CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Nov 1917, p. 1

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ryf~ç7~f~ - e i LIBERTYVILLE- INDEPENDENT LANE ç>q~~y~ Lke&s~t'sBig Weekly WiKE AN WEKy S N oe.ieflIw ek8hCoiuyCobAedàl VOL. Xxv -NO.46. 10(1ýt Tro SEI.*Y "0OTHERS. WiII m om.Coun- tryt *kdLake Coun- k ty'ÎWoriyDate. Tis federai goverament Ia tmklng stipe te blp contrel the fuel aittue tien In Laee eouaty. la other word3. Uncel es, .througis bis varions ag- enaita la olag tu tell the déLa l n Lake oaaity what tbcy can charge for cmal. TbIO tact becetaeofficlali> knowj to4aF.foa louis P. Brakixte.former alderman o Wauhglan andi memnba. of the school board, buas rece-~'isf fi-taI notificatIon f rom John E.. WII- litms. U. S, Fuel AdinntieWaor of I!inois. Ixat he- bailapponte4 iiihîn chaiman of the- fuel adminimtrtixon eomrnttep or lAike count>, la connectian wth bis appointment .Nr lIrakie vas lstrizeted by Mr. william. ta appoint Ivo other ment lers on hus commttee In Lake otion- ty. la thc letter accampcnylng bis appetseaât)gr. William@ suggstA fIaMtàti.e permona abould b. me of vocdit tandlue. vbo ponsa... thecou- toiceaset iOi cemuaty, and vho ami Ç mo4W diveetior lpdlrccîly Ils*0 tisi mbuaama. Ceo a«ie. lov- evIs «Mr. Whflhi«Malas, alalieh UW che4q epartiauai he t.mou>- aàlsafiditl fa te geante Pol- l.M. la delgaiug the district for Mfr. 11roileau mcharnan. 1fr. WilIlln sttes that he wl ho ln charge ot ail of Lake county which la designateil as district No. 6. Aide From iCounty Whcn asked wlether be 'lMas aclleci et the menihers o hlm oommittee or not, 1Mr. Erskîxte stateti that lie badi not doue so up to the present tim'- e bevaanse bis appoîntient was oly re- ct-iveti a day or so ago. Hie tates. however, that It iz bis bellef that tIi.' other two membera of the- commui- should corne fromn the- western part of the- county or front sorne part of the caunty outelde of Watkeî.in. Ilits contention belng that men eut in the- c-venty voulil be los-r in touch vîth the neede of tho, cornl)tnintie- thon acque me-nt vîo night be ailertted from Waloit-au . s)oona- hý. s le. thi - amittpemn l,,N hwiliIniait' th.r n-intss nomnt andi tht-n wtt c'ill -tii îit i >1h tflttitt-,tand for- mtlat,- sîati- tor hantl-ntuc 'oal siiýtiton in t ho (1iflv- lu Chîcago on Thiir,îla% inaau triint rttai price for ruali n Itiat J1*y and in the. subtirbe i t t- Itîtheil <vthe- Cooki Counti Ful -tIAd mtnlstirat on crnîmittet-. Becatise the * other countlen aore watching wltat Cook couty does. the chanvces are Lakf couttys Fuel Admlinitration comenttee wiii act ýsmlariy to tht omxmlttee's action ln ChkIïdag&It fi the. general bllef that the Weces as' they yl be fixeit ln Laie county vIll bc aomewbat slmla&r tauitoae as fixed b the commitee ln Cook oounty. Situation Hor Serfoui Thé Chamiier of Commerce bas beeu dlcecing au flqula'y of Uic fuel situation in Wankefan, vhlch in ré- garded .erloua. ilvery possible phase of the. matter ln iclng osytul, stuil- lad and théSe inlugaof the 'camber vill be f<med oser te Fuel Admiaf - ta'aor Esnmetaionc la thse momatlme