CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1917, p. 1

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YVIL LE 11*0ýD j' »"CoMMt.sBig Weekly EPEýNDEN'T WAUKÇFfx llEG EEKY S", VOL. xX~V-No. 50.' *Wà ~foe u b if.govan dliethir ku& w hlm ftaer, and lh. Mohotw, ho OI4, vin eQuail>'t«OMrled b>' th. KIMIEAflM0D04IWaO mibiis fahher nover allov- edbin a apenny, liaI vba± mo.>'ho ,RAS 91. Mrned ho badl tO gel hiniseifand the fathor would taka l front hlm vheii AmIIbUaid, rreted t ~ ho could. He pa&ysho vas hlcled rlngn, 'itIsWulr Tal ai about l11e a dog and taI ho nover Life oW tte W F am.of 1k. lter men ln the comm4unity. Ail day Saturday before they lait FAIMEICHASED. HlM- th,' Haliand place, vichica t tvamiles MOTHER FED HlM ON SLY. -outwet o af ntHcsand i the offiers wom bebadc let $uspoed of Being the One 1 lits aid. aearcbed lte vlclnlty fer Hol- W oAnnoyed Teacher, Yeti land. They vlated tehut hr Yet He Denles It. lip usualy i>' h blunf but lie>' gained "0. trace of the. feiiov. The.> cravled MUAAING THE PIFTEEN'il' under haYtacke, throngb the. bea 4.Uaudc hearhg, diiaercy con- and through the ha>'. tIc>' ve nto *0e14 ba huee. $et for tIol. .,alilsorts cf places but falled t gel a Mlle Pos« eimol.>, the Sarn@nte aylout te vireaboola of tih. unu" tlbiehc m i et W beun la Wouloe- tuai. nanWhoi ter rnaapued mW MWllo dm«<i' wte Y ~%w&aadeboiad., ho explainei tIn" ho qv w m ia WM ho has bas" unie>'- hai beonot t. hlm *ran u a n t- les , or rt . urday andi vusaurpriae ven .1. *1 iSUNt iNuhe; mewlwt khow ho SHMut aOCeieIWeiyti.oficer 1 j< r *4 eoud ,,loreM06 eo 0"Wanfl ne H.Immiti ho had nover «1y UNS wh.thrjoli uheUmr«O ,attempted tb fiablen anon. and **m oru e»L.1 hav e 0 t jé ui hen asked Sf ho 1mev anythint of -ý a'sd miSait.1 cap, gray' eveecetlte leacbev boaving bout annoyed ho Md evereI14 fer a 1o00 lime a d l exPîInsmuch surprise. on theva>' ho sale t. e>'y uhother It va. ,,r.e or tO 1aul.nh. aaked tb officer if net,"« ueid elani n a ver>' poitive ha could go dovn lovn te purh*o wî-, one. miehoIicated ho . as anme clothing. addlng hoh d themoa;- est afrai teo oofrent the-toucher. 1P --and lter il vas foand ho baIl ln the arreot ar Barringtonfiunday $ie 45 lu île pocketa. LLBERTY VILLE, LA.K3 OOUB~Y, UaIJ~Q* THU~8DÂY, DECE~MBER 13, ~17. $75t'.O- IR TOWN 0F Business District ai Little Vil- lage on Shore of Lake Is DevastatedSuniday. SIX BUILDINGS ARE RAZED. Fire Starts From OÙ Stove in Pasdaloup Fat-Neighbor- ing Hamlets Help. Tii. village of Fox Lakte ai noce Banda>' vas visited b>' a Ore vhlch prueticail>' vlpOdout lit. businessa 4* triat of the l111.10 haniiet on the k. Faul raftroad on the edge 09 Pc. talke. Tii. totetlouaInaetimmtei aI ha'teen $75.0%0and, SMM anidas a rpsuit of lhe conflagimtin, vbtch vagfd for about tour hocrst, wviiile heiptoavilngr snd neighbors trom surroendlng ternies>'W111.4ibmbut bo cieth l ,thi e bubsinesils- trcie tada>' In minus tire. reataurant. one nello» atore ami the poatoffîe la temporarilioctd lu the St. Paul depol. Foliovlng lai a tiat of lte building destroyeti: 1. Frank and George Pasdeloup L :FQkLAKE ing dld not catch ùM0 Teiegroph and belepiotie polevu.'