CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1917, p. 1

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U : jYVILJ1ENDPENDErNT Vum' , Wel WAUKEGAN WFREKY st EUR8DÂY, NOVEMEER 22, 1917. ON E TO EIGHT. 81.50 PER YEAR IN A1bY;à lutise 1Loo Former IlaIIi at ace»ruis gdFrankh Knappen to, the grand jury ln bond@ a1 $5000 on a clulrgleofaitatutary rape, titis charge bovlsg boonm ubsttutcd for that af abouctlon. Grsce Ochunscher, the 14 XM reid bride, was psacad on the wlt- muga stand, desPite thse Protasta of Attornley Miller for the défendent thst the 1mw doms not permit s wife te testif> agInst ber bubd. Ju*ijo.faruner mimd thsaï:ti" cou- vitewwlre net married 4$lan md 1hà theraiare these irl leaise s agal wife. lKMOPP.uwme unabla te fumnisi bmil and wms rmoafsid t te c.uftty lu te awal t mtion of the Doembe,' grand jury. A tait. siender girl vlio van't be 15 »0tS ast Aerl and a young sal- ]or vIe lla st 17» appeajai la Justice laina.', court today- ta face au un- usul trial. TIsey dam tht>' bave bom ligaly arrlodYet thse tate, tbrough Its reprv.setatlve hbad fOed a charge af abductloa against thse saI ]or and one of dileordérly conduct égalnat tse cild. Thse girl la race Scbumacber. a daugisferof V. B. Scisumacher. an el- cier cf Volly's churcb; tbe groom le Piaak Knappen, a Great Lakes sail- er. rearlng tbat b. mlgbt not hold ruepen on the abduct ion charge. Mr. Welch algned another complalul. cbaraing pres itIs the requeot that it bo serveil te prevent hb1 .qecape ln case the sbdluctlan charge dii fnot hli up. Attorney' MIIIA. appearing for Mr, Ituappen, fougbt the case te free tii- Young mans. -Ifri-ou von- a few yearg oldër and cie girl vas, a tev yeara aIdtr I vould not alsiect te you nsrrylag ber If 1 wcrê lier father' usaid! Mr. Welcb. 'Neltber voild l," said.tise father, thse eIder viso est éyolag ber durlng lise hearlng. A" bel rl-.ahe cried and cred- m*ho ball ber "bubo*I'"bsnd, anl tis limaiMdmim a Hi.eslech, huan cillcer, aise patte ber anidtrii te, emole ber. Bbc bai speal thsefinie uiaes ber airosI la tht oflcoer bands. Thse bay âbanom la tIse county- Ici. *1M Bot tory att-aCtive te b. au re mast nov afier aponing tvo day-eln j»11,11 suuetithse JacIie. "Dont vorry-it vil! ail caone oui là11 iglit, sad ho tu tba.afrL. 'Bbc lu lnbai abs.; aise bas ball chills ail day andi vil! bave ln go ta a bospital unlees she tmproves" eald" MI imtumelrelcb. 1Mn. Welch explained thlie even vush papa» canaient. a girl of 14 ran- ue als.rry iegaily lntIlinai.lur fore Il wae tpliin liite tat e 0id t-e nirriar et--w-- -. olî-îIl11,Mi ed ;n Chicago aq thi' Cuflil lim Eiopod on Thursd'- KîiaPipî-nelopesi With the gh' 1lt Tburqdriy frein Zion City'. The siior was asaietti in g.ît'c 11i(- bride out oo ZVon 1w berbrt ViJctor 9rhuin:îrhor, a membor of thi- barn f thle navy. ln fart the girls' brotlo-r who jlannesi the eloppmeut. Four days liefore- ihat lic himnself vas mairrled te Mas-mç- Foulmer of Clii- cago wthout ijarüntal approval. Scarcely Kflew Her Young l<naçspen ecarcely 1ew Grace Scbumacber, bavlng -met ber but once or twlce. Thee ret tintelie met lier vas two monthe ago. Victor iseiteil hlm ta visit bis folke ln Zion. A monti later Victor andi ICappen maie another vlit te a Zon. accomn- panlosi b>' ajackle uamod Rayfiuru. T'he tbree b>' accident bumped Into Mrs. Sclsuracher and ber dautghter on thein va>' ta the tabernacle. Un- eonteclonsl> Grace nOdded te Knap- pldt and the igu vas abesrved b>' ber mother. Mr.. AciumSCber arder- md hlm dut of Zon befare se called tIse police. 