC TO AÂITANUM. The spirit of WlIUM.T.,tesai, flue 11mb apirltuallat, vho vent 4devu on thea Titaniule. feNi"issaGie. Sevart Potter. Chicago piatit. aui protes.e albt. GOerg M. fPoiM.lus".vaioua loet la the. buisetfNorthcarelne luit auvda'& ad be b e la ftle Mail ,tartun t AsifleI, frus vblckh@mi b ad maslnt i2 dâm'. ia. Scott Durdst aIl..k. Buie &M preaisant oft hie VIliaT. St.a* NeeraiCircléa saaflehe .aboie m59en5t. vas to Mrs. Drsitis faim lu aorept that Misa #$" catts ateh.hai boau ml*als ght deys tvo rer aga. Whsa ieposItsrescil ad Chiceago tbat ab*. bai ifsapeareé trou Aahalllea arelota, 08s «A Mrs. Durasi. steede #Id IseqOtt --am 'ou 1lo04al.Mma ?tt? be eàkei& -1 dent kmev." aieel insMlMW rani. "1Il Ihave.= ~l ue p~ ulcAtien vlthh uns.Oh-k0UatY The. Mrs.Cook ofet wem sluO Up m". Fs E.Penssu Cook. mieilm or tbe William T. BIsi Muaurli Oi, Cie. "Posibl>'Mns. Cool migit ask M. Steai about Miss Ptter." euggeî beip *'e'fni ber." -1 dontI knov.- rephi Ms. Dunsai 1111 se. n.Cookr s"d lilcai yul av tomnroru. 'fie toligwing day cabs notiidlbh reporter tintthebo&soI»evas MWl go tus ou "W.',. bosu faîkinite M. slnd fv e loid it. yen ilaiasked bis Ite Sud iss PotIer." ai. mati. (it. w. cannet gi e a definite an- pvsr get. l'il lt yqu kuov the Onrt ot the week." Quiddb ie, ii. SitU. Tiâtnt ibt dispalcies te ChigJo aanSueithat ÉMaissPtter bai r.. tunUd ta the aateiIu latu4pltle me0file reporter irpgped bils asalgu ment. -Tpaada>' i. tallai 11h1 Ms.Du rani tagain over taé. td«OMelo *11 triai te get l'eu lire. Or tour tilusMenday'* she sai. "I "àateif ~te teil yen Ibai wa ti#k# ugmi. ;Steqi Monda>' sd alo ia:'la shall voteih le reporter*'ho vastbd you ta aistla un flM5s5 Pottâ I'-Te liathereporter for M.a' Ma'. &,ea asvered. 'liat1Ilocteilu Pttr vsnierlag titOugli fil laimm sregles et1 Northl Cm#na Mm .guItd tber bac t lei.snt1U " Ieplai @et ouap Sntlfi * ~ ~ ~ P "*shn 'p ae$Mt 20K, eagaus catcblsg clé or aILI off-ecm tint ba u st b...«* iougtte taie i.lpi>'& due ,,z~a aidtl - bualli bw alla. et roua $0ta $100 laPréiddd %@il à lom of .1tiwlr armeutmarkcet éh. point to. faerad t paOl>' ooe mony mm W ». Osilowwly SM»i.a ofe iwill whm some efrand asha t. a>ija &,rink. iha. pe. hpupu ofetmon vii. aaiuu*etdrIhRl iquer Uloa pa.thip woffi 14k.a au» ct i ae"à abhe" sud if t b.- ausa. peus!Y fer the preprIter $&$l t,,hem filfk ln salons the>' thua WO tik so~stln a~eng w vie Iuvtdla an the refera ithe rals 6e. "d t olin d ft ln althe saie ofmille i8ft àae tOndeo.>'ta, Unres. tOI aMaUnt t f bm seld. It 1"4 .te us as theugh th. la a short-soson polie>' and vii havene nM5t.lai oflat n r.dulng the. con. aulsptlen e0!mUUl and tins Uev.ring iMo MrieOft ti oomnodity. àSI *-a il MISSED Pffl 'AND $75. Woman's Soream8 Cause Man to Fiee a»d Ho GégbbdAl, But Got Uftte. If yen vere à bwaglan sd had nue- esatul>' uùgtat.d a trance ta a ver>' aristocratie home and then If a vemau'asacreama causes yaqi ta mars a hast>'eit an yen grab everthhlg lu slght as yeu maie your depsrture sud tien 15er toui l tat Insfead ot grabblng up the man's tiouenxu hlch mugt have cantainei moue>' yen toun yau oui>' dbaishl taSirwear, vouldu't It miae you mai? Tilere surel>' Us ane disappoiuted burgiar n Hlghland Part or near !hipre as lhe resuit et an experlosca efthIis kuni mornIng aboutt 4 o'clock. kitcefnduo, ,tie burglarrgnai sae sta lii. turoom fetMr. and ~iu .C. Nieiuilr. veuifi> recU. d ets e had Park. H. vras Juzf geig fltoglithe varions dravers la til. dtnser viien Mlia.Nîinlhr lavoe a"i aeeiug hlm ln tic rom emlfted a terrifice