~Y, N~I~ -tyville !Independ4 ;, à ". 1 1c 'i *2 I sons ORLY DRE 10WREAN.i .. ......... p. leiMuhe0ti> k 0I$0I P UQ i ;;âlgpearThsmew *lo E- 7o-t to'PI'InVCae. lui r 7 tWe -ee of Tony I r'Jacobin aidWmu4-mPink. charFeti fr<l wtb the itga i filoorlna antl- sàlolk'tiltot? boed'a proflounetiho' a oo o, . o »uitU.At4 t b tineti the n tofut ttorney E. V.bo lii ~9 lROlltfO bl -11s91d 1lm-etiraithe prosecution. lmmedtate-h itaVi~#O * 0i b..cpunty, hè ab.oud IRuke , alu- iy aftervàSA te'. Attorney Jamesba * ~n l ~.uiottfltta8E.G. Wetch dismisseet the case against b William Pink.W Thd tetlrny of the folowng wlt- o * Iwh#iiW kmu or vomo s re ei!àbgr FOR 'or nesees vas strieken out: ab ,- t. T -1 O l]f1 - 5I& Aaatn Clier Thomas Ty.>',. - ~ Wb.ty Constable Carence Hicks. Policeman Abert Nelson. La Verni IsodlcI.1 * ~ USUe ~ Thos U NM. .TYrreft ll c Rks anti Nelson te ~Id~4or ~itS~ u* 5 hal testifil t t bavlng taksa part ln .ai't~u~ Mm~' ~NJE, M rid an thi store canductati by Tony p .jaobln on Mchilter avenue betusen ~~I.UM1IB fi *~st%~P~S ~ If*fl" - andNnth astreete. 'This rUd.' ek thér mal, vas on the niit cfrSBopb tomber 29. Jacobin anti Pin togrnh- , left w o. ethiaia uMber of otim ers. v Il ~és.taien mb c usloiya et tl ime. lThe » w1tuoises tetiedthâtt these men t vers sttlug &bout tables drl.klns beer via. thé raidvu» male.âAil of tiair teatlmony, uitb the exoeption eft1the portt ig hieh gavet.he location tef mu .Up Mad dobg' i ngtMd -e!t th.store ln question, vas trîcken c fram the records anti the jury vas in- s ____________ tructet to psy tno attention to IL,. d 9 ~..!t. i driver. testIllei ho 0 fi'm heli the.Amorico.ni troops bhurle.d, td visted the place on a nuttber cf wu dùâarg $ g«At occasion andi bat purdiaseti bottes udt1 1g~ ~ eta bevera«6e viclc ebelandtanet-t ed lko beer but ho idI ho vas un- h.aile ta say visther or not t vas l-ta- toalcatIna. Fls testitaony aIse vau strieken aout. T»e only ather vituies PU monbY t0ble tt. vasAuguet Sliltb.former- AALM iug Irsmitored et the tauaaey but ltI a, çoo«t ai To i0s. H. test""le te bavltue oNM drcis i rnk set vil osy ebi i.hoali ho patlé1-S&c ~Strow x0der via vaS l int' ia telra ba1w.e t vilésyaui tmsr4 0 h .-## Isa roftas., 8%0» isOM mot sma -te hm a dnÉk fer the esof 084 ci frlsaabp. uayaig l dDm ou useIL. Joehln cmpiuil. Kuctevsa" kc*lr. btlevtsasadat sM thaitithiqua i ilci-vatouai la bis plae bai,been purcosaifut 0l u s. lne aimti teahVla «Ian aBOuilia drink cf uiti.ey but _____________ <sisi liaI hoerecelvelany puy for il..Wbes ohl vent out heosai he d tbt Pelthl 70W f.mIl cents Wiuu on ti. counte, W4 - ailiaIknowtag ubo it belngedt t - - gajve it te labister«. -ou 4"M of*M«v t. LM à Ir 1o( a OIlod, 1Û., eov. 10. 