CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1917, p. 13

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IENCY 0F nIECOURT Frank Stookey, Who Robe Bidinger Store, Entera le in Court Today. OTESTOPLEAD ALSO? W. C. MoCtannahaft, Who Robbed Callahan NoMe, Aiso ConfeuseaGudt. Ftrank Stockey, one or th. automo ile burgars whs, rcbbed the E. P Bidieger store luutWau kesan of seY erml hundred dollare worth of cdodu lig, and vina la ailoged to haie par ticlpated ilauanattempted hburgiary a' the Dalle>' store ln Highland Park aPppiwed in Circuit court tlii, mr lin fd ontered a pns, of 'guitY.' Aï* He ili ho mmteced 4»' .ldge Ed w ards ±onorrvMoraine. Stocke' la the man who waqara'sted follow Ing the .ttemàpted' roblisy ai 11gb land Park and vileMtemmsd to As %letant Chier Tyrrel « ,Waukegar that he partlclPated li.t the BIdIege robhery. lHe wr, iadlcted jr> the De * cember grand Jury. Stockey lasesl(* tb have exprerrîed hopelesannesî0 e*aplig tinshmeuLaê l te 11e taken 10 the' rtae penietar * et Joliet se (at h Ireviiloe auItt lime a, possilein sterling hie ner tence. Tony Sockey, brother of Frank, t, geher with John Rowlanrd and Dont Inies Yucclo. allier urambera af sl leg.d automobile robher grirg. iras expresed their desire ar follawln the example of Frank 9tockeY. it 1 probable thal they wilire arraîgne tn court tomorrow mornlng a:tb *sure lime Frank getse bs fetenc san tIat tIre>' an enter plasof gult7 The>' may receive their sentence a the sae time. ThIis action on thé' part of the ro' ber gang ta r decided victora' f< Assistent Chiei Tyrreil and Shari E. J. GriMaf. Tirese two officers wer b chicago wth Frank Stockey an succeded ln arrestlnrg ,*veral men bars of the 'gang. Penalty frcr brirgier>' and larcen' to wbicln ana member af the gari bai pl#aded gulty. and ta wiricir tb .thers prohîhi>' yltae>th1e atm c<W,al an Indetarminate senteac, of fromn one ta 20 ypars. Arother Pleade Guilt>' W, C. McClannahau, Iadicted on citarre of hurglary aithtir James Ca' -abers home on Sheridan roari, Wiu kagan, aima appeared In Circuit courý thinimerningeundetered a pies cl gulill>, lie will recelve hiei seuteuc' tonorraw. inornIng. MeCiajraahar. wI8rarrested es i£ result aof1the Pluct rihowu by Mrs. Cilhlaa. Smith 81141 Here louis Smth, censicted of man alaughtar as a reaîut of!te 111 slY4n' of Biil Panagokas ai Northi Chicago lias flot yat been taken tu Joiet ti iregin serving hie sentence. Brait in cnfing caneldembi>' for 1e paln ouIthat the time ha spandin Jej * Irre Dov doea not aPpl>' on Iie se, tance. Theitiaae's etîorieY liasnDO made Ot tirepapere of commltmen lin hi e eue MRE PROMISEI A 1bo1 car cantlioitig a load ai a:, 8 ,,pie, viricirbldbeeu consîgnedti taA Behn a! Waukean. ceught Sra lu lb local >'ardoaithre Nortds Wastarr eiliroa Compray enri Mada> afil ernoon. Thea car vas daanaged quit' badi>', The. muiroad comanai>' ha- aarved noticeoa e Daimtht ire wilUb( iuad for damages iracausa a stave ire bah lu the car causad the ira. Debra says bc vii dtent a cacaber suit or theamlroad compani>, cbargeg tiret another air vas aioved ta irump la- ta tira car conaeling hls applas, andi mîused thre stove teo verturu. Sfting