CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Nov 1917, p. 3

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(CaontImue froa, pwme ou) Pay Lex 862for mi lI. Mie smply vas lecisive. He said tlat tisa Fo- dueegWho bau tqqibg tos Md emuIiuel te leav. .moi ,Qîa gel 82-U3 per ahu 0,4..but *t f M 4de en theisem " WW 8Lmal. Thé Prolgcgaaeql0m0 Sr "Taler '40ue 0w.. 1.t about Ive cents oM qa~tmore' f velauérâin~ ~élir tmïiy ra te1 éb "0bave Ï&?afi prie trou g nmce, u10 3 eta." ,*uting la Secre MfIti-ule of the slxty directors of tise Protuee4e'association vere at tIh Cbleago meeting. vblcb, llce lt. pue- deemmor of OSept 31, viic brought about the proculn starteal by lists Atctue Liyne.. wu% hi'. biledlosed bors. Mr. Whefler oulined thse general Plan belng follovai isy the food ad- mlalslsellon sud explelned wby It la iieeM te stimulas uroduction Thse serions raeslle of the recent Increaup te 13 cent. vpre alan poitel oct. As a remedy Mr. Wleeier amked tbat thse Produe amsent S222 for 100 pounds cf miliiidurlng Noviber and December Befflnning Jan I tise prkic le b .set by thse food ad- ministration, visicis bas iarted an inquiry hâtetohlIscor ofproduclng and dlsttbuting milki. Mr. Wieeler ePxplataci tisaIf It la found Jan. 1 tbat thc farmera lent manay durlag November sud December tIey vlI be reinhursel by bigisar prices wislcb vill be epreal over thse follein; peroed untll July 1. Appeal sa Applsuded. lils eppeal vas applauded. A ueoluton vas elopte ln w hlch thse producée sgreed ta accept $3.21 during November and December sud ta acccpt tise price tla ha fxed by thse food adminisltration Jan 1. Chresu . Deneen called attention of dairympn te the liew food law. whicis mules t a penal offense to vate fooletuffa or ta Interfore vitis tiseir oeipmeat. Ai thesensgctlon of M. Deneen tise directors reploel tise resoution pas- sed sept 21, tisat the prie. Of mils Nev 1. vas ta ha Dot las han 14. Thcy aima remaiethse resolution vistei pleged tise ascolatlon ta re tnburse any deirYmen viso held back bis mUS Iln cases visere ise could flot get tise price set by thse orguniza- tion. Four Opposa Cui. A rising vote vue taken an tise ne- solution ta accept Mr. Wieeîrst plan. Tise mapority roae, but flot ail. Com,- on, gel up; lote muSc- il unanimous.' shoutei W. J, Kit- aie. More.todo up. le caunted tisose who sttilI remalned ln tiseir veaseani f aund tisane ver. only four out or tise bî.y-nne present viso ver. Dot btading. Durlng thi' discusion of tise reaclu- tion ane of tise directoria .îi: "Th,- ,iairs'sen in niy district have sald 1,4,00 ows duulng the lasI vi'i'lfand tis>- will ,4el 1000 more nexi veel- itowu caovi'stop tisai ?" No remedy wats tiuggesei. $3,OOO EMBEZZLED FRONM YMSTER'S D13PT. AT STATION' 'Contlnuei Fram Page On@.) naval station are nov auuined ta cause. The' rs ruiner oh a shortage c fis-e laysauga, visen tise regulur day vas postponed. Tise Isekies il toli there vas a hltcb ID lIe h SeeqIng depertmeut that vouli quire e day or an ta correct. I imeantime tisa reguat payrolî ob n tban $1,000,000 isul een counabsI placedlin Indîvidual aiveloPes for Wisen tise end of tise count 0 * 15re vas a shortage. Buniay nigit Capt- W. A. Mot commandent aetttis tatton, MM> statement oovcriug tisa inident sali tise sisortage bad just been eh ci dovn, mter Revendi lays Of p taking lebor. -Thispay roil le short $2,000,' sai. "We issuile tisucugli month aIi lest $1,000,000 ani Rd time.l proisably several millons. der tise rulînga af tisenavy de ment visen a abertage or mistal dîscavi'red ln any isaniisg or bursement of unds, t la neceasi malte a complete recount of ail mooay. "Iu viev of thei'fuel lisat tise ta go. large, ltahe rS f t1.11h51 mener aver egain requirci hos.' ?