CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1917, p. 9

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ff'j Lh CMPiY*'~ WehyWAMefl',ÂMwEEKIY-SUN ,VOL. XXV.-No. X0 ILIBERTYVnILE INDePE3NDI2T, DECEMBER 13, 1917. EIGHT PAGES. $1.50 PImR YMA IN ADYJ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ i To WON'T WAIT FOR- PATIENTS TO COME; WILL SEEI( TIII3 That's WhatNew County 'Vis- Ring Nurse'wilI -Do in the White Plague Flght. OPERATIONSHELPED MANY. County PhyWa B wai! â 11Parts of the county ta in,',mitUate1 Superisors Admit That De- Personal Leftte Lto y rica, witli apectIàJreference ta formed Children, Cared for Physioan ln Coumty. are tubercuar pten itigi your by Co., Have Been Cureci. territory whom you tee! abouid he hnteLiécuyborofs ALSO TO OR. KAPPLEMAN. iooked afler by the c > ,fî Whn ieLa)-onuît bord0fsu be aiding the county board. the tat'- pervisors on Tuesdat' attarnoon auth- Crusade iven 1boost When Ail sud humanity ett tmg, If t'ou wl ODled county t'hysician Brown ta Health MennAeWCallec mtedirectit' or rp- engage a vsttng nurse ta be iinown RiseandAid th suArvsorof ourtowsh , taas the.**Lake Count'VMailing Nurse" Rise andhAid. e a centyonr t flablp. Il loo0k a big tep taward combatttng The f1ght against tiiberculosis in ureable old ta belping Uglfit thie wbite lb. white plague lu lýaee countt' and Lake county la an. itls on in earnest.pagendIwealor gtern toward prevention of. diseoseg and And , t cames Sat u ratier oppor- the bg batile, muci go"d can tie se. ments rolnghout ie ntebor tuas' lime, liat wtn the -Chriifha cmoilsab.dfor *th eutdffets -of-our, 1 n dumin ii -p ae.i sale are on. wh.n tha Rrid Cross br'astifll county. stat5d IlAt Cook Co»St' malatains hi worling bard siln&thosn@lUnes and itowinLg that t' ron l,. d-- 1ttao hathn nurse who dutandi- whu everybodt' i9 thnking 01 the Wcr, are lnteauely latesested i làh i ti ttheei eai quesre orf chers. . "ta"e cf the. ouatt' andI the' genei, tonHered.I sei moSil o YIleoving the action id the sUPer- 91 of tiisigit, 1 sineamideutnt ad I efxipsil o vsors Tuesday In authorialng thse bts- tbat yeu wili anast tla tht. undertah- us ta get tuberculosia patients lmb lng of a vi sitiiig nurse for Lake colin' Ing t& Ithe f nlest of your abiltît'. lbe hoapital that Lake eiinty i. main.. ty, Dr. A. 9. Brown, coutyr phystan. Tours sînercît' talning. It mat' be lnteresting ta lot no lime ln starting lhe crusade A. E. BROWN. the board ta know tai Dr. Kapple- whc at epeaiaetubercule- msypiysichnn. an, the lacal bealthinain of the whic la10 hip radiateCeunt>'state hoard, lnspected tbe Lakre colin- is sudI hrtng ta tie count heepii TO DR. KAPPILEFAN t eea optlsuetm g thon patienta auff.rlng wththeds 1yerlr.Kpem : andI atter he had goal. througb ever>' es e need attention of qualied Havng beard Ibat the state aut.ýor- department veryt toroughly. 1 asked persfols. Dr. Brown selont t tw itloe bave information on band ta lttes todat'. On. vent ta evar>' the efect thal there are om. seveu 'film boy be found thingi ln generai. doctor ln Ilkie county, the. other on. hundred cases oft tfberculoaMl n l,.ke He salid h. wonld drt b ave to mk. M went ta Dr. John KaPPieman. the counîy andI bcaue the Laket conûit> bis report te the glaie hoard iani thaf state health oMfcer vha has been as- hoard lIse authorized Our laite couat' h. vauld Inter give me a copy of signed te ataslanthe local