CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Nov 1917, p. 2

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4 toei A aà Il 'e emuedi Ir- N4 & D0ILAN k t Ion r> mst sud Boyrd Phîe53. WW>l l 30 ld to 8 Pm. oppositsPar ~g. Dx. D. O*~t L GlRMa ""MARY s»amxNL OSO4 Coo E .TrFRRFuelD, ?ý A Al S 1ON PIYVULE. -ILLINOIS. LYEU iL moRR Libe5rtyvillie - Illinois LAce saildIax. Omees Paon. tb PAUL MAC GUPPIN, IITiJau! AT LAW. Liberty'vlleic ital - folrwablug" tee ts ~KUGAW' - - ILLINOIS gai Oes Phase 848 T - le. Plisn.1360-B Prasak T, Calmftina, ChtCago. Miek tha A. latter, "Me. L6dà rtabseI, Ma nk.;xlii wiiD~a," - Brar Aniderson,.Chlicgo; PaUsta Walter Zensabu, Milwaukes; Tran. rwai.& D, hgo oreuri D. fessenden. Highland Park. John MoOrWaI4 o.gblid Park:* ma aaikuasl. mare. Howard Smtb. 'Kesooba; Gladym Borland. pume.4 Hardi P. bed. PortagaW18.';,Mufl- nie Zunker, smre. Rudolpli Goedke. Mlvauka.; MaY Grlgg,smre. James Bradford. HIgblaiid Park; Aima Kemke, Mme., Harvey IL Chm.,, Madioe, Win.; BOns M gager DeeulI L RATES coest per lin* easu Insertion. Leas lthoma S'finesu, &c firal ln- pcm asi.-1to amat bloah,4 leot quere. l*MeOdUu.Csp i çs at «es. Mrs. IL . .ltisme. 4Po FOR SAL-oWnbgrade olatein caile, u»W mulkete sd eprlnsers.Pleom t g0-I-I. C4rl . Schrmk. 82t Peeen hfinA lias,., and 'nnn C.wh urt tetu. N . L .od. pbiune À,' UAbert7vllia. 111 Ï444+44 ++ FOR WENT-Ny fa.t 4411 b. vécatsd Cm Ott.St a ooth Park Ave., 6t sfleur. uquire second fiat. li Pderbsrog. 891f FOR RIT-Lireemna berty-1 ville. Gaod stock aud dairy latin. Two good baris. 8 rmont boum; &U i h roiiing, no orenta land sud àII la nood eoadittoas AddressJ. D. edo IDepan-1 dent oRes. 441 . . .. . . . .. . + + + + MNAL S +T + MO aL + .............. FOR SALE-The Josaphine ). Voseler bous lauUbortrvWler. 8 ropimboussud bars, 64 Wb front on Bralnad Cort. Pllbe»tb Pchauck, Executrix. 44c2 FOR SALE-50 sera farn 8 mlis. fro. Aiea. Wold eonsldsr a 5 or 6 room Modern bouelan wedib»Motment iu or near Clcgo. P. U. Hardlug, Ana, III. 45el FOR SALE-W. bavea a umber o!f âua bonsslarnalaorran. Dymond& Autin, Ubortivllle. it FOR »ALE-Elouse on 13outli Park: Avs. wlbî ail modeim convelnee. Ci Albaay $M8Chicago. 27ti FOR 8ALE-Asmail but complats stock of liarnoe; only stock lu lown; large srrltory trou whlcli to drsw trade; eho. rapami uonusciion. Rni vsr resoabla; roey-mmkerft or tha riglt 4eron.. P. M. Dlarding, Ares, lit. 45l FOR SALE-1S0aeansou@mile aud a bai orit ah i LakeZurich; rsl ro us tbrougb PrécIss. EMW"rlIlobt and g"0 "d livingvalet..8ievisashle bru buUldligsmsesterme tu 1h. rigt par- chae. Inquin Plaul MMan. 26if FOR FALE-Obholes redenos IOtaon McKinley Ave.AUIl mprovante. mre 8. J. Grimas. ~ 7 WANTED-lOO corda 4 fi cord wood. Wlli pay cesh. Calii ni 47 Ltertyville L.umber C. 40tf + POSITIOXI WAWND + WANT-Day work by lady vlth expei- ence as nurlng aud eooklng; also have rooni for rant. Mis. E. Farnham nemi towu hall. 441f + - MOEL5LAKEOuS + qm em i ,W - Oïi»bU hga Il ýc n une te b( cg Lima. *déamtaS NO LARGE DEAL$ REPOITU O BuAbop ' M O~Ç Busiaegè orfZtbmiàCote' tefa the .WeÇk emdiiig NovesulOr 8. A K. Boier, i tan.t 50rM,'of lb.1 Securty Titis sud Trust Campany: 1 Nuxber of convayances, 96. Number of loans, 24. Total numbar oi instruments filed,1 120. Total aMtiunt oi loas, $43.325. Duincia bas beau rather quiet sud loans about the