CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Oct 1917, p. 4

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Oflice Telphifle Nubir I. LIsrtyVPageEocnea)gF potof0f t rarticle 9 of th>e çonstitutIOflItV, 11A OfiiiPbication for The Village of Librt'viliO. whih lrovides as follOws: OENW DMN0SATN ~~fi l I P eb i ft n f rLak e Cou lty B oard of SuPerv i -E diPros RatiM un . T bnr' on plc aion. 'Paragrapit 8. C u6 ! 1 I 'I 1 e isOER W O M E O $ AT EdcR YIE ales Ms KY Now nAÇVANlEisîOARE SHOWING OPPOSITION TO 'lmPTION PRIC.$1.50 PERYA TITVI QAC shall neyer aeses taxes, te aggre- SPCA ou TH ..... ...... . ......... . ............................. . EdI glt! ocr ~iah xee eefî~ 1Mi"rTH...........................Manager five cents Per one htindred dollas'~ r~ Résdent Mnagervaluation exceVt for the paym.enî LK WS NNIOU. an d IF e11o w, 2 ~ i e s ___ des x igetteaotinFEIG18 THAT SAFETY 0F o! tite osttutiopulesaoath ort- THE W140LE ORDER DEPENDS Shali we mot prove ou r . oY&4t to our country olqual t7o tbat ty svt !lt eol ltecut UPON 1T SUPPORT. of a»Y comnmumity in the swae? "am proeefiDg upon thte aesump- Titroughout nortteru Illilnoia many t Ion taIt t levying of the addition- crnaptoro!thte Modernt Woodme flUo Dooukothtoi(vsm etbaalédtboowac- al 20 cutionate $100 asaessed val- Amerca bave voted against theé t811Do SIiflOUiI"t-$OOOOO COoft h»ia"tcommumit a, funda nation 01 prOPertY would bring te ment of au 'dditional asaessment of ma-Mo 0, ti O U41â fns aggregatfi amourit of the taxes for 20 cents par Montit on each it 11.00Ut county purposes in excessaor- theé4-5 Insuaffl tcarried In thé order, to piw Our oovermnmt jeswutchilg amd.our momes are wathm. -. ~~~~~~~~ceita on thte $100 valuation. fielte eiOôIIlpe eah dalis o!soldiers Owby.a.rayfrts réhu hmumlw Ob c g * y c~ n i o t e u h at h r - the neces uy or subm ltting aid vito Ban Woodmn . 0 I P a m y f r " t M b & W b m s iw 00 mMeui ubItodbeldkea A. A. Proposition to a vote of te people, The Woodman law creatillg- tigtIs oifcOufagS? NWhoma ia we aud? ao -vle lces ult ae of Meeting of tbheiat camp, aund ln If our doillarae mt for ourI Govoramet. they will be coumted rob1b~ti021 0f qfljfl tg th vol= .a ny uesntio hc rat etu vt a miéa tel ganQxmlofItwation alu lnheéitly nqustiton f ordesured o tierpa men o ehallas w.iii cs5lv 1000 gilue0fna i er day for txtonaod eonaiutasu rdrfrthler Women to b lame- agaifut iL We must mt--we WlImoe bp branded ace. ..omqgn but he aIerà2erm4u i mdth 't he b isi n avoe ofte propostition muet carry by Sa -&-__________ 'MI 8 lm tifàÎram o sbmu in general 10 te- the people lat requlred by the ahovc- iOrtltYote of al it ebra. <l!he f - »seto ! iecntiilo, n hncampsé wItch have voted aMt the. fr01e lhe f 71 &gssdaneltetion la.field upon sua qeproposition,. at thir flratregular CO M E MRALLY.1B' - t ù MO en e p e t ! he re uit a, e'ri <lya in.