CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1917, p. 7

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I.dld bF.J. DfUCE Phone Il LPýISTelon fortJob Work. Mvetleng rates on applcaton. Leter Shan le ha@.@rillsited la the naq aud lot for thte Gret Lake@ eteti Tuesday. * argaant Rverel ilook, ai1ftOLMat 0 spe t sunday wltb big parents. B many friende are gad In cee hi liudt Ing tuiw ards the top. Porter Dueil tenKIoW worktimrn aiu lue shoît at Kenooha. Wi. Jean iangabeàngit trannscted hudili lu Ctiii'aio, Tbureday [tt'P .»drrfiy conducted îervlcss LtbPîtyvijI- ti liday vblle 1ev. Whi tO0kieharge ilf te'Sunday &-ho h, re. jan MeCt16and wife, who bave ri the Grayslake botel for the putlfi yeaîc, el t tbf. week ta spend the vil iunlllicide. 'rbeir son Wilfard vîili Comepany tbem. r, (lrtînde lîqelli suent Nlondayi Wauïegan. iMi. lBradltiy, Wt10 listui'cn K,,îrir'n ttmeipamt two r wukmwittî ici daugit-t Mms H ilebriandt, r-i liritr tr11 11- lu Chicago Tuebday. Mm intie Tant-1es ritt liet iaiiiruit vith fnilendmeat itRori dLieit, Mio l Fin-i it irajriii ,t tiîoe Ingplf le vitig ti.. . 'r ,ii is Frai C. A, (tietn.whîîwas called bore trom hic o umein 4Okia ,.-in sceunt ut the deab of hi@ ieter, MisesJanet%@ Cleve. land, returieed home Moùdey aller @pouding a week witb relatives aud frieîîds. Mlaurice Camnbeil and familly, of Lom- bard, vlsled t the C. A. Mler home over Sndai. Dr D. W. Pull and vife, of Winneltkâ spot Snnday wt friends boe. Clouent Whitmon asud vifs, -)f tihqeaep spent tlnaday with the former« relatives hero. CARO OF THANKS. Mrs John ?lomp aud ebldren wish tb thank thir frende for kianuesduring twer labs bereavenent. SAUGATUCK BSliey Thomas vlted et Dorothy Behrek'e lasI Saturday. Elsanar Va7,andt iW taylng vitb Porothiy arsh for a Short time. Mr. aud Urs. Knox entprtafined eom- pmy oday. Mr. Schreck and famly uotored ta Waukffaa Sondait even a ad attend the moviso. IL Thomas vas a raylake caller lest lfaturday. MIn Beckwthbasu beon a»Wdto regletheb. omseb lu ibis district SCI400L NOTES WM ieKnéeolybas bsa abet severai T%. second uonth aiof hool cloesd rrtliaf eprt carde bave bm llnusdi, tiersla a deddimprovement lu grades. Tbon nither abtset »r tardy aes Mary Portsgy, Ruth Knox, Grtrade PortogyUSlrly Thbmai. C«eusAmno, C.tb.sino Portogy, Havard Knax, Mrgart bcCorntack, Lsroy Rieboclt sead Chartes VanThiel. Tb* non.whispering sîar, earoed durion thé moutit were placed on the report teaids, also, the stars for perfect veooke In osito Amana reveivsd the iigitest nuum- bar oftars. Cecle oalymisedone word Inaspelllag for thte montit. Thes sebool bas purcitaged an oilIclave. I4allowo'en Social Thore wées ven fty alte Balumween socialFriday nigit. Speimens ofthlie eldreas wark deoorated the malts and jack O'Lanterne lookedat you front every vindow *QI. The ftit part aI1te pragrant cansisteof ai seral songe thon ollved exorciseand rectuttln. Tite l111e folks as Jack lanterne afforded considrahie amnsement. Ail ojoyed te-"Upeldo Dowa Diii" hy th aider beys. Tb he bitebces appeared and gatering éroand te camp ire sang songe and spoke pleuie, tiis ended te fermai pragram. Eacit one pissonS vas gîven a numbOr thon as thes number vas calted une oi the mIes