0Come andi Tako Me Away" IAMt veek Monday Knappeà recelv- ei s lettor tram Miss Bcbumaoiier. In vbhich elle toli hum of 111 treatment b>' ber fathior. Ho hailloaraod of -Kaaý -7W vand- mai .sangrd. REAC1ISNFR IS KNIFEAS OFI3kI3 CAUSES BIS ÂRRIST Romeo Cable Had Open- Knife ln His Pooloet Whon Arresed by OfficerSain. WARRANT 15 SWORN OUT. Caffle Anuat Foloews Swear- ing Dut of a Waantd by a Naval Station Off loi. Romeo Gable, "0 Ueneae treet, Who gave bie a"e as 26, vas places> under arres b>' tise Wsukegan police Baturia>' aflrnoon on a, vannant avama eut b>'- Louis Schialz of Pros- pect Drive. Schultz la a petomafier ai tise Naval StatIon. Cable ls cbang- ed lanfthe warrant vith ilsorieri> con- duci. 111e case haa been continueti. (abie. Il appears, accuplea a roani lu thse Sigle>' building. Schaltz fan- meni>' occupieti Sjartments lu tise same building. Accoriing ta Schultz ho luc urreil the oumit>- cf Gable vison ho retugeti ta al!ov bu tle Us&ansd fouile hi&eelgit-year-old ulece. . Thoat vas san iIme ego, ho syo but rccandiug ta hile star>' ta the po- llcv Cabie nover bisubat au appantîs- at>' ta make thrWst againat hlm visenever tise>' met. Lent Thursia>'lie vent'to the pa- lire etation anti evore oni a vannant for ie errent. On Batuntia>' liemet bum again anti sys that Cable tali hlm test If lie vauli stop Intoau ai- le>' that ho vauld pummel hlm. At tise same tume ho says Gable matie a tbrnefnng movo as If about tonsiav a gun. Schuatz vaîkesi ta Pearcelis Canner andi returneti a fev minutes later vih Policeman Patnlck Balman. Ah the oficer ateygsoti u taGable tise latter tisuMitei rigist baud into his ceaI p6cket. Thlnting tise telavw vaa &bout la irag a gua fue officer qulickb -greabis ahi mantiheld It At thse station Gale van s"eInip and an open 1cufife vas faundinluhie pocket. the girl vrate. "BIig Vctor with Moe. 1 vil expect you aWeine8ia>' ajght. Wo viii manage'sanie va>'to Mis. Peter Zegers 18 Shooke When Se Disoovers Dead Body of Hur Husband. HOI.D INQUEST SUNDAY. This Was Nssr Because Death Took Place Before a Physician Anrived. Wukegan, Nov. lý. Peter Zegers, 74, dled rather iud. denly Saturday afternonaniA 4:30 at the home of bis son. John Zegers. of M07 South Chape! street. 1)eatb oc- curred before a pbysicla.n could be caleéd and It was UOe5sary to have a cooers laquent. This vas hold at the Conrad & Wetzcl undertaklng place Sunday mnmma, the verdict of the Inquest belag that death wAS due totam tna"A hea-t trouble. Mr. Zegeru bad been tUoubled l wtl asthnia teomie Cimiebut hi& condi- tion never vas regarded as serions. For a few days preedflng bis dcsth hc bad been feeling vorse fua n uai, but on f'lday and Saturda>' he toit no muc bebtter that lie vas able to be up and even Ieft the bouse. Baturday afternoon le feit much btter. Hlm daugter Elizabeth oel.