officiai advicec bave $ust been meccled ftrm Wea"- UN%=hovinng avainst tie bcarlmg c« bametlc coal aMd a4tll-.fls. lie fuel adunnutration us pcepared te tonla flais.ctionshoultu aucih out- 1U.Mer "orlage ar doselougim d"044 it f. -due te -hé,JIEI0 uil 4uitw roaaiMd May reault fIts Y. BERTYITIiEy,LÂK OOUNTX, 4W C O Marshal Dennis Lmeryof d ( 0 0 Maralal banale Lsmberry of Ub- -rasll h.Just recelveit a very ;;.,ttYrecfflltJon f rom the icisool M m AD chlldren. They bave mast presented tis doughty polie officIaIvli a verya bandaome gold lfie aid chaîn. Dur-n Ing the ti mc it 1fr. Lmberry lay 111 U luthe McAllter iospîtal tram injur- URSKIN 'SAIDE f.e. reccîveil In an automobilemaci- dent.the e ciudren of lbertyvile ail Lake Forest and LiberviNle mal. up a fond vlth vhîcls they pur- AMe RAreened Ociiaa.ffd h»d a bouquet o!f foyers for hlm AdnIsrato, Comites evcrY daY. The latest present vus é Purcbased wtb money, that rtmaint-ilCH NORTH CHUC»AGO. IS f:IRST. tram th-e foyer fund. 01 Looks as if City WNI ReceiveL A the Frst Atenton-M eet LBE T VL GAL ing on Tuesday. TA M R Chaîrman Loup P. Erahlne, chaIr- O tothet -4.ç ommitiemêin tram Laite ounty disLtrictNo. e: The otherlInvestigation *Shows that Co-' isomeber wom e ai psolie1 sumers ats to Biase for hî JOHN GOIIPITH. velI inowu real' Peâ,SbrWt patate man of LaIte Forest.V ATrTORNEY PAUJL MacOUFFIN,ISOME HAVE HOAREED, BELIEF ' Watt kuovrn attorney o lihertyvlfe. iTisse threc tmen consttituts the nomn- Paul Masu*Ml, -Meber of Co. c usttee viieh w"a atiioifad b h! tsq ard SM Cy somamrsmust c appolulment of lWUOIs uy," mile inater WilimU. buclit thi e at vekn. be ChuhIU Tt Wini ho ther dutI io#Aest ala ti ewal a tte ig Lma Lke e go& latu maiat liUf At offl11 ieswP"s uIa4« mo "li i diuilsid te *Se O L '" .adulalt 'et th ."Vwkwr ewu A 0,cr tii. ceclIllituiotiu ta " 0 0 1 à"m" aelleeral survaofetu<hoi> ai W cool ituation ttiut n e u umic d tu dta,1lisses v rw as40ti. fuio By hav*ig titis iurvey ready wvieS "tUpth- -JMnawy la Sana.0f l thoY meet TuMday evening lt It lutsopae, ave b.d it@quotaofa dmi place tihe cointipec fashape sa they lai mmdbave ell ipr qusotaopt OiLb e vil lts able t oprevent any prvaio~n e u u Qf aidtnm e im detgo on the Part of any Indviual lu Leke aut lit Bon ilaipent.a h oamr 1 0unty Who mlgbt b. short o! coat. InIi tu Dowaelvia tha ni.o hé rsn .at-htr vrda they art going tota e th sorsaé; orn baeet thoaprsat 1meetifig Tuesday evening armeil n anti capff.tnome havedeilet shor o reaiv ro act in caoethere jlanny Mdrvls te ent ae sn ongb m thia crlticai pitutlon any place lu Lake untU January lot, county vith refereuce In fuel. Nlfbtnigtefttbvvr At tht- meeting Tnuesiay nlgbt t. i t on ebing e ttg ore ha chances are the condrmttee vili 1:teform- ehv ba etlgmoeta on.neceeary, Libersyvîlle bas mnore coal on ulate turther detailslitl counection band than amv otter tosu in the 7 itb this Important wark lu Lakecite . county. HL. iivI NORTH CHICAGO ASKS FOR EP If the ci35Doumewll e c-operate wt That there le work aredy for te thvl e bnud. n t-ilr el ersbut you ui fuel commnittee lu Lakte county la evi- ilb oao o lrbtyume dent troam thet act that Mr. Erekine mtudrmr hnwa sn.