ÏÀUEiNSUB. WAUKEfiAN COL- 2 MARIDWOMEN IBSTO TOTAL OREI)1MEN LEAVE PINCRkeD 1USIANDS "An nnlTnr 1 a11 ASV IMU MD Naw9I1ItlAif BI3AUSIT WAS IYARL(iR SO ~AIMBER PAY- DISAPt>eÂ; POUICE MENT W'AS STOPPE»' INSTITUE SEAUCI 'Near -Beer'm~as Very Near Parents of Amelia Oven of' IBeer:-Depite Schwartz's North CIiloagoAlarmed Over Claini to Contrary. Her Disappearance. I%àA ni lr A i smî. rn/ ssivil 1.q fllBfl DV TMF Diii IE'l Ju Ut w$66,UWWNwrii tintAKIfILAr fiw??jLIàf UIiïR-uI. Ip.roxmate Figures Given by First Contingent of Local Col- Asst. Chief TyreI Makes Raid Banks Show Waukegan In- ored Boys Leave 1,0 Enter' on SuhSi Home and vesed eavly.Trainlng ai Rockford. M ksArret.n, Waulcegan, Oct. 29 ONE MAN ALSO NABBED. MUNS TAKE $50,000 EACH. The. hitlng colfi of ibis mornlng fid 111 Enomos A outs ubcriednot i-bethe et chill the enthuelatit Another Man Made lis Esefl ' by Fort h a1d iand Naval ered lnthe Y. M.'C. A. at7:30 ocloek anefrSh Ti . Stw~~Ttl ho ner te Uaft e natonalWatkegan, Oci. 29. e Wankffan, Oct. 29. aMy, Part Of vbtcb l0e eniuped i - A dayllgbt raid Wv&stsagnd by the.Io 7%t_-e cooiflSbu'te Wankegion Rockford. Police tht. mornlng aot 10:45 oclock tl Isahs t911ai ludicte tht ville ibis Waukegan bas gves many of ber vies Assltaat Chie!of Police TyreI sa *f sot cMM e nfP teg te quot etbotsons, and tItis grop of colorsi vent to a lat on B.9. e e. Bensd il ;8 br »s:Osvenmt inthetego et l < - mes represenseaeter contingent o lter. arresteoi tvo marrled ou 0es il «U %*<do, Ibsatae lg vas0e-echo»nses hon. &Mo renov on their andon. mas. The secohi -maide IaSî:llâ lb <itijet nd hrsrobi cm, t ln ptitoUendscflo th usW ri- escape ent the back door and ho i lse.Tesl fbns1~ ~-cn npeaanfrle h"ggUtile ne o ltg sout ity the.PoeUce. 0 -4 aýt t 0l 1 approitiatli $61,U0- futAmèrlca bas ever undrlke- tevo oes dti.m er l 5e pot sl b lie oveausntvas~ ar vii Germa". takes te te police station viiere la-ç *?UAN. The proîtrsusopene"ivlb ith iag brti peddglt etecag VuJpwltiu arethebe tports made bhi "America"ad moutnuefi as folwtev t e lsd gittoh cae local bonIs toay vltb regard te th Music by Riait cbeol bandi, unfier of conductlsg and being ImaI.. oft -moàM f bonds sold: - direction of ]Mr. Struc.a fisorderly bouse. Tbey voe eachM Wikegaa National-------..288,000 SInging-"Onvard. Chrsian E iot nefi $80 hy Police Magistrate Taylord iNmrt tuted) " ....175,000 fiers" suad as non. couid psy. tbey wve,&HIl »U«a 'Natonal (estUnstefi) ... 145,000 Rediug of<origial ue *'he O sent te tte couty JaIL The chancesc ...................----101,650 of te Colorefi Soldiens," ably render are they vlI bave te boar dit out. 1 -ed by the author. Mns. Bekie Davis t I l a StIsa tb. police - have0 -O .....................-$661,000 Covan of Waukegan. been vatclng the trie fer nome lime1 MIl ot lb. local hanka suh.crlbed ddres-Rev. A. N. Webb, -'The pat, sn4 also that on. of tbe hua-1 $0M gW aci ttethe Lberty bau. titese Coîoted Manln ar. . 