CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1917, p. 8

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Dcli System For War Revenue PMHE attnîid>fof the. pflminito ', othe fllowit olý sof the 1mw r.etly enacted ,by Congrea, enioed èlAo Act to ProvidRevnniue to flfy War Expenlsesand. for Other Purposes Tecnptelepione and islenmeages--4t si"lb. pb.n Useerblens aiole meouP oil'rna idr Imm lesvcuLysdoa rig otn.e cmi ci fr wa tu clagdi iicu entd n " Co l~om e alrenue c a sl mresagis c Copires thpe spyn o Iusireugicorn- h g Novme ls% 1917, oltSst fr10 ho of odog a Ian obs ince rcents ffalor " ci efleo mli pte cha, isr. orceabntshaorh tutu and iltad iallcnts o fth rguatszu tc Toebon Cy omponstate- mnt: fori cIcLtssch niesuge. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COPANY Havlng r'ented my farm, 1 will seil, at public sale, *1 Leigliton, 111,, 21 miles south of Libertyville and one mile east of Dlamnd Lake, (in Tuesday,' November 6, 1917 sale coxnwencing at 12 o'clock noon, sharp, the fol- Iowiug described live stock and farming imiplements: Thirtem Head of Cattie-seven cows, two with. ealves by side; one 8-year-eld ball;, two 2-year.old 'lera, one heifer 9 monthà old, one heifer 4 months ôi, and one bul 2 inonths old. VFive I1e. of Hor*ses-oue bay homse, weighe *1»0 Ibo0.; one. chestuut mare, weigha 1200 pounids; ý_n wrork mare, one colt 24 years old, and one colt Hogoý-one so' with plg. Faeahimsg imsa eut4 umhy, Et.-12 bà. P. gafline engins. In good vPrklvg andet-, 1% h. P. g-11l-u engins, pnrnplng jack, 8 il 1k c"n, trnck \Vaan, 8M. tires, two milit vegon., norov.îire vagon, viii bax; bol 'k'ak, bicCormick groin binder, bieotmlk mover, Deetlng corn inder, "kiocklnXalle3 boy loader, Useera coin ulonter, Keyatone coin planter, ci. «Wb è&w. Appleton 4-rail coin shneddsi, Buciieje b.d cutter. jack. bol raie, bris. culivatars. barraw,, 1, as .and any other articles. Hy and Grain --- A large quantlty of barley, 400 bestiole of oas, a quantity of tlmothy bay, and, 10 tomre of good corn. 'Tenu of Sale: sanis of 81 0 and under, cash; un sums over $10 a cÏeditý of six months will bit given on approved bankabl7e notes, bearung 6 per cent in- terest. No goods to be removed until settled for Robert Nikoley Prop, Fred Grabbe Auctloneer. John Rotise, Clerk AUCTION SALE The uiderigned wili oIL, at public auction, on the Ed Dnic 14 miles southwest of Grange Hall Comezuand 34 miles east Of Gr&YàUae. starting at 10 mcoc a.ion TUSDYN)VEMER 6,1917 Forty4bjin.Head Of C.ukl indcudng6 milc-h ~i,32 b.tfere,2 bplls sud3 utem EgtHesd oHS Mit% 13 fat pgN 8 i 5»bu" lsosto. 90 bu. spwig tvhet, 20 bu. 11 =«il rSmcoin ishocit, quautity of h*iy in bmn. S Two gain iena, coin bider mower, seeder, k,2 cm upltau gos engin., cultivatoro, pulverizer, drag, 3 owagoo. 2 buggieshamest, Miina plow. feed cutter. - uo*l. 4-othv articles, too numerous to mention,% FmV5 iJY HAT 14001 '~.,~pIu.