1 T-DwmvvnI.T.1P Twfl1hP FIRWP 'TRI4DÂY. 'DE(WJ£BM -6 f. 117.- L 1 i. .V L d, A. L J 1 - , ---- -----e ~~ VACCINE WAS cdiVu e S ,..,ATVIB< EN ZION SELECTS AT VcQu&eË 't J'Neto*£ POINT FPISTOsL _______________________________ Dr. Budde Tells How Zion Men f ~ lAI f'l W ITV fiA ~WereForeed to Submit to 9 IS rUR PLICE !1 W Rl4W Ii V Nf Thrusts of Needie. tI ~Ç$ECIERFULFOR ARREST ALLEOED A REALTY 800111 NORED AKR Tells Officers 'Do Your Duty' Si acI IN CITY1 DESERTER TIIURS.1 SALES PROVE ITI and Mn AeCalied One 'by _______'One to Surrender.' Basktets of Provisions Given i Salvatore Fiscella of Chicago, One Waukegan Firmn Makes a Out Carry Cheer to Many Alleged Army Deserter, Ar- Record of $108,000 Realtv 1 Lieut. Budde. fornîcrl ' a phyalî-ian Local Families. rested Last Night. i Sales Inside of Month. Ind vifli Chicago, W-rhie-re.theIls how GRATtTUDE IS EXPRESSED. PROVES TO BE AN ERROR. GEE FARM IS AGAIN SbLD.1 the Zion City boys -t hie Yokford Shows FIla isRe- T. i Stah Future amp'l eraes theat tbI-yr-î-e 1 1 nr ii ry Shw iscel e g - . J Declares FtueOf 'saccinated eith.-r for '-iallI<"< or fr Many Familles Would Have istirred Here and WiII Leave Waukeqan Neyer Looked tvphoid when th(. irstri oi J in1-- Ha aMagr pea btin thý Next Draft. Better Thani Now. cam for teGenerosity. --- -At iriaf Cen. ttari' himacîf 1 Tbaaksgivinc eheer l heî a.. -4r FISCELLA TO BE FREED Wýhen iore irin in Uaiilegâ affl iiiL-Ihem to hIrs offli e id taled Ibqt We11UIled baskets of lros ioi si-- No,. In annouince thesale of $108.000iworth this n as an army r. iiion asd 1jw 4d to dspelt he gloom from mt easl Inquiry this aternoon at the office 0f lrolerty inide of 1o day-c. l 0f fiust obey but qtil1 loy refus-d. 55 Waukegan and N'orth t'lIcsgo fani of Dr. Fremont C. Knlght, head of fthe ahiph withi one exception IF loi-ated hvwr ii in o hvip, Mies Thursdey. The poor of iie (,,- m locai.exemption board ,showed-e prie- Wat' They werc thini-o' to sbcncti mulsty ne' prrrc have farcdts vous lIjustice has been dame Fisc-Ils,'r coel at the army yrdso-Ii ut ii rnm0 W n e r. at ;o f> h egserd that the community not coily i, ina'no difTrencc and hey tIlt cl c Tb Mms. Car Mullier of li t-C hica go. happening ta bi there on ýaalIsfactory condition lbat that it l i Inally the- qu'iîîr saunîlt t105?ma go thec lions%'tare cfI registration day n te eurnc enjoyiuig a vvrv markéd indusrtîl ta the authoriiri. VWisîtngton and cwgdnt for mking lie affair a roni- 1ta Waukegan. Later he Was releaaed i bom And tlirta what T. J.-t.8a111& ertrof arfarsefwr vbe*e success. MiS6 llimnnîi-ireicb cof ta the iocàl board by the Chicago ertyorW Bkrcrtwd C» 'Wenkgan H-Iiméane Soci-ety, Mis. board but apparent(y there wae ,no Company bave doue witliln.,Ibe pa-t ta lcam egtto îs i couid of theI1flrw vil GondTPlOahi record made of the release and Chi- month.