LÀECùTY9 ~~TU DAY, OCTBER 1,1917. ________ Oou.clw ou Iuu.,Ot. 23 the uaw q< LbertyvllIa ill cloue t 60', uW1-. on eab sud every Tneday d'Ieas thewiutor ionthe or outil sueh Oj o. atimay b demed advleable ro P"dle tinue the prAes1ce. This ln ad- dho othe nuai Thureday. evelog T»1 original meelog won "towu loW»." "Bs'" ln an old Norm word ~iiDmi " ItoWn3." It uppears 111 the IMMorf sncbtowua iluDerby and WW Flitthe part ft Bl" mwbhc wu errunby the Damies lathé "lth lOgin, Oct. 15-At T; 7 lh e ----- -- thur -Adkimo, Who bot o. thse Gwa"s started vhiteveihis a quarter tas o!f COaI plece li plae vlith a tootitbruih #ad mailaje laugbInS itsef. Aidla ln pertormnlig hmietstil a dettfhil store vtndov. . Meviii h.eti Ifor 86 hours, taklag ODlY a hAlf hour Off for meals and f0otme forleP. Pecrettry of the Navy Ijauilhe4 planning ta, spead aext MoudaY lu gpectlng Great Lakes, eald dîspatches fromn Washington lutlaitght. it alsa wue indicsSed ibiS Capt. moffett. com- mansdant, vilie ptiauoted and glven au n l»stait .Post vite.naval activi. lies %re rmoaeveinluEurope next - 9dot ' Ybtt earn, ao~ re noU Y'Znl dre ybr ,p*re e RI10IT NOW RAISE MORE GRAIN Tro Fced the World and its Frlends TILE ALL VOUR LAND It WiliIPuy nt Ig ntemet With on. Permanent Invetment OUR STOCK IS LARGE OMM 1 -the eau M lbno .m30»pouma Phone 47 E. A.Bb§hopý Mur. ------------- 1Manure Spreaders noé Beot Pmying Implement on the Tarin Nisco D .oere N:,»«Idea Eaoerson Corne in and "ookthern over. Priced Right SCHANCK HARWARE PAE.COhê<ANY 4e rtqt*Nlu Il You Kn.ow of News of Loal Intaest PomeCal Telophone Numbe1.: tThe Llbetiy retanlan le loud. bd r. E* E. Elmvortb wu. lu Chicago Tescday. severs admucn partie. are plmnnd for HahIoweo. Mme, ]CdMeDomai la epmdlog ibis vuk la c1dugo. uJ. I. M..Gumm opout Smday vis ltiag laàhsmo timmeoyd bu. Wb15for a short moi am Esb, . D. Urn. 0. 3. ihuMebDl la .mtntalxg ber Soi» ot làs biys "froueord vwr. vwatieg la Our thi ?Ver Smàw A »wv dlogaj' wlWWw leb"lg bulit am 5h. Lagvorthy fmon 51e ie Sm. Mt. ammOMm. EL Ir.buiitseid @peut Sumday buAurome vit h ti lr sou'. m . Bla&Tnrolot«t&UW edber ibm. adate r..ou matiu, Satutdoy aud Bon- HmryBoyua, fornerl 0f tbf. place b zta uvtfwaikffan va callan« on irimade hems Smiy. The tmeiteremetingSai va.set Wansgm lait Salriai va. attended by several from boem. pChan. tD. Nlchole orbe lea rgsultii3g s Bols band atthls pifflle aloo ogau lzlng a baud at Antloeh. uvBa. A. B. Ailburt, former paitar of tb. Prebyteriso chnrch. wva@ callhng an Moinde bers this veek. Mdauy of aur town people vere lu the voode Sunday gatherag nuti. Ihat havre lai len stuc. lb. recent fnmoi. About a dose. boys have madv aàrrangtements ta jo 5 h. BOY@ baud ihatin abeng organisaiboe. lireH3. au la euloying e vit *111 ber sator tiraBeaver IhaPa., havini loft for bethe h.OreS of the. vS. TharvlceiaistUitS. L.vrmeaechrci Saosday momouagonver.cadmcled hMr algluad Godirm, of Grayslae., Bro. Aufusia Loveâmt@irWalaadveru ont.oftovn guest egSadai. amonq vhom ver. ber aio. Watdill ang Kecoeth. Préf. Niclioi Informe ne that ho Bol hm mongh boy.sarolled ta launci boye ban ud adthe ntrnmauta ar expected ber.s odai. Several mnmbere af th. AlphaClub ai te.d.idl theluncea. naid annuel meetin of the Womene' Fedirallon 0f club. bel, at Rogere Part lait Wedeseday. The IlPio w Girl' la th photoaplay tite ha. heum second bhiun5h. mimt( tb. Liberty Theair. forsudai. Thise a goad play aid te ihéatre xoure v ha glad ta hear that t hb. beu procur for thie place. Mrâ. ddIhwam iélietilu Chiesti> Tue- ---- day Mlema Mllet vMAa tWankegan Iteml s of vsltonrsonday. m.ea n oInterest m"Adalme MueT ae ri j 7ý Caicego Saturday TOkm Fro <>our Exhane Chai. PortRock Iiëhe new met-hantceat USpSSSSUSp the Libertyville garage. The Dove vîli b. greeted with deligi Barry oUaud made a trip tu Mil. b> rnany peaple, whieb asuem tbem yeutes Frlday and teturned Sunday. thât fter januar.v 1. nitS automobil The Wolmerdflg auto dellvery froi makers will do avray with the muffles Hall Del vas mme ou our etreetm nue .