CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Nov 1917, p. 4

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h*wI.m ai igeUmucf*eatpi au -~~T la la uIBoéwi bh0eu a teJuei, I New&.m ~mIs as ha 5.l l ainthe'VIlle Raill 9oly Ooemunion *tory 4ubdayr 11:00 WQ~*%EEGITRVN . Çhrel Scbool 9,45 a. mi. WTh* f e PLesyh.rt . c 401lahf IIUS teabsence of the. pastor bmuet a "t.t,a in tucSffl d u 0$Mg bU_%Iqpractng service .111ho supplIai hyV é* %1 lg jvMld or la easthuexipefl. GSe. oA. Mllchellof W..ukegan. Tlieue ~ab~1 ~on aeoun cithe Union meetilng ai he ~. ~ ~ *~ M. 9H cbueh la 1h. Intersat oflb.he rt zu~u ~raw, ai~rauuau &unrnmu0 as eff- wo o teb.Y. M. C. A. Every niambor O Rwoek, anawn h.qMusiuet *hm'he s*oSU .of this clauntb abould attend the. mtIngt ýVÊ 'E"a#d lu a uh.g.a l frmrn Purély notforelgu ami hoar labout the apisndld work te ~-v y IarnNOTGID 80rsgs80: ~Y. M. C. A. Io dolng for our sloldiera. The 1 1 -t t H service one as followe: t--BemaaeMy husbind sa ts that I1 uatnot e Suaday achool 10 &a.n. yithe men have Dot been Maiel upon to hlp, so whY Mýrnlen ,vorhilp St Il a. an. "-hlthe women be ealled upon first? Christine Endeavor meeting Bt 645. ,.l Béas I do not beieve in helpmng my country C. A. Montanus. Poston. %m t n t ar 7Mathodlat-11pscooai. $ý.-Bern.ua1 do nttake ayinterest lu such 1hiIIg a Net Sunday services vii lie. bahell & do not,,earq wtether our soldiers are wel cared or not. tollowà: in the morning at 10 o'oiocit 4--&cmuse eveii if 1 did-care to help them there las usaj sebool sesMou, at l.o'dJock "R 1 MMld o 80 help. preasiiug service: Rli. T. Z.Baalwlll ýb-BeouseI do not care what kind of a future the ~wsllutlbthe rmon, lu the éven«a Kra% Union moeetng l theintees of »M, Iu.oin to offer to my children, or to any children lb .M.A othelb.Nain. stmtd n igt' W1D8 this war. Sers Snday aveit I6.80 the rY UTMfS KINI)OF A SLACKER 1 aubjci of the Epworth Loague Will lho: 'Taking Mon à45v.." Leader, Paul nm4~vmsasiA~YE6W orris1ÀA ordialinvitation te aIL. M M AIN01P VOIIN. Junior League viii lie iheld t Bon- The imobilisatio# ut the womian power of the nation, as dey atrnoon at 4 o'clock. AU bols bw2pted in tue registration now in iprf'r-,q, ymav lheie nd Org irunrped b attend. d.rtalugindequae jiimetho butit lis a vmutlahida a euu rideeThankagtving Il atret ever thoghtulwillngandloyl wmanservice beldibis year et tthoIM. E. church LU atra evry hougtfü, wllig, ad lyalw n der 4h. auepice.of the Epeolt h âse of itie United States. league. The service wiîllieb held on .We are beginning to believe in the împortaneç of ges- Tburssiay moralng, Nov. 201h. lms la tle preseut condition of the United S3tates, and Thd choir wlllI met for rebearsalibis ,thegistration of women were only a gesture it would week on Tbursday ,voning nt 8 'clock. e*sluble. A gesti4re sometixnes promotes as well as kt tsastate of mind; aRd by màny means, direct and JCY I)3CN diet the eftort is beig rmade and must be made te pro- s y eiA am oonsiousness ofsocialeffort in the war. , M Our enemies and our allies liadt this forced upon theru ouée bw the daugmerat their doors. The individuels ut J~ Wt~ O T me listion bail to get together and act or periah. They___ drv 1yvutogether .us ,Arezican settiers were diven 80- motnDsovyl Md swby Indien attÉeks. We have keked tuas force of ImTat oovery la ad mient