CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1917, p. 2

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ÜWNG <a &DOLAN G4," mi*e idGranite -monuments meýyW«rk toiEver, bpclton = nce -bollcltet WuihatneeS H. D. BOY1? a Wisconsi Land Man. r1sciçnsin Farina wîth and Without Stock. lJbowralTon. Rosi Barsains. H. D. Boyd boyilk 11. Phono 53. IINSUfRANCEý lie, U, A'eilpt anS »Wt4 PISIO Qase, lu. t»Asoaàe mi Wokng Tou Iw*nc. ~ss 14K z-:1*styI LsUt 1»o1. I.L.TAYLOR -to af ad 7 t 8P,. dom o, oaiw, opp"oetPart aï U = eyuie ll.. Dame».WI 70"Wl. &M.uMd 1 *01 a.M. o Isýl4- se o D.m 5vw00 O. eLus MbIIYW lYwIDNESDAY ONLY eOM ILOVJ DIUG STOM DL . P. DUTrHPmLD. 7 MMZIAET SUUGON. i A5i&ir TATZ YUT5n»AEmg. EHRANAN Y. COLBY .Attoiney.t.Lew 0" at Homa, Cook Av. Phono 1«4J 1.1411RTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYEIL IL.fMC AUI'omAlT.'l, Llbsriyvffl e L--- « aceudin Roi. lboas 155. PAUL MAC GU NLVOr-IWDEA Mau.IY-4c. I Zudge and MM.Ch"a. B. DMflUtY ol WoodstOckk bave announoe4 the Oeuflmit « thoir diuSkter, aW fflina, tO Ueut. Leslie Webttr .e Usin. The wdding 'ail be a laie Ifoyembor aTt mal 'illho a n4lI- tay affai. Mies Donnelly latheoRS- est daughter of Judge ani Mns. Don- nelly and la a POPUaISrali iWeil knovil young lady. M(. Wobtet le agrmduate ot Kenit olege of Law and recelved bis MlUtLlT treining at the firet Ofieera' reeerve camp at Pt. ÉheridiT, where be received the COin- mission of lieutenant. He recently recel ved added recognition of mlltary and legal abllt>' at Camp Cirnt. Rockford, in bis appointinent ai judge advocate. Before entering illtarY service he vas employedbinte Iaw offices of Glennon, Cary & Walker. lte fra nained belng an uncle of Miss flonnelly. if it's of an>'newa value, YouWilll find It in thte Librtyville Independent. Wcnt >4d RAT ES 6 cents per iUne ach inserfion. Lias th 6 filnes, 26c firs in- a" r ln. 4. FOR SAME + jKINDLING WOOD FUR SALE 81160 lai 2 oromd. Terma cah. À-re lm Bonse, Round Loke, 111. 4"c FOR SAL-Btgh grade noetewncattle, new imikkés sud oprlnhers. Phase gq.~g. OiI A 9*i<k. 82t NORSISSDLD,bonghtandemoaaiihd Cahor tora, N. R. LadS, ffphone 4, LibartYvIllo. l Pa iso Fauffman for euom. FARMAS BRIlNG GOOD0 PRICE. Large Tat Land on Dushues soi h rqoq&eOffice for tit& week ejdlnýg oct. 127, 1»17, b>' A. K. Bowes, assistant seOretar>' af thte Securit>' Tltle and Trurst Comapany'. Number of conveyances, 91. 1 Total number of instruments liteS, Total somunt of! banq. $28,296.30. Basiness bas fallon off durtng the week aud lbans are awya below the average..1 The follastlng are lth- mare lmport- ant de-aIs: Ln Waukegan-Frank P. White pur- ch*sed a 64T- foot lot at the sauth- we si corner of Glen Flara and Northl avenues froin Christîna Pébersen for a nomifial conaiderataon. Lýaurence R. Wilder bougitt ail o! Glen Flora Sprlngs addition and land est