1917. ir M IMt;« and, MIud Ail Win uwnemotlot "Y 09Is en t ," Md Io mloir a",î i lago sl un 8" a UtS.oesàotb~ttuMd qs 111 proisM%, rstheibabockbusnô," e neZl V bah C n mmd w .me M Weil i vas ugOs"d l.ut W.dnueda Imm - miyl.a lç tm 5tuo7. t Il tinl1, tben 5 tu 7 od thon hru il to 1 maktug .lgbl tours on duly. 1 vas on tva bouts Sud >fffour. The rsesthroe rellofs aMdi1I reg onub itii iraIudnrti bout 0. tou u"oP l M tventy-feur. 'My %lient w» No 1,liWay outote wst td i l rnu»o voU@»d coveogd about, a )ch. Front Il o'çlock s lit uftl la %ii mocng ail ah. <Darde have nu sl"Wuobody thst cornes &long sued Il i.ip bava no buolness oufldi baiffeslu mous haurt lb.gord aomit. eisuo d mil tbé. Corpoel of lb.guard i otas t.em t lâ.égoard boa». 1I balItoit bboul ilgbt or ton odifficoi»ad lbri privales ami ou. 'autarnobilo. 1 ait ad a b.go.ot bces. ed oliMy Ville tu u" saybody viqb I Il aît ta abat L-mmpromu, ur blu80 sOP a supb of asos. tom flgbéing, but hq fbsvb.Ss a iew ueU,1a be dms asti. OMMe aèrer, .asbtmt W 1 IkisP i ue0ruybosoksuM tise b- *.l bh shot té»cte.sou os t"y tWopebW10 d saCoub bdU 1.05 ,s. rm -spplis Eiybi Onr ooumy ulth esoviralotisto usa out 0lb. th* t uge lait Wieddai DM5«05, about av@ mlia otbisit ü amp, btlde*1 ost to hoot. It us a logo moralassud ail vs douieva tc dki lit" u.The targotsan ou 11111 oppoiteae sloof tb.river tram ubets Oh aboollag la dosu d hblleou botb OMM 1Eguesth river lasa trlbetwtyloi ti a0$ tvr. *0 teck Our mms. b rit. sol pooebos. sud bal diater ou hueo ipi.g.bek la tb.e "mroon tu g0os gua ai. 1I * votsktehsuys.tirdabut ilW »s>mnd t oubed aii b" il * lb.l sppla sudla1 I oulti saut dowa. On opqolWit ont a * tissé abà o"sel ler 10* aà**t M" bodt UserMIlisi. >, U&*S be m» scu or.le lt. 1h boum t ias lb. ý*m* &b m ha e.m @, ba - ,l "Mï tu t u, O bi. umm h ssabout goa mml m nti Msutsd if IusPbkilis yo vo = Osuirltooiiar Ulm *May idisoisé l'lIMM MtgsIUN sstbt b.sos Mi* ot têm. M 00040W 4S gv6 a t10-'h 7tist*0. lm 1 Itteot boafil on .91Î" Cà oMU7hg *tabw ont abat amoua, 1 *M * )o(i b. hotu. about lb.isOti or tliS ut embéay emool 1&s.. làeiio. . A. MomIau.Tovml "sor BOda leoarod 01 aur Eveaam euvs t 7M0. T& seond Mmemo.sa u»s .ts ,ilmUvUSm rHd vil b. pesasbet ai bbs rvim Msd vil b. o* 'Rsll b abueS u*h à Plac? Ph. X"l Quartetteoi o CiCty lndeid.t dmruzh vilreudst seVersi sollu Camsud h biorlb srmon sud ejoy the eoug srviS.. c. A. MontutonaPooor. -tu = UU te >PUy .8.b"Ms. i 191%. s.u~ to , 68.41. aof oudola? Md tomu4ten te ($15M) o "é q»n *Oàm» douatetu". eau' &> MosWb wM b. du sMd ed fàW la s.LU uka ereterr. (W/s ch Je ru/es $t. Lawrence Epîscopal. ?Av. 9. 