erend Ibeir fotunes, titIs pioved a mrry lima tan &Il. NedI carne lie dîîektng for applee, soute nlibe mon irere nat urrald ta show te cllidieti hoir ta du it, evenat keptat it until tbey teucceeded in getting an appte. ()ne boy got ive befare ho ciit. Later ail more iteiped tîberaily 10 coflee, sandwichees.pikies, cake, cookles and apples. Instcad oi ciiaiging as plannoul te bal wae paeeed arouud and a neat imm reaiized. Those pregent iromontu- side the district vois tir. and tiMre.L.. »inîtoet Waukegau. Mise A. Mller aild tir. Lawrrence ai Liberty ville. 111e good for litepeople <ut any district la came t4gther In a scnailsay. Wafd% Pao sale, Met8% ad I. N-l DMP0IDoNT suaOM illiS porion LA"E VILA Tom MeKenele ePent BandaY i vb ig aunt and sister. Thte Ladies' Aid solety vli eS viit Mris. D. R. Massr nei weduesda Nov. 7th. A garni attendamc la dsetrd. Chas. Barbaigb of Rlghlaud Park, vas ila sv a et vek. Ur. and Mre. Loehord of Evanstou,1 Vere'out the ftinto ewesk and lise VVY Mary Kerr, Mm. .tchod'se 11er mo- Ion turped witbb thelu la spead te vitter. 3Mi. iuu Mrs. Amas ser VII aCColti id ber bonus durlpg' ber absence. Elle Word reoatày ,ecWed rom Rtay Kerr iii- etate ltat ho vas ta stars for Frauce with hig Company lit tweek, h- Mno. Fora Kapplsa o Watkei.toa epeet tbtspeant week witb relative here. eue Jo. Wiliigoustertedlbe tiret oi the week for Florida wbeîe 4>11tt-pend the ait winter. ite lre-. Battis ltowtiuîg reîurnu.d y'atuî- uni day eveniug train Catorado v.tîurii che apeni t uucuuruer sith lier sesters. nu Mrie. [Jault arrîs'ed' [jouie lat Wedl- ur uesday rota a ttîreeiiiiriths ddt wittt ter lier si, hu ri fi aujiît>ii Ptltand, t(-'- l)yegol,, anid fi i odt i Wash;pgou. Miso. Lîsuin Kiiîi<aîîri Mi. Netie Sii at uitet litt u. wî'A sîi4i Nauhegan relativte Mie. 1 - rt tMiler înd is Sauniders of ng]J Wiukr'gai uietit knt Weduesday witti1 te, ir. i Hi.tP. It- M ri. andl Mires.nuof aiàuktgau, weie 'Sunday oi Mr. Margaret Mitter. 'l'y Mr. and tMr i. I ougtar#, MIs. A. M. t)iuglan, Osvar t>ugaand tMrs. hughes Pe@ " iae a bueintwreeîi t laWaukegan [ast Xia~ week ltu the ittrcsts af the lRed ciaec. wîîrk. John larby eai Anti <tit, ias a pteasant calter ilunday. Mir. and Mir$. lobt. Rery bave return- ed from theirwestern trip. )fre. &eou James af Waukegan, vidted severai days hat veeS vîit ber etater. ies U tresait th mre oflier untLles, Johtn anîd Henry Atutonli. D>14 Alihot a satlor boy made a briel cai un relatives here lant week returinng r o Virginia, on Tborsday. Ltte Mis Elenar'VuZanbdl le vtslt- iug ber cousin, ls@' Dorothy Mancit and atndlng school . at tagatock for aj short lime. ise Marton Edie in 'pendDg nome îiloevltb fripnda hn Audtia. Mr. and tirs. Frank Dymond oi Libîety- ville, i*ers calters boe on Thnraday of let veet. Re'. tMeredtth vauld ike thte people of thte communitt sattend echct uuday morainge at 11 iîelock. There vili te a Hattoreen sacelal at thes Gages Lake sehaut bouse Fîtday nlghi. Anotber October Blizzard came alunir lut tionday. Octoher sursly bas bea a freak moati.tIbis tînt. The Hallove'ea entertijnment sud sociable Vasluaaperfect suces la @vory wa. The entertalnment vas very mach eajoyed and a asal litho sont vu misd for