CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Nov 1917, p. 7

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LDMETYVTr3INDEPENDENT THURS Y, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. R. Thomasanudfamiljf~tranoaced bà&sMAYORMAFIR. --- -e UNTER SilRUNK SPEND NIGHTIN- inems In Waukegan Saturday, uWe have.arrangd for Ia ENING8 AT Mr. DeMeyer le having a cement 11ocr :TH E BOMB" PLOTm, e s ne-n rce put in his tbament barn. •. RN T NSAYS HE 1%FULL SIX INCIIESIN r al-tshyitUnol.D-n," ROAD WITH CAR; idr. and Mrs. Amnn entertained coin- wrtteNb Mr Hwar1H i r at~~~~JonKel,-d i";, Wi m, and oit IS VICTI14 OF SPITE - ByJH C.WL N. S idn tha vTIE CA BU S b d DUE hoe Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rend wereentetined which thashiae &f h ilte Orders- Taken for Job Work. Bunday at the John Thomas bome. Dene eadColae«r I cant go to war, sopokle Elstona Mike Napoleoni Displays Per - training la ofvalue, both to the ilsrael Poncher of Chicago Has Advertiing rates on application. Mr. ShrecHeadanarryAnolin ereAin acir. They won't take me, but you g( gtþtpg gi nto n ote niiul n Trli xeine ih Bbleno Mda.ainMHnr w Politics for Scaridal. and tra ors r Wasn't Tall Enough. unur.lsa es ri n tenoand Morning. Dr. 1E. a. DuFour and hie wife, 0 of bnToa a aMRDYt1 The aninounicement began dolorous- -iun -tees BodersPak, istedattheDr.Pamerdas lstwee, ate flur e asly. It terminated ln a positive burest DID NOT CHECK IT OVER. 'CA R BURNS NEAR ZION CITY. home this week. lukv to get a. UNCL E SA M INVESTIGATES. of enthusiasm frot Daere. Hie fance-- Leonard Houlk;spent Sunday here Mrs. Bertha Fry, of Libertyville. vliti - regarded hun proudlly, but with won- W re enGabdHm -Acdn tNgtCue i d i r.KoTuea.MeanSays He and Other Ger- der-ystne iha tokenof ea Fu te e retdWRTAK n redt le u visited with P'. E. Hildebrandt here Son. WedneOsy. ,urged. "Father says yuire doing Sunday in Country. All Night Long. day. I . ~German Before War. YOUr. full duty ln enceouging others' dy. scuo eure Ews -- nd rto 0serve your country tin ainol,.,sl- WenMk aplto leont went hut. y N LEDA aukegan. Nov. Bidg Kno eor hegeoetta SndIrv-The only cases of tardiniegs werefin the August M. %M-yer, mayord of Bai, sacritteing way." ing Stutrflhiy .moringii and hroe - A large six-cylinder Abbott r ingHoo weeChcag viitoesuday Screc;k and DeMeyer chiildrn.Thomeingion, Ili.,Mondlay night rpdae Pras"acceded lDarre, -"but 1ila hunting l eefromt a frie,-IhNumber One ing -ar \wasdtrydbrr Each of the teitlp girls n't the ex. h lv be .e yigcharg.-,of 1t p-raoran snat want real action. 1 think lsho:1 go on fILedt o tt lcnodZo ity et orningis>trael Ponr ebangue borsreceived a quart of cream WoWa huntrl av .I' a for o I spel>ies, I 7,1 (i> hsmonng .i-tl in from Stshie neonin Condensed IMilk Cor.-blacaboard drills in arithmi.etiI!. brogzht Ibsomte of the letvd fAoDrre haiofteexpeoed tiheAmerIca Must Fight Hard or Germnany(lier, a jbi)hne echn m pany for their txtra morvicesduring the Lawrene Am.nn waies abIInt%."Dday agont himand four othe-rpoinn As ar"ptriot o wyhok" ewaIml , m ot unhMyWn-eestifrMl. gowsi au a rlayie g recent ilk strike. iih atooace lins of German b'irthi. Arepo: hwad me"twit an aetthbimth ywasoiu aay n tary Trainig.huinforha ocl h ad e e C. (I. Loogab&ugh, of Chicago, vited svrlhveejydwarm