*LIBERTYVILLE, LARE COINTY; ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. .Pa4vl -----------------______________._Coon. of prairie i ., .wag the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iaI HIGH SCHOOL NOTES t4nte isyyaâa ia n guoët ofriendii hure hs Ae, 6.'The Lîertj illv eu bip lsgbliooat l k g1buudred poîîLda of iii wuulJ iay for '4 ~ ~ J ~ I 5 h Wnoiew loking.siî-r bef-glee club Made their ffi rt appearanc jepiabOlcori- yi-ar'm îuleription to tbl'in(tePca. 5flpJJf~j,, nas mttem la Çbk&Mo on Fridai. parent ieschi-rm'we'iioù eeting det~ e are peif-etIy wil'leg to ~~'MfWUV1Uf'WW ery Bwgg ! Wakega, wa lieFrday aflernoon. A Il casse@ were dii.fl terestId"' aiwcp u a. rpsto b Hueni0 ry ande01 l egaclySnd a th e d as 3:1, o'ciock f-îr the beitt of ftinie. toeiih lhdl tedtI et ae rm oe xhnee 'NFed ~cappenin s Te Miait. DorotltY and Delelait John- b~**p*Spp~ hemnwowd e mne .a T eau of REveaiton, *peut the week-end The. Llbertivlle township bileh ichool Doyn iriwashpigearly grand maaurgh u cnt. Before ever attemptitig to "st rt atPuddi<î wtt bn; Atv... Oolby and dangbter. basket ball tenue viayed thbe towIl lean This îeriyu o c n st rdî-Yi sîtpao o yo h-udse l*oi tv alyuMmO~ Olr. B. S. Wht.mod Ilte ion,,,j&ek.," Wednaiday evéning, the score belng 50 Mot uai blt eleped (). lan. rod"Yýu'*tapao o maIke it Yo>. will i ,, atmnded q*urcb i jelae, Bunda,. to 32 In favor of tbe township testa.J if YOU Know OfiloMevOfat .lii', 1 K.usyva.th, gietoî%'Aubutnat bas annonncid tisatThe<(rasslakelrneeaythat: Tho@e. A' 1 110-reîultof1thework ofdW~ LOCal Inl~t« PlaIe Il III CU Irde a Gmuleathe tiret of the. a co» o0ftii. Abhislvi il e Y roc P. Walsh of tha% ilIaele egain abletoao deheeaqateLRTa -Ctmn,ý 'rg.phone NUMber1. wook. of charge ta " tit ldent vho Detflt botaat hi@ hardware c ler 1'baving recently. fOrsy Per«)ioniWBVejT> 1011 ~~tihe mot aPpropriate Dame for the book. beaiu onfined to bisi boni. on stunt of the.t îtS un aS'V e I *MIU WI * I.* x n o n P e e l ffI---------bai pnrchaied the Boyd .tudlo Int th@ Prof Illaderbiàk opoke to the .lnd nttan X-rÊaS'taken 1* e 'à llao bib <i. P n. ~ tlo FrdIi ckran lmlybae oy c t.bOdY On MOîday, *xIAlnng that the lomed hi, trouleota h- duri ta lit@ teeth. and tEits, whil w45va,,pal WI EEV -ta'-' h vanhoe. Mmr. Ahaena Colby and daughter enter- persan who la preparedt e tihe onewho Hja liitlie 01 hum rîtr%.ted $et np raidroad conpany for câf limait driittg cttra&, picos, amd we also have the 0. L.Dvi ad wife wè Cicao vie-taineti Doothy andi. Deleah Jobn*onof doethe big tbf-gi InIllte. H@exepruad wlth the reenit tientbh, waa relier cd of poRftRoeionbf t toce arresteff.' qlity bad fmnemn n upî tr eia.E. W.Colby and familiySunday. lie bigbFliooW. wlllleave wltbadeflnttehbic uffering. (Prlttou I.orthdShoreal4eNt iwàý for EyJ Knndyba piese. ro aF. B Peck, who bac be-n .icitilig wjîb idea for vhai ho Iniends ta fit hînlf. Tegm adnvrl .ate voît hiago, ah iboe ai-ýI Mus trip ta Detrot. hic daugbatcr, ire. Paru l laî(inffin, for lio urgel alsi] t dents tu look m I de @I -ti e i-t f thiî h e ir-rrd o n ic l-rip onalboardortA ct- in TBEJohn Brnard made a huoinece trip ta WcorneoUrne, bac ugtnrnedr for thu onn> and importent