CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Oct 1917, p. 5

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UBMTY VIL, LKE COUNTY,. ILThOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1917. ________ .ee~** 'h.. fio%,,eanid wii «Ive ada".. n~t e :zS,,O @O~ LIBER« ____________ ,.îiî itaî o v. . 'tt 1 w Vet. -, 1 Ite m s of ffçvloC.qt >", 'sInter es t 'lh I3!?XNE~ I ibe'tq~vi1Ie hi', Who bat , - - M, 1ing irn ib-k.-! leu la r.oa N.' 1àv Takert Fropri our Exchar. 0, - __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ 0b i liof îî whepl chuir ( ThEa i.*-t % ork.r$' S111, ,11 . 11-1 j1 ru iti- îai..i. sr on aflic ,, L~' It's Up tfrYou j1 O,, Brajulet rid ..'ir ii, \îkm"'i. . t i..0,nth"'î.*l~ hl i *r~~~~Pan; trud thp au lamI . r uc nlt t.igi Nîro, i i.. i, t h, r. RIGIIT '«O> If You Know Of News Of N('V-illAwr a.nid the vi-.îmi -mp.-r V'. 'LtL Ii . i!. anijotli,,r ih RAISE PIORE (.I1f~~~~IIS'J Local Interest Please Call 'îxih.$givt.n b ti.. Pl tiiuti;l!I eri-1i, iîml.g. v,,l.,a Telephone Nuniber 1. Id.ieBl oit.daîir- old Dînuieuilix, ctinis.eiouiîniai Lh Mr and tMr@.tisa. FOIl.'t1 O u-.t ben ti're- ...r.'-ix- Six lît loren To Feed the NVorid -1-eëê09 ter. M.anîd Mms J. ilyatt atnl iiwi and i-ntât u l toer r.iv. Fîvierotuta o andi 1) I'oclr a s audgauboy@st tockford. 1 taters ealen up ami 'h,.n--h.iultimnae she TILE ALL VOUR LAND it Wil,,Puy Big Interést Wlth one Permanent Investment OUR STOCK IS'LARGE Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. Wwww pgpê;SSSSS.See.1eê Bî'rn, ta Mr. and Mrs. Clarence -COlhy a danghter, liuudaY. several of our local marchante thls week have smoevery dlsplaY tludowts. Id Hubhard and tamillYare ent8rtaîn- log hiemuother aud ister trou Rchmoud thîs wmk. Mrm Gordou CloueotChîcagO. le vîit- tug ber mother. Mrs. (]. W. Clause thîsi Mrs, Kathertue MrEmer-y of Wauk*è- gau, vistted ber mther. Mrs. M %ltloY lait Frlday. IiossPiora Colhy ramne home M,nday' roum àicigaluo@pend the tinter aith Bne? IDoýbhî rs. A. i'olhy. Huriters are repjirtirîg that gtar,i- r @s,i nquite rîenirulan'i severai gond baga bave tper] brîrnalit ini. ", The servie.. at 1î'clock ri.. t S"UnîdY st tSt. L.awrenuce Episcopal rhvr-bwillI Le IMorriug Piayer Inmearl of thîtral Vu- ehariet. The managemient of the. Lberty Ttieutre Informe us thst &fter the i-lrit of the moti&h he iwl lie ibllg.d to raIie.-the 1 prire of admisbion. Analuminium ghoteer wae given 'rues- day iglbt at the. homet ut Mie. Ada I.evine. Waukea n.for Mis §Edîrli 8pririg of lhîsrýitY. tCub" Ltwiler,Cliarit!o B.rnard, Ernie Browrn and 'e, eral more. of our boys trom C amp tOrat. Rorklord. caime thomeî Saturdea% for 0v-!r nloet and a fpw luturi hopitrtor soum Urne was brought TbeSoîîth Dakutalegislritor has pkàetid hume SuDd*Y eveulug tu Snau 'rbuiauce au auti-trukey trot laie Noie tvat j,. trou Chîcaglo. Himeconditioni i. about needed ln the. Plrggiug up of al tht. b- 1 4 the saue.. inl the Peek-a-hîo waiste TbeEpworth Le&4iiBlluwe enParty Mderofiiial races me.ak a couinuu telîl be lîeld Frldoy nlgbt t the.Id. E. language wheu they hump iinis church. Buelum MaMomU pruiuply at againet ia chair iu the. dark. 8:15 and everybudy çînst h. preseît Potirto diggiug is the. order ofthtie day that lteuds to b. 06Mra t 1) sharp as-ymn we o v te tbls. prregivn o: auuong the farmsre and evtr ai wegtote tble. Àprie gven wouan &and chiid that ci'iu hi prt.seed tht. hat ghosqt *tory. into service lu the field Il; nt work. Thi-re A meeting ha. beeu callt.d fir 1'iur4!