th.elied Cross. Mn. Boots vas entertalned over Son- day aS I. T. Bearse tir. Bavard sud WîU Melville are busy dravini sugar boots, they have evrai carloade. Melville a tiervlle seitpped anatitor car ami of cattle Tueodav. RobS. Ca<«terton vas expected home Bunday grrim Camp Grant, but lnatead big peoplo received word titl ho itad been traaoforredltuTaxeas t FrIday. Mn. Dope front Chicago attauded the Manuelle sale lut Thureday. Mr@. Claronos Baonner and daugitter Jean af Park Rldgse, epent several days vîit relatives«te past, week. Al!red Spaflord of Citicgo, and Boy Hughes ai PennIll., cpent Thuraday lu titis vicinlty. R. H. Churchill and Ed Dro of Graj>s. laake attended the Martslc ale. 1 Mn. sud Mrs. Earl Wite of Urbana. fî., atlsnded the weddlng oa i IseVida Jamison and 03. B. Whlt. Mis tessle Baker of Hightland Park. epent tbe week-end viit Mn. and Misu. W' G. Marcelis. Mr. and tirs. Wihmer Book moved Nov. louta Waîîkegan, tbey viii live un Gmrad Ave. Thte Mitiburn Ladies' Aid scuiety mît' bold their barasi Friday oveul ng, Nov. u2. Mr. and tira. ieu hK. Whtite &peut Iteoir hooeymoon ait Niagarae Faîte and are expecled hume titis week and will make their hameaun the D. M. W hite faim. tir. and tirs. t. M. White wiît njavu bis wsek CtIe Gea. Jamieon bouse. The veddlag of Mise Lunice C. Bond of Gqrnee, deusbter ai Mr. and tire. Row- land Bond and Edwin E. teomau, con af tir. and Mis. C. E. Deuauof iMiliburn, laok place Monday eveninâ, Oct. 2911 ait the parsonag.--tMiiy-r Deuman and 'Mise Ruth Pollock atqcd up vîi thora. Tboy wviieoatboue at Libert7y Viilealtpr Nov'. 16. lic. eoha#Qisaerspat lest vek viti Ims.Jane Vase!la vtittiug hber dauuh- ler, Mise. C. (J. MCandlem@- Frank 3Mertes, repreeftiiig the Peter Vao8haok Co., was in town thim w.q'k. Peter Neyer bum moyé e lbts flly ltoo te George Clevelanîd h( ai The cehoot ebidren ï . eParty at lits Davis bone Tuesday v eeino f [ast veek in onh o i i e Mttdred'c tnrth- day. NEIWS FRONMU GURNUE SCIOL1 M'e have been decorating and ctr'anttîg ouisethool room thti last w-pek 111RE, LAI OUR MOTIIRIS BREÂK. iNfi IIEAIT FOR YOU Johnny Wilclox. If You Want to Hghway From Camp Grant to'rPaul Meade, Meter Reader for The Practice of Shoot4 WR .0 Bring Back Her Health, Re- Fort Sheridan and Naval Public Service. Company, Geese With Long Ran Gü n ture Home at Once. Station Is Aim. Has Terrible Experience. Is Less Poputar r4owé FATHER ON LONG SEARÇH. TWO COUNTIES AT WORK. CHEST IS BADLY *FOLOW METIN fiRE - . -- Man Who Paid Fine SaysU Boy Last Seen at Russell- iWIii('kndLk Otre Police Are Handling. Case- cense Does Not Forbid Use Mother Is Sick and Father1 platnnghii I. ralltary Vroil] froin Chi Endeavor to Find WhetherofRleinHti. Is Much Delected. Laks rajirii rîtîi . î t.og Had the Rabies. - -.