CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1917, p. 8

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a TXfWWPVU.R N1)P~NlFIP.THRSUD4YV- NOVE»M R29, 1917. rieul'at tiei.- bofnithe rêverpud iri m .i» H Sund.rlie. Fol tlivwinsgthîeuiretmaneY SN - ent dirscily tot he bos oathegrooms I la ria-shbave attnsi-ted s-eter Inter- lente iu muit aud ail unmes o! eotertain- Bl rclyaIRcie p011tîîy i-t have inede ber a soeil afvîîr.:tv oiea esno an iS br is orens, IP. t Sins m itau pupe.Regret@sat loabsin PIce bersn fTanr bi pr e uMr r4an d îMr.Wi. aebado il sIda., yet élis muet fol- Followed Instructions and Utopan Pdé$r@o, ueIlrY. i'hudé low her buebande hat letenestéansd *"mg. Pdespeut uado1yrat i Ed Bletniitit blinai isI maka lier homts at ili- Secured Resuts. tobcag, @eutsudayNylh L BI Mmond, lit the eau-lb part ai Mf'lrr Mude mii .-n cnaî<op~atn-,outl. The muet sncere gond w.ur ALL A MISIJNDERSTANDING. »& p&ty le honsn iii Ray îWelié ami c ai att..d the happy couple. -- Seturdap siglit. Theylid a very - Excitemefit Reigned for a Time Pleuh o Cîag, pefSudaVANHOE and Then an Explanation of bi l@ter, tins. Wm. lu-oijieY. Misé Editis Wltz vlieted. ber friand, Afi a ae 0is . Jouas 1té. etetainisig a rlcid, Miss[ilan Murray, lin Chiago, a few Waukegae. Nov. 26. lire Churcis oi Barrnlgto. tiis weaI. daeslest wack. "Goflnd GardiaI" Mno. C. (i. Butait and tneugliter Matbel Iyrm. Louls Handy aed Miss Marv Thit vas thte terse ordet' whicli apeut gaturday lu Chlelago sbapiîîug p" iettewe leik 1 lii«lasPreere Brooks of the S1ticdon. Hai,, i-eut.' neîhM the martyrad presiient, William Mc- acisool épetthe wveek-cud et 1,r lorne Ril.. [ri.l-tny, gave tu an army ileuteantt te~Fý, Ciiag.Fi iablie and sou. Hou-ca, cerai ,tthet' aek aet(lieSpanlash-Arn- in i. i h aci <,-, iiîîvistors Satuu-day. Dea Wels A hwao. a-a rkl'ýt86 mi- (Olive-Nesonand ujMiss -Berthia ericai wiir. GCela vie te Caban the omeof itgra.dii-t ,-r ý!I'f ltûL'generet and il vas lmiratIVe tat tis bonaaI t-igri.itiiii--c Sîs ir ueKîLer att.-nied a teacciers' mtittiltg tii. United States geL toto communi- Bunday. lteFrasic.atiluWeukegae Satuu-day. 1lltd . catio with hlm immedleaty. The oy cars u-iua .îîthë . iiSîdait M. ad .- )S oli iitdMsilieutenant .,.sked na further Instrue- ofliersTranin ('ttni, strtli , i-uer. ti ls i ts i'ia tic.hltChii-. witL ielépcrant. The L.adies* Xid wifl icci 'vîtt Ic T.Rucl, We desay. liep-,tbII. Mr. anti Mr,;. EdI Rodier ced Allient Roder attendeîi erTiies eat ti- Long Grova cisurcl Suted4Y. Mn. anti Mu-. A. N lcbaiey il' Longz Orova. épaut Saturday witb the latte-né &luter, Mu-s T. Roderaif Ibis Cpace. Mr An ua Lamlinap 1.-t Weduesdny tii aped a week with lir daugbteu-. Ms., Joiseensof Chcago. Mm . aru-y >'muer and tirs. Myruon Walle upet Tiiuuday and Friday oi lest wes at Palatine. Auong tsetwelve girls@(bu-t ver.