--ils a wonder!ully large arerage in the day t.venirîg, Oct. 80, st tht. Audtarium eouuty. baie they art ro, vurnîin t a for the. purpoe 01organlziiig a hoile gond me expectf'd. rhe.lai uo-rs art. ot guard inIl.ihertyvtlle. This wili h.. an oringîng îany vo townn. î.ît ofii ilerri orgaulîation for drtlllug, et., ,niid arîy. p)uttnug thi-m lu storage for hiither privesi on.. wishing vo ses a guarri hF'r.. hoffild whieh tht.y think teilI 'ii.. tî-lnya b.. in-c.ent rt thls meetIng îîh. Ieaoirat.' Tué%idry afieracoon the ~i .Of 4O and ralter Sov..îit,.r 2j' .,!i.lerd. pedeAtritne teaa attractt.d b a mari exi-eft drop letiere. wiil reqit,iiiri' i lalling ru B it ou the walkri thrie corner n Plt.- iilae li'ti u i.niî I Of Milw-aukee. avenue aud Church etreet. <ar i - U e ii i.iî,Thîis It is harned thetthe uufeivtlilatt.e tt.lrt nî.'an., Iîty~.ri.ta was Joîhn Kantaut, of 132l; Linv-lii tht. cargelia . ci îu,î.. hi a., int street. w aukeaAn, teho. accviijaui.d by te rgne, hut@r ... cre 1.n.îptuo esîu. is daughter, n a. orîhi@ lrom m ntîi i. ti,, ie t .oiiii.lit -.-np .1.4 tu way ta enter the. couuty boni.. gaviier iin aboîuv ti <ofut var J. Bernard, Jiju Whîluore. Hil Suhling recv..diie énd John Colt. drovei uv-r tu CarrP "i. ud.t.mikatî rpoeea tirant, RocMlord, Wt.dniedav t'ihid ~Là iîryelakt. think rhe3 t.huuld have au -e fi (,toir hume boys tehi. l..nvtThurs- turrease in wages ru hi upto-dats, lu ai * lay for Texas. good-bye Firtni virOsf inîî,h as ...pr5 ttriig em Irai inererd, thelr sudden departurs teas nul recelived ac:orîlirîg I B meettinig heldi tht.îlt. ~. here outil Wednesd&ay uoruiua .Ta-o of Wi..k. tht. bay@ are Chartes Bernard and *uh Littelier. Bth boys seerp home v it. IETVLL E RS ing ov..r $uudoy but dld ot tia tht.e IETVLL E RS Swrîuld hi called upon ta leave di our.h. IN N& QUOhIR'IERS The itrl l nY h. statioeDtX in Tîzak a Young flrunmfl lesiiu .iuuay i iv amne .,,.. sortn hie ad telI riiii iliee g The ilocirîg of tht. Liberty retaurant J u r e n l i t a t F o r t R i l e p , K a n i.a @ , T h e w e k h e g n n i n g N o e n l e r 't , 1 9 1 , o e u e d a u î î p p o r i u n i r y l i - r t h t . l a d i e s u o f I c oA Uri. t oulê'v ets tht. B.d Crose, a d leave it to tht. lad es arltd or Saturday oetilfg to ,toit bas butin set &@ide for the registration o! D eeG their pare.nts, Mr. aud Mrs. E J* oe 1ILos Ibaapisa elWbna potnt Ipft-te o er G o friey.Teyreune o t.'Ilyso thote aWho fuel thst they a-rh nos have they sure rire (un the job. This week N ý d nighit. unms for othu'r dutieà than tîeY Fnote dis- Mundar tht.cominodeoîrs ravîm retly ocptdb h îet etnatr. Emierson Qires Aex er of..ii c rne dilllty l ae crargea,.