average. The flloulua are the mare Import- sut dealp ln Wsukagen. Mercy B. Vogel tob title ta the property ai ouheasi ccc »er af Juliean sd Hickory treats tram Cirllua M. V. Tovnend et a for nominal cosmderattos. Jamnes P. Trestrailibouglil ana Of the William T. svswrt Ihanses os thé soslhaet eao Stewart avenue for a nominal =s*dration. paul Angiada bought a 70-foot loti [on the West Bide af Southi Utica stresi tsoutli of Waabiugtou street. frcn Sarahi .jackpou ton a nominal coaa Mamus U Higli sud vifs hoguht about M08foeaton lb. uorth aide af Belvidere streat, <nul veet OfaI Gla Bock avenue, train Mary sud Margeret0 Ilestan for $1J900 snd remld 100 feetd ta Charles DeRans lot $900.1 Mx Colin boughta s -foot lot ont lb. noraid1e oI Helb zavenus,. veet. of Pundanlin strel. tram A. IF.t Beaublen for a nominal consideration. .TýnS, Bj-reIsrit bouglt the AI- fred Jolinsoti place on tbýe vest aidec aI Mat avenue. nortli ai May streel. for $3000.q n Lake Foret-Liiliafl M. Martin bougliý a lot o an e ontl side of At- teridge road froam B. N. Parmenter and resoîd tbe wepl 25 test ta Otto G. Pebsfer for nominal caniderallan. Bert N. Paruienter bouglt a 50-footi lot an the euta ida oI Wisconini ave- nue, sautli et Bner street. trùm John Griffith lor a nominal oonsideration. 'Tn Hghwood--Harold IL Hamuiond bought a lot an the s4utli ide of Northl avenue ln lot 4, Bantlay's subdivision tram W. HIL Johnsan fat a nominal consideratlon. In lHighland Park-R- C. Lund botiglt C. C. Croulee's PrapertY an the forth ide ai CarY avenue, oppo- site Rice. etreet, lot $4600. Alexander W. Hannait baught 100 lest an lb. veat Ide Of Hawthorna place. ut outit af Raine avenue, tram Alliert PIck for a nominal COU, sidenat4on. In Zlon Cty-John D. Johnsan Pur- cîased f8ve acres os theBSotl i ada ai Tveuty-nintli sîreet, s!JOhiDng thei C. & N. W. railivy on the voit, front Johinson Smithb & CampanY lot $18,- 200.1 in Antloch villag-Edgar B. WÎI- liam liaught a 49%-00llot au lb. eabt, %ide o! Victoria treel Itrom John Meoulta fan a nominal consideration- in Antiocli To wnship-HaMT M. Un- dervood sud vif. bMhoultaI17 1n petet'p Lake Catherinea subdivisioni saptian 12 for a nominal consideratlon. n Grant Townshp-Anune Prasex lieuglt part oi lot 10. NlpPeraink Club sudivisionsan te ot ide of Nip peralnk lake tram Herbert GabIer for a nominal causdetation. ln Lake Vlll-Brtiha J. GAlgai bauglit thc Jolis . Galiget fars af 80 mces nashthe aouthweat quarteraofsc- tias 6 for a nominal canslderatian. n Libertyvlle-Wilblii J. and Rose B. Sage banglit lte red Y. Me- Claud iarm of 60 acres lu seltian 8 for In Ela Townhp-Henry VolUsIg bouglt the Henry Woltmsu larm Of 73 acres li e uortb hall of secion 9 for $8995,. in Ela and Vernon Townshilp- Charles A. Wickerabelui bouglil s balf Interpst hn Arthur- B. WicketabOi5'l lai-m lu seetion 25, Elm tovUthil> aud sections 30 and 31, Versos tovusbli Katheine S. blueit!bauglil 12% acres ln the norîbvest quarter section 26, TELLS k Wa % STORY. Ïum to, Asollar 'mý'sté*1as' ad.lnappesance' bamsie sl~ beberaiwmn the OhlOsgo girl involvsd bas leen fauud Mlvng "under cavere' hi Waukteas. Nine veu ago Mima 'Margaret Chandler,.