-*toe&Ms hiyle payingo zûe irs ffltAp ,Wa have lu COTY SCORU 111IMPOTANT POiNT W4'uEN OAs q. Mgp ACES 1011H PLANTA FAILURE? 0ONWT4N SUi481l'on *AS GO. AO#ilTS NI MADE0"1m A'%E lT AiT MARqCN. *MW el bat mi' a1potm pont la the lmatgb* berth S1ré ces. ZyLimir inuinelut. Rt a &-'à" k Sseraaamtiseformsat rates, 44cgrof*tioaCounsal Artbns1 fley aiethtie beerlng before the PubliceTtlltl-eommission ln Chf- cagePnlly, Sot WillIam A. aàher, coueultlng enlaer for tise Gou 0.- ffly t0 mal. tise falovlngdamnennt edmisalons, to-vit: P'IST-Thatlin Mercis of this year he breparL;. a report lu visicis ie statel tbat Uic Notis plant of thse comnify ln Waulegau bas been a fallure and ilaflot paylag on the lun vetuient. SEIOND-'rbet tisera la a loue of 26 Pcr cent af tise <as frrat unlnown causes, but tisat tiis vuld be re- ducel to 8 per cent vere It not for tise bigh pressure service vhicb -' aeceusary ta eupply tise northshobre. Tise city of Waukagau va. anxlouri. If posible, 10 mcure nmre sart of an flustment vil the gas cornpeny, vithout <oins 1tiste Ion.g drovn aut Ielay of a beernu Tise Cas company. on the other band. sealfta PPresued to sucis a coure.and place! 11cm ex- pert, Mu. Bflisi. an Uic stand, tu give a statemant of conditions. -Mr. Buehr vas on thse Stand practlcslyI ail day long. After he bai complet- ed bis testImony ha vas aubjected ha a tisueisour cross examluallan sY Mu. Bulkley. Tise clt)y bis fot been obiidged as yet, ta Place any vit- nessas oo the stand as It las a case vIcie tise burden of proof ls up to tise guz carnpny. ln a detallel eMaternent to the TtRitles Cormiesion, Mr. Bulkiey outlînel thea viole situation. He pointaI eut boy the Nortb Shore Gaa company bal a bisly profitable In- vestmcnt tn thse oh plantad vere able te auppIY <as ta Waulegan ut a decîdel profit. B aitisatishe pro- fis securel roui Weulegan vere us- ai ln extandlngtUicseruvice te other nortissaescîie and ln building tise nartb plant. lnymedtsteiy, hi' sii, bise cornpany placet! Itself on tise verge cf baulruptcy und nov is uelclng tise Wsukegan cuetamene tu Pay a greatly lncreaued rate te ma'P up for longes ihut bave reaultesi from tise extension of thse serviPe. I-te lsolnted out tiset tise greutly Increa.s ai number of patrons ln Waukegan sisoui cause ibis c-ity te Set its eus more ehe-aply for lie cantenici that tise oid plant ftili vauld b,' aLle ta suppiy thîs clsy's needs vîtisout anv dithculty. He iseli Ibat It vue a rank inustIce ta ask Wuukegan patrons ta puy for alleged ' mttkee on tise part af tise gag Company. Mn. ltulkley eUggeffted tisatIiflis-, cornpany lmnt ablie te supplv ga, of us ricis a mixture us tisat being fu.rnîhed ut the present tîrne tisai thse logical thisng ta do ir ta redue" tise, qualltY of 565 Britishs Thermal lyniiîs, tise quellty vhlch bas bepn aPproved byteise itliie9 