Onamêr!. "A tenusa o! thiedraînatilat. r4 course, dosai>' oncted with e sowi o! hu.nor. If ynu bave tuis facuit>' fer gttiag autaide yoursslanad critlcling yoursalf, ynn wlll ho n"P4y aura 1 useo viratirr yeu look rldicuioui. If ydu area nrueieriltintathe, ffreize o! h gift, ynn viilaioos s.ynurself la your riglit perapective wtli regard te allier people. Thea artiat muet ual bc an egit. He muat net ashowte lime- llgirt tn ha ceatared ounhirasaif. He viii saesIirsai!, not au the haro et th tor>', but as one o! the cheracters -ha bro, perirapa, of!onue chipter. it ,eguali> a miner chmeacer lanlte n uë&Thei, atouebt atisnf aU, proir. aby àtemnwopray su d tries to meth »tryaislire author dealgued lit Re Ul avetira ruest ena.e o 4rotîDo" ù ae~ e lb. rcu f ec.-red« ce uC Arm*AgM *LIBERTYVILLle »ZNDFoPENDIKNT, TI1URSDAY, JîEUI1,l9S scribe $1,40,000 warth of lire wer wlves ae Wago Eirrtes raving certflctas and thriit stamps More tItan oîî-leuih o lire maieid OF durlag tire nat yaar, and everyon, sren !tieUicdSaeswr n- iI& If~4i OLL TO B(NST ALUmut Invest iris nickel, dims quar.9ged 111 grànfnil ocepttous in 1910. iNe m ROLL To ST S LE O rau t, ell ccording 10 figures rpcenîti>'giveir ont ter, ec.,if e re o rik 1 hy t ureau (iftht' census, ndoverÈ kJ~ 1X WE3S 'B B ' A 'O D 25 per cenit of ail women sixteen It let doulYtful If an>' <empaîgri ever years nid or oser ware avage eurrers, r laranched in tira county waa ireadati busInerss nomen, etc. Since 1910 the - ~ > b>~more rapresautati'.' or more ac~ par ceaettires unrlouirediy he i- Develope ThatSMan gBak Er . r. Sedgwick WiII Appear Be. tive voriters. Tire ra sto ha no *reesed retirer tIen dliiniisIed, for Had .~VSho' fore County Board Tomor- doolit but that tIere aeed cf "doiîrgtItnîe>'o vrnluti DC.row and Make Appeal. thaîr bit" viii ie re iught borne to try ires beau toward greater acontrintet - D. C.r> eidajo hecui>.Aby rt4edom for man>' yaers. In 1900 tire * aIl tiryre'ileto haeow n jttiy aroe qumbrer of married wouren ta gelnful LOCAL ED TTS. CO-OPERATION IS IJRGED. a"nptoa a uy70,0.ll~i - noSAT -Ot doaating iiiythirin-whljtie jiso110il wae1,890,0(),Ray's Popularhlia- neatallet la ver certificates and ilu mcanie%, Tire nitlltincsreferred te It d#volopm that W&ukegan people Realized That Supervigors Wili I irîrî ampe litaiMtire gover-nrmani i. show tiret tire proporrtion o! woiîen- &%h people iu Other ctien lu the con. Be Able to Reach Alil Parts carryiag one the war il anerelire- merrled, single ant i 'ndoted-who are try are nov mitue te bu>'.sweet roisa, mpSnt, e clair .aving fr h î,nitvt.î ararng thlrrliving 1la gienter thia etl flou bakerle dny ai a repuit of Of.'thlis L . e v<rtie ~ oer before, but fit !i parîilcuari>' ln- th. sulallerbakersof 1the country a].titrestiniz t tti iienrt o! afl the groupa snigaOMIeetWahntnWaukegan, Dec. 112 1clted. lire proîtortlouate lncreaqe la aeudug acommtlce10 WshlnbonCan« tif .Pionee,'a. the ntrmbar of merried votuen'is lbe t0 prctest agaleut vhat waa kuova as IE. P. Sedgwick. vho baes. irean 01- 'nia varM 14 explorai]. TIrriî n Fastett. "Rtule S" of thre iaws goveralng irait' ointed chairman of tire movement1 more "We.ath ni ta d