STATION 3aidKaiser Treats WSCTED 0F BEINO -SPY.. < = ftr aokies Heau '-*nzel Denles à suspected German spy vlth antl-1 sais"Uu Utfture concealed abo~ut g ot*ing vas placet!uuier sifflet Grmt Ulaes station TuesaY. 'He PalC, tentel. 244 Drake avenue,. 9004. etensers armot foilowed bis state- ÊM that "President Wilson la Dot ý,ued to bis soldiers as Kaiser U»bMle i to Ïhe GermaflY Rio." Tbs altement was overheard bY m iekise. D. C. Carr und D. C. ptuhw-f-tbe VImt Regint. Campi Des.voaft*sle 'an sU tow0 hlm' to Llsut-ont Heuiry Videle werp. When sewmxoed, ota"daa pamphlet s'ere tenait on t»e a.Psect kt vas dlsoovered Stensel obtulned employment as a carpenter yesterday. Me vU assi5Dd to 4--i DIve>'. A:coordt⣠te tvo*w4riSetel teck ammwai "« ellry occoli or t speWça% gainst *b -Uaited Otates a>'. Mny axé navy. 'ramada>' et noon Stensel la declar- ed ta bave told -wonimen tbat '"Preal- dent Wilson vas not sinere." Short. 1>' afterward the two lackies jaaad and heard bis com.Parisofl of Presi' dent Wfisan vith the kaiser. They prmtpti>' aeiled hlm. The proxIn- it>' of an armed guard probably 5ev-1 ed SteaSel fnom soinething besîdes iar- rest. Steasel dïnied ilernsn connecions ad decbred he vwas an Auierican cit. izea. The authorlties iearned bis iaddreça fromi letters. -and Hinton G. Clabaiigb, obief of the invesigationi bureau' lu Chicago, vas notifled. Se- cret servIe atents vers sent dol to seiich Steniera rooma. *.aughlog et Tr.uhle. U~ma Ma OMerfl ~telaugh at trouble," eaidUnW »en, 1ie always pme"$ yODitraublea= ut lOt is" Aeu soný4e.v4 a foe rs~ ITÂRIUM IS NOTi4fu the ex*cepon;-of eauatiin FI3TF B S AT T 3pour yesrsI8v*wo tbbe aOMBtI Ms ta Ure tfsorOWAMY aus-.l t4 This County Was Four .Yrs ~2.oeoo Ahead of Other Counties in cSk couny.,6i Handling Phthsls. Tb* aew lax la oilîlifr .1h er coutileste1014ilw aur exaznple but 'NO NEED FOR A CHANGE. therel&IaKWhlC"btWa"fl 0 ~o4 at tbie Umne., Lake o4unt.y la read ln reply ta the circuler letten re ed as onfl0fthe ploueselun the move celved Monday by Supervisai Geore ment.» l3ailttow fr001 th e state boutd o heaitb ln wltleh the istatapAjt vas made that Waukegefl abould availi t- c1i. ., u i s.1 self et the o»ortufliy afforded by a The cwo*»du« v, l i wr paaaed law to bave a Couflty amr it~ t 17,4i00 sanitorium' for the treatmeiit of those N@W' UWNi Ha4m1whtob0*0 aifllcted vith tuberculosiA, Coufty At Ose 080tho rmive mu eib PhysicishiA. IL B ontOY~ miles btwemut*o pits two and a, that il la flot aieeasary for Lake Coun* ju i i« &»r4 fia coursebu» orl t>' ic>' action. 25tli;e'ua tliis.uth 30 lilas. "The letter hasto do with a letter und vaUt 41. tlis'-'At 33 different vhlch bacante effective asat Juiy, "Dr. Veoiti Il 1 U li o I feot or titt. Brow sad toay.