Cormmît- sian. To this Mr. Bacisu repled siat nn ,f tîhe is-praducts af uhe gaS company- la used hv tise Ipitesi States in muntis factus'ing a iigis explosie tstisal i hi ng uvedin tise conetructono ot sheils. Hi' suld tiis by-product couli flot hi manfuctured If tise quality oa htie gag lm reducei. Tisa las compuny. Mn. Buehr saii, feels Iltla a duty il oves tise goverfiment ta continue ta manufacture thîs explosive. "Tn other varia," Mr. Blukely in quirci. "You vunt te geltishe credit e for aslting tise goJérnment ln tis 3manfler. but yen vent-tise gai users 1 ta psy for t-le lIat thse vay of lt?" Âccôuding ta Mr. Bulkiey lIeue l9 aaisaolutely no hope of securing any adlustment vitis tisga eompeny. Ha la of thse opinion hovever, lIat lIa the ve is idishave been, picked ln e lh. palitian of tise <as campany vl -cause tha utilities commission te deny - tise permission of tise Gas Conmpany to put tise 76 cent "service" charge s Imt effect. 90rna- label caunting the ,uoney, emptyng .Un- eaCh of the thouaands of envelopee la part- sea if by any cisaâsin a mistake hn Ik 15 been maie lu ptting ton muc In h Sdis- auy aose or sevesel envalopes. try ta, Tlvere la no 'miqakce about thea I thse sisortage. Sorne one bas taken $2,000. We do nkno 1< ho it Jl. But vè Oum have our ovn secret cisce as vell 9 l Ias-auopecatives of 4". goierum nt bu 025y rmua vorkln; conUic*oma. W. vwill )f the uobJatop this laa1tiomlm vi t fin. bave run h tIcISI ierdwâL* P~,~~~kg#n 0,io Waultegan Nov.5. - Ftiser Gavin in St. Marya ciurcis Sunley caulloned bis people ta loin In thse nation-vide movemnent In savie; sugar. He 1011 tise congreWtlon at the carly mes tisateverybaly ciel ton, mucis sugar sud that tisere wsc not icasn for t. *"Wby. every one of you loe le too fat amy vajr snd you could get alomg vithout ide mucbsugar If. Yom vould oWy 'thial yo'* could. Tou anl use lto, uduc. Whithe b.une ot sprlkllng on sugar -on Iis aud Ibel vlan, It ltait« as goal vithout It? Wep ailmuet loin IbIhs MOVe 1 co- serve tise au"e. Memberaoh ofur churcb abouimot nerbect their duty ln tht. respect-" Delegatlo ofa Saitors Wait on Moffetts Aide and Ask Per- » mission ta Contribute. DON'T WANT U. S. TO LOSE. Navy Depariment Considering Mater-Fine DiWpay éf Pa- riotlpFeelng. Wenkegan, Nov. 3. Thare rnay ha a shortage of $3,000 tn thesa pyraster'e lepartuient et Great tAles but Ut adlesn't ioturs tha patriotte sentiment of tise 18,000 men et tise station. MOR- Tisamcrnlng about 11 o'clock a del- egatiesi of 20 aailrs went btiste offlce of Lieut. C. S. Rtoberts, perannal &id to tise commandant ald insubstance »Id tu tise lieutenant: "'There ia a shartage Intise pay office. W. libov IL Nov, va lnow tisa nme boy vearing tise unffortu dousteso haz fallait sud ve don't vaut te, ses hlm, iegraced bacause lIaI meani adiagrace tuoaur uniforu afic blis a ae&Il an proul. -Here's visat va vant tu do: We vaut YOU 10 Permit. us ta cailect 25 centis eaeS from aver man lu the slatlon--tere are 18.000 and tisati vii maàe close 10 $6,000. TisaI viii cav- et any shorlage there mey be." Ha explaînal ta aready tise sug- gestion isai atarted tu spread like vtidfire about tise station and that averybody vas anxteua ho cantribute tue ucis a fund. He sad ti couli ise aieWFORT11E CAME %WA0îiÔW>MEGAFPITV l MMUr 'Wf'U1CREW 0F MEN. - ~fl~ -P~I G RovE COifl 30T'QUARTS A DAY. TO MAT"~5Y, TDuq*W PED TO LAI(E. JusI aov Umee vedens of Ilimels attwalelto IOih batcherlea q»c cewn tis aau 0f trut ta lIa ale on W*idp. Tisey lagas Fnl dSAY Md ~ W oIUquarts Of sM"vuIMM eolectel.'