tIhUt geanerai baspilal ta do evsrybing Pa- that ert. Ibae eerreie ln heaitis maltera. The letters trSée uie ta combat thls dtaeaae. Iishltoeb the doctors and Mfr. Kappleman te vert' much thal yau. sas. local state Mtavever, 1 gaI iim ta admit thia: fait fui! advantage ofthIe tatilltes heat aolScer, wauld furnish mim- . lie.nid be toua t tiinge ta a ve.rt'c provided for the f uhercular patients inedtately If possible. a lilt of those -tisfactary condition andt bat tiser. ID la L*Ae countý' andI show thecocunty neuveu bundreit cases tn order that vas one. of tire. things that vasaa piysician'is ardent desire toaetaý4 .w.'. mat' proceed ta ln vttigate andI tact. P'rot. you have etier cleaned a&U aesjstsnc possible. The tvO lut- car for jaame. - up la anatpatioss of ns> vigit. sucondf 70Olu"- .AIC!L 00. DOCTOR %èvMd4 or4aaUltlaa wi4 1MethIfrd, Or' It la ti ii. lane im lu DeeIhr -Vocte!: ocoast>' fWtig iso te ivempr;- ~'bave ever soes. tu s' iceta ln Tie board of Suiihrvlaors Of lâte- 4%tY viiib. 1tainéebsteMdsa$i - 't ~t lawby.' »Id »r. ,Srwn, "j count' bas taien anoter Important eit Int becar.etftubercular ptients. asited Il tise loard ta gifénid pes-l01 .tep in trying ta combat dlaeaae in* therefor. t'on caunse. the lmperattve- atolltb N!'e a couit>' vieting nums'l. tis ceunt' and i n sncceuattlly ne- tieisa of Our haviag at once as com.- vo Wl!! go 1v»r the ciuatw vhenev. conwlisbing vint tbuy desire lu the plete a lut alu possible ot the ppople sr abs la olled upon by ' asupervisor, matter of eadieatlng cisting dis-tlins Infected. visa vorlts through the caunt' .hos;-w sas. andI preventhig possible turtiser Assurng yau of our destre ta aId Vitlsi nvestigates cases af tuber.-nt spreeding of it, lb.>' aucit our es;- tbestate ln Ils figbt aginat the whittecIoneissa <bal vee9n get those pal- il sistuace and 1ha1 o ever>' phYsician plague and helieviag v. have your ienta tt the boapital where we can IE in Lae ceunt'. lisart> co-opera.tion Ln this battie for traet tbem preperiy. Il vit! ail add tt The hoard on December 111h. auti. better healtb lu the calant>', t wlah ta the efficleacy of oua- Institution and e orised the. employment of a l'couaty te remaîn. - wh.n tiare are 35 b.ds avallable and visttng nurse," visa, veriing tirough .Sincere!y t'aura, but elgit are filet. Ilt a qulte appar- th. respective supervisers Sud the A. Z. BROWN, ent that an effrt ta flot, heing madIe caunat piysîclan. vili be seattoieCaunt>' physlcian. ta gel 'al the tbercslosts patients'P JUMOE EIDWÂRDS EiRANTS IN. Attoraet'a repruaeatlng lhe )Iarahai Illetid lace vorke of Mon. City' vOs' tIecide I vcIer>'ibils aterneca ien 1 Circuit Judge IDdvartidtrsacic Oui s.veraal clauses, antI exracted lic "dting" tramn obien clause. ln the1 Mion Cil>' anti-tobacco ordinante. Theie massure vws taien Up sectin bY sec- tion, eaci alep belng canteid- ltt- terit b>' toraeys represcnllng lie1 Cil>' a! Mon.Ateorney' A. tK.Beau- bien vas ocal qounaul for tbe lac, tacieor>'people. Under lie ardinance as revised todat' it Judge EdvAnda ln grsfting parta af un Injunction ask ed b>' lie Marsiall fIld lace plant, la nov la tavtul for a man le smole ta tis depal ar on lie dept platforna -Ilikevlse a masi mat' emke lnaa store, botlt or private ruadenco. Judge Edvards declti d.t rite et tie clause wvioitmaes il uu»Wvlt for a man ta amete t*iin èitru!e ts cf a buildinsg. JutIge Edwarda vuighed tie mat- ter caretulit' froni so aides, but alb lieli toth b.e pltairWbtliebgave t'eaterday, liat thet'wuvas»-ne proof liaI lie defendantïwvereenforclflg the cil>' ordnaince, Mm. nst tabacco. sud wietier cerlai1 gIrong aate- ment» against al evils ver. matIe, vils a malt4-ua tent, andI vitAl tb. direct Pul of e tnuing tb. Maras!! V'eld U*ies. 