8. Wbti. PrIesa lu-eharge. Uerei v l bteboN je i» Village »ail gainfi b utin excptas.ua la .oa 7.SO sab. Hou Ycomesalco, qesBonday 11M0 Churoh Bebool 9.45 a. m. NiaI Buuiai esevies. viiib oi-es foow. lu hv o' xtsbg ai 0i@olci ser.vis piséo' lo b lmo.. l b .ve* stai7'-80 a spiclaservieo la bebaf or Young Piopis yualib. bell*boneUm prsach tihe sermon ultb a nisuesas te Young fpel. Speclalmuais et the .veilg service. à opeulal Epvcrtb Legnameeting vil b. bldnsît Suudai ovecnni a6:W0. Mise Ma4ryn.Wblolr viii isathelb meeting. Thirs viii b. prisab t is meting svitaprodetaàl eectaals of Epworth Legué cbapbera lunsserby La@% Bndi evenlng tbe Epvortb IdighiOvotil W sattend tbe eitvIce iit Budai ivenlug la a body. Lot a1l Tii eholt vIE mutilfor rsrobmW tus yaek on Tbmiuisaevecnug st B o'clock. iAU *mmbomieldtoattenid.' I on gaudai «inlg ai ahi. vi. r Nov. 1t a the . IL eb. i. lsv. A. y. 0184k, bD tuitBpa. 01 bluago N"ebM Dbltviffl mut- lb.felo ' quaroesi conOleissAu oset cese- toto aare irgdta Mem. ST. LÀWIENCE'SCIVIÇI NEW PARISH HOUSE cbuvuavbec.ê6 DO YOUR SOII3TIINEi FOR The UÀbertyvi llefdpmuimt ho tb m" bis n t t u L M*ss l lhS0 1. IBERTYVILLE, ILL., Sept. 19, 1917. hWlum'1Mdalla sy D7 MIYUXUL t«ups- Cosd».ud . Eovwrin,thtme vlihgralfyug rsuh boli a h~e ~ n Aild.euesin fooatsuts uhowr 10V Sn do it yoUrsO v -M f" MbOeelse, lilcenseiNevember 1 by the Footi Ad- aLsatration i i do uselltataie an lyuetoru' et elUqQý becawse tbey vil moubr, fIllr angwetu4 WIU tbuab rGo ttrequîred te givé isetailaof the. can- E . &J pi," la lb. cptiMof a S iag dl, tion o. f t4ait business NevemSberlIt lu 'vy ~a Is smltMiii ~ya~ ~*j» Ibeir ,*rslrepo$t4. ubipli meut h tie o* l, Y.M O A l dolij l ~* suiuittai et washumptoet Decemir %f la 0 e si*suOfl wmicb, w1 lte Forme f or thfflé reportes*,.u» in the, s Uý deveryo« friol.&bd ««uy pfflege bh"4 gto! Ilpxlat IU nl at be guslatlou of th, kind ooul4 aak for. It if a 'fIule<lately avalabte. Wlen tbey WOOMers monduare usouel thpy yuil b. seqt At once ....~. 't Pro' 04aia r(V4 aqrtetthe, fLrelreport tAkL 3,'u'tKi ze a a u oremuet ho matie. The Food tfbt~inlatra- -tii kltht ever eised. * Us * ur ing b'tuelter'munyi dealers mighit AbMpe* ,*o*eaut,,#îvtnot rea- have dlflilt rîtviietatWg >upt vhaî connnnitf~. ~ de-Stock ttièy baà oniaid Ný,eimber 1. b.arty support of every comimunfty wherein 1Te ivetgyw Oflnp"wSdvitit rpr.-rts in lter daîr. willlé gable thû - . , , autiiorities to détermine' whther r lydias- beeà, practicot.' Reports »n coupls-tbat la, the men anid the women :eto be mades montly atAd' ill bha wi* iauc urprise and conal4erable dlsaa1a C05Z mtbyilies ~À1* ~ubu~g 11., hlOhfl<sudIDdIg AI~Records of Perishable Stocks ve A lWaroupndafor divorce, accord- Deniers in rierialiable irofta ulîl #j usaar1ly M *35*% h mai a cmrful anvoery ce stocka t Sm el Webb. gh*bothInlaan"euh o'! torago Meme ,.wa~.vi~ ~ M ~ t anti ksep a record or Un ineocue nu the o ai m »l uso ima a*drll UMY & -1 qM-OOÙPÎO Uo* eeils IEath.,seMvof as Une Wbioh Was Proieoted ] Run Into Lake Ce. if Foxr Lake-Lossein Suit. A suit fer0re. avery of S4*OO brougt by loIn BoyascUr. contr-e ior, agalast