CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1917, p. 4

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LWY~ 1~17. tyville Independent ~ b4~dflt - W~h q.. W..h*y Ssii rnoe~ ~ M~ Halbi POORjuDoiff AT MUs &M mreato ritiimelocgpaprs fr te ,»M ibW the mae bt thy iom ritii» he mortWho êm o hae a mplte f ý rp 0 algugm And so ent a p tle crlie oal paers or 110 tim k.vuoneey mm wii. bu theseomb oliclex-ii.t jboM T vl e eem10 bae agompetafe. elUit a lb. ~pIsothlb explosion would bave been very much et a. soccess In otber vwords, Chicago papers pi<tur la. dqUa i oy te mae a bomb and hov 10 maire one vith- *e baving it provo flmucestul. Nov 1118 rnay be geod moaMaer ork~, 10print detalis of Ibis sortý but le The »MWly3w itappem » aif it in onOe fie cases viiere lhet »vnupmeshave gene out of lhir vay 10 piclure and ex- pI ou lma erratic public; they bave explained to would- hbo mib tro vç ,th y b veq1 a a c isa ad t.~ ~ ~~~wr dos ortiuroeo eual gm tbrong Vi.e o 0r. il look 0us as if parer !av themirIdvei *ffl t. Ils amst severe criticism on the part of thie thinir- bic and o011 e part of lhe off Iclals of li& govern- If it ermomue local paper wviiolpursued Ibis sort of e7 uiid .xphais.detalhs oft04Ibis iiracerilould be qm tom meutolen«rnUcl.u. W. eeuo diR on- h wlI re~ueneete b Oicwagop«pnW. believe meIla ma*plvM errer, evone rne v hlc ould reqire -o dobuve a evere rsprftmmnd on the paut of government It Il oks as if Ibis food contrel movunekbItd ake cou»- l stbe of a characei:vich wyul net be posmible of eeiuby mrbants vile May dedire 10 clrcumvént the awoenumt.At trot 11. idea et cotrolng prim sfor teest*atrkeslb ~ergegrocen as»L=g 1pouuible et xsmtic-but il a in eg proved- li s fult n'the .a~-lYol Sm MianId oIgteprevent Ibe pnb- M"' ' 1.14up b> imMUat&f -hoi. gp»*au Jevu e Ib"scountry 5and abroad are taklng *0 k ifflVarrugoouuw oeIbih'*iI J~éu.u l enor t prsrv.tué'dse Mu Mard.ubol liI cy., àAOmodIug tlea Wwdbgau JO**0 4os.$uimt cithélVii vmlh es Wiabout Ierculem. 64Dmuels nov bas a lai ger E.d Crom muboemhip lia. MW Mtae.inuthéiuion. Ou thesbuis e ofpfflalionrIhi" *te bua- deul. thlled Cross membermblp e o To çi.«r OÎ"Iu"f lb. entire memb«of e b.A* el6 e ~-*ous lla nrofl.dlu Minois, vhicil bz passed -the. 000,0 a.&lr' TJISieuncement, vbich wviii llU evéry Mi. oe itizen viti pride In bis home state, in made byWD. Tbunber, directen of the Mlinois memiieruip campalgn for -*l. edCross. >Itl oks as if the saiors from Great Lakes btter just keep away from Kenosha aid Kenosha booze, because are constantly gettlng imb trouble tbere-and whal 'they gel out of it? Capt. Moffet'a order thaI Ihey be uelt alloved bo go to the city whene booze flows freely *eould bring about a decided change in Kenosha where 50, .any of the. lads have been imposed upon because they woçie uniforni, il 18 said. The *way to beat Kenosha to it la t.1 stay away. The. goverumen t reports that food prices aa a whole advanced 47 per cent over the year before the war. aprethbd but flot se senlous as it migit be, con- thetact tiat ages and profits in mont cases ave au .1 b. Ziol cit7 memon the -*4'ipt y" ,vunilch mn be, Enotii- PLANT AT W"S bos Tsr"ayevulg bt OPIOWa yc. lmsa.n mise Libertyvilie Grammar School Noveuber 14, 1917 JUIr lot, 1917. Balance on band ..................... Educational Fund........................ 42,99934 Bulldlng Fund ..... ,. .................... 2,760.41 July lit, 1917. Balance EducailoualI'ud ........... Ruceiple Delînquent 'Fax ..................... 8 ....... 1,970.47 Tultion ...................................... 787.77 Beturued check itou Panleen.............. 4.20 Sale ai Booke................................ 247.00 Total recepts,....*... ................... $8,00944 Joiy lut, 1917. 55,75965 *2,999.84 3,009." 1 86,008.78 Eupndiures Teacher' .sa.aries.. ................ 81.26404 .lsultor'e ealary.and eupplies. aiea teaeb. esnpplle............................ 