. burnod and thl r vireo vhich ramnionS lthe main streotà t af ltae village vers burned, the. vil- lage presentins a Most deaolat e ap- r p.-aranc a aler the. Ifre iad subelaad.e Postal £galpment Saved. Forlunatel>' Po.tMaster Howardp Scott vas able te nisove all te pos-a- tal department'c valuabies fromtheoI potofflco béOfrohé ie ame. reached lte buildii w vbhas accupied b>' the. popofIce a"à the làandy store., Ail the mai. teWet~ l«w thle clampa.e mooe>'os-ders &"Mai0er aupplies. ve.i removed true tba Suldint and Pout-r OMs me 0o* 4Wito open'temmi. 1' art!>' la tbIeKUt. W doet, pcdlngt sucunsia pu tMe altoe mihre -it la d.laui4 àU oi f tlébudd t lus destrer*4 "Pld~D1etely oelaus'C b>' lniruaee Mr. DrowVa almosc '~étaeaunceatan.1 Because 0<lk thlat heh blumdi ta an lasUnibbi â is frienda ho' 1ev. he- bai' b - dingo fuli>' pro-t tectod b>'isls Word of theo Uts pread throughouta the. cminenit>' mi hundreeta of peo- pie taatened 1to Lake t. lent! wiatever asaistance tbey could. Tii.& ieon of Amîl Hoilanti, aged 37, Lake; sloon, owneti b> John G. Brown. vitiagers vorlol vitI a viii and se roulS>'autuortle bav lutieeutoe ('5 IWn n~,'rjnc! 2 Guo Landrys notion store, in erel buciel brigade proveti of m c le of te araugenl soiggiez 1h.>'ha voe Sff Fi DIN Ec 11R.) hich wvscpostoffice; Landy ownoti mena. value lu chtcllug tae pragrenai Ave- bailta bdeal vili Théiidpeloel- buldng o te iate. heMewÀ. to lir aolfillalaveNII M 3. Mru. Ek&rsarnovned b>' tar lie east of lhe buildings destroye, ,4 mature se, yot one uic bas never1 John G. Brovn, Il bbong hie rosidence -lm owned b>' WilIm Maypoie of Chi- ceeu an>' et lic voria man vbo 0;se '5IJU31 0 viien 1in Fox Lakce. casa ant ielitsea.,- Hrry. condtacts a deaLly> afrali ofS J fatbar, anti vbouel« flI'1 ELJg1U 4Jose Haipls saloon, owned b>' general store lat tho structura. Titare motIon, alto afrali of hen busbai, ItMlpnwaBsoame danaige dose la tbit buildi- ted ie nti ubenov ta b. ailer StsN(>lPiretor ofSohol i ~ is.Tp Sprlng'a empby ctore ing but flot onough ta necesallabe ---theson lb. hem.anvlile siuIfl .building, brick. clostng te slore. aot tafrts liii a ucar.d samma. Ton f ua usPa I 6. Paul WIkle,. aloeon, 'owned Three 8Salem,0 uraeed. ThesMMnov a a thelie commT ai S-ogàl 1D t0l. f4>'je*. Belleoy. -The.tire PulC OUe * Qdàju èp lie wbr ie.viXe holeuPending lmvee- 1^11 ol f th. "a w e er.dctreyed.) Paedatup, Heipîn mmiWluher a-j I*Mgalloti1 detemnaie viiethor hala isýlVOL VES TECItICAL POINT 7. Harry Ma>'potes general atone, locus. Wither tioe. mon viili enl i le Mani vbo wvas aoying the each-'1 damageti alightl>'; fin. checked aetblin up alter aie la»tnol luo at ahe the. cas fgetfcttetI ht Prada~ii<n ACo to tnhelias.jtire atarleti about noon l intever>' ev empî>'building% la F«x Lake 'cîîli'. Higher Court. apatu of aged Mr%. Pasdeloup, aIt the present lime andi If tho huai- Among the fealurea that citaracter- -1 ilveain lte rorna above lb. sa- nesses destrayoti are 10 ho re-openeal izeti bis lite ant isi capture were the: Seldinedrctore of a district Ii lo on building, a Ivosor>' structure it ait neesptate Inumediate recon-i rpîîlowno: viîcit ehero4 lu on iigi achool are' iîcit tood Ofi le main business cean- sirucîlon of store buildIngs. va risd n lu f~ bounti by 1ev ita pay thtiion of pu- er of t e haietanbsd vas ovned b>' Ti. ira vas iy fan the monl dia- ho1.