-arligt a hseWhavedl .the lutm ue ldb h ietyrsarn e A nmhi o Lriry vll pepleba.e hageaiviithoe ehohae tt.tim cived a thorougli ileanirrg anrd tht. local lbye a-ho have a-euttvo (amp wur-k wich the. aar has hrought. A miihr !tt RdCut ue u G,ât le evn lelr legepargorto fotvr.n1l tire place n-tb tritir tables and rtheri Corne in and look them over. Pricec i Rght lru fe evrgio-!r n itrrlr-îtaiuo u iute fielairleso unt Pinters il,#, traiinig Station on Service hriug cheer ro out oldiers Tlu tht. Ilelîl.f theibattuo!alliTriadere sîreet. rlght o n, mvii y îu rt.acb str..ngth lu aur tgoverument, a d niI l inth. p o l silli o ht .ig.omp a d e. !ith sâ we ue, then tutu vo t e eI ird e i' otice t hie w rld that the -piri t,. 1 v l..i tr F u dniili- C m a it o the h"' andt Idtht. rt.rt o! the building and hadl yo ilifn u omliatPnhi.idu eore ý liji r mbiie uTbes hnîlt that a-ould aceomuudate or harraegNo. 909- tht.le - oiinvf thiemueot righteý)iîirp i.!'wirkenrs tu every way tht. ladîie S( II .~ ( .~A letter ftm yron Prose..r w n - a*1hve buuce.fIi ýin o u SC A A D A E lîît.d sai a tuu8iliau fur IUele Sina a 1.-te;i'\pensit.oo! su-h la changi- ano tir-rhave week agu staveft tat h.. hIn good heaith HAWTHORNE SCHOOL NOTES nard ibriuîrraid nialerial duiiit.d an(]itn I1g~W5D ~.j~T Sard havinig a gon(d tlfie.He alun States Banihoru f a. it i -bIiiîl bai@,u. o i ld au-vthev inform ut. they are iiiifil rurtai ph.. 39. C O M PAAI A Y Lbrtvîlle. tlîat it'ts tht. opuin i ofuauy that a furuttre-aýfta hi Idetachiflert 'ivli oonu go to Txas and a il- a(r a w4ikhvâtaaion hic - îreirittmi iý nîiuvî-a lcn 0îi tha th. budwil aromanythtm. ai. înîanîine paralysie i-iare.îîîînît.e iincr'ied PIwiîh the. .x repinîîîîof tba te bndwil scomau thm. Mie d-laire %lrfter le tht. teaulî-r. a ti.'ihiint.and tir-y are fil h up, soutne Wodleu iiieIP rot.('a3 rlel iftmýÉbieàêcoln Wi fnrihehîtinr n th thîs ai-cou. Elsworth, a-ho le notein France aird Thuuv pi-rfi-ct in ateudatii.e or the-t.i rolallot. A large nîrnîher of ladies Iv-i-i add ' cai Baie Hospital No. ntbiîîMii seiîvl are: Mary Kenn..dy. i *i'iii biitily euagagvd niriking bandages 4f L4i jCor "rhAnieicanExpedltioutry Force lu Ed tiTuuiR..fies Kennedy,.Mta- 1ai',] 'tler iiiuetnî ail!lt.,.fo r th, e,î COAL FqzFrance. îî..1-e lu good heaith and mi'n- gary Litti.. 'l'li.doreDunucan, CIiesterIl..pon-uwbe i-rmv&uriiii .' C./VL ALOfevG- Nav~. r ee_ tlîînc Iat Il a prkage waisent vo hîi Wellse ni-iellaMiller. Jenulmi>e{ian. v.-ry inlustnioîis iiîmî, aimid îîl,îrd ol - ,.v% Ir cO.-toisiinclude an wlu- çakages io! Amrivati erda r Tiornri.vreîi .lice.Thorugren îand one. !frrn(, raenih, ee il,.- i oîmîisill aii cigar..tteu, mBo nAmeriratiiiguirettet. van çe)rwarTiîratlI iliicl i ]M. i-ithi ii hi purchairit thitre. Stars fii d.'-.rtiii..nt a-ere award.'d vu vv tring iii yîur ilier 'liý eter-r lther tliii .ii-,rayKneynlDANIELS TO ENLARGE ppeuh1- luk...) ir-nd tuern, t. an'1 - l lyEly ttiil'horugren. -are put irivo pririt the 1întiîrii'atlun fiupruv..rr.iiv ..rbtIliatei of peuiinii GREAT LAKES STATION. iepreads lnch fa-ter lia,, for ynulta îilrp %trre aaaînivd vu.Mary Kennedy, Wrashington, oct. I13 Secr..tary iSIF t tenpiurelate tii..ditails lu .veryone iglilh grae; iiargary Lttle, sixtn Daniels wiltlleate suiiurda ilîightI ltyiîurueif. urina- îrr theltverî-the Pu blie gradeî'sabel iKm. a-a. fth grade; Cheter iith Rear Admirai L..igii Palmer vo f f * * ale amkina- for thp. Pîtsiir inatters Welh, iîîîrtb grade; Lillie C111, secondui fait the Great Lake. Training Sta- ot au, essily. lie eiiriiited and tht. gLu.t uf grade. W.ho i, ahI ...lueky iu Otober. lin lvslk-y rDh-lnlI communicuations pri-cervt.d iîh a litîle .Tlîoee rrceî vrng perfeet marks lu ei,. IIlavs nelr4.