- ed to me hlm about 3 o'ciack and tbs cbsttod vitis hlm for oute tume. Mrm. Zegers, the wldov. vas alaise wlth ber busbaud viien death occurred. She bi left hlmx for a fev minute@ whlle 4he vent ta the kltchen. Ho vas attlng on tire edge of the lied when she left hlm. Wben she retura- ed lie bai talion back on the bed. To ber horror the dlàcovered be bad Passeil away wvitle selleas lu thi Lad- >olnlng main. Mr. Zegerswvas born lu iiollsnd, but came ta thse United States about 64 yeare aga. seftding lu New York. About 40 years aga lie came ta Chi- caga, moving ta Waulkegan about two yeares a. Sine thattime ho and bis vite hadt been living wlth their non John. Besides bis wldaw Mr. Zegere leaves four cblidren: John. William. Lena and Elizabeth, &Il of Wauke- gan. Ho lea-res a aiter vba resudes la Now York. PInovai Tuesday afie?- noon at 3 o'clock at the Canrad and Wetzei undertsklng roome vîthIs nter- ment ln Pine Vlew cenietor>'. William E. Golden. 5351 Wet Ad- anis street. Chicago, potltioned the Il- linois public utillitlscommission te, reduce'ralroas fare ta the Great Lmkeo 1aval Training Station, ta Il. Sheridan and ta Camp Grant at Rock- fard ta i1 cent a mile "during the Louis S U,îdicted Jontly Wbtt WN INtStand Atone Whoil %Mm' on Trial. MAY BE ST4tE WITNESS. Reported T *ekas May Tes- tify for S -ase Con- tinuit> eember. Louis flUth,aM Chacalos, charg- ed vlth *e nMMler several montha 0f a cOilUti&lUueIIt itand trial ail alone, fero tatVs trn James G. Welch onL ThtOgfay atternoon dis- muasd ui oe tflurder that esfoo agtwlt= iIGekas Who vab iadicted Joint!>' WIIIiSmth. The Sia vbicb vu usai* the sbooting aaiWr vwu the t espeof fekas and lie vms cb=cei vtb bavlug heen an Thse alUegmi der took place lu a soft drisit gft vblch Gekas thon condîcted i At»ilcorner of Tventy- moconi ànd Siat stroots, North Chi- cago. Geobas mehas moved bis place of buosiss ta Waukegan. be- tng loaed on Sootb Geneee treet. Smlfti vas hold vlttout bail and bas occupled a oeil lu the county lai! ever âine the asurder. Gekas aIea vas beld utbont bail aet Orsi but finaflY suoceuiod In getting a bond dixei In bis cae ad bas been enja>'- ing bis froua.m for sorne monthe. Thlemurder ease vas to bave fa!- loweil the Evothers case- at the pres- ont tcrm of coMi but on motion of the state's s±tormsu Thursaay the case vas cotMami to thieDecem- ber term 0of cout adie It le said t yull ho placci «à ed. thore art a âtil6r of other cases to be trIed at the proeut- term of court bj;in f t afknoval ust vhlcb One the state's attorney EI viakta bave calledl for trial. No nev cases vll lie called untîl tb. fivat part of next veois. ACTION 0UFr TR IFS 1 STaiMI4TNE NAT U RAM11TON Rush to Take Out Flrst Papers Duning Last Twto or. Thrfe Weeks IsExpWaned. The taklng out of nstUralisation va- pors ban taken an unexPected. spurt, aecardlng ta the recarda on dl?. lu the office of Circuit Clerk UT.. < fl.n.k. get out of Zion City'. TiI! thon goond- ver. 