'Pie visole Cil>' site vasr rer etrr- ttva cevenants of lie luases. antIlis enforctag lb. cevesanta cf tise lus, ea, tthe sa ne >pnoOftw IWbst#.- » ~~1~~Mt' t t-b ree Soe tme vMm iti lie ManiaR ~ eM~p~Ps~s lie-combi U a. MalCSlX nmi wa ibi lie hi'- nem., =dtithie attaee"hait brasit ta lie houptai" Wtt Hunt Up eause Speaiting fttler on lie asi ler af hand!Ing tubercular cases. Dr. Broya I underatapd lb.etauta ltoerdbas 'rords et 700 cas.of luierenlouta la latte canal>'. Nov liaI lie board ha. anîborize me te engage s viait-, ing auaelMi guI tisaI 'katt 00 W sa tit aw eueae the i 151dutàeg of lie auna. vitt b. te lok up eery fervard no proof lntaIeir bill liaI on. of talem ndncsee voat ths statua sb vas lthe case. The liban cases of eaci la. She yl Iben mate ev- tiiet vers cted lit' cgsnel fati- ~et-t'effort possible te gel them la siall Pield andI Campiat'.er. cases eqme Into Oua- beapital viere ve oaa vusene pickets sougîlt teInionerp laite car.eofthtem. We are net gotng vih labor b>' trt'iag t10Indce men te vatt fer liese 700 paients or tise te leave thlrtin van.ti sa ne :doc toratiat mat' b. caring fo>r lien lie caue anZMes Cty. Tise sane lava te cote te us, but ve are ging te go hait sexi.t-ram liee ppasng etfZMon lte tuad see visat lir t-condition City' unt! nov. sani thlir.vas no ln. proof that lie ordnsnces vers bijntj Tier, ila a im niadeit.t enforced viithlieeltent or injsring Lak-e ceunt' that lie luberculouta pt- lie plaintitre siness., Me v#s tn. lenta cannet bu laitucedtb coreel clînedte b <inivtlaI th.e odunances oua- hospttai. 1 migit u»>' laI Ibere ver. enfonced âani certin elaýtemenla bas neyer benu but îou.eeueof tuber' made front lie pbtorm fors' ieý,-pur. culools refetTeit te a ssprvisot- of poeof proecting tise leueiolders. Laite cousîyt laI bas nat carne lato Albornet' for Maras! Ped & Cem lie boupfital andI bas bus 4reatei." pan>' ategdttted iI sb iuaton vas The supervisera spot. flp and satId desperale. Iflie>' coul net geltiat lie>' bai lid ver>' fev reports relief. tiet' vould have le cloeu iofetluberculouls pttent, andt le> von- thi tm l . dured wvyit w a. bat 'lie doctons "I cannol see liai lier, bas beusdid not>ocoqnply vîit lb.'»state 1«w ast' mailueion ntentsnence. " sal theisllntiaregard andI report alil sdob Judge. "l don't ses liaIt 1have a case te them. - s rttt l ayest laI lb.motive la ýmai. wanl tg Halls Chisl-*Urel IOUso. atd d I u se t's lie, 4mW Dr. Brovwn %aise sitOittIebonrd 1 çé this court t-o lutesfere viii s a aabioria. htni te engae Dr.' Muefer speaiing du.M ilalpit againsl bisai o Chilcago hoç' oepuc i>on-gr ltaIt se sauenity' doue bot tand. vio talàsi aro 1 tE '1éçq , ttums.I ton. 1 do ot, selaII4bouid en- !rtaih ie baaeoict>v a loin hlmtm m u brengt vitli a vent' b>Ot',4<oça4 lo<pt, I i OIIObl' lw' a;one hue govenapta Cleago petg ' bû >ê"eWnaiba ACENE 0F A'± Lios sMî~?s Bam, e.otdtisalemeut flbmjou are 044 -aueth( bia.