ýayt haa alreailv receiveil a communication carry you for the trne belng. fron Chairunan Wllams In whclhhbe 1ask.- hlm ta look into the Northt Chf, .rat-o coal situation. Il.,-informae Us JI IIS I 1 îlatritait there je no soft: coal In North Chicago ai al, andl accordlngly ont- TIe, VIA - ftefirst dutles of the- Lakte county i Tf' W A 'I trommittet- vîli he ta brlnit relief ta the North Chicago dealera Vice Admnirai, Reichter of he<l -Rus- (haîrman Erekine planned teget lu- saln nat>- Wednesay matie anitni- Fta touch vlth North Chcago dealera1 sPectltof o the- naval tratning station aue oncp, The tact that the mtter hais accompanieil by Capt. Moffett. hi-een reterri-il to Mrs. Ersine by the,' 'Schewoofkle"-or somethlug 1k, il tat chirmn olson ftes a-i poîntment ludicates that the tte chaîrnian bas hait a campint ont bandl tram North Obicago ln the na- ture of au appeal for hlp. DATSOON DUE N"rt D ro W Io Fur"hsh500 of Thlj nueMo- CLASSIFY BY WILSON PLAN. 1wuthe ~i that-meaning. "Ahs. plendid," v-as the- admiral'a comment. aendlng af the menatot the training campla, reparalions viii be takenti p vltiluthe ccIng veek for thé «Ili. lng o! the slecteil mon vho yUll nov make te s econidraftt. Preaf dent Wilson bas approvedt h nev drart egulaiona under wvicl the second M.0000 mainyU b. olléd for milltamy servsf c. -CouRty te Furniah 1037 Dasl on thc mme estImate a tI "ra drsf t W.ukeaan ad Ldke Souty viii ho cequlséitotafurai M08 acicoed men, or 406 more Iai *ero aecaaarylfatic M«rit at. aa- It iiavng becns gvea for tIùs mum ,ber of voluteer ulaLtiaete lta<le ýuUel Itaies MMi aà" mvy. 1li cenllt" eta quota.,cet8lm'vlmi u#n t9 M abou 5o f Mal. igmer M1 be tumludhi<acacu Ieh *uI*is lauuds waauhaln mm$4 ti 6*? i he seoith -Ifairt. 4 John TrubaÎl Newr IDENTIFIGif lotebookFod ion ind0-I ,tHU BDAY,_NOVBMBER 15, 1917. m - sDeath in ~tray Night RokAve. t a W RO N G . in lia Psse- at First That n'gao Mafi. The , fasil-mi t fout play My have cntered ln< tiesatranga bauth or Trulabecielci-faidant ietisae cor- înar'a lnqt§W 'à tise Cosrand- and Wetzel undieral establiishment te- dey. A wltismuUaatfied that wlscn a hmited trali, vle s afollowing cloe behlnd the car wflich *trucki Trttbe, was flaggs, thmt a man *tep- led eut of thse ohadowa and boarded t. Thi waaà short distance from fie icene of tisetragedy. The lden- tity of Ibis mamsbuas fot yet been is- tovered. Trhe nolot-main l charge of the car which otrucit Truba. teatilled he sw a form on the- track but fie thought il waa ai dog. When fils car ,uas' l>ut a-Jes test awsy fie iaw It casthe huddib«'oNn of a man wIth hie ceat piid Ovsr hi% head. The car vuetrevelig et a apeed of 48 tb 50 leur sit the, urne andi l ioule! ot l e -utapped before the %rie- tie vas sUrnt. PAUL PRZEGROOKI AND 3-VEAR- OLO CHILO ARE DRAD, Wi4ILE fIS WIFE 18ag ipLlV.