- - Tii,' bunting ot waterfowi iy nc'3 . "Jhny llaoag i roi aie Ion arî 1V ntoliago v-oittiu'e aru Pat MNfad,.,- I 1Niut.ri u, t, î rof rifles bas be,,=6 a. mighty n "Johny ileo, ae 1 ur ath r woing on t h, tro i et ofut n nil i, Those baving gonce hunur'rl n dm irlivin'g tii îiioc-h are!hgwu oc;iîrtrtî( epciingfoiIhepas wek ae ~ hvarl t-boken because r 'i tr ot re i- ittl tî i iuir ' .i titat Van Latideryt, Evkvî M'(ulI urn rame. If Yeu 1< ni l1) Raver Mi'tieariandîlinc1Irýtr'iilI air 'r("Iiil Jogh AniIN '<3raMîtii ,- or niothtes ha go.'rjrti i louit Aoh' ulG~va iruhe ~ ta lr'rrv back just as rsr r rrrrossi[ble '>ý Ion, Harold c'iirand Etna M, rO nnnt ' w eyu l~ ('001C r'-nrrItry' r r r r' ilr' trirîr r iuuh resi nti lime." A b--; ' r,rrtri~ o 'ari 10 ('atr;rr;rrîr i, n .rc-n Oui vik-rt ,riswerr' M-r 4iiriJon- ' t ici'. i dujec4ed falti'.' irrnjing Fl"i , lrC4117' 1,1-i-n'I' t,' and Davis. andrrîîîrntg iay' and i fr fn theoirîOal tbtih, K. i' rrr.rr ! .. : Wi are errC'ilrthe ' '. l' n r' 155r cr i !ton lm fowi!" irr peir r bgri rorrî hrî lx r Irrr for iii aoy' li'. -I~nr'If Mr. and ire .1 'rr'lr rx of, ijhi' 'Of rh'iihrvrrn .rlr W'n'are startng p * ict r'nýl'ire 'utitr't. i illl t nar'oUr' rr, I'!r' in oui ec(hoot l wtrrçhForr-rjitf r~ It ron yonda, r .' Jnr. $1 jkOtr ct "r ir r.' ' [ru ttir'dirc-c1<rr for the tnti'rmerltatu' il.i l ýIiii 15 year <,n-l t1 " r W l rirroiîrîr' -'n .1 r'ru r. . 'r roomn, anri Filtrer i-nlon and '.arnio r. ' il I acîto1ii n-lion*ý-e eqrn tutr i'pîr ' i'- rrr 'o 111r Milie are arilstrti' ) .lhehi sually asciI n 'rr rhorrl r eoon aI i ' t ' r ri l ' Misa; Nirrianir b'r lasn iût hni, r '1 ' lie' i i tot, reutra ji iuIto r act ie" ion Io i k r' trac'e'r'ot'her pîîr'n Yet. .'rarti.rt'or htm.tbe 'O'r-I L,, ifl rr-Weq'e od c1r iaordinrg tiithe eider \i\ r rrnlice ,s IL['rdeeff-tlriîp, n rît î nril'. CHARtLES BROWN AND SON [N rrîru fatru- tas a famri r u'ho'ap nittal-y autiioritir srand r tnhr,, r C'Lo$E ESCAPE AT GURNEE. li. tfor work. Under rl, nineito0f 0I-rîrn tiîcu' bar i. ne ti' l îiî vn J oonLioko ho endeax r r I tirenliet .with lhem ltae i (.'r.iint iouirt Charles Brown and mon Normuan Ofý but waft lurned down. Thi father Guroe hal a close escape fîom ccirt- îraced theo boy rlgitt eaurrt irrot Antiochlilbe conni.eted wrttî (.Chicago and od"rr onc ijury at 1 c'Iock on Oct. .1 as far as Russell. ' Sheridan by a rosaciequ-iiu- 10 tait vinen their Fard lourlng car wasI Wlcax clates taitrhi-iite r are of te transportation nf men andi @truck by a gacolinru hander on te halu ten i act bu' Un afr&id the supplie ln case rattroad factlitfee St. Paul railraad at (Iurnee. hli o î shoutd, for any rearuon. faitI taM I te Neither wac burt but the car "as prove ber undoing affi steis nome uceda crnasbed. i troug anyw&y. The father Iri 65 yeaie The cmore arguments adfvaced for On the bandear at te urne we' old sud tis le hie ontY son. He bas tite new rond tram Chicago ta Fort five Italiane. lncludlflg the sctioni but one amher child, a amati daugitter. Sheridan and the Great LaitecsioI41 fareman. One of thbe itallans was The otd man le alsa bcng uadly and witit even greater farce ln the caco badly injuied. h 1> iptaugitt peritape cordy tied by this oxpertenco snd of Camp Grant, mtnce te last smed fatally. a1l ho wants aaw le to have the boy te tte larger encarnpment and le like- Thte gacolîne speodor was golng 40' realizete aerouses of il and cone ]y, under recenl war departotent Or- miesanhor acodigtea pe-home before lit 4.p oa late. deîc, le be tbe scene of lihe afilcers' tator. Tite Brnmus, gang oasi. werei relurning froin voting on thte bond le- eue. Tbey approacted te danger- oua