drinks thilat ho and ith oter meL, h allofetruitb ig for tei w e breaing y W ilh '"" a "u 'r---inor uii u tc daprz ih Bunday with his mtr h6ire. with lihellr luncheon ordered to appear before Hu1o1 lm. tth1nd1treonnths e hes byact qal naurmn fe"ow le"sidhsmte," or hItIw rema n ao EdUmthtrnsetd osnes n hi ellie Portegy Leeived tehgeta-Clabaugh, chief ivlrro I hluimpAttedndw of ecnintepa o ho nl cming tmorrw thatlhu IcrVine aiorium, i-ilo eooMndy rage ln the first bi-monthfilyIexam ina Department. of Jutstice, to Lexph:-In -ire to e)ieinforpled by the, exiinig shrunk uso after G ame Orden-1Krn spendi a week with us on the farma. and 1Aftr th-, fiùgiPfone.r tartéd for clement Witor, vsedwith rela- n.oanr nt ioteuterances chargod surgeon that It wold takýe ilyear, my-hadl detained (lhimn. qoe tte fyuwn oko buttewr oeb o uksmweena tives hore 8unday. Neilit, Portiegy and(] Ruth Kuol, r-ivëd ttem nwas stamnped as tuntruiI, bel-two, to straighten omethle Injured amand ' !'M ILLh w al hre's your opportunfity. Uncle Dan19iKenlosha and wasLi toseep Hoac Kppã aspuc aseda ew no)n-whjiperinig star%. "wosecret sriemenLve m lin tmembler. LÇAdthat lline an deýsenhed n lthII, .iprobably Ione ofutthe 1bestanuformed menoualnhtna il a ,, here from Chicao Saturday and quer He wast engaged to Lillie lBurton, and conew pos doti h onr. Illie clapped his oi hhscopno1te]itahn GrantfrntChcaosix.d> thait cheery, loyal little seimnof nt. tl i:( ntecutl B h ihhs«tl)iilite i in P. E. Hlidrb)randt, the druggiit, drove tionled us, bte lenttsatsfiedthat einntyws el oth f i r ads and gaivi such a whoop that he fire and spenit the nighit. one sl,,eeping; to Chicago ia þis ear unday afternoon. . wehabe _d bo_" nrtdgard. Shte deplored his new resolutio)n, penied oshrii s o uch let N wak-eneh ay u htcudyuh h ieadteo ntecr Anna»l>rury, of LIbertyville, visited at There will be no priechign ervice at the Mayor. but did not expreRssher 1ful opinion. xpect of a fifte-en-year-old boy who a0 This morning thw egta a L;m of theeore Fazir omethi wek. the unual hour next tSunday mornfing. The other four mn m ienlio)ned are adsge shr oe wthrt a ed i was hpi len stii itflowsr aIliving Interrogation point and wants mue o ultecaouofheol Mrs. LotioneTiompson bas been visit but at 2:80 p. m., Dr. Clark our new Fred Fye, jutiIce of the peace: Tri- evenIng, for Dacrewas thorough 1lp h is 1o was b irosdh h1ioro ,dtto know about war? and they th,-n tre south for Chi- tng with friende nin Ubiago. District Mupt. will preach and Lconduct 'odore Schutt, 3 shoemaker: oeactivities and Iwould ferret out sptes! Whilete rd eptmetllboieod il.h Uncle Don arrived ln due Otme and cago. Peter fHoigaard, of Hainenville, died of the quarterly Meeting èervice to which Pro)ehilich, a retired miller, and Ar- andf traitors, if anylioy could. res ects the earkabion e ali r in h I illie watched for an opportunity. It When they got within al mile Of eonsumption Tuottdli . y. rold Sebhauble. owner of a grnanI Lillie tried tô-dissuade Docre fromtrepect, ter rkbeLi prcamle thant evening after dinner when1 are invited. what shte believed to be a waste of hfis ln height was his uindoing, and h d Zion ('ity, the mnagneto wtires gtot hot SMr. Carls Kaplevistedat iorgn Pmohie saH oyl time, but her lover was headstrong. paid the finie.UceDn