$ lil sa lr.'The Ian. ba t limet-o besit aY r-- lb' l'ont, e lte bWaIst awubeaeffittar Tefte Co"S. Arr0. DM poSh'w o hofg ere tic Imo vas beeit. MILK DISîIR lION HURT BY r.GiNmAIf Ei s'rTHE CLAIM Cerfn progalndists hsve been sowing dseont4at among Illinois far- inera, lt deiteloped Wedinesday lni Chi- cago St the Uk o ommigsion hvartng In the Con*iý&'Y blding. i was blOWftout durme Chair- man John El.U4teIa's croAà-examIr.!- toi of B. - e1)Y Orogcounly adaisarý "Hlave yob A;i iofs-AY propA. taa t. 4ImOgb» X0k'ýroductIof 1 r cause th~e tiimtW.b diqsaima- led?" ýMr. Craig replied. "Tes. there' was .d iuclt ofat t1 sua obliged té hou meetings tu atimulâite prodnctIoaý. 1 ured ailtat be for the United Sias andI not lis. ten to anti-L'nlted BStt.talât. 1 iold them prao-erOcan p*oýýndists hi-lp- ed 1<111 car soldiers." Action Not Organlssd Asked if he knew of any t' clr -propaganda ta dlscourfge farmers, lie satid: "Not organized, t1MY my nwiedge.' Mr. Craig. on the stand more ofthe day, testified birgeIt' cooeerning the prcentage ot inre *< the price of iaiplesaents andtod e hm Deceni' ber 16, I1516, to- OoéIî 16, 1917. Rie salit milk cang a di lcroAsed 100 par cent. Imle aielanchely iIaI'Pffaaaise waà the sbiceot cf t0"âsha The wtt- neas said ie lhed triei to cheer uý the fariner and landuce film to con- tinue ln bis lasing business. Farmers Diolike Changea C. G. Ecthar iagydelutural agent ef Kane count', se lestitet. >1 r. Eckthart gave the cause. for lie feeling of unreet tisaI existsa siong fartera: The sanitar>' requirementswvilci increase expenses but not th. pt-me o! miii, Chantging requiremeats ifor con duclt ffat-ma. Nev legislatiln coneurniug tise age lumit bto ilI olves. Gitiartunate featua-es oet as-kitin- spection. Teacins gfa! tite fJiiversatty' ma'se tss'ierâ. dîssatIsde4. 8'ederal goverameni bulletins. Coaiestîng associations. Arcuturaî press. Premecution againsî sBemnbea-a of ýbe -association., Ur. Bcktlat, coimatffig on shese noasets. nid: " A aurnier or: yOds -as> tarmerfi vere maituia ai btïbt« i-asunt cf mese>'. Thet' tdibgtJs*y *ere pros- peussantIvd e.c* Is~Tien flic ~»~taispare-ls~~haie univer- àan d ssthle gvgia stantdemen- strateit iov muci more 'oulit b. pt- tsedout of a lace.of bImWiand!cd Saseccal 'st; iwmmc mor". b.wo s ie «sa 4o«' lboi*dit-' ?be. s~as'M., elussot osereit. tt l a ua m gOS. EXTRA LATEST OUUYY E SHOOTS ARCTIC OWL MEASU R- INQ SEVEN FEET IN SPREAD Tt la reported t rom Gr&*ss &,ke, ttmat "Shorty" Shohan, wba lives "on the Island," ln Gras@ Lake, last we-k Saturdat' shot a nortbern arctic ow!. Tt 'was of unumual mise, measurinag tram tUp tD tip. Just seven teet. Tt la the first time an 0wl ne that *iInd bas been seen in the laite reg- Ion ln a great many years. "Shorty- wtll stuff It and preserve il with big allier relies. CHANGES AT HOSPITAL Miss crawford o e l. Nperville tubercular sanitarlum has been en- gaged to talc charge or the lubercu- lar work In the Like tou-aly genersi boepital and bas aimumed her dut- Mrs. Duhning. uhe bas been ti tlie tubercular ward bas been givPn Cie position of matron of the hospital. '%1iln taa'npw chante whieb 'SuI.