- byd" 'h Ziu(ilbos li 00il, together isiit he r nbe-, cago till held him. Dr. Knight this1 In sppakini- of te gpnerat afltuation stitl held oui, 10 ini îîimber, wc-rp t$those two organti7alloflsio-ope'- afternoon took the matte, uP with As-I Mr. Stahl s.id: "Waukegan neyer ha,-'riset for. Thed.o- -rtu , s1 l nmany w.?y. renciring mucis sistant Chief cf Police Tyrreiliand Aedbterf c eae cliî elalflch lorse>- ne'd 1i) assistance. Th- Dfailv Sun condiecd FaId lie would mate every effort t okbte tom. eaegtiggtatthhlphyn-ddid-, Illit puhbicity campaign and astated scte that Fisceil aie released 'mme- sO many People infereated ln Wanlte the Job" Thl hui bai îîy votiuteei, ta -*tbr malerial wayi'. Mrs. \îîîî- dlately. The records t the local ex-j gan Property and properly near 1the 1r ihe work .AIhc boy-i ucre earort- 1i loercondtîcted a personal emption buresu show that Fîscella is t Adterescafi-clrso ilnthsugn'lntne ta,. -e4-Voes,>andIliesIdea obiaining dona-n lnie to leave lhere with the rnext city.« n tere'îc fn 'caa fedf hsugnaltudrgîr ttOMç « many kIndr of provisions., r^. 1 draft that la sent away. People. tac. Men of neans mran d y TViere were soldii-r-- alth11e ronni _ M .7 i1as hihva i.d10jto apend their money for what îhey at the ide sand rear %vilh loaiicd mîTA- eO#utagp in prnrcbmetng nîcls anid' Sl.io.- 1---tettidinc -T 'i ant.iktandiiebsoe. %ir pack3 7. \arkei 'iréreel wa-.olIaiedriîndpr iîî' Yoîi wontoul w 1W aukogau Insid, k t lhen they rriî " i aih vaîrgao- j--bob aaiu.-isof îti-e Thckofn t0et-i-s 11>- lic Waik'-gn polie aI behmnt f Ile T ini-Milro'lc Tliimsd'iy- uight. cliarged w j f10yiriWihevr a a 1a.ejquartera the do-dur- ith leni vies GM, L mal north of the EIýti- lb.aieir, 'ring adeserler fruntth1e national -ar înder the aun, the tosns goiîîg ahead 1Pleasanfly.but irilî uu-laftbchy w- Uck basket, beqIides a large rousi j mv. Its arreat w-i- lirouglil abot i and yeti can't «iop if. Ifs future ta going to djo, andus ir- tiien tlaben In-i or 50Sée klnii of fowl. contaiili<l veg 'ne >11e r-iii of infîrînaion wred io etîrelys'ot lowing and we ceris a. nofler roora oncap-t a lime mu an r' «&l- otb5 f aeraI tîndF, . cuknîd peasth-1e local police hi Ilinion J. (lit " OrCM, rG ire. cor-n fakes. hrvad, «boltiif h rirnelc îaic~ ing dalty inticirie e ablot tarins iil'tetd. hyujt bî t i ter, sugar, coffpe, imd lianme eftse'. 'ltCh .Faet - o-e homes. 'Thinge lieser tooked so gnodl ddntuepyia oc.Ti - banari and oranges. a cel ln tflicil> ail and will blie, lr. 1bfore."onwhcaebfr-1m inl1 <OMBgIolY if va" thouglit that f,ýi1VendIng furlhi rliîslrueio'i (roin Clii- feeFarmSid fameint but flic joir'vaso oi- - »ekets or food would stifnf i-lut late tago. iGeFr odt an u h oiwsFlnoe ,Wedmesday itternean it vase foou.d Tîhe llegrana receeîrid vtih11e Poicîe One Important deal wlic icl e trio and n0W a few of ' ii sfolow-r, tb&at ive addifîonal baskets 'wre stated simply Iliat 1'tcctl-, iltugpl made recenti>' is bbhesale cf 1the old are inlmune -fi-oui uialîpox ai-d 17- - ueedsd and tliey liad tolic providcd. b lie a derer from Dirul t ord Bllev Cee farîn, of 114 acres, nîîrth- Phold fever. The amOunt Of food ptacéd in eac-l No. 2. of Chicazo,. las living ai 7l.iIvaM fWîkgn li<paeW blikaet dePPnded upon the size or the Mart street. Wu.egan 1-lis arres-,l fWaiea.Tispaew. Y hjleb. tbis mtter baving been al vas eekcd. Investigation sheuwed ilit1 sold by a man named Jarkto taS. Hab- IIENRY Roy IC O peed up cenefulîs'. wbile ia man of îdlmlar nasne lived lif rehiewiez of Chicago. The new ownef I1 -*tlae Wedsesdsy afternoon the 703 Marel t estt at flic man souglîf la owncr of a chain of nî.