CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1917, p. 9

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e I s 4 *, ~rv Lth~RTtV~ âGE~ I New Judge vW46 Iow ed U4ge te -0011 Lita judgal'rost FATS 13O 2c RaganFalls From Hldng PaeBeneath Car of a Fast Tlwmo Train. IS YEAR'S i17TH FATAUTY,, Man WhoKesTalfA- xth Shore Dairy Sts Ex- ampie and Tenders Pries sked for by Farmers of the Western Part of County. AR JS UNITED TO STAND OUT' FOR $3.42. peéaj Ia Made te Hoover by FarinerofetNorthern Ilinois -Situation ta Clarfied in Waukegan Thursday. WWhln1t-à eO t.l- .-he man in the Street Wini eel added butdens of the war revamâ tai Tbnreday. Somel of the taxaes 1*g lté At eet that day ,elre* One peot entai each 10 cent ade mission ta tbeaters. moviem. ChUdren under tweivc pa>' a fiat 1 cent tax. Elgbt per Cept on passenger taies b>' rail and intel-. except on trIpP less than forts'mile,. Three par oint on freigbt charges. Tee par ceit on berthe. stataroams and »saleatiDprlirare or veasels., Ten per cent on club dues more than $1is uimy. Onec for parc Oea* P«ckue TPIlec coc o *yî ime au Lm aWaukegan sas lIes fret 12 cent"-. gratasi Uives Ther in a Year. quert-.silîkl cent,0a That Ray MMsa was riding on theU etii.ýte rc â nvr Mh .........sne beyoasd 10 cen98 s quart, but 1ta nurang bumpra f te tit aisnge tr.IU________________________dey when thse Octwer contract with wbich resches Lake Forent at 2:42 on ts îmr,*ddaesep~,ts Tuesday atternoan la the beleofets ai sdogiers set thoir- prise o.p whoccae III those wbe aw iaehImangled Yemaie to thse fermiar@ &i accordingly thse UDm aft4ei the>' ere picked op a short dis AjWIfD rartait price te consumier@ waîM isa&an tance nortil of the Late F'oi'et as I 'Rsad. 1~ J i tic* an the Northnestern. ,UP ta lant nlght the local dealers The tact that noone O an Egau rIti. u O N In I3LIiC IoN dD ot know what t4iey were glag ing the- blini battge and that à& to, do for milil. but Mr. Brummond at body saw bhlm nalklÏ« o n the. tracbq ibhe North Shore Dairy pissed the lads ta, the bellettat ho nuit bave In conection wth the bond iane' word toae number ar thse .'.mra iFéer been b1ding .unerneath the -car on eloctioni t là Interestng and IePOrt. * with whcmn ho deàasthat he waî nl.- the bumpers nia lgomo ýqx lie 5>1ta onote tic tact tbat 1the meq*s'lag uilder conditions to pi>'y*.42 . wu - blted troa fils psiton udaU V-2,321 ta 1,743-aIman carrled thec hundred for tuit, this being the price throw bmesetli the oli. lite bniy,.ecture nbcb provides for the ev>. that prevalld ta Chilcaga dealersanahd = .ane n usuocahsai of au anaddtional tasie wicli ltaiDers duriaz Otabe oeriod. TIh e, nIta olyn Sgi ie»WU ~ a cirale e t boai nd call nte-' Octbar priée 10" WaUbem deuà8g cardeancd 1.11ev, ishipoket btià estMt craing an the *5.0* issue. 