'lt seoma to me tmat nmrnonu------- ------- ucK bye. 1 love Yeu. Grâce." At 9 celock cessionsoui li e ruade te thoce wvhaova>. Fan the last fev menthe there Wetineeta> niglit Vctor ant iÇl<ap- sacrifice se muclifer tbeir country..,bas beon a keen dnapplng off lutise Pon tieltiily enteresi Zfou. Mr. Glion saisi yestendî>' ln dom- isklug eut uofinirt paPers. due in unal Hi Siter enton he ptiton.lange moasune, it ls clalmed ' ta thse Thegbala I-lis iste eremonroutis&pthten.act tiat allons feanedti e>'-.nlilie iTe bioycrep u hi t eGar orshddratted Inmb the national ar>' if tht-y l itt cIe r d ro isiMTEC E loo4 0k Out the lreliminar>' papers iu ad ta oR, Ois i riD blJ~Iieromf etizeus, sud tri eveht. ka ar orWakiPlnYe large- nîrîti tir Ot allens whul 'her ic tor, k asar rieWak gun AND R TII1 JIiU K.RS i ,s.s men eu t titir irt papers viii dIs-r Vefr, h nvallhs qriei lthe la.I iv.oori- nte veeka bovy-ý a> h-fr. l d ino. ll.-sbis ite A RE MADE NO N -- bring s thetoal humiler about 5~ ~ ~~I funsis ne.I as tae hem- AEl,1I fOli? iliat <mrva s WBtaken. ______In h utîitio!Nî.Bnck, i<naPrien Thursda>' procured a n l fuiri Four Ir Bocwa gi-9 lie-nis- att\Vaukegart andsi ventourPanels of Petit-Jurors Are lierPe r- Iscu lrinshIPacauses whic'11 te Chictago, accumpaniesi uv Gi-uc-e CaIled, Showing BUSY TermnI egan 'in uot ctlensblp pa ansi Vtor ansi bis vite. They vont I niiae.ln lu îlp e neence ut Rev. Luols Kahl-____ Onsut bereasin. ccodlndt man. (lennan Evaugelîcai Friensseofte ANT)s.acodng chu-1i520 Jutit- tret asi rtn ON DUDEK IS A JUROR. the- circuit cierk. i» tise fear that thel marleti. government nia>' decîde tg> enfance the Phones ta Fathen Namne of North Chicago Man law visîdl sows rosI estafe,'a lie lake ontmalloes havsr. elti il Satuntia> Kuappen met hie bride at HeId in Naval Station Food ton six yeans or mare vîtisaut bho tee homeofe a marrie brother of hors. Graft Appears on List.. coming cilizens;.. . He telepisauei te Zicu tabernacle, onu But the chiot neason, lie belleves, la Michigan &Vénus, vwhere lie kuew el-_TIhe liet of grand Jurons for tis-e >thetee tps tisat bave been takou b>' don Scisumachea- va., ttotlhilie vas giug ho "c31! a-nd expialu Ithe situation!,' Alter a hlaI boum the lanitor ap- poaei vitis thee ussor. The>' bath rshel tise 3yung Jacie aid tilei ta [lMpnlson hlm lu an anfe-raom, ac- cordiug ta Kuappon. Tise salar let Ry i>' yîb Is iglit sud a blev ou tise elilu drappod the pastar. Tise lantr aise veut to tise 100v. Detectitos vera r-sssed lu an auto- mobile ho tIse tabernacand arvestesi awsy,"l I cember terni of court, togetuer vta lis o f tour paels et petit, lunra visa are te came ln durlag tise ionti of December antiJann-ary veemaie publie tada>' vben tee namee vere suppliedti th ie siserif vwite insInue- tioàs ta aulipoena tee mon calcid. Tise tact four panols of petit jurors have boom caile I ndildae, test tise December terni of court ovîdent- 1>' vil! bc r-tien long drava out. An effort yull be matie ta dlean np ian>' case. on tise docket.' Tt ls ratlser Intereshlus ta note tit theemre ot Antan Dudek ap- pears on thee IraI pane! of polit - f< -= Ob..a& tl. d loft tsanieoattise larger minu ufacturlng establishments In tels VI- cinit>'. Tise American Stee1 ant i Wre Clompany', Thle- Natianal Envelape Ca. tise Nortli Chcago Hardware Cam- pan>' antisnime of tise oteer concerns hoeaboatu have poatod noticea ln thoîr plants tisaI noafaleus vililibe