î e neeh y i a e s.ocr m eet ig a ln October, ta e t e stand etion If la ne0ebsatheroat the voeeds the, position assumed liTeDlyfnafw .y . thv h ulfctosnmdtaI the 20 cents per $1.000 ot inatU- thtsuch a law would doubtl8eiiorg rnwg ltecnttto.Tttfoè tl él xeîé.anbaat llter. e~~ BNS$ li uo h en m n vore unable to get xi1k . W e 11311k my opinion titat w<>men vould flot N i 4býè n i id a vuse thing vhen they rYjWCted Ibis [>O- be permted Io vote theen. c ow<-n-i that ater te war la over te pecilaR T ansesameitt vil be abolliaied. uverYE- poe )M .Cancl 6 l.:01 rnIi apnotlced so fer voing dowfl theé L B E TY an 1.4IT E p-----------. V. Weelfali, 273 111. 402. Yont-a very proposition hanstsaled tati t deirel là __________________ wihtetredebrftearytas,(Ignd ly.d .Buna 10 éeail soldier ideath cdaims met bit SUBSCRIPTION STATIONS- amft Mills ad te ou f 7 liu,'ava 0 f11 e rs s Ias <iue "dAtrneyJ Br. te arder. bov ahatedn and the b às of 70 l m e , hnevofes U Atorthen'a. Witile lte aboémy aeLake County. National Bank Firlst National Bank lb. nwlcii eopl mue stel temee-Ve 10 11ewit other lofgea in nortiteril Illinlois, SropofD ofc iinoft à u Whou DAF f11) Ise t uthe casewith aie Cmp. Lietvfe I.,Libertyvile, Ill. coe9hb« trocfm. Every priseatl0l e if = 1 MMtan EA ,b EL kegacouanlnom ther aet in lite such disuters, but 111. trs.nsortatlofl of the ONLTY a k~e coatyereadàhl 1 j%. Ùhut sob 1100IwoUd 11EÀog Ie til- 4>VER -vlinity of a large.member, *4ID U&Uk=.Tes ftts Me- M OL teubas brougitt .iome DmORt forqetlly te i& MWZIL C ud* 5.14 b.e » lu seinfuturle. Te eontdat lle natlced fitIlodges elsevitore Ï1 ".M. tUpovd nti a elîl bgess ove slulO. -~~ O 508am witboflt Imm. ut, nOv that te pudullefe ogeacuetSassume thé stand titattitey éxPCt - _ - -- "M ,i8pDb-8 o. '», a i Dcmber, accordlng bto nemiters lt ode ati aeo ettC ri eu il l. hm 0o! Chilcg.'s three appeal Y ours Local Storeall ---- 111 M MM forMWufy sand shoold ulM ____fl O fi (.t.Itý aie i h rf lit ur"tewr n tl te h rh çevc? work Tb~Wlir~ .y~ jj ~rri"Y r' w- . - , ,vote- ginit fie proposeéd addltiflfal____ Tbouda'sod E4dOrosi- lax. If tère aoit iehéan uuulY oà%«I S o l 10 b x e l d t a 1 e vh l ~ y w f. b o - pro >ably wou d delay ite second draft r o c u d t e4 l s u b M ts 1101 iaw ~~utite 19a18. oRiclal asset. Tiiitjas o! mmiter durlh lit war. boyte mcould t he are WITTs e- -H.ll.Whlle 1' nstiu-ba Chapget' recommendéd hy t art- 1u taao fierlad in theli KNVSiY URageT tinîli 1918. - ~~ngis litemeer a t homecta l erx. U i edlutéVlaeHl Uvey fluCeAa.y ligbt is to be shut ofl Msapeal board officiais wiîi ual lie made sakotilocalbérlolice IUt bis veek, 10 conserve coal. Olgaret odvertlse- public ubliafler lhey are lul tehmetS oly Communon eicept iret SudY dla la ugxs ulTt i muaI follow tbat loyal mem u loth 7:310 a. m. , mti» yomo tais esters afl4Jb0t 200 adve- bande of te autharities aI Washiiig o msirnghotthlie Holy CommutiIOt, every Su,îdav 11:00 Ediacu EbecI ton, Th- y aeuU o imorse reg fWoedmen cm str .M ofthb. onCeueompauly, l'- u-- onTt r adI d country do not vantl bhe mde la o a. m nd M b Htt) isa".for furtlireh " lalry of ail men between te ages o! toth a l al, bunt unie»lte rl tirrie si Churcli Sebool 9:4-j a. m. 4eolar tbatIf thre leueed t« ielittéen and forty ani o! the class o! puling an addlital tlIOn Mcm- ____ aut» i 1t<1 inu the parka vlU be a± uIb lerii-plan of determlnntae ,ordér of cali. ieip durlng te period o!fte var, te à' t~ 'Thisby oue of 1the m11orof 10lbtrations of hadcm ueY«ITth be to. Mothodjst-EpisCOiOal. *ë mu es.