crosa. The bur- glar di nt vat to argue maltera but grabbed everytblng tilat vaa vfthan bis reacla. He rau tbrougb tii. maois eut ta te ktheriand et absescape hrougil filetsar doot Just as M. Nieduhr vas -min- tng ont hUm and about fa lire a *hat troni a revolver which ho bai p'cked Ater the burgiar liai maie geai bis escape, the Niodubra 100k au la- veiler>' and founi that lu the an'. hast>' exil il. bai aerel>' isk.a i tb hlim Mr. Neiiuilr'a unervcar. Ly- ng on a chair close b>' ver. lMr. ~Nc- dulrs treusors ln wivhhas over $76 la moue>, sa lMr. iNNihr bas ne secret peekt Or no secret blla la bis underweer lao deelxes thàhela brugigar gt ver>' 11111. fer bis pains because it belng lte ltter part of tb. seaon. bie undervear vae pretty' veéli veru aud ho bai net yet reachei the deciaien te mnaie te fluai change lu. prepaftlôn for vinter. SFÀTF W.C. T. U. ;Peorla, I., Oct 17.-Miss Helen et0 ofChicago, W. C. T. U. presi- dept, prealisi at fie epenIng session etfh fistaate c"urin t he lafie Mtie- fflîI clturh,,lit a .."ti. 85»0stalo 'deedStaaaAs wev,.vlcomed boi 0O thpy e *ç Wqoiru IiaY v anwsddiseu*ed plt oernn vsageutile ork. elim"n. Méaf loboi. ur te ith~O g e sud fla*~Ieo R~4I! N Amy rFfiUSP.PumRICED HE WQUI.0 RE AEJECT RD RECAUSE ON£ LEC WAS SHOSTER. IS GIVEN A SPECIAL SHOE.t THIS MAfIES lOTI-ILECIS SAMR LIEN@TH; NORMAN A06CEPTUD FOR SERVICE UN FRANC£. Hfuo jrnisn, a Wauk.gau ong tâwehasboecuatered loto fth. nov nationsal a>' sMd Whb ba lo= statloned et Ciqap Gra6nt,,Eomitd, am Wh v n 0»of thfie 40 jmugmn who viWltooeW s a ,MeIi ifihe engineering corps wlh lpvoe for xasce abatu, vau lu Waïk.gan os U>"day aud lai £agsa"laug -on is tri onds, Who bad predlcted tlaat Ai- tleogh ho bad beau uioepW. b>' fhe local board titat b.houli db. sontt mci frei n ocloid. Norluan passai the. physlcai. OIIBi- nation linSo.nesas. fh ie 1 sli drawbasck bing tlati&Ules ver.d Dot 0( the. "me lenufi.1 Tlhe ezaaining physftan at Wauke-q gan notiosi IbIs tact durlng the. coure1 ot the. erminnatîon.c *'Wiy, ansetofyour legs la longer1 than the oher os.." ha remanked. 1 "Tourwrel' Dec," replled Nor mn.*'On.etf ilom la shorera th. ethier." Tislacaned qut. a hugi atthle tbis. rinds et Normaaapredlcted boi idd b. reloof ai at Rekord las. catis.oetthe dfféencs la lesiafbis ii legs. Normn as iddbt se. vii> thelemh of hl ton. lei sasoempared te th fith tl.otla.r should mn"ai. u> iliterenosefor os bis ablity as a isler veut. But sur. eseugla wlien. h. r.acb.d RoMofrd the examlnlng physiclan one- tIcedtle. Ifference lu lhe englh etl Pis legs.1 'We'Ill ix that up ail right." sai the exaining office at the national Oriers veto giron sud Normasnvas turishci vill a aspeciahi>' contractoi shos vioicimaie bath Iega the same lesgth. Be Norman cau laugh at bis trieuda vila predlcted Ibat ho vould hos rsjectld ILEiJÀMIWn ELEVÂ!Gt; MaBADLY &W-1 iLE ÂSISULT W. S.MILLARD, AGED $7, MAY HAVE TO SupPRER AMPUTA. TION 0FMI$lI LEPT LRC. RESCUEO BY ADAM VOGEL EMPLOVED' AS NIQHT WATCHe MAN AT NATIONAL KELLA- STONE PLANT A TISE. W. B. Miltari. aged 67. at 313 Grand avenue, May have ta sul- fer fie amputation af bis 1.11 leg t a pont weU aboe.thb. mes as a ne- suit of baving lb. meuber ammai belves as eievalor snd the fine >f lb. Nationa l elasone plant lInle Manufacturera TeriaM nal Waukegau &bout 10:30 e'clkTueuda>' nîgit. Mnr. xMUard vas aIe.lafthe plant ut the fUefihe accident ilappmed and bai l net beau for tleieOt that bis' pligt vas dlsowerrd b>' A=Vo- gel, iligil vatchuas for lhe Termi- bat, ýh.migit have béeg ob0~sita reinais