1 tram the tatier. nwu $8.66 a hundr*yi, ing te Umre ofi«Ray »Msfa t.. Itla lecilled tht mider the Ian the, t115t.fff thi emie iaaunta 1 in 77l hi, identit>' nas eitabliiIsed. vomen bai a rlgt ta vote on tha *a hundred ta the fermrnas. It seema tbat EVie bai a cousin quetion os "whetlir the bondi ibali 1 hiadIatel>' citer glving tbil.n- r in Milwlaukee and two couins a. b. iam." but lIer dMd Dotbaye the creu asepa ta the tarnais, the North Evanaton. Tbe better la he u - . 1-I1,sbtOtavota an "A"d ahali addt;ouaIShoe aIiareiai its relaitU pico 2-, ing ta beat bis na>' to Miwcukee taise ha levied Iu nr ota tiI.cira a nuart. Great ta *lit tiiose cousins. a*aald bond." In éther WO1d5. Il At the present hour the North tien wn Nobody uianthse accident -ad It V Iouthiemiden ta, vote O0 Ia-a teI- p #OreDat.->or Do aLler Waukegcn liLare, was &fter Uie 2:42 train had puled tai facture. nhOreaa lb. vOM Ie : e. dealer bas maie a contract nti theie PE away a&M wueon lie ay 'ta IÀ ke l8gavethei suent t.> thê. PUlaOfitrae". uppilg thie Waukegcn tbree Bluff that a paserby ian thebdy i>'mulM bndtaîi bai nothisig ta se>'Market. Tiere tbei been tlui that own c( lying n the ieck.about nieller tic tai should bo lev. tha frneri aif Wauegen nauld lialdme a 17 In iYsear. te& Outfer $4.00 a liuadred. 'but Mr. nhlci Accordlng ta a Lake Fbreit ma , l'ed the man ANDI vomec cuit Bruimnintd declared lie difi»t01tiik ana. iis la the l7tb fetality tu coceur la etioglivotai ogether ta ahçrihe ithe>' nould. do no. UelaId if itis lt 1gb LaLke Pl'rest witile the past yoer, ei. but iii tba mSa' vota nore dane til t wôuld neceeit@te autior eitber on the Nottleatetil ot on the. AÇkAIJIOT been greater tha th e om-PutU the icretaUl price.ta Wcukegaha syni Chicago North Sorae aIectrlc. This b"_dvotas of thcmnn cd vomen caflimnat et 14ce aquart. af îrm man deciares ho bi kept traci eofD='tbce . avtien the bondi wauId Manager Brunubond itated that befod tic ftalitiei and tiat Ogma' deatu nDM bave been filftod, but It Il u is!, ai not been able toalae ahs ai- Thrd la actuali>' the lth nlthin Lthe put id thora wcre 2,32f nen for end 1,743 rangement wnlhth i Uc ler Producere onicers year. This ine very ntinel record agnu the wUc bale iraisadlUan car. but tuat up ta 10 o'clock a number or and probabl>' exceedi u>ay thar inries the anialer producers had brought Gove an>' cil>' long the sorti tallre. Thcestatue ot the women ileiitIle ir MIN ita townDand itot Il t ieisng Nc bond liue leetion' na ratier pas.deir>', atreelng to take tic $3.42 pend- Wicou ling and cauea.l peopla geaieil>' , Ing furtber aettlcment beween bim Canipir 5%RW p la fel that the nomen shosid net hava Und the farinera. The Ieen permitteil o vteon oe prt The reports front Chicagog show In. L of the queitoin and ual on the ot tat the fermer@aend dealers were cor ln FROJTS INlm AKE In alier ward», tia nomen b>' their sot g«Ung togetîer very fatand as ar>'. .qevotes In favor of tie bond issue miglt the tannera la and about Waukegan Geot IORST TUJES.E tY . bavebeen unanlmously for it. er.