of saine 10 rallroad. on North I Shteridan road and Greenwaod avenue from, James A. ftnd John R. Fulton for a naminal conaldorabion. John H. Duggan bougit the Corn A. Oray propert>' on te veut aide of North Count>' street, juatsut t Of Plraukllu street, for a nominal con- alderalomi. in Northt Chicago-Hatley O Thotopson and vite itoughltva otao an tite wvomIaide of South Park ave- nue, narbh' of BroodwaY, from C. A. No'acoinb, trustee, for $3.000.. In ilghland Park-Theodoro Kani. mai hought the Charles F. FiMahback nr",von Ravine avenue, usai the * ï~. ENTwaterworks. l'or 328,000, FOU £.NTjosepht Delitaye bougit 250 test of . . . . . .'. .4. fronage oteeautBide ofGage ave- FOR RENT-lI>' fat'will ho vacated nue tram Curtis N. Kimbali for $. Ot. 15th on Bout trb Ave., Biut flaor. ()(). nqulre second flot, El! Soderberg. 89bf ln Warren Township-George An- FOR REi4T-280 acre farin fl5ar Lbemiy. derson houghl the James D. liainlin vins.' Gaod stock and dalry tamm. Tva farma o! 30 acres lu soutbvest quai- oMdhaîra. 8 room bouse; ailHlgh ter soction 1 for a nominal canaldera-, rallng, po vaste lad and ail ln Mgod halL eoonditlan. Addieee . iDl o Indepon- In Avon Townahp-Jeptle W. and dent cu. 4«tiIMarie Thompaon bougbt part ai the . . . . . . .. .. 0uth.etquaxter aoutheastquattqi ofto 1on the souci aide ai Round * MIATEWI!ÂTE *+ Laie fronGeorge Rchardson for s * 7011 8ALE + nominal conalderation. . . . . . * +. .. . . n Wauconda and Cuba-.George FOR SALE-The Josephins M. VowIo ler - itougt te Scedort fam ai bousa la lbwqtvills, 8 rou bouse l 134 acres lu sections 27 and 34, Wau- ber, 4 but Iront on Bainard M conda, aid section 3. Cuita, froém cie Elzabet obanek, Siseuteix. L master ln chance>' for $34,729.71. ln. Cub..,a dl Tnwnhiea--Mae 1409ARFOR 8ALE-L.argelegs-room bise, hoSui fi bortvIls.bma Wlpg laun. Sms gmdonspot.,Mauta it, fruit tiss; aSUmodem coSYuIfluwm a roomy bars, alagooodlo.WrIte Io Y. 1. Uekst, Woodstoi*, I19. 41et FOR ÇAL.f-We ba"a& nimber ofam a hbmssforcolorient. Dymond Autin, UàbeutryIe. 111 FOR SALE-Rous non otb Park Ave.. wib a&Il modern eonvantencs. Oeil Alhany 8M (hCbkgo. 27ti FOR SALF-M sicoe nsmfiés d a bal nrtb i Zurich;, mrrd rune tbroitgb promiaeso. lectuie ligit and oui mi llg vater. tlervimeble faim buldings, asy toeusto the iight pur- cisasr. Iquis Paul Macouffin. ati FOR SALE--Choies r«eaotla@ on mcKlnls Ave. Alinpravaments. Uris.a. J. Grium. 27l . .......-...... + K.Ip Wanted-e"&e q. . ....*........ WOMAN to do sdtuhbiag et Indepen- 1dent ooos. ti 1I " tOpWattecI-0 +*1 U Spunner bought the George W. spunnér farim of ils acres iu north- esst quarter section 24, Cub, and sec- tion 19, Ela, for a nominal consdars. in Verton-Tho Wincoflaln Cm denseS Milk Company itougitt 11% acres In th.e outb'aest quarter a! sec- tion 16 at Prairie Viev framn Heur>' A. Kuopf for $3.300. MUY DESCEND Monday Evening Saw First Minature Blizzard of.the Winter Season. MERCURY DOWN TO 20.1 )M 0hOld Jack< Frost, King Baro" nud l 'aW TWO BOYS fom 14 U) 16 yesra aS Id toe rout o! Ibeir vintr>' crev arri1vo Illinois voIt evaieulOa ting pins. Appi>' aýinluWaukegan Monday night. and push. Ore ioc Cole & ClousHarnes@bop. 42tl eS tae temperature dovi below theo OncePhoneU WANTED-100 corde 4 vtcr ood. treezlng mark. The>' spattered thoîr - WIhI pay ecah. CIiiuv 47 Liletyvîlle wares vitit a lavith bandd iStiis ipI3I, Lumber Ca. 40tl mornlng the firat ruaal n n'I0f te LAW. -se-- -- - - -bason cavera theo ground. lTe nmer- liaisa + O IIN W j D cur>' dropped as loy as 20 ditring ___________________________Manda> nîgitb and saine persona 'aven WANT-Day vork b>' lady vItb expert- clamaS dIl wenl dovu la 17.Tihe ICKER once as nurslng anS cooking; alta. bave snow af Monîla> evening came lu s -AWa roamo-e inI. Mr@. E. Faruham near veritable bizlzard, 8Shoot to hall. 44tf Wile te amai beys are gettina - LLINOIB 4. 4.. .1.. .a. .1. .1.a.. .. aout titeir slide andS nowse ios and 848 L880i £O5~c5OfWOi U eam e dmnel* ,fr . Boun j lavah nea*abo etike ame o . 1 i ea - IMONEY TO LOAN. We salicilthte tu quliry of thaee dealrlng ta borîow moue>' on Farne or otherlmprovad LakeCoant>' Rua Estate. Viret National Bank. Libertyvllle, Illinols. fiai 8TRAYEO OR STOLEN-10 Turkoys. rReward oui l ori niaimatilan idng ta rthata uacovery. Leave iungtion at rImsgMs 0810eo. 44p1 klcking up tepir heels for ver>' loy ai lte arrivai of sinter, tite rest o!fte Initabltants are sitaking titeir heade anS Seclaring thal. Ir- al Ibheir ex Perience tes never-rememher sudh a Snov Storm in October. There isafn reason ta suppoge tai titis- snony ilI bast ovur a day or w snd after itlais one tou n a>'conte the heautbful IlidlanSummer vieic titi climate usually boassU O! At b Urneo!fte ysaan sd 'alih, for moue unacountaitle oaon m o1*b, - cIS-tracked nad delayed ln trilWat ai., ta J., w. and Me-Thosaaos tract et lfad tu outhvo5t qnarteei .utet tquartaiscotion si,, Aibli Lowslt. W. D. $10. Cbreitlla Paterson te P., . WIIIW, north 5436 foot lot 1, block 1. Lyon- dale, ;Wqokeoaa. W. D. 8706. T., W., S9#i band vife te SaraIL5 Repetba, fWtt, Sbav's Long Laie subdivision. W. D. s-. WmD. ite .and aile te MailY A.j W*taon, lot 19, block 1, Chinea Add. Aii$ioclt W,, P.-uo.i Mary A. Wtsaon and husband te Suit. Anto<li W. D.-41. ; Mm. Elama Bates te1H. J. Dunn- tlg, lot 8, 'block 2, Catheorine IHoffa *Fub. Wtukegan, W. D.-$10t.00. T. M. lfoftt, lot 1. block "A." Cralga Oct. 23,19-. W. Spunner and wlte te Mae L. Spuy -'-r, 118 acres ln, section 24, Cuba, and section 18, Eli. township, W. D-$31.00. -Master ln Chancery b o ea. Raab. 334 acres in sections 27 and 34, Watt- conda, and In section ?,, Cuba town- shlp-Seed, >$34,729.71.1 Oct. 24,11911 W, fRies anS wlfe te Pauline Marclle, lot 11, Pelter'a, Lake Cathterine suîl, . NO . $1- C. N. KZImbaîl and %vite la Josepht Dellhave. lots .12. i .