pinned fiat ail gt as he vas unible la exîricate bimacît., Mr. Iolud vas employesi as nit vatcllmau ah the Kelsetone plant. Ho vas operating an elevalor at 5h55 cancer. Tueuia>'nlgbt viien tic ac- cient t100< place, Il vas qut. ierk lUi ho mWadugei th distance viat h. appromed te b 61h fleer. sud ao- pliai ftle bruies, belag ofthte opinion that lb. levator bai *lap ped. la- steai of that l tili sas nieving. As ho efartai toatop off bis lftt lct iroppei late lb. space belveos th. elevator and thcier. The next Mo- ment the. movlng levator bai pain- mcd bis log faI.Wi lb.e iftiati' le&. jamaoi fat fte eovtor came le a. etp. LuI gpte efthlie terrifie sbock. sud pain 1Mr. MXlard enieavorei toe 10g. 'kit ii opss#fat il. cuui pet lte, lèvator lu motion a«PisaujS ,,&* luvt U wsH . aa ugâ,te do ami vas quflo exiioqq d vies *;Oq.0maonud uten. puagIt.I tU Iq . edSu l ."The tutb la vpr, bdl> mangled." Dr. Gourle>' sali todiy," but therc 51.11 i.snome hal~O lt.We hope to be abletiasill Omutation but are unable to make a positivf sgtattençt. tgd. ' Ufr. MMJlard bas rMdelis home ln Wauvega for mnn years. lie vas employed for a long Urne a@ driver for the White a"d Tobin con cern. ILvwu oui>' a 511471Lime ago that be crushed on.etrbis toes whil, employed aI ithe teei*IL HP re, tturned to vot oui>' abut ten days aie. Two Students qRAM Down byWf 01m-CI Fort Sher iden, II.Oct. 17-4rhe day ot speedlng automobli n Fort Oherieon la past. H.ratt AiU driv Ors ef cars exceedlng Ulsees Miief an hour vîthIn the bloua4s et the rms ervatian viii b. an5psfaiand taken te couart lu Hlghised Par]. The or. dem aas lesued fada>' affertva inmm bers o<f te Tweaty4gdcompan>' were struck on lhe Sheriden ruad bridge b>' a macin. drives by tvo young vomen fromi Uuaaion. Coi. Ryan. post commandant. wltbheld thie namea ef tIre *eu uad thala vitIa. Zetier of fils men vasSBer' loual>' Injure&. Bacause lter, 8arefno sldevallks along the road the. memla going te sud, frein fhe cantmffl bave ho wahir n tf iglligv>. 'semis. somïe automobile driver are etteri>' incon- siderate ef tb. pdetr" there have been a number otf A&Iov escapes frein desth or serlo" A WurY. Toulgit a number otf01a" guaris are sfatlosed along t» vois&, vitilor dors te arreet ail speqiâus. Should an>' speeders fai leuhat "ien told to do soe h w iii be fSlion by the sentries. istubaldla for Faeet. Whero bisatsld>' WIMW I0es 010o on flic ye4lw waters et tbs. TIbflt Wtnifog 'i "'W fiafi, b. f«toi poitslong soi" bnprgq1w I 11 Icuci, one stternoom lu iatse Ehmbei tta i 1ry, aid varlio, OGgW Rscot *f i Garibaldi, Wvita b&,npoia.eft ». v and of Itays part lu t, Lewis IL . Vie innwrtes in Wetd's Wrk. *fl i < or beys -aIlabtin&"be bu'nlf "sUd mi dangifeu atimpW W* aursUsg. Tva etffths beys ara gon- kliedi n France-but file <*k à* ane wifltb hItalien grauy. fliSp e ail geai 4gbters, 1 thlpk; but on.tq dwem-Peple fihe eldet-f«a aiseo *abe soluter. Or aIt last ho a ett: be. for ho bau been trined La I IGarbaIii' sebeai. Tiiere bs*a't a ver <saye tint hetvec B", Jspau) or revolutian la anY pt < fhe warldInluheil aal twenty yer5l vhlc he b bsa'drawnuaawburi, oe* rLed a rifle or svung a maçbtt." Save&. Il iff a weddilng of pramtpçnce,00 tils prootreader an a Coumbus neu.ut ,pae vas wstcilin for errora tb. .er>' came lu tram the. tom -4qpg voTan-enima .