- had ta gtrild of their miii smre wv,asit ad temn bol ave kiled the t la decarcdI t nea feit ail of them C. nihole thuez by refusing toaepprove wouid accept lie $3.42 priée îub- mstant "Zoui,.» tbe lcvylng of the tix, and thus lu mltted b>' tie Norh Shore Deiry and Ei Bozing hILake Forest- the total nothlng wouid have beenâS dD oMaager RBmmneî.asaumag Tbct'à exacti>' wfat tank place at accomplihed. number of ohher Weukegan decîcre chante tb. Young Me'î club lu 21r* cet Tic mîualno caused eyeryonee c, ere ready taý do the same lhiaS, itc Square. Laie 1Nret Tueday sightl. ted the Ian ahould bu changei so the zanely ecccpt tbe priée ai *342 andboti and if Thon Quaile or ce>' other o08- nomen cen eltber vote os ai or noth- slave thei retail priée ep to 12c c lion. cer of tbe Ian and aider laakue abcd . It a enralyfetthore a 1. -quart. Guet been presont ha couldiet*bave raefi reon vi>' things auld hb.go eau- Tins b> the viWnfllee 1of " .fonce bil, volée. lud enougla iepraie aori th uaîng and puzîilng as vai lbhe-cie Norh Shore Dair>' Company' ta pay i>bil excelaitentalimlinen. llniis bond election vlth refarenco ebc »Mein Kennedy, tie Idol of the tu the nomens status. _______os_______eu boys of the U. B. Navy, soledl as nef- ltome] ornea. Tiere wnu nô blood splied, po 'George Lewis,' 634 North Clark S... ria black eye, but a a idorfutibl -Chicago, na ureed over t thLicgar- prinot idn f îe any' otreoreg neat'b>'the police Manda>'fl- Wer tetureofothe ceveàiVi enetaltwakI4 b~ ise rreatby two naiorn trm w ment. and 'befor Liahe«rtainvont te Great Lkes nival training aetHOV taOSBLI QAO ' down, Jmes Grdon,. remor f maie" *tion. Lewis approee-bed thée ilors -The Valin board ai1.tra4e, botter posu a bloody intle n te vUds of Ati'le., uni*adfferai ta cl lien whisky. Teii t sa e '.'e butter boat," baben tue ni shod hon 1the SttCi 'va rlads 101>17 af Lia Jacta., nu tetaie hlm eëlaod fer lhe duration af the vin, ai <Che train 1he01 saliei!i. JIn pucisi lii.tu, theBouta Clak atreatpolicesta 411e rouant aoflHerbert C. Hvr, iai-n beg until tha nls ef the blg bulIê ioa. Tanlj2-pat.isIll i twhisky fdu'lioaMd ad&llDMntlu. lng creiked, an a 8« O,15i' ene t f4Ud HooveRaeàra oqreueil ivu>, loto-e, milainaires and Phtlantbi'o1t5-'i ___in, __ bis*lgtae.gutti nhlch Lake Forat lisu mey-k" u.utitM. k Haumad, dcohier W»-t e eboard Weuld 0010* qosn p«et Lir banda e a Oa L .M &. v1Iis M Wlslies wlffl edbac!. 'fi u Il 111 O1eatI..oaStaion ~l1 M maithi e quent, Mr. Ioer au m.j..~ ~ . ~. iils iasi a@,~ tiir >Wl5« Ilat mariaetond UO nuW v lMpiww cent olk each 25 cent cbarXt' 1 cel9- et; ce«t on eacb 20 cent expres celý ii2oac iclephane. tele- nid 4io menamte oosting 15 or meeéw it oeutk*r everi' $160' of M1e LAT£ àJSIEFMl~ TICKETS AffE- CONFUSED. Welsh's rm e sIWnr- one Cnddte L t li Somn.RepubiloanVotes. Waukegan. Oct. 31. Otîpatebes tram Bevidere tisla tw ternosam aertod that ttoruey R. K. Welch baid defetad Hall, the aocýil- let candidate, by a