-byvhicb America shortly wM lbegin 10 con- & kM' bear tlsbs titis confilCt0ale.Ni udycrcswl bbl a 4IiiU~tAO andO8 talm lis . " w55e&one s wohpil to riS-Morniog preacintif rviké et Il 'cioklu ~,ls tp lm 'Ia ooc:Sda'sbietl uic. à* U ttif au 11e let I< i nteUie tt Sraymrbrwh i eso tl thé évaniug ab 7:80 reaponulîng ft ai d1off, Bay for a IS4iIVtNaELECTRICof c rl Cpul% caS of Presideflt Wilmon or-Praer fr fo o ha aigo ca1vudte cati tla arme. ln fact. Ilteuembers Âmeriaadte tI.Ftbe. I. -e, tla sreadily uudestood haw t"iacountrycal, BY'ýR R aa hlarwiInteg l .lpot asmi We< focé 1 do go, retrench i l s aresurces very quickly LI )ETani týouuands a! téiii are nov gel ..W hy-lt lisiRighi toPFray for the Cauïe MdecMy afY. - ing ready la go lut. othe var. Tt of A.uurica and the AIillés' There ciii very _ _ _ _ _ vould seem It la lîtî he mnougin for h - -almui by the c hoir. Thé publice.BYdrc o auacuesac hrfr a ---Counoil Olives PerPetual Fran- lspécial mcW B Y ir ctfr m a néater a d hSou-eca Waukean husevves souldJoinm 111 natonalchiseIn Rturnfor Extensive titose reiaiig et homete 1 do ta, la cordah'ivld - tera tleurbit ditone failese êlag W eThé tSu-sel1 furniture to you at the lowest possible price. We . ovemet tb conserve 1the supply of saua. Sugar la an' Improvement, nCity. dyfo ar h udno h îdeaspoi.Ta eaytblng to save lu mauy vays, but only by individual Railroad Company Wil BuiId hehlud tat te>' vii hé taiken care O!fa a 'cokTiré eutjet of thé pofit GOST O.Orsoc sprhsdol CO4peafncmayetuiemllueota di te ncasé dealt accorS. I osntcoE esnvi é WttOur Bble." r "' OYU u tc sprhsdol canau exeniverouit b obaied u b.Highway From Nofih b ompatable 'dt Modern Wo<siméueré b rih be aer Important meeting -after examining the leading makes of articles. Nothing malter of conmervtIon. lu Nov York some of th1e hotela Souh Limits of City. though t for jodzes t0 be. voting againat ai thé Epworth Idedgue noya Sondai' poorly made or shoddy here. We fft up every patt of 1 md rwtaumats are cbarglng froe cents for tvo lumps o f i Ibis proposed Increased asSessueteul venine aI 6:45. Theé sobjct of the your home.» sugir and teu cents for a poition of povdered sugar. The Thé aldermen af Lake F'orest bave dorme the pertod o!fte ver. Th- bmein eulh: *Cbriot'&IYol&e Mado .1*ng of price on sugau n1te eatlng placesin tIis manuet voled te Ciicaga, Nort Sitore & vmo taise thé point taIté>' yhavé no Easy" Al recordiallhIalivitýd. diQUALITY Gi()DS" Our Motta la likely due to a desire to prevent vaste rte tEchit rra apreulfran' assuran ce ta the additlaual tex wcul Tho chir wlii meet for meere ii g*py o tespccnsmtise, and lu réluru for samne, Pt-es1 ual hedrojtped aftet hte car are s-! we an Thursaa' veuntiaet 