- Mom "edieu hpa aýri", l ,ma b. tlle viii ta *bouec for arae bmipuat. Cor iý bt.Sotit andiona ait Ïi. boue tof. l'--Neeum, Nov. 2dB as Leram tg*ru moh. $2 eab. i on them tirdtb.y ame aitboia boe t ~i uii*aae ufflUen A Cr-attebal iS to a orow lnma ami s" t q<e te Oo uhm WÉte e.ds *~~~~~,o C arra dp ii Drprte Mam lie Lake Thetamarafive Place. for ruisteris.: Tave Rqail. aiDaSy; À. a. therm, -'~PraieVlev,ovee dar trou 1 t6 6 P. m.; J P A. 8mrehda.Thuuadoy - adi rla; et lbTrlpp aid Apiakid dut sblddhole aardmy frum 1to 5 p. n. l=a -a~Ee oa m i gilover 16 s.rpected to ba ont, raerar. viii beta ie". t wek placete give hntractAons and hep vwite -Laticket. Âi lAbrochI, C @ Gwwb4 Imu imeioIn ~haqial #daiy Mo , AM i.ef@b le' mile vie W*o Dte eM a se lb la me* Ipfeau* "Mt ael 1. d ie ai Taylo'.<Ia ilot lmauty fDatr ig&w 01abe liMuank "~s bt Tmohur day r Id $0b onti uk raf im m" M. met vth is Dovmz.ibatan erl t ie week-end hué"me mi Rglmi i>ak. 4", ami Ut. Geo. Wlltm returuei se*Uoaiiy fin. flaaaTll, N Y. wi mmreAime. Powver Chicsgo. 4daW" l A Lavs Dermtory, 460» li" eeokend goue0aIdMim O*usmiXos el ad wm o ater suIt- ~4s gale i Delssiu'o.. 8*1seS 8il. bo e aseacnla i ýmpilbve-cal ai ber Born ta Mr. and Kr. Ben Laxen on Nov. les B daugbier. jo. lRims.of Vôlo, a.a Frenont calier Bondmy. Ulm E n"aDryer of Lâberty ville, vlilte Moende boe. Bnday. rMr. ainM. Jo. Ituae@Pent Wedue.- day lu blcmgo. 1 in. Ffak Frederlck end dangliter Devais. ac omield'by be ot oer, Ut.. Katbryn Dinboi qep th ti.lrot part of the. psut vek wlth relative.* a MUn- Ui. lmifmabegh lie.. pent the latter part of the week rith ber parente ai The fçoloing from bere vernite Rock- tord Bunday to epeaitihe day wlth Leonard lAnen, Who laelatraiing uhge. Ui.ad Me.MaioktuDehmand son Jan;*&, Jo. LmunBermaid Eweld Mid Mn LA"y Rertel. Preparatiob ame belng maie by the. nembewe01 Et. Mary'e ehnrcmb ta gise a~ damSanmaiupper ae t i vaaloe M. W. A. bail on Wednee4ay eveaing, Nov. 21' Plan eattend. JVANHOE bd hlbd@.o& Anguet Wrti mva aChicago viellai Bia iIet Icaa Grat .' Prot. JObaVanlai R i lt. $panti .1 ; tbe vel-em vlîh him parente. 1a 044 M Mie ID nPatlla ver. lth@ Bas.Carie, wvo vlunaered for var te Afft t Iý r. Mai ire W. A. vork laIt-e Y. M. C. 'à. of te coutry'e fIril0! 0181,88a0. bas receygian appoinliol aet camp1 »r OQJ. Oasisof Fort Harrion viatai Ferry, 'ireat Lakee. He blieme n thea 4W* aulber iaye iis veal. fgebus beun mn oark lioaay&adni vii nae hiea tuoa*rei ta Nw York. hueoigoetu Vankegai boon1 S.A. Rote of Ira., Kentucky, @pnt vh.r. the fanlly viii reaide. Ail Rel WimadeayMai Tlurmiay sitiug hie vary carry ton la.. hlm but wmb i m th. Mmlt U..L. C. Raie. blifeutaiscm...1 ChÇ leeue of naiFort Sherian. va@ im e.. iti and Ana.Wlrtz have1 bina oser the week-nd. taon apeniluaa ev dojo vitiifriaide ilu héCM abol ani iOda Roreaberger Chicago aid RageaPark.' . b j S saia tainoveen Party Wed. Mrcý Abert Panzer ,aterlaluei Mr. -m# «Minttlg. 