ciossîng at low speed and more watching fr traine but nover tougitt s handeai wouid inntem down. The crasht iuried te aut o about s titat l faced mesi mbeW the fathe aud sou îrawled tram theo wreckage Tire front aiftep car mas itadly dam agcd and Mr. Brown, dtsgucted witit the accide-nt, lefilte car standing On lte track and tld theo italians to re- Inove t. Tino accident bappeued wltin 50 yardcsaifte Brown resl- dence. mnîci t cands Jual eas aift.e crosstng. LUNATIC ESCAPES FROR ASYlUMAuD WANDIRS TO CMY INGANIOIIBOY lIAS KEEN FOUND Li 0 L hý Frank Mrakuzic Escaped From il Elgin Asylumn Last June- eo Missing Ever Since. t ty Ad-Loked p-Wil 1B Arrested While Seeking Coun- ci Returned ta Elgin. &s Waukegan, Oct. 26. il After itaving ecacpe r tami the In- n sane asylurn 51 Elgin 'last June anrd il wcndered about evr etce titat l[me. .J Wrauk Miakuzhc. mita mas commilted r fria the Lake county court last No- vember. arrmved lu Waukegan today, ti -aud songint ouI Supervisor IGeorge y Bairstom. askhug for county atd. The fellow'c suspiclous actions i caueed Mr. Bairslom te uotiiy the po- l lice and Mrsltuzlc mas recognized. He Il uuw occupi ec a coulu I the cdlv juil. a Iuqu[ry aoflte iead of lte Elgin claje t haspîtal chomed that ite iad mode' his escape tram ltatIfnstitution lgia June. 1 Mrakuzlc made ftishorne ln Wau- h kegan several years. Onie day btc dis- Il sppe.aredAiudderily, maklng no pro- t vision for bis wile -and several saa il cildren. rTe iriig conlracted tuner- û culosie anîd wainremoved ltelite Lake e connty gun.nçxa. h itsttî. Worry be- catuse ier hieband did nt catI and cee lier caneed Mim. Mraiauzlr e to s" lier uulnd. Ff nally wlien iii" began te menace sllendinis al bthe toiipitai cite iras given a hmnring ln county court and wss sent te jthe Elgin claIe Itospitai mitere rite dhed. Houari were round for tire cbildrc-n. Laet taitlulraluuzic atrpeared tu Washtington and was aricaled as te sungit te farce iris way italte Witite Flouse, inshating upon seeluz Piochdent Wilson. He sgi&Lhe.'jved l u Waukeqau and mas bronginl bore hy a ioderTai c1cer. The itearIng lu oouty court iaoloved and ha vas .founul 10 haInsane su dmcs commît- bted ta the Insene asyium. Il le ha- ievefi ha vîli be sont hsck;'tera. .eo Wiicox, -Sohool Boy Who Oisappeared Mysterious, Is Said ta Be ln Wisconsin. IFFICIALS ARE AT WORK. Lad Seen at Russell, Where He lnquired the Way to Buri- ington, Wis. 'bt Lea B. Wllcox, lte AnlIOcu ihoal boy wba dinappearad tram hus ome se myctertously a tev days ago, and for vhom a counîr-mude search bas been Instluted, rau asyy frein horne ta "ee lthe morld," la thelie- lot aif local aultorities, as a resUîl of having recclved a tip vItcit seerna oe mudicale ltailire lad bas gane to turlintugn, 5s.t 1 Il bas been learnedithat yaung W[l- -as, irto [a a son of John Wlcox, a mcli kuomufrmer living about lira and a irail mites soujthwestoil0fAn- [ioct, wiasesen at Russell, about six miileseftramAnt[ocit, irere ho mati ln- qu[r[ng tthe roule ta Brrluglon, WIA. Just wity te eelected ]Eurligton le naI knomn. Sierlh! Griffu has teie. giapbed t0elite anltorilles aI Burting- on la keep a sharp 100k-ouI for tlie 'ongeter lu case tie appoars tere. Thte faîber aoflte