CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Oct 1917, p. 3

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OOTOEHIE 18, 1917. a jI~- ~ ydreplanevas brouglt up itâte: ,V1- UL~ lirtontal poslUofi and tiier1111111 enougblwss lthe ripple eortthe vatera lP ust belev tthe keel. It vua thrlli dive for lItel 11P1 ~ The air boat tit the croit et the. C ONt Sd Age On. ve ai; it bumped along for a ev nier. threeds ctrtulid-ÏýF6ss a vit -a'olie f urf aie'dry ae; . belne, ali emerald carpef. Northl Chicago. -->< The, ml~en waithPatleitl Great Lakeill andi Waukegan leoketi for soutie lime anti then eut chat au- ike loy rîllageg set among toi trees, other fiydreplane- front, the shiore. It and unreneaiitilte plane the laits Il wac Enclgn William Blair comlig efill ln<rlîr d nuls elow te hie reccue. Me cwooped dewen andi TIr' rartng airman dove the noce foundtihie tallen ird wau wvi tout Of 1ie1PPlane îlownwnrd and lt ebt gailoline, ceolie flew. swiftly balk to er-l-Iiil fn an levator ln a eky- tIre hangar. A fel minutes leler a su fafi;e A mfil teflic rigili, tien inotorboat camie tron the cshore a mil., Ilt-(,eI andth bn aîîofher dive. Avay Ijdittant and.tieol came alongside wilu dtlc!r n--frw e- ti-dini blue line he- ea uppîfy of fuel. A tee-gallons et lut- fate and chire met ceulil le seen.1 gar" i> licheitink, andi onlefî nore the 1,1' - ifir r sa'roplng dovue-arda for f-ydiotfafie engIfue wae utarted andi ail!:ort Fe t i a-- rifmnutes to the;ir ,ýcrafi - aller guîiiint> niomenfrini on r-,(r' - i the- iarthfiandS vater vsw u-e, lolr-oo rpi-il iiti'rflif air anti FIIl ft-l lefrnea and ti f eemed as If r1- ufr11 itlzf- lfit, ffll he hangar. ftlle fr r-- atll neater reacilthiee ef Tley Mics Zren Cty. <ra le ,0f11 - lr ,Utý i,'Zna('11Y fle aviator A ft i, ,u-ft eri eti athe ur. tico :aîrîa miecil e et-ly. Tic wlnà- - ~~~i' u lf ui'lroini Page I 1 would lie Wo recover lit bacc. This rude, which la well settled as between lndliiduals, bas been etndsd tW municipal corporations un- der siilla circumatances. People vs. Foster, sotatheretore, h tisutw taed g l u, adsaill to the county boar'd and to Mr. WesterfLeld: "'You pald this money voluntarily. You were mis- taken as to the law, but we do not care, as you cannl get it baek anyway." But",inatead of ad9ptingthat, attitude, we decided te try the case ON lYS NNIM and to find out if U NDfl TM!ELAW we wee IMITE» t theten and tWenty- * cent charges, or should recover thç value of our servicese Bo we aïked our stton*yin tiîl atter tW wan thé d- fenDe P EXITTE»US by the. caseof tbe vllageof Mer- gaa Park va. Xnopf, cited above, but we did tuant the opinion of the Supreme court as to what the Iaw really was. We think we are entitled to this in the Mmfe way that Mr. Westerfield, when ealled uapon b y Dady Wo pay over Wo the county board the inheritanetees, said, II do not know whether Wo pay the colanty br the state. Let us get the oinonof tilecourt. "The Suffpreme cour d WW*3hIUIY boar-that Ibo leu bqdte tu . 8TAà"YUmmthe.counity. In the rm m ainsi er, ve t.hink we are entitlad t th opinion of the. Suprusis coot. ~' Thé stiu m iugned for ueby our attorney snd wich was file i in M l~isca as afollows: a W, Wuflde- cM.0d orasas lm uôno s iprimiple of il&, ate&$# The Gesette, always sMeling out bad motives, has se- cuaod us of trying W sIteull It bus not been fair exquIg to mehtion tim tct tn làlm -p.bMd aaW. t. lb. cs. w d V v mi ddieU~w 2 T ~a~i'. w&au e vcdntg b«ouivery "le contmpSway, if b. onês got 111h b.n4on tii.a t of money involved l in Ù osa.