-saio a sd under, cash, over bial amonto 0 Wgp4biaÇrto)w teniovedunuiIfuisolemntltr,.a,,iF '.SNIYDER BROS, Ptops. Âuffututl, 1912, At Md 1101 they ilv* t> wryd Sti 915,vhii ah *pot «»Pffl u*.em oi1.U6sw Ors. otbb i bMWe,*vsvtltrm a , a la sé .waslug 'Md. Im )pwa miosl a iflerinu er %mr ofesil .nffl »dak vJ pDidu ali «sI ims se nui. Mr. and Mm. IL J. ScIaSse adsona slaaler et udlmery. vore lth. puts of Mr. ad mm . . Bmbais»a Snday.a Titilse.Aug. Kulbte rvont ta Ocaga Wdoesdayth repnuueni tb.village 01 Wauoods'at the hearlug beorejthe lSte é 111W.. Qamaiqo csIedbythe 2 9e Publie Servie . u.ilng for privi.1 iedgtorisdeu teeadle pover 01 gai' vhieb ibey Oel WI ldo luet as Weillfor motimE putpomiiand tlil allov thon ta1 moto gais sa o hber cuiob vble b nce. uny aider tAebs bcent af cool and1 labor. Tii. villae board fit taIs 1 vonid ot b. vise ta rndaes the. qualiA ofaSu and uld proe If Iitvwac bovn secee.ry, ta pay a imalil ncrease la piles and heu reproentative vas fnauructed accordngly. The barvest supper .ervedl by the lalie. af the Fsderated.chuci vas veU attend id and the recespts azmounted ta $78. Wauconda township gave the goori roada bond Isne a good boost lait Tues- day the vote belug ai tolons: bien 109 for, agalnst 48; Wemen 58 for, agaloît il; total 167 for, 54 ogainat. The mon'% vote carrylng nearly 8 to 1 but the ladies abowed more of a progresuive sprit than the mn. the vote being more thon 5 ho 1. The vote for Judgeofo the Crcuit Court vai 00 for the independent candi- date and 17 lor tbe -Socalist, men unly vqng for the Judge. Il the Stote bond giuepase@ hte leptactically ae.ured tii. money recélved hum the abote lot ieftnded on the Belvidere rond rn. Wankigau ta Volo vhleb ln a Stats nd rond viii heo ued ta bnlld from the Cook county lIns on the.R»nd rond st Quontîns Corners ta, Lake Zurich and thonto0Wauàconda. This la the tiret step to pull Loti connty ont of the mtd and i e hope ta ae te good work con tlnned aunil v. bave guod rund* tbrough the tounty. Mr. aidlira. lohn Brown entertalned Snumber ofi heir relatives Snnday lu honoraIf lItAi. Elmen'i bitlhday. Thoa Ti. AUCTION SALE lh ai. bavlng beau mold, tbe undar. slgned vlIil ei, at publie onction, on the i pranile. tnovn s the. enty Luiman1 for, ai Lobmaie's Corner@, 8 milesi southeaet of Wauconda, 8 miles n orth. eaot of Loko Znrich and 2% tmlles aonth. veet of Oillinr, on TUEUAÎ, NOVEMBER 6, 1917. commencn at 10 (.clock o. M. sharp: 30 HBEAUOForCATTLE-5 non rilkerg, omre wltb calves by ide; 20 aprîngero, moîtly cloue up; 2 13-yar.oîd beotr,1 2 yearling bellots, 2-year-old Holstein1 stock bull. The cattie area al bomne1 raised.1 floazos-Bay tuam. 2 years old, wt1 2400; boy more, 4 years uld, wt. 1300.1 bay horas, 10 yeorî old, wt. 1350; gray1 botS., 12 yeore uld, wt. 1400. . os-i sow, ivîth 7 pige; 16 ('boîter White shoots, Chanetr Jbte boar, tvao s0v., Dot bred. (lame, CouN AND BAY-20 bu. wbeat,1 1204bn. Date, 30 ocras of coin, cnt viti 'blnder and Dot tancbed by eerly f tost. 80 tansof tintiy boy.tu barn, stock of slangh boy, etack 01 .Aîov, manunre pile. Ait l tidi st! imni ,onety,' e. imam- --12 inonotiha tâe tas-aÏ6 pet cent luterost. Sumi under 810, cas. FR2ED LOIIMAN. Proprietor. FHOBLHIE & BLÂecÊg, AucOtianeer. A. V. WZLCH AUCTION -~ ,FARU SALES A,SPEJCIATY Oood, bonoat servies, and a square deal guoranteod. Alsoles ivon prompt ot. teto,--Write me, or tete- phone at iny expoulsé A. V. WELCH .Telion. 