- *1iloy ilI probably stay bère abouttbâ dfbay, collactlug on the average abuS 30 quarts a dey. ThiIs "*wu se talen fro thtie fai Iu carefflir pladIn Jarn ad trams- portaI over te tise flab batcbary aI Spring Orre. nse«Antiacis. TIre Il le placadln ueai'ebul kecping of et. tendentsulan bout Feisruary thisia TIcheérbmlID incharge of Wsr- len MJaty. vIre la ettachel 10 lIe isatchary et Sgalns Grave. It ta u a eratlsg ting te knav hav the»ne . ardana collect tise spavn tropee 11eh. They go ont an ana of lIe local flsbtng tug andi pull up, mts vbicb cantain tbausads of trout, This la ust the Ume oftte year wvisais lfais are spavning. mnd as they are Irav inho tisaboas thle experts visa». avltisa habit of baud. 110< lis t v lecrpe tise spevu from 1 th.efiois 1mb a Ilis. Tiseaienaid hemale spavu la carefuily .epel t and tises lIer l laeplaced togaller1 is layeramad mter hing pu taLutlis. proper receiltacles et Bprln< (i11ve waear la cahaUuatly run aver t untîlt tisa hatcim<bhotau-1 Aflar the hatoblng han taken placeà thse fis are bionht te tise very opat1 or as nsr as Possible visera tise[ spavn ve s laclel in tisetiret place.( ID other vorle, tise speun tg talas avay. tha latchia; pracass a igens. tisrough vIls sud tisanthie Sfitais r raturnal 10 tse bhornevisere lIey ver. talen tram orignally. According ta thc flshermen. lais bave a permanent "home" in tise lake, just tise marna as auybady as inlviluais may have lu e communlty. Tise fishersueg dolalr tisa traut rammaisaVitihit s certain ra- dium of tise shors ail the lime. in lisa part of the lake tiseir home la ebout 16 miles frolft uborandmol lere lIay ean aivwayp ha fouad. TisatinA vby tise ishlng '<roun",*alveyB rM main et about ties sme place. Tisa vitefiali. ItlaInlaclared, lu mare Of a rover tissu Use trout and sometimes visitefisi are founi on tise lake shore. and a couple af days later tisey vili ho bosnd acros stise laits. bai Cropu to take care of and tisaI tise 0ly one ta iselp hlm is hie son vbo ln lu blgh geisool. If be stays on thse Jury he9acys hie son yull have to remain out of ecisool. He vas flot excused. Judge ]Dverds et once lotructed the clerk 10 drev il more uDames froi lb. Jury box aid Instructed tiese aer- lEf to get lnto communication vitis the jurorse vIaba",fDot abovn up, ln- etructlong thela to appea,ln court et once.lit l s kowa that nmrnet f bmi are out of tovu aI lb. pregean i te. A leest on. 0* the juronra l nov serv- lsg 10 tise na7. immrpu M. TV S U. S. ACTS1 Allens Who Have HeId Prop- ertyM tHave Afuedto ln Colors AreSard MUST FILE BY DECEIIBER 5, Order From Waalngton Gives Themn a Utile Extenson Oe- fore They Lose Property. Immediately after tise publication several days &80 of tise lav partais- log 1 tiste ovucrtbip of propcrty ln tise United States by ellens and Uic ravalatian tisat a federel ugent lsad beenln ILaIe County loolng up mat- teus, lI *ers vus a rush ta Circuit Clerk Brocvay &afftecansd it bas kept up ever ince. In tact, the men In anme cas even calici up tise lerl at nlgist