-M be aè t i,40Mle pilu Intiat district vho attend hig15t1John G. Brown, former mayor and asbrolis andti w ldea~rgd ha1 bas hlinge bues t >' Ilnha mdeachaci lu corne other district, provideti posîmater of lte village, vito le ucu ever -slled au>' village 0f LAle qon- h5 lilflgb>' t.»Pfl*.the malter In presenteti ta tihe afore- lu Mobile, At&, for lte vintor. Be- t>'. Intfact, as a resuit et tie blase 2Weh- ~clat.hle heyloftI, las, directors for titeir approvai. cause of the cold Mre. Pasieloup bad tiare are ver>' fev huusaisbum! tho veoasMi ec.'hie trap@. This in the bell cf o rulug etteroti ligileti an cil heattugs tove and tu left iluhlit 111e aiaelt, vhich lia» 3"W« a aiIt. e bme"vtuunhi. ýb>' Coutt>'JudgoP. LU Parsond laienme mannar thm heater ast fireta hbliaimore or leua not«%riAt>'7ut v1rt1u fathr W«Iliers.frida>' aftemoneonlutle Coont>' Court thefurnlabings cf lb, apirtient and limes duriug t'be past 5Overal yeara. 4...Mas.gei p to «hi. Mmele vhlle At WauloganIn conalring a motaibefore the lana.,could ho checled liteailbcr vec duiýet b>' ilvWe'punito! tav. 'The rulata n0f iter- thlb.tire itatiapreai lhrooshout the STRICT RUiLE AT ftOCK<POfO. te lin boue, visee ileurli. aknisclta ever>' aclooldtrlict la Laie lÉttsud lhe euh-re building vas cocun ie.Ya seileltasac of har ne, minad1 ount>' lu liai il la fei'r rechlng.ap- envelapet Inlu ames, le gIve hlm fuod t.e olh lm aflve pts ta evY ebatoël district lu whicb h o t eataetvaumntBy Unitedi Proe.&> Md i e tisreo mORtli.0lite <slo,1114 thens té no 11gb saboci. but bemos ta!le.cou ld v as n i Rokferd, I, Dac. 7.lett«h CuSn. net mev eue vs, féocci hW b «'IL Tii.ceu nqueuhion va, tuat of Impossible ta obtain a flow cf voler «meser Luaheli todla>'gou d edli Se-W.,.auI -aiffc' tvc Mdim bte board of education of Union ÎDis- sud the. lame.s srend rapidl>' b admedîcal nutioltle. AIt GW4 &MM te « u.thte Pért 0 ff ce. is biF â trlel No. 4, counlies ef laie and Cool, bolulus buildings. Word vas hurried' refuse permission te uilea rmy b... se»M te Irise hlm te Woukcguat. psnthehoo l Idirmotuna of 1Die ' sent tuO <inaaale. Round Laite. -mes l stClhogo 1dus-in the dipit- lit le nue 0 eut t ge l 0550Au ««Se.tNo. 90 of the cony t>' 0< [Aie.ocb sud bIcHet>' for asaistanco sud theula .pldeulc thene Ilva.s alise ,eoaed laLaie cout>' police circloul T h.latter dîractous are beof thef 1h. 10 lIs eéoned tte Ofltdthat C "0vIs"Itera hobar- me ws. ou in tda' mmrnnitlhaWordi White uchooilua ho lovu ef Cuba. extont of losir ahîlil>' îy sendlug mon reti frons th. camp. cm»eta Slaie'ic Atorne>' Wech liatThe. plaintfsu the case soogbt ta' ant iIre apparatus. Cousliensble iielp tle bolef Prevailiet that He0llna, a recover damages hecause tieacitool! vas thua renderoti anti about 2:80 Es W. (<il>') Goddard. adibr Of Strange eharactor, vas the on. vhe directors of lhe White 8sO0b" nl, clot' clocî thé tire vas aeclar.dtaibc he ti.Joli>' Eh, otlclal art=Of0<1W' âba eca tlSb g th le thhrase pati lie tulitcu 0f Ive puplsh» o adti îguutteti. lu Minn.eota. anti autiiol of lie EN Cme.tble VC.ILE. lt, armod vitI a' atteudedti h. B&rrlmgtom hisi molool.