- laid off st tise Foulds' macaroni fectary Tbameaday, vas Mise Josephine Amanu. vbo etayed aet ha R. C. Meyer home. Ulm Joupphlnhue n eturued ta lieu-home la premeent Centra. Mr. MsTagpai, vio le téacher st Ilessiei epeilS*iurdu.v ani uaday AmS.bsn o! îoaagpeeple re. boia atbesIslbo ba"soal iglvm s ethue -OMM somme t iti.vaislratulv MW mm mm" ss muuega o!m»s. -~U*uii tea hurkrlehhou. L~amrnadai ref HAma teaIsi beyvanprumsl aiujoyei a good MW sM& ebe Sllr, visele wetlag lu CUMMesge fspeg atus-da3r ad Banda vImbr péomet. Rer @Istar. Ms-. o. Wa.uavg of Prairie View, vas aima bolme. cago. Sturdey an S8anîly. Tii suppir andl tance gveu by thc yauulg peole ai St. MIeuy's caiigregatioii iu te Woodutan hall «n Wedneàda>v eveuing <of iaot week vas eatidetiby n aury large craDdp'nrrssi ,ta bc a iuost enIoseitIe aflolu. It la reporteti thst tite pu-oL~eedo utted $1847.t0, ait<of whlt go.'. to tii.- upport ofi Frenotn Center paruchîi school. Misa Elizabeth Kuebker waa a Chicago visitor Satunday. Misses Emma ttadke ani Emma flu-albe are vtsiting fur a fevv days et the borne of C. W. Meyer ie Are&. The revernd Mu-. Stoc-k, chaptain of a Chicago semliay, preacbad heu-e Sundey and bis discouro.- ai highly appre- ciated. lieis expeebed agate onSuuday, Decmeren9. Mr. and Mrs. lRay Wellse ntertaiasd thliV of themr frisais at a card party Saturdas evreil . -4â bu,& good lime and also enioyei tihe oyeter'supper tuat was nsrved. Clark ODea viaiisd aturday le Chfi- cago. T@ladieof ýbe Veruon Osrnt.r as- sociallo have an aumlet of arls eaMisl for Chrlelmea llle for sale as lise oumof Mus. John iMLaghi Bel' DaF. maN vuIOWAS IN BRTIIIU~"NION MseoaGertrude Rireaed Katheriae ev. Epke van de Vaal, Wan-n rmierwpet BaInsday and Sesday et1d sb tom of %W iarmsr's parnt@.sdere- Without a Country, . PMai Sbumakr of Camp Grant, vioited Makes Way Westward. g hi aslatlve. brallatutd en d Bedai. ___ Emmt radig owlaRéstaRELEASED TO AMERICA.0 T««a, write (bat h h ha aeoic. hoSedcieven on a cannon. Waukagan hati an. Intareeting vi i' Ut. Raines,. vho bu. beau viditlîsu eri heprsnofRv ai Vn tise Hlcison home, lias eturneai rrin(ape-o i a.Ep a ChIsago.tir. Halueuls Mrs. BetblnaesdeVasi. vo isatas b.'came from. fater. Victoria, Southt Atrica. When hé M. ed lins. C. Weme(zar sud Mn. sud came ta Waukagan flirday nigbi, t( li Mira. F. Busebiug vers Chicago vistons minster vent ta t.' boume et Rev. lionday. 1Bueaugar af tise Germin Evangeli calt RWHOJL No'F$cbunch and aakei hlm ta tak is'hm fonr Thons v.'. no âshoal Tbureday non th isauht. M. Buargan tIifit iavt Pridy I belg or Tiankulyig v rs- aaimsalie sent bim, tu tae Y vhere Fondyi hlgarTîaisligrt-ie epent the figiL H.' latearly la he rImry out th fulowng his mounlng,nont saylog viterae b pupilsrac.ived a 100 lus pelling aIl the vas golng. vsak: Water Nlckelon. Mûrarant lHa tated Oitt ha ld beau charge Irving, Mubaî Koll. ernie Carlisîe sud ut tbe Seamein's Mission lu Southt Af- Evlyn Weteuliarg. riesand ibecause ho vas suaPectad ai W. ci.e orny to hava e L tva ai ite being taa pro-Grman. ho vas order- msmbaeu so aur pnlmany routa, Jeanéettei a ut ai tha countr-y sud toison te and Lavrenc Wolf, viio barseueved tuWWarvick, Eugland, visare ha vas Palatine. This léavas thIsrty-six le Iis Sept Ius a dtontono camp ion a long romihesea ev véekea go (hans vers lime. At last attar he vas sbIe ta iorty. Else Wolf! ria.the uppar rout prove tlot lie vas net pra-Grman. buaait neu. 1(le BrilShauthanties u-lasad hlm la tii.Gnmmn routanotiier epellieg on ii. promIse ta go ta Amrîca snd chat lalualitu filled wiLli tars ta romain tisere dunlng