danfMerand yet have te saine need as they of Tht oadr lof Omana Considrs IMuon.e The iegiatrtion of woupen ough topat valuable in- WR FOR LOVE 0F IT. xàýtioubte hamxbof the atoities. Itou.tght to re- WR ob mt loifi ati o avabe power wh» c an be CuWhthe Twenty Work. rom upC>fls8aj1DY1iIeets in"ite. 18 wou]d be better ers Are Paid Barely Enough it were dome by eens umetod under the. direction of t e ln ih srM ~r overzeu purose. Fo th preentthe Joy reigus at Lakte Bluff Orphun- Muchet h. oma powr wioh'wold b inaluble Thé anticipation o! the future > ti. ntio vi notbe eaced u tip fshin, ut hatbrlng more pleneuro tuan yull tue ms&drutûn des et dtrat fom ti. mporanc t pro pibll rellzsation o'that vhlch la eeding as effeetively ai; possible by thie metbod nov h recilly lable to bappen. pmtf --hijaoTribune. The tact tletu"t tce&oa chance i that tue tventy -deaccuessea are l1*a ww that Lako c unt bdou. ito bit lu thi. matter et W bondafor geo roda, boe.'.cheoelng neya from ***, ormol anounosmeut Ihat t. he hdan road db:Xuuounty Io 80 b. hlshed wth stot. snd iloddurlng1918 came o te OulOork Joues Bat- r la the foadanuotocenothe luconui s"te .ray ooauu5uoof contrat. wbin olmy to lot t.oeuIg pox- rom hejnt ta-tdrad d n 00 for tb. ompletionof 1h. work hIboth over de aso Bros. The. odunty aprpriation for the ofc Plesasut Prairie la alrs&dy &Mabut 80 leCure tue 1iffoc of lthel*0 shore road,.tbrough 8h. town of wu w th aldd te oW àdféoral funds, the Vy mutI rais. the.Bailof *9,383.3 ;;s pýoitîcal dopeebere ram s itry.' setlemnt-and tius another stop ha@ 1 e figureout hoy th. two fictions hein accomplishai boyard heiping use ý»o City' aven gq« ogeblier on the vin bb* van. FOR If W. cunnot qat ad baud quesation. lb was Ilke this: along her. et home, If we cannot keep, e'cbserols lution vanted good rosie sway from thi. and that strike, how1 ot 4o churcli; the otite eet wantod are we *ver golng te lcktheb Gerinarlâs Mes roide e. bley couli rmach thir and Auctrani,4 who ara sticking t10. O&y Muilng aaser.-Rockford Re. gether eo closly? Lvryffdy la glad te think that thej PRA18E FOR LAKE COIJNTV. *k éltaatioes h». clured the farm- Automoblllste and the public 9mai-. M ahIk* bue been calid off as a 311Y wil ha glad te cai that Lake mot cf a Nova sieDeember pr"s county, Milncie, votadion a *60D,00 ia t Us up..On.eaM lnvgln. bond lasue to Imeurs good roade. ony als9f m ubuity icIt * * C* Boni cae are s national as. 1 b lou gSsiffl U rMaslbithan set Lîka opan waterwsyo, they fe *-. , b la omslit tse twat vital ciltba traffic andI nciiuntaliy encour. sud lSdM hWtise dhow Msaw Ilbage the fermer te shlp hl@ produ«Ot t îw I ases ad 4*Çam" .~ean vider arus. They py i>' nansai # M io w M O M h a M M I » b » « W » @84 s o n s , t e a c a ss e e ff l i l s y . lé se em e. sms w»aesli- e d a Gimia n.é u pe iv h muiite Ile tauMIIi Su Yes, the board vblch hanilea tha orpbansse la nov conslderlng ratai thé montbly itipaui. It muy tait. the luconceivablo jnmp from $12 a mouth tb $16 a month. IVe Dot igeueraly inovn tuat the. flue deaconesses end thelr oteveu as- filatanta, ituovu as dacues mos a-ti, get thé munlicent psy o! $12 a mouh. Wlth lte Increueicoat 0f living, the board ubs. beanurlUmg thoYshouli get a raIs. and npw t4i. inatter la belng couslderci. Tb6 iorkers aiso get thier board and à CS Mune Wvh nlavery simple