10 WALWORT1II:- SCOIiMI Plu a ire. poiulg. »Mors W**"r; Mi, 14 WI HIsse Ç"obo ...............Oebotm ogb .... ........... ouM'M. Vm*le vielhIgbi. mn aid ..i....o.s. R . .........s p ies ioisoapt igB.!-l ....... . .... Pmàb. 14111 o0-&vs lb*es.~i 0 mW tit wm * r, '< M..~ os ~s p vs*ua I TIi ~ gais iote esIot4 ouim uul~ a. at .irodei " l ope" otheebsneng, Mi. TP. ODisi a very b mm isa% aioui by île Home DeasLsago.,ia c ose lo« lis mbimci 1WwOWà7r,5s t War" aMidmWperesôs whs buai leuconld but bal île spiit af poirriem aaken vihia is..He loue Iibou3rcdiho suinte w" illed &bu U. 6. lotheibmar aid ebaved tAb no uauop *ver bad groster colée, As delamiheu bonau aid as ho tonclisbi b. vas #Ius. * gigt ovation by tle erovd. Job& M Bsir(pbpif !thaéHIgI .chaol rend sa sIorinpas. vbicl hocsompoe.d ahoi Oh Kaiser aid viwu dly p- pboaded. MissPriscila Fuihu tIs" eM9 o6 eW - Oood.bî. Brosdvway 1110P Fronc" l eb vas gisatlappiseated by, ilseodiesnahocale inbock for an o. esai.,M. Lunt wvas Aienfcait upouto gSiva aeborthaIt Md rueed wvlh a sepWrnapattiotte addres. aid oallod upsa &Rlta h. loyal tota hlr country and Wb olpuanieIl îbiongb ithe criélis.Tbi. pragra. wuvaieldsd iy a sisaoeeeby Aie baud «"The itar Spong- led Béaner" lb.e entire gtiirlng îolnlng la thIeeong. Tui. lethe Iris f aa »rle or patiltie gotherinns vhieb are ta ho heîd bers and abthle nehi ral' o soldier vbp baim servstice on the Enropeon bohieflldi nilI ho niti us ta bell us ut tii real var conditions and of 111e la bis tiencie.*Watci lorthLe date, lb nilI ho sannounced an.9 Lent Thuimday evening vas aohignigil for Wlancond thie De $met Quartz Tis. publlieli m*eiilugand bis Gond 11usd bond hsne esplolned ta a large gatuéeiag so thePalace thisai,. vlcb vas OIlai despite thes disaguebli neatiier. Sipu.iry Paul WilllI of the Wankegai Chamber of Commerce vosi preint a14 gais a Veon lnteresslng toIt on conimunulhibuildingooauidina vitb an e.pla.ùoAlon of the (fod Ronds bond luine. Join Hodge piumoitrof Aie1 Delinet Quart. Vise O., gave a ver> wotsrong talIt os the Wsnonda'. on enterprlae, cornplmentagonn cIis on bavin mnur.d Iiuinf oiriler villae and be.peating 110 lfn,.useeuo&..i GOe. W. De6met, Presldsnt of he 1 Uesmel Quartz Tfie Ca.. and Howard L. ll'lb.r, lecretaryoft hie cumpan>' vers préenut and vireIlotodnced tulthe audience by Ciainnias Kent. Tley ree- ponded by short addnesss itiantlng Abs people of Wanonada loi uernthueam tui pramoling thi nov hachai>'aid lhs caidiaili>' ln vblcb they ver. recelved and asesred out ctisiestiat Lie>' vîli ho proud ot thoser nInlùlun vici