11andiMM. trlcklaad sud ltti. daugiiter 'Mie. limon Pavera o1 Chiegol, va. of North Uhicaffo. Soniar. thgguiatf ie. Elenor Neyer, Thura- The umnu chool gave s Rallove'en deam riuilrday. social at the chool bouse Frlday aveu- 'lM ira"et. su od reidet aif[lier- îIug. The ' omn er. appropriately ffl d la st Frlday utth. home oh ber deoratai fýr the, occasion sud s ghoet dAW*bter, lira. Sraii GhloroiCihcego. lprogranu glt.u sud wa.@iuci euloyed 'tir& X4ezma va, 87 lastI ay, ee died by ail. ieiigsly la ber chair lat riday. The George Walton uoved bitfsmlly fron l0*râl vwuheld in ithe St. Paul'e churci the hBitte hrn t-)the Panzer boue, at ëo*smimy etetpoon, 11ev. Luer Officias- AreasTueoday. ýQ, Ohe imave tvo sous and tva lMra.Frank Viclery sud luttle sons are kagitere iu Chicago. Mrm.JohinH ail, epeadîna a veek miber parentesud 'lire.John aWlmnan sd Bd irauof aiomtera lu Chicsglo. Ihulil. Tiie lId Croe. bold their regular uet,. hie. Blsrd Anderson 'sud lira. Bruce lugea t tudr roarno lu Ares every Frîdey 14W enetalad the Knitting club aiternoon from,2 ta 5 a'clock. Tliey wtasiay eeui. have doliai tu hold liboîr monthly bus- Tubay abotali o'clock tta flre alan me mtug lu the alternoon hsteai ut" .omdd mai chemlcai angine aid oallie eveniug as tiiey hava been dolng. à"e sMt vueruabai ta St. Pani dapai The tmeo'a "1ii taNov. 11m ami ail teWa va liablase on th roof. The Waimse lavitgd andmmehr.orged ta MISaemsMdeMulthe iyli re Bleu ta pr.seolIf paseebie. item EtebimailPark,aucce.d masmg Wâb merio t Utadapt. EsiessBa"or 0fithe Pr.eli KediBi suer.Imime EmMi 4Oblg bo lbavueusait. berne a1GeeMMeKarcb for lb -."th vanSte PeuigWl., boamide Roreslirga <-am unr. jams Macdie eni sum t tb outofiFraul NLAKE Dr. Paya. am alyoai Einrt, vag vlsllmg Geo Raya 1mai v et aia- tuilaihlbpacelpet "eale nas! - .alg. Dr. semIdin Mdamili09 ohkbicga "-tî Suamyab Lvaiboa.. TW. laileali vOlmmeet bhome et Mg, Mu!., Tbureay P. M., Nov. 15. vge 4" *9 eob RAM bOiMe .a ,iISbb~ Kitebluii aie B*M sudmam M1:l. IaidmeeaieBU. r~*~.r gagl at Si.Wm. Dkesm afil yhave moved 9..8ruabper.ta Ubartyouie.- tek Ada., 0i9Wiber isogi. r 1 W Klai4,of Bavenvoôd, ewk4b&. , ~Wotii5e trimai la 5 anS. Tria ,.A.el oout 4 tlBaIlla or Banal Preecnplion. linafor ta, ~ lt si xW , il , Vamt.. blackheede. acuma amiaU rouà mil » 9 bi eal sv brut, vu au 1cir complezion. à rudaial SIL d Mm tenit. (la 5Bectribal tle aI tha ~ ~sapu, f Il'.et eny neye sauie,Ym viii il lie he brtyvli la fmepSirnr à" *i ~F*ty >bav, e mi Fridewty W i o*qmonih of lu ta lilas vbo .paleot lu atteadeac der, Blanche sohulimiTady Mauna. Ly. dmu Uuiw. somiur tmgae, ornée Ke ly, m S ubari, Luell affluo. Ârtbur Hoeecbuuge, Mabie Le.., Roum [âam, Flereffe Mahhve, KZ*tlaa1 WyBI4 Ur. nia. Wyll., 0Q.