1 bande of oueet lb.the men arresitedt mounie being Included n the figures Addrese ou beboaîff e b people of baid recently ireà a Chicago detec-1 ,~tesatel.Lake couty-ltev. W. E. Coline. pres- lve to get evidence againltshiewtfe Tb# Lake County State batik of tdent Waukegau 4lnstprtal As~socia- wbnm he auspected being associated Wiortht Chicago eold $84.000 wortb et tion . « wth thers o! questionable choaructAr. bonds, Select ion by fine tand drum corps,t TtRla enlOthe evidence ibis detectîve Thie quota fon Lakte county as fixed leds by Benjamin Parmalpe.1 secuned wae of sncb a characler I bat by the. go'-erniment wus $2,192,000. Hl. Sng-"The Flehi la O." te busband bas already reiained an C. linruct, chainaano etl. Lake Song-'«God Be Wth Voi." atto.rney for the purpose of starlng .'couat commuite.- lu charge of the sole Prayer andi benedcllon-Rev. lBarny' a divorce suit. Tt is tated tai the ,« bottds. inys there tandoubi but M. Johnson.il ubat uqe tiOn l Is lit Onta ilib.heailyove-sîb- The panade lett the Y. M. C. A. ai planning to stant divorce actions lm- , uiffl - A stiteut va, given out 8:30 ledl by the fle and dum corps.; ncdiatety. et turf Sheridan ,Saturday lghtI that exemption board, colon bearer. veter- On.- of the. women anni-sîcO bat *-'t iberty Iliaiti reacheti a total an f (1 A. R., coloreti echool chil- four amatI chiltinen. P U.00 n subscrlptlous troma the dren heantng large fiag, igla achool ~r*llssetlIe ffcer' erere ran-band, contingent for national army. U 0 O 'US camp. Oue tudent offleer frein coînreti vomen and inu ,,DUver, Colo., as saldtg l have suhscrib- Pi-orsi Laai Evemlng. ,,I for $0.000 worih -ot bonds. There A send-off wap given the colored C IT Mt fIU *ere several other large subsciptions. tmin ai the club ou Sheridan roadteslat Jl4A11IiR1ii4 Ufl Mt the Naval Station Ttita raid the .veuling, a gooti progran belng ren- rokies subscihed lu a total of $796., dereti, including the follovtng: i00vorth et bonds Up to gatunday Addr esses by E. V. Gi-vis, Rey. A. SHuW S CLEMENCY »IgIti. N. Webb, William Dçane. Dewtiey S Mr. Burnet estimates tbat the total ill. William Spelman Is Sentenced apteunt of meney aissd freon te sale The commitiee wbich Itati chsrge teSreT nyDasn eto Uberty bonds lu Lake ceunaty, eut- et tbis affatr vas: am BSmitht. Boyd tSreT et asi aide et the Naval Station and Fort Bell, île Franklin, Rd. Balley, Abe ibe County Jail. iffbridan vas close te $1,750,000. Wnuh r.Mt hloMs Her i awhoe otmor touleGreen Tanver, -Mrs. Maie Johtnm MAKES PATHETIC PLEA. tur the.kaiser: j c.1. ruîu Mite ers thae vilet t f Barn-o A dancing, wallslsg and stngtng con- As a Resuli Judge Taylor AI- tnse.teetaeillagoe 4 et arg- test waa beltinlu vicb the mesnvIte lowed Hlm t10 Go Af 1er Pay- ondi ionalxceetieti ia1quo0e0.uhe eif t for, Rocîtorti today ieok part-- quod ntal w arinbau by $25.00.Th there vas au utter absence ef pad- ing Fine of $740. tieus subecriben numberlug 4S0, antieao h ar ftesx Tefl te total ninouni gubscibed wa $0,.owing won the prtzes* Samnuel lier- Wauksgan, Oct. 29. grave anti Mn. Frankln, tifinu dauc- Todav was "Bangain Day" lu police MiO, et vblcblte Fr&t National bank Iug; Mrs. Boyti Bell aud Cut-iy Frick! court!. etBarrlnglonssubcrbeti $11.000. econd. IAt 1.ast William Spelman, vbo 4Otbrty ton abrtt3on,0r00 be Mrs. Gneen and James Mesdows I wasararested Sunday ou s change of ~rs Lâert ba aas 15.00. IRang sevenal solos. Ibelng intoxicated, tound ti g o, ton ai- ________________ter havlng been fiusd $100 aud caste Bn D TERfl b. N AX lesucceeGed n lnduclng Police Mag- E!iii<~ 'A itrais Walter Taylon to reduce is fine la $740, which b.