boy can give no posibule reason mhy lte lad ciouxtd have decldcd te inn amay. He eaye that no boy ever badl a hetor borne and bomne conditions, ho says. couilà not haie been more cougenlai. Wireu ire ,rode bts banco le scitool at Ant[ocb a teir mornings agao Ilie was ual lire sligti'itte Indication lthaI 'te as dl-uaatlisfied. lie placod bis iarse in tie ti'able, icit isoluneî" basnket in ibm' ci-ool liuse and thi'n diappoairid Tîat was lino Iast ireard n fitm unI il il a-as reportod that ir, iîad bei-n u-n ai tusiand evident fREAT LAKES À training rtivtiee, as weli as tePU t- ttng lnto condition aiflte present and coming quotas for te national army. Permanent roads were lncitjd up- on by miitaiy authorittes belveet, Rockford and Camp Grant and tbe people of tai cammunity recponded patrlotlcally by building lira tigh- ways af permanent construction an'd preparIug te build a titird vtth a new bridge across tine Rock river. From Camp Grant to Chicago. ln ttheiiante spirit the Winneibagp county people are planning thte eau- structIon of titr part aiflte mlitary ttgfîway front Camp Grant ta CiIjaga. iriere lte great depai ai supplies for itis part of the cauntry uecessarily muai continue ta be. Patioltin dti- zens of Boane and McHenry cauntiets are acting lu the camne spiri sud are appealing ta thei people tea aselt War preparatians luntis way by lmued- [ste construction of a permanent iaad. Aa t il appens. th itebgiways are on lte lineoaf te desîgnatefi claIe aid rnad aud te couniies wauld [p turne hoe relmbursed by te laIe to te ex- tent aifitaif the cosI. Muct etftitis ttgbway l aisea on route No. 5 of the $60,000,000 bond issue bill. snd if tiret bond issue eitold carry next year tite coannue$ would lie wbotiy retmbursed by tite etate so fur as those tiecca of road are eoncerned. lu Interest of Prepareduess. Tite argument advanced ln Wtnnc- hago sud theite ier countie [e that mt il lie a gond ting le do now. lu lte Interet of pieparedness sud lto speeding up uofte wir, mitaItt counties are certain ta da anyway tin te next few yeaie. This paît of Illinois always bas heen noted for les ptrl<uic support of theo govern- ment lit aIt critical titmes. sud iriti Wtnnebago and Cook counties datng teir part, it ceerna certain titat Boone and MecUeury wili net tai in titeir duty. Fredi'rick Spincer, seci-nîen, sotu nf Mi. and iurs. hanl W. Stpencer oîf 1-ll-iand Park. has beeru appoiuttid drive-r of an automobile foi a staff officer of te American lIed Crase tl it'nly. Young Spencer, mitoba bee co in thei serice of te Red Crase Iu Eurroe foir six nionthq,Thursday Ci'II1M ~ caliid hiiaet for pcrmi.-rirl t o - grini.dO ? n, at Thi C, cri I 'i.ker.q \evalStation 1I "aeitool fiusooei."believes "1"-r W iI]iani t'. Carîrey. 5i Yeiti's Ol, I. M.NIres. Ii resideîul of tire Xom n'. i r hKetiosha countr-y toi'tnatîY eu's Cirurli Fecieiatiou. mWho eprke erde th,;hm tPe7 before lir,îAnti-CîgaretLleagne lnlire' Prairi.e udaet bs tomeaI lat f Stevens building ln Citicago Salurday- levre-iu- Siinfaalie. r es W. "You rareiY see a alor mithout a ,>I nw in orhetnlA" eigarot." asserted is. Mates. Shr Counly, and hie burlai l iili e ai Mill urgod corn eolter torm af tOhacco. re cmteyWdsa Re- MIsos Lucy page Gulon dofendodCrk enti Wduay alr Great Laites aultaorlties hy csiaing moon. thore ta a mile roqulrlug a clandard or excellence lu mark iu ardor 10 ne- If [l'e of suy nova value, yoo mlii quisitlan cîgarots. flud It lun te Llertyvimîs ladepandeat. Nouitîh iy,,rt 'r. i.,!,.i uirr'. mno rtr ioi a oegn Vu oe'"dt P O. r'rm itrr tîirrj - trr ;'r d "-I\ ii a orn tr .