sens>'ae i lng bouses viti tire ultimata resait ln Lake, counet>', viii ppeer before trm n1mpy uofî-r iutheow t&M tb tua 1 bas irean outtad tram the aeacunt>' board omorrow and ored b>' lmaglntloo vitir ail lI1a riches tiluit cind Trouble. th i. i dar viricir the hakers on illiiige thre copereton of suprer-: of>the rainbov's foot. for bbé migra; Tnaare are stuc' ireoplerln luttis vori(I dMiiiîitry are nov aperatlng. Under v&ls n rompramathe basala of tire tory adveautrote telle and hoid. *»Pr who voulti net re just mureti tiîy sar>' rilse 5, h4 It been ln force, tire amati '110111Y' war bonds tirraugirout tire sons» uay hocrafuira hroa as, oti a -living If, tir">' cul(i't'r nptIrogîthî'r bakaleswoul ne hav ben pemitcOutaI ns of loduitry, acleulists,aritltab a collection of tentait trroubles, cither bakerlea vonild flot have ireen permIt- canal>',1. I nveatera;-,buktt bb canit ha pinr.thronor thr'ap'sabu ted te make x'Meut enlisanduhmattera 'We reelixe tire th11e srrprvlsuîr31Tiiere isn't' rooluf.-Exciatnge. fn e hicr theyutuor ther 1ei .n tl nf traI klud as result of tire effort ta rapresant ail sectiono« tire couity," - ' ieh thoner ilgt'reel vittd- conserve angar. But tIre siaui ak- oaa of tIre offIcers ni tire new organ.Prli-ne lrls ars deciare it vas carrlad ta tha ponît izatloir said toda>', 'irait for thirk rea A Malter of lindelstandirg. - of beieg uarmameesoshaïsud tiret la wby son va realize tIret the>' cen do ranch Tire feiow'vwo doet"ltirntltrstpnd tira> proteabeti ta, the govarnmnat au- Io carry tire nussage ta tire people'. row use otber faliots'î")t[«spOb- t<hows No Sounda. .1riy cent undersntuitil, o wnr lent f herer"tar trac îîf bývlpc tharitiez vith tIra resuit that tiereieL.a'îe cotnny lirstben ansked tli ShIb sucesiq.-Exchgrnge. tnk('is rosit, If sprnis fîrbranchîrîeîs ire-' las ha, nralttesinov. Irond tire nky.-Sirîdi. ut davelopa biat Waukagan -bakers 1as.îbeau making wbat Io knva as 'Wrr brea"'or 1the-Pat tirea ea éka- tmd the bread diffars maîerially frein 'b. breed midi lu th p"t ln tiret it lias colrn nil linaead of sherbeniag sud' 'a linited asi theb.anuat af sugar tuit. The goserument restricts tira amouat if sugar te ho used ln taur te tirree iounds per barrel o! Siaur, il nsad o be six. An>' baker vIra uses more 'han blre pouuds ta a barrai of Caur la amouabla toa afina ai $5,000 end 2 eairs lu jail . Accordîngi>', tbe Wau.A beouitaera are ntrlctly adharlag ta, 1hs rale end do not cara ta lucur th1e laverumontl'spraaecutuou. The government's chiai abject La ta .rty ta iaea ugera and urges the usa ,)f cq il or.hoaay Iaatead. k in uu.I derstnod tiret thîs sort of eharteaingl iroduea practicali>' the saeareaults ta sugar. Thre repart ir eiean current tiret ,ertalu vail-knawn Waukagazr baker- as hava dacided 10 do avay wlth de- h'very aofiread, etc., la order t10 te- reach. laquir>' shows Ibis le flot a' 'icI, it aiso devaiopir, bovever, tiret Ira ig hekers ai Chicagoedeavored rith mtght and manta, put oser mules n Wahingtounviticir ultimatli>'wauld 'arce the smallar baers out of huai- is, Howver, t ves tire Immadiata iction hy tire stualirakerr ibcIrsentI ira committha>' taWashnlgtonahtirtpra' vented