tha van. The pa- raprasst pelSt vanS iy tiie pepils. On Pers lhe carnled vitis isim Indîcate MSI.churt thse lllovlug bave bcd a (bat ibis la reatty dia lact. vaut e! pOlesa ork ince lise lait Tise paster ta au egei mati proit- VOPort EDa ilori. Alune RaurI, Maris ably oer 70.adIn l he gnaral taIS Elehsus, Bespi Mnas.oeUvaors (ou onVey tise Impression - th«In lahetrssgly tufavo of Amer- way. le POUND Cercla. Now fou- a parallel case! Abe'rt Nelson lé amplnyed as a Don- licemitu et the Wilder Tanoery. He' tornmerly itetd the.'positionu ef aY captalît or police for thicty o! Weu- kegài%. Thte Wldetr Tannery bad received a ebitiment ai eut lumbar visicb rame by vay aof(b.' Hill Staamahlp Lin. Tannery ofBiceas learued Sunday tisai te lumber isatiaru-ivatiand vas ini the warehouse. lu arder titat tise vork of construction ai tisa uev unit migistlia rus be.d vits ail possible speeti a tarce.'of 19carpenters va' inai fa wou-k Sunday, thein Semand ai double psy beieg met The HIi dock vas -then cslled up an the tlephone sud su emuloye gave out the Information that the dock vae cloeed ons unday and canld sot be opened union eny circnm- stancesutil Moniay. An o0iaI aoflise taery cafledIlil Policeman Nelson. "We need tist lumiser iodày." h. told tise eflIcer. '"W vntYen to soi tisai vs get 1: rigisi evay. Deal cse bocks vîtheut Il. We are dé psadsg on Y-o." Neson did not ait for volumm intruction se t viat Se aboold iià. He'bai heemtold ta "Sud Gai cW andmiho lntemed to obey, H veut te thse doon cf tise vans house.,He heari tisa dlelng oai typevritet, H calai (o dia ose muede, bu, tiiere VSwi no s.uier. Ha shooth(e der-asttîl noe nuvel Hie apet seVeral minutea ln t! man leslie. Time vas flselng aui every minute vas preciotis. Withot der agaînst tise dc>or and exerted hi weiglitTbe doot creaked and thse gava wey w1t a crash. Guy Preeman, local agent for th comapany, was ln the office and hs of tlie HIlI Comnpany and bad rPeel Juat stepped ta a telephone ta noi the police. Policeman Nelson explained hl purpase and (han ted bis meus In the warebouse where tbey focsnd th lumber they sought. Thie was len ed unte wagons and Vas hauledt the tannery. Ail a miaundertanding' It develops that the incident wF tbhe resuit ai a mlaundersltmndlng. T! Wilder pom>le had calledl up the hev ed permission ta remove the lum ber on Sunday. but the Office ne lo-cted to notify Mfanager Freem: af the tact. Tha latter wae flot éupposed w6rk on Sunday but hadt gone ta Il office te, make out a govarementY part. WAben he heard the poundi on the door ha theuight it mîglit1 aone baer agents vise wlsbad ta their stock of beer and he realiv that If ha openied thae'uturebouRPe might have to keep lit epen al]ild aod would flot accdunpish bis waT That was the tesson ha did flot1 ply ta the calta frontNelsn. Ptri arlng for the "Internaional' At hoba othe Stieek 0o! Dec.. Wii be tagsd mat ouli th. greal- it SttSVl iitc iplo!Il,,stock the voni buav VA COMDAtia ho waubr la South Africa ad wtm Ittbat ilsplay will ait@ aît."d ire L.19. row wee C la rGeafly n fricaaradier th'ii&- a denm ofaimagnitude and me«t ns Ma. aad M eat. L . r v er liO~ ra e f dilr f eGO u aiii e- possible ln no otbe onoutry Il e i. or ,ba ouchmoers of Wauconda and vicia- tichion. Tb@ maaagemet 01 tise [utermton U ~ atsadi ateahons metin at The aeealpastor dose not seem to Stock Exposit.ion bai sparsi ueit tw aksgaa artacr, metig a bve nypart icular datisatiOn ln @seegy non sapenas to m&ake tSI. diep U1kq atrlGrc wsa hcaoviewiln tact, juciging from 1the gep- emeefurate vith the. tank thse warb "'Iggtm Ntdi ori altlk, ht appears asg though ha la thrawe upon tht. countr-y le théeoea' Ur.