@utonte, thud aerviug wuput an end w dey tla wek.suartiaig' machines bh&t rush beck and day bf. ieS.forth and w ho. drivers oeem to celîgit A basie., meeting and soet lwili la l uking &il th. racket they can. beld bî the aumior Epwortb Leegue lait T.e.day tvoalug. Whlle CoaS and Laeke eountles sas Mie. Umoq tyr#, a farmner em poju planning a great ulltary rod betwee. at the ladepeudoat *lea biS Chicgo nad Fort Sheridan, Mfer -opa m - buden. baitsper Boone and Wtnuebegacouties« le eela 50e 4 bi ~ orklag an the proes of a militery Ltde Chai. R1%IWho le euffertug frontWgwway ta eomuect tCamp (irans et bu SUD* kOf 131»t% Paralysie fi re- lS wdliéa thearuny and naual ported to, be datUWii'7 Ubl. stationsona Lake Michigan. AMoU W&uft d Walkeg an d Foreiaef wseeolpd jmua" i ceoimh mnd Balard of ub- Foralad0fOi eeepp ertyffl. e ltS MeBy for Vlckah.Mr.. Inu Pellaime Thureday hy the Fors Prantv Comubasia. There are bo IL. . .Kiai'.vi . Wl nw. bhmetwaem 500 and 000 af Young stock chu biut »WOfo BbebaP- T«xe, arrived bare yl b. ru.ld msdlaI.the prêterve. 19h Tueeday ta vialiber brother, Julia@s »c»* « %hg m ~ anLmal. viipsy ti Troptow.rlgxe. eoitheiiet ravet TIose wbqgu tohbtuo ave heum bit Tmg day bragt mar thâlu ISAl bi Rbgb CoiS a Uamg sied nov bave to taith.e Md et the 40 chlugm' cbai ouo as wilb su.0 »extra penim eni W@ M da,- d«ls vis ey .'mokea apurcbmu a01 the Cia.Ms.acodn figer..givas est, basdés! alU n' Lu th. sa uuea aI asu ait d- damsacltla. 1. the tots bete it aM#taSes and tmrlga thei ibmoftho 55 e MkiSURforihausl Connut« WM bviii thelabel, ômkle sdta bave beu *UU. ed bycenuor,- aIhzed by America a5.Ma rub a haale CeUICtU. ondey o!cia vuS a aimPle 0Of rea The LO~mj*aalenket drux tores viii bereie chtalovrs pleed om bis faim us be eloud ovreq mmd.ex cptl.g the Solos M"Ille elaSvek. Mr. May ioru houreftroa o 106. Roviver la mmuof id on that Wna. Strneiiiand amili necgagy Sisphomm sli.ta tb. reelder tquanta ou the tarin, sujoyid sevon oriii b. Prouptkiam.verd. quarte a) theee berrit lait wee.-Mi Mr. and Mns. IL 1 L Rtzentbaler of sarY !'ield$"hr Northl.ld, UMm. f.fl ting relative$ Ceaui! CentAnd kiuan euln. la ti boe.aid eai Fri, VleW for a couple Of massage of the Unted tateogovrm. vieks.. Tey esab aougb ln théir c a oth@b busevvea ofiMlllole. and wvi train ihir hou.elu ,Mlmeota and are they are ual caanlnag, tliey are urged1 enront te SA Luniapting8, Arkasasmidry truiteanad vegtabie aud hetwee wh.re thiy VIII @pend the violer. Sies ta Iickle and put away the snce j Mie. JeaititMmua.vent ta Wauke- lent muer iraut. agala mturday afietmou ta vieil Ire.