8S r & '1 payfo eaug cns fu peoplegneuly vpuld dn Briblon 1. Budd bas assured te somme a astand Whicit they sitould Aimembers urgid tlatatend. ouly realize that th1e vhole food proposition "Ul be handled. lax-payera aofte weabbhy citi' that buno-v is not correct.. EvérYaué macws Titesociable aurd business meting o r ý o a o seo much eilier if everyindividuil -wfijoin in conservlng lbe cil speud epproxlmatehy $200.000 l1a tétiu adrop Ibis addition- thé Ep-vortitlbéfgue clîl héo héld in t ., l oud ot e ecssry to niake so many rifles go -i h ohoii mroeiné i tea,r te vhew anda-. Wbeu Laie . E. gYmaiumo àiai v '00l4.* ms: s it, ltgwoonsumtiou may become tecessary. other ompny iiîo u ii hl ék )c.2.Al Iaur nd _____ FIRST:-The . Modem ated te<-sééll clblilliéhéaubulliliefldé< k h e I aca eAdilabors il land pavot erM! -P r-'ta.ltdab ale ls éiéaie-t aatIheir Iriends urged 10 attend. eri-cn u p i n s m y b c m ec s a yIZ t rlis .krltvet duIgen e elcoith he at itys a d a e thcré e osd or iecswnd lbé lire vard a, it's up to the peop e. 'Bluff limita on th é nor t t a te Forjýt heli e rnce ed rae durlg th é ar tn s h o m nt -adâo r w ,r -nuo .ý I re ct ih h i ) I - I a~~~~~~~~nglé volée galuslThé . Jbar fieI ~le n u ardLerb-ot aéuucs bén alpdfiulanîoug blein AlElIÀ fCtSheridan avenue sault te Secret Ibère -vas nutalTher.W.J.LaYofc atbenndh PrdLathoeexrict Umt h PrcaedYCol I&M UUJiIIh tracks.) bhe rpsl tol i ter lodges lu moyéd ta 229 Nortli Cenemée ét., Lereon outil doubtlies many limes e@ho .aid lan lIrsMarph wu-. aptized lunte __ST Phi IlayadJacent ta thée<ast of te ite state are yotlngug wanilOusll> building, Waukégan. Dr. a. J. McKen hér o-vubeat beert: -Ha dear tii Chritian lailltuI -bi lildhOod and in ber (Conuruti FIpi PaS. )ne.) O - S o ._- te éécrc a a egaiusb te lucrmaed ratse ad lt in bas chargé oi the practiceDr. MeKéana -mi'lheurt are tbeeeéuiesof unehilbood, é. arlY teesuntete l théthe agea Lake aaaontusuhi' dllvredlulit saST O RT cl purc has u properli' as is tard tai figure tac MEM11>rs 8can loo ak w ibp l élan' i. rld de oî .cllblie1rsîl U-i 0 li tiucian lk n u<cié la oitryer b'abu 10 r~ED I et Ilt ram that atandpOifll. among thé bst lu te staté. 40pg viéc." oselul aud exémriari' Christian ile pesld ril JIIRhIAl!Deerpit avenue soit la Secret -Mmrsherci oes@<If ila large lamly lirul i beyar.Seathr ton, o, l oterwors, he mout akeForst oncl, e_ th Id. o toilyde f lo rt.1i'miiWldfr sdof ' be nter e o ber ar nts , oré fu1in he tnalth p.-r ie fue as aclive lois r.luaitr adé tt aeuîFort Siterlden, I11hOct. 17.-litc Hert Academy-adlacèflt la thée em aie retlou1ivd ie dé o! EaaIyMm. Fovr Iidm-.- I eelire ioth hme i arcariilve -e! ctal delivered the >ear up t a !sedu a4mbel bt aide o!fte rairoad tracis. !orfelting theé franchise becauet I Ahle, fr<hot-(u'1fl~~op < h in lté Ladies A d societi' <l thé turc September 1 ýs jpproxlmatel>' 520<>1) :Tterirodcmpn vsail(.Ib alr dcomli),1Y mi emd o u te tecé~Brmtter i.iaieli iard renî hale o-balepn adt 10, h euieet o h r ids ! crle iceeag fen l esirv 1 I bid over chicit uetbinggd te alra i lwysTitfrt i elig ad SheridThe leuirAmt.ts-herthe enr 1wahi drmv ddouble tracks et te norlt h ad neglpcled 10 carry Out certain plaetals ver boi o teler. reanbd aI(lege trnes baboutngbee . tIre ycar bm-ed ou figures submltbeers ofboum vîth in ite bou nde iesé.