É TO CE DYING AT I4o&PITAL; WHETH- ER OEATH WAS Ôt.Im. TO Pol- BONÇD FOOD OR ft ECAPING COAL GAS 18 NOT ViTY KNCWN. Wnukegaxt. Nov. 10. Paul Przegeneki, 15W iouth Sheri. dan rad. Northl Chicago, and hlm 3- year-old diughter, Mola,, se dead, while fila wife les et the Jane Mr- Alister hospital in what le bciieved ta ODD SITATIONý- JUSTTIIINOF1iIs BrwnSqgar Cosa a Cent pe PndMors MoWaays Than ommhb SUgOe. it la an into<a.tlng thing tu kuoe that for the firit Urne vithin Mmfory of local people, the prie of brown sugar ln hlgher than tint of granu. lated. -Brown sugar la brlnglng $S.. 70s 10 Pounda viiolesale whlle gmuulàt- ed la brtnging $7.75. A malemmn states further that there la no "soft ugir" or lump eu- gar avallable, that le, It la flot on the market today. Iu tii.Pst brown sugar bas lways been a cent Per Poundl cheeper than grassulateil. Juat what causes such a change lu the situatonu.le fot ex. plaineil by local inerchants. KILLS WuI ÀAN TER WEJDJNQ hRE Geo. Sick of Miwaukee, Mar- ried Under Strenuouu Pro- tests Murders Bride. FAR19ER 'MARRIED THEM. Was Case Wthere the, Aged Man Hesiated Long. at the HynienalAftar Bere. il bis luit heu Wmu- Imm <ba a ceu$e Whe vd» e cut. a retitof t]ue bu.&I*s qilst t0 anger at vhat lu evidexntby demd a forceil morriage te oie tar hie Jun- for. The names of the couple htfore their marriage: George Sick, aged 59. Emif y Strîtter, aged 23. Bothi Iveit In Milvaukee-. It seema that the min wbo <as-il eoough te be the- grautifather ot the girl, vas ouedt hy ber ln Miiwîaukee- on a of promise charge anti te court gave Sîclu 20 isys lu whlch te marry ber or pny a certain sm of mont-y. The olil man dilint waut t0 marry herb ut the- courts mati date was final-andi the girl wanteil to get marrled bt-cause Slck. fil e stateil. vas a man of couslderabie mean andshe e ultarett ehi ati rorn- b. a dylng condition ne the. ramut of ledta at t- iewfe aftcr q eltfler poison or coam gas, just which sdomk hehi ç fias nlt yet ben scertalned. Actingaogurtsyp Chie! of Policeee .wD. "oua.of North, Came Here-Got Cold Feet Chicago, the man who broke [inteteo o ikan ilb.tie ciet Przegrocki home today nt 10 o'clack WVaukegan. gaI in totichlwth Jiustice this mornlng and discovercil the plight Fltarmer anti hi-aromîsanleilthe t-mto of the victims,.la flrmiy convlnced tht- court hoeuai- wheris tht-y procureil that deatfl wam due te poison. H-esa- thelr niariage lic-nse Arrîveil ai setrs tht-rt-was not the .1 Iphtami odor th- ut bos e h' ttli wuîn ot'ol of gas wflen fie entered the boume de. et nIielri i olltn a spite the- tact that ail the. wlndowa ry tht- girl. that ho votlil stand for and doora were cloaed. A sîicer of tht- court oniler on money settlemeut. Przegrocki la just as fIrmiy convlnced Bunt, the- lcetîse biail heen secureil antiE that deatfl resuted by asphyglailon tht- bride Reemeti mucit grievéil ta Found by Poile.. thînk that tht- groom vas agaîn hals- A neighbor et the PfleUMrackl tien . ily uoctit a thir dor ta ~ But. wîth the- lîcense Il i, ishanil at 7okdattel or hs Dtise mais vent backbW thse juatfce's in t7o'ciock andithoug tI iji roffice andilthe justice, vîti the bride. sihe tiltinot get ani resPcnac. e u cf dupon hlm Uic importance o! maieup er ini. hocve~"1at hO~complylng vith the court's order and muet have retirci late aid- vere !