îrkit-i man Wir5of distributing these baskets 4liiu et 6i,1. lHe vas in C'hicago onI stores ln Chicago and plans liviîng on BINE IE D V"atred sreriautomobiles. ha reaybut if wasI5 earned tIbafIli,, 15< lissa secured for tlic purpose. would arrive home about 9 o'-lock in the ai-mPart of the time. B If E D I Oeesrei boni-s vere consumed in the the evening A "Iltcem3in w55Con Asked vh at deata Wenf lo make lie 'V rit f f as diffiault t0 ftd nd ay aiy nd mwhen 1e gol home. 1iceiia a Uc31800 oM-.Sai nmr BoNDS Ou S1Jf «f the Out of the way Places in fheliviing ai a boarding bouse, t them as,000 loM.vahleue TIsse vbe delivei-cd tic bastkets, -- ,.. vawÀD ,Blly Gee ',(arm, Green B~ay rosi -oi Man Who Is Charged With - lve,. ere repald for their trou- IW IK i&j A1%te S.Halreîievicfl. Having Beaten Wife, O- W* isy fticgratitude expresad b>'I'y 'e 5L LA. StafarTinuof hO acres, jus£ cpe Ci nCiyl tbsSe wvisareceaved ihem. Thse aqua- uisClin itJa. ha ti .os-Rd denvronmeut f Man>'MA1 it 1ETIIM ef.o!Zion (Ciy, sotl îtoSain «Om fi.fllies vas a marvel te menu- 111111f NaJA UM>iIUÂI si liaW arîz. qftb seWo delivered the baketsa..11GeptBvSOY OF T E BAIG 'Tibee weei e or six chlleren lain v IuIME BovefTa-m mat west oTfr-nta TRY 0 H ETN 'meM oflhe homes wliet-ebaskets oV IN IIFRA[CE: roasd rdate William Ryrin. ~ ahro r.RuSu vnle Wl t fwast a reel pteesure toe. .ray facm on Cfien l'lora l a , f r. o ay i $M. tis look of anticipatbin u te- L. R J;Wd er. 1 Daughter Was Held in Chair of f tuesse oufgters au tbey John Davis Says Reunion Was The Ben Tiac'uer home on Pi-anntete eeey svlssstssathegnetltn~~~~~ Held on November 5, Many sictsl cSHPue iucitn Ibo bosenvives vas toc, mucb h ut- M de 1stnt t? Zion Lace s-oct-i Wautegan, Dec. 1. t 4Mbut apoken vandi of tliaks Men Attending. Case E. Web prolicrlv on We istljIInvR.a-ctdo uf - -gisld have lippu (ai-les@s expressive,APetsrplnaltp* iPl tetprhgdbL..THnyRm arse o a-%,f tisa the efforts faerepbai-k iobs 1 pr srpti allerpciel 1etprlrse î .At)oit.. Ibeatlng'- î-haricV, vast atraign-,iltii-Toi- fieL Vrevent speechi. t lat saetsase-, by a Wau'uegeuuife fi-cm John R, Davi> Pfau and Brunner properts n 2Oak- police Magisiratp Waltu-r Tas-to'-i - tiit al wlilarohtlrbbufgd la asiy -.y frnierly empioyed at tlie public Bcr- iland subidivision sohl o io Wilder. Police court this morntng.Dci , se abIe te Ptca f h'own Thank vce 'opans. 'mdviose (olte -live ýRobinson aparment builiding o h nion f its vite ha surhti tb z1Lving dînners yul mMure rebili .af 714 Nor-th Genesce sfm-el. containsMa te slteGM.fo heCnionf kaOVIng as i-ey dtd. liat many tamn- j an tuf eresfing statemet thflat the a t'etsP 0C . 'oî- Ish ol u ppear th1 ae m itia biles vene iot going huagi->. Waul<cganoboys have had a r.-unîuu n bITlieo. H. Durst prupertv on 'I!ott continued for tive day-i. Roy s-as put BASKETS NEVER SO FINE Fra-nce, theiist fhut lias lu-uimi vnesodt .Hufni.~erbolliv of $1.500 and being u AedgteqewmnWobsThe referene follows -Ts ei> e-mrnpoet ne Aeonin f 9evoanvI la1 mt oou-Wîuuean boe T hei enrsBc [t- et Inahi tesecure thals-as remanded f. -. les. intereated 'in celarlfy' ver".in10 mttop'ý'tkgnbviiWs tetsl eD.Brano Waukffen. slip neyer ewanyflias -camp 'wh 1.