-vould 'bae uigç.d uu=a stpltion or waiver o .hiu b on. ep*Ia cry, "tp , be! vlYOU -kmo mn uspci if the court holda that i tllto~i~$A deeIded that w. r «i1tv*0 ii b lik t~. là=rettt nmimytoorokht MXIt la ry?~~A nhaor 1iatets frth th the psy ~ ~ ~ ~Iwe received haonylSeruabepfrui bas~~~~~~~~~- o, - are n te onti0 ak d4notsI n the lawnbt i leadig ooto~tt~s u lm n ïjàubnIcalty of lii. la that we ean taire only so xich. The ixsmbers of the. couty board, we thinir, appreciste tii -fic that we. .howed our bia 2O~~the i attr ymn 1n tii. îÈsstipuation above "n ô7ntaiodn submitin cast e icurt olk*e tmra*W- han -sanding ona teeimialiy w4ihrwtWr~Spoe it unn cssary foi netodo more I0"hil utl0t FOR SALECFA Fivo.paa«OS0 Viael. Cr-in good condition-Can k - demonstrute at anY tiný-A baigain. block from Milwaukee Avenue-Flouse in gaod To-omHu n o-enrlyIctd bushape-Al modern convenience, bath, eetric lights gas, etc. For sale bi owner. No agent need apl.Addrçss or inquire ie )r "I "aP. ver delivend te a WMJý iAeaflmavapaper f rom a modMM ailpibl i.vicb vasàmaIlng cmr 1 amn droppit Silfrem th* Great Laie. bîdre-airplabe and- bepe tiat 1 mlgbt hb, able in drop fi nt wMv ilandS dîrocihllufront or Tii. Daly Sun office. Mev near 1Icorme te httiug the target and wvîéther Iviii make a gocIS beuMIirover. remains tW h MMc-' 1 am the. guest et Lieut.L . Hammend ot Great laites Naval station, vho vas iuIS sieu te gie me the totfinl ntvie tie inuISevor aceordcd a nevmPWWo màïin lu Laonet. AiI1CM M.y 18 tuat th*. $W*, fine up boe% sud I visb IcOMM-' mi t lictae rs- cf FTblellfy Sou: "Cone ou up-thê v.atbsVm Su.,» bqt- I esaut, Aaui I "i for lu vludinug up mr iltIMM&ie gage teour readeraS t. I boic I get bacli ail rgit-and ras r. - NGAR W. CROPT. Bond@ Mesacte ViNa. As lie pased over Mon Citr MN. Croit dropped an euve I a- - - 11 ta Wllir GolanuVelilva adIs uflIS Lieut. Le. itanmouISThe Mmaag te Mnr. Volîva tollous: "*Wilbur Glenn Volîva, "Overseer etfZMon City- "thear Sir:-AccomliUned bly Edg'ar W- Crot, a nevulPaper ma, 1 am flylng over yout famolia CitY. This le tic firet Uime a flihul ma- cbhine bass md over Yeur 01fr sdvo a "euI as yn Oursef nô donlt aprecite tiI. haons. "31cm City lokoneuc ram e WIU A bus. <f The Chcago obinulSO oisircar- riaIS a delaleIS 'fbOllv'ep', etor o- atîvo W RHaim? ohnteao iefe00 mer NerIl-WeternavItcbimO5 é *aUie- gan, vhe vas ilu hua osurThiusday for the. firat tmme Mmebus rotrnn frorn the. tscuche lanFrasce. Borne laterestiug detaîls vlich voie net Wi- elnd.IS Sa The, Sun. dqarPtlOU ef Johnsteuee experinco ridar ove- ming ver. Includod, amout Uiem thé Mlng tva yerm M oIS das d«& S.tyice vaunded W"Urbil IiIthl the roidi treles, li e "oa ud loa4éd eta chargote urdl'à bgttle-these ame the chef ,ilisUm t the reikable lite Ster ci àRarfr ,Ybâtoue, 4443 Prairie avenue, inst returned fram the vasoUe.. Internatîinal négeutionslastîni more thon a Yeru, v bIc4he hoState Deprment the Brittish.var office »ud ether forces teck Part. brOught about lbis reture.r Ag a grim remînder of biR experi- oele lia euh onl tuble la the Places af tvafingers on lima riglt hand, torn off Wy German shrapnel, le provcd, stes' tgutourt-martwI on a charge or haviug shot the digts off te avold Ir.ucb duty. lu 1914 Jainatene diappeared. 