ý andS S' lot 10, blk 8, Wrenn's afi l Highland Park- W. T). $31000. J. R. F'ulton ýýç wife tate.L. R, Wil- der, lot 4, blkk 1, Glen Flora Springs add te Woul<egan-W. D). $10. J. A. Fulton, et a], ta L. R. Wilder, 20 lots ln Glon Flara Springs add and tract of land adjalning in Waukegan -W. D. 010. Anna M. Fox, et al. to L. R. Wilder. lot 3, blk 1, Glen llora Springs add Wauliegan-W. D. $1000. Oct 26. 1917. D. C. Purdy 'and 'alfa te A. C. Purdy. N. "0 feet o! S. 100 ft, lot 7. blk 29, HighlIand Park-W., D, $1. C. F. Flshhack anS vite ta Thea. Kauffmaun, E part lot T and W part lot 2, block 29, HighlIand Park-W. D. 0. O.D. Gosaid vife te Jan Bakbys. ki and vite, lots 40 la 43. blk 42, Waahburu L 4rk, Northt Cblcago-$410. f J. D. Hamlln and vif e ta Goe. An. derson, 30 acres ln SW'/S. sec i, War- re onlwusbp-W. D. $1. SISTERIASIIt3 1%#iER m Au3 MAKEý: A LAME .EXCUSE. Say-n jsm .for Wyauegan, -ot. 26. WheffiA X Watsoti, aàged 3t. sulted to aliglit fIL aetreet'car aI -Pearce'.s there' vas a'clatter as ae e bevy article drapped ta the pavement. ln the 11gW. shted hy s atreet llght Po- liceman Nfax Leiche, -who vas stand- lng near, env that the abjetc sens a revolver. Thte nuot moment ho baS placed the colored man under arresl and marci- eS hlm around ta ýthe police stition. An examination of the gun sitowed il via 28 caliber, -fulI>'bosSeS. M-e hhd cornet at 1-46 o'clock t'hie mornlnz nearlly a dozepn cartrldges ln bis pocit- et. WatBaî spent tite nigt ln a ce-Il and wat arraigned before Police Mig- labiate*Walter Taylor Ibis marnlng. He denled titat'ho made a practice o! carrying te gun ,but saiS h.. simpl>' vas oarrying fitot bis rooni- lng bouse on Oeeee atreet. bic saiS a friend- baS given hlm the extra Cartridges. Walson taiS the- police ha varka ai lbe north plant of- thse Oas Company'. Rbis excuse aounded mather lame and be vas assessed a fine o! 8100 anSdconts for carrying coîcealod "I kno'a1 esouldn't have carred the gui lu my pocle-l ought to have earrneS it lu my band," thei negro maid. mIe vaulectured ceverely. being taiS that no mnai lu bis position ha« any business, carrying a gun, muci lacs o uSderpresent conditions lu lte Country. Watson sail he had eorme mono>'lu htIe tsank anS that hf vould - Mrs. Kate Thom p $ays Sho Loaned John Dugdale Money But He Claies SetOff. SHE IS HER OWN ATIORNEY. Dugdae Preved fio PaJdHI Maf tParemtsbTomlwtone ï Wanieg., Oct le. Three yeare ago Jobs Du$Wae ef Waukegau iouud himmel! temporarhl>' flnanclally embarmaed. Thte oui> My> o! ligit on bis pecunaty horizonI seemed tobehoieasister, Kate Titorpe, go 10 ber ho veut and explained the rmason for bis lack of tuila an dtP!.