ýTemol mhrvain u m LMiueWarren, formetly of thie cty, for a h rolishe ihu alp fiv daye. Modyier fonoaile. d a on ber pupili e neeetV oigrest uvor neromehr.adow aidva.quiet, mel:d "I anm a gpecS deail lsa taien to the Jamne Mel@ler huepital. nodeauj 1 ai j'o, roet d the'i m she in reported mmcli mproved. iuhnI:Iao dtioo clheurch, Sondai, va. enîoyed hy a larg dont Wear auj' ehae," "Oh, yas i do umber of people, end dflommai vre qulcils repiied the tearher, 1"juet )la tuie 0 aem dide graanasting-did ion ever sesea»y larneribumine g ame tou~. ~ 9. - Mary enrveyed Sbem carefnlly. "Ye sud othera f rom the pttmari to the ju-Ib pied luely, "Onc, in a ehov.' .h bar depatettnta. GaI ia nt re aIma r. avarded tumeVendl pegileand t-eahreAs W. iuearîlt fur faielbul atitu ilas ~ We heard the ather dey tha% J. al 1be l.ke Corty bo*$claIe Associa Morme 501d J. Tteptow Ibat <eo. Mm g' ton w li mn t as roy el k Ove v hall ead t at W om . D cker told J a. Sw ,d Tuedal. Oct. 23, la me»,Sd"y sesion haiE. W.,Colby u.atioaed Bd Ans couencng 510ouheku .A good ta mylog that John Bernard told F. progm on ramsi wvait ïM m bleu. in Diamd thai Fred Parkburetid it wbelag prepsrei .a a bti ou the A. Uodyrotb 50141 hlm that Mai Kohl a propoend oeuivbond tlie u e .voted nid that Dr. Glwl w ae off , ou eOct 05, viUbbe adlélà i coin.opinion thai Paul Macuffn btldL pesantsapeakçre vlth a climu for lapon Flagg ta tell Guet Murray ch&a. i Sdiaceioan ahirwarda. vuibody in- Krummlrey snidt]hat E. E. Eiiowoi tg sereetei nthse subjecli vibem mom-tald Chai. Maaa lihts red Crokera d beo e . aiaîaiou or noS are cordl- chat F. C. Norman told hlm that ali invlted ta aattend. Trlgge told bh that Dm. Smith rold t 15 Dr. Gldluk reterated ta B. B. Mi of The baked gooale aie held net h gai noie s Bturdai uetted about $20 for the ort and second grade. of ch. «ra mar ichool vbilh vili b. @pont for pîcthreé ga heautlfy %ie roon,. lire. E. . Ellsworth'@ home wea the gS»emModa eveningaofaa nerr getiier. log wbo hed congrgatsd ta maie artaugleuas.for th Ballowe'eo Ohost purty far this vuS Fiday evelug. Mondai morulugat tboCathol e hrch of thle place ia. fls dMorrison sud Çaech Mentor ver. unlted lu miarriage. The couple wve rueit. ai ofBoouat and have a larg circis of iende who extend congratulation. At a meeting of ihe Employer@ Pro- utilve Assocailonof the Au.alcsu WIm Feues Ca. hldaIffSalaray oenlug theo hWOllovl mfcrs veeelecisi: Don Fellere, preefses; M. Burton. eerbarp Jobu Zinmer, irea.ur; Cia.. Traait, E. Wllilamieand L R. iIckboll. truetue.. Ater the husinoiee"on a oupper vas verved. P. E. Elleworth Iuformesou tb chaihm a r.csved a lets. from bis son lmch.. nad til time t la hoeded iou F Ves. A short lMme go vordva. r@Wived chat lie h" a nlyl acited. lgamI am"&il va. thouabs thai ho vould h elà b.ga for a tiueand hie panute voe surpllhe tu hier from hblin fouFrance. '5evw ever fronu bis leter h. lied! ual rsscid e' camp et yot for ho vas unebis tu gpivi ai aidresi. A ehîver aboyer vaw giveà lnuRacla. Wlo., Sturdai n n UlMme Idlth Sprlng oi chie citi. ilu honor a! ber approachlng marriffo ta Louis Larga o! Woukegam. Batdth îhnibeibter Esibel @peut the day lu Racla ine thlti baut, lire. Houer SprIug vbo te sbover va. given. A catuber ai friands end relatives ai th young couple trilla wekel", e.alo premet. .MUâ Io.hM liageo lâ ver were preiee 1110H SOHOOL. fOTE5 Exoe are vith cee gelu. Ieverai Lberty Las pstera are dicratlug thae.eMmbly rou, A double heeder buSkeS bail gaine vill b. played lu the igh achool .ruuaaum daturday eveulug betveen ih. lmi sud eecodtoe ao hitbearob bibiseclae of Waneg a nd tb. ireS aid ecoud beaaof tif5gb echool. aihail ve have a Studeut Couucil ai Cautrol? Sncb au organlaaiio clf posai ai repreetatveufom etuch clai bai bn prapose&. The Ooumal oold create a mediumn througb hlcWbh Ie faculy aud the etodemie comld bocome more lomei co-operaàve luate von of the echool, The plan va. dlueied lu General Ex. Wede.day maraulng and ai Informai vote taken. Thi uajority asei to fayot Ite adoption. Au effort le