*m)sd 20, daughtar OI a vultby grocer, dIsappearad froinlier borne. A wide seancli vas u»& de fr lier. The edorte ta locatalier prove.! futile sud tle parents at luti gave up lu despalr. Tliey coul! Rt ano trace of lier and bava béen goaning ber even pince. Nov&o ali&lsebeau located hi Wau- kegau. living myterioualy, wonking 11» a ZMon City, factory and endeavoring ta kasplier dientty secret. Ple ieame ta ýWâukeSan nics veeks &go, by a Mrs. Frenn to the home of Ira. Mattîbews af A" atreet. Ber mission vas ta lilp dare for tbe amall ahuldren et Irsa. Mat-. tbewi. The latter was ln a liosPital,j where plie gave birili ta a baby girl.« and the Obanilergirl wuas upposed1 ta stay ai tha matibews borne, urint for the hftly. Rather àuhdeeay Miss Chandier leOt the. Matheva home snd sheWaàS M on the etreet hi a ratber damed 0oaa. dition by a Mies Belle Niali 0f South Parkr avenue, Wankagan. Misei Nlsb tslked to ber snd Ithe Chandler girl1 told a mymterlouply stary and added tht msite hat! not béen given esougli to est at the Matthaws home and that waff why $be vas leavisg. Mfiss Xilih took ber to ber homea snd offered to permit lier ta remain ther. Plie aines bas eentinued ta Uiv. there but inzistad on securing employment. Plie aceoi1dingly found a place ln the Cook Electrical platin D Zon City and lier finit pay eheéck was4 given lier aon Wednesday evening. Miss Chiandler ha» been slnging In-. the choir of a local eliureh sud la a wornLai o fine character, diaplaYing char,.cterIgtic8 ihatsate carnes from a family of meens and refinement, Shle wears a 1200 dlamiond ring sud, mires the Interesting stateinént that(. @h. permitted Irs. ?datthewis ta take. a valuabie necklace which siebeui ual been able ta recovar. t JuSt wliy cie leit borne, jupt wliy ah. didn't let lber relatives kuaw of ber wliereabouts, judt wby sbtelias sot aince commuuieated w41h them mli. will not çxplalu. Plie was unaware that lier picture 9hafi been printed in Chicago pavera whIle her parents were altempting ta locate lier; abe declared she dldult know ber parents bail conducte.! a vide meareli for lier, and alie seemed surpriffed thaI lier absence was tlie cause of wonry on the. part of rai. atIves. Howeyer, ahe expresmed no Intentions of returnlug home, aveu thougli the farts vere explalned to lie. OUDORDI3 I A VA ORtAF DURBE FOIR RIN4i SQUAI General Court Martial Whioh Will Hear the Evidence Has Wide Power. WITH WILSON'$ APPROVAL. First Breaoh of Loyalty at Sta- tion of Conseqtwnce Since,. It Was Establlshed. Il vas learned taday Iliat the gen- ersi Court martial whieb viii con- alder tlie eviclence agaînat the naval station men wlio are charged vithi grafttng on tie loadstulfs, lias the -power ln a tîme o! var, te Infiiet anY penalty up ta sbaoting 'DY' banglng, Vitb tbe provlso that. lie residenkt Mnust approvp the sentence before il ie carrieti out. Thuu, ln case tie court martial deens the offense of sueli a ebarseler t .4.4..4..4.. Vernon township, troam Hans Hlle for tbat 'death wouid serve tie purpese. MONT T LAN.Wa oieiî' a nominal consideratian. il could orden sAuchi a penalty. HQsv-' l0117 of tomebes aarlng le borraw monay -ever_____ OO, fitIs flot feit sncb a drastie n ?arm orother Improved LakisCaonay Te. Hssty. ' course vililie laken oven In lime of Réal Emate Finit Natiolial Bank,.'