- The. building ojitad b>' J. z. Nan- greetîng, "1<01e, Bill,"' died at bis ,'~Join Doe wanrrant, va sent aller The case vas baaed on teclulcalliteeunng, nt-ana-eroma lb. treet rom lin. -At lant h.olad 10te tumn boflianti vas bitterl>' <00811. the. *deloup place, hall a momies-of bhontelunMinneapolis, Saturé>' <t'os but ho letaut ofIcerta la Md u Il vas broughl out tltth1e Paenta vilidovu alattered th I estt ram an axback cf hourI troule. 9. ceaie Iteructet i hm bta llf> im (icks01) of lb. ire cihireu lu quenlon sendtihle bhumng ptructorsa but lb. build- ta Minitoapolta tbWt>-v* ymurs ugo 4î Jf t useclti nain appeêrdet ahbis lient ta the. Baringtou bîgi schoqi auuel hoinns. fluad57 uarmlug a men- entier te Ž.iegslallve act et 1916., Sage corteu0 1<115 sW hoa 481B vhciprovidedt laI lia count>' super- drove la Barrillsten, RlUadindmlie nlendent of achools sbould po'ay he M,.jMUNIb TAKE IN UI~ atuestime baving beau delaned b>' Ith ultîan o! the pupils out of lte di* _____ officer. Hicks. brought hlm ta0 hl i butable tva iilbax tond. Thia eount>'jbail. lav repeaiedtheii net of 1913, wvici In order te comply with the postofice reglatons Dent.. IMe.Annoy.d Toucher. provideti that lte aciool direct-or. cf ltollaqd vasult such a fac1 as ha districts In i ch there ver. no high and folrwing instructions fiom the pastrnater atLie- vies rredite A ta'w1h being. He osali scloois ahouid pa>' lie tuitiou et Du- tvllTe Independmut wiII not be allowod te b. 'chîle enroule ta lhesjoil Ihal ha hal plieviteatteudet i igitaclutol lu nome not doue anything chargeti agalmPt alter district, provlied te malter tIbSilSa atee'DcUnber 31 ta anyone who i» two year haîm. atitlng h ha d neyer frighmed vason isentot ta lhe directora for i aer xhtersbcita ehv oeoe teaciters or anyone else and tram their approva.i rer ihtersbptn ehv oeoe what lmeur ert ahet village, thuoaral" Tie Suprent ouarlt ten cameAlaong aur list tharaughly and find a few subscribera wlio have ticular !ellov, vienever h. oboenvet iltibell the lav 0f 1915 vpau;ucoun fot--~u ..-,&,Man or vontan approaching, iNtaa i ttonaland tiau "disatted adae1er iiaras -of frightenijug tam, vas frtgltceed;tbatI nasmuoii ne the 1915 act baed ne. I To ïmee few aubecrber:- Unies» yaur subacrion himielf anti voulti fieeas rapidly a, peale t liat et f1918, ltaI hltler l hie legs voulti carry him. jset eu liwuaeffective. I is paid up ta date befare Janunr 1, 1918, yaur paper Tells of i Lite. Parentsacf the chliren vho couldO Hýoll&nti liasa voi tory' or bb g~ot bave antclpatd vin* lie U- ..stpp bie N ss iIfo oth oI po.cor ouid, a oltu Piense rememnber, your <redit ia gaad with The In-. n.?et aWgo111 oe W1 h Iltiebutat'o, îîo t'~aioî iri~u paobbut Unie Sam insiste' our payingup, or »e *bi * t-Ilh le bAy, tg iahe101.4.-for -ajpreval tlù t ee lr< -he WvIii t4JI0Uus te nMdi!the paper ta yau. * ailt t.sMia 0 U.' e utté" cua l éIl youwallnt The Il<tq,>eldiiL pieuse coniply with OIE TO EIS$êT. 81.50 FER I BRITISH lAKE .DEftusAiLaEM SIJRROI>NDED TURKS GIVR UP. LeIe.d@4Dec. 10.