î w ao ti 4 1 N(Ki'îtî. ' ai 'nu.. Wî r~r o n nrî-n"r Th- ri tir io'u rO r'-.r'rP r .i i ' 'I rr'sow 0- thas ibe.'f 'r,,r iýan îpolit. rrtr r'and rI s u'm i:nn sht r "e brînerf tati, 0il u tor 'l l' nr l .r \iirni'r r î- - u nirîi iata' tih, (107 ilr -rrffurrr l r i r. - umn .1 r 11'i r >torîtderip. rt' U a ý Id t11-1r 11:10i zi;y Thrn'.r .r rîrrîr , r r'U.i'.ilt fr thnoi ý' ý nîtîrh - t:1j' r r Il ru shoo. ii rebrardo ter loNrrîjl rî,i a gt. hr ,' -ai-' p.,lir, Jr rrr r e.range"-titan setý". tri iý :o, îr'ti ' rrriri'-:- rî rnn *r I u 'b--ri. ay îrîrrnibut in iîinrr lrr riid rr i i rtu-iiri' rr'r ugOi11,C ans arreste hii rk ii. ,c. r,- Irrî i' lu, - ' d. .1 Z. u-.uinru tiýri,- ,rii liit Covi-ru.<brui -rfe Il,hln rirvas ail l uozenrirrli. i ýw lu.' nîil,.. on the maerî. proac-lîng iii a % 'jvir-ut. n r.nn 1rr ,tir' i lnru' r'r a On -rI ii 'o ' auk Of dared not r rtn andrii ntîaîd so ýOjî otir tiuntii tg lrOs. r.ilid týilleun, hily giounni. A-r thre(log a' ca l ti.'ise tl"rrl'ootirre, him he threwonul Iis arm tj ;rnrî t 1ad1tîOanalo iîd thé intu. itimself. Tht-r l-îept t, lui )_rur rom haue fo uiloi ir-that iberele a rPaciting bis throaj but îlfiî n!ni ils lste law naiurit trovides agalnat the~ teeth bîtrled titentlvetn in bis breaci. The next secondl the dog wauRihaking v lclaueiy, taceraîtng lthe tlesh badty ast he dld ca. In selt-piolectlan lthe young man graithed tite dag abotau the titroat, holdIng On grtmly. He lact bis bal- ence and fell10 1the ground but ctli clung ta the anîrnaVe throat. reaiizing ltaI t nlees ite t tte dog from hlmn ho proably would ho tain la pièces. exerf.Jng every ounceofa. itrenglh lhrew thte vIrlous brute ftrairhl. At the came moment ho dartod lack ltraug thlie gale. lamrng thte gale afler falm. le mas ual a marnent tac He Iionn iati ldasphysician mitere his InJuries more altended ta. Ho noxt qought te police wbo accom- psuied hlm la the Betàn home. Tino dog mac laiton te tDr. 0. N. Smit, a veterinarian, te examine hlm sud see w itthe.r or ualt e rnanifesled any symplorns of rabios. Later tolte ovenfug te dog was aiiaved te ro- buru home. Titis mornlng Tlteodore Bloch. sup- erînteudent for te Public Servie- campen,uy. aliod upithe police and made lte r'eqoest titat the dog ho abat. Ho cuggeetod ltaIlte head it' sent telthe Pasteur lacltiute lu Citi- cago go taI a compiote analysts ecuid he made hy Dr. Laganla. ItlqF possible, tawovor, ltaItteanimal vili ho kepi under observation for nino daye as Mei measune la regardl- ed tully es effective. DRU4i CLRI FACES CITY CIIARW3 0f Ui VNf SOLD BEER A. C. Miller of Marion Street Pharmaoy Must Stand Trial on Serious Charge. POLICE MAKE COMPLAINT. 