*Mr. Ctvlay, cao you Jedmeud us Lbertyvllle. fiNnos.81f-r "Nomir, 1 can% .Antidif 1 The RoseraI court martial cun fO L08T OR STRAYE-Tva H,ý= Culd 1 iouWdjt. I bav»been leDdlug punlalimesl up tblite impttsanxnent ave@ 3 years ad, large sud good candi- YOU maneY for a Jean, -sdd jan ma"e but thal eentence vauld have ta li Mon. Dho,-sd. Phase Ubertyvllle22i 00 effort 10 retura I 1» --«ut 1 vant- appraved by tse aectstany of the tuS d eltakuow if yau vouIdt lent!z» me y - "A"d I tsI onsmbuebai I WANTED TO RENT-lm 0 Wmaai ahanaUvea'U" dm% i, MB « The dinveni. af lbe graftinhia ha W am$ - yâbm*m ita o. 01W01 m tebatw lm twten P t hart oz.ofaitt, fuai TSt W lm *1umme b" #baS0 hm te lie bil!L 11%~~~« »14 bi~t. - - ta th, Udi. î m gou e Atti r 5u<0 heu ith l the » *iit I ti aormess. taday to relative et ouets It the m 1 che har."isitha t a ea111*the puakffe wflb etolent r5on~ a«ça t is bla bM3mmies of bacon and! other food. omoil wb vultecrry Tua information ax asteletragbedà rk1ona Place et humaeas t. e, e0<ry D&Dlew and4It * aPftt- - bd to b4 . e mmv». *d at botI tW1 ÉierSv aietbvil! bar, ci e gpaftM4 lhe releitd ocdà*lsinsand pose-i ç poîbhe atates. cle rrnn1 wiesonja -04 am eostarld lait jnly Ri storian sd isa aiu Mtlsg«0 thec ibm waThe Aoid Men.- 1i hobas, bhtad a reMal Thé ieu lradyunder arresu ae abavi: RLfI.. Horar, Princi pal peti os-1 r.vale* 'eday tt b e -tin o r h # 0f l litidoo mni* oe p da# oqt!7rqs ary q-e ~ ~ ~ O vu ts inr ev eorga DOy en. petty afficer aud t: ebtl.gatn b, C. C. Moluari, pety oMcer and as- ,a outhe aatim ha- aitanat taeifoter.. .enormmty a; tbeernatrlal . MBIward Boom mand William Kom, btt ilvauld lie lard b macagle Mmafcurers sud mer- lie total. cbante aI KeoilA, Win. LV. Orvis vent te, Chi- Antan Dudek. Noth Chicago, who q canter vii fedaral 00- bah gatge oalrttaetnaval is- tb Iote clarganumade tin. v Oehl of Northi Chicago, Guslav OeiL.N" Ilieàlcgo. alleged es ln errent. Ifeures" for ltae tlen food, Tlire navy intoiellgne odicani act- ,ne dlreotly -der Qiders tratu sac- ret@4y Danlels arrTivOa, hilcago on Thumuday to luvatsgte the iheft Plat at Great Lital tallU vhlch bas been uùtertbed bliv orive.of tha PbwhlMpI.vsdaeki. FoirihLa Ike, 111, vhOsa faru le allagsd ta bave beau a cacha for tb. stolon food. He formerly ived lu Northi Ohicaga. Gorge Abt, 2809 Cortezstmreel, Clii. cago.i the meeoe epgomlln hlm, wam peed t.. t erect a reetautant IssI soms uo. Senimrai!, ut anrti et lroiglg t54il As tlim ras- 'qloleM*opor te tli tor 4teen ai the ita- lises pl"vsiprofitableia i. bowu lay *MWitueo 975 ha ithin thé Ove Antoa- Kees ln.teenet. Dm *14 Ir" usd a staiement ln Kenouba Thummdar afternpan. He mald. :"W. bave beau buying the ref- tees rom tlb. nal lstatiton tn ane ureh Uasty t*. = i a tii a munt, mrket. Tlio contrapisu bave beau obtaugè-t c* eue,'MA a an abher sud tavard tii.lesat i*a ould Dui U"undeasant!lt ow tbaobstracts vée. Tâf eil*reotnaista onse cfthe bigli o0lcers thereansd uy brothtr vent inand aaw hlm personallY sud made an effort to a by Ibe stufireOt- baud but ve coul! sol gstIDY ntm- faction fran them. We bave Imsued cbacs to ta haemen but tIbe cle vers lsued ln the regulat ardor et lte business. .go far nas v a ksw there bas. beau no lrregularily hln aur Contracta ln auy WaY. wben the Ofi- Cils aiecre ta Kenosha we turaed over our bookes ta lte goverument asud usvmroeent, or Jusice. ýAbt wa taken hefore Commisloner I idrcivdfo baepol.W,- In all nov, ulue mes, hiludiug Maso. Ha le, s truckmam sud vas believed tual tlp vas eniirely uaLs- tinse at the station, are undar arrasi Oaid441h lWvisg brougt sou. aOr factory la the. govermaent Officiais. 