sud asea i hboy lisay aiowdi go about it ho ltale oui pepera vicis vouli permit tisem ta bll tisir propert. Ile laadmttel et tise court bouse tisat tisa genaral feeling bas been1 that, ln limes of criais ln the p&St, ahana bave mnI lsd vitb confiaence -r because nohing vas donc ta make tisam fight or aurranlar property. ln oliser varia. tha lav vas neveu dug up and auforcal. New, ln thia criais visen It isceare apparent tisat se many men ver. ta evade tise caîl te arma an tlb. daim tisat iiscy vere &liana, and lIay isad neyer been an- xioua prior ta nov te take out citi- zen papera, offlil.beanasta o'ilu- te tiseir statue and ilacoverel tisat tise Iav le they muet serve or mur- renier tiseir prapcrty. . Baveyer, sceording ta yard from Wsinlgtonu under date et Novamber Uit, su arer axtendîng roui Nov. 6 te Dec. 5 naxt, is. ime vllIln wviic Var»Ons holding Pralierly belonging. ta enemia. or aies of anemies must Dila reports, va s Rued taday by A. Mitchell Palmer, allen property eue- todlan. Tise extension vas grenîci becauqa stoppi'i an far us tise desire vent and an tise Miciigan aide. ta getiser ln tise uBen propertybeo- mlgbty rougis and tisat ail needed nov vus e taet Waukegan us tisey sel papere an tise ifore the' p, at o iaîr coutil ance of theaba permission ta muSe thse collection of varlous cornera heu' a vail as thievilatiste lav vould haie ta hei' n- tisesu." tise money. Tise movement isad eurly mornîng pupes-s et Great La.,.-- volai. Millar hbaes reacisc tise variaus camps of the' Station. Deinto fJpsiaiefrr, aSe Tribune station, hi' sai, undi t vas tise fer- ____________ etoftieo f eistrlec forne-, vent hope thet lise navy autharileaUS MU5f -cheptckso f tspayabexonpt mony, vauld permit tise sacrifice te bhi'malde AKIVU1tSBIISY cisl es o u aftsrpayablme somn, ani tisus straigisten outItisebai! mess.vl sbtknu iyW arsn Tepo Ittane tflevd htvfnesuge? ir ~He sai taday lisut severualng 'Te9r in lo t lee ish erfine as -. D RELI IA Iq I ntItutian n beteisstase wouîd lai' pendeat's1 tise goveroment lkely villii mvian ~rrur~numned for thisslurpose. at1fid ou investgatin and otrilhing te of ENU R SP iJ The lbertyville Independent con- fendr. Hwevýr, h, sntiie-u -b- tains tise KATEST county nevu. exprffeee1si ha e'-aneswas MOIe'(' . consoling sutapCiti Molffei dt [Is >Judge Lwards Orders Sheriff atisers tituan vytliiiIg tisai coulai havi b Bring in Mssing Jur- happenefli Itlls-s aeîel lwoî s orsForthwith. facing sud> a thtu ic'aaae kthriz)m out such a fin ii'dsplay of l5ttiotiinu ONLY TWO ARE EXCUSED. andi oyalty .-a tise VIW -i ,hO"(1 Oe anW o t. e a TELE IION GOTwelve Cows to MiIk Must TLEPINGNEW C* L Get Helper if Possible. til L RQIICB Waukegan, Nov. 5.Si n Pt Furmters of Lake county vasiid A ' n Pt yeur. Nlany of thse fermere have been INCREABED FACILITIES NECES. unable te siîg their Potasa or heu- be wants to go, but SARY TO TAKE CARE OF POPU. 1 veut other cropsauni bave iseau, unuble LATION AND MILITARV CAMP to secure bi'lp. For that reamon ît if; ence a man on his w rallier cul lical for tisem ta le callai An expeniture of 8400,Q110 buas been avay from tiseir 'ivork at lte l Ime of autharzel isy B. F. Bunny, pueudaent tise yaar. Th latact doubtleas iv r>'- Some aiiverii of tise Chicago TelePhana (Company, sponaible fortlie