and cheaP, so it la seeu they're fnot over- pal. Umse udion also gais théeasme oalany as the rest, $12 a Smtli. The tieaconessea are mnout ai grad- trates o! the Chicago trainng ichool eni therefore bave, spént conaiaer. ablte tlmi lutbe vwonkta. ho vhs Lle> ara Dow devotng their lîves. .9eëùal- are collage graduatee. Noue are lu the vork bectaise thpay hope ta mate mneout of !lt-W. a aaeof baug ln love vitb the vont for Ilthlo Chf] iran that eadi thent thora. Msm aidOtit., Animais. nea aaaetiat diffarmee belveai asti and*animais la vOUt st4t4d W' Doetor Gamset, an salunt trench W6148o314t, Ooisib>'the solauahf âÀsarIean 13a My@lstanmalla pre. AMMsi to 0obV ttehi et lna a»& es, vuelammioh.M tan m w' le ame *vIsa1»«L à,mms q1i I.l want 1% mosu" w ii u lsy a#t u »z% for Y1.1)4. C..ce. The largest gathito0f People as- semblai for patriotle »urpooee thus tar as, . habeglnning ef the vii.. ln Lakte eouaty, gathered Sunday nizht'l lu the. Wueyaa Metbodit church under teaapIces of the CountI! COmi1itte oetthellinois W8i. Work- OouMM oI f the Y. )M. C. A. Tire bpauti- fui navbw hhvas throngad wtth peojile aager b-o ioabout the na- tiO'. aiso. Uvery seat vas taken. sud ma"iych"aito statd. The m ;eatng vas called 10o ordetly the, chairman of th- Lake Couuty (Committee,'e£. P. Sedgwlttk. seere- tary-traeurer of the Chicago Hard- 'Btta 2'0emd1y Companuy. - Thé. ad- Irsa vas ieliîerei by E. 0. Sellera. 'ho bas fust retunnaif rutmi uglaud éd Frunce vhere, ha bail flrat baud »postitty to observe the great riti- itr cam$ o f Europa. à motte the ther thlngs. Mr. Sellars sali that va on te aaide et the Atlantic, cân now arely appreclita hat rnllltary 4h-' ampmants are as comparei vitti the grisât eaopments ln Englani aud FiBam, partieuasrly wbeýe millions o! non arë nov, and have beeu lu 'ln- ti. yetraining. 1hi lebut nutural, stalai Mr. Sellais, that viieré large groupa, o! mon aire gatuered. Usat th i rarjous, destructive forcés whlch arc' et vont lu the. vorld, shoubd malte the attack tapon the msnhood of the ni- ltis. And It la to, combat these avIli a vel as to funish constructive luý tlueuicés, tuat the Yocrng Mp.n'a Chrie- tion Association War Work bas been isfled into service. > The Y. M. C. A. bas pleigec ilst services to our goreruiment ho helP 'KXeep thie homea Bras burnlng" lu the itearte o!f ?ur soliier boys. Wherever Ameniccu troopi galber iu the srmy as vaîl as, lu the navy, sud amoug thc VI'anch, Ilussian sud Itallan soldlert, and the. prisouens of var camps, the red triangle o!ethe Y. M.. C. A. goes to help sisfe-guard the borne itirales Pui. the graveat danger o! the var le tuaI Our boys may net itaep, true ta theue ideals. Pire huudred hutibave beu budit, wanm, chearful centcrs oc frlenullnass, wbere the boys âud plati saut social. récroatooahsSii trelief from the bard, coli camp life. * The ost o! carryiug ou this vont. of courue la large, but the amount hi ln significent comparai to the great service rénderai snd the present need. At toast $5,000,000 vîli be need. ei to coniuct tuia vork up to JlI lat, 11>18, and St may beuecessary ta rai". tua entire aimout durlng thb next 14 isàta. Mea arebelng called upon ho do a super-bit ani to sacri ftee for thte comfort o! thé men luntE camps, Bt homeansd lu thé tré,pcbsf of ibis van sone "ornthere." unr. Bllera aiso referred ta* th hunireda