allowed ta vont thons. Tud anas.i eti a mcurrylng on tee part of man>' ,&liens ta take ont fral papers sa that lise>'can bhldtieir positOnhl. Beore tises. stops ver; tsae thore vsna man>' allouans hoatammed fthe circuit enk test tise reaaon the> did mot isearnee cisens ai.tisis Umre vas b6oesee teferedthte.draft NESBITT EXPLAINS M AllER. CARS CAIDdcto - i A I Ihiîreb Latest Chicago Incident Brings Out, for Fist lime, Facts of RecentMeeting. Waukegaa, Nov. 17. Foloewing tep th%,&articl n Friday's Sun p.rlsinlng t he claattCisîJcago baby.eplstc cse, Or. R. T. Ndebit of Woukofmn, on roquenttoft Vie 4tus, adient. thie very ilcremtlng MIe.- lievinq pain, of dmlitertng dasth tbe useless end bepelcs prsons. The doctor didn't mncn It te be son- national, ln tact haeavory md eat* on aucb lhlng-em thteatact ia thât bis etsttcenlm explâlning the meting in Chicffl tllu for thb. OrsI lime the. action of thse Convention ln question.1 -Mditer. ENtllHANAIA-An easy aud hapt- py deatb: an easy- trauqaul deatb; a desth af an oazand sai lleaskinsi. PetVlent to tise Dr. Halseiden con- travers>', the Amerlcan Associati on cf Progressive Physiciens, at their an- nual convention aLthe Conegre«s Ho- tel, Cbliego, last Soptember, with a large attendauce of physicians fromn 34 statea, Passeti a recalution by a largo malanity for stops ta be ta'<eu requesting states aud tee national govormnint ta pans lawe permitting -ln posltf vol> Incurable andti dstreme- tnly. polafuL casecs-.-n easy ne çainlesesva>' cf iettiug tise patient dbe, vien oc deeireil b>'thse patient sud noarest relatives or guardian; after a due pracese of la-y, viti every safeguard, including a commision of competent physiclana and luise or luIses of tbe court. At firat teouglit Ibis ceeme sock- Ing and uucanuy, 50 sacred do e o f civilised nsations relard lite. But those who have given tee subject un- prejudicei, cairn delîberate stndy ta ail le bemiinga for man>' years, are thse beat luige af this question; anti many, bath physiclans sud otisers, bave corme ta tee conclusion that It ls best, that omne mens sisauld b. pro- vidai ta reileve the unfortunate vie- tim, of anu uniovaprolongei perloil 0f heilisis sufferin. viien thse patient le bourly darnandlug IL. E-rer>' pis>- sîclan and familles vWsa bave an>' aym patby and tendemneas at ail are r.- Ilie-roi hen sortie aufferlng anti belp- lees persan bas passet ava>'. Dr Arbuthnot, s great French pli>- slilan, vnlting to tise poet Pape lu 173E. eald, "A recorer>' lu my case at ta.y age te Impossible; thé kindest wieli ot my triends la euthanas9y." ¶ Dane 1, propliane. su irreligious hi-, Ta grieve her sott eutiianasy.." t have k nowen aaile-t o lie -un. conorlous and hîiiio for t wo yeans, ni erely ve aitatin - i id to ho ed lii-, a pliant: jtieut I tîowiiiit m.feeliii not thing ; id over) hîîîotioîî iueuiiiu to. iged, a h-at y iurden iand t i bn t I w a s t 1 . e t i > e : < l l y i i i i : t i d e n . of titi-ret of tie famlnly! AI ,o ai idiotiec ciid, killiig tii- otler tiiroiigh ber dot ýin andi rare. Tiie-sitapeto 1opînloils of matisiin sentimn-tal people sliauld have no weiglit in these cases. Ait these liv- inîg examples are modela for aucient