çto h uo O EcntsyteeIàmnyi olan tni s rerision. ilix for Septetuber art. Rose Kennedy, adrae nselr.eivf h'anoi money 4uf~%arianr- Little, £hi'odoreDunucan, Neli oatos a goo investment these cold days.I A party was held at tht. home of 'Alr. Ltl it sx grade apellina-. A ton of coal in your bin is worth a car load in some of Liiiertyvillt.. leit tlundav night lu the. wurk roou for evîntructian work. 3o amreppr Qther fellow's yard, if your home comfort is of any honnir of Mre. Laldagdellure's dauuhter tre tîranir the dîirectîîrc. (irait..A nunihirot relatives anrd trieude _________ accounit. from îhroughout thinstoîwnship were When You ant Coalthere Tht. t.vfi'rihg aai pent lu gaines suti Presbyteriafl Ghn o od and olYou Want Itanid ninsre. A nic.. cupper watrasit.rved . t.r chul10i va. vIT- GodadPlenty amîl ..veryone hal a very enjoyable time. Imrniiit gwi'rsiiip at Il1a. m. The 'tii ta-.iv e members o! the q uari nt-i'inunîi iii. service a-Il e 1S High Quality Coal la the OnIy Kind We Ilandie . "u wet-h da fhu. br ii ertp .-I rt the Pret.syteiaii, Maire. Satnrday Th icaition ol reneeadbp ferna dmantos îîlig in a frrea-il surprise parti'o h-tr -ieiullnaion fa0da11o fît avîiniî îtlî W . ls R NsN J e sita rart tvineday as a lay )a f easlan h ~T ~ Z E 14~Mr: .1, A. Muirray, %I.S.iMurray has PuyrfrteNto n iteiir-0 Telephone s5 LbertyvîielogLnateteldiebrothloSevc hswlb uevd.i sa.-iity ailýi a' îrînny irleis lu it. A- evc lh i b-osre. .iîg a fine assvortranu rlTtýut t fi!'g -vspnd i'alyan hristian Eiiiiuavvir meeting at i6:4.. i etii!very tîjoderatel y1 rofrsliiensaeieeer i- te dyies. Eveing V c- riv t7:30 "Tire F..îjr 'i L.akic- iimm3 gond roads rentrai Th, e iuirmin th,, Fox ký üinMs.Mrayli ody thtoies.forHnndreîltlîAinii'..ruary ii tht. Ri-firmna- S ciiiering dilýMs of the. propoiied bnd gîo i îid lien ,îbooîîuil liiu .:.i CU.f' tHfflTinnd ullittie gm I îi v ut tIiePasv'i'l'lie, liew. (lireit-uli $ i-m.1 n Lke county. The pamphlet! The baetle of bbc Marne aoiinde i'bu . Mîirrrv Holirnen I Itd ý,h colinins 2 page andMurra Hoffneu iave noilmi J.1Iiiiiioein or tiii- nw iaoed l mail-r rn delail Evryfl lterested, c*aored wth Gratin lake onnaSur. ase vrortwte vr lig Tu iib -Pnvrietl.oniiiid leeae whelhur for or againt tht. bond 18-1 nyniomna- tht. y. - si , asieed veîureenua-r., nti etna I re n ii l,i.'lriv iieugiij suc. bouldread tht. pamplet tetoa~- tonati, enouglu to aet a good blii iii!aaidMany a-hi, ,sawthei c av t t Thep 3 u'i-dnuuî u it o:..ainliet-B trlisn a mhllnizethemelve a-tb th. plna ait îîudy alo go saue utche the. largest idockrlhey hall ever-seer.. lv lîg and soia viiulbt. heldi on 'ihnriday* neoLais ad andobecs f hl bndIsue moiti y teal and ruddles. a-as estfmated thuit tearly 200 waas lu eventsg, Nov, ist rt 7:4ý-i at tht. chirc. lnofLaie'.n tht. loci anrd they wree lying'lu fairly Auir rtereetiirg pr.)grarn baishieu a'- price(,,$' :ouiderably Maur0ce Browne, bead 01 Chicagos lu Germair> an. dAustria the, prie' gond aider. a-lîh tht. excepilons of a fea- rangsd o!ftvocal anidInstrumeirtal miisiv theuîî. - .tt'1Natit., FYidaY a-as ordered of gasolî $6 iinr gallon; inwblcb .eemed tu get lont at lin@ et timeoi ad an addri-cî hy Wî. 0.Irarrier. 