*'Uder hatI&Wthe. conent fiowtog la opposite dire*. Brvusu tda'."Ude t t ev - A.4 S ebè, I@ oi >' tefd- t* county barns of onlteslç0 WI1 i ajvo>' loto, bbc dosait. dld Dot have a tubercuiosis sanitoui. ____ 4esilseCut 014a« Wats Se-C.alat of mltsr and six gleses. Réguler 1».00 Xalue; eua $4'050 Cenuine Stag Ilandie Carvinii $Se - Wth nickesl trinimlflge. $450' -OiNes-.81.05te $1000 TrlplsPlasdKnives and Pences-St cf six knlvss and six forkes, complets.> $p6.OO Hsavy Nickel Piated B!UNa"'Toast e.-Reg- ulation sxe., Oc-1- Records 1No Needies to Change "4Selfs Because ii Excels" MaeYour Xma&s More Merry P AT HEP 'ONE Yo'.gong to buy a po*J~h lih~Wih Wefl, what do you wantluapoorhayyPa- une, fimt. TONE-alwaysl But mawny the plea8ul'O you get -outof It. R*gt? Alght-then the Pathephone is YOUR phono- graph. Xven if It were no botter in tons thtan anl the others-ý-the elimnination of the changiDg c es 'd1awould be enough. Il Its tUe were mevely as ýgood as al thers-the fact thAt the record DOZO NOT WEAi QUT would b. enough. But Wk' as plain as daylight tW4 a BALL of uappblre, Jewel-pollshed under the mbsracope and fittlng perfect- ly 4th le heiu circle 0o! Uisoua4 gooaliong uhAcbft snioo*y, and 1bonastfly gldÏç.lS boMi to prqdpoa "»NIo! purer quaity than saIry'uhave ever kupwu bf orq. It is ail the difference between metai and HEA UPEPONE-that wiil decide. 90,000 record selection-all dou4le-fac.d.. AUl fniaes-a ful Une teo sistfrm., The choice o! Music Lovers-tltWctid over. Sch*arz Fwn cool "7The Practical, Economical Glft Store"- ThisKodel $7500 A.BoyWouldnet "ie ISSo Who.ops" for Toyland in Basement Toyland in Basemient That. Aren't Exciting -neither yould the modem "l. So ever year when we visit old St. Nicks' workroomas-we chooue toyu týiat wMl hop and skip and run and climb and scoot. Laâid of! PlayUding s gie'bulg Ing wlth ne* toya that do thigs--some for iros tots--ome for big biothers an d sisters. *lackboard ...29 te $2.25 Ss&WÏehips Buildor with Tor- Pianos ..... .. Sftote $&00 Friction Locomotives ...11.65 o e.................. 59C Unce $ am Caseh Regiateos. .OS Tiàker Tcy ...............S&c A80 SildingB1l*acks... 2c Game of Ton Pin*s..........2»c PII<rprjvera ............. $1.00 Mechanical Train.., .$1.50 te $5 Tinker Pin Game ... . .00 M =ajlciTraIns. .11.96 ta $10 Cllmblng Mcnkeys ......... S Ilrector 'Sts . 1..1.00 te $10 y .........c and $1 Floor Chimes ...9c te $1.1% Amorican Modol Bulidor...00 GDroins............29c te $3.50 NlopSoe, Onncns with sabolIs, 4$ FodnqTbls edade4url fl............10 te *15i0 Tuil.syCat.......O Foldng Tbles red.nd aturl B04,of Nations (gaine) .... .SOc The wonderfui Paiker Gamus.- colora .................**suc Dcii 5le...........S9c t.e05.0 et ...... .... . .........10 e ta1» Sleds"* famaus Flexible Fiy. Wood Work Bsnch with Tools, AB C Rubber SIie.... W ors ............ OSf e to$1.w0 dit ...................S$1O19 N91h's Ark; full of animale.. SOc Just &à St. Nick Would FiL T7hem, Himself- Boxed Xmpe Gifts for 1M wn For a long year we 've been.buying-h ere and "tjiere -where we could get prieÈ down-hundreds upon lxundreds, of useful, , articles1 for men. WFIAT')ýEN! MOST L-Y' BUY -FOR THEM- SELVES.' _ This Model *$M.00 Sweaters ........250 ta 19.50 4 Glaves; lined and unlned- at .... ...........1.50 ta 13.00 1 Shirts; madras, silk. Sýaune). ftlk mixed; sont or atm cumes - at ...............11.00 tu $.60 HoSiery ....25e to $1.00 pair 1 Umbrellas ... 1.00 ta $5.00 1 Ouspenders .S....6"te,$1.50 Rose Supporters..25 ta SOc'1 Hcplery Sets ....5c ta 12.00 ufla..........7C ta 13.00 Co.phtsqaiin Shaving Stands- MIair. imug and brusb; nickel triluining .. 14.50 ta 16.00 Ngýlg irts ... SSc ta 12.00 Jewly Sets...soc ta $5.00 Warrýaxt Gjcers' Caps; wlth two vwhite covers .. 16.75 Ha , ochiefs . 10e ta UsO sol sI Kit Combinations; sud. leather cases- .t ...... 12.0 ta $7.00 MIll,j Briiphes. .$1.25 ta $4 pr. Boûxed bath robeqý$ 4 to $1'l0 Christmas GifW" .êr ýWomen -In A tctve UllqyBoxesl Ail ready to set u nder -tlitee >op Christmas eve. Handkercbiefs.... 5c ta SOc naacy gewi0g BasketS. .12 to $6 I2anilker chlefs; 3 ln box .. . 39c afittim195; inbes*ltifll boxes Waadefc4iefs; 6inbox ... 7e t...... 10ta $8box l~u4e~cbef; ~b0. ..50,P Stëm* ei9veiape style - Torklsb Toivei Boe-s;towa, wM»b; kaBos. ... $1.60 tô 115.00 clot. gues olo i. . .$1.25 iset lInn te.$1.St 6.00 InitMPig >lOW Cates; fancy S. U, ~ie4;,beauti ni t .rii d ...... 11.50 *ir ' .-3Ih& ................... 15 F%l'syIar Bava......Oic, :!v0*y Sets. $l, toi$UOO .Boxedbathro ' blKlkèts 4.50 BoxedGits for- GIRLS Vamity Boxes .. S. Octa 1 3.00 Coin Punseà ...S50c ta $3.00 Scarf SeiAs. 1.. 1.0 ta 19.00 Fancy Collea and <'ialer ets- at ............. so to $1.50 Sweaters .... 98c up ta $5.00 For Infants sweaters ..........98 ta $2.99 $Coats ........... . 98 ta $5.00 Dresses ............61)c ta $2.98 Caps ......... 50e ta 12.00 Boxed Glits for--- BOYS Mackinaws . ..1398 ta$998 Sweaters .........11.98 ta 15.00 .60C ta $1.50 .$3.98 ta $12.60 *Ovencoal ... 18.98 ta $1150 Faisions........ .. OIc ta $1.50 Blouses ..........50tate11.00 laves ........... SO ta 1.560 American Buder Seisî$l ta $10 Bathrobes .: .....2.98 and up Boxed, Gif t Slippere FOR %EN-' Black and Tan .2omea Sllppers; baud tunaele; extra val- us .... :,>, ..... 11.95 Dlwek snd Tan Everette lilppera -ýband tuimpfl sole;* eiiltal 8.0valué, ii;*......... .46 Ail Comfort tt&ts Olppers; fur sund ribbon' tnlmied; baud tdrned soe,F:......... $10 Comfont ESllIbie; lu gray, via., blue, bnOc>nP, rlbbon tnlnt- * med ..... 1.45 Comly sllppgrg;Tnicely fSiabed; Igoe sols«; spOial .... . -FOAMNLM~EN- Blue -and Red Joulets-For and ribbon trlmmsd; sises ta 2,1O8c "The- Sore frh<z Grut~zs toplere" YÏ quo ~1~ Thm 1 ta*wl p