- :lley.r. Rallie (lu, Edwin liant, Mdie atin, Bll-#1l, C#rollne liane, Eddi emti, RW Jfân WAUMMNA - lire.Willim Bagel.y rvinrtied hiome Saturdar ýeveaing, allertw Ivo agIe riait st Union vith Mr. and lira. Jaeeph Baaay. 8h. vas secampsaiai home by W moea, Hsrry, vho §eueitlëuniay titi, hta parente. Mir. aid Mm J. N. Zimaar aidIm Sarah Gaary, of Loig Grave, vort guette oi lit. aid Mrs, E. E. Mana liuîday. Dan Neyer va. a lucky bouter 1maI wSe, aboatlng twa flue raccane,6,lbst ,reighai 15 pand esmch aidwvieic rere well matei. Tii. frwva. ib d iquit. dark. Quîtesa 1ev taccornbava basa Msm lu ithesIctit, but iheeeare the.Ilirat tbai va bave heard of being onugit. Mime ary Daley. ai North Chiego0. sipot Baturiay and Sonday a% ber homo la Our sillage. Th@ Waucno atovnaMbP Mh9010h0o bakt boattean uialated l the rymtal L"b ilgb ahoal tnsallie bigi school aunitorlaiumTIbneaday evaalag hy a goor of 89 ta 12. Waneonds hm a ahusky toma tbis ymar and an teady to tall ou sni of iii aurtoïaias iovme. Aditee Prof. Obevila for camie sahoduls. TIIý boysar angeing nv uniforme a ivli oe. tante for telint rIlithiis(Ftlay)' ,vaaiag, vbea lbey play a, raton gaine a$ CrygIlulLake. This Ir.getrmtion veek forlthe van, en of Wascondsanad camnunibyaid ail womikn aliove the. se. of 16 yeara ara roquesisi te reglater, viietbert$bey bèvre sa" Spar. e ta %0glve or îot, ma le.lt the. onir vay tIliact ce San viii kaov vioam arwilng aui have tIno for -apecia vark lu cam of emergeucy. You vii lt ta tompelled ta go On Cai, even tbough yoo rigiater for smn. peclal service, If yon lad condItions arias Iliétpraveat youfrmn earvlng. Ilaghmtiraîla et le village hall, vtare the regietrare are an duty tram 9 o'elock a. n. until 6 o'claek p. m., aid ou Satnrday ovenlng util 10 o'ciack P. n. ANOTBER 1IACtO5Y FOR WAU<ON.,DA Il. 1). ifynu, Vba au.isted John Hoige ta locaete Denet Quarts TiI. laciory lu Wauconia. ho novw oflerlng aur sillage lie Moalle typewriter factory, ifounr cii- sent viii tAke bhd aid ielp locale It bere.. Apublic meeting wvîli ha bld at tie Palace thoate lmor,-ov (Fridaji ereuing, Nuvonhar 9, at 8:30 o'.cick, vian th propoition vill ha mbmttl.d to Oureclilsous. sud Mra. Molle mili ha jprenect ta demoorat. aneaofahea n- I cinei, wfh lelaclamai lu b. the acime of perfection lu 1h. typevriter vorhI. Mr. HaInmee, the preuhdat of gie con. pair, viii aima ta preust to1 explain the plane aid ânn"icla daiIng ai th con- pay. Wacoida laissme aalcêi n ov aid If ve ceu land lbelypevriter tac* tory, a"qng iti lb Dsmet faciuey, vich le nov uaarly otiplèied, 1'mii- eade vil ha imre te, boom. Rsrybody la ivteil la atten nd.baooaiuiprolect. HAWTHORNE