-Amkdow smer Law, chancelier of lte exechedpWer. enoed In th. hou" t, cf eoft te- daiy that Jouuum, after t»lnq curý rouaded on ait aIde b> British trp, hnd urreusdered. .lavwlem ha, falleni 94Eleorcl voies« upedino ovur throbblag vlrea or through lte unwir- ad spaccu of the air are boanlng th. novae to the. uttermost part* of the earth. Stragetical>' other victorlea of ltae present vs. have beons more Import- ant. None thril Ithe world, howcver,' 11k. the cry.' "Jerusalem Ans faNe,,." Rural realdanta are remlndod of lte fact that Il la farbldden b>' the gov- ernment to place pennies or any cah ln the. rural Mail boxe. e orlthe cane rien 10 tako La place 0f atamD&. Nie 1>' ail carriers. tu ho acemmoilong t0 the. patrons. vlU pick up tIeu. pOIR- nie@, buy stampg aad put them on lo& ters ferrlthe ooontîy people. but th» carrier doesn ot lha" te do IL 'hmu cold days hoe hhua It a bhailp vIle lu a hurry 10take orf bu isle aui feol &round for co14 plu«ec f mm«e. Thia WOrk ln not comfortahte lu vin- ter. no do flot mole tilsbarder fer hlm. Bey atampu aitead foryour ve and spare the poulia. SUPER«SRS OMV ÛiENROUS saJM»T RCREmoSS QUOT Looks as if Monthty CoatMb- tion Would Run Anywher From $500 ta $1 ,000. TO HAVE VISITING NURSE. Board Authorlzed Hhlng of a Nurse to Trace Tuberulouis and Ald ln Slokness. Postmaster Gtsady appeared befare the supervîsora Tueaday, Dec. il after bte December meeting alarted, and urged the. board ici go as far as il could ln Mswistling the raiiing ,0o Red Cross fonda ln Lakte count>'. lb vras augued liaIt theboard set aside a monthi>' amount to be pald Into the fond. Pceatmnten irai>' vas precent on raqulent Of Superviser Belrotov vio introduced tb. reaolution provldlng fdr $500 for the Waulesn district share 0f the lRed Crues awti vo apolte atroug>' for action on tae part of the bourd. He urged thiImport- ance of holping Ibis cauac and hie tel, viii have a big influence on the. action ho be tabou Wednesday. Aller caneidorable discussion Il vas declded 10 poalpone action unlil Wedneaday mornlng. The big que- tion consldered vas as te vitether if lhe boned approprlateti a apoflod fond, aul parts cf Lako count>' coulti drav on tbe fandt for supplies for Red Cross articles. Tiiere seemedti t be sorna doubt ou tbIs becouse of the tact liat cer- tain parts of ltha counly ara lnciuded lu certain Chicago districts of the RIed Cross and Il vas f oaed theiy vould not be ablI. b dravw <rom Lake county. The. feeling .la itaihe board viii set initie up ta even $1,000 a montb for lte Red Cross provldlng ailtha couuty and not bast part, con have advanta«e cf lt.e fund. A letter front William V1. Slead of the abat. dePartment of brade cent- mece urged lthe boardti 1 provide ki set of welghla and mensures for the. county rerk vitase duty under bte low rt lacbt iiq.officiai luapeotor ln tie cnunty. Referrad to purchaelng cominitte. hndr lte lte clerk la te officiali nspectar and the hoard tiierefore waa "up In the. air" over bust witbhi. duty ln thua malter viii h. Mr. Hendee lias juat been giron lte taak of dire-eing the handling of dy- namite, etc., anti novwb.ha. la super- visea, althe- velgitand moasures, Tiat'a ltandtnx hlm a. lot of nev re- Lkponahhllties," nid Balrl'tov. Tiie board vontiered If Mr. Rendes vouiti have la go over the county tentîng soaie, or 'vitather they vould bl brougt to1 hi. '>e tenting Outftt viii coul aboutl8$M. Tbe otmle' opmt nstln LÀ E. P. Sedgwick Heada commit- tee Whlch Wii Canvas County Thoroughly. $20 PER CAPITA, QUOTA. 