*"am ir.arti eary and sono, sort of a wandereî, a "mans vithoist a oi mét production. 09 jkevlaltied st the home of!cMn. Ofty," bOCiea b" h, fl ot prmtted The 1917 International Liv.Sti u1i ira ILe. E.-'-»e und*Y. (o go back to South A*rr, Englaad Exposition willi li adequataly et.e Vi. an-eaxIti Waucoeda400. not want hlm in tI r confines, evény pasible convenee for violi 004M qeA. b ret of the veek. oand about the only plat 1at ha lias wttl ho provideil and the cetertainust Rlchoanad Lyie Brougliton. <o bec toid ha cen trvel is trtrca.. leturpe wwlll hoemoreliillat and dive Oispent Miunday wltli W. And leavtng fn location inili. montter Ing than le the pafqt. iitIrsa-.ofa i niltu-y and becausi- of ilis oge -- - C904 WwlIa. used our plac. ho la haveg a ratîter hard Liii, i it, Two Thng.-t. La. Sw_ Glus ci of Ia favorite Me fa endeavoYn, o miii t,.way Learu thea. two thega: Nover W*ds 1Miy. Novemaber 21.veitwatd by pi(n *g up a few u* dicuagd because good things ý*OýjW«dDawa niesnow and tilci by gvlng talkn. on ta oowly bau-e. aid tivet fait de to o tat£ood whlcis lies noat te y bauid.--- teMeoai -S MOST VENOMOUS SNAKECLR EX ANSI eciicra t ofInda, Found la H11W F001> Ha NeryÉoyPart of Penînsul@4 -ILIé, la D..tb Itteff. Th zecsý venomous oa n cf a la %Un i cu H R heli4 the ccf ar mua. 'I&&tei Tt 1.lbui 8 ahslngado gray Shows tIow Prices Were Fixed ori color. Tise creaturs la death ItMIalf. i Thés, Wa.aMid iue Go nd and carrenle bondsatiese acret of .....i roe deetroytag lifee vus tise oneetrated4 OnIy a Fair Profit. the agony cf au tise palaces.Po Tht.seake si tclersbly cemasln BUTTER PRICE TO ADVANCE. the Imdii. beieg <oued lunesarly ra.ryPart ne cf tise peaiesula. 0 Some ObI.cted to 53 Cent But- iuortuustly<isaever, for man, Tt la trPiePit u h not, lk dishecobra, a isou-froqueniieg trPie Pit u seake, for Its sggreslive habita vouid Price I8 Fair. Ton meke Til ideltely me ofatal te life sa, than lis dreaedi relative. Wauisegae, Nov. 23. pie This kng of te aixpé dees net turÙ When Wauiegans firet food bulle- len ta escape fram mas as the cobra will, tle vas pueneted ta the local public -dre or flash mbt concelment Rire dia ko- Saturday nlgbl by Food Administra- ri tint, but keepsIts patis aginat Its bu- lau- abusS. Clark ter.' as soeait. v man sutietansd pttlng ilà> 18 tle disappaInt ment on the part of theen tecîtssof leiigth egaînstIts oneamys utcor 1n pooksco-îîhic because [<ne price ai certainI blle, challenges adprvl taco-1pte artce eeotlvr iep filet.sla rtce eentlwr Th Pi A stroke wlth a whip wili cut fil lus int'. fixed fon butter vas one of te tog btwa, au- a clod of eauth (il.,able If; but, iiticles eiugtad oui by inany wita ci suc-h Islais mallgnity lait lit wll Inl- voiceti comyplaînts to Thte Sun. a1 vite attaclt by evî'ry devine eti ts coin- I Tite food ItulIrtiri giveis the' pie aits mnnd, stsking its on-n lite on the mena ' or cr4-amer> ibutter .5 t53 cents a p chance ofItis advecreary canlng wlthlui ld ie nnPIS Wh hv the 1t1e clucl.' <f iLs powaer. At most. libe-n liuying butiter l'or tram 4S1 t. ,0 'lt the' radius of Itis -reeta 12 loches. 