s014001. OE v.ek eOfOsuite le Io Nev«"« litelgeMai Cou plvite ofarbue. kali a bigl ri ais i le goalNov., écr at91. Ail lisameu, giomia, WIWlo-t&I&p.lepa seug su dwbr oW- lIhe appaitions vue P~lWy urwa laie lb s ctertalcmenlteeocouby a4imai of vtbu.lTb zomon sla imiu aeeptlug allgbtbm a"Inlaiu.a, poimaMai blâeeammadh ai paru ie moub.sm, vmie ulmS oMtsi- aiY. Esatrometeiartulae ibe mpît»e# tee es"lm aid peniemaia. eroWgi A"Iat aeadb*gRalioveunprogpau va reierai hy the puplie. MimeDo-ta l Mte provai t e haa vary leor fortuna 1,1ler, ani people be- iieilug ber, balf-lioplng tare nlgbt be aambn te 11, t.and ayln la ien- mL"vo.s -amgrthînge have iap- bMlm. Mary Kennedy eeled a.ereception v itob, lutrodiug tha Gioste tg tie isa «oh tmNight. j Rase Kennedy sud Maarla ieLîttle, 11111tte black lampe, CareiUr ushani ibm .010 115mb ai prenDS ta Ail Vetuma Dee Make the Tri With the. kaue hiiu nmaevi nezt tva or tire huatoip are pelleh rifles aid gtting lits lnabcape. T opens November! aine day. Tve' umaally alloeai b Indicatlemm-ate i flot b. a popular p deer-hateathis) fart that lb. huaI] boato4 te 060.: hue beau126. T], lîceame tee appuie dent huater. und lnte eRW« totakeeî orsaw and miigisi ta reuperth trou aablghe that b1w them la recont ye haqflry a*mont vho illay tUniry mach yaa se liai hutiag iriNg fi ehateentsh. The base not yet nme but thii.le nething for they sie h oaci yest but al1 laylng tleir Plans tva taRr. ethe.st 'trylmgit for ami la aometin i fti tleer-buntiag that ban t*ited tliepl bilg game ho Sunds àiat fie "Cali aht One thlug le 'Wbi tglpbared baiful of local1 Wlaconaln, basIng lie deer cuntryi lorlîs vii go ta >Wý Mon R"i Wlls, ise ei "day a WAU ýwx 1,cu A e3 a qvOemytbaak- AU.AR 7YP~IT SO1 PTO, f btui 1a pmimwlMIN Aul0ewM 1 P. ' IOMO. Al: nvitationu.bas bu sent te WII.1 but (lias. Vo1lsa lxvitit ab 11tet. isb ar t teet lb5t4 .. 4 *OMuM _4k'. Co. LS1d ut à mor si i tw bau camp Gvant. Uu*w& in 11.et 5.0* Mdidroppais aesa EiItr~'e ~1NYl~ it,1917.te lb esaee.Tii.meeMmie »4 1: rAiorTi otyet t le umiub, but OsusrVal Atth tqueut of Ut. WaltRwT. j'y& fammai lma0~ Pies, .1. la bi*mxet the, Waubeaa im-te lia maBasi domorniul boys of Co. B, 842»i lnatr7. aits forth " osseiusesandsoraif s th1smemnssaet tImknlq i n aose th@meet wveroful inventtoes et tha w 1 vbq se ig«auareuey xi;ibuteil Nepreseanîâga. oLic.nse Foes ln 'mku 've v -civi Gl-U. Wietheor or Dot tb. overmse a ii Cause of the The boy. arm &il sry thanctuand accept the. aviatoe Insitatten 4s ne aHem.eYey ah hesirt aknova Mr. llammo nlqulrei thet if any futmUre n my eor. s e ole .gb o la hla od er, Mi vu IN 2 WEEKS. of any mrrice.tae e$ back bone. he l.arod abegseriosefr 1 an i.n - va etrust in ylavail yaurmelvemof u looateidather eetlea r omn ser Hunters Wili 