1 lad illeffs vhlch areMiestu ttaa far th. mIn!f allagcd ta have bêee Stalen bava't heard a word trou alth.-r of murs than 8$50,000 vorili ai footuts IraisGret Lkes lta Riland PatMy brolliars Iodai Sud i knew solli du il theIi aitthrae mauths. -Oôt. vheuc* It «àas ilpped to Chicago. iug af Ibeir alieged arrest ustit it matrlieuade a clesu bramaiai hlmbisAlt wus bellevel ta bc an Inocent va. brought ta me Ibis afîci-noon'1 aomssction 441th the fatand_ blas tool &Mn!vusreisefte. H. I. rmer, tlucte! nome commissiasad 011. patty 'odIcer l h hre oI lb. commis- ebIr. omai t Great I..kee; George lDoyen, àr Fisa Ypem. Wlien conflrontai! by evîdefce lu peury oSr, assaistant. taosrer, sud or perlog for whkammeat SM. th. bande aofithe govarnnenlIthe C. C. MOluar, petty oëet', asasitan p pgla» msudreporu am sis a " aàllor admitta! haviu placad great ta Komesr. are heu mi tGreat lAkes aeunti are rende .. Tue goveen- guntitlofméala a speeal binln ma" wil ha triai bysa naval court met fisca yer t l dtlrtauand lte, cammaiy dapumts and of martial nt the traiing itatien wlthtn lit OerniaY ands' MareS 81; la the liavlsa kuovlefta that otlian mei- Ithe next veek. -1 United State s o ue 80, a" i biera ai lb. gang remov.d il. At lte station iast nigbl LIcol. 'arj Francs on [Iscenuber 30. Au It ulw» A" .dUmder Orders. mbander C. H. Placier nid tbat pi.' relates ta goveruneni finances. t aalgb be caiiad lhe finniameW ar. The vetO "I vason actming under the eiders mature pubiclty iati, ln ail probabil- fiscal lm darived fou the.Lal âeuâ. af my superiar oUcerm.," th. sailor lii', preventeil the arrest ai severai a bat sud arelate t o 10%ér.- aald. 111 did ual know they ver. a»Il- civilias concerued lu the asuait. jmots perlod of primitive implleity Ina the. food ta dealers.'.'The, prie- Cook Ran Restaurant. vihes a mouey basket srved as a gov- anen declarad iaveral reeerva amlierri Petty OScar J4. 'L. Koruer. in.q erument tremury. Since the orgaalrn- living seartIhe training station smog- charge of tlip commisssry, bas becs flon of the. United States goversueni, glai food miatliteij, homes. The1n]li srvce for the lait eight yoiri lbjue n rnec ir aar l 1nI.f ou plan, lie saad, wvas ta purchase a small He. wae ral.-td a "firat clams co<k" JuPe 0ai s ert Ji. flt amolunt save!by navy tuba. and and, liecame of hlm long service sud' ____________ s S rNOTIE TO PATRIJNms WAR REVENUE TAX EFFECTIVE NOVEI'BER lst, 1917, IS THE REV- ENUE ACT APPROVED OCTOBER 3, 1917. SECTION 500 0F THIIS ACIF PROVIDES AS FOLLOWS:, (a) For a Tax of 3 per cent for the transportation of freight. (b) For a Tex of 1 cent for each 20 cents or fraction theieof paid for transportirig parcels or packages by express. (c) FOR A TAX 0F 8 PER CENT 0F THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE TRANSPORTATION 0F PERSNS, THE FARE FOR WHICH IS IN,EXCESS 0F 35 CENTS. (d) FOR A TAX 0F 10, PER CENT 0F THE AMOUNT PAID FOR SEATS IN PARLOR CARS.- *'The taxes imposed by this act are tô be paid by the penson, cor- portation, partxietship on association paying for the services or facilities rendered and the panuy furnishîng the service shall ryake the collection." THE TAX, as above provided, will be coliectedby AGENTS or CONDUCTO'RS. a 1

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