CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Nov 1917, p. 5

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SL.&KE COTINTY, LLUNOIS, THUBSDÂY, NOVEMBER 8, 1917. ---------------_____Uri.__ Ciaytari Dece 'so b- i.etir bwt fatuntiay. AI itcheld lIt Ti-ely for an IflDN1Ii1IO'etended uta>' at NewOre. is iarM Bush le' sendinbg a veut lu r IIhVUiW flft# Il- MJardaam md& a trip l mlu- Bef are'ever attempting ta start that puddings. you ehtuld sec if. you bive &Hl you ueed to u.k. it ou will need Citi- -1 Owflngeel Le.monPMIlmadaln W hve1aoétesearicIsse as well as flav- orig . lieac, spices, and wè msa have the quality brand- of mince meat and pumpkin for you rti4. ., VIE FURNISH THE TABLE EARL CORLETT MEATS AND UKROCERIESI Two Phlrnes-339 and 340J FARMERS!' RZIOIIT NOW RAISE MORE GRAIN To Feed the World and Its Friends TILE ALL YOUR LAND It Wili Pay Big Interest With One Permanent Investment OUR i'VPOCK IS LARGE DM 1yt.Old Dosa tisW . 30 Y5. Phone 47 E. X Bishop, Mur. Manure Spreaders The Best Paying Implement on the Farm Nisco Ail D -ere Go NrP,% Idea oo lEinerson Oùesl Corne in and look thern over. Priced Right SCHANCK, HARDWARE ibres mhldren gnaced deceased. Mnm Morse paésed aa'sept. 80. 1866. Ou Nov. 7, î1é7, it>' esa eawa lr. Mouse vas &gala unlted lu marrlage ta lir, fans Bartt, ue Clark, Who vaa boru lal Lecter, rmgiad u vbs six yeane of ame cam#etua Ibs caunln> sud seted lu Lake canal>. Mm.. Morses firta uband, Edvlia A. Bartlus, servedl lb Campait>'0C0aithe.Nîty.uistb Ilinois lIan>' anSdied lunlb.he »Ptce t Don.- ville, Kuluet>' la 1$68.,- Tvo ebildr.u vire. liseISéboet'.01 ib <Ns 4%âràmbk*We màeW'o Ut. AND IlS. MOL ZELE- BRITF 04111. WEDDINQ Lster B. Morse, via passed hie uinetiethb1irthdsy lmt March celebrateâ hie fftietb vedding annIvesray vtb is mcnd *Ife Wcdnesday, Nov. 7h. Mrn* Morse le s retîred fat-mer, sud bas lireS lu Late connlY aven ciphi>' puara.i Thoern are a ev remalnlni otellu the etor>' of lb. pioneet-Sa>'. . l.Mat-se la2 ane ai ont- Jinored sud leadlug cilissu *aêhb.ue..a.ot >he»0 aedst v and a rnsbwet t oSftOdsl prbilc , 1. âîý ". Z à là If Yon Knw of Nows o! 10Sal ntrent PicaoeC&U Tolephone Numnber 1. Cba". Kaiser vas a busness caller la Cicaga Taeeday. Severai from br ane attendlug court la Wauksgfau this eeut. J. Yabirke sud family now occnpY the Noel Dîpran4 bucgalw on Hnrlbutt Court Gieorge Clouge and vile made a pleasure trip ta Chbicago Saturday returuing monday. Idr. and lire. 0. LaTure and baby vleited the. lattera parents la Chicago Over uday. 0. Banda, tuba ban beau at the Decter drug @tors for nome tihie ban remlgned his poition there.. Mises Fora Colby bas tabou lMr&e.le Tyrrel'a place a@ bookiecuer for the Independent office. The-' interion of tbueLeter tone h as been rearMnged tiIs kvttmate rooni for the cdiulnug holiday goade. Wm. VuBecc of Long tirove, bas moved bis tamil>' ta Libentyvillu aud lb.>' nov accupy tbe Hoveil bouse. Tbos LesaI Chicago. bas acceptedl a position ait the Mason barber aboP. But t fiir laaiea worklbg evenns@at the chair. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. vii ho ailthe borme aoflUr. Jeunue Juet au Lake etreet, Tuesday, Nov. 13th pt-ampli>'at 2 p. u.. George Hiieman snd fsmiiy. formemi>' of Chicago, bas moved latoithe Butler fiat. M. ElleMan la nov employed ai lb. Llbertyville garage. Edwin Austin bandied tbe deal last Iv»t Whieih îranaferrs-p the Fred F. tMcLoud farmt-lu Sm. J. Sage for a coualderation of $9,000... The quction sle f-'f ,ueehold goode beld b>' Dr. Brown at biti remldence lait Fri'iay vaa wull attended sud the bidding vas ruai lîvel>'. Tbe epeaken ai the union Ma@s meet- Ing Sunda>' eveulug st the M. E. churcli viii bu B. Fred Wise, secetar>' of the YouDgng liue hitan Assoeiation at the Grtet Laeea' naval Station. <me Kru*nrey, wba has hecu conlunied tu is bed fur sevenal daya la ecovering and gai out Manda>' long unoucb ta vieil; bl» office ai the Public Service rouam. Banuey DeThorn, vbo bafi tbe mis- fortune to edralu tle legimente of the tuee vblie playing basket ball la gsiniug quite nspidiy, but euh v aîts vith the &id of a cane. Our rnd commiseluer ie taking ad- vantage oi the Indian sumnmer &ad the big rond scraper vas ting ued an Mlvaukee aivenue ou ihe bill north of the Se. Paul tracts. Tbe movement of turnnublng bals sud balla for thesaldiers lu France sud thone éttatiaued as cantonmnento bas ruacbd Libencyville sud the beadiquarters lsai tb. Mason barber @hop. A garden near Lake Forest vas entered saome ime lui eutee and about 400 bead of cahbage vas taken. If th!@ pnactiee abould becomue genenal vc migbit adVibe te purchase ai a bear trap. WVe notieb>' an eicbsuge faon the noriberu inuit district vbere wluter apples are@offlag for 30e per buahul. We vonder vhat Ibe>' viii cosi wben the consumner gela thein. Chas. Wiel, thé barnesamater at the KAiser barnees @bop returned tbis veet tram sa alit l@ bsaternt ai enco, MInu. Charlie reporte a good rime sud mype tib ai ner vas becomlnll the pre. domînating flture tubsu b. loft John Bernar4 sund vIf.aScompanied b>' the forme' moîher, M.1a. K. Bernard aud Auna Idiller vent ta Roctiord Sun. de>' ta m i.leltt"Homard, seho. bas an att aio pueumanla and le lu th. base boapitalihubre. The>' report findlng bim weli ca red for and va4 improv.lug as rapliîa@ coud bue pected. J. F. I4ayle bas a #;&le sdvertleed tu take place nt is fat-m 3%4 miles uartb. sast ai Hait Day sud 3 mile@seouthveeî of baie Foreet. The @aie vii eart ai 12 o'cioct. The sale lucindes 70 bond ai lve sack, fat-m machiner>' and toole oi a il Oinde. Rendi the ad ilu thie Issue sud vatcb for the bi. The Village Ooudil met Tucoda>' even- lng lu the conucil roome ta t-suee the utaa!busineasi. The malter oaitlb. r. Whbittle vas tatou up , sud the canmIttes reporteS t Ib te Whittle vas glving satlefactor>' service sud tb. arnount tberelore vas ot-doeod podaiS a a a everal other bille vblcb came butor. lte board. T. A. Repuolde, seba bas bees conduch- lu flelog iig aOrs bare for about log aloot authe- yankee ltudi Ies" UadalieZoot vas a Mlwaukee caller "luitotrdby. FM dJocbeifbàsu rchased asother dolivgr>' ami s e milu is l@baker>' lira. PeW ul aulgn gave a dînnen part>' at ber boule Monda>' evcn lu bonor et ber faliber, P. 1lý. Peck. Mise mreme<oe, sWho haldi a situa- tion vîit a lae o mercial estabîleli ment lu Chicago, vîslitsl vitbhume faîte sud flt-telu tIis cii>' Sanda>' St Lavrenee gulisil ii'iet vith lire.1 Johin Barbour, ou Park aeu,,Tîjure-1 day, November 15, ai 2 î,k lins. F. H. Martin le atteudjng tii- couference of ibe Central (J i ion of tue American Red Cross ait tiw' La8alie bots-I. Cicago, sud tulibue ibere until tomiîr' nov. Among thon vWho came irom Camp Grant ta @pend Suinda>' St their home bere Corporal Barry