-ft Wstegao wifiî a con - 1nFct] ln ihe City' jabI 1k. tbc bases thal vere arraoged tructian gang. Tell Carlilianisen cari- Wautegaaa. Details of thee alleged beating ver', fan thîs; distribution Wcdnc'.day eve- Ny man) thit i met hi-i ihum, lriinkl Thé large apartmî-nf building and tcld later ini lb, day b>' 0. L. Stanley, - ng. la fhe aiucîtut anîd qualît>' she1 Anderson oser bei-e and lie s'it lits uiesporta 92MIw1k, sld tbey execeedee anylbiig fiat sip hest iregards. We liad a big reunion bsns rpr> f32 iwitcfablier o? Mcii Roy,- lied ever oeen beforp at Tharnksglighr of aIl1blie Waikegan fu-îows Imast avenue. Chicago, solil 1 Mr. I1laft-il, Heni-y came hcme drank Thursday or Criaa finie that badi verb ýo.rngli (Nou"ember StIs and had i greât ,]Rate manager o? Cee ai-m. 1, igt. and wa, ver>' quarrtnome, a: xstiered up foi- tle iuedy- o! the eo'o- time and extip eut1 havi- moi-e before The two Esciuenbui-g pi-iaîeritlnj daugliter tells me," Mc. Stanley' sait. nmiuAI. 1wc go into action.Wuea odfaM ufal !'e aat'g-lbe e.uimigh Tinta thece vere many iapey homes Report Anderson Csatured akgnslteM.Ntle01ýH ilygrbdbr;lmigbr ln W*ukegan on Thautsglvlng Day- as A report gaîncd upi'nirnl Wau - Zion City, il" Jute a iocking chair. There bc e lel a resut of i-le wort of Mus. Mul- i-1tegan Thursday that Frank Andeson, The J. F Bîinger properl>' on l'op- ber wýthl one lia4nd -while lic poundso aMd thers Who aasisted ber î ln-),.lte boy ieferréd e b alicre. ld4'en ban St, .old fo O. F. lHawkins. lier frire vith tb.' oflir fit. HP ei- leçtIng tiis greati- saaut of eubplies- captui-cd liv the ereiy. The i-efeýr- J. F. Ilidingèr lots on Peplar sfm'et ipae litssiictd long enough te rendh ani money' vhicli vas use in pur- ence M ad(- b> Davist doesnt Itoicafe misc Chailotte Stearnse t.teon.sanie fr mn bron atachment te flic stove Ckaalatin eat. chickea. etc. Whate I . tisa..WvI promote sucb an a ffa I-i- are_________sti-cet soid to.A. Hugo wbo wili huild vbth vhicb lie evidentl1>' nended fe enttited teahi-b nitial credif, ettflIc f >'oui-Kenosaifrieud isho-, 11)tbrec fne bugalova - finish ithe job.My dauglter llpped *Me Uime lsr effnrtos vould gîve -InE A- - gs&Co orhouf the door and ian f0 fhe home of U«Flat vere if flt othile tact iathM toda>' vifliaa erIit -~of Cuis on his avnufaiin t B.A . Cum iiia Cr li egbr alnm ntepoe file phblie responded se genei-ously tef0ai-e, reet aaauced flic>' ni-enef duIi.-aeuectadtin i-<> ev ETnîlnmd bu aniltuicîweo fi hn 06ise loiade. Mis. Muller and to famiy troubles. ite's dcubtliesvl e- a NvInlai tu' cafled the police." Is'.ooyee Whio bad aaytbing te been trying te shave himeel? B a ilaw,MnSneyay ltasaieu 'rislaThankaglvlag deire t lifnr _M.Stney_____a s eal «Ptss t eir ai-eue gratitude teoite be&-a-except tlic bosEea-wei on j o!flihe bcrting oeccivcd by his daugh uoey tIsIII tigacotiibuted and wtb i-o titte inal Kenoaia shops. yer- tV A riii er lier face ln badi>' aallen snd dis -~relltUd bbc. that Iff the>' cnuid otl>day, demaiuding an mi reac.e of $2 aPRYI J1&IONU I,l.>lrdber le, , l atlidly and tv bave aSen fhe happoneSe tflirt fle>'we hroelehaetokdof bu bMoght 1u îles Marty homesortrept aekcedu.Th -b"g s-aletthelu gnenbai donc aoniwouigld rngi - nihao s W. C. T. U IiI hNfont o? bier dres va, oovered vifh theglitâ blu-y a gea e qonity th ' omoult! itnihlanl eblotd . There are several amolli chli very mnch Worth vhite.jupi--dren iln the fauiyandTt ifla sald fIs Ï___________ jsoi-lY thb. bes for ait kidusi and bled Washiington, Dec. 4.