- Raid lbe coutld OLI) MiEVICTIM BARS MIY RLd1lSEpay. Waukegen high achool girls, espee. Weukegan, Oct. 29. lally those vbo have reeented the o>- Itenry ater, an old Lake countY 0der maktng them wear middy blouses, reideat, died at the home of bis wîîî rend wltb «,deep cencernu" this d&iglite, Mrs. Charlée lttdiel', 115 item from a Chicago paper: Zuas avenue, Wanaffn, thie t Navy ottIcers of Indiana are ater ur»m et 1 <tcIock. He wu 80 YearB the "molddy" blouse, so cbsrming a * Moi sick-m s Sete from a -Ild decoration te many Indiana girls. 1 Y@é obutracl da vee Np. Lieutenant Commander Clements,1 29« serb.d regided ln Waukegaa ln charge of recruîtîng, declares the. Wpqg 9y4a, coung frOln ]ilIburu. girls vbo W05r the "iflîdiea" violat. Ut IMV« te.oh»-re: Mis. Stud- the fderai 15vprohbittng the we> *W ,, z. und Combe o Chicago, MUs. lng of aay pant of a untform of a irguGhIW, Mrnnt'nand rs. Ken- .010er or sellr bhiaacivilisa. Xt. IU« wua member of the Do yen jet up -t ntgn' Sanol la IL ssa.ARad ftuht ln thÇ surely téboaetfor aUkldney and blad vs.- Wla Coany D., MhIii hnoia. der trouble. Baud gies relief ln s4 hg=s tro U aIlbekache a&U bled- b.u5 ?Plisciptolata ltOU der trouble. Banal la a guaranteef *W 1 Forcs of Eciema and dk .Bail l ae attai re * Sy Sld 81.00 a bottA. et te a ee8 Wp IxW albottes St rug store ýý MOË~Tý1U TM.EMGUARANTE $125,oont, figure lu police court circles for soe tun,. 'hb. last tins he vas arresteil vas Augut 5 ef thi, yesn. Previous te ibai Ite Iad served a sentence ef terly daye s ite county Jlauon a c-arge et drukeuies. Hie begged se hard vben salgnet on August 5 tbat tIhe police magisrats Bnally let hlm off iti a its cf $7.40ýI This fins vas given ouly atter Spell- mati ted saiS liai At *onld be bis laut offense-ttIif Ihe vas arrestef again ou a simila- charge ltaI'le voulti the connty Jall lhoul a viper. Whsn cenfrunlefi viti Ils promise Ibis uoruAsg. bqvever, t va» an>'- ting but a pisssal esltlool for Speit- mmn. He beggefi to e b.aleved te go F vAt aa mailfBne, sayisg fiatbils par- ants are eoming bers te vieil nid. 3udge Taylor final> vas moreS hi thie plea and refluced tlb.fine. Wabingtou. D. C.. Oct. 24-Fbod Afinisltrator Hoover belleves lis titrealsuet ugir famine bas beeu averleti b>'arrangement. be complet- ed ioda>' to tbrOv 200,000,000 peugSs et ugir ou the mai-ket beeinung VItIIa aItortnîegit.Mn.,IHoover n- neCuncet h. bad brougbt about a con- tract for the sale of ibis anount et tav sugar b>' the Loulsiana prducer te lie Anenican Sugar Refisg com- t Jury For oed 1 Weigh Rather Had Sought- Refuge With f UnutualFaots ai Justice, Strangers ai Midnght- -Cort Hearing. Has Ristumedto e >e. WaUkegan. Oct. 24. Amelia Oves, aged 13, resldlsg villa Titis in a etony et user beer," se ber parente at, 266 Tentb street, isar An tact thai illt oe' a trial by Niorth Chicago, starieti for the gre-c- jury te settie it. eru' store Baturday atternoos ai . 