Gotti. Segeant Hloward Mrris,'Private llwhtbody aud Musicien Byron Promse. buotherur metngof the Home huards le i .llcd for ioulght. More thonu itty bal already jolnad the organization w' J lae xpewtmdtat several mors ames vlbeho ded tonlight. The meet- lig wiii bu beid utltte towu bail sud if yop are iniereeted lu gttiug milItar>' tralala« pou ame luvlled to attuni. - Tbe report ibat Chanlee Beruaird. tub lnsesrvlug bis coutry as a mem ber 0f Company' De 842"d luantry, vas desd st tha e oph et camp Grant, Rock- lord, va» provo& to b. vîthout faunda- lIon. Ou a card tea hie mother, dafed Wednemday, ho wrtas: Deai Mother- Am up snd araad ail day and esting ail 1 get, su l'il ho ont b>' daturday as gond s evor and seUl hé giad ta get ont. Wli bu home Saturda>', I possible -Chic." At the Ladie' Ud ociefy oi the M. E. cburckbedai lb. home Mi Mr@ J. B. liacCluffii on Tuasday siternoon the folioving afficere voes iicited ion the eneuingycar: M*.. a. B. Eger. preident;t lira. T. E. Resu, vice pruident; tins. 0.1 W. ilîymt. èec.eary; Mire. Wm. Wheuler. treagurer. Work vasaeaplanned fon tbp cîîmhng yean and il vas ie'-lded tu serve a sîîppen aI tbe chursh in thc nsar tuture. Jin Witmore, the moot carefi-uchar leur in tue section *1 the country, met viti au accident yeeterda>' about novun lie vas retumnlag fr-oid lie aouth, hiie attention being dlvided beivoun a punt- iu the mor sud tbougbta of wbat tic was lîtel>' to bave tor dnen. Sndds-niy eomuoue moved a blg Ire»mIna the mid- die of the noad vblcb struck bis machine an the tarboard quarter, damalging the propelior sud sbruptly terminatlng hie frevunie. Hs sent lua a 8. 0. B. cadi, vbieb vas quickiy ausvered by HoSnbullng, snd mauaged ta reacb tavu betore out- unhng rtambouger. Sunda>'. about the màddle af the day. lishaal Limbrrj returned troun a round- up ai tbe outstînts of the vOlg, haviugr lu bi@ passession a uumbetof ai nggcn aboots-e" vblcb bu bsd tUeatrom amail baye vbo iver.. probabi>' Dot on Ibein vs>' boue froin Sunda>' subool. The marebal Ilites taase the yoeugflite en. jor themselve@, but the "u'lmgr shooter" lisa danagenous tOY about & tovu, sud sehen svay tram parental rsstraint, tbe yotnugses frequenl> mare tsi-goteofo pIgeons. fovîs sud vindao ai01vacant buildings. Ih la this praetcthelbmarehai le endeavrng ta terminle.. The young people of 81. Many'e Con- gregslian ai Ivaubo. anuqunca a dance sud aupper ta o b ld lu tbe Modern Woodmen bail lu that village on the evuning oi Wednesdsp. November 21, tbe proceeda ta bu uss-d for the benefit ai ffemout Cntor panochîi scitoal. Tbey generali>' bave a good lime t tee gatheringe and thie on. certainl>' de- serves a libural patrnuage. The Parent-Teachere Aaeiallo,-i vi again ta Cali youn attention ta lte meet- ing ta bu beid Fiday oeuiugla the 11gb scbool building, Whosu ?41s Emme Gertutlnde White ai Evantan, viiopea" au -'The fichool as a Soial Cnter." Mies W ite la chai-inuoi beoductionsi tommitte di5thoflIhuale Pareut-Teiachere seauciation sud bas Lad vide expenience lu tbio.cîase.of vont. The igb achoot gîcu club viii render suveral aeecllne sud the meeting vîiiho ver>' lntereetlng Onu. Ai t-e nvited. Women Reister This Weak The Womanea regleitration la pnogrees* Iug ver>' iceit thlis wesk sund Ih la oped that the lasit ta daye viii bu record breatero. Lt ever>' woman rugiston vhatevur ber dutipesai the preseul, sa aur