- f e ho! CitydliImita, clauses o! its contrlact. paeti vrabw fwtr eiiga ae onr a (u en we tu ),ibet i oadle bi' dealers tili aggenîvate 17000 tans: ai îhh td d i FOUR T h -4e raîroad campany Thé rairoad oMiails dared the aI ciiîérdo piiteîi a b~- iee i er lireo- as "au qeihiét do eu d - atnwlllearsedadtknOBITU.ARY ber .1.1èrs are: lMr@ Aumuje dicîib warencasbelieas'n hdonpr- tarcurtlu HgitantiPar. Tte - '111 letatéItsnrece aIalimp r ment r eteal thé franchise. The Cadirtora ierrjl'adii le t.vl; lion' llniothbione u h liîcir os la a itetcor ecourtt cllnh m--go! L aindoPestra.edTh eir.orn.stow n hip , m ise i czie ('bard ofl hm - jn r , l . u id t o i s e b c s 4iired for actuai coneumpian an!dr assseiaaat-bdn meut- solForrstt crossinaeMr@.démnie Marah, maidefl am har hohe-.Aliiii(ber ii.u .Icranehift he îbd itr i. hoimat for te flln a!lienedso!t be tre 0f thé Ttcenly-lhird vompanyi Président Budd o! the railroad cm ci n fée ttté fiil !ii andi heioved vile ai Everttlieteh Sa cliii.plisCtàrp wr tuko he Si-den rimai pany hbasgiven Mayor Keené 1H. Ad- relit-ai.emd Peand tuliandan vliinou u bisîoiuuoi(,if an lre <b<er asaorene".lii Varch M2-a pîried III mnithisbridge b> a machine drîven tiy wo dlagton bis yard taI liteImprovi- Budd gavetem la umdrtandthaltIboru ID Surmmerselahire l'o ,,Engliînd. ami Fred l'berd <I GagésandCorners. a taia! of 2,0. or aetiaverage o an oatta ntn o eua IU bo completéi bi' 1919. he diint vent ta figit wcit the Peu- Aug. 27, 1861). andi pastqdad eay al, iber on(l li'23rd day of Auguqt 189i4, mle 1e n'y-r tbi buis cornnliv loue: lie motb.This rail cor i-i clie te arlet i lpe o!f Lakîe Forest andti Iat te wso nhomeerly F-idey noroiug, O t. îîîtnuile about 1700 ons e aiîi.Ryan «postconmmandanlt, itiliei,t casoreocu ,ot. Mrwaé suris e e taEvrebîE Tleam aniad' i lieîl ii lu lité pavtig o! cllhng accède il reesouebe 19,1917, bling a litti; orenadloc- M rfi, tbo urvveslie déartr.- an in normal Yearm th(- tocl n th th e Dm s o!fte woutén at hIr lte p fa concrète an bict- I ll aci 10 oaiýh tm o i note iomedof %Ir.cande sud prayer ruosyardes-vOUItiaggmigate abtout. vidtime. N-lmliet- of thée iica aur ds w erebr.oedupavement on McKinley' Roati hutiveendemand a taier Ihan t ne uoaégt 'asa g ilelm i btic.bhume cil iuir. end Mm-s, lierait. '1â0ý t.. Irith whieh tt fil erIppr. jtously njuelte Sacred Heert statioloe té orîhl lgal 'controversy. tâ an br k. w l beth ro -100 tous. dît0wee . ianttli but-ar fijbeli trder.- oitioteà iylylueevet-edFo ud eetIm edite éca": t-~.b hecueé Itèe re n idevalus and ihe at-lb dae o jcrtSheiiiît Mr.IlOtiatae.. b-1-èr I-t- -é er arnlsml liéirhaite lani od >O Qtt incadiiteeuti>aiadî.ard itbjc eh lilii-ev-el. Fo

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