dutîce hie wiînîîenn ,oeusRN SH Mens,îcgobasdr Ko , hed if)lishomie ai tha future, plan fur it ai-ilho prepared *aoloiii Fi,x river. ttitniron the 'tijp" a war board whieh le 10 1w ,-ganized W UNHTH TALChcgModsOttawa, Kn o h aiadIprat tie hthe- îîenatrted <I-ilet-( ,e ta ý,I n imîlar in-s ta the war thaiet Mmr. Anna Drury vlelted ati rayelaka J. F. Doyle wHii bave a bg cale of lîve will have ta fuifill lu Iheir future Ilile. the st-arn rokids. The headquarter fb irt of lb# week. stcfoIpeet n e i >rn-t)m There wdli ho a double header girls detroy ailti-etc. We bave beon unabie ta are to be ai Waîshington and the plan Mi-i Mary Bnci bai retnrned alter rnencing et 10 n'cinle knilt Saturdal ,basket bal gaine at the L. T. B. 8 gym. a tin ivnv e nr leuthofondary 8lte Co« n iaiNIonc-alDtion w l 'EARL CO R L E T _&,lu ______________Pundaer1th ouel fNaina efs; a ibc s tay In Chicago. Nov. 17. Rlend hie advertîcernent o on Fday uvenîna NOeV. 17. Admission -- MEATS5 AND (IROCERIES J. Treptov vwent ta Ccago snnday page 8 a! tbie . 'toP d30roturonna Monday avenlng. W. W. tFunr, Depuly Snprene (;hief of 0111108ne--339 a M3m lr. John Mtchell @petit Wedn.day Trîha of Ban i-er. 0f Nortb Chicago, ai iHAWTHORNE SCHOOCiL NOTES amon£ frienda at Lais Villa. n tocen Tbuvsday eallng on the meins- Week aif?oveieber 5 te9 W. 1. ComaI and facelly entertalnied hure 0of btisaI W t eI i ntere@t of Thomsa nether abeent nor lardy for the on-o-tovn guese aover cnday. reorganlalng a lop bore. rnonth of oOctober cere: M ---a- ---- -----ga, ea tan Ti.faeri u---e orlie.c. a iootor. Duncan Chester Wlls -7-7 1-08111111011181111111111-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rouer Pemt o»o akgsta h eaitmgm frlte .b oetDougiaiDorotby Little enatnq b-u u uour bown li<>ay. Wright. vito d ii teiday nlghl, viii ho Mavr Kannedy Edyth Thornheng divin Aniauandtille i"ont trou behâti tou theb onne morrow (Frlday) Nora Gratit. RoseKennedy FM 6S ! Tbueiay n. louday vls tAfg IChicago. e e aco #t2-» o' lc.The intrDUe. iii. - Jel Dan ment iii fll o vi l a e eie con s -y11111« .. u. , . . Relatives Imm Joiffiîon Pari: wo@ave . urihet pavdauim of Mmr. Wrlfit'i Pbynt fe hir 0le t duniele .4 lb. W. J. Wang bhome 8U.iag deist vilb. fourie os page ana, econd Thomi recevtng ctavs indeportnient lireA& Nicholi lWt atuviay' for vmtion, vive: 1A 1 1t, Unto You tu hreabe@ed Sda dWieb«iAu :ld 1hoe dWU5smet carcnwu" Mary Keassiy Dovotiiy Lttie_ camiOve tru Cap GantAi-idayto euithespin n ye sbubatlu Wpcurefrpretteot.t Tom8Feed the World Mr M Mia, tadn as lbes ut on alvlv eand amoho Bêcingete vo.vtili prIe foriit im end WIqblamoWUd ee ndwlib Bér.ELOSeie inga fu onae a ti. ho ieaIbna btnhe avedLIthe tiontii-rm ing bei, mo R ve bau ________________________ Chaue e rntap rnttIdyta e ae roau foganî coà=to ebiat rsKnadbv .a~asa li. nt ir. .Wolrdg etrnddli b.Liirt'loni ts prcaeplc saturle r. rBmrikotm a LE ALL VOUR LAN D saîuvtiay fr00 avei'svieîtvlth 0fliabheeratnbedof the lons :Iet.of iaen ee odWle n i antts F i e d ibereB . tiv e o Ch icago. b s e u w mi m n h ir i a po n e od y Z b n, tne d a t ican r o f talekU c aione It iIIPu BI Ituet Itbniirga ew AvtbnsKelt he oetof on learnlng othat 'tiso e Ubnitde iii