1mDenver came a report he haIS lia malien, Mme. arah P. John- ton., v e noiuring- lAuguef. 9116, hoever, aile recelveti a cut rotr thrtish nwarl effice tât- lng Prvate Jehustone bad requestod part ofet lia pY icforvartied te hie o Ine. lesed as 1250. mv..- The proofof the Pudding te in the Kating. The. Inde- pendent's Cia ssified A ds have been proven by hundreds 0f satisfied customer4. Ask any tiser of these littie saloemate GROýCERIESý1 N. B. C. Soda Crackers, petrIL, 16c; 3 Ibs. for. 45. Premiumn Salted Crackers 7-lb. cans, per lb .....17e> ,abield boecar e sEd dlieut. Ham- air. anddm lu a ma fne City teta Uadtonuhoved ifarry. instéeISeaite. Umdva oblged tei turn about andS 11* thi. Wcl"i You well. IXg to Colorado, ted inied tihe Cana- Malte a vIde cirele voit. Reuldets "SIfoeehlV.diln tnty. of Mion Cty ver. afforded a -fine vlew "LIUT LIM HAMMOND, A mouth later Mrs. Johnstene ré. ef the. macine ai the flyers 5ev voit "Commander Atriation Corps, Great ce'ed a letter trern her son, wrlttef as far as the electric Une. Creft akea. DL" hi s comrade because Marry vas Iy.p coutld PlaintY detecit tû. tabernacle - ng vounded tin a hosptal "5omewliere! below. He recognized lf by tile large U IIElJD a n France" Il begged ber to une ai wite building lnthie midst of the l UIoILLEDS L5 liluence posible to ebtaîn hie re1 nrg8 park. Hundrpd., had gatherpd leame from the allied ariei. , : "1 Sf Zion Ci(ty, but the DE11R IS A MOURNER Me bail gonp loto the battie of Ver- 1ak11maulû)hgifrthe fvr dun July 1, thb' latter stated. not ex- o mce these groups of people. Clerke O SN'sD t pectng te corne out alîve. Beforeth :eftther >orI, an ofi flind 'e! AT IPNào EIIlfigili lie had made a will, euahn vonderful aPerfacle of a fly inin a-______ $ ber wlief littie money hoe pos.eeeied iine liovering away uî, in the louds, < 'n . rq-cnd tome Chilcago property. Theu. iver Zion CitY was sorneUilng the in. __________affer i hI bali ],. fie hâd heinpiîcked hiabitants ioîrrengely etijyed. Lieut. line in France fô fight uP Oni the fildfî. lfila ude torn witli Hianirciond and hie cornpanion badi hel Fin.,t thle ,errm.ashrapnel. limier of bil'g thre iraI to ly (over bJühnsfOn la a nepi- rt JEngineer Mrs. Johnsfon. rîfîfealelifo file the "White Dove ('ity. John AIex Jîîhn P.M N l 0 1 Srt riW iem Eafe Deparini' ft f0 oobtain fier CIio's aladpr lowlî ,fourîder ofth"liccity,! f'ffr(rai. one of thre cir, ', rigfnclers reti irn and ecrin cîfIl fil thBritish îîciu'd [ori doulit hvae .gazedi ln wonder! 111 h" cysiefo1-P . M il Wauke e-Wr1office iroof lie %vas airAnericail bm1il le been- privilegedtule e ethir<: 'ail r-"ne years whflî f- n eploy- citizen. mnade inade bird flylng 6000 filet ahove: i awitcliman in0 îf i-ial yardsr Mother Appeafs te U. S. ilih rit thf a tli f Ie f îileil io bard fo aIlii abîout 30 yearn iof ;I ,i Týfnrre action (,outidlie f akpen an-. ,-sîaliî,h In Dr. Dowle'ri day lucre' Wae Long Missinq. ofiler lefler reached lier r-fafing f-frry wénno lyig mùhl(-,ýlike terýare r <oile of yearsagai1, i-'onwas bad rieciierciilofai lis wotind. ody uoiîîhrî -afli waeri liei er rWf1>ic r wthn- i "Iocl f' somnetbing i not idune rtu get infner\irfi-Weefern