goveru. meut mi ntov just bas e w omen are empIopsd sud juat hase mas>' are aralablo for set-vice of saine-oi-m. Rememben juaitvaw daj. more lu vrblch la reglaten, Eida>', Nov. 9, and obiurday, Nov. 10, from 1 ta ô P. M. et lte cil>' balanrlied Crase roomsund OM>'a ev.ulug froin 7 t o 9 at the l1e* Ctose route 0oui>.. - U mwvoa lueUmwàbW 'to rettow 4 ià*tüq". aglla touvil! Mbeul 10 ~O MMl as &vDiUla g~esuse H i aSméaý ý% , .au. Henry OHnhe-'.o.bler. Justice of the i'esce. meba died atI hie hou:. on Fîret.8 streel lest Frlday, Nov. 2nd, vas bora lu Lancster, Pa., Nov. 18, 185~9. lu 18JO0 le vasunnied lu marriage ta 1Mise Neilli. turge. 4Atlb.ageoai21 becanie ta Chicgo, w bers b. spest sevorai Yomr and tbem came tu Uberlyville about 8 years ago vbere h. buasince made bls bhim.e. evamo of a fauily of suven ehildren, ad ofi tbo ezuept bis falben andL sister survive hlm; betidee bit vifs, elhej Doobier. l'h. facerai was beld lust1 Batnrdoy atterdoon and tb. body tatene that evenlug ta Lancaster for hurlai. 1 OLD COUPLE STAIT ON TOuRTe DIXIE Mn. aud faie.0t>L. Cburcbill. wbo v. pionsen nreedeàts aif Liberty' ville lotiMon-f day mornlng for Floride lu an automo- bille. Mr. Chiurchill bas beeu mail carnier from Rondaut ta L.lbenty ville for num@ tinie lîrlglng flic mail 'rom the iaet train wblcb arrive@ as Bondont about 4 a'cloct ln the. maruing. Bath Mrn. and lMre. Cburchill are reecti- iug old age, nearlng the aeveuty year markaud ibile nqut@ an undertaklug iorno s ad a couple, tubile lre. Churcbhil' bealtb le quite poorly. tir. Churcbill smcii.ta enta>' exceeiingly guail healtb for a man of bla &go. Tbey were greatl>' lnteneeted lu the trip before leavIug and passeesed overy confidence lu ibemeelves ta b. able ta maie tbe trip sud arrive lu Florîda lu satet>'. The>' plan on staylug for the winter, wbeu tbei vili returnusud lMr. Chut-chili wîli resume bis duttes as mail card er. HIGH SCIIOOL NOTES A card index of al libnary boots le bslng made Ibis et. The L. T. H. 8. basket bail eain W"i pilay Wauconda ai tbe 81gb. echoo Friday nigbt. Th'e gil expect ta si candy aithîs egame. Mumberoblp carde for the Atbisilc AssocIatIon are belng aoid ibis veek ta the bigh bcoal etudentasat 15 centa. Atten this veet the fes wviii ho25 cents. M.erübenablp lu this seoxdata. &]Iowa apeciai priviledgeso luthe purchase of tictets tothie basket bail gamm. Oun:tlnday afiernoon tbe girls oi the Ellgb sebool vers given an opportunil>' ta regiatur la the National Counciliof Defeuse. Tbe girls rsponded ioyaliy ta ibis demaud. There vas au ennor lu the sunonnce- ment of tbe annuai staff last veet. The naome ai Editb Stanleys caeeditor vas omlhtud tram the report. Thora are et present tblrty.seveu ps- sous tudyîng typevrltlug, ofI sebl tveuty-eeven are etudying tva bonne pur day sud tes oui>' ane boni-. There are aiteen aindying shorthand and îventy-two studylung sccannting. Thora are Ove people vbo are siudying ail thrte of thone courses. This le quite s show- iug for the commercial couresas iisle Its fit-t yuan sud speaka veil Igqnthe wc)nk of Mr. Coeman. Neit peàn ve hope ta bu able ta give twa Juana' vont along this uine and may aio dd com- mercial law, commercial arithuietlc sud economie. Over iu the Domueatie Science sud Eousebold Arts depatmeute Mdise Allyn le perforining a service upan vhlch the people ai the township May' vellotk wlth pride. Theru are