mothert; andi psychoiogicai causes for the production af more sucli. A eau. ecieutillo euigenieincitides euthanasia-nafouI>'l for alinormal beatis; vater drowned (bydroceplial- Oua) - idiots, and tise utterl>' bapelass- 1>' feeble-mlnded, aud other states of ehl ages. H-umanIt>' muet be protect- eti; the>' are fataMdogenoratlug. I do not preteudt ta NOW tic state or condItion et the soul before lirtb vr after set-I ma>'ha-r. Idean-. but vbatever it tIs-etter oblîvian or progressive otoral LI'E: lu eltbes cam rse-*ood cal% came, but on!>' barn tram belng Iplcis under oucir onitions, la thls wcrtai cSil. ,aQGD or nature If left Lone Would abortly end tbelr morts! existenc.. SIiNALiIMIITA I of Boastfu hb ta Take Place ocember 4 KI3NYMOTRRABuILT ON SITE 0F RUIS hhids Do biot '0atTuesia>, Be-u Waukeg kEr" e o iae 4b"aest apoufor them ilm- lie on ofcaur nsv chai-c. Va mIefl oge BufJunotion. taosce avsry Mami of StLavasomoe FOUR ARE SLIGHTLY HURT. 1Gorpo" ta IJMeuIo etou b. Prb- Motoman !Istook Sina for 7:'0 a. - Work Trainfor On.iTe'Una Bos la tlt.epariaIs buma. Beceabs Him He Had#T"ero. 5 &" . - S~pwaclsiSiesof TbamkadIwig, Pal' Confusion lansigwaisof a brakoan dei cvcmiag. Deceyer 7. on the NohSU Shore aUd eloctric rail- Wc am, boping te bave both cf go rosi Thurada>' ovealng about 6 vas - bigbopg vils us on Ibim bogpy moruli; tee cause ofaa colision neer theeLak. m&4vii Me a'y vlstiuea . u.W Bluff junction vhlch misht bave beca The proga at M-30 viiibc mou ver>' bibut vhlch terminateti rate- vhaî aM boflovs: er fortunatel>'. In ail of the cre Praesaouna fymn 4931. andi the pasengens but four persans PeaI. 122. vore Wnuret andi noua of these it Tb@hentenice af Dedietloa-Bishop ail senlausi>'. Anicreon. Maotorman Lawrence itrauz vas iu Thse Litma uproeaslan. chairgeofetthe .outhbaund Waukegau Ledicabor>' prayers. xpi ebsttrain vbich bosi but a bey fTbskqdviug. poeengero lu 11. Couductar Samaue l ymn484. S. Sbavcroft ba a vrk trainthbat Thse Eolj Suchartat, Agubbsr Voe vas ou tise svltcb at Lakie Bluff mmc- servie. tian. The cauductar sent a brake- Récaatooual ymu 407. lUn back vif h a fuse. ta *top tise Tbise aiprogran viii b. mnu&mme dénthbounti exproeslu orior ta per- Dit monte. lu tbc mmadmu man W mit hi fagot bis vork train oe thte a point t keop thse dey opac s u Libertyville fine, asii off tiese mote- pou vilii astu lctber *aheesel>'e bounti Commounon Bar the )IsSu suIv t The neutebonna express atoppes InluDodicafus.. Invite y-aurhrie JQà- otetilence ta the signai anti jutaIy-ou et 10:80. Ton MU 10810 " tbat tiose Couductor Shavcroft aig- tisat the ise'vl e>' the mri.. ualled bis vont train ta baek inta tise Àui affoY OF 55. LàwxmR500 UÀbertyvilie line aud tMue malte dean If va& la lthelau 011or Mesa" Ul.k tise southisouni f rsck. Toîl, thon arcidSiaco, maie eapsM bsv It happeaed that alilmîteul train ar>' suris>'of lbe village, »a m stiIa, vas stappiiig at tlcat tiso on the- regular Sniay eallscmoa vivu fIl- nortbbauad track ut the JInation andi Ma>' 1910 IaPPlieOiMOS WU IMM $1- tee giare af tee headlIght caused i Blabp Andersoauatao" vma44& Kraaz to jet ocuae inlatee signail1>' orgaiad uSr It6 elao teat tise condusclor bai sien to bis Lavwreac, oaa>thesevO. vork train. Thun thialkinq test teeh ae.li006uxàIt$., i. soufibauni track bai beau cloareti J ohn COUCOU Md lWillI.. *Ob"&ê à Ki-ans tartei 'Ide train and t erau AftIbis tino a& oasemmàua vm into tise standing vork train vblch vite tb. trustas.oi M»lb. L.