yards. Tfc h-fi lierei nie out of tis ll"fie wrofe. "I will lie Word sPread about Zion City likeiIfliout fnforming his i,:rw-~lîcýrel court-martlaled. Tiley accuse nie of wildfrefilai file flylng nmen would he 1i-waii golng and nhr'fr ii W Ivdrop ilavfng c$hot off my ingera tueseftr'fie ovarer fit iiy in a few minufes. Crowdrr l'cd froni aight. french duty. 1 did flot. i amnfot a gai fereil ln front of file stores and lis motiler feaied o-rirwihif ng iladl rcowerd. My lingera cere alibI off morne even mounted f0 the roof eofhappenr.d te hlm and edarl-aored tO ily German cilrapnef Mion Hulme. Dr. Nanl<e. clerk et the ftlace himn Several tîfîe.- ýhA recelved Agalo -Mre. Jolrustone, appeal cd te hôtel, lockeil up hie cash drawer and viord fram the West aiuicir cauced ber Washington and London, but agaîn ilatened te the roof garden. Thel ire- b eend detectîveaa far asr Denver official machînery moved teoc lowly. men andS policemen, toc, vere on the to Investgate reports f bat lier con Harry vas trled andS proveil be vas lookout, andi Jager DePew, the ever- liedi been killeIS vhile rellroading.flot a cOwaid. An ankiiovu soldier seer's personal attendant, aIse recel,- In eaci case the detectîveaB return- testlfied to havlng seeli the ybuth'i ed word and probably passed t areund ed vith tudeflite Information andS baud maguleti lii shrapnel. Me vas that thfe hydroplane vould soon b. lire. Jahuston,w halea a ister te the exonerated.* over the elty. -Cldreu-bundreda 0f late Mire. Eloun M. Smith, bad mourn- (it vas raLlier far-fetched foran4 themi-who had ROver befere seen a ed ber son, couatlg hlm eltiler dead body te contefid that_ aYu 0= flying machine looked up vlth a thrill or penliape lu me distant liospital Atuei~icaii W110 aes fft entOugli te aS theY heard the. hum of thte propeller viiere iie right lie louging te, osee ler enli8t lu a Canadiau regciment and hlgh lu the air andS sav iteeflght or and unable te cammunicate wîth lber go loto the fithng lnu Franc and hli the. medisnlcal bird. threugh nÎot knawtnz ber address. -veunded several tisaes and cmli#lt The thuldren calleIS out and sboutai Itowver, lusteed et occuprlng au on flgitng, veuld meek te lacaffiaC wards of velceme, but their lttie Unkiiovu grave, lneitesd et being In tate hlfmelt liy blowlug o0f hiea av volces ver. lest ln the. hum and ror a bospltal, nsteed of lieing anyvilere fingers. An original lacter, torend of the. propeller. The. men ln the air ln ttus lanid, ft déove1oped that Johns. loto tbe arMY riglit do tliat, but flot knev notbung ofthîe thrill tliey gave ton vas "dlacOv«ee in the tranches a man vie, wvitle a citizena of anatier the spectators far bleow. ln France. flem. mots ago the county, vas Interested sufflicleut tW Whhe crclngeve ZIn ltyLiet.edtor of l'h. S»n recelved a letter enîlet for liumautr's sake aud face Hammond dropped a message te Over tram Jelinston under a date Une lu the. awtul carnage lu Eurp. seer. Il vms typevritten and folden F'rance. ln lit lbe told et havlng en- loto a long envelope. The message lse ln utle Onadan army and c was vrapped areund vlth cop wregoing ta France viier.e e a vound- and a atcne vas eucloseid te make cr- id. AeO~3~ > tain il vould drop atralglt. The Witb crmaualtlce eilminated thisVI 1lieutnt circed abiout for a $Mm letter, vhih l d et the former Wau- menta