'cn ludatii'tti- W>i\c Wthia ItL et tins event,les certain, on l h i,- b i u deatis, andi, on te liarêhope nf baud ite prit'.'t 53 cant" hi or foot treapa-vîng wltbiu 11s »reacis Thi.'Sun iook th iti ritter ii)p ti îjre the Echis tisrow., lis itoîy Ino a fIgA Mr. Claîrk and recel%,cd a vert' reaaii ure-af-lght coul. Then l ettracti. at- Iable.-expîsuetion. tentloe by nubblng ils loops tagether. "Thte ,bet gradeps of îreamî-vry but-D which, tram tha - rongbneqss ofthe!'ter lu carions s'as se'tîîîg aet t cents craies, make a rusiling. hlising sound,, per paund lest Saturday," lie sali F erecta lisi bad lli tecenter rantiawis i . "The price .thte deate-rs was îîo rea- Satck. ed titi latter part ai thi - wsek. rhe GIVE ~ ** A CANCEdealers here ver.' paylog 49 centsa e GIVEHIREUMAN AP HANCEpaînd sud 4-cents o paund lé not ait unreasoneble proit. The stores lnuhi Trent Hlm as a Humin SeIng anid the Reaui WliII Be Profitable, Do- Chicago figure on a pr-oit of 16 per et cue rtu.cent What le mare, tha price' lego- a-I ing itlgber titan 5,1 cents. lu ait prot- d Give thse ireti man's famlly s chance iahllity lit witilibe lncteased taday or e -ta go te piaces-tago ta love oOnce a' iamorrOV. Butter le ana article that P eweek, te attend chu-ch, ta take part varies quickly and Lb.' puice may have -ýj In tise nualsorooad sociale sud meet- t eragddiy u otefut-w leg. It vIn meaoplanning and fora- lIL hnet aldelalt lcu d sight, sud le sorte cases a Utlh ei l ice os tise part ofe f as-mer'. famlIY, Mn. 'Clark explined futher (bat but t 1hlanvea-ti thecoot, Msa w vrtenvisen tha food bulletin bere vas pre- g a la Par. and IM~restde. Piu-ed fit vearaeaou a fair liais l "A gooi miny tarners hale f0 maise of profit ta Lise grocota, eothlng more~. inIi>rvemtà lu tise tat bousean The prices dia grocers are'psyiag for uhe revit laevcuuncItofoat ta er - certain articles vas take loto con- i ft" q9duandImDryaoue n sidnatin adishy vote silowoi osty a-m"i.w 1Wtr ta peittami pep uni aafr suargin of proit. Mn. Clark tamaitbousee ctes mono sta b.e l Meystisaitishe nov lut a! prices doise Lis t.Mag £ream»d a it*" mivo OMMU Donetvsn moisovorthtisapices tisîf I tse ai, c tie sini uana vlS b er. poi hems formme-y bimanue on c ý lit P Ii bSUin a caddS. moet articlsathe grocema have iteon@ *0 fatm te vinovi are van&soeaelssilng ouly a fair pamit.i m&i tisait thealkisarea tta eau& -Ble Picved (bat dis assertion (bat a 1:002.tihe scisdule via fred osndthe1ai, t . Tisere are a goci maytilai taIof tise higeet prices. (bat ire biolai il 1 Uke te do ta perierrsispe il tise chas-gsin l vithout baaliZ sud whallya, lirai mai vifs. Ceinnngla OceeOf et r. r.Stu. OmanuMtaa sfoodd" a Vor or exemple h. pointoi eut tisat dia lmIn if twa people *tiet aitIt If prica of advautiued brandisof flour 'jauai oueaIs dclug lit. 1have s sooci tn bai been fixai st $3.25 par cee-foutus id ni u tft endve