ÇCHRISTMA$ chrystal-. iz sione exp85V, eOr Sladen word 180humantlesludefeusT e ih Ameica v&s. Thisq year te dOeatt6Iera yuli e observed vth deoper. touder-fetoMU# Stlisu ever betore-wlth remeUibrSiiOmS moi, pmeimoily. yet flot lesa graetly. expressive of its generolis benovoleit sPiit. et CbltiveS p y ,~yI1 Patch, am the samm fe pytuus. lu theligIbt of th xevW tbie ês e'5Oxet, coorIom , lent rare stgnftcue-ueyer, s go lamge asud iel. ~mensoatsto $6 at .75 Coats ini new styles, w a r mn matreiais and wanted eolorings, irost of cours there are dosens o! nderul bargelus 51 au! u. 0< thme prces. at $698 a pu- aep- Coat. up. Us 120 at68 Coats at $ 75 I At $14.60 and $18365 youll Sund plusesal~ ~* mauy bsudsome cool. on wich uoateuto $3 5 at $2250 Coa'ts Up té $45 at S3.50 At tusse two pricos are bsu4ome pom pomu. velours, 'brasd- clotbs. plushes. ulvertoues 1k coat plotued. $5 and $7.30' Skirts hIthe, ChrnismSale at $2.98 anid $5.98 Sgorne of these core nel special purchasesand, others are frorn (uUr reigular lille. The asortmnts lolude a vrlty of oetvor styls l serge and wol ovlfy f rle lu large plads, uVY blue, . ortunty for ai use. Abmàut ýdrese in the B, at the foilowing extra special rle- nomea8eu $11.75 I*UkDéms t $7.96 *18w ~-»t~Bosat $l275 Pins, 'Combs EFar Rings 215c to $ uecklace, beauty pins, etc.. are variously prlced a 2Uc W 100. Fu rs!! for Xmaa Glits $6t.98 up $1.98 Up As Nortbbvu DMb,»I. est ter sMore.oc~~tr~0 a urotor =199y. ssiu Caps, 251d up tL boastg ldanty oellq ot luce, stIlk, rilbo sd.ou broldory re th«ee*%Ml" 2odo cp. la Our, 5V, a*>u$" $hop-- For Gfe 15f>Waits Pretty new styles -eWbelished with embroid- ery, new coilars un& buttons, al sizes. $SgkWists, $2.98 trimmod, lu the usvost styles as plctured, all colora sud aises, lu Chritm blo»8. Waisis to $47450 Waita to $13 Handm» eux Ne,re5by» ereatoU crepieblouses besttu ly £18Ch.lu tYTlsh buses01 rare lshed witb dauty bsuarn- I beaut! sud loulou lu the dalu. broldery of mlii, methtrood Itiet =sud uot sil»~lua IM sud beade. colorg sMd stas. Knitt lêg Needles ad olders Spocialim the Xm" S4,10 Flgured=cet eknttllng boal a vsriety or colofl t si», $1.08 snd *.0 &dum WStin bs s itli ter trinmil and fait bous lu uew shspes aud vouderftl ecoornu; sPedal at PSAI, *.M ". and.00sd5J& Whte or umber kalttlng needles at 25e and Vie. Kntttlng holders, 'm couveuleut aIt 2c. Appropriate Gif ta jor Womnan or Chilf- Chriainia Same ol Swea4~,etc. The poeto ana eomfort of these niake them achrug neeessity and as such they are useful .and welconie glts. Womeê.e sud cHidreu's 7e Art and cap stà. special Oblidren'.-and v.me's 81.50 and$3.00 buit cap aud scart sets, spocliat Uc sud 61. Wome, d mlsQ5s, separate scarfs otflune brusbed yod.l ffst aINUC, al1.4 Cbl4rfl'. ets0fswete. Sp sud iegglsp lu aU il 0111 ChlldreWs osweatersnorIMeclal*O snd *$ai& Woeu's saterg lua Ql stylos,&hstasd oomu. *0.0$LOO Wowi it'.WIl- o$4.00 trpe u4ieotr t ev sndudkab See. mmetum fie sd çtlor eew u ntIle t y w s. ForiOf ta 98 Deoe <thse pricos ,aord.s a avint Of ImPce tsamc Ail aregenuile 105h. or, nlce]Ylyineu sud subeftan' tial. Haadbags 25c&5soc, Bathrobes foi' Wom in a Sale Neyer before were we 8o Weil equipped to supply your wants in tis department. Cblldre's $150 sud 13-00 Ibath robes lu the. prettist colorlugs at $120 and $M& Womeus sund misses' bath dsrk coloa, ailasease;s third reduced ai $1X0, *.21ý8 41& Au SS«.colom snd styes are ber, at Northeru lilots' grestest cblldreu's sotieeat the follovlug puices' Coata to $5.0 Iat4198 Ceata 6$1Q15 a rrang.d at -thé -itbol wIn ~ fi. 15m 25Cým 35S-e-,>C 6",798C '1.25-1e0s '2 . BEeyond ail doubt the Iargest single dinplI4go ivory toilet artieles and sets la here and in#lude- -Butt.;aRooks -Nýail Files -Corn YKuives -Perfurne Botties -Powder Boxes -Hair Receivers -2~ooth Brush H~1deru -Picture Framos -Outiel. Kxdvuts~ -Cold Otearn ~jirs See Mililner Ad on othe paqe' A Special Salée of- Xmas Li whod oe ilii't "loVe" these silken undergar- mentst Womeu's 760, muslu cost covers 47c. Womeu's #1M00 8111Corset Covers. aul sise labox"s SOc Womeî's elaboralely embyow* ered Corset Covers or suk, spe- clal at $1.9L. 51.50 EnelOpO Chemise 0orflue1@ Silk Luvelope Chelsotu blte or ffles. daint1ly trimedsd Cotton Jersey lomers for yoineu sd miss". qP@@WaI *1-11L Weol Jersey BlcSmers l oin M 0*m. ee éo u& SO 8111< Crope loomers in fembk, WoaLat 411-M , 8111, Joesey end ISatinBloomers In buat 901M oa5 dl 04J&0 1.50 Muein Po.tti u lâlce flnos», M Odl X*.0 1.50 C.Iorsd Potloats luaiWsyles s t.'ulie et*N , othef specisilots or colored petleoo t-f Lp.4Uod $1.98. Hgud»oePouoettîosei tlk or muellu, ele*,OMtatimas" st Wom'e Fiennelette o wu., 31.00 sad ISO vaoues et M*.§Md WsueWu Cr595andsud onle Kskb" ees toi" 6itA à LEofof^UITS at hIpie Gloves & Miftteas W Weu'sbot sad ebofidtto ilOtes seoW*htb 1. quate Womeus ile.t fur trlmmOd jese7 mitOus m'me. cblldrmoas )M ltOfl5 OlidIgIO!OOLa icolorast 250,30sud Uc Infaut's uhite ult mtbi.very saidol st 190 an chIois. wuu aiol tan" px1brou0. AI vle-N