8bhOMt1after the clty vent dry, Lt-9'010019-Wii e h.difinusotreturn bert warfi Doyle, vIteovuwed saloons la Parents ntioifie ilte police and an al WedeOOrtt sud Wauksgan. daims tu niaIt earc vas -conductedfo fr ber,1 bsre )Pureiad frein Baul. Scbvartz bu.ll.vbOut renlts. 1Sundai' uernlng truitgs theNorth Shore DIstIlieti' lteNortht CilOgo police esîllaed ishe CO-. aatliy t fnos-alctoilAc bey- aid o!flte ank.gan Police departe- uer« lMOv as "Meadi." Doyle al- ment Inthle sesrub. legs bl, vus asaureti hiSchwartz The child 4sppeare *fier ber tbat titis patiular beverag.vwamso»if MOtier had sent ber te a searby store anI over dry districts anSdtesale of to teIliou, fer tie docto. for an- it vouifi sot la Royy wey coufftt viit 011erev hli vio vas aid vwithtyp- the "dry' 1ev«. NSBebe"d ber erranfibut! f1d .De'lealasafurtiter that no sure 0 reinru bhoue. was BOMvarts An regard le tiche ckP-aa.eftichechilfi vers feerful of alcobol in.thua "uer beer" that h b. t sia. telgitt have met viii fouI (Bchwvartz) effersd to setIe an cortPlaY Or migit bave been seducafi hi mess lInttord bh Doyle t in lng it 5 e tranger. VWhen the bours pea DOYîleWivas rstei for vicai& cd ud Msh ite fnot retursltey'hb. tie "dry" Imvm, foundgull> and calme alsOSlt rastlc. ilbsd.$187. Nov in these Îtrennous Tii. InyUlery cleared up Bnnday af- lays Of var W*heu tite cecI of liing ternon vehou vas-Ufounditiat lte bas resaeS ManaltAtude vhich angirl had pll Plef aI te bome ofstras- Onl> b. seen tirougb tsemont pbver- gerg On South Jackson etreci as. MiS- tuI glasses, $187 Ie sot to e b. îgiilyi 5Xgt, Baturfiay ulgit &s'jing thté spolken* of, no Doyle deciied -tfitt us ay to the bosPilal vItere sIte salid voulfi ratier ove Schvartz $159, ha- ber mether wva terrlitly 111, Tbe chilti Mng ltsesusount of bis indebtedflesa vas lun scb nervoescondition Ibet to Schwartz for "nean heer," tItan t lthe peopit bel ber lu sud kept ber beat hlm eut et ut. for the ulgbi, net tbtukAng ibat ber NOw lt se haPpeued that Scbwartz absence mnight alarm ber parents. On aLn bad been plucheti by tbe high Suda>' they gave ber money for ber rosi et living anti needeti that $1 crae es- oli euuhome, lu- the vorst way. i.o b. brouglat nsuit eeati, sItea-eut toe lvansten where ugainst Doyle to rrcoven ltai amouni. s , ePicieti Up sud the Norlth('hI The. case was tniedti iis monning il-cage Police uollfipd. Thev brouet. Jitqtice Farutien a court betore a jury ber hack to Nortbh Icag> Suntiay whe- fouuud that. bec-anse et the al-uighi andi Inter tbe guil as turueil legetissuranctes hy Schwartz guar- ever today to Mies Hritneîch ou a anleelue Immunit>' for Doyle if the cotmntv court ordpr "near bei- proveO a trouble maîner. ,Il ses that tht. girl aftîr sIt Doyle would tnt b.- coml-elled o puy; hall1.-fl Nol-th Chicago ai-ut to Lak, Sc-hwartz' daim, Bluff and there aasag ith ht-r scîtool c- i L.-acheri Miss Lindalh, for moule lIme. SPREAD RUMORS RED CROSS WORK. ERS RECEl V13PAY Vcous Reports Being Circulat- ed in Waukegan Are Denied Most Vigorously. WORKERS ARE NOT -PAID. Reports to the Contrary Are. Spread Merely te Injure the Movement in' City. « Wtb au evîdeut Intention et creat- lue Ppijudiic- a rumer bae besu atart- ein luWaukegau ibat these vIte are at lb.