majority of 5.O9or votea lthe .eitire Judicel circuit. Attornecy R. K. Welah ar Rockford was electOfi Circuit Judge of ths,. the 17tb judîclal district, lu the elect10à on TUesday and wbulb his apponent, Mir. Hall, aIalo ý lckiard, seconsd a vote Lan mre .pracncta of L*kc County and other precincts ln WInae- bago Couety, lhe saclalîstle oradidale cen find littie Cbnalation Le that tact because t icrelopi tt -9*IO v-otes cast for hlm vwere c" .m o)gy isapp i aon a lteay I>' iu èf0l 0f ratera have expliiec the tact that lie>'. di net undertand that lMr, Welii nas Lie rmpulicm Dominee ms Wall as tic independent eaniinee, hi, ap pecrance under the latter tic« itLon th1e ballot beaz *due -toa aire. ranm SDirlDgOld abd through. Do clole ni b4~ ove. tr1 blii is i taeg n 994in(A* ta' tne -die' t4;~1q~1, Q 4=ws#ty, nieraa 1kroo« otvea a os y tI'fOr àXi. iiai I Àaeai it r. Weoh. For Instance, downe i 19 well.Rnown patleien. vas rasa-i emileed ced aeked ban t happeimed Sslaw la sh.Wn 1hq haf uowlis dellar bang ~nyTuusdy. Ot" Va en nirouft judga, R FmnI< Hall,, boUs 0fRi in tihe bond laua 0 I1awemen did net e B4 Bk Bo Ni AM Aý AI Gk Gr G, 0. AI A, Al AI w w w5 w5 w5 w5 TI Kt Làkee N""I1 .*i-anng ..ta tlat IEla gare 75 votes te tie soclaltal ras siaxatt .s.a nigit by tic candidate sud but 45 for Mir.m Ie grait eufflt, quiNort.h Chi- Weîîî. eopIe ed> a4aitie>' eaw promneot teM6ýetâ of -Iheir The reply wnu: «'Wiy, titre waes n ominuntt>' aigici mb lthe republican or democratlc candidate. and itarlng fodi-pi prosecutlo)n This meïs Welâh r»i on lie lndepeed- me' senti tiem la faderai prie- ent ticket and people ionhare don't' ie te rote for en ludependent." t mesn ere errMtsi by federai This remari ahanai lie tcelig ai i ities, accused of iarlng formed 'man>' People titaugiaut Uic diatriçt. dicate wichIstole sed (dliposed a feeling that irose tirougi nisun-i m $" ZM tea*50,000 orti of derstaedlng that Mr. Walsb nia i forced te have hie Dame go on Uice ýd et tie priefflera are pettY bellot as an Independent candidate r.Otiers are Civillans. miter Attorne>' Genecal Brundage bad Otisere SaeinusalagIsI. epandtePsil leayo ;rsment operattviéeare scarch* te cpia c U ic possle the itr i aortiere lîlinoli and Boutiersn i oiI> onttc tledsrc )nain towns for tiim idditional ming thc nomince ou lie republi- tratai.. cen ticket. Mr. Welsb reaill> ns a elghlI men iD cuad>'y are: repubican and Independent Pomine 1, Horser. princIpal petly>'ai- and as entitled ta tic support of aIl acharge of thb atIon commis- tie repubicane. The fact thaltte are min>' republicans nia are, ad- -ge Bonen, petl>' o0car and verse te raîieg for an lndepanient et te oMer. .,- na natter nbat condition. nas ibon C.MalaSarIpet> e r M ed s- laNenport township niore there it te H«AIer. . ere 26 ballots mcried nit]e -ua rard Koa ancd'Wlla lKatle liîrcle cîthougi tiare na'as ~e ansicclicii- ad mr-republicce candidates beati.¶ La et Kenooba. 