o! tho)usade o! meu whl baie been vouniai and ho referres to'th. terrible efforts o! the gai be ing nuilulnte van. Mn. Sellers f not a, profestonat speaker, but a la mmn giviug hie Uime because ho rotl lsed the, great ucai o!fsafe-guarduti our youug men uot only lu Amprie but over »aa as vaîL Mr. Seig'rlck, the chairmnuul linei thé plan o! Uhe caupalgn ain oted hhat $50,000 la bélug as'<ed th people o! Lait. counu, and exprese, his conviction that, thé loyal* peopl of " ecouaty vouli respoui 40 'th 9"It o! macniic f neai ba, lu la > iing tuila aoobe usai for th borit o! tha Y. M. C. A. among t e e n uthe service. Noua o! -the VIu ....................... 1 ,i e es te )e- Ly. ng ca ut- nd ,he le Io. tho the ids raiaéilvIl be usai for paylng suy local dsbta or anything rof that ilni, but eïVery penny vlll be expended fo: tue purpoae for vhlch Itîla given. Secretai.y Wise o! tii. Navy Y. M. C. A',, tatloued aet Great Laites, sal.g a solo, uni Fred PWnuisou, one oftae ouintai men, fromt the Naval Station. told"is Impressions o! thé betpfut- nase sud value cf the Y., M. C. A. to '-Me men lu trainiug ah Great Latts. Mr. E. R. Gobrecht of the Wauka- sa Y. M. C. A., bas been appoIntai aoeretai.y o! the Lakte county comahIt- tee o! the War Council ot the Illinois, Y. M. C. A.- Lneseta De Ramembohred. Tb. son tWuminabaaO!e bilae vuilli t I t Mbqlôvthe borzn d p~tretti IaiIeog" dby theb e :ibs0 a Rile bafot e aes =matilfl t le ""lhseid 010isl la 4. deI t e smelaty. uqens Uic 51te ' à" eUraieua at4 W wkIe WIti*iul çiflsM.c. uete la * s*s0 woMb t a Ge wh» e Ne bu MO«tr W lem&- h.#41eyl a4aoubood l tuat the. intànitti.on dadvr ab, "%ýDbti* týO tAndeti omO1*imL Bled by jfWv. >rOve&d 40 iioseBag. lie adnOted, ona .Qaybe, aecrel.ary of the tbg 1h. *Otdtruc Won icait em â . ..,lAW and Orier le$gue. liud4alsVe 1lade b~ u3ti0Is duafgoa uiffil ~Mai", n..h-als 4eU.4 avl g "p,'gth aie jn'a gua 26 or titis ~ à e ~ M i l e t i i ~ , A ~ i f ~ ~ r ' ?M q P l i d l o u î * a r e a l i a g e d o wOud tot akaBfl UIîb* fr hm üý sale os thA tWho wi ould give hM a bottie ofo! UnISd&Y lu Baptembar. Tm iuycaiee ti vdlc 'Ri .9ualler iblftg m ald to have tU.e wms feu. almat mm1'q lters of ,Bi u ou heu and tbft retpniid a !ediet lak*tshée'stndand tsUatf aaluet *~~~~~~~~ ea1twmssbu am~u *Io veli Uovnrmort kéepera ma- et pm a"d oumAt.dttorney prx- 'Wm hea t a»ey are B4on ,trial. TMe bM ei t once srrai otiBOUC» O anvill e ba am UM ttint iRer. QewYle BYPOBL viti te aPPeared vu'.n&Uy at a.» u'uîan!r ~ pro.cutoOi !t ihsanature'. c 14 PLC*OOf4 TRIAL.I~~ - IUHIM A 904TTLa fr ,g IFr ma WOIJI.0 U#81.. A. C. Mller. empoed as a drug- glat aitheii MBrlonabatet driustoe. 10% Marion, treet, vas placeil on trWInluPolice court thia morninuson B charge ëf ibavlng vlolated Sstlon One of the. clty ordnance whieb pro- ibîtsthé sai! 0« iutozleatlng liquor. Thealleged violation took -place on Octobar 24. Miler demanded a jury' trial. At- torflay Mu± Pmborski. representlng the defeudat, bxcuad one of th- Juroie. and conseuteà to try te case wltU the renisaflng Byve purore. This ilau wu5 BErable to Corpration Oonnael Arthur Bulltley who repre- solited the elty. Policeman Frank< Brance vas the anly wtuegs put on by the cty. Brluce »Wi1dtbt on the nlght of Oc- lober 24, he a Ba Bjtney stop on thé woit aide of Maion street. The dri- ver. ho aoid, crsed the. etreet anld eutered the drugstore, psssing to the rear and dlsBppearing behind a par- ution. rfev moments later, according '0 11hane. Miller carrled botties of ber te the rear c0(testore 'Bnd pased nthhéi.door lute partition. H.