=001 thug gave future trouble. lng lster thbm usulIr . At lsasIthe man cansentéil anti soon Bhortly before 10 a'ciock Mmr. J seph Przerack. moiar f ~ the kuot vas tici and the couple, not atppet ai the c.iof veulte very congenlal te he aire, lft theb stpp t hebine ix otWYt office aMd taok the train hac'< té the gracery store. S'Mm pc lia5 Mlvankee. ed u is ereceved Doe nWy to b @ot-Me Lte rogeath" a" acklng. A acluh b ut *~ Nov Uthe d1 corne. that tliree1 Mms. Prz..cociu dwatfel de <ai.. hdana ater, Si ck, timg 4f bis abrt L Mmdecded bo««.-to.»Mythématrimonial adiventure vti the sgil Sic ad ctid4 ffvlvQom. astiy Uichoi ho cougit te encape frei u ed.. Be w-e itt.4 m ils vite, aiot iber dedan md tien hur- amathmu vs vrsg ~edth ie revolver on bIhtméff kUbId »Wta i wu w tom tt hnmei bOl. 4m-bumbentuci vet va parlffe thieot umual euctaip bis calel. A mmmi lctsclie wva.udm at "bceutatnrmarris.. liaI entroitat U viia govufb igit. ,Isa. besa cemetel vI)local courts t Tmi111.yua l h le- igrhgccsa jt»scfo*tlo dt c~ el rag - t rcckl. *onflmatww "-o" VOMr nee- TbeIt local 1m 'evl&close Pmi4iîea Mi nlea @t tia 0c -ucdthe I. i nDoan on anéctnt of Mra. C. F. 'WWl <Omiaul 150 tits.> mueaia. ONE TO EIAHT. $1.50 PER YrLAR IN .ADV j -4 Mo À M lUmAT ÀN AÀACAT lSHOT HIMiSELF - Body Us Foundi hi Poolbot B#m. naàim at lea lhn A. Becker of Great Lakes wu Ppdv1 à9 k 18 Victim of Myotairl u r-ti 1~~ OT-aisa p. der ln Chicag. have Çmm MAsoj~ kFTERMATI4 OF SHORTAGE? Golden et Oreat LaMosaaWe and unwamated, nmra *éé4» Reported Becker Had Evidenoe aaya. ntirmly end not en fae&la.l of Pay Roll RobIbery-t- h:Sn w 3ts tion Officers Deny It. ment ln sutainece as iîq m. t Goldena death le greatly dedemd John Andrew Becker of St, LnuIs, by thea uxcutive, *ë!thê ià aJackle at the Great Laites Naval tien. Me wîa a carneat, coenoeioy» ' Training Statione wsfound myster- dhntofiaiwaetaçsu ioueiy murdereil Sunday ln the wom- came as a rouait 01 over wo>r< KM n's rest roon on the third fluor of mounts at the station, hie relatil.u - the Sharples building, 565 Waaiilng- wlth the gover*tnnet anld bis ubil ton boulevard, Chicago. He had been service ha.e omlwnt glaceram beate>I to death. that of a loya ~l co mIl poopluiW& Persistent reports that youug Beck- ton te mrslatsemeiiest4y a»w er may have badl.knowledg eo!t th e ny man iui aayMW, oejqtlett of!$.0.0 from the GIreat tim saiy mgs eIs akes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~it Stinia.qladt ' hou in.W~higisem s.t by Iuï il to thse place ali urdoeod t m " id e «lll r bil ver. glveýa ncredece, h iUeut- «Mk . Ooudeç,. ce« e * tenant collmader Pllier. Thie po- 1i rm.t oseet zisN lipe &Wd the. Ge maaslie fUrla'N* 1 ihboy via the ipotive la th. Mun- - ami - SwýM 8ube bed Ncàbf ea& hadit at hebomths ada a vernis ltuiith e. c io Roertsonld«tifles dedy tii., 70i Lieut. llobertaem. PIRmytOut.r the»t Maic oj« JK-- M. Grant L&inees- StatIon. identifled thte wiio iiasa . umalagdsug body &t Shcldcmundertaklug rina ,= ousmenliemi 912 Madigon etreet. at night. He lIta M4 bath caseed a abo« to4bý had gong to, coeisult