1the opprtunuty et calling on n.. bt Aer sali "i ttba aee hlf.9 lpas Usual, It Ovite the fetse ttanîofou milesahu old tproa bsde dlOted. on theormi -iaes of tefr latiner a. aat erviiipealylaua rIII open ii héu et ath content. of tii. bau e weelce Waukegan et umokaswvota ividmi equally a fiitt aety vu eele, by Sgt. Loo. Smilth anid heir buntîng ont- Corp. joe Ritchai.. Mie iiuntiag ssan Tebaya ieeply raient the. article /il uni laits but whebapputedinlutfiasua telatie i weeki la thi e éte pe~ niing anale.t, té the borahem, kuntera. but ail feel au"i that ne contribouion-igrtt m m that Wsconsin viii was rocelvmi hy one.hwi vr he on" airmloc my fa i plae fr Wukeanreinarke. AUl vo.k le for Yen teo n adlsa oae 4 plaefr Wak. otgttiuefo naavan the. coudant ef the ides suthwest of Lake For Ing lîcense iiaa ban bays ebe relative t teLiti- .MUIii vrtIIs.ecman.n ln o.,-r earu t ar disacipline ani thoma thIas. vbc, me increasa in tbhe got ake a godoler, . Wai&18 es only te non-real« feel mra the. article va -rte 1doubtlem e .put. one viio vam aot taroughl iua qsnt- thefo i . ýp bunitedaof bout .d viticondition.. a the deer a chancr Agaa seuring yen ani thoae vho )m the f.arfui on aOntrlbutOi Io the. emokes. tiiat wvo Twenty Hm ve been maie on-mi seou aut thankai dgretlty 5P lour Holstein cowmk, wm re - mas.. preclate your offrts amidiioPlng te' den Angus nùmilir, an ew tic W*ukean ms dohose thiaga vbi$h vilI prolvoe vacationsountil fanara vorfm I11 omealayenor a cwfou3yr f ho9 t tey ca sedee,-- hase *hov- -, va are, ~ ~ rto3y.-l brtb soedoubtfut Yatras "" trnly Z 1 h , . 2-i zp4ioety "ay tu, ioy B. Lac. Smilth hedfe. Two Aherd«sn Ai Lde up theur unAs.o Corp. Jo. Richarde. m n mbt geut et thé erilnary In babaif1oftheWaukegafl baye ut adaca er 1g (eie b. "metatumeats camnp Gramt. lu-~Iose tbu Ime thé' an ___________ k.aas d UCTONoALEBay mare, 6 years old, wd ýe tueur Intention of yeau aild, weighe 1450;bu îlObe,- yaz." There Ravina h ought &a mail Wfarti, enppai 1250; bay geding, 7 yem sd iaselatiug about tie viii etock aid lnplessnet, IaSm coin- and ta drive; span 4-year-.i Sonce a local min pelidte oeliMY entire proua proprti brwiml,5eas<d w pleaeunre 0f untlng ei public anctilon, nu ithe William a rw ml,5He lw 3t impossible t te - Grabat larti. at Fairfield, 2 milea.senti aId, weighs I1100, tbree mu the, vhld." of Gimer, 2% mles.northai ofLake colt, 5 months aId. certain, liovever. Zurich. and 4 miles veut of Long Grave, ly possible that a t ibsale t tr ait 10 o'cîoek aap on T ite n huniers may go ta FRLDAyr.NOVEMBER 16, 1917 T ry-n kg become usedeî a Tventr-Piinr NasalofCatle--coueet- Four reegsited Duroc Jer there. that the ns- lug <A ainOew vmIllet@.. tre. vithaeu MyaCmmdreWn the Mchigan deer byseue; lise epringero, two 2-year-oid Rutn's Wimnrrnuî 33t<i I 7 country where tie lIcense tee Is tîIlai pigee .eucr1ge u n $25. A nunibpr of local bunters went stock boil. ta Michigan let year and emseu FàEgbi lmai t of .e-Oae black mare, plaeai tiat tie chances are theý, 6 yeare od, velgie 1850, in foal; ana vouid bave Zone liera again this, eorrelggifllu*, 6 yeabrs aId, veighe 1450; year. esen if thie lîcense fee in the Ione Sialck horme. 