'Economnize and Buy Stamps,' Is the Appeal Made to Ev- ery Resident of County. Rvery realent of Wabfegsn and Lake connty lo expected to purchase ai lImat $20 worth of ver sarin g stampes go hia eounty can go "over the top" on liequota of Si .400.000 vhletlal the amont ailltted out of the *10,000f,000 whlch ln tb be raie- e4 in the Unied qtates during the. nom yoer. Plana for the carryiag Ont of this gigati e aupweln lu Iis couny vere jaade ai a meeting heu4 Xonday atternoon. et vhlch chairmec 0f commlttecotvte tanoted.,,E. P. et gvlcwk, eecretary and tretsuror of the Chloago Hardwftr 'undry Coi-1 4w aof North Chilcago, lte man vho ausuccegafully conducted lthe recent Y.M. C. A. fund campslgn, han heen melected by the govPrnment tb nct an general ahairman et thia cainpaigw. iPollowing lm a lst of lthe chair. men: General chalrman-E. P. 8aedgwick. Vicei eWrman-Theodoe BMach. Setary-treasurer-H. C. Bueet. Publloity dlrector-T. A. Simpson. Speakers',oommlttee-C. W. Diver. AgrIcnltural ýCfflnittee-D. 1. Putb noam, We.uonaua. I*bor commlttee-Max Baade. Marchanta' commlittee--C. U Wight- (if, rayslake. Citurcit committee. Rer. H. E. Gan r Wonîan'..commnittf,.- Xlrs. lred 1Halcit, Sprlng Grave. t Lodge eomttip-Jud P. L. Pér-, rsono. t Manufacturers' Association Com- t mittee-P. R. Muiler 1 Bar Association cammtt4.,- Atter- ne>' A. P. Beaublen. Medîcal AssocIation commlttep-Dr. 3. L. Taylor. ldbertyville. Raca of the foresolng chairmen a P o a ppointt he tnmbera cf ibeir 1)ommtttees. in this vay tIo lafigurcsd t tat the. antire county wvhl bue covered in a Most êffidtdt iiafnn. '.1'rtber plans viii bc mapped out as oon as the varicns. commlIttee have l>eeo appokuted. t The nature cf the War Saving 1stamp$ e I.knovn nihe- genèenl!. Tbey oeil fur 25 coeal .h. Thona. atampa are affiz.d to a card. Whez 1 1 stampa bave been placed on tbe 1card the. latter la ouchangeable for a r ar aaving certificate, the cut of vhlch now ja $4.12. The"a. <tJfi. tcales are redeemabie by th1e <overs- ment ln live yeara for $5. rThe plan for aeilg thèee tampa la not netaeasarlly fer people 10 take money out of the bonk, but t0 deuy theielven aomethlug snd use tihe mmno>avet]ln Itis manner to buy the stampa. Thas b.>' are.fot oni>' 1aldlng th. goverument to carry on 5b thvar but tbey are aavlng money wh4ch otherwia. mnight 1, spent for ane otiter purpo.oa. Lt ia because fo! thls tact that the litle stickers are kxwý generall' aa 'thrl'l At $20 pier capita, the amount si- iotted 10 eacit persan by the goverfi- nient, t la aaen Laie nounly'a popu- lation In placed nt 70,000. On te bauta of a population ef 20,000 people 1Waukegan la axpecled tu purchase at rleant $400,000 vorth of hesethrift 1 tanips durIng te next year. 