vii niankthle npbutldîng of Waueonda. tir. Déhime'toted îlot aItii premest tilie tic>' bad enougi aidera iooted ta keip tli e Divl4t rannnlng astIful capacît>' for t-be eung yeai sqiploying froni t-iyt-i 0 Irty bnda.' B. E.j Malmon gave a short tte kOR Wagcn- da's progreseivi spîrit and nrged Ail ta but- for the néw lator>'. The Cyclone Triplets o! Waukegon vasnune of the big bite on ttiprogtom renderlng airerai fine vocal aelectloneibcb vee. greatI>' enjoyed. The Wauconda Ibiîiary bond under the aile leadershiîpof Prof. genrs of Barrington, isndered several s.usctIane1 and von lie appianai of tie gatbsrlng. Co. Engineer Ruseil! and Pree. R. C. Kent concluded. Aie piograu viti en- tbusiatic tlItsfoi tie G3od Bouda bond iSuu@ and ail ln &Il tie mestlng vas a grand succee. i PRA4ZVEW 80.411. Ulea W *u boom la Oçvug., *op Ire*, Offé. 1. le9 u diedma* iiDt. le., 0" II.25 . i,0 **amorsslaSy.ota"ifopdis.s, mier mmoai sf lbsa bv 1ays. gs co"a -t iImola ith l bispaesate lula " a of 1860&ad onlDee. 12,1567. vipe ufle la monuogste Ana sbaptar; »as oldusO vois horste t of viios am living. aRh viste eade4 Il. ilsth gassi lea d ivrq yéeo rs » e .luei te ours le los tonr dmugberoMm1 Nottîs Davbm cd ai Wok«igoattlie Igg"ur.eIiofaiUbertyviiie, Mn.. Addie Berlsger af Lakte 51, ad Mm. Vs selloer e aWukego, a" thrsuas" Umnobi. Edvord mai Wilim a*l ai HBd all o, aiAs.. gnbïd ehildnen ad osé aSsi gi'oadcbld sud à oéoolo friande. CARD 0P TIIANK& Wî whb bu extend ou "katehle minauyfriids via nklndir &oetedune lu tle Iotaber.ommniof i atbfoer, Eno« Gleson aid fon the beouMn Élover. dalotbe snger. - Tb"bObldren. Mi. sud Mrta. Fred Wiilz aid daVghei of Reors Pork, @peut o ton day. nlitb relatives lu tiis vlcinty racently. Mmr. Edna Boarden, o former reoldent o! fib. place, le the guest of ber niee, lir. Fl. S. Dolpi. Mmr. Cura Cha&ihorliî @peut severol day@ of bit neek ot the home ol ber sioter, Mrs. Uibdenstoct of Glmir. George Gudwvin la t-be happy poussieor of a nov Ford. bita. Neoti onteitalnid frienda Itom Chicago gatnrday nad Snndoy. Mise.Emnmna rabbe @pent o fin day. 0! lait veet nul Misé Rons Docker at Abs Col. Dawes borne lunlvanilon. lie oa vlolted Mms, Lanilland Mnâ. Barry Docker. Ciorlie Chambertin nos a omre visitai Bundal. Mr. aid Mis. D. S. Dopi sntertained Mr. Neson, one oftheii Naiî boys fr0. Gireot Loto«., atuiday and Suudoy. Usai Well open# the. week-end nIti George Brainerd and câllad on otiar friands. Fred Grable anctlonsd off nmne loti for ile Cumminnge Laid Co. lu Chicago Tburadey aad I idoioîualng. Mrs. Dobuu ni Waueonda, vliteed ber dagiter, lMr. C. flolpi asft veot. TheLadie.' Coineteiy eoclehy viii bold thluW &Hnii i day meeting Tbnr.dAy, No0v. 8éh abthelshorne of lira. Jocoby. A xood attsudaico la iuped fot ai thore Io plenty of nuit. Tii Woman's aociety oi the ciurcb bave puiciosed a netw ronge for the baiement aid hope tu, bave lb ln place @non. The neeetbegnnîng N-iv. 5 humribien set &part for t-he womeu orl blîuoita