-Adoption of R'oy lias neglectedte f0pars for flier j der troubles. Saoul Rive# E-se! b ln24 'plans and metiands for continulng properl>' *WmsaI <alrna rs-tptiooo.a lon. boucs foni aili ackacisea and laddsr fthe canpa.iga for national constitu- okadbaa.. Raol la a guaraufl i Mtoube. Io a s uavaaseerenaedy tional prohibition," ithe anmaiad- 3*W s fl ac lereral lottiel f35cand $1 .11<>a hottie t the drug lions de of flic preldeot, Mis Anea E IlU ________________Gordon,_ and renorts of national of- Ad iluoodosteD., Hurat. Prosident. W. S. Smith, Vii-" Preident. F. W. Churchill, Susr*Lary and Manager TELEPMONE 88 ...ECURITY TnTL & TRUST CO. MÊpRMACTS OF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED icers vere flic principal eveafs aftise ist buiness sesmions toda>' of tise sont.acnventonlere o!fi-le PMa- flou ue' Chinisa_ Teme? BLUFF MÀSION ancp Union. The convenfion voted INmre fhreafened thle Lakçe Bluff mn- Dtct oui>' te mate a figlit for thc con- siouae of Edwrd 8i . Moore, foirouer stitîui-onal prohlbtloci ameadment au president o! the Chicegq, Rock Isand n0w lefore coagrese, but to vork and Pi-illi- rmlroad Wrday. liovember for flie election of 'men to oui- state ». Orginatiag -il thse çfdenèI"¶ eut iegbalei-urea vins WID vate foi- tise age, the lim1es voee bout tu eprem ratficatiln" of thesainendmeaf. fo tlia-mansbon vlieu -voluntosa' *ro ____________men éxtiaunlsbd them. Tlhe otIap If li's of aur ne"vqvlu, you WIU W*« deseroyed. The tire's arigin vat Sand It la th. UbertyvUlo Uldepment. uf. ilkiiova th Hl tu -. ~--i' t MANY AcTTEND YORK.HOUSE JtId -LAOIES' RED CROSS PARTY.V S SW YV LV The i-ai-elParty bold in thue Wauke" S an G. A. R. hlli Momie>' nighf by SHOIW APATJIY IN the Red! Cross Auxîllar>' f ftle Yor AUmO D IV S fonce district, PI'oved aver>' success A L BG 'RV S nui affair sisjla 3tableç ver, played ai -Encline. 1» el 410.60 vase l«eaz' Zion Communicant Caret ulIy for tfli uade and i-bs vomen are vsr gruttefultol f0t-le niny wlio bouglit1 Analyzes Red Cros, Liber- tickrets and didt tt bead as veil as ty Loai Y. M. C. A. liose spent i-be eveainag vfth tflenu Tlie Y'ork Hfome laies sire dotnglAND FURNISHINO SOLDIERS. greet vork for tiedt Cross, In Tact, the chance. are fbsre Ilafna disi1t la flie e'ouafy vlire such actlvity prev*ls emong flic vomen af tle Red Crass brandi. BELIE VESRNCt W . MURDI3RED EN£' ROUTE TO ZION CITY Points Dut That Voliva Has CompJetely lignored Al.Na- tion-Wide Movments. THE ZION 'DO OUR BIT" SCORE Summarlzlng actîvitles of the Vol- Iva and eti-Velva parties: Anti-Vol. Vol, Women working for Red Ci-ose.. ................--95 i Pactorles assisting relief wk...3 0 Men enlited from Zion-...53 2 Mon calied, but obiectora -. . i. i Harry Ward of Montana Cornes Wom*ii reglatei-ed---------....standil heîy are nlut y' 1 ioiiideroold Y. M. C. A. fund---------..$M .0e0!dme'» to Lake County to Conduot Liberty bondea -....$15,O60OO $2C0 The $35,000,0110f Y M t'. A.CeAM- Search for Parent. !Public meetings heid .... . 6 0 U i-0Cî s-li- ae l in uel fie %ylo j1e Uti-'oliva pets- SOLO FARM, STARTS Total .... Patriotlsmn?ï lsbciod ,0 2:.o hs AST ITH MD :y Marount eoîulng troin liii î-Mlloyfm of EATiîHM N --îr Mr. Editor. Marstlai îl elîl & turupsay plant. and This Happened in March but 1 'rti-ra-d- aldLfi3 n, uuiinwii c -ali us340cli im Chldren 'Neyer Began inves- (ai iîilgir-u itwoîc(-an maki.'