- maîlcaIll titat he arauaed ber Inter, eàb te the extent ai a $70 lian. The yeara vent oy aid ahe coul gel notbing but promises and ver>' fcv of titoso. 0 In a case e!t tlla UknS ane may a!. vays resait la the 1sa 'ahon other meais fail, so brother andS culer ap- pearod titis morning ln Justice FMaim- er'a court anS 1mtb base the tamlY skelstons. She clameS a balance a! $45 on lte original boan, of $70, 'abilo lie olaluied* Se a atoiff$37, vblch incluSeS oua- half court conta aid abtarneY's fees to partition suit agaitthce DugdaJ§ state vhlchbe ahimiself bad paiS, aise, one-italt o! bill engravlug toinb- Stone on teir paieils' grave. titis amont heing $10. VAf ber a etormy> meeting ln tbe jus, e ice court ln 'ahicb eveiything vas ln evidonce except familly affection, the snoke o! hattle finall>' cleared leav- iig John Dugdale thé poorer b>' a r-judgmont or, $3.lQ and court casti. 9Thte justice, ln other varda, recogniz- c d Dugdale's set-offa. Attorney' Orvia Prepresented Ougdalo viie Rate aTborp, sî-orntng lte -assistance o! igmers man, wsber own attOrfley. -t IOWA COUNT SHOWS WETS WIN- it Des Moines, la., Oct. 27.-Tho off i ciai count of th. racent lins eWt end dry eliclion was competaS hors te- day. it shows thei wets victorp In tis prohibition stata, by a majorltY of 1,06. A movya alrs.dy ha*s tOrtod for iaglsiltivê 5fl5ctlIsIt t 10 opa. sebooss, with salas roaiteSpmnbbly tel beuand Ilig itt né. Te Wll #«M.loeat h aais Psuést'onie - conolitutlÈII robeit let Congrées la OD#seubs. ta Po yhba fâne. Noia Win ýe &ICOBosita. -M ~ ' TO 's AS AN Oego publîsher. v a nsod onaerCourage. ig ogo ubIshe, ws nmed Ypser- Tenacit>' of vii. or willulness. lien m day au senior oMlcer o! Chicago4 aI lthe mot of ail courage, but courage th fleet o! cuhmarlne chasera. Il viii con mise loto true manlîneas only 'ahen In ho manned b>' wealthy recruits trou the *111 la suivendered, and lthe mare id Northt Shore suiturbaettho have grai- absolute lte surrender of lthe vilthe e used faintraling t lte Geaimore perfect vii h bte tt-oiwr 'of aur hp Utedfrot tain « n attheGrçatcourage sud lthe strengîit,!ofaur mon- eLakes Naval station. Tit efet bif Unens.-]Ccange. been buiît on bbhe(Groat Lakes. IIUýE T ARNI WA R REVENUE TAX EFFECTIVE NOVEIBER lst, 19119 IS THE REV- ENUE ACT APPROVED OCTOBER 3,1917. SECTION 500 0F TH-IS ACT PROVIDES AS FOLLOWS: (a) For a Tax of 3 por cent for the transportation of freigbt. (b) For a Tax of 1 cent for oacb 20 cents or fraction thereof paid for transporting parcela or-packages by expross. (c) FOR A TAX 0F, 8 PER CENT 0F THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE TRANSPORTATION 0F PERSONS, THE FARE FOR WHICH LS IN EXCESS 0F 35 CENTS. (d) FO1R A TAX 0F 10 PER CENT-0F THE AMOUNT PAID FOR SEATS IN PARLOR CARS. "The taxes imposed by tiais act are to be paid by the perfon, cor- partition, partnership or association - paying for the services or faâÊilities