- head te beRed Cross society Iu Waukegau are recelvtug* psy for iteir services lu tact tbat nearl>' al the mont(a raiset bei-e by the sale ef inembenaiis v,,as being us.-d le psy tbe salaries ofthio>e vIte are et the beati of the local inovement. The re- Port bas tii--n epreadt Iat W. J. Sac-k- mn, beati o! the Reti Crogssaoclety lu Waukegan, b-as ceeu recelving a salary 0of $400 a yesr. anti thai otber oMfcers ot the aocicI> bave been draw- lue iglarips hut itme 1.sinallei. Just how cretience bas been placet but ts belle! prevails fitttle 15dam- age bas; been dois te the novemeut lup the-pi-suent lime. Dental o et t.mmi vIgorouS sort tg matie te liee.ratoner. In tct i Sa laisedt ey are PoStivielY vicious. bcing vltbout ani teundatle I tu etat - "'Net eue Read Cross volker lu Wankegau is recelilg one cea for services," ' ose prouinefit led cross vorler It the city>' setef OSey. «l have à goof idea vWBo Sti th le rmera asti I lnOV lthereea-lMat aclusteftem. 1 de. sol boller.that< lihe average perses velI h. aftfecteS suyway. but for htee Ia siae salait be Iine te deuibt 1 .ntn te malete Iis positive sttelSet -Tii. oul>'perses lu Waulsgaiu connecteti witb the Red Cross tu ani taptly vhO reclreu à mIls ete veman vbo dean. up about telRed Cross quarter os Med10011 strcet. TItis vein recelves $150 Peu day for ber labor. No oliera gel pay. 1"Thb minuasd voues ,Who at-e de rotIug se muciot el tilme tote RIed Cross vol tarcs kot desetilng et lhe criticien otl Wd Mb. 11154 te tiiemift, àw~~ raîber sirangely ant ip. gave bier 101 cents witb wblch to rèturu home. Tite report lat ebe eev the girl stant for the. sîreet car anti pnesumabîy lte the nonihbobtuSd. Hovever, laI-n she toi-net up lu Evauston. Accontlug ta ltse genenal hiliptfIl Norlt Chicago. the girllbas it at- cou- slderable trouble vith bier methen anti lit wby ebe lefi home ant i 01 not cari. to returu then. loday.'ScIteol ait- Iboities explalu the tact that thte girlbasailad nlit lu ecbel ounSiffer- eut ocoselons andt terefere itle li e lievedt liber mentallty niay net h,- any toc, airong. 'Fb. chilti bas a step-fntber lu North Chicago antisie.-explaluet that sbg badSamited frein bore neubopês of geting le ber owu faiber n luC'Ieviý lant. SIte claine site wvus abumed tia i er home ber.. DION M'S BROTli* ERILLE» IN ACTION IN FRENCU - LINS Private A. B. Hopkins, Brother of B. J. Hopkins, Dies Fight- ing WthCanadians. Wor4 has juat reacheti B. J. Hep- kins, te undertaker ai Zion Cty, tslllng bhlm efthie featit lu Francecoit bAignaI liii of bis brouhet-. Pivale A. B. Hopkins. Hop'ainà, vitelai à2 yeaan et 0ge. enistef viti lte Ca- nadim sasd salleS fer- Englauti lu July 1916I. He vent te France th. folleviagg Octeber sud served ln tié tronches for 10 uouuhbs. Ris d.atb. acccrdlng la vord r4besved hi bis brother. came ville b. vas lu action ln Franc. la conueclleavAt hep- lme' istt, It Sersiope that ho vas tuitsas globe trotter" ani lad r-- lad xpeiecesta is many trip$ orathle océa ansd Imb strange lais. Be @pont six isens In Vancouvere then staited on a trip tirough tse 'Bott Boa Islond", meeting vlth the natIves, carrytng thii- eapens sud long sharp kmires, snd trougla i. foaulées nature and lindly sulles ad frieufih i aulle ie vonteir goofi vIl] sud vas treated kinfly. *Be ,iaitet Gibraltar, EgiPt. Hlonolulu, Ceyleu. ?;sv Zeual, amtIrtg aI Sydney, Ane- talla, vlen ver wvas dalref. Be decddS te vIsAIhaitOnd e I.t hiv et thele«s usai, arrIvIng lu Canada CLAP1JANS: AS SAILORS WENT OUT ,«oman Reader of The Sun In.. sists on Expluaation of Inci- I dent atTurner Hall. SAlL0RS ORDERED -AWAY. wlember et ),«ety ExpFainsit Was Private Party- Did Not Excuse Clapping. A veman called Up 1The l)afllySun iffie Monday atternoon and ln sub- stasce »if: «I1 lah to enter a Pro- test alnst lte treatuent Oft tv yonng malIc et the Gerian Turner Hall om Unfa avening vhen hhey ver, delib.rstely turned saalfront thei. balbecane tter vestiere in tir unifaru sad as tbey vers lurned avau *thivoem pissent basfiethe. MUl ciapped thes aitus, Isugb.d asud atiiervise te, rMyid lendeaVorei 10 ridionle thte expiulsi.on of tise. Young -1 tell you ifafidimkovn boy te mal. à a 10k, I vould have go! n9 thers and Mid eomilng vhlcb vould have madea tiioste pele ait np sad take notice. But, betng unable to expres iysei thes vay A vould il". ta, I an call" gyour attention toth iin maîter te se. viiether It aieuld &ate anotiier report liai 1 bearfi. 1 beaid ltaIticheGermasn Turner* re- cenly edoptef a resolution Arovdisg tait nobody lu unitorm voulfi b. per- mltbed to enter titeir ball lu bacd of te Publielbrary. If Ibis i. the case, It seema as titeugi Ttlal a rather irastic step te teits. 1 tid net reserit se mucb tbe expulsion i!dtthe Ivo mail- ors because tbey vers lnunuitori as I dîdthe .-tact ltaI the vouten laugh- ed aud clappeti theln baunds. Thal te my mmnd waq verse than turnine lthe men away." Germain Turner Explains. Immetitately afien' hearng wb:i t.h,- wooiau salid, The Deally Sun got in lolich with John Wenth, a sbo.- mink,-r oun Wesît Washiugton atr-et, Sai]-ti ed th,.,tacýteo lin.iLas giviýn li as by tht.e wooan. Ili~t, atiti-bac-k w tI tlii,i ei anatioli: "Sometia- ago thc- irialir î:-i.4 stiopte-tianrt-solutitîn provAdinxth lat nobotiy act-pt utembene and îbîln Itu. medilate tn-dB aud relatives ebeulti la- pertittedti t attenid thein datîclui. parties wlîlcb an.reltiSunda t-cen- legs. TItis appll.'d te everyîiudy. nul only tio-e e a-lia ay liavt.unifonnis but a-littIer thli-y ha i. I tem orn ot if tbey are nn emi.tns <un lüs.- fnientis who bau- bt-en iu'.i tb uteubers. I know nothing of the cir- cumataîcc- nifi-red te oit Sunday jevening, but il le possible- they wi-re retuseti admittauce wben tbey came there bec-als.- It vas a privcalepanly. Il etrikes me that eur soclety c-au bave a privaIt- party juil for mena- bers anti Immediate fnieuda the saine as auybody else cau in thein pnivate home ,anti uobedy ihould rats, objec- tions te Il. We bave Itat several mal- tera of Importance- lu the matter o! bulding up before uis durng lb. paît [mentit or se andti hat Ae vby the reso- lutie n l qestion vas adopted. Thers mny b.- a change during Ilbe commeg mentIt anti the public may b.- admit-, ned te our naces. That I catinot tell bast nov." lu anse te the eatement matie ibat the vomen laugheti anti clapped their bauds as tb.- sailore were ex- pelled frein lthe hall. Mn. Werih raid lie coulti ofter ne explanatien because b.