-thicworkiuig îii.ii'. ei most -ntirely. tigation Until Now. ifigure-' bu t Ilfogu oî1um- iipin'o lvitem a ve CY god IwNG. T Vl Pesablish filet. lnthe ligîiti o irf atsgv N"IN Han-y Wai-d, s Monfatia ranclînan. jtain stafnti-iTim minaliig fr(uiiitlb- b licth salif ltiie-rtylyitoids, lbe te ln Lake counfy ir n itlic -ndetisor f0 l lnfri. udl '>v eoi irc-il i hla <ils -s îviol' iolvi .u r-h~ ia.d ti rotigb thc gef Borne trace «.f bif;fatho-r Cécorgi- and voîîr i. iiewiii no doulii en pji-rs fiale Baut $il,O. Marel Ward. Isasr Mera, eîarted foir Zion Js fiitfi îîrf-wf l eld k tOî$pîi a'n pf City, and, le nov develops neser got Not a lilîllP iso elsed aboutI Ih. and the î-mpkiys î.f Fi-mu Il C41 ck- tisere. Peopi 'lî o ive ilu Zion t'ity, ln on.-00o.have alma tati-n i goicdlot of the The act, flirt, vhen lie liade the W i' oranotbeir for the- pasi few veer-t bods, I cannol geltheii -mai-t emoiiet !'licriff good-bye ln Wyoming anld and n doulit sane lhinlrlng peatule for flue article. butittls --tlumatedd fa bordpd flic frain for ('hicago,hlic iai- wfiride-if lhf-i'e arc mav trîi- ýAmerl -xcd $1,000, wlil'-thoi- V)itlvien ricd the proceede fromtai1th- foli- <f a cean cilizecs living ln ZMon (Cityanil purchigsed bi ut iî surît. ,'îî o)fain los vatualf ranch, and that lie never go? foi- 111,1- informationîîII us s"-y Ilrle.16knoov ta Mbon. Inads 10 the concusiion thaf-e jare a laI 0f Ccd f-ui-tc ngroof]linîi. <Spec Filinniiir' ti i, il i FIRST-He wvaa robbed on th pafriolfe antl-%VolvaIhi-- who rire liii clîiîinî'if o artel'ý train andl hurled (rom t as ib lait en ,mitato lSArs and Sîriliem. and iii-î - fVtlouI an u iii, -uiîî-M,1r route east. iguod oellizoîn",a lci -în it, 1i iaiT - f Eiilor. il éIirihi tit' 1- i ifltoîiii I.,k l.1iii-cilve population.u ei' bcit. lelylf.1h- SECOND-That he was slugged Io-rd-wiliifo oa rand robbed, probably kilied after le Tlh-oj-u f h-arlîcle is in î Zion ('Il%. go t, hiag.s how Yclu who are aropotortiiîci-l fReading b' vIio-.n t- ln-us of t fi' poHt a Cho atw ot n %mandl the diferent organizallon-. full page iiirl*u-n i lnsîîr vil hle pockets. he Just decided ta ose a ffillefed vwitIs hlm durlng tfluefini able Issue itiliil -aitirda.is-agioilil truct of hie famlly send inay have' 'Tfoui- grcatcst national uonfillcrt. jyîu mu-e hélu-e.niai;otî griýat NOIZ gone to &oome place of seclusion Tioi- tii-t organizefion ln the ii-id <ZIONI abolut tobarro t.. simple drsw where lie now le. afier war vas dlrirtid.as lth- Red Ilhe tire ln filial udirectionu. -'opecopîn The latte-r theory la deîi.,d by ret .Cross On Jml v 4th th.-v mode a lit vill stop Iii,îîîînk wht,i -s diing ta atives wlio dectare licevms flou that t drive tori nîmes' mad inemrber'- ai the' lelelin this conflii-l. sîudL i belf sor ofa mn. 3,I 1-olt eiva pi-nte. a lai-inuomber o! bîînd bis îeoplo-i l flifîrthî-r alu talbig Tihe son Harrylm a ranchmiin ln voiren et once enîil ulmtinihe orli truc tilanrial condition? Montana,.and a danglter lives 1ln('hi- and mlnce Ihatlittme.frcm 2.,lu '15 vo- Nov, lionoitly. f.r. Ediiiir. do Yeu cago. Mrs, F. R. Clllns of Zîi~n men have been meeting mac i-b ies nt- ais -agou oa C'iftyla alac e