day. o Ch«.oKiserili niInetit a bra fssrvn ncneton Iae n raKusdbv oe Omui ermaent Ivcstent hie hin hme fo lb.veusev. nowtbha proiberaty luforteal <layee traillIamies i-rneup Mr. ta ny.eC. voirdba i beoayaIo bo de.ecIrl e re exilr .dTCoin-etwo : Fr Wi@ n TILE AL YOUR AND aur, lu<trvainy enovvioltin tb. psa fn oy o hbond0.00on te 1t and GenogFy, wh sadaa a pet- of thty oadecte.atoUta GreploLneed Naval O iR t OCK Pu, I S nt« WLR E hm. ut Déolranlt e. Jutaon Ike aon lliuvaaaat te od il ay rilgSato a îrndoa Nah lu 4rhmertheupitr . 2.eepro iAtlsigccg Xli b c ie1 r.ind Mre. haveon a tin er pe if CalmkeeIt anit Steha t- ieL y ouahtbend niei.H OUR -STOCiKt recelyi connfovlkits Mondy cas atthesviGra ,*e Gaaln lIVIEL IUdW tf. mi ai i bi theu' 1.00 aciew lcs t.Iiait a ainiSttisicRonh uomd ove 05tNs-a leE oNoal tiainfo* e.y ~~~ktbyMe iOOt ie«lark tree. Citiogo. ayaf eh cargeof bblg utbiay.t boysdflte aieui21egamvirte e nt.Bos0f Ciao iamp Ybrtlit e rsta- Sup . . -- 80 yesrs 0f ga. H eu bdthi S nrl uilan absDmdu "oore vea B eticS cea-ue. i icr-kts ndy.ws &realut Wtt .rgmrnaa -ta Tii"The dMtRM onttiisiamp tieIndteaNelRihmonsfotelb.06Aor. orifew alat om* uy- oLaee ic nt oplurcb ac v ins taa ct odMmiMageW.sinChret albminl-ryChicgongtabu Phe» 47 F. A. BW601slMu. MmD.l Puta. T Doec. Ah.Blebot antiecsa aal tth~ GetLaesAur datL bro Eeet ---------- ---------ar .lebo r li idanti ni-m.vi0 aro i op nager oi 10er l lilm. ote thR oers Laete aco» t GratI Thbicoyl.afroWy cii . eai wna 1 mf hao.b o ttdit val eneteIki a iegomu io a. appreulie .iamen ntifciSite u W»g"a80haYom of Mrs. Aitei Lairpot Ana olga go ict». M. E. claie pl ovisib i t ell 0 Beck in1 be r hme avnuescire- Theddafuoflhefdefittin of he go ""W it 10 7Dm theee ln v ire a p tnthy e N0f lb staion e ran La ttes beIpe. o t tsn nth:h ear S p re a d e rs p riwol ad are nlsforaParIPZO tfor 10y0alabut ie ogen waddlî, a55W ra reat goanir the ogi roen 10ilth emlOsl Imn t o b. uNa eesive forci. paksor antithe- romiai-e wocalIksgtigcle awaJyucstiii fabpenesli«bagant am eanti o? thoeddne'it th autvee wofnasln Aorteun ~~ TheBes P ,vmgIW- Lu O pte. y viaogntteise. "àmAcar nibeîta cail h if nmrencty ____16 _____eavnu, hi Tb. nlamable laca ha. aincepaenti s hy" ia.nFor fid atcir *aton. cagoOT ORDER NOW INTheSbrid by tiselaithe b Genaa und bl*y antiMil aillah haforanutlnsa omc Itesse oG ruacW D -FOWreAI W a ri h atcheAntfuiO pi-l-âd pla nmksofnte ory tapserean entlely La h vai Station.lateeowny vturely outta oti s a mbird n.0 ATN PT gi tonban engreseti n ps-ouir aingsomeno! foatheeNaatico an h ereti dra oiry oldpnet.I.5 OET 1918 lticen.TBeoeond 1 yrtey fla er b roof ur il boyst (aneti adta tefine h i t sg6c1lgcle nwadyu a eli appliction fr senaal a! our Icensecorne i then i-atmn si-ali) plfivin fraa DeereAim. reaim s iI youhave 11tOho ane irdeli hlvaiantit thesd ioacs, weî, For sie. e ntie. s W. F. s MRas i ou Z oE jR The ewt %Ide G ood blt n. prai- 'te asi-tl9 Ifaudy eer ig e PNET ec 500 .sn facae aga oblJo bas baeyartchand etiese p'urlatbifration-Tlpoe5 Iibtyle ryeivetinone s 20pes lan t lika t ta a e vaoci-tii chen00 a ticl Geat WOOIC Ymi.al atbdpu-W Y O RD R N W N T th Omersle nesorde rsa ca pr arner tocidrell ateSaluatio ave. rlet@, a