9mlrîs %orI1~4litga. i e.Thaisbavwe eioy ot' is- iilon rolleg repuloe.nWnh ba t tiere ns a rapubliosa candidat» or te, Oeil, Nor 1i< d ialegiDot. ' forIn thl~ " e ic 11Uprecînot lu Waukegan. Ulp LAeyndçoi, ItiL^ie, hoveyer, tie saalit candidate got r-base fArrn > J ~ta have a vote Itoe e giDt Mr. Wlab. a cache for tii UUeSJai. M e Thbisnias due te lie fiel Ibet tilt la erly, iive&tu NartIiýçmCaoo.the precliOne ra hem I. temo uci )er, Boweas'and. itoi ONarcocilant nluWauiopan. The 1VIL mers et lief. sitàb' ~ethori ale. gare Lie sal.ut candidate -à taies a '4 _* 0.PiY a mgît majort>. go &utomobll8i, 4 b>' Horn- ln the majarit>' af precinets lit Lie id ln viteh .1e M- 111toare -caunt>', honeer. Lie support qlin rig au CIàlcagOf r.Woîsh vas very uaoaimou& seits or SIayebl tavrter dld hot radI>'unieritnd the Ur gilace uinsssiteuton or tUal n h. li>' .y ai ~ !* fftt ere <lI1ess thal Uic soclalit candidaýtej .9t eti i itc maie an>' shoninu nbàîrqz fauni bý liI bre d y peicaflis votéêmBle bond de, o» Va lbe x4 ai ilemit- Slainid <Id et bolIerlavoté,fo la mosb.8#eSaI. uise. Of course tii. uap cal>' rWc =isaaW~i.S an enjudge aOte 0hÏtoiÎal' roteon th the lIbojj0 « Dhdek la bopis u ani judge nauild not 11e ra. T'I, tUvc17 t pKý Relva-d A4 ee~10ib*o re$*t on tha Wlee- tbwg le 17% yleil as e ..t.....84 .. . . 54 3R....... 96 ento 4 ...102 antan 4 ...81 wftoiI65...82 anmtan à...139 amtan s6...60 Begton 6 ...27 N4wport ... 4 AÀticb i . .fitioch L. Ol .utlacb 2 .. mWat 1...47 GiaZt 1...Il Grïât 2.... 89 ilsat 2...14 Avon I... -ý....39 MOU 2........ 42 ,om.2 ........ 9 ....e.. 27 Z w k«M ...41 87 ... 4 74 12 .. 1... i 7 ... 1213 Wliekean 1424 w le- n14 2 12iid .. 2 Jhlala ..3à l1ufl a ..322 8lklelm 14..Il9 emlida 4.. 80 3 le .- 0 3 ...... 4 4 !OO.......11 Br*mant4.......go ville da 10i ubet....t ...3 Dtfa..........2s beertilid 14 DeoriId 3-. 24 Darid 1.... 87 Diel 4 ...82 D"'eled 4 ... 8s ~4eocId ....28 -18 4 ..53 icwlld.... s0 3oiei7 .... 43 3>WtaN 7...19 ho voe e n UI dmer m0 aise Uld R.. WolUs a«W flgures liq OU> *. appeers %rift, vota on ludoo. N. Wmhl.191 4 80 1 ii 1 18..... .... 1a '32 Io 19..... .... 17 41 74 33 16 38 108 1 47 46 47 32 i 38108 3 il..... .... 17 go 1I 4 S 3 1 24 18 34 10 l 4622 77 M~ad tota: Y006 $Me4; No. 3&M1 Um -Y*.3R; Ne. 3,78L Woman: Tes. 2.187; No. UtI EXTRA EXTRA ->EXTRA boy maS lm KEmoft. P 2. -W11co thé1.AfUi bory vlu te b*v o» I4A. I. BLICTION OQT. St onTe" 54 put op Uie bM. Tthe latlmlat 11* t e llf;tb-rlgo ity b lut tê 40t! ms"" ta cosatale eeIea.AÏRL ILat 0f corelse ne * etat or Io cornaI>' nere . bdec4 W" iticmai'aiast tiboSi4ý-9 tbb pici poet beltg tri d"elye*@dulnt tle i«A I LIbmu"ie folio smendti utàm liaI Mlwee Are, roei Vilcgo loto Lue t 4 a bno e u t r u c t u d i 4 , ' t aut9qb7 .u~q ici BiblIlci , Wiereg iae e"" .ucada>'. in ed et 99860W ;M ozl tsmuIW i vies lm este eaq u Il i.b a aa VOL. XXV.- en.Im -~ee . . 1 1 -7:ý-- 1 1. . e

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