- diti net happen te be ai the meet- tue. He said If titis vers feue of course Ai vouif lie very Ituproper andi bc atidedti ltIh. vould be oe eoetthe first te censure the vomen vWho ma> bave doue IL, SAFTa ON Waahigten Ct. 25.-AU stamp taxes embracefinta tsev v iar tax lsv vil) talge 5ff5cfDec- 1. TItis tu- nonneementi'&@vas ai O tay hiDes- tel C. Roper, cctsiiissioner of Internai revenue. The Oli exception vas lte t cent tas on plaiing eardea vich vent Itt affect ai lthe lime o! lie passage or the measure, ct S. The uev lav dose sol; appI>' te tax pald etclof o suc-i carde in ltse uns5oet violesalen or retallers operatlsg und& lte tia st of Aug. S8, 1916. TIetax on te laies' stock renais, 2 cents a pack, anti ne fui-uer Ilability l.is nurred unuder the nev 1ev. ma us snrtyAoumi. - Carleton la mucit Interested In sut mais. Aller rlsilng the circuslie Bast pondaterinsd thon saiS ,'"Mi, do fi*- n.uae. Ivea .,1k tr assir" TONY YES~VKII FACS CH96ARfiE0 Action , ollows Closely After Hia Marirage in the County Jail Wednesday. N 'I Electric Coffee Percolators *t Our SaJesuom PublicService Co Of Nsslbs am"nl HOT DiUiNKS Hot Chocolat e Hot Malted Milk Hc&Beef Tca Hot Tomato Boullion When in Waukegan stop at THE REXALL STORtE For, Hot Drinks. DKUCI.CLYELAND DRU <ce. Mm esiîtr 10W FACES TWO CHARGES. Indoted onCdo . nt of Young woffl, justSuc-* ceeèd d, itG fIng Bal. Tony Yentovlch, aged 23, the Wau- kegan >"Oug man Whio .Jeunder In- dlctment on a abusge preferred by a )OUI youn versez, sud. vho uas mar- ried Wednesda la thie contg jail 1 Mine usI uel DetÂoofrth Chicago, a Young veinA Who clned tUam h. ted betrayed the. trust mithae S A n Atm, Ioder fou" nimlusi n au aven more parlons prsdom.nt viiea le ew» placeil aider errest on a charge of bolus a siseker and vas taltes ta, Obtiage WmmSor m ~to f mosthb fedrinathotMiq. Tea«toc va ICë6 ud.. arect st Asunt a"d mince thatt ime bud ocaped a oeil ln the omntr Jail, belng una10e, to rais. lthe 8,M bond" viech ad been flxed tu hWs os«. At- ter bis marulage Wedsoedaîtelte North Chicago Young voulu bis Par- ents and the. parents of bis wltt. sga- ed bis bonds and b. fâceS treeduk forth l ir,.t tUr n aseveral mftthe. Parents cf the. couple dtd sot, think that the oounty l> as a verY de@&-. oble place for theln to spend their boneymoon. ln the meantime te aberifrs offce basd learned that Yemtevlcb b.d .oUjçht tb evadp the draft by fallng te reg- loter. Ais soon as Y.-stovlcb. Put Up bim bonde the. local aUthorittea com- gnunleated the fact-st<, the fi-deral effierà In ('hicago. nd vnt-I. nslruct- ed to, place the felloW' under arrest on the new c-haret.t il a\-hini t< (hilc:tgo.Thl- "ai bio n-»foayv '1w ins we. i t îMondai atte-imun un t 3 laco-k a t t1wMeAlibter lhotplt4l to Mir. and Nirsa (;rcenwý1d. Th,- youngiitenti, a lxîy and a girlwj'ghed flIt andl one >oIVîiîiîî im'h lloth art- geltting alorig in i tt. e it'. perfectly true that boiled cocMee ie good coffee-when the boiling operation le prOperIy performed Il!& delicate enough to draft an ex- pert for it, however. The bout WaY-the most certain waY-to prepore a coffee fluid thâtretainatheflavor r of the berrY and that L contains none of Its deleterious qualitiell is by percolation, a 1