- Bftwar ban insuguratett for thP par- poe0fi8 ! onservIng as nsuch as pas. sible tn toodstuifs. lTh. dty of the mat-OU vwIl! b. te bandie fthe bospl- Vlt as bousekeeter. loolina ater the. careof tb. ropma. the jasiîctus pre- paratton of fie food, etc. In Cls a-a>'te liusekeeping work ivililibe segregaled tram the nursing brandi adthler. yl lie no conlicttsg li- iveen lie tv a. nigt bte necase somelime wthout this plan hpiatg ln operation. STORM l'uTS COUNTY WEDNES. DAY; FIIIOT TIME SNOWBOUND TQ CONSOLIDATE CAMPS Wauitegan und Lake counlt'b- came snow-bound this morning.Te As a resuit or unanimot acfbo:s snow wbicb set tn Wednesdiay eve- nlng about 6 oclocit conlinued ait t'elug taken Wedne'day iight by nigbt 5and moet of Iodai' witb the re- Laite Camp NIl. W. A. No. 174, apprav- suit tisat more snow cavera the Ing thse plan of cansolidaîing the. tva grOuDd nov î'iin et any lime ibis Waukegan Woodnien cimpr:; connt ',a6n Il la visSItihefat-mers have been Idallon of the two camps lsa wsueid fr s î~ls eee W44,i ~ f19nuy, b a U o4zd a U-. "vlvi- Wukavsr aCamp Na. -2170. t wa loo .bs.bàit a n, ven thse format coneolida' t at ij rvi tlesaltmaehS to tAkes place,.il couape cf q 0 f 1t ge.llg pite tmoUt e e *re hennie lie Woodmen of WaasJe&ttn o'Pýie ancthei oaata he heen WvIl! -have a great lotlllcation because eeLtlt iror sevIoen ktache n eWed' il marks th. end of a "blmly tus" f i 'n o sdav ncesstahfed f6 1r Supervisors Take Initia Which May Utmtl n in CountyOpang LAKE BLUFF IS OVERTAx0ijýz Bairstow Pottres Ne_ ~fl The firgl ste i in vitat s'e' usl>' develop ftaa Lais 'ooUt Phanage wss liten a.1. »ie uu* ors, meeting ibis morang *Wlo. 4,, suggestion of Stperviior Baùitev. Waukegaa, a motion cafrted ** inousîyt' t have a ecoamttea md- ta, luvesrtîgate lb. entire prohleni antI makXe a On~ report aet théMatci meéiwS., BairgWw e ab liaI lie Porpos10.' ta invetilgate maltera viitt a .Gw 4 nîtimatel>' baking cars oethticeV$4, cannaI be cared for at lte LàM Bluff orphanage. H. poted la tise tact thât ta bf war limes viii s., mai>' nea, hêVv*U for war. liat liere vil! b. men-41q setons of childres tban *ver AO sometiing muat b. tdoue. In ibis ceacetton Batretow 0* for the appointi o f a speclal wq spitte. hovilo viiook0*tain>tu"e be 61i8,t khpov vet -tu very 11111e p ifo er lionf. '1ê ah. bitdhÏa.dled 8U eblidues 4àÀ bih tsarted snme 20 years agi ) pair mUth;l ln 31533 4 r O*. the aodmn cfWaukgann Tirsughau . lie countt' the roada t :.,pOs"year ssii îîat oePi. 104, Sfamog teWomno a repiki iggaiissow- il~ p> e et t. rva 8 r wb.lch finluat> ended tn a "division c! rPIdhg ihso h, u o et tý rwn t Ihe ~ ~ ýb bue ndtelauachiag o! the on the level antI la nome cases i the e lseiuman. aoieb>'antI' a on"rPM second! camp, known as Wans(egan are big drift* for thse firet tme 'ibis dlenn for teedtsg the childuii. UI Camp2770 yea. casecf Ibis, he toitthe Onlowe CAmhp ree2770.te eedngaAuto.sliad bord "s!eddiag" Iod&ai, e~ ould cnstenil>' iproyide a subaSh camp. Wauitegan 2770, hbue about 70 aresult of tlb. ar andI streek carshbasting plant sand the comsitt0 meihen; ait Cmp abutbotb on lbe main Une andtI he LII> doubtiesa villI ntal On. AS lit 11M40 1,00. Thue, viien the two camps are ertyville hue ere cmlte t hroew ianovrtaa niergedit il yl give one of tbe -big- ocute, ee copee tson-Judgre Persona vasa aied t t exwdwi getcmsl hspr fte8aeuttle vont of Mi« s mlrelci 5864W gAid cahp laukthis papo iloe t. The. arie on lise Nortb Western- as lie Javenîle court gousad bu thsaieaLkegiCamp nvaiii vcte escieduî@s ver. out andI practical- commended ber mntelbtghtit' 'sinbi the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~l sneaLaeCaponalrt'1 every train vas ate. Ever>' coacb eveunng h..,... te action of Lake taraetseuiWuea aid ,m*.vw- lt.tnp.aii Camp came as a. ruuit of an sgrqoe- cvurucame-ti sac, viain m ws 1i ïIieM atIyl t"~~ . oriN ment ieinmaade liaI a consolidation ohasî l lWalcne Iv foifhrtmaatimms i' Nob shiu tbe'hrougbl tîbout. Waukagan tie aretîrcîrcle. Tie sngwv vas o o! nasal b.4uvee»atiautle tabe camp Sîreit>'ha, lakepenftormai ac- telie tut causes, lie chittran t 0,~ *,t-leJvui n.1 lion but tie forma! act on'sa- a sbalet wiiastI ignef1t' b ,to M- a w ,tla. ta necessar>' before the file ppa il x er pusesite . d man d dlsg.