an -alty-od ie brepr'O -MGUPT H hoee prepat ti uedrcisr nghaken. Tisa imratc le altitba roe - ___________________________________________________ 1918llSmà.Befre endng n yur heei-gnoeribym anif i-seai bof heu-g6 Niso alcainfor ecevrani ofs-. Joccen ewnea le no d@a @n" tempî, c mn Con naDeloé te oe sie d ihtt lesaur adieptâ oaave gotsa 11 hei ipa bavsadsowcs@ I ,FéBi,*t d nteIN. W e R NEN reinai price theanbyrealîglngra ly beo! the boys dol-grlieht15,Mlug-bati L New dea o dAchicas o thee o-bl havatien a mnlc au-dlebiîyooîi-Pda tepou It-weky elC a n i 3eatoer L a VijI..g totldal rdl ois.0pis nda 'ât tha ppr aae , antire qneuaticles of %&emnbThetpractingl-e lasiaip o r or T-beaunpae h eiful l an e flhchle n t e rk---ttntio----- -e-t-----du----- ~ con n u oo hmovriie igtfre tgisoen aay t he gEpeaplhv AEaqikcolgc u ais ens ehv aevz aim-ioc~ rdep aheF.Byeu ruea strele oftSi-jr ok.Som e f liule thie SCHANUK KIJ~~~~AXIJVVZLI~~wbLe bataar ise w dTilgeces keI for ohe- lio sec et epliteg gosadtesye r fterot eua.Sm fteecathv u ('f~,qD~J'w Stsoli apli ,]elî aainddfororntii-se t C a n S e t r S lhe H ltifiler, diî,ti-y d o eir h a t entiorn lid ent e i-il A uigacn hsfî. A a pe ftevle fcew e- $ 4 dibpay a theF. B Lo lllr it l tche r ,lîudoilthaîe ri- leti) lion the flaqing: osn f u Uis Coats, formerve madeO to 33.OO, needudàt Paton otIh vaios sbaban satng mgisy oot r wr)i.- e11 Ai-mna ruebhe if tcoal ui lu) arjus inbl.he oughî o- ad res'ainils-in sSweere aqite alithe setàgAsQ SC A CcluDAn['n ba wc ,nht tice pcraig-at i tret Nfoir itgîîi rl.-rat M E Iîino Ileciof ic arh Wsten rllrad an lbcrifor- isey ae- ak thg e ncr aie ofatherla adolîliiiig lesslic li hedau nîg. S tattiv 22ilaain. : and -cdthem ntesasis efthe as uat tht ine. thestokoati hse iteuxis w areQidi-ltllg e-Itins tidesctito ivest-psta rovdecx<epton lsoeaubi-i- ae , - nd ilOni lei-persean assred, anthe pre s as-r i efs élo k these gnnt wo -îh o ter, goo 3da 1 P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b.asrn, eerl acun-r ntfor âsktig odefa. itie-nteisui-wcwbutîiubi tigitebu li B-tu u,,sleu mua hontet 39ee. TCOMPANYic17,00 e-n ai OreLa A. Mybian'n ùo@ma bydsr.angai aet n ticetagnt skîe-Iht 4 id in. ranig. Il-viihi cmesi1) feiiwlg li eîhabtitirl i le 9 bupey îetuc~ ai es' a - - - sl sa a peoftevausofee, em n ben Bon argues Ibat 15Mill-ride- rnonacheysaboutitico caadus-be-eauitu o ion.the ballîîîalc Ciaistintrmn ma e0a00 tod$3a.00, nowHo-duIee Sw eaters -mbpro ofWisiloclliguii' tos neof cie-ai-ns haveareanthntle-y ari te mska ty weer i c-lv to hotifde aghe nttio r eat ei i)iiuglitiuiii .ofie-weteeC at q it e i te i NeAd an u ppta:i3M. E. îiin2 nfats'Sweter - Unesnofithe-i1 ssf. - n_______ $1rin ad t- 00 andRsth NotWetr 11DI and na'c foreti luare arge i.lel position. v '12rdEa0rnd piol If pi-t theIato tf te-cobulle-at _____Oustocin_____ iems arcicudm t n rm fici a irsst, san s teot rvdeenii.I y e eoulti r ýouI- tvspit, ome ofitre l c..A.da i rs eraakueinge vehifille batis, ezponid alruit "-pInstan i wny it.Ti rnpvin ae rrlias s)e si-e VellasYY. anIhepicsar a r1 VLlow th VI'ent o Cof 1os -ai a Eboford tranîni cam ai- nti learcompeilot. Ai' _m meIt va. ecteti y ppnaerapic ati payerpI- PL55 -- - j-