feet tist barely haif for Increaaed ecable facillîlea s blveenoa h le ventre of 36 Jurera dalid fortifo ns h 'w ChIsiago sud Great LAkeak., today put ln thelu eppearance visen ..i n o m h f Be'uliea tIe normal lacrease iu popu- court openel tbis moraint. Of tise lation viîci natuuelly oelt as e0cr- 36 only 20 rahponied t0e, ul names. but gives no reas n respondin; Ineraeu l te use or hUsiPouir Sai Perml3ssI& to be exTetto Uluavrd telepisone, tise eslsblicbmenl oh tthl. used. Tvaoboftise raqucets wveThteto kluad ii tary training campe aI Foart Oh 1 ieS <nted. Walter Plaine oh Leke zu- ad Greet I.Akea bas Itou i bcul ic s astihoSas a thLe coaland f cci No man cmn bffludge the o4 a conaierable grovwtislu lolepkos busi» nessd there u nea but ed businffs to pay the expeuse rtraftIc. Toecare far tla p@Wil t Misb vio caudIatteindta1tlie office hba leen houai necebasry 101ev ucv vorl. lHe vas ozousel b ull aIse underground celle. ., «iI Peler Mitchell asked t10 ha exeuiled ILNDELr ENDENT l irun rasa theise OîcaO bell 106Ie taou accoant of Mlue«., Ne aclan vas Great Laites, and emplei*e11" CW aceud. B. K. Tocs cf Warren sai.. o on yh l pr oago-Mcliery cable.Tise Great Ze& r leolad 12"isoWy tu luthevery day he- e Mclienny section oh lbt ceblt i s iea.otier' harut W"randtI ier. lass àlaid! about titre. e qi.& 0s. ~ . pfýe t0o awit ipý ,é blevif.and fair prices wili i - Thse uav cable vIS ha ee4 p Ovrt losslt Toc, saigitsecure peciaê 11eg.l l W.-a at ailhn Il aVsTo gVuw you Inult Inoresayoi I a tont # b l ae aitoa so0inotise Jwy.e vaswual c x- -. qnt te... loptAf...S uâSur. ~ A'5 1~ GihierI et -, WDZElÇBNT 1~XYBDÂY, NOVE)£MBB .1917. hstuif but that the pres- nevertsalees out ot plS ace lu iîerfa deputies deterred manda luat nov, sud are furtiser Uic cause et Kaioit been elitor eft the Graya- you daatroy « inucis as oeeq.o 0eln tssctoartad a year o "osePSI0*saLU. mfof thr Pudding le in the .EatUg."I <flassifled Ads have been proven by hu rl motomers. Aok any user of these IU*tle, at the CroSsroads is a traveler who kmc it advances no reasoi 'a.yto one town togo1 ng is of the "Bigupa. >'ws i a, to Ioam, "VI vpie that' the store'ia in buiWx iwby they uhouId trade tii! minx la add4bulnuu DMt il the vrdVIIdgDOOO uem «Msat In > nd lbave a profit LDS wil deveiop new bivib )sent busiess. HfonStest r Ltake cotre of that MIue mae.The right adveraalfg vini40 t k Id hi t sMd s a is go. 1gobus 164 - AIIJ S iy~succeuses lmîis efforts saos ~MAOPLArIume ümdO F àwýon1 <ilAV LÂ I3PA fo ius LIaIth"bave otm * ___ U ÀM cointy a" u cdve b«%W diIInet Mince vOla h une anld ot plenned for the purpose anUlltbl 10gtsayi. 01 caustng trouble, but merely to talcbaisctUtt&M obWl thé uatter over and bave the farmeru Lthe trouble betvcW là b explatn their aide and the editor ex- Who@ 0*11et.1Mý l.Vi1â4 plain bis. nevertbeles. t tg nov ad- Blag te bave a atIp m111.6 that there vere four or ivi Mr. Miller Md hiewih réel disturber.e mong the delegetion si*$ le o 8 MILt i biot, of Ummraand that trouble voul ho h«sbal anoffer et a Pê bave emuel bad the deputy shorif imctac le Soi uoi hem fore-vaune sndaskei 10 *h91rei fi la DMtaig ho proseut tu order to prevent any flues but lae Ucfc long the »O trouble. -ccee.l vorîl Office Crowded, WalhaLUnes. Mr. MUla epaabiug c et uaýV Wblle