riglet-er for ver voit. Arrangements bave bien miade foi the Fremont nomen to regieter st the D. S. Dolpi stotesany afternuon of t-bat neek fhum 2 t-o 4 o'clock. $orne one viilte ln charge oaci day and ail loyal vomon over 1<5; years ota&ge are uigod bo reglater. Thia does nut muai tiat one muet leave bomne or promis. snytblng biiy are net able to do. Mis. Aie. WIUnion entertaned tii É.ltting club Tueido>'eiining. Unr. Samuel Fitici of Chic&*), la uhlithng ber motier, Mms. A. H. Mublke. aU.- -.0111flM.muoA, tielRevatiesoi u &# the .bOOePlhalof ArIigiauHoigbta, visiad ab the hbaens ln Waoakegao but Satorday oMd bal!ber aIC. W. Pettio, Snuday. tnsila and aduMoliremaod. - Ma is.ElaonMoyeu nathlieek-.eud FiaikBt lee psaiSoday t haome. gueil of Mlu Mildred Turpin of Long-t E. J. Gliesud, i fmal la UN .cOnu Wood. f autoed tu Dr. Boi termSsdsY. Mie.Hemins ofaunehild ulolhed trilndi ýMiss Oeilnç So« aye lVit OVNIS. lu Chlcagolaver tIe i Aima Kup;gW Wpmit so$uiday sud uos. Amu liePywvoPa eit-fi l Sunday ah boule. guesi of bsn déuaglier. MW&.BdlBinobai Myrtie Knqar bid tbs midaumi.ta lne dgbthgrode ilentaine a s I hall aid ara quilte badljr, but Hsllove'en pet aih. lame slWIlAr ha ail, tousIL. oldrlng, TluusdY.enlut. SMre. B. L. Téipp caled on ber Parents, IR. V. Haie of *ov York, vas the gue.i Mr. sud lioJn. Richrde, Sunday. 0111lit@notb., lt.. L. C. Bil, Monday, Fred Lhkntaîovas ibiesi a M.of aid TtiSday. Hodgtlnea nd lomUl 'SondoW. Mb. U lmaisPeterson vwu guesls ot ber- Mldnod RilzetlalerSanda> ai boni., parete, M'i. aid Mrs. Pehen$on 0f L. Rntcilnge caffld on Mrt. andUMis. Evaiion, auer tle vea-end.e Pidirean lait Ftldoy. lM F. H. Moyer, sntertalned the Miss Grl spent Soudai lunthie cittMielonaru iuclety ofthle Prebytsilau 1 ber home. duorci, Tii snbject for disçueuion nos The Ladies Aid wnUl rneelabthei paoiOn- -oronMri. J. A. litoiebet tout agi Thnriday oftheioofi, Nov. 8. cbaugeofItii rnesttng. lire. Riay gavef Tii ertertainrnint vie vas Polit-an lohsréatictig l i ogiitelng f1i ponsd on wocunt of tle nýother viiile u mi." juien Tundsy evoulng, Nov. 6.EierYaih. .Thé Upetrsmers" entsrtained oha, b*6io State Counicil of Defense Out- Unes Purpose of Branch Just Formed in County. d In cannection nItb Lie'formation ur t-be Laite county councîl of t-be atate concil ai defense. It la Interest- lng ta note luit vint t-hedutis ofthe county branch are. Tue dut-es uft iis commîttee au outllued by t-ho state council a! de fenis, are os falo-ve: 1 'lit siali le t-he dutY of the count>' simuxu7 'oimmIttee aof t-be.atiae canu- Cal or defehise Lte eMute Abrougiaut the atate &Il 0aIthe cunclis Instruc- thons; ha supervlsq al limes of 04*v. 11v; ta co-ordlna he ovoit of exlât- lU organisatIons nIcther for relIi, daeem or intelnlue; ho, keop the ScUtharagIuîInformel ai toanI matfl vbicb nu hiheOpinion vi lbeai on tibis voit 10 mateIuruY. ai the.counti~m inutries and con- dItiongseasfr0. limeho insmemer' le caDed for; to appoint iub-cofmutti.m for