'Ita flot anougli ta aay tkat va cjust bava raiaed aur q»ata" ne cf the. boosters of tita campalgu Raid ite- day. 'Lot', show tii. vend Ibat Waukegan and Lake cowténY are more thax patnlollo-l4et'oexecloed 01 quota by many thouaand dollars." At tii. national Mmle1kou n aOb- caou Havthorne VPrm, Lolke ceomb * on the, honora fl'or" Ik bOtS I iht bmwe Ro=o0ý ebn$O,8 ATL Gaeorge Glesekt e, S on -- ed obber of Sev#b ment Stairs, Aret, Tears Jail Down. STAGED SERIES 0F, ROSl- BERIES lit TIE VILÏ~ Uhexpete Rt to V il Since ReImWOFm Busne-ss le t d and Left No Perdu m A Msderft JeAe Vil dqaas " I the Synsputhetleolorhi"a % eut lte aolutjiU sn- roe gand leth qe as ll u tht>' me.mse fl*IuMm» M& tbsua.,' theu, ferkneuhîng 'Offthc',hbobo oréd it at, vhihte s"Oum dosa' g,4Mmla s.hie *a ~ th. moil Who mseqlIc ho% Imm< J"W ,la MWnov ,nete leMulq etnilbulion or ' phm,« continvun g hi plf.eo. -* The ma n Inquestiema la Georglew~i sete, vho for a»naYomuDta p1*o-- six yearsaaocondUcei a Mi" * XAe.Zurich. He bia soperaffmi M bis vifu sud abe and boa'liti. S live tu Lakte Zuatcb. fBultofer oUb Yeara tue>' bave hsd nothtnag I Oieueel'a reappeurusae lu a IeU s ricit and vicluit>' markei auan b$US durlng vhieh bh baselun e.w scIa, et Palatin. a& &Salauuluga veil as other nelgbbonlng ha*Iets about Lake Zurich. His reappearance vas maated b> a serle obbeniea. a aenaellena capture, Me ti a mnsatlenal escape eut of the Laie Zurich village loti. 1-lt vs. lest vep,( liaI Co4ut. iei Fred Hoeft toua thilt bites. age baid heen entered an4 loototi.'Ho fonad mlsalng ait auto tire. lire 00w er, antd an &autobe' êAn Goseubie le ter' adiai, il vU as ho vWho m11.W ted the nobhes>' Mdi N.e M ' as glvea b VCoctqbil (à.ua le Pon laler aboyai tint aft.. ho lai ro~ the ilooft IMpie..e vet &« "u broie mb b. hedapuof liitheWnuoa. Ralirueti Co.po~ Midpriai -oppua sevoral boxe. la his Outre te s î toot. He maaag.d 1tecilai. boe*lv or, ay o»' u 0ovôercoalet v >' lt lie value. 2.-vWrosahao Il asema ho vernul ta W. C. Dloluase oM.. vimahoe 1<01 ne lote bplace amipriai osen th. MMle. oIM ase la agent fer' beer comp»an d Glee'tee. e-' arnttng. "inu.ont apM"bitag lL. motena&of dravons &ail e bleae- but lndilag nothing et v^llM4 4 de, cidedé It wvua acoldtdpgbt agho voilti talre Blelnaaels for iIno4 ci.. mat. 3.-Aller hie vieil 10 theieest de he %vent te i. redClauslag ulue near <imer ami mU lb.e guqUb». tire te Clauetg. 4-4"ia vla pepesd e~ Il>', Giece etien wvent 10 Sqa Zilmw'a salon etimg -D" ,.wieve - ho broie tatathelie a4 sait5. a. Kmun sd a ris. Wiu m laig l passent«onho conttinuaie ictp la to te commt>'. 04b u Ot warrant Il W va nint liaConstable lNo, -il decied tbet teo*ewtevdi an= Who bai robbm mebis guge. Aooo* ingi>' i. vent.t la Justie EMiafM1 Mud Mot » nimet ohming ~WM li ' burgtar>'. The vannI, van ln the'baids of emitale Onces and b. alarfle ou ntl de 010ek. t vus-. Sona>' iy o near Fail t aI lie abteê ot Glesaleand bt an *lie M- selng ta, thbhm*beP 0fFotump4 1èý- yer viier. e o tufls en Wu cerou f0-libOu..e 1ides Nt Ssi»Oui thebeb. -,« S

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