12 joarsal, weegt tva states bai been the came. 11500; one black mare, 10 yeare aId. One weli knavn Waukegan deer- velgit 1050, witli eueklnc olt; tira hunter today aisered liatwvile he yearling 4raft collei, une gros sud on. tli flt kow uelviavasgolg liiblack; ue ork bore,. did nt kno jus who as gong t i ge-Forty.lvt aill pige, 8 weeka ohd; year tha le had a pretly gond hunc't nîne 50We, vegi 250 Ilb.,eci that the same crmvi vbici gaes year' Ha ani Gimi-Thirty..toue ofh dean ly vol be on hai agaîn tlits ear ilmotir bar lu barn, 500 buAbele good wite osto, 7a ueggond eeed irbeat, forir-tive acresgod, maturai corn Iu U. Se ATT -Ry bock, eut vitii uni,,-aid ual touchai mv mw,,smw roui; lvaaty bÇpshele 01 potatol.. ]NlSMIIuly-lut1 ie prlug dueka, 75 apring roocers. aui 100 laylug bons. ftUJD DIR1IITY Alil inde of farmng machlasry aid UY Mt U L]Cj toote, *bicb base taon nmil but Ivo 5 ' mses anud have imen wmaltbanni ai&dý INVESTIGATION TO 89 MADE TO cmr.d for. SEE WHO BAVE OUT FACTS PLUNKTY TG IAT AT 50054 TaSmeta&See-4lum oif SiGani under ON II E aUArT 1105V. emai; ounsais oser 10, aa nit ofa siz Accordilg t adaviem trm Cideffl O, me aas uptare exuu tha Unithi stAt.edistrictnater n ausgappessi amaiene .rg that Cityle eéry ueguboom" tupa- e-t IÉteraul imes raTIo ving pte ~t ttthe Mio prtva. gises eut arly. ,VIlLA. *tuSE r wp. armuoLtufroolicbmAa' Auaiieme et.th oreet Il'aiesNaal statien. Il l inckedi laIt- the preati »pUiletlan et the amoy ila blca4im omapaioransy istant ie arot l oeverai oliar mms vire eempuical ai In- thoalalge raf àseas.lfll the district e~iisa' isezW<-*iop t av osai le b nhtlm no? he sto 1rythAti ho plans o ta etrau s<au4ct glêtp~ dehermine If pouelble vie gave eut tia Wotrnatlop. Provhdag ha a able Iê.iotermne Whoe gave eut the tante, tlidi lie nay begis Ation lun1the adera Courts liesion*fia nov espionagu 1evw of lhe pewrm ualt va.uChe btrayal of gosarntsetmcrets *wIhIl viii b. ieltintal to lb. goseranme. The Libortysilie lniepenientcon- tala. the L&TUUT ocuali mqvs Good, ia srsimseam a qunreictguauteed. Ail asmaglisanpromenta- tentlon. write me, or tae- 'pion.stairmy xpanie A. Vi. WELCH WALWOeII w. »u00fff fonder Wondraua, 177202; ai drous 25th, 177392. Twelv àhabota and one bout teady fc fwt chus lb. e t .sethora *4 b pecicel1y e danser. Irf exotu tue l aull w pvuidem volaM.be ta dm#psute the at« suda a9" miet 