the praper exécution a! the var- lons activitis ofthe cauncil, and tranmact ail othier business or t-be eouaicli as directed." Tis cmmitteestands remiyt, t chertullî co-Operato nh, andasist ail exhsting oricauhtations lopkJngtat- word a epeedy- and complete vlctory ter American armis. If lt's of an>' nns Vaine, you vfll t'and It In the Llbertyville Independent. »I. Ir. . Lgave o bokeq'aaie@ eà'. e0m «Mo Uosvdoy m* entu he «su bey se"oo *em"t'cfDsea4eld tova*hp -Me*uuiOol lotuuisiformo a -Ne- MaWie 051:Bater amy girl vho »-e à allant vert wviii bful 1 cent. the. fIne dsuil for each offense. A 15m erovdibamfndaithe Lu. Ne. welà à" Wediflay. Dr. luof (faI iye Is e as attend. lut pagssAs bars Wemoaday. lite. 9. C. W*hbér .nottaimd ber brother Ur,. eril vbib ehaofflSr ot1 Pi. Steridan, 8atu"day @volu#. . Bturday ,v.nng il. yauag people af Umiom Smnday mhoW Ol ibold a social et the. boni. of ShormanDaria tir. aud lMtr. W. A. Mnuellir mla Chi. eaga te attend lb. burlel of Mrs. Musi. WA fiahir, i. Miller. MlIdn.d Davis vas given a surpris. on ber bintbdoy laut Tou.dayr eveulu«. ohool iNotes Twelve primary chaire bave ben pur- ceaied for Sb* priniary foutu. The 611h, clxiii and eighth gr&d"een- pijed a hall biliday lait Wednseday. Seuirai teturned Saturday th make il op. Another ourpîlce party vau given by the ehlîdren lait .Sonday ln honor of Mise Mathilde, ie.. The follovlns puplls weré nelther ab>- sent nor tardy: Florence Bilndee, Jula tioligor, Velma titz, bildred Galilgr, IMyrtie VPlabbark, Charlotte Sebumnacher, Rose Niabrlng, Ellec Borreti len Sund- wali. Stanley Studtteld, Claude Nesbring àMildred Devis. Renu Roein4 V'lahB art and Lauta Rotînger. Waukegan Man WitI Command One of a Fleet of Ninieteen Submarine Chawes. In connection wlth the tact that Charle Steele of Waukegan la te oumnnd one et the eubrnarine chasers and now ls ln Ohio looking alter moatters.ilt la lnteresting te mnow that-is .boat vill be one uf a fleet of nineteen. This neet of nineteen wîi llie under command of 0. T. McClure, the Chi- cago millionaire. vhoee appointment te0 the place vas announced Saturday. Steele's boat. luke the otlîers, vîll bave two engines otf no horne power e&cli and wil have a length of 1111 teet. The bouts, wiUi 500 borse pow- er, wnul bave greatt peed and It la teit they vili be a great addition to the goverumient's antI-submarlno force. COUNTY COUNCIL MUSTIU3EP J>OSTED ON ALL SUIBJETS USEAT lAA015V1Mun7.a Keo-mi ew b9uma bus4h. ~olas i Pr iffl, os. teri W-Ine Pff.e5 i e, te s. n1t101lmeai wdh ete The blggest evacuatian tiot la. @ver ltes plface ta lAite cointy bu heen a"tepatlcally staited and i e troupe are inlai n* order, camplotiag tbsi rutret ithout Undi» efst.. mient amd nituot the onuitermuh th& uaIY aeSmpanles aadommesat Orttnalnlng campa. The big test ar transi erilng j2,. 