rosliUSet a lcoe pluur uto ordy's work q bar.cMaofthe grocers, ha asys. ject. Blc. vs hava a pover val-3 an- recisrgleg ashigh ai $365 -per t la et. lhe irad masnisriugs ie faMflY seckl 'o lanndty ovar avery Mod» sund on Tise purpase lus fixing tiese chedula t Tueeday morng, bigit endearly hieof prices. la 10 shov consumera a fair hp vufe and I doe ia luudrY." price on tise more common "tpied ad anti ha said that vhile (here le no v- Importi Mosquto»s for Sîrda. vay ai ciiacling up et auaoncetoe- ivf Tiie delieste vocal ongana of sang whtuer or flot al grocers are ai.- hindi reaçiont magiralYtoe pace" can ytepie uttecnues la9 heteatupan tisa dlat. For Iis ras- iglyts ncsbtts oales tason,sasy$ Pepuier science Mon(bly. b.'e aye. ca o t hi., ft(ey knav tbirds titat as-e castivatee lin captivty vhat they ought ta psay for certain heare lad apecllly prepsred foodi de- articles and (bey i<noV viether on id lsgnedta tofuretashmaximum notirlis- fot (bey araelieiug overcbarged. Ha ta meant vttis minimumllar of tise dl-raya It le up tot he public (o alun tha gastive argana. grocers vbho andeavOr in charge mare A foaod whlchbhas heen founi Icaps- e pie fxd yth dmnq ,as -clally valuahle ta bird braedesanbafoLenhapce xdbytedme- he it@ principal Ingredients Japoaie ,- trator. uadto i aaals ýad quItees andi snis' eggs. It 'I. prepri il 9ln should lie reporteti. hy an expert on tisa rare aed feedlag af bîrds. The rmaison tise Insecte aire1 Foe tb Wauté. importei f rom .Tepa tu a bltishe Jape- «Are yau a tuamp? "No, mum, l'ta an nsë avfýa néthd ofenthingthelsafoodi conserver. Have you gaI eny ln targe quantifies vbmch as yat Amer- oid food you dio' vent wasteti?' tn icns bave ut tiiacavared. Evluln ( TOOMBS UTTERS ONE ERROR Ing Thse ieginning aoflise uleeteenth cen- Notsd fou- Accuu-mcy, Famnous Public4st bp' luryna- tha daappearance' ai tha MiSes Mstake uI Geonglâ Con- tet "isundueiýleggeS' dlnlng (ale, sud dia S iluîonlconvention. aid pîllar-.--en~-lwtable madis lo5e, I lie the mot cotulortehie of table;ai;nd 1 aItisaeCeorgia*conustitutlonul can- a'- it vhs 5te modern table bas arrive&. vention of 1877 go usuatti accurate a rit. 0 fthe sîrangeiY Uncomiertable. clous- pubIielas e.Generai Robant Toembu ut- re. sy types evolved dnrieg ltse Victorlientrui a angular arror. He vas aise- perled, tise leait Sai tiseaccuesat for- tenîîng lencaspeechi for enougii courts gottan. They cerne vil tise glas le Geengia toasmsure peadY Justice flevers, tise lslrloth furnntnie su sud and eoe point le tise daliata ha sMld: I, tisa mailePtapsansd twlated. lndlus5 -J aeiy tiaitra to. eY one von. SIx ,b., legs and rene-efni~~s.To Ohuird sud it ty yenrs egae ut rude test beautifuilai ail that l ait IR beliin eatona mat upon a plan at Raunl- Rye axproiuoei i.ilatise -&nri" rianle- roi e d agitabisbiOiIL grio st yi va suce et art," le suit tise rapiati ro IofjudictaiT le one file.of bai latin- tai Ig om fo tr Vesei beai ln Tiey maie King Jobn My,-We vl "W forilr s, < e ait an D th l-MUlte noue, va vili deuy ho noué. vs nild terlrothédiaborne. - M tdelar ta noua. rigisiasd Justce Lve and v. muai mako as mues courts an thrA]FIne OeiL an e uecesaita e. arry ont th-segrand la "I iai a fine de N Idai" otterance«.", Shs "Tiat no, my dern? Wisi±wvas Il? Actali tisea nose"Plin"e anf- 4t.r O"T o iscvWJgg&"n ogissiwnus, iusaase thoss isehave vlrnted th& vhise. I elv ia plicash for evon?