ibis action heing tan and et tho preseut lime the amllar iakers 're satIstied tiret tire>' cen bod their ryn in competing wîtIr the birgirak- ers. , koutti Dcctiton. llàaemazlug hov id eas of heaut>' ver>' vith latItude andlonagitude. Ini Jepan, the. protesional ireaut>' love, te appear viîh golden teatlin laint te Drefers tuete talnad ced, but la certanParts a! Sumatra no iadry wIo raipected harpief vould condescend te hase an>' front teeth at ai. Tbey are remOsea lthe moment tue>' appear, and trictI>' suppressed if the> shnuld Ir>' Reulu. ffleath of Love. Wa are laoft oa!univer>' ioneuy lu this wvrld; yau who bave au>' vbio love you. ding te tram euh thanit God . -Thrackeray. irs THE SAME OLO WORLD Lettera of Desrted Wtt. bo Huaband, Wrlt« 2,000 Y.are Ao, Uii.mrtiied 1A Anclent Ruins. A vufes ltter 2,000 >esa nd vag uarthed racentl>'lis the rina o! the Serapouthtie temple o! Memaphis, tire great cil>' o! ancleat Egypt. 'Tie ltter was written iry Iotas ta har hushaad, flepliestion. wli aIrd daaarted lier. Tireaw-re tva lattera, ln !nct, tua §rnt iearing e date equlvalant te July! 24, 180 B. C. Ina âtheu ta ve re' preacirai ber ruaad for neglect ni ii femllyand, vhat ls particuiariy lr4teremtins et tIra preseut timé, sha emupiains of th irahifcnt nf living. Baeare ame extracti frnm tue Brat latter: "Ilaeta Herrbaestion, har husband. Gratngs-lf Fou are vel aud athar thiaga are turnlng nut vitu >'OU Ecee'ding te Four vlabes, Il vould heos asIPerpqtualiy pra> thea godas. 1 MYseif set lu good heailh, and thre child end ait ri the ironse aeke mention of yen cOnttUualiy. Wbea I racaivad Four lttee tram 'Ëorus. lu hicit ynu exPieined blet Fou ver. lu retteat in tho Seiapoue et Memphis, 1 hame- diattelY gfate breaks teo tue gode tirat yen vera veil. But tlet Fou do net ratura distresses rue. FOv'ti&Vleig pi led myseif. sud Four chiid through auclr a crisasu a" âiug cene tethe lait .xbrgm!ty hemmes. of th.hilgh coul o! 'cora, avaltbluiiu ,gthat Four reliesa evm tiiosh*oft tmIuSlwo, r ia -oo fe w eliqluatte The Rain Tree." 'j e n o 8 v lr y For nrbrry yenrrs rv r lentîsrs be' o vod *tralala# tii.eyeu a py, llievpgl tirat thrr' rtu. IIy 11, a ar- s;on of normai vision sheuld bold 10 veloug; îree ceiiî'r ,ritin fm ree'., book te ho resd 15 or 18 igébes &M .rih id tire power of eeiierting the the tara a»d On a direct flue w"t dggr)npns of the atrrrnsplero gana <of the eYea. ltever hoý1d a bookr loy condensirrg lt mb acontinuons nnd whilereading The atabati qtef COPlOu feull(f rein. Tir thlst pow-er le match $'.ater wliS tMe book l %vis esrlbed thre tres abiliiy te vith. heid ln thge lap. If yen make a prat. 8tand long druughts. Itlm atrige. ho%- lice Of reading white lying dmra yoo ever, bhat thre lent of the "rein tree" S81012111-b.e ef l. ýto bctd yFMrlice, -gr. aq It la sornetimcea caiied, "tho iet, thre PrrQ~mugie. IraveiÛer'tq tree"-iaï a large sheaf nt tihe base, la wirich weter collecte, but a nl.Ns, It 's oui>' amoufhfril or isu. - The otrorîng Company versuqi "Baudet," but' they won afril tin (Il:) -cT 1 ýj-' cAhakesp;reja grestt La51J7 wouidmnt -auqs nùIrailit pue .rttlra1 ilrttrq th1e 'brlght: i a o atrig e 00 0011 J ý«jj'( Ca