0dtomesolbthea.UBtg voa liDuaum #ago-if drivins 6BUa* »àwvsë, vuva May Oaus6 amit hla th Ja c a migwe 0l obet MW oufflth Io Wb A%. e o"»rit ktaUug a mmtaa ww *ulffl a l oulai Ifasvith &auuae oc autiSon ute sa »&" àbave k.t itu. i~ow ., ws.u m lm te ue uamter aé&, vfdue MM in 014e a ru. e lb thé sr oe et ihe mat thrlnq a««ats0cfis ltMai si lw hoaih viii sacolt lbeinvite. Whm mliiren An ooeqse. Wm DOut Du eeuuiii uli&M Ilf lbyr ave crue Tf iteozp iu~ 'bleuby, tsi toi *Mr attO- ltiou te Smmre ne bwor oet o ty. Gt tami mteiilsya te vIL Tai. . jefar aride. TMe eomrm aratoit te crom ddires e tg belag, cr n onet butt bis * batsta b cddidtpaumioase i lg aAtaadpedat qSt and i mde nord~zmstof ig et 10 de"oc a. in. sharp on oNOV.. 17,9'7 scribcd propesty: ftd of Cattie le& in Auguast; Three Aber- nfi cand at foot. Five BSwu imilking and, mie a bervy ~ngr.two I 8-month-ol .o=h-là Aberdeen Angus me glla, one a 2-year-old. Lnd Muk veghs 1 500-,,ac&gelding,- .5 :Lrnm 6years oki, weighs L,'%ýeighs 1000, saddle brake Jd black mares. weigb 2600, eighs 1100; bay mule, 4 years ules, coming 2 years oid, one Hlead of Hogjs ry brood sows, one by Brae roua 177400;. ane by Bm~e 7398: ane by Brae Burn's De- and one by Brae Burn's Won- We tattening hogs, fourteen big for ser'vice. Rmember the Sale of RED CROSS CHERRY GIRL, a beautiful Duroc jersey gilt. Proceeds wlll go to the Red Cross organization. 7 Shropshire Sheep, consisting of six ewo-- and on e ram Feed-Forty tons timnothy and claver ha', n barn. 500 shocks of corn, cut with binder before thi -t. Machinery. Tools, Etc.-Three 3-in. tire wagons, turn- table wagon, three milk spring-wagona. aide-spring road wagon, business buggy, breaking cart. barrel cart. grave[ box, double wagon box, Deering corn binder, 2 McCirmick mnowers. Deering hay raire. Deering tedder, riding culti- vator, horse boe, walkmgs cultivat6r, anesville sulky plow,,.. breaking plow, sod plow, three stbl* plowau pulvenzor, tior planuter and check rower, seeder, two Lay rais, stoc r&cl, hag crate, two 2-sectionba osaumviyb~ runnems set of light bob runners, two waterians atone boni, hay fork witb puilcYs and rope. Tools, mostfy new aiqd inIi Sad condition, in4iý4mg oes, shovels, forkt,' *awsoeow bars, etc ~HNo ns-F'ic etsof goo4 ,heavy double Larncsa tw <mes heavy asmi. h msi, t"w" ots magt inçe, harne, folr pain .t1ein do"n"i(eoni LUNCH WILL'Et SUEftYIA NON TerMEOf Sae*- Surtis of $10 ai.-' undeG casbi' >on smosa over $0M'a credit of one year wil be given, pur-. -eh 1aser exepcuting approved -barikable note bcaring 6 per, *cent interest bel ore remoavmg property. Je F. DOYLE [FRED GRABBE, Auctîoneer WM. STEFFES, Cierk ve- , lrmerly 1iaught. te bome C m maiu r.*ary for mms basa nie boni.. me emma me hot» biw w w wd. 00 ti q L t4 61