-1 bWaorIc iacSllhy issv. Ancetli te IDIANS, USE A GRASHOOK lva unique Outflt Whlcb Th.y U»a in Ffathing.. for Salmon-PoleS Are Twenty Feut Long. The Indians dvsi fur saîmnwlth a grab-hock." a large trumon ok lai- eed ta a pole by a loose cord ttsre rfour ftat long. A isola at theibblet d of tisa book tisai slips oter tise cf o the pole keeps It le place oUtil ae Sia nbooked. Tisén the bock le mlle off thea pote and tise coud gives ae fiaherinan a chance ta play bis jis if eeaasry belote dregglng il shora, gays the. Southero Warkuaan. Tha baoks aretmode liy the islsck- itis but tisa pales, about 20 feot le engtis, tisa Indians mai.-tieSI- *Ivan cf nqd fir. Taklng a rougis dee of dry wood of tisa reqUIneil engtb. tiiey patieutly wans ut it ti ivuwhave aud kusife petit It 19 the 1g aise and tapeng to suit tise workmaie ThitaI la usually bord- med lu th& coalx-before puttlng on thse ird, wisii tiiey bu-aid tisemelvea. ja poe breaks, as often hop- mus, the broken peu-ts are labei ogalber witii mtrin,,,. Iilteh lmsmaued )er and melted by belng ruibbed vlt tbat stan.'. whinb makem tise pale as rang as before. Tisa Indianaslieu- iaty litafuom tise bank or from ýlatiorins bultt ven tha ater. They trust the long pale out acrasa tiie ïver as fan as they cou and tat th(, Lrrent carry it down and Inta the ýanis, trugttng t L chance and a quicis ris te hook the laitIf they leed Oe i the wsten. e DRUG STORES USE MANY EGGS Funisi Medium Tbrough Wblcb Poul. trynian Can Dispose of Produce and Obtaîn Valuuble Adve-- tisinq.--Tise fermer la misslng a markset for bis eggé liy overlooailg the dtuî More, soya the Feu-m and Flnasîde. «Tise drug store representa a splen- lii chance ta vans up a direct ta the eongum trade. One New REglanu mouttrymn atgrted sanptlylagtheiataud. ing drng etore la a city 4O00. HI' krMmarytng severai hufihed loyer* vas ln an aiJoieleg lova onÉa cal lie. Re produced inifefle eWe Tistugs the pibllcity tise drUg stoar Save hlm.ý opportuelties by tise scmt umm to, Mm t. SOU .direct Nov lage portion of bis productione d yas round la .otd at relai prices. N'a mégrous cumtimrs comsetoe stir. ts b"Y *gg for Invalide. «M tispring b. dome a laffe bu" nia la eM by tise cma.lm UvaM &loggia& obtainlng for bis intlrffi @Wa us-erium e1t te5 casSalà ism lnuttuUaremgond eutorneml caterste 04%latraie. belivIltor IIIIig te Iblea ternedous lcr.i1 lt» urneait vatmerai a *à, &atmsetuloeet thse beat M tmnuS s poultry »M«epe unbev<68 darsi biu Mn. 'Eum eigdu adilti nlProfit, tisa traie malresi rMtUs for Fou qteker tiss a ias suffnt- c i lt-inspired poli aivevth NORTH SHIORE U LNE l'ho- tafli. C nv'nient,. (Lu-a and waY litween i'bicago and »V North shore Towas. ALL.STEEL UMITEO *i TRAINS DALYW Frequent "Loca" Servie. Connec ions "EbvMata" IteprenTraine ilimmalm $0 ai, perleofci bsi tCenàtral 8mtro, iaanmon. Oil eV Nar moBut Paler car $or"e .CHficAB TO MILWAUKEý femi Trigi. SS.O-Tlme, 2 heors aad 40 mimmes Bave 01.08 On The, Round Trip Bave $2.08 ton. Wilnett.', Ksnlwarhb, wienetka, Olemo.',- Barilia, Highiland