rendered and the party furnishing9 the service shall make the collection." THE TAX, as aboyé prov-ided, will be coilected by AGENTS or CONDUCTORS. I.O T-3l baeist Ynlu d er islam â1 lasédaofc il, , la .11 -I.JL ý2- ý---2 MW-A- JLi .,l VirgniaItacltlSkl Vitoog. nteéPost- -tgt C.Bond, Gsi te. ofi fdM ndSokn Paul C. Belle', ]Pt. Sheridan. oe n Gertude ubemChicgo.Up on Two Cent $tamps. Fred WacbtaI, Obleago._ý RIva Isaac, tCic. CANNOT BEAT U.NCLE SAM. * bOSSrd laèlrso, Cicago. TtacÉel Prince, Chiibego. 'EIo i 0o u t i ntheUnited Chartes Kemerllog, Chticago. States tilîtabo eiâsot,'b,$y 0ai Neas 1. Neville, Chiicago. spoculation and get *aa>' ith JIl. Niche]a Tomasevicit Chica.go. A Wgukegai nm ifIpuiatWs4c, tal, MYrtle lePherreon. Chicago. etc atre io uair~î Florencbe RJune n, Racine. Postinaeter rady an1! stlugesed te WF lre- W .e Rde a cinGay de. adviqab i y o !' buy ig a large qua nt G W il li m W . K r a , G r s ae . tiI > ' o - n t P o t a a e t a a p s in o r Simon dxn e, aume l. der ta ave thm on hanS ftr Nov, So i co sdvo ue , a k ea . I ts i mitîen lth e t irfe cen t p a mtiage r t, Domlall lirzsus', ente 9ges Imb aff-ect. 1Re luggested i0%Ir. Arndalowboen, sane. i,radv tib i lwî»ild be a aire tbtng Amanda ohnFon saita blly a lot ol lhegse Tcen, Iean,,- Michael C.. Pelerson. icaciné. and lhave- lit-r on hand, whereî,hc'n Emma Syverson, saine. 1Mr. Oraîl a.r-.dwiîb blm ieartiliv Johni-i1.vis, H lgiwood bu t %n h ii Ih. Fw i lai itle mnil Francçe, Ekompinski. Na Ilcsao ilies'd te 2-cent s..lmp wnild uaXe .liîîeaW'. Slîaw. Mlilwaiikpc. Ih.- lt- -of a i-n.tagrjl> wtî,i i 1-,- Ida E. Kriîegpr, 3aln,,, new rate wa> n *fi-ffýq it, i-pie-ioa-' r YdwarStP. 1W. Iahnkçe-.Waut-aail. v.r'.sonon îllIsîîIonIzed hlm. 1 Alina 1 . nl-.No. Chicago. vii. u(of ii t-.,xrlanpd1 Mr. raS>'. lames L. FHarknes.i. Itreat "Ii l{s. 10 ot it ton oitith brt- 1ci-t suarnt Miargaret'Fagin. No. Chicago,. >un tùletie-rs.' JOe-I1, Isaacs, Jr. Milwftiik.p-e Oh.1"extclainit-ui the mnu."f cidni Beatrice C. Sheridan, Ba, junderstand thai. 1tlhought the prit.- Josepht Jordan, Chica.go. !o! a 2 cent siamnp sas m.-r.-ly tV yrai Hermene Ryqelyair>' sane. ;one cent sinder te, new rate- "No. ve have a 3-cool s;4ttîîîp aittal iloe and if you bUYan), 2 Great L.ates jackieu viii be serveil cent stainpp nos, sou cala use thoni olS-fashioned Titankagiviug iurkey on the Iters ater thlilit but yta'ii dnunes iy memberk o!fte central bave ta add a 1-cent stamp witi t lit. Couticil. Illinois Ladies' Catitalie ta make lte tetier go titrougii.- DenêIt ssocatin, ocortng ,) c. Wei," concluded lte man,."I gaeis tien t acsoetamtiering ty c i .there wn't hc any advantage ln bu>- tiontain a a neelng riS>' Igi.lns a buncli of Oncle Sam's posg.- 8 lanfp s e iis tinte." - 1 d e ir ýd a te R- I,, Le W %limc E i

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