1,. 19178 ,- - - Northem m d- un mi'Greateat Stor. for omien'a anid Children'o ReadY-to- Wear carrythw.ei For examp les of the BAR_ ~AIk~ e~our ENORMO US STRETCH of Windows t6* alM iMeau» rallie thanhae dis uawu or MM., b «I r 1v lninLakoecounty who owns an automo- bil d a yoefrte bondisuTued*y the. ma- J ~<44bave begu nc«irsaae4 conidesbly-for w. W tiat do not ovu cam vo mad. Il a pû nt to~ g9 o *14 ols. W. aliseknow a. lot of oh*rs who otI u~sInombntoi omebody giseto ë" ~t4em 1t,le DU." d1 you ever stop te tbik: -Wty ultbould YOU VUietadsg a n *6 in poa u OUR car Mod lw"amuo11hn o oucaru lu uat- non boutcatèreud 10 n&dfodled ýoré""Mymuy«*eadvantage of thée PR! VILE la th lectiUon ofILK. Weah totheoffice of circuit 3*. cf« th@11h JudicWaldieticý. wbich. iruzduu Lab vuty,q4 of the. district Miade a *vse oics. 1Mr. iégard.d alsisoo f the ablm t tbru.ys inorth- éci ilIuoI sad the. tact, liaIlftons got 'togetiier in «Ob»abago oeuu1d mnder.d him taie ohhur countla oh b. distrit mau *olc.for J*dgpidictes11tan*d- 44 b. bM bad l»a ou ceuitï SrAd wb1Uore uld 1-# * $1 1. vols. 0f the.otze coowiUeu of the. MOt11to .»tolu ««b a u Êtedfbout la hisown c Xuty?1f'Weaiowall 8 .11of1th*mw viii rmit to4 ç tamqq lef yhWpJte 1u , J Prot~ Md I uina moà'ot at cty zmoa, d- 1mw tw - ý . esof L'm b s leco o u«e Edwards sud Judg. ONE 4R0W 0F PATRIOTISM. W. and very, man thers in the county fbel greatly pioaied over the. auc ofhh e ti.bond issue lu Tu.sday's s elia cUon. i We b$liwo, t la a vsry important ot.p tovard enbanc- ig th1e valua of aIl lo nlm@»Iacuxty 10 au entent tb*t cannêt b. mm eaar*LluiWÈ Evsw7boy rai t4Mt good, bard ro4s uun 'gth- ba ouuty, evlo alsmf , a",et 111 vale 0 0 W - tty a ion wbich lis .aUrabl as oipssd vllpricewh1cfor- merly eilsted. It in toc, bAd, of course, that sufficlaut money could got b. ralsd aIt " th"ne 10 rovidi a system oi roada ich would comte tioure euuty a1k once, but 1k. ail thlug4 roada ipuatb. lbÙini» mMUiarto tutrI* Rabond làuebij to o1coe ta tf-teCo i woJ, ae etein lth tiua Itict vquei on beetionoa tbt oIbi hebond n8* id lbyuKu4thrf pos.g ,nertgb. zovewM e lcliuIlap lit tpr e 4 another bond issue comqs up and otiier tbeiri1.A-Af1.volera ho arp to b. boueftt vi&Ü4for auultance. U otber *11Wsac ~s~wzte aà a - te c ou»-* pq~ ~ tz îIPut1ê~..Uçe, mthouli dtoth# votursto ~opa~ii t ~uil11 a4 m mg near Get tiku Thttheria a tromg vave 6f patriotIam z» Lake coun- te la loi i ub'.t m J- - p'W Iýî«10 the ré- (j%.J 1k 125 Plu"h Coat at $8.75. 'hJ~~.LL -i - 16 Nôvelty Fabric at $9.75. $37.60 chiffon Broad- cloth at $39.50 $18.75 Coat; 8peciJai at $12.75. "Nothing Succeéds Like Success"---a saying old, but true, as: is evidence d by the, fact that fourj of the worltd's largest coat manufacturers have gÀi'en us the exclusive agencieà for this territoryr. They are--- Woolt*x m Sunahine-m Korrach- - Redfern 1,9 In a Gýgan*l Sale, for Saturdayo and Al ,Next Week -at 4 ,97,1275,$15,91%e759 o 4 Consiing -of $Sow Room and &dlesmen's Samples and Our (Mýn Lines AS4LRo reat proïp'.tions is this --- each purchase will embrace tJie essentials of an U)lusi.1*.Hy and adàiantageous transaction, for it mnust be rernembered that here yu eeto smd rr Norhéerx llnis' largest eoat dèjsrtinen t, wliere tiiere is a seeniingly eîidless variety of cleverly fa8hioned coats. TR~E Ss.pecial purchaMsS negotiated by Mr. Hein are, beyond aldubt the greatest, an timptat ev oàiuunnatcd by a single store outside the very largest cities. E also ECON0MY and SATISFACTION, go 1%and in hand; economiy because of the rare savings offered; satisfaction jbas satisfadtion is the direct result of these three. Thé best style., workrnanship and fabrie at the price--and that price the loveat. Cnîs Up l. 12.75 in Ail Sizts c4>as Up to 15.00 la AUl Sizes zCouts Up t. 18. 75 A4 %t,4u t C olons Co.t*1 Our, Dominance of the Coat Markets Draws to Us Marked Con- cessions from the Biggest aýerf (OA galore- oats <f eve ry deseription and- for cvery C".Tccaýàsion; a eoat for every womnan, in just the par- ticiilar style slie wants nîay be lhad in this sale. Here arc fur trinnned and helted eoat~s ini various styles. Many %vith plaited or shirred backs; o(>thcrs have fur tasseled sashes, button trimining, hugh oHs etc. ,Fabrics: ~frmiours Pm 1Poins Pluses Oilvertoiies Boliviai B11k VYeonr and VoWvet Colors: TaupeIrO Brown Tans Ruamian Greens Navy Mixtures Beotroot P"ki and Black Cpats Up t.g 32.50 eih SÛR Lla.d I Never bcfore %vere our assortuients so co8nplete as to I5V~h Isize-we (,an fit any woxuan and eVery woman tllat eaui I posibly be fitted anywhere. 0f cou.rse, wc have thousands halA of coats, but the early biiyers enjoy a marked advantage. -Sizes for Women, Misses and Juniors êwUp t.25.00 c.as UPtoj 3.650 i ~~~Id1i~ I VLtP ~fZI.plehv -Wovak.gan1 fIL tri~ a l.18lf C', 0 vvrl