a ihedacgrand and soonfMamies shot out from the ANTIOCH Pr stra1ad ady.n • s °ytl n ised him and she worried about 1sunday wardeni, Kern and nulitton taken m ghtty gladiyu came, Upcle entout. The men jumpfed fromethe hir an %Ie. i.T. orgn wn@ Mr@. E. Chard @pent a couple of daye rington were pro-German untilAm . him for about a week. Then tehe re- look a trip throuigh Lake counity and DnI atttlkt oabuthe car and sonon-the- automobile was tla Ms.R. . oranwer lstwek at Libertyville at the home of (-ilentered the war." admitted Nir. Ceived a letter from him dated at Els- dth.' htt i a.Iwn otl oyuaott fames. -Mr. Poncher went to, a hous Chcaopan egreSaudayad.u-Dr. Butterdeld. Meyer. -"Butsoince Preisident Wils;on dene, a maufacturing - town tliirty a aresu , re w a . a rWaejs u mltr ri-na rby and got a bucket of water Sunday. B~obert Kerry waue a Chbicagfo visitor bro ihGrmany we hlave beeni miles away. AretdCabranbohr tIng ln our township high school, butbuthwarjstemdtoedth L. P Wilco)x,smonof Mr. and Mrs. John Strâ n udy absoluitely loyal tro the T'nitedlStatIý "II am on the verge of a great dis- Area: a man named Reamer atiWaul- vie fhad a hard Iime to do it. Thebuth aejs emdtoedte Wlicox, who disappeared a couple of Saturaynd Brnd way. . . teir-,"Barrington has a population of 1. covery," wrote Dacre. "Day and night conda: a man namned Molliter at VO-, Joneses and the Greggs objected. They daomies instead of subduing them, viellknagoU returned home witbhlhi father almn r- acmaid yter20. About 80 per cent ie of German I am watching two suspicious sitra-Io; and Joe Melyers of McHenry. M4r. said the war wouldn't come over here. In a short timle the top of thie auto Vueeday. Aftler falingst oinothe Navy neeMiCraywrvitostth xato.Tevlagibgers wohave been ln Elsdene for alMyers; had his hearing Monday and GrandiratJonessaid:* "They ain't no was burned completely and nothing as wshirai&deoire, he wandered on and home of .1Moena Wuod atwIhchwas $2.L.006 more th-in our al- week. They aretup to saime big plat. waïs fined $25 and costs or .1 days in une to worrit, lit will son blow over. could be done togave Il. A cal] for was emloyed s teamter a Crown.Sunda. . ltment. We also subscribed$4.0 1 Iknow this Much: it involves bombs, ji.H rmsd opytefn. Well, we put the training ln just the help from Zion City fire tdepartment osnt, nd whnla ted y faeter- nMi*@e M. Edic returned home fro)m to the first Liberty L an. and an airship.' Thf fe othrmispn o arr tdwee fien samLe.You crter heard Judge Brow- brought Fireman Schoepp and ChIef ýhicabà>g saturdav after a t wo weeksM e ilyer attributed the insi:gation Af Really, Dacre hadlsomne bass for his . oel, the president of the school boarBceontesne A hmca Lillin Baehke o Trevr, viited ela- •nwthe federal Investigation to puhueus- sensational suspicions. He hadl struck haigbeoeMgstaeTyo do the sackera up. He salid unless we ivec and friendo tberm Friday and i Natur-a "Two years, ago 1 defeated M. T "is elue" after several days' hangiing mn WNaukegan and were given $2.