belng made %0 mesr anather isuecherr Thecla«Issilo Egileh 1, Eagîlli Il, sud LaSin I an su larg ébai e division le dnmir.d. léle aima defe tai;a the oev teecler tncb the ceeslu ebemlslmy, wvilhab sbit imapped dumlng titi lait 1db wuike. Is la hop.d shaSthme teacher viii hi sectri within a veek. Neyer belote ha. be ouppli aiflucher bhun aa emodi. The fisé iseu ai the reporSt Wee vili b. out Mondai. On accoeut of ch. rnceeiry conuio of thi Irit motb oi a uew echool, aid aIe' lie confusion accompsnylng the chamng ugalpapl'a l va. Impueible ta iesu. e noer. T. A. Mîmpeon, aurcoauntp uperluten. dent of acbaols, sud lMr. lMoimejx 0f the lUnverati of Ilinois. visitai te e choal Wegdneday. The dnty of M. Hoffmmn la la inspect the publice chaola of 5hé etate. W. cordilly invite the paètrons of the commuity.to viIt aur ochool et eny time ai that Shey Mai 500v dmetblng 0fwvlatve are dalng. W. fi.l Iat vbth luuity aud co.opeatloa veecaoueccon,. pllis mnch more. Meeia Daya Produci Lesgevlty. *Plutrcit récarded titstheaclent tSm *«0i ai tampera t th ey hUa t.gre cet î. 7uiho. il - - 1d "6Telmo" Brand Uhe "Teirno" brand of canued gooda a4" known al over the country aud have thé' approva) of the wige housewife. You rê, uiot huyiîg A CAT IN A BAO when you purchase 'Telmo" braud, boause, you know the story your cau.opiberw1*e veal lefore you open the eau wle Telt*-" on it. 1 Teirno" goods eau ho purcbaa.d of ' us and when we recornrend theuM, vo are m only carrying out the word of the rnnlac-, turer who stands back of th.tm. Se. or' diaplay windoW, then corneini and 'pureha s mrn of the goodsanad ve are sure you viii be our customer. wÈ !URNISH YouR TiABlI EARL CORLE'TTi l- MEATS AND OROCERIES Two, Phone-»:3i 4Pd 340 1. B. iw., Ibai tuDer LAW ouat Forth that miner ibat Dr. Martin taid T. A, Biyi4oidu that A. 0. lise ad nId that Frank Wilgon tlid Frtank Suydam chat B. Boy.. told him that Peter Bockelman beard that Ralph Cale va 1 idthat .X 8. Gmdey naid that W. Carmoll le ead ta) belleve test Wmr. W'alrond nid eamething ta effect that J. R. Aleman told Earl Coret chat lir. Cloue nid Jas Gotti blamed John Cale fatreaylng thel John Lester iold C. Gaglerdi Ibat E. F. Langworthi sli that Chai. D. Nichaoseald thai W. F. Fraon nid that B. B. Eger told E. A. Blobop nid that C. F. Smaid told &raund thaS be bcd heard chat the bes vay ta reacb the people of Lakeecounuy va. ta ne. the coumue ai the ludepen. dont. WANI'IED-50 carde oi waod eut. In. qui» BId Appiy, Libertyvville. 42pl and evonings mais. a failow tb*abo. couL TIM E for actualcu usu wI .h..u eijiffy and t"oyou wMflwiah y.. bad your hi.fu ORDER TOE>AY WHV YOU! HAVE'A CHANCE W. F. F,ý-ANgZEN, R *T'ebu 5 sls Nea Ekeetic Dot Corn Flakes Per Package Toiet Paer Two lOc. Role Edelweiss Franldurters Pe'r Pound .- Pet Pound - - 5.J.,DEINLEI-N - - - - - - - - -- M 0 ---il PURS scolA In comparison wlth other Imm@naof weÀring apparel, fui'. are chetp this season, and the etylâe i nusually attractive. We are show, inir a fine assortment of LadbýM' and Mimsmets and s.pmats-rnufa, ail very rnoderately prled-. Soins very cute Children'. setis at 'from Theew .00 ~T $2.75 The nw coaàcrne ln a variéty of imaterlis, but Broadcloth la mucb favored. AU bave large cqilar, sorne of fur and sme plush trimmed. There are no duplicates luthe lot. By purchasirsg eariy in the season,- ve were able to secure à nice line of Ladies' and (Jhildren'e Sweaters, whlch we are stlng~ at prices considerably below the present values. <3ome lu and me them. W. W. ÇARRQLL &_Sm., COWI &la, ýeyffl 1 . Imam=