1080M7 Total expeuditurse .... .. 5...8...72.......... Balance RipaNgouai Fend ............ BaliceBuildion en .....l............ 270 leepte: Deluquent Tsi.....,...............,813.64 1,818.6 ........ Pastr. isIl bc ne Iore TW Llgbt by 1 . .... ..... .... . t.. VIPU.AO 0F rL SEOMOVlLL la tb o'vhmshal ob&W $"»ulgz joy ,1917. *rubs.eCoaline, DAvie< Goub40à,~r1. soai., Wright. Niantes of the rigoler mesteoilc4, 1, metre.d. Moredl b WgS ueoued byr Hart that minute. b. apsircvi4 as rsad. Aye.-Colluu, Dali, Golding, sert, 8mai., Wright, capluld.. Trmasrer's report for Olober 1917 vue audlted, found corectl.. Moved bY Davle.econdiiCollnsthat tr«mrer's report for Octobur b-*aeptai sMd plaeed on nie. Aie@--Colilne, DaIvie, doMiit, Hart Suai.,*Wrlgbt, carred. 'b. clerbluweporb of recepte for Oct wm red sud ordeved plsked on file. Naovel by Colline seonded by Suais thst the elerk draw warrat, for E. J. lirowu. Ir.,*and Frank Petge. lot Oreman eary up to the rime tliey meré drafted. Aves-Collin, Davis, lGolding, R&ar uis, Wrlgbt1arried. Thbe tollomig bille were read: À aumb.iet 140» omkq am bavelb. pulie bàIlcI. .1 4ynUal'af@n uBtW <~ Ir" mïmoy ili b. ai The oompany, fonmrli lon a Cch!- uu ao 0. a. mgol, bavlnt sesu" e 'MW Solarge Uou peJ st i l s.a. m Tb$, Ment *ontrasleta&ais nomefsyto à e *Wy péa tb. ..o.a srmon oa, mmS larger mmehma Wg s wmmdbu. * 1 tflebUm"" 1 9 etil purimeel large fotory bnU b1 mmeêvot mue et 6 a :40, agi lu th& Norti Ohisagoditekt, Ti, ieg service 'miii b. ltalb ehere ItlesDowm Olng Ils moche, nature or a ervice ofassid muss Wblle lb. Zin.Ho coupauY bas flot de. fuculghed- by a ulzed qurtetteIMMo uended on goverument coaItsct. for OIlVet1*lus, Chicaga. Thie la o»s of nanutrtaglngt a profit, it may b. aur " " »Ittlna churcbehocated la eadll underetood tb. poWeblllty for wbatiprulerlywaeknomliae"llbtIe hell' profits for Ibis comparai th thoeebig at lBortb el fthe lty. Tbe peopla cntiraste eured ln addition ta liesceg. pe<pb of Ibs burcb are doIul a h«e l ua, buttase ltb tb. Plant Imocklng Ivork amng poor foreigulere mkbt ulght aud dey thora Cbristian Amorican. Tbe progfram Tb..e big Industries 11k. the Zln.Bo lu dktall will ha found elsewber. coupauy employlng hundredsof<'people, Où Tue.dey eveuîng the C. S. eoct7 ocated lu our cauut.y are of great bons. wI li bold su aId faloned pound party fi ta thlecomnunlty and sbould have for the bénefit of Olivet Instituts. Tb.4Y the support of the people lu ibis ricin. soliclt lb. co.operation of sil uemberc __________ and frieude of tb. cburch. i There wli b. no mld-week prayer eh i eh eeting but a Union Tbauksglvlu DaU oz&r4(C6y$servicewlig bld at 10:80 a. nM. on St. ..arene Epecoal. Tbanksglving daY. OPe-lalmuaé WlIU Rev. E. B.wbîîe icoa. b. provlded sud the. pastor wmli pPOeb a Bevey9.S.miit e, n.brg Tbsukeglvleg sermon.ur (Christian until furtber ntie. ula lg alEndeavoree miiuuite wltbthe Epwoth Holy Communion except firet Suu.iay L.K.. ,7lut-howgunrise Pralse servie at lu mouth 7,80 a. ln. . 7ta àa. M. HolyComunin, verySuuay i:0 We melcome aIl Who have DOoather aol Comnon. rySny1;0local <?burc bhonne to,,warobfp wltb ue. Cburch Sehool 9:45 a. me. C otus tr Methodlst-Episcaoal. Program, for the servîceof Sacred muaie Neit Suuday services mili be held as ait the Preebyterlan churcb at 7:30 follome: Sunday sobool i 10 o'clock. o'clock; At 11 o'elock tbere wli b. Thanksgvýug Voluutary ...........................Selected service and 2ev. T. B. Ream wlll preaeh Jean O. Itydotroui,.director of musie, on the subject; t"Wby sud for What Olivet Institute.Cblcago. ThankfultibisYear?" lInthesai7:80 Dr Hymu .......Cn...r.....a...o.. à1I R<~...l"atneeadulo Invocation .....................?...\.P&MSr ul u.Le, % ül preaulà the sermon on th* Beep3aiveRea*Dg of Scrlpturs.leeea subjeet: "Tihe War sud Chrbitlauhty and I 1'Bark, Hark Ndy ioil ............ Shlley the Plac of Palestine lu the War." Dr. [QuartettetfImm Olivet Institut. bael s beudacraueolrsdOferuary........................... Seimed a forcelul speaker and wili give, unsoaiJeseu tevens, violin sololet aud Jean O. UMeesugethat wvu s crrywitbu. 1Rydstrom. «'A Tbankeglvlug Upworth Longu L'h. Wock of Olivet lInstitute Among, ..o..s.....t...e............ -.....0.0 Remodllon Msd dsoratlng .............. .98b.78 . 51,999.78 199 Elanclin Bilding Fend .... ....... "t t --Theslis aother 1>111 ai$578-5.0 for plumblng job ta b. leduci HOME ~T HE equipment of your dining roomn is a subject titat 'should occupy a great deal of -attention, and it proh- ably does. It is flot complète, however, unless you have inspected what we have on hand to show ypu. Side- bourds, chairs, cining and serving tables in natural and stained wo&ls. Eyerything in facita give artisic and hornelike effects. PRICES TuAI PLEAS! TREPTOW &MAQ i C0blln Davle, Ooldlng, Han. Suae, Mooved bY OoldlPu mouded, hi Davis that V<sfsl988 n tm for mIJitie b. -al.~ .s4 arinSdme. Ayee- DevisGoldng, amdSne. L ýh" MV~8u tOO"" br Voila ,te m Tad.NOV. l* ais . Tb» dlreetor* of «we iWbnrn MMWa R tvas WIsy bave teIoM msae- bOuffle 'E~8?41 et -ouedoflêr oat'dmIse"drO& fol a- JS.MNUAN, @See TFlli. UU1L. BL Nov. LSI'l, A" Thee WÎOISeaun Impotant Meefing of the. Memnboe. Of the LAKE COfIIN i 1k Rn CW' ASOCITION LAKE COI]NY FAÀ IRMERENT ASSOCIATION at the TOWN HALL, -L1BERTY VILLE on the. evenlng of AT &15 OYCLOCK HARRY A. WHEELER STATE FOt)D ADMINLSTRATOR Wili Be Presont and WilI Address the Meeting on the AUL M4AIKET AND) F009 SITUATIONS' Every Dairyman in Lake County Sliould Be Pres ent 1IARRY E. FLOOD) PrueM eatLasCu.ay Am1 Plroumcrs Assockaton ýj 'fi. C. fiRIDLEY leke Fe" Aduhatvatoe LiIIEETyvmL, ILL , Sept. 19, 1917. Mr. John Hodge, District Manager, Michigan Mutuul Lite Insurance Co., .Area, Ill. Dear Sir:- 1 wluh to. thank you for the' prompt manner in whlch you settled lhe Pollcy held lu your Company by my late husband, Erneist Hapke, who died Septem- ber 7, 1919. I also want to Bay that my dealing with the Com- pany has been entirely gatisfactory. From my exper- leuce, anyone contemplatiiig taking out insurance would not make any mistake ini going into t'ie Old Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company of D)etroit, Michigan. Yours truly, MAYME BERTIIA HAAKE, Bent.ficiary. John Hodîge, District Manager - The. Old Michigan Mutuel Lif e Insurance Co. AREA ILLINOIS OffiePhono 162-R Repldence Phono 296-M.1 's.. g W. E. 'WATKINS' Laie Couaty Fam Adrisur YOUR FURNITURE MIAKES Y( -f Po wer boums... ................ 26 15 Publie Service C., llgbt ...... ..... 50 J'tredepatout ........ .. ..15 5o W. L. Altrdg, euttlng miedos.... 12 50 P. W. Ilo<>r t<are of park.......75(0 John Lecter, gpeeial police ....70 (0 làbertyvllle Imd., prinu lgue.. 9 75 1). Llmberry, esry .............. 70()(0 AI: Kllcbuo elry ............. 70 00 J. A. Trsptow. .alar'...........5000O J7AÀ. Treptow, etempe............ 600 il. W.Smith, work on »ptic tank 1400 H. W. Smth, pomplng station ... 10(0 Gio. Trlgg, Bet m rk .....6500 W. D. 8tuder, etb. grade@ ....15 00 P. W. MOo, uttiug Lurdocke ... 5 00 Ir . I»Lveli, chocmal ............ 1 77 Publie Servie. eletrie supplie .. i 48 Art Krneinan, mcraplg cods ... (0 8. P. Evtleluor, wtitn »d Émn. terlal ou mbleto................ 3840 Llbortyvlll garage, g. ail sud lire caIL ............................ 115 PublfrevSc.o.,etffllghtlug 127 76 Standard Oi1 Co., gasollue .8.. 16 W. P. Fransen, .o.l............120 91 W. F. franuen, semer pipe..... 860 Libertyvllle Lune. Co., sldemalk plma .......k...................... 15 84 k-~ H. Birowun, Jr., fireman ealary 3(0 Frank Petge., fireman salary ... 18(0 0040. 8. Bicke, vilflge e in l cae C.N. 8. &M.R. B........2500 Moved by Wrlgbt seconded by (bulalug thai bille be allowed sud marrants be drawu on their respective tends. iAee- ................... 1 ............... Pl P p P Ji L j r J

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