- fin(9 tfakte off our coats and go tofi, Ger. wagon was used effectively and @"n day. -- Lamer, Pditor of the Barrin;-lon Rc.aondEsen.A tspiciafotl ic. Tho charze in Al] cases was many May yet winand ellse doles, shte the fire wus put omt but not beftore Ure E. Sitommoneand Mlra. m.8Smart GURNEE viow, for mnayor iifter lit-had edi n vnn ewssae edn a huinting withomt licenses. will ltkeover the great British fleet un the machine wNas practically worthi- !eft for a visit with M rs. uarrie Wnitmnom L -- office for 'y2ar1 lie (oui(!, Iper',apy news .apr when a matn lolling in the a war trophy and comlpe us to do what lese. The wheels and tires were in- àoiss Benson of Chicago, viltted at the tell you how thre secret service min I pe sit Otturnwa. lotita. on Wednesiday. · aie t oet arigo ext chair started op and shook hands ever shte Iwants to; that shle confldtmakte tact but th"etitpper part of the seiveu- EIsle Heran thast accepted a pouii oeofM.adMs Jm mbi P . Plitics and Religion %with a newcomer, greeting him effus..ulq1yi. a: ll the cost of the war; thepaenrcrwscoptlydtry ln Chicago for bihe winter. tant Sunday. Villagers d ;carIdha blood bfi iIvely. E O E Nkaiser could tax us ts he pleased and ed. Teeng inear also was badtly brn- J Stearns and F. Kophen imotored t r.Wibo hgi itor-t d sir i , upwhtnGi r "Glad you've come.lHard work kill- W RR N IS LA."'n'°"l"'y'"""'®b"®e wattirgan, Sudayt ho H. E. Flood home. and] ý-ilSIen chr,1. ImembeIrs of 1 lutg t1ime ln this deadl town." spotke the W R E IP A could makte every one pay over a prt i n li obfii lwl WakgnSna~Mrs. Fred GilInugssurpried NMrs. Paul vamr r rainnir ng amp ý,i first nuian. of whant he earns; that he could make any further use. LyetcieiefernfoantakNutten by giving her asurprise party in l"I1"" t"Gotdelaye,"texpained he new KEENlATRIOTSM ' I-r-s puy're"for°h"'crdn t Ir" "ir ii OU of .ypoldfeyr.honor of her birthday kti h ret etcoe N ay.tank Ifinding aav, E- fTIO IS armns, etc. 'Now, Uncle, what do you er- of the car. hie had just spent $260 Mr. eo ubup s istnghe iles Studer of Wlntlàr)p Harbior,called voILrrmIt eo r poli two ator wrth a machine to accomlmodate tikofta? to have the car overhaulled and put A parens atJackon, is.on a few friende last week. Others pav rligion ilh11L,1 1, ll1 the trock we WIll have to carry, be-; Several Women of Advanced ."vim o. adoceDn ngo ear ecrida er Mr. and Mrs. Chate. McLQuire movred frt1o4 Hs itr sd usle. l it ug rwelsy ih ance poliev of $500, but claims ti t thir 1h)oushold goodues to Wauikegan the Mr1tdrviie t Ca.Hr t w:ls explained thast CIGuardiani, "Bombs all ready.and shipped?." Age nsist on Going to the e:iHyl come true and may unilesseg h A a ot eea ude arbt part of laet Mweet home over uda.o , Eis r lv. rwhich Si.--lland elhroe "And the airship will be on handmLIS Polls and Giving Names. quJickly tc the aid of the allies with doit rsmore, than that. Barn ton Mr and Mr@. Frank King on Mr. r3andbiuum iie relative Il. r-.r are mbrhadl *àampai'ilnisoona as our baggage lsaut the rendez-. large miman:erq of men and help thetn Poce rsdsat 12Sú N 4. ababy o.Cicago over eindy.