the pOlice. It v'à as friand» becana. et fta c*Wý- ,reporteil. wlth the thought titere ter-ivsen the. word .greed tiit"fwI* mnlght be, a conuection between the <d4"'GOa had kIUliel ilmeM tt'VO&. Itai roil robbery mdand er. Lien ut. i'mb .Ma. Com. Fisher denleil that report hait ca..f tbt Aiaicit'g -Lieut. Rtobertsonlhas a J. Hf. BoCk. tion for four yeart,m, inai e'n who bail leave of abece xtntll een given'tiie le ,uiPoà all0SIW afralid it vasj. il. Bechker. but fowid tion afteithse mil had bea eî iwe'i the victim w"a John A. Becker. Thw.thtrough Wauoeganuc offce, aMm was aillthere vas tu it. vho hail sen 24 ars o! aerl* Lt,~ Frank J. Becker. father of the viz- the navy. a Man 1#bGb" las h000q4 tîme, lu st. Louis, snld h.aiholàeveil service miedala. a Man vbo h*e4ntç*ê hîs son, who had juet returned from a on the country'% greateat balb weeka furlougb wlth bise, parents» vîus honor-to thinis tbai le lad em4. had been murdereil by robbera. lieed i if e miossibl. 1 bail weveral hundreit dollars vhen he Yet that va. the rport oeut OU' left st. Louis, the fater salil. The *rol the station anit the lnêag et,- young man enlîsteil MaY 7. hie revolver a thort distane e spot vherc e rtellIlto the peai bohec. jIEEET ouithe statoinenia. 14OFF TT IIU RS OTitere la no q ueetlun butthat x, » work antd overw,)rry cause4 the tre8wo d-îatth. Sînce h'i had been tôdtîumstqt SAIL RS TO SthUe work of banin hlu e mail for Mir OUT ili 00 peson ba conmtid a peSJ4e OUT F KINê îots that wouid have muiaid p" -rlenceq Postal man wony. lm *t Brutal Treatment of a Sailor une wvho bad u expertene'whtol3 i the work. Therefore Quiden v1ý Saturday Nigbt CAues a eti bard, ho wfflied «Fr rth@. loi>S"A Drastic Step Today. ibu it la couded hlm nieêu*ltt> 0ý came affecteit. Capt. lioffett of Great Laites io0daY That he posslbiY Planneilth# ll*t lsaued orders that for Uietime heiD9 vas aghownby the tact tbat' la tw ne sailor ahaîlihe permitteit to go tu Morîn u da ho t-et $710 41, Kenosha. The order la due in the the ese.a .~.thé . m tmlUullee tact tisat a sallor, H. A. Gardener, jý0 bteo,,&b% via henten up Saturday ulgiit by a a »Movr te hqup ou poiewma. Offler AmberiangL wbQ duriag lteday vIson tic hopI1ý wau entreiy unjuetlled, and vbo May aending home uom yto tb* e . face trouble as a reuIt. CaPt. Motls. l. apoatmler Geld bW fuit dipatoli.d a flsmiimt; tO esti-~, tom .mm mml. me .matter. The. leuteant M- m m T111111 ab1t ta lu Tiofitdthat Uic sabor et% pot mia. be m MY 871 IWem lelsalua.that bhoW«vas afront eft the polce station viten the offlej .ez @* o .iO i » be vaa redy. ubat thc o2eer ordo,"t- ell ed him te go ifagle and tut bho-e. t 1 Vieihg t la h fnaed te go-, tiat thse oMmce thoiim t m.Gen as kaockd lim dowviMaiar»*ch ii = oéé 1 ful 011K ivic he ile 143laypuse and tUt ~ ihava. remiered uela.~ tIi fl84lMU '0h, is aMyX lna *11 41loi- - cd rm an ad it».Mon 1#W1I.ocvaitm e out the. clalputbat ise a i u t cpi qw Inalde il. aatioaen Ise111,11 Station officeradler.i» , reRt- e ment vas mme outrgeuc. a bi JLd 1 Il JMU-Iàlm% il

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