Insite the office. cr the Tri. log ef Monday algbt nid LIaI e' bune vba he delb. oeropudty haE al t wu *vs dJusted amdeably bcW Deputie. Clarke. WfIllChaUlle&Mthe alitot 5A" thefasW à 4a (lave Adamsa minglqiv1P theclos! ,lbO7 e Wut aay stlsed wvithe1id voi but 26 fermera, outole Ummepution s9v-nthemby W.115 ver.a et st106, TIare vore comna- W4t çCeméiU * -m siffs but tmnieato sIater the The faMars ubtusà*i MW'WI mm entered the office Hik sti: U e eea 0a me "Gentleman, 1 must have theMm rne0fcalîbet Lecuec ait pieaent.7 W1thout exce ti teiavalopmentsansd lhe men gave their Dames unid etviwotlewapperplat e. tlser dovn. .1the Tribune article. 1tevMc$be Fermer Kapple Vau thse 5pokufl5lors tOOk exception, ane *Wi.1 for tise crovd. Ha d.maMed wvat lag tiss."f«""c wisol tbe Tribune rasant by callltthb fim. 1t oer aaarhe 'b. mes vIa, ers 'T. W, W.'s"and 5611cr IMr hune bl irad , ms& wgit tI..W exlIained hov ha foît about Lt, but the carmnig factoay aI grrà» a fill et once ciplalued thu h wt h. vas s au uppca l a 10V** tise sicv editor and vas responslble tisefari»r o» lIe oega b" for future articles ln tise paper. 1tfmr or thi ei11uaavuV 1 He saked'thIe fermera 'toamie a£ amlI bol l I de e a ý W cammttee of Ibrea to meet vitsh lmntli odIntm m-- tosicgit In the Tribune office, declar- acoympny vbo bave s iWM ' W loi h wuldprntanyMaerantthy rlatlvely fair vittherg r carel ta male If tbey alunadIiL. A Ania It ver rorlOn, o« committee vas In h amoe nesd tbey la" It olb réstantwI vil! muet vtth hlm and viiisaubait tlre10etsinc a atelmnt.tisaI faoda Out sIliceta lhe Oaa of tise Officars sent to the vlk lIat noujebes oui boys b tae asI, "WlIh heb.plieell Crov4. ww camOUpe &U over thé Z cd vltb loudly tslklng sud «cita Incompréhenuible. lu mm 1 men, and vltb lb. office 01151-15< fa ev peltby peuntea vin p«ý as many fermera as coul crqvd la, Il VAU lt the gcitez in view Othé looed for a Urne au If tisera voul hle hi laelt inous, .' lu trouble but the mon dldn't do any* aUMiroIt. Th e rrmer Vlà * thlug but exproestiseuselvea. Tiser. e o m1001 v UIti iot i was no actuai trouble ut all--just plain bas moi: takes ils baariujeM* talk»" g- tt urfrieula lIe, Inqulry as 10 boy the offtcerai "bap. tum bav"e ae Pened" to ha tise. soved tisatI Muer a ta ~ t ifthey amgel b.n Miiller sud M511had l eqesd the Sm incemoigalnd00 state'As ettornoYa Office 10 @Mdalma ~ a tlA tisere te, srotéect otierom vlence. The m v*% smspl0 Raady 10 A4t Serioualy aaolulaly uNofler oi a An Isteratelmon ln Guy-slake qbe vihs ISe!veolet ai Mid: "Tisera la no question about t clerc hIe ue hIsi of m, but bal Uthc deputy abertifs not bqen voata .. pcribe Present @mo f tis, fermera coui l aurafroelloal 5MO MMt bave rmùetnud themsecves tisey oauisallenaaieeotutfrb ver. Oolucensl over Ildiior Millet'. vby aboWl Lte»frmeur article 1ha1t tsey vouId Dot aely bave suM hoa aiovel 10MlpBm cleaDed ont the nevapaper plant but tcleacy la thase teuttug tIaI they vould have given hlm lteeare a uM p rolucev. V» 4 drubiing of bis life. Thse fach ltnme clealy uniertool Iét bel ini of tbema did nat hold back thse tatfe tsyha perfactly autillel lPý ) tisat they vere planning on eome vbat you ai estrUta Mr Set ý e a IL t t uqwa4o ana t*rear,..L4"e* lui

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