JJ R-tTtSM"ilow a Stepiather Wes PMlL QUL> -sçud oî au() il apisul Thre suit vas a cro'ded hous,&,*&m 'PU ealjaq eî trlilnd x à qant, don Tit-Bità. iralu unie *lutnîna.rnjil )ejt2niui1 C.t\A el.wi au 1 4nna 3o îuearnuaw $atKiiilIeUht 10(4î *'2A jo nqauntî u qllit pouu la ail prohablUty t here la no tb 'Pliq'rnOlt "'ilt) Ilndan auuiVà et piembarransmflbt more algute tha*- ImiuXtg s i»An pi gia n pejilsaorla that 'which, la muffei'ed by theb, bl ii$tlIIAI be .rsqj 'see era> soqio man vro has te ait tiirough a long Moe 30ubenq i )limnu 4d. ltq.ii aej aIM n hased on the. taIt: "lires o agi tidiâll Ijooselç a%4 0oî au4e, balin of your hoad are nm.e.' el 'InjnîTl IRn .iî eTPu rantrun1 Kinnoi Phladelphie, Inquirer. .Si Iir. r oSu.rlJO agil « îaq 4q)ruflgi aiea; Onom sam '14m; ueajoum .11 l 1"" o '.rerl.%aqe tiP eserît u; '»ippeif .1 0 WJUUM&,OGI 0111y We e o oymu&.&amma& aià&, vos,. o~ia sual 1~iuUu. therefoe, weo nvyhhÎm did wve m Engnereestmae letstndng pithlmg. To envy a man la te plaee four luches awny f rom binhe telepirone yourseiî iustantly beneath him.-Ea- aIea talring IR Pcinvalient 10 length- pnlng tihe Une 218 mlle& bue 'v,ý-d&Oe- OA afftthhl "The Store Beautiful" 'Stoe -Onthe VM M Sae Libertî HBondsi vii i'aii'ttid ptlari'alt(lein 1>llynient utof l The Spirit of Christmas, Exalting Self Sacrifice, Happiness. and Good Will to AU AIt this inost wonderfuI seafon of tAi seasons, when selflshlikes aud purposes -are laid aside, wheîî the joyous desire to gîve pleasiiris to olîr trieîîdstakes irî,ssessjîîn of yotung anîd oldalike, store, like people, inay radiate friendliness and good- %vilI. The henatv utfîîature'w owni wood sli ave becît transplaîîted toin ake attractive the interior ot this store. Waving braniches of tiatural evergreen adorîî t'rnnter displays wherex'er the eye reaches. Large, brilliant erjrns<n pomnsettes, set arnoîng the greenîs add that touch of \v aîrnith anîd eheer so essential to C'hristmas. Shopping is vasy anîd delightful. MA AÀ s k"t "WefomeSanta" %Iysierlous nid Sana (laus wilistiretv- eel at hirniehart'and ie isJnly oid ireari ili wermn as ire cees lire greet effort tiret ira. beau put fcrth iraniris store te ave-icoma iis comingandeîraid iis irelpers to ciroose tire rigirt gits. Shop- Early Please To> iand Openrag -vIral maei do thae o vards aieauup? WIrat i t i . w Christas'i Vat do you supposa Saut .C)aus Wiiibring youu Oh .'tee tierertt>' dqllesud 'th. venderful dcii furniture, aud lust look et thuone funa>' teddy bears-oi,ý -n I rau>" tan't Chirstma mît vonderful? "Dols that Children will Love" Welcome to Toyland Every liti'!, .rbig girtl!oves just hirr Oea i-cuier kinrd of e doit>'. Tirai, agatn, lhe ri re "just ordlnery doiti," tandthtie reai, ~t,-uftir-ci.1 irvttld. Ttîere are doua large, tola sural, tioiii Toys for Boys or ail rit.'