sîxtoen girl@ studying cooklng tva bonne dally sud judging from the odoý vblch coin.train that nuain, vs blieve îbst a auceas ola beiug mode aI the cour@@. Man>' thînge lu tie va>' uI food@ are bcbug prcpan-d sud Il le bopcd that tiers insybe a chance for thc peuple ta ose. thei n o di@pis>' saine time siten. Il le hops-d that the dinlng roam ina>' bulnaieicd sooan mathat the atudenie of tMe tises may preparu ibelr uvu dinner. Thers ara tventy.two persanes tndyiug@swinug tva bonne pur day. This course reaily includea more than the menu art of seving ton, t Includeinu>'other thinge vbicb even>'youug girl ahould kuatu. Want, For Sais, etc aeIn te IN. DEPENDIENT reach 15,000 permoa wreokly. ***** ***** *~ fpep your fruit in eafety iitt ia' IItemns of receîilbâti preserve a ad Veg»elàtie j Interest Bs vrbbhgv4fU Taken From tor Ec ages 67, lbe propo.itm i « ol Obcoub. -- --- -- district wbîcb locludoitLabeVilao. *g4- "Pa"vard settb d V'el., lbhe Kaser i ansd Graisitaie, lis lu hiemessapeof cnrtlton atoImueh otherterrltoryiloieý =- yaunsf EmpaerrKali.But vs cananot vas d.e"d s h.M seW help wandening why the Kaisergolf.Was thBrasinivole thalbseq should imaya fo'vsvd lu ftaèly and boek. Lake tonuty un ibe etlo~ yard lu France and Flandoes.mulyMbahosnc ue paascd at the lattselelua is b. a. Houver saye the prkceo of food viii l une. reduced belore the Newu Year couees suad 1. learaebi smya tbere viii b, pieute <of caiManoter rie of 45 cetensa for ail domesti: and-innelutn1l l dsone woden # tee will Croriensays ibherp wili ,rifles îo u priee riiig. Wisat about ail' 0e j4 fur Our soldiers tubo go ta France vestigatIug tbat ba been dout?It%. gharPe eayIS there wlll be aduquate hi-at- leitnsauta aka nvetgtn ngapparatn In 10 (»» lton i l'l »ta. Ilswili beihat atsuris. rwiY..Th- e.of4 iiifutur, t,u-",ili the. sitiioritil at lamhinigtoîî-eil tJ»a, CARO 0F THANKS. i.. iilliiiU.wet.xedmtakttim* The Nuyrtbwe@tern have g0- un au friendet i)r their ktluees sud benttti o Mtsuaiat May stations and reducinMlre. Meille- Doebleri' the salariuesOf soml of the renmalunr bh; but il tead of reducing the fnsigbt. The»' tLberty-ville Indevendent buS pw.senger and express rotes, teb.ytave I incruetd tb.the blggest circulation ln Lake conflty. rec4ion, U004atone i")J ~~cm b4n wik N.I0cnlï wkkyLtan* 4ia Coal bought here àa dean ud honst ail thri.ugh full of fire am*-heat It is getting colder now and you can test this statement as soon as you choose WHY NOT ORDER NOW INSTEAD 0F WAITING UP T0ý THE LAST MOMENT? W. F. FRANZEN. J R* Telepýoe 5, Lihertyvile Coat and Sweater Saving 0MAE aquick dosing of ourLsdies'Cas e hvemade very, radicl edue gaods and the styles are of the rnost popular. Sorne of ihese coama have fur collara. We as sure you it will be ta yaur inter est to look these garmnenta, over, if you iti buying a coat this-fal. As a &amplIe of the1values offtred, weme-q d tian the following: . Cas, formerly $30.00 ta, $3 3.00, now reced $24 OU We ought our Ladies' and Children's Sweater Cas quite early i the eown Iand priced them on the basis ai the cost at thfLt tirne. Our stock in these, item sw well assorted, and the prices are far below the present worth of the gooda. 4adies' Sweaters Cbildren's Sweaters Infants'Sweaters' - -$3.50 -andi - - - $1.50 am $1100 ýW. W.CA 1'- i 'h.3.COMPANY Uibertyville. filoU

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