betor. ho dropped In. loint kegf ma a'acpe ater leavhng Wau- thc message tairyover tihe conter of 111 vautteW kuov-9 yon o uiddglve the ctr. Tben te rSung t fro h. me MY mothcV rpi.lsadarea. WIru 0F UARRNIdTN PASTOR la abarpîr aud dovu t veut te l __ ise-1ave vtte~n 't~lbut lSt TO SKI[THAT ALL 1MOdEY US1 tunation a mile belovh 210 5fl5wer for jOUiVu1eshavei Usto FOR YOUNO OIRL' go er s l knwn he essge asdoue quitte a attWmulistnIg $Iace 1 So anasla ueu ii mesae aslent *& YM rVe i S M lu Aiuks. Tii. bOnace of the mon«r raimâé net yet beecspiCcd.up.Panam ansd aU i tbe 'Vut ad fortii. -Berthia Reldmue.tllieW Uml The.aime thit vaadoue vith the DOW amin luhse Cabaaa drifty uia-M"_ -46.5ii5bects ii o~ inepage toe Su fln office. In the tng a letglith iti.he MM. 1HuVO beeuby tua isPOO e Mru..TL tife. vi envelelue for Tii. Suu ver. tvo vIre veuaded but am gthtg ou il rlght otfttie min ter at Ei#mitt te lic alle avelgh t and te mairelit mon sud ezllcet te bu ba* Wlt<le tranches used for Bcnuha' persoual vanta. TIW solld a place o string was tled about agala la a menu th ct I ai mener bug becu met to MIsu. TietkA IL. Thé. Sun lias as yet roceived .neolbock est. 1 hope Wtait e Cicansd mthe liasaoknoWbidgerecct cfO I6ord ofthUi letter bavlng licon lIkOd »AI of course, vonld 1k. te »0cethe It trmamtihe editor In-bth onovIiW up altuienglithe. finders o he et&t .. ic. ttu, 1. ecl e j î.lter o OO S,1811, sages trou the. louda vOll no doubt "go If yen eau give gqclii. Inter- almeoîthe chieck for 1IS. Arn Iuded <em nIt au boums'te bu thie Iueki SU& t-naluiS 1ould lic gbISetflit. Wltii gUdaIS t ,yi 7 »»« ba"ltuâsàup OMbut regar'ds te ail I rep a tt.n wIIICII 1g irers 00 aM& - ~~Ybur vaudernig cuc~.onstat. 1I arn jureittgla apicdIS Drepa MiSmaSi te The. -am - PREVATZ HAMYT 4 JOPISON. netM yt 01 lua pôor ààolrbut w As lie psed ocr WaukegouMr. No. 4M24 Sli rLI I . ,D. Cay. people oet hhtq o6»faiilty is. 2001 ICroft dropped an envotope ddresd j'ru& p& ip la le evtlet i igrea t il** *te The. Waukegan hIalyr 8un vbcb BubgiMeanetlrjaustus va sean "J e$bail mec tbat t»tismon«er l"d.ê t otalucdthisamessa"e: uouaded andS later reétusmc tW Cao te the liest of ar abillty for lier qw Four '1housand Peel Abave a__________ 'Waukeg aOmrday Afteruoos, rnîtles of Bell '"«Un, Fou Wm* Oct i-lIl ~ Ucmiun MAIIY 11,MI LO Sad i484 Wkip's Ss4~m~ ftIONE 154s. Il. k" r FOStat the omd i di ~b ~rni a travoier Wh0 kows he wâ1ts ô' bil n reavie ence a m"an uhMg way to one ,to'mW' og Some advertiepg is ofth Sp.'i* iniotine ýhe peol>le,-t1ht the. stopin.i, icd but gives no, reason why thqbey 1 r~zthmr The. tst o1.kiUtul advwutin a ed buhl3mm No mmun nbogudge the ool I ifte sdv«#Ub t u yum s uffic*mltuerS ed buainus to pay lhe exponbs sd lbave a pro111. INDPENIINT ÂDS will deveiop Diw buuiu ...-notony old present buiness. lonqeptsei and fuir prices will take care of, 1thot To :rwy=u muet lurSe Youimales The rwgila&nr*tInulo t»ei MEATS Hamburger -Steak,. per lb .............18C Fancy Shoulder Steak, per lb............ Roll Pot Roast, per lb ..... ......... 22e Other prices throughout our meat and - grocery deppt, rnents are iow as the le'wet for psmpt* delivcmy of a" ti fier mIoe or verbal Mcloen Te4ehon; 247VW-2, HALFDAY M:.: - LN I _'Chos .Pte~ Wett & iQ I:iicuj!k JL 9

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