11).1D., hy Justice"yçera In Lke or' Swîterlad, $175; Hoîîand, $150; perhap an account a! vhsstaru tehleh late President of CarrollîCoilee. BRe! ré.h hI. ~umk. 735;ttal, $; Spluwould 'confuse them. Thsy Iewtu e nI cte a-Ilha served afier thp proffram. W est ».P*,J'naýýmttbOs,-,i$ Ieïr Denark,$1.3; Itly, i; S yoaftforuatlons but the V look thé Ail usuhers and triende ai the chnrcb W . -e "dli, $431 alego\dueerasba 81.10; Greece, $1.60; Fitilce. 12, ma wtb ,s.vetai otber Vsa ad oaUriare lnvtted. rau.. and Great Brittatu, 96 cents.. Une folowing. C. A. Monaens. Minster. - TWO TO WAUKEGAN. 7, t m 1 im m Sec on-d Team Gam'. sai Geume. Rght forward. lef t forward. Center. -'- ii........'M".nly' Lef i guard, *1. 'fîrwrît. Rcsult -E B. C. tli., Libertybille 28. ..igl ardI m s i.Ne .l ,l h-a n l k t i l i t f o ý% a d .L a kv e B l u f f O r p h a i l a g t . " l- ! v s t H o i f ý I. NIaiuîr', L.eft forward. Festival," and contributions ot v.'ge- ,d... .... ........O Mian , Y tables, fruits, clothing. mm>ney. etc.. Center. ,will i bpgrtefully r.-ceived. Rlght gîjard. LOST-W C 'T. U sileerni.dil liitwe-Bn mit.................. Evan, To iîwîî"tî' flgh sehool and C l. &k'48. Left guard. P 'ilepirt. FIder plemie return te, tht. Ait-E. B. C. 27, Lîhertyville 20 joflite. 4e -Member gave >' mone/in ile fYoti earrl, ycu. are no' on1» 1lo. in.srmoney but re Jiscotiflhfl'YbuW clnk -Mieen 5f' j i "4Telmo" Brand Th, 1,1o-în brand of uinned goods are Awu ail over the country aud have the aproval of the v.îsti holuewife. You are ACAT IN ABAG wlwîî yoit purclîase -Telimo" brand, bot-au"~ , you knlow tlhé, story your cau-opener will re- veal before you ope~n the with "Teltmo* oit it. "Tehn)o" 900&dt an be pu-rchaaed of its antd when we recormmend thom, we are ' muly earryirîg out the word of thie titrer who staîîdr' baek of thîim. See oui d(isplay window, thon tomne in and piî-charie some f eithe goods4 and we are f'11-e til wl hbe 01W usomer. W! fURNISII VOUR TABLE EARL CORLETT 1 MEATS AND OKOCERIES and COATS' i ther items of weariiig aiîparel, ftirm are cheap c stylos are iiuîusuallyattractiva. We are show- t of Ladies' and Mîsse" ,ts and separat.. muffs,, pricedl. Soit]e very eute o. hildren's sets at front .00 TO $2.75 eiii a variety of materials, but IlrokLdeloth is 1have large c!ollars, soute of fur andeore plush e iii duplieates inthe lot. [y iii the seasoii, we wore able to secure a nice 1Cbildren'e, Sweateris, whlch we are eelllng at yl)e1ow the present values. Cornein and ee ROLL & SONS Cc Manure Spreade rs The Beat Paying Iniplement' on the Parm FIret Tý L. io vý, mi a frolu For a' lealth ly. A ý was Ji the .i and J and ýthptiý! ôVêr), lit. 1 Dwa

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