ý llsted. ho sai. and heard seveat *voice lu the rear rom. Hoe then en- terai thé drugstore and walked back to the pDBTtti. Someneh sait!. e spokae sharply to the thers, tellilng -tlien to be quet-that a policeman vwas oming. -11 vent lu the rear room,' Brauce S- said, "and suv nome men ittinil n about a table. There vers twoýempty beer bottleoenda a bottle about hait full1 of beer on the table. 1 aske<l pthe mon If they vere drlnking beer and they sai they veresflot. «I "h ad seen Miller drop soute men yin théecash ragistar bafore 1 entered e ho store sud. asked hlm where be it-vhetlior he recelved it a., ,e pay for the beer. He sai ha could Sdrop money in the regîster If h. vant« ed to. je "Az 1 started to valk Out Miller 0 stoppei me snd ashai me nOt lc te makea ny trouble for hlm0,He sald hi :q bas not recelved auY mOnoy for thý 4, beer and that he would give mea af hottle If I wouldnt a-Y anything-." ie miller 'Makes Donial A Mller vas Placed On the stand and - maie a positive dental of the tate t monts maie by the policeman1. HE t deuiflO that hoe had aold or given boar d. avay. Thraa mena vho vere in thE ly ,place et the. tinte. <ara put on as vit- to LiBITYVILLE, ILL., Sept. li), 1917. Mr. John liodge, District Manager, Michigan Mutual Life InBurance Co., Area, Ill. Dear Sir:- 1 wlsh to thank you for the prompt mamner in 'whlch you settled the Pollcy held iu your Company by my late husband, Ernest Hapke, who died Septem- ber 7, 1919. I also want to say that my dealing wlth the Com- pany liao been entirely satisfactory. Frorn my exper- ieuce, anyone contemplating taking out insurance would not make any mistake in going into the Old Michigan Mutual.Life Insiîïance Company of D)etroit, Michigan. Yours truly, MAymp BEBtTuA IAA.KE, Benteficiary. John Hocige, District Manager The. 01<1 Michigmu Mutual Life.Inaurace Co. OfiePhone 162-R AREA I-hone 296-M.1 I * Informations, Chargng Iegal Sale of Llquer Ar. Flle< in Court ~~ "uomations vers lb lu county court toiay byStates Attorney James G. Wetch, cbarglugnt dvard Hovard ad George and tFrank Paadeloup o! lIbx Lýaie-vitb bavnna.vlolated tht lav by aelilng lutoxtcatlng liquor on Suuiay. There, la one count in the MnormatIon agalint Howard and two comnte agaluat the Paèdeloups. ut lu 11 1 --m rown Leathe " suiCae betwees Wheeling and Wauoegn on UIlwau- kme Avenue road. Con- tains cko"ig and o"he permnal clffcts. $10.-REWARD J. 9t. RATHFN. A Word About Co-operation T ELEPH-ON E subscribers who co-operate with the telephone operalors get the hest resuits froni the use of the servit&. How you ana do this: Speak directly into the traflomitter. Be sure yon have the right nuîber and se that tce operatar repeats it back corraty. Give your namne, the firm îî.crne, or thc telephone numnber when responding to a cati. Do flot say "Hello." Do not have a subondinate mnake'vour tetephone cidls andi kepp the party ah the uther end o! the lit waitîrcg whîl yeu '"take your tîime"'in beginurg the conversation. Chicago Telephone Company à A.,,R. Andrews, Manager le

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