$* et fiat time bi ot beau eble ta jet Uîion obureI h wbeby 1à»e OU àto osto thee Ubertyvile t-soIs. an rema>.Tb" ot unt 8Wup Tise tva cars vers aligisti>'daniag- ota l ect xPooput>'la »111 *90 ed andti our porions ver. ailgitl>' haoIs, v-ils IvO loto, esatrle" 's &m Wnured. es folove: vwu purchaaui asi pOo a Oê»soW D. E. Ambrose of Wilnictte. bbtdlsg vos remoilel M_ outil i t C. S. Gartniol anof LUberty- iolia uS>& v- WU aPpOlSID villa. lise pupe». Pblp Bensinger, fdegman ofrli- ThO greuolcalamit>' vbieb vste «Me ertyville. orf lt OksI. LavIe*ao5 - OS *1v Lavrence Kieuz, motiarman. evening af Januaàr>'5. 1917, vbm a * Tise InJureti persans vert- altil t- catira bchisprOPerl', vls fisc mxcsp ou to McAlister baspital, Waukegan, tiou of a fmv ada anti mais vw» eIpO and tiseopaseugers vent on 'their eut b>' ira. Thue lte patnsteblng iaar Journe>' taking another soutisbouisd of oeverai jears vas avapî ave>' alo0" car. Amhroee and Bensin5er vore orle caresi ton by Dn. Knlgist sud ieft tih"- t vas chana, teistîr ut St. Lavroauc'm opitai sbortl> altter thein arniva!, aous s'od dangliters that tise> sinipl>' mot. The- other men vere kept at the- bas- tui woik iuuclharder hecesueofaI itU piai alilniglit but vere relegesithi.,raielituutti sd ne a consequcisob U*p* noiunîng. ibeirir lurt"sbeing of que,, wvii hadediition ou tise 5t oiDecMbj a character Ibat tht-y vers- hst cuti- 1- ,eauelîs oev Musoiîtbs mn**lt eitiered serious. date oft the lire. oua of tise tneoa besite Tht- accidentwvsa one <if llu-hiinîlhuldinga lu Litrtville, creeola I5 which, conte as a reanît oet iista'tt-s cet ofmît ,0 wbicis are hialle ta bappên te an>'-- bai>' anti no blasie la attacse-d lu an>' IWO? lied>' for the accident as bath tise U « NIIl UTÂTE canductar snd the motorman are moîr ut expenleuce on theermai, mou vho bave mo-rer bai an>'-trouble of an>' sort aince beiug Wr the companys empla>'. C. F. Sa-rage, 18, sounaetL. E.. Sev- age, broker, of 1727 Orrington ave- nne, EIvanstan, vas clsisti>' Is4rpti Buai' u fe ToremI visen theeau- to drivon b>' bis fatiser clliieti îtis s machine avueti b>'Arthsur Me.ker, Anmour & coepany's geummal mana- ger. Tise Ieeton car va.upot, but aone>of the occufante, frlende f tise chauffeur, vaq liitii-td. Jackles leaving Great Loises stations toa>' for tise veet eui le-ves bai cou- aollmg vonda for tise tellow loft lie- hlind--Willard Imite of HibIsins, Mi- mesota. WIlard. s strappia g lbqy>' ho [ o Id tise recrultiag serice ilees-,Vr broke ouItesht ho vas 19, e -ai to-IbOn"citsu» - w5<L ASK WIDER, TO SlII3LD hIlinois Federation Petitim-! President for More-PM. tien for Sheridan Troopi Extension of the Protection eu* aro-s4 WQrt Siseri&n &fou ls t 16 miles vas urgea> b>'1lb leioretl-of WommeW alO d.7 t. Clilcao. il mii.00eo saions bteioet"a Y W »éW vhicb vere adoptOil 51t tie- imai session en« fîoaanA

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