danglter of Iheraies- daY affernoon texcept possiliv Ihré-o hn -e r. clliaI Wiaiou mOta in rncimn.or four> dcvoting thIlie core lime tctoi m n itizpen' M"oa- e p-c-moe Used to Live ln lion wOrklng for flic oldiers and salliln. m He would beler catla i bs gain ýr ddition hat spare date Il yCao Ward, Sr., iived. In Zion C'iy ieo rwPkdyadto- ýid- tpothgblnwi ot m. corne yeai-s, His viTe diedth lere tvo îe naAir ekLOVEi ndR--ii- te r I obun Pulg Im --C 1 there are (rom 10 lui i7 riomen whc ycmrsagn and afler Iliat lie vent ont are vorkîng for the Rted Crues wbn Meand -dteesic nttI. do not attend the meeting tînt are do- -IJ A "C RH T lMarch I d israc nd ning al of 11er ork ni home. Th, D R V NC R ITSl b Mrdiliceol 11e rnchmd.onlocal oreanîzation hiesment a large tli 1sfboade fli trInfo C i-amount of finlalied work tg thle ,'ouîn- W014ÀN IN UIICÀEiO go. iy lieadquerlers at I.berty-s-lle hi- Not in Touch i Wth Hlm sîdeps landlbag isboutl$2S50in membPr Mst.oF-s "4 nooPr The trange part of the matter 1la: slip dies and ifla for 11he vork. Ms-est,>0iE-a. 2as i-noln ar.st- flia th i-idieu ad adef0 t IBecause of Mer. \'otivas attitude ta- ousiy hurt Monday nightlnttoLincoln -tempt te geltin bnci vifli flicr fabli wad tls avan d that lie voul oct Park hy the automobile of lcoS. V& u- i Pr until nov. Tliey Ihouglif per i render aoy assist~ace 1n Ibos, roct a- rand cf [Lake tBluffTMr.tismiand vws ln P hapslie may have, gone ta 1atfac-m lieiîae îthisinc.îî ca~5 '1 rr.driveraiy h lit chaffeur, Wit- filltedwithbischuch, t Ilam nfps liant Roséo. ýt uew-nd in Wisconsin,. near Dlale, but, rIble ta organize the public seboof Mi-. and Mn-i. Ercnst, ouf for a vàlk, -i lnqniry there shows lie lid not heen hiildren, through thevechôols. as ilaie' vers. crosslng fthédrive. lit 'wW id tt thore at ail. How flic children le-I al. ng donte thi-ouglicul the count.ry, so Mlrnst ItrtsIpped. 1- tliseemouflego liy vitholif maklng î (Il el o helot of Mm. R, B.. Miller, MMc. t)urarud hipllier loto his cen aaayafbmptf0 et Irai-e cf hlm. llo<-arman o? the lori] aîxiiary. . o nd di-ove oi.the Columbus Memeil 0 j teptt ohosPifal. Mra. Ernst vas unecrnecma bard to understanil yet sncb im the jl. Sbe sentlbnoticeme Ioflic principals and sumffering rom a severe scalp Scase.- f fiti-e republice chools 1ln1the cliv wiiuid. Detectîves on Case alZAng lier to announice ta the paillis If develoiiuuthaf defectivs'e mcatl-In ulat sehool, tbat a meting of the lndepeuaul nreader" BE 0%1X. v ont on the case nov as velI as f lit c sihoci i-hldren vould li e lcd ln the yson vhloÎtdrect ing the searcli. tliJt, R'ed Crsi-se roolfilen at Saturiday ef- THE HOUSE 0F because of flie long lime that.lias teranoon to organize Ihi'. brandli o! fue K C BG Selapsed ince libi departure Pas, vor'<, u taFi-day nighi. one priiri R C B A f iimaltes flic searccl a moet uncertain pal hll rendt the nofice Ivo dasatr DIMKON M dane vltli ne clews ta orkont Ol. ifv:îsreceiveel, the fsecond had f0t at-f ouRtfl5lm IP- ? The thcoi-y vhIcli flicmon lme wrk- rend il at ail and llIte third if ecu Tutreseau. et kesfl5 US andSI**"¶~i is h' Ing on le that bis f ather got f0 Chi- able as the noie diii noi arrive ln l.emnmt lunss ýe 100 4N. WsaIet. CHICAO e cego that ln some vmY scuuuebodY flac. The- meefing vati helel. but