. (litsgirl moits a. ueo>'Olls intilong cires, Stndt A large essortment of automobiles vill goodness, i..,i thre biggest lot o! every kind o! a àjeuirere await-ire îound here. large sud small, lag some orne Ii caiIt her v.ery own. Alil "Mate î? A ne." Tliany have elactruelilgisîs antd eiectrlc bora attecirmeats. Gail> Doli rurniture "Just 'Grand"u itd togl u oVhI euh machaniceliy irerfac. Prlc Yes as irettful whi ite enamnetei t As. craillestiti, and culi- (3rd fluor), $5 ta $20. bûarqý ati,-Js'"xael' i "P"il' re Mechanjns. -51 Prices Range From $1.50 Up.HI lmigTy lIare's ana ai tira dandieat ~> ofl~ 'Teddy Bears, Wooly Dogs toya for boys. Fira eanaas 0_ 1ýsteam engines, -troley cars, Elephanta and irurses, hit' eanîd big, are iret itataka friands >and autos tiret clîmir vwitir some gond girl or boy. bilul or rua on Here at 25c Up to $5.00 faaas Co wd .(grd' Sloar.) Minatue RiloadSet ~Games for Boys and Girls To- Boxes foi and gemes tiaIt nîany grown rîp . wi l e gadtobupiey, toc. Bettie-50 $1 .2 up t $3 ilp and soitier gamuea. rtiiroad andii riarii gamnes, flir pands. 50c Up t( $125 u t $ uzzlses. targPt gantes, dissectedtîil. card gatrnes, blok-gamas . tIrgt ail tire lerîil>' cao plu>,lîki'errrorîr. ciress, ciremkes, boy Wlaera Is tire boy vira voul Wlrere la tieraeai livi by ho'.auooegnt want an angine scout. etc., et c. (Tirird flion.) boni hox fllued wlth hammer.a and train of cars tiret viii mrati>'"go" onattaregular tracit iota of aIrer fina tois? Mab afilla own? Thare ara sala for littIe boys and lergar sets Offered 'at 5c Up to $5. tool box. 60c ue ta $7,50. ('fi for tire blgger boys. If yo.u lîke, yoo may edd e tunnmel. dava:. switcirea eud 'extra langtbi o! tracits. Tira addeii- îl' 7W9 ~Gifitsfor t] coat fa rtire extra equlpment is mtail. Have a setlaid EPCm . aside ta ha deliverad latar. (Tirird ber) Gh m Ie pat m rr Electric Railroad Trains $4 upt $20 Enginea and tender and pesaîngei carm ihat opetata eiectricaily. Tu a boy an eiec«$c train is a source of constant wonnier ad latereât. 'Huy a set for Ciirista" (Srd fluor). Priced at $"Up to $20. AUlWintçrcts &SURtS Re'duced25to3)3* pex çt The wîfe ordsughter will bp îldeimited wfith a ira vriater coat, and doqbly sue whhq pnrciresed et liis apecilireduction o! tS,' tio 3'/(Second fbort) $18 60 Q"ts ci, suits ........ $13.75 $2250 coats or- suit"s......... $18.50 $27160 Coata or1ita.....$2.50 $36500 coats or suits........ $27.50 $4950 coite or suits:, ...... $3750 Positiveli' our repa àr sgortnent-ait et reduced Books forAil the Famfly No malter wIrat ma oir yoîrr praierence un fiction or poems, tiret cerefutl>' selected assortmsent founit et thinstaore wi)i ttc ample 4. suppi>' rcrItsri ae tici M~i~4earàiù Germaüy-Gerardi A 'jii. tt(eiition-giii4ing n.à-rativeë. 'Exery Popular 'Fiè-ton of the Hour- - Ail thte latest and nost desiî'ed aîuthoria and Ji)Vels dt t re attractig popular notiee wifl be f ound hie'e. Prieed (mai floos') ild net Mie ta have ea dandy sav. anilas aoravdriver and ake your boy happe illi a aird flibr.) the Il i ii ire pleaîad. *t tisaI notirnse>' ybu>' to kaap baby varraig ' 115 i comýi' and more attractive, Knitte ad rÈ".k~4es i banda, sweaters, crrniege cavera niml4aiWr *-Baby B uellîrg," fur sets, comi end brusirst rhti i lies. iirthde>' and record books. Articlea sr u rice, iromt 25e to $3. (Second floar.) i "Gifts for IV Holiday lies in 35c,,.0c65ç, "'.a'~J esoc50 4Us~ Sizes, 25c, Buy "Him" a Muffler for Xmans.$ 1-1.50-2.50$3 -77- - 1

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