Park. Fort Iberi- dam, Lake Foreot. Naval Sita- tion. Waukegan. Zion CitY, Kenostia, liae nd M1il1e au- NORTH SHORE UNE ftms. C" u N3*waskftC,= ildOfficeS-c. n" @"Geu Fe. Grami 136 (P What the Bell System Is Doing THE value of car OOvy dependi largely upou tise effi- clsincy o!fte peopte - bacS home.' Adequate means aI communication are a trem»en- doua factor le national defense. lu demouitratien oailiê abity t0 upiy lmnost instant service ven tse Iole c o . n l rY ' (t h B e l lS Y s t e mi , c s h o r t i m e e f r e t i s a d e c l a r - ata bythi Prebident ai a tate aI var, arranged a ftony- isu moUllatian test ol iLs acititis. Commnunication *as establisheti hetween tle Navy Deparimeut at.Washisigton anti aIl naval stations jenlise United Sita, iectudjng «ach wiaety separateti points as Puget Soundi, WAsh.; Poniacola, Fto.; San Diego, Cal., asti Nev Orleas. La. Over fil Iy-thne housani miles ef vire ssni tiserevices of six huodreci employée engage in h mairlug tise test- An averaeaoaItirty seconda vaa taise (o tuse most ai tise connections. 1.51er, by virelais telephony, Sacretary Daniels taliset from bis tesk in dis Navy Departunent viti the com- mandet af-te Battleship New Hampdh'Ie, sbulewh4es-e an the Atlantic. Titese tiemonstu-atlons ver.' ai importance ta evely'eît- izen'oI tise country in tisat they sitovecithes valuseaIfte talephoso as a meana of National tefense. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY i i Il Luit waw Wltu Hlm In Gefl E= New., La 1877, one of tise miuins bossea-Tote hi nume-isai troble vitsnoseaof the laliereri ln bis mine. Oe eghi (breaetoftisa. at- i tachi hmi lea barroot. Tva cf' tisan plnai hlm dovu, wviie s tisini steei over hlm vils e revolver. Thes momale almoat louchai hls atoinacis. Once, iict (rIce, a faunli and a, fils lime tise veapon suapped. Tolaý cicaed his eyas. Escis momlent he ex.' pectei te lie bis lait. Tise disineted'! ruffian lsrev bis illsappoietins vasPon onth diffcon vlh an oadi aud, binai by hie aide, l tishe place Tole vlped tise colti aveai fr0. bis brov m»echaslrally picised np thse dia- cardiweapon. vent te dia door ai fired off evary change, remanislug disi l vas juil lUs lucis. ROB lMiiaPOINT OF 4RUVLVS Charles Boydo lhod Has an =x tnEx eno GET $49 ND HIS WATCH. Auto Bandits Ask Diretions- Rob Boyd as He Tries to Accommodate Them. (harles Boyd ' formeér marea.l if Hlgtland Parkt, now a. conductor mu the electric, was held up and robbed or a gold watch anld $49 Saturdey evenlng about 9 o'cloec flot far frona hie home ln Hlgiswood. He b.d fiei.hed hie worli for the, day and gtarted weet on Prairie ave- nue. Four blocks wgat of the t@wfl. ho aaw £a matI lord tOurlAS «ci1110 and tho driver called tu oused thse direction tu lgiland Put and Boyd stepped out tu the eucrte answer. As ho reached ILt. wo men tU* rour revolvers jeto hI, ftce mi de- taanded tbat lio band over hl& valu. ables. Boyd w" and qui*l turned over blU watch ad ite They tbeu threw on al epeed and "but lt" No trace of tisem could beho ow. Rooourceflul Editor. i harnsed a motorcyclp to e 11oi: 'e0wisen tho .,n knored dilt t1 ticItlc j inéos, ani Sot out iii. -i'-. l (etu.(CL>pr.

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