Crie gaudccii. Sht IWasitllou .1Bt. pisis.wd Oknew liehbld a big sura on his per- there ivas fot a Volivabte clifld there._________________ ýson, that lie vas nduced ta accona- One Volivaite voman vho lia, a Doni )fpsny uunovmaw persans f0 a secluded ln the draft. leei-ne-d tbat ber chuî'cb e.spot, tbat lieo'sas tbugged and robbed vml doing noflilng for flic boys.allic aud posslil> lis body vas fhtown bouglt @orne yai-n and the anfI-Voîbva H O)T fDIN K S1 It into thie rbver and may occuPy a Red Cross vomen gisuly iknItted a h. grave nor marked 'Unknovn" sweater and beimift for lier son. Sn B- Il ivas eporbesi that Ward. flic son, fer as e venov. this the ONLIn.bu le ws's ta confer wifli Lake county au- stane vhei-e any one romn Voliva's le thorîties thig veek lian effort f0 sa- churcli las 5liown an>' lntei-et b bIne Hot Chocolate HeUdf tliWaid ln the searitli vont resluesfed o! tbis countrYs 10ov- MJ-dMl il._________ aI vomen.HtN edMl ELt T AD »A 1~IN A large number 'of vouio-i emçloyéd Hot Bieef Tea M 14f APPRÀ19 NTlll'I et tlie Marshall Field Lace aitory H4ot Tomato Boullion nus~uu ~ have fliir ovn Red Cress societ>' SN IR RON U and are eendbng a box of finlslied riw c ork toafthe couinty licadetuai-fers eacli W hen in W aukegan Tvamonvboaresai tahave l5rdey. Ail of blie 30 women enipioy-, clbmed to lie governnit nepresen-edy liFan B.(ot'man 4-ttivea,.bia5e been In Weuke"ef andar idtbed ifh le dCos THE REXALL STORE vlolnty> for the leut fleur days. Tbey vloork ln saime vey. h- ave visited wamber ofrssl estat, The volmen la Volivas chui-ch. oi- F r Htrrik srmen, obbailbng appreoeDisLt on lake Inadsties, sol far as vueoan leeru or H t -ri k ,il Shore )end hfsTe.1 If le mid.tbey have anld JudgIng f. iean isieported utter- r scunooed smiler geîMaisMsnt ou lanesai-e doiflg absolutely NOTI-t- it- land sitenditiS ajil lirâly tv 0Zion TNGI C 0-VOG L Cty . Thet'e la 'OOîsiderable sPecula' When the Presidenf or our Unit ed DIUJCE.CEEAD li O a-as o Mta thserMaoi for thse action. States called ulpou the wivoen ta reg- TqRxi t la M. sr -Til~r' slgnlficanlut uer for thse purpose o!fintdlng Cort 1%4 ieIpkuu oesSs TýýCqZj %le: aoes propertY la visat vOrk biset aux oould do, shouald sO.tbt'1Ilbs fouand necssmary ta cal slapon ne twoe 'Ibo sves Yo 1nom te Il I thbon to teke places of tlie me n Wko bad goné to the front, ln repiy toa writtenIi nvitation 10 Mr. Voliva, esk- Ing hlm 10 c"-pfrale am]!anîniillce tv bis people the Pro-isdent' dimsire. aleo iatIng wtiere the reçiaitrati*ii WUs ta le beld, and who thé' womn Were that bad been plaed ln charte -ln Publice nnouncement, lie co- manded bis women la hio usuel . strOngr' langisa<e. "To have noUIllE tu do wIt thosé devils," and waIMad theym (hie women). Io k" pquiet; ~t to ite5k, leevé thet to hlm. Se far ovêr 126 anti.Vlva woni-vr registored but a Volivaite.-NIT. Tlhe nti-Vollveitei havp holà et lest six imblie meetings la support of verions activities. but flot one frm the Volive camp attended, flor Ima single ximllar meeting been heId 'by hin aosefar se' iâm 'Inown. d. Up tb Sefurday lest. 111cme was 1 anti-Voliva men enliSted and two Vol- 0 Ivaltes. Ten havp gone from hl% gsu 0 but eight of thena are among the oh 2 Jeetore nt (Camp <lnl. bei-ause tbey 8 ii-111 u-- ný, -'-.i".- nd-'- ner lit ;p A 1