- for a ticket fromt whieh Fal] hlc os ewllsattmro vnn W RRE E AGR break the German line. onlessvire can Pnhrrsdge 11 o Sunday, Nov. o.Mr. Ferguson returüed tol his homewin had been weidedouvou.If te ky is larThtonraro vun ove R REN batthesuumine, heGmaEpe.Harding avenue, Chicago. satray Eddy having areetedau position Zion City Saturday. Bti hre htteGraso twenity towns, you know, and we drop The officers and members of th- vwnt us front getting enough food to as raelig-saesmp ithaneater Sverl ro arun hee ttendd he r Mein gs n A u it ithe bombe directly over the center of variou ntfWmnCucl fth, allies to keep théiem going. In thot, Oral, nie wIfe wille*pend the winter with etrtiment as Roecrane Saturd:ay 1bhw<ksmith shop. and cl t' saeach." atiuoamDfsfeelpiised ofhecaseGermiany would win. As mautter@ ber parentq, M r. and M ru. A. J. Felter of eoig mntswr: o&a-store. "Bombe!i" repeated Dacre 1in a l t hesrand today, our greatest ned la Àtabiet and business meeting of the gaatblengitosewee:! the g esaas, es tetin oam ktrathe womenF treda ndtSaturdà3. mllins of men with m ita ytring I IO O R -F S Epworth League wash eld at the poirea- school; Miss Dorotby Cornell, George a regular raid on every town ln the' One hundred and eight being the num i n our Industries end on our feams ag usa eeigDaiel, Jr., and Norton Flood. They GURNE O county." 1ber registered. A few Of the women when the war came, who coud Huk eal i E t rot an excellent ride as well as an Darla erfclystre p eevn etinfrdngs r:hve been called nt once for service,1 I PÀ b e, g n na njyable timte. .NlNU BE b 08 Wat should hie do? Here was posi- MrlzeR.Bakagd aidntheeetekasrwudav Cox took the teachers'exanimination at esne Haine was homeover undy. tive eidence ofdeadly wok. Dacreforced the watr upon us. As It wa, he Waukegan Thursday and Friday. LMnis Norlnderrurnhoed o W aSukean div idnco e is ys in sleep eMiss Anert e ggman, aged 7 7. Mr- nad no respect for us, and now we are Highland Park Dentist Tells the Johk-nd Morleome Fores, pet heFrida .REGISTER NAMES scarcely ate for twenty-four hoursEmraCas,8 lrsod a n It and must go through with I. But Court His Financial Condi- weken it hehmeflk.The work un Our high schoorl is pro. The next afternoon he traced the two able to atend the plae of repgistræb never again Imust we bie caught o Esther Buschman of Waukeiani, @pent men to a garage. They went inside. tion owing to her agei and fpeeNho lolly unprepared. inPe ntd the week-end with her parents here. -gessing niely. u everdyinWRerten (ne huindred land eillht women iin made somne arrangement with the pro- health, but voiced a desir, to hv "There Is only one safteway," said M rs. Geo opo ulntn is., oug hat t felpoi ve ayr i eorts flurner and vicinity re,.istered Ifo -prietor and weent away. Dacre sought hier card Madiout. A registrar wIt nl a,"n ht st dp e- AS 5 NBC lýO visited with relativentiherethe past weeik.iniaeta twl erayfroc-wrwr ntetody.Friday an't8an immediate Interview with the ga- a,,1idy a td) go tu & -O imanently universal military training, Mr. end M r Walter Chinn mnotored to anuaY Fb .§ 3-hdt rage owner. He learned that the two hm od o apply It to every Young man who in Points Out He Is Supporting 3 EMis Fied Knx ooktheteahes -atue a t s rno sa >ien hadl ordered an automobile and! hysleally fit, say in his nineteenth or ChlrnadHmeft kenoshaBunday exaemination Thursday and Friday. 'c1g1ae tanin'u11a driver to take them over to Leeville, Aot45o newmn nd.h etieth year. The training can be ArnOi Buschman of Waukegan, opent re-sveyptite Ti(a leweei h outy. Tri e ,wr., twenty miles away, at six o'clock. IHoover PlL-dge e irswi-h ethe ('on'carried forward Iin the United States Aeen e th ekedwt i aet ee proved by the resiponse which the mnnwouli u o men 11"Ialso who did nol kne .Dacre iiiueýnced the garage man to let servation commnit tee hladton Ihand a:ettraining camupsfthat ure now being es- Waukegan. Nov. 10 Mrs.