~~~ban cere lle ail for a .ae"And it vas veli eneugi di. Because viiere fie sodét> pl baid written *"duriug tbe plUgluUàg ,the yows." the compuatfor b.d set In& fthe fighting of t hs cows.l-Iqdl4a. upolls Neéws. AU96T IS FRESH-WATER CO Sépecl*s Whbch Inhabfts Nerthera Psqt of Western Heffliphare Mes a Voraleus Appetite. -Th e b rbet bas lh. dstinction '0 *iing the oui>' fraahw.ter 7mur di Vtla ced <sali>, &Il ofUs relatives 'ý g In the ses. Its habitat circles i Urth, , fvo asict lndistinpguUslali ~aples lielng taund, on. each, lu fin an sd largor streama etfflac nartil- s7 sa o tie Ivo bemlo§piret, la- mescait accurs froua flac Â* t ec ancesd perliapa leyond It. In, Ooand ]Missouri rivers, belup y sbun4aunt l inlahe r## ud flic langer waters et Ne"c N e, ov rko, Canada u tflApl41o ppwn lunfile wlutes etimates a medluaïl.elae- lUite 6QO bita u fla beisj ~lonor n i r aalgbat t tunSw .......e......ftu MEFORMT IS IN THE TMAL finFs Lake County College Reoeived 11,497 From Varolus Sources During Year. New York, Oct. 17-Of sixty-one collages alded last year b>' gifts. Lake Forent college at l.a'«' Uýrpst, Iii.. was Pigbth ln the iit, wiih aUfte arount. lng te $113497. Gfta aggregating $3n54,211 were made to Presbyterian colleges througbout the United States lent >ear. according to the report recent- 1>' returned to the general assembiy b>' the Presbyterlan college board. The board estinmates that nearly $3. M0,000 was pledged fa the coleges ln addition to the $3054.211 given outriglit. mIOealoculatlon. "«Wli.7, did. ,t that wldely advertlseij. .afe open?" "Well, yo osee, after putting ln a dancing floor, au id. skating rink, drsssfng-raoms for the cabaret per- forMera sud a piattorrn for the or cheetra, filer. was ne roum for tables." -l'he Lamb. an( 1-. 444~444é~ddà~I Your New Winter Hat Cmli at the 'Saranna Shoip corner Maon & Genesee Sts., Waukegan i examine our line. We have them at it will suit each patron. Ail the latentm id styles. Miss Anna Mâhr I 'I I I prîces I shades rma ni ;or* for Women end Cil&den If1 The Wooliex Stor,-3 Sairanoe-6, Windows Sée Our Six Windows! A Display N.er19V One.-falffBlock Loxi4 EntimoIy ci- SUITS!- In a Sensational, BE OND ail doubt the greatest single dis- y a f Suits, everbjeen in Waukegaàn and Prcablyin the state. Mr. Hem is «in the gr eat eastern markets now and these won- derful values were secured in his-extraordin- ary advantageous purchases. The uavngs effeeted on theue salesmen's and show roomu @amples wit.h tbe SuLts secured in our end-of -the-manufac - turers' saon purch moes, enable un to off or these unequaled Values wlien vou need theru Most in the highth of the 8 it "Maon. serges, pop4uxs and pretty novelty weaves in mont aIl sizes, good colora and newest styles in these nuits we&ve piced at ..................... SuitsU i 9W2.509 aî$ fier. are gabardines, poplins, cheviota, tweeds and serges in navy, taupe, brown, green and black. Bave pleat- ed and belted coata, soine furtrimtned. Suts U~pto 27.50, aî$ The nuit pictured at top of illustration in of beet root oolored broadoloth be. aides many others with button, velvet and fur fabrie trim3mug, a........ Suit .0t 3509 ai Number three in the illustration in a New York nianufaeturers show room. sample of taupe vplour with new col& lar and belted ail around ...... sds Upto 4%10509 i Number two in the illustration in fur trimmed chiffon broadcloth in brown taupe and beet root. Other suite wîith jackets ploated, belted and panneled and embroidored ...... -..... ~.. ,01 Upto $45, at $l r2fOur in the illustrAtion in seal tmiunied Pekin pon pm with ftufl hm*'bmme .silk -i Mn Othe"%,. in a1lcolora, sizes ani stylo....... Lake Count»'a Greateat , 1 ý& 10 7--ý' --

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