4 Wanteaun.Oct. 27. A. C. Miller, oanPloyed as a cierk ln lte Mariou etreel phaimary, ibas he pitîed untilr arreet ain a citargè ut seling lntoxicatlng liquor Iu viols- flan aiflte lty ordînscces af Wguke- gan. Tino marrant mas evoru ouI hy Policeman Frank Brance. Miller vac given a prellminarY bearlng hetone Police 'Maglmtratu' Walter Taylor. Hlie bonde more flxFd aI $200 sud ltae case iras coutinued. Miller [su out on bonds. Details aiflte case baie not vet beret made publie, but iltei satd lthe charge pretcrred against Miller ie that hi- irs ttgbper la patronis ai tire ding store. The opie,î adumit tirgt tltey have eur-uiltance for saune lme as lte ne. sîrît of reports'taI have reacitod titim tiretlthe nily audInances areý being vtolated. States Attorney James G. Welcn le matcing the PrreMsaaifbte case. tn case of a conviction urader lte ctty ordinauce ho Immedlately mli file an luiormalion. lu couaty court sud lte deteudant vîli be -obliged toa tingj triai a secondlme. 'lie' polIce as- -sert lhey are dolng titeir lev'êl best te sas ýtbat no IntoxlcatIng liquor la sald la lte city. are very feir huiters Whou hAve knawn about t up ta tite pressaS time. If ire ever itaf beau tnfario4 vitat tite gw iras on titis malter ve neyer woi.d bave vilated It for w-e dlii not do il lutentlonallyY Neyer bofore bave the pine IW dens beenon alte aiert se aitcla m# tis year. Titey are ou hau4 hbrioU.>! and early every marnlng ta se@ehtI titere [sane situatng bei are autnIIê- As a resul fi le cstd tat voatiatl ai the game lava It-ave beeu q àte rare tJils year. Reparte reset here that there a»e. violaionsr of titelair on came af th* Iland lakes and Game Wardenu flt*e ton and IÇ..rn bot -reert taIt Ie fnteid la matie a thoraugit lu1estIg»,cr. tion. They say thât all vIaIAt4* caught will be punisted qeverely- 4 VÂUKIAÂIIS CoAMP A Meismr. Hutteni, Cawleyo 8Sw,ý man and Hume t eave the Rookford Ca"p. APPRECIATE THE CHAieNG,"ý A number ai Waukoasa aimsMi06 Rocitiord camp recetved suddeunýIzI unexpected orders late Titursdst ternoon- sendin temtn toCamp IaUffl at Houston, Tex. They loti for tblb4* todcy. Arang te Wcukegan aieanIliusM, ,dered ta depart at once for lte CaP ' mhere t [s admitfod inIer lMfxf- wtll ho mare pleasanittan aiRck tard, voie: Walter Hullan. Henry Beckrnan. t)ennis Cawley. Henry Huesctng. The boys jusited lime ta drap thetr tolite short notes tfliug of- #ei #> î parluro sud titese arrived tiIs g ing about tiete ime ltoey clcrted alvy tram Racitierd. Titey weren't gives. ,a chance ln corne home sud bld thbl relatives gaod-bye. .Wiakeanz, Ot * AIeiti Watt ai Nortit Vouat tre4ý, s member of lte ~.A. IL, wvas giv> ablrthdby,,surprise party toay hie ifflantd dAngbtértai4.a, Mzq. l4artT' WaIt.Th* iat' vas lthAQ o*f Mir. WahVes 741h blrtbdaîy. AtS* those preeeut mere RobetlW. )wai and teioflowtug tambersaf Ibmthe. A. IL,, Comrades Dun. Austin, dauO andI Huntooa,.lte latter baag cf ialwt Foresb. A birtbday Ohner s atler vitici thlite aId riendse xbauW, remiburSeues of clvil ver11470, They say ltaI everytbtllg 01100 i1 In yont blps one lu a iOatp vitie yau mouldtt tial k 41 tbailbwauhd. do a eohle4am 06 taue ôvor b« lmuI vben lte »eè* WWbb%.mOW 4" e -R 1 917. AoTIER NEW A>TACKEDBYA OWNIÉRSOF W -; MILITARY ROAD VICIOUS D069, RE IN WAUI(3iN PKT IS BEINfi PLANNED I) ROTS FOR LIFE TIiDM ilCU ---l % xi

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