000 recruite Wha bave ocnupled the. varions tente l ai it bat.. station ho the new cantanmnent on tihesoti und vest af tiheutatIlis DOW in PrOirea. Itlalenome job! Iltg ea ceeniere 12,000 are viitnally "lt- lnz np thei bette and valtng.", This voit nicb started an the erPeclin of lie buldIngs vhIci are ta bouge the navy 1baya vas bagua la the rniddle of July sud bas bien rushed villi the greoteet possible speed sincp that limeý Il h practical. ly flnlsbed at the preaent'lime sud the cOntractOfs vho bave haîtcharge or bl have ,prorlically al pulied out thei oqulpment and forces tram the ground. Thpre. remnaîne but littIe ta, do nov and Lie finiîng touches are belng put in, Ne-vertheleesi the bulid- Iugg aie being o&eupiod aoratasas PasiIble by the Young men vho bave been living In tente duî-lng thbe past severai montha. The tents are ail belng Loaen down preeerved tfor f.u- bure use in case the lilldings nov UP prove Inadequste durIng the moulu la carne, eipectally as wormq voother eomesaon. Hespital Work Net Dons. One o! the Important teste 'yet t-o bc finished hi the completion of the addions bu t-be Min bospital, soutk of the administration building, an Improvement wbicb meanso avbole lot anid lu tact la causidered that la- cîItiLes are ta be lnsbabled for the. ac- commodation o! a lbousand patieuti. in Other nords, the bospital prior ta t-be present ImProvernent bad but ft liesand nOn It viiibave 1000bede. Capt. Moffett adinitted today bat bchad rsdieived Perislsionnfront Washiingtoni to go0 .bed and erect o nubei of odditional harracts to the uorth ofthle mn sation, Includîng guard humqe ufeer,' buliLdings, SWIMMlng pools, etC. Have Rushed Work. The <autonment nhîcl, bas heen etected durlng the- paEt several mouthe ta declared by government ot- ficiaix t-o bé lhe finest lu the country. The men Who have recently been bers on Inspection derlare- biere le; n com- parison betnç.e t-hie station and other stations uftIhe saine character. For Instance, lu Rockford, lie bout bai not yet bFen tuined on In t-be buildinge, vhlci are belug need by the army nmen sud itlea itated It wnli be tnlîy six vets befare ths beat la turned on. At Greatrj.akes the heat nos turned oni10tan eek and overy heatlug opilaratus in put tu nart per- iectly. The buldings are suppliei vit-i eftea. t ~tand lb ia sait! the boys vUii le os comfortable dnrlng Abe *Inter auiIl - y. vers lu their mmu bosea. Tiiere vas griot Joy ai Greot laite" station whea the aider vas received te beglu paciing heu trope au& mavlng frin ithe tenta ta Aboi now buildings au the. santi aide, of the statian. The boys bave been looking forvord tothile 'more nitI .a pool deal ofantichipa5tion becolie during the severe cold nigbtu af thle past ionwîeksIt hbuas nat'een veiq comfortable sleeping in a cold tent. Waman'i fiienfi, le a Large Trial Bth. of BanalPribciptioil. 1ine tir blacitheads, eczerna and ail rougi, ski& 'nd clear comrplexion. A rega kia tontc. <Gei a. 35c trial hotusleth e drug store. adï If It'a of! novnene value, yonUI finitIt Ini the lbeitylil*êiddepiest. i

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