lb. Woodrntcck à S.' Mpoe Traction Oquey, vib O Vi it meur allegd w sa due hlm for tht constructioq of the rosi, vn deCided la favoï af the cantractor la lb. Mats aupreme court ai Springfild atiaut- Seymour brougbit suit ln DeXalb couaty lu 1913, 9»feging tbat $40,00 balance was due im for construcetion of tse rond, vblch vas to ru= tram BSycainare north bo WooMStOk. Mar- eno an .id FOX La'as, te coatiect villa Milwaukee anti COMIfete a cir'clé ut northera Illinois andtiustnérn Ws In lte rame ye&r lte company be- lcame Involveti la mIAnelat troubles anti vers uneIe to psy Seymiour- They defendedtheUt suit On grOuntls Ihat they were not lil.hle, as StaYMflol was ln te embuID0f nOthý] com- pay. Thie 'ûomnPaY. Seymaour al- legeti, vaz a tifaatsS$I-iah O adé- fitet lie; onatrMU00tlOmi lal Th.'ie DiKalb Court npbeld thé campani but on an appweal esupreme coutover neiitledeclsionrIucIding Ina SaVez *'sflT' IN LAI(« ONY-h Mr. John Hodge, Diotrict Manager, Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co., Ares, Ill. Dear Sir:- 1 wish to thank you for the prompt manner in whlch you settled the Polley Iield lin your Companly by my late husband, Ernest Hapke, who died Septem. ber 7, 1919. 1 also want to say that my dealing with the Com- pany has been entirely Batisfactory.« From my exper- ielice, anyone contenuplati ng taking out insurance would not make any mistake in goillg into the Old Michigan Mutual1 Life InSurance Compan4y of Dletroit, Michigan. Youns truly, MAYmy BERTEA HAAKE, Beneficiary John Hodge, Districqt Mernager Thé OId Mcia Mutual Life Insurance Co. REA ILLINOIS office Phone 162-R Repideie Phone 296.M.1 Annual Repà,t?'-w Hompta Ha a «' BS Wýtukegan, Nov. la. The annuet reporte of MoAllaler iceita oieranias odai sbced u: flouu faoriiigfgures for tb. put yent: Colletion"-»2371.01. TatO4a emlqioug-1.098. Tlh. collections Include $1,000 leit for CbaritY by -116-s Mary Lyon. The dlrçctore met totiay to confer vith tii. architeet relative te build- ,ing a 20-foot, threewtory addition t0 the vest oft he present building. The feeling in tatthe addition yl tbe ardereti. .Miss EiMUmway, president. named tlxese chairmen: Ylnance-EMrs. Btouaey. Geniral entertaInment-Mrs. Fred Gourley. Adailson-MiBesHeil. Training ichoot-Mis li. Pmurcasng-mlas 3humvay. Bou ne coxam itt eel M W . T h am a i oppwesi W. oelclsssof ouaotwtui luw Ibsoh val, or tests ou iebaguas Ume. uho c$ st e iiMW"lui M tit voti sMd dwm os vi. cSm' threnrsoff11-coe qtat. jourtaL I~ ~ M à 0 00000"0"--~-s TrHE cquipumentof >4>u diniag rooin is a subject that L h" occpy a grea demi Of attention, and it prob- *bIt #pet l ge omaitat..owcvoe, unie..yoa, ha wup.ctecl lAtW Ca"e on baud to soW yoe -ski.- board&chair4 ding and efviag tale'm u txalmd uý'»dmW"od- Eyeuythng in faêct ta give artiuie nWA homcke eci TREPTO'w &MASO.N