%VWl. Ziegler, Mien Fraker ando unigbrodgaeweake0ota teWr- wmnwr regishmata chauffeur. Two hours later the regListration place. tablishied for training men called by Dr. William L. Neubert. Lake Fur- MsRamnmooetoFr hr-register Many seemed to be willing to ttoring and who wishied their namlI- e he was lit the wheel. Just at dusk the There is no doubt that aeut the selective druft. As soon as thest-e tt dentist. was etted lnto Circuit Lj dan Sunday. lov olad to aid (;ncleSain in any put down.i They willfhoe fakeýn in lie two men left the machine at Leeville, greater numbewr would hJaebe.en sign. men vacate these stations, they should Court this morning to ernswer whby h-, eav otra ,y struck off down a lonely country ed hadl the required anmeuntlbeen sn he filled by younger men, and tis has ot made the reglar payments way: AMOngR.those who aided in the ter. Bult, il shows 'that\\arren .woni-roadl. O fotDarefoloedthm t rhould be made the permanent policy RUSSELL resistration were: Mr@. Laurau Wake- trn have responded ýiurpisingly well a safe distance. fromte tadquarters,. ilowever , n of the country.» of temporary alimony to his wifle Who r~~~~ field, Mrs. Verna, McClure, Mrs. Elsie as comipared to, Wauikegain womn- It was un hour later when they signified their wininigness to do ,, Billie's mothller, Mrs. Graham, had la subing him for divorce. Under the Rev. Bartz was entertaineld at the S. Brown and Mr@. Frances Chittenden. A week ago thie womien ofWar cllimbed-, a fence and at an openaing, whnevr-heLards roch u ls.. overheard the conversation. She came, order of the court D)r. Neulbert la to JL Hws omeove Sunay . W Brcheris ellenogh nw t oranied te banc oftheNational amid aildense grove of saplings, came The WYarreni unit ha., been rivery re- out and said: Really, Brother Dan, pyhswf 1 a weekaimnu- The Young Peoples' ociety Ivll Meet be back in his @tore. Detfenso 1league at a meeItinig held ait upon an airship. Beside it, ln boxes. cently, organizedi with \ 1r s Mar y are you serious as to the dangers of til the case is disposedi of perma- with Esther Carlson Saturday evenIg Mr@. Chrittenden 1s rapidly improving Mrs. TIsia Birown's. Thes. omeecrý were black round object, supplied laak, chairmnan ; lr. Geoýlrgina Groth- Our country? If it is as bad as that, it ently. Noir. 17. in health. wepre olectori - with fuses and having also àppended anl, i1rs. \label AlNeCullough, as 1s high time for us to wake up and do In defense of his actions Dr. Neu- Mr@, E. P. Siver spent a few days In The Royal Neighbore bheld a very Caran-r.Mary L . a square package doneupain lthon tis. scrtary:',, r. (. uIl. Young, tr M something about It."1 bert -this morning asserted that cul- Waukegan this week.. enjoyable meeting Saturday. Two mem- CieMs rothan. sue Pierta. wlomdthman 1l surer. The ommiiiitt. es are: Regiî "Exactly," replied 'Unclea Dan. "Tt lections have been slow and that he C. Id. Gorham and family ofl Waukeorbe Mrs E. Meyer and Mirs. L. Vincent Secretary.--Mrs. 'Mabel MclCullt)nd handiies proceeded to pile In the bomb. tration commineu, airs. b'... McClurei ete owkeu o ta o bas found It impossible to make the gail called on relatives hore Sunday- were initiated into the order. After the Treasurer- Mrs. L E. Youný, like objects. The trio were evidently! chairmnanl.\Iir,. Normian Birown. I)r. wkees tatwe a payments regularly. He pointed ut Dir. J. L. Redding has moved into the meeting refrements were served. Chairman of Registration - NMr,.shaoutto start their flight. Dacre had GernaGruthan. l'uhliilty and in Iwar ndest i t r Gd h lp uralsothat he Jis supportingbhlimself nand Dr.Lein oue. rs Redig ad on Mr. Thorne visited frIends on Mil- Verna McClure. torvles hr a otm oformion, Nirs. Orin l, Chittendepn, America. Everything that we have hie three children and that this takles are expected.there sonon. waukee road Suniday. Food Conservat ion -~NMrs. Laura forte If he hoped to) prevent a desperate chairmn lslsp ine idwell, or huipe tO have-our liberties, Our practically all the Monley hie derives Mrs. tGeorge lleForris entertained two Mlis. 1). Bidwell is !In Chicago ut then -kfiekd. bomb raid. A weapon ln either band, Mrs. liarry Nolain. Thef(,conservation blessings, our opportunities are ail in- fromthis busniees. neics ovr duday-present writinRg. lalct-\lrs Frcis LCil 1t ninl ooig ieoeIeole wrdii.oaut Mrs. L. NW. Wakefield, as, ov e in the great Issue before us. He made a cash settlement of backt The re will1 be a Y. M. C.A.mtignchreanhihedsrcatrechimn l L . iw, r Nothinig must stand beýtwNeenr us und allimony. howvever, amounting ( 1$ 2 the elmreh-I next Mlonday nighlt, NOV. 19, supstnnghm hrnsonbrh.vinning this war. It Is a question and was allowped to return honme. HO to) whIch the publie le urged toRR N atNSend. Whei stn Dunr retuned tounconselous-whether the peopfles rirhit tr the kal- |poie od i etomk h Wilen D., vre returned ta congelons- ~sers might shall dominate the world. poiolt obsbs umlett Raymonid Newell and wife of Kenosha, L E DT IV S ness It was tetind himself tied to i ail ýi yet eua cldonJ. R. l'orris and family Sunday. ES A BIG BTH e hrig on hrar 'h eubert divorce - cila is on Mrs Jog hn Bonn1t ler of Millburndi lELD IN BIG BONDS adWkdu hearh»wse tare fighting for the freedom of or the most unusual that lhas develop) pedgthwekwthebrtesad The WrrM* ha t he tl,][ILýI W 11y moviu,\iing inthe direction of.Lee. trlirIIyiI on ilI-.humiianity. We are fighting for the ed ln tii vicinity in a long timre sister. ·vrihteofmen t govrn1temseles i- F weks here as a "armd ne Anina Hanson ofiIbinney. Pent th, 'ros turned in t \\iInLLup John Rowland and Tony St v kn oy, Suddenly a spork of lighit showeid 1 S h n1e b tadofIbeinIIggvern e ginst theirln- or w" eubews n *:rt nd hiseu wee-ed t rsCoris'. ter on Satuirday.NvmW o. ,wow earet1ilihan ahthe ruing fii,,ire (of a quick fuse. The tend ut ue t 0 Vwilb awarmaoverlrd. l'orilous irtrality"between Dr. Neuetad h balanc of th quo1a onlacharge ,f atteniilpted burglai bm a digdwward. heeilwa hruh fog tIInton times lare ahead of us. W utb wife andatugthyveunr TweInty-five eac!l of 1ýIllaf"' nP ate-i1sai tewrdeete Lv as a brilliant explosion in midair, aHroMe, nbadIN e peue onk acrifeMoto r h aero n ttesm SAG TC anw e c f -ekn oreakL io s yteIipalered reba-ls IL r lie 1, ()IL rilel nr bite for a nerictha nyt-ay e r aequr.tedtae oor dae btwetheai

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