Ê ea b <avt srnltîag is mrgr fine tr pIbe id a. rodea11 lsw it i ulttle kbe. its, k e ,eaube »wnpernittng he ergr, fin fo th ki«.os a tomprsry place andI maity Lait Cam Wedesda eveia The stort vas flot af tihe cbar.,cfer for mont-bs, for cIslitireas Whusae elected theme officers for ftis, ensulng ht Icausetd damage or an>' exlsnt 1 at l .t.s et a",e~ year and lie>' vili hold office for tbe the telg-raph andI telephone vires. adepndne. il s aumisi' ls.MW firsal l te th le consolidated 1camp dp --e tlaaroy oqf vhlci wtll lie ittowvias 'Waukeg4n &. nt udJuncbt tothé county court watt Camp Na. 174, 'il being observed hobes tbal the new name ia a combinaUion 1a~U'aa~,- Judge Persanse.plainuie la that l* or tb. lwo campsnamnes. Tise aew 1 Reut additions tt hq' Angelesu, Cal., mai the i $500 previded for prohatlca l«- officers eiected: la the. Uited Bates ln point of ares. vos-l up to Marcb laI suit b*e ,b vrenera.ble tnsîl-- Chartes Cnlii it nov ban an ares of 8UT square nmtes Overapent b>' $1 und sai flhst$ Iree. 4% as gnut Nuw Yori tdty's 8'14, more b. appropriated se. hi. w11 Atvisor-EtI. iice. Chilcge's 198, sud PhtlatIelphta's 129-ca e g n. The boardt vote4 'ë Banker-Joha Hangebrauck. ail grcStly excecdtng iltui poplaioý. gra to ecaver the perioit sep 10 Escort Xictor Werner.j Marcis lut next, Clerc-Cliarles Wîyte. VetilaInt Hop Vine#& Juctge Persans uxplalntei <t Iii &entry-Jbnn Stocitey. A Guermen agdntcltur an sa deveul--Ivenile vont of thse couft bai Watebman--.lein WI!berlon. epetI a methoit cf eztractIng tise 9' creased greal>' duing lte Pas 1 Examiers-Dru. Gourlet', Roemer, l bc a nufr actureot ordaine. fr tn'ears. Ilathbtestl >'.' ha aLi.. Ambrose. nntemnfcur fcrae ases bad beun handied. Tire4 Trustee--Charàes Zailing. lars a il>' la alleved prbto Il is notice-i thal Dr. Raesner, clent fie ambassador, sent b>' th. par curavilie actually it I ort. of Waukegan Camp 2770. la elected eut ocamp te veicome fth, aller camp Bibis for $1.11 fer tuég * an examiner foc' Lakte Camp. He ihus bac' cIttathe. fult. Lait. coust' P.rsln taat ta th i ta iember ot Waukegan Itle ldtecared that upan the formai bile Institins -vus. allovsi. camp ta b.e!ected te thse oft In rt eceitg of 1h. Wauitegan Oimp la- Pu". und lu".a Lakte Camp visiih lesoan 10 b. tie to bis bigger camp sanie eais '-huautât'afl i.O an!>' camap ln lbe Cil>'. enc,the Woadmen viii have on. pffled l . 0 mm#v~ S. A. Hathorne la nov venerable et lthe biggeât lime. they have Pver olullo. ustiosised ans consul anit J. IP', loemea-. dent of the had lnlahlieouni>". votera c nt e cousty. lt»$ uîttb Wankesan Camp-.tac408d 20 Vears Ago lie fiai &IL te, tise WC g rIolluig lie electian Wednasdat' Lakte Camp was onganiaed n 1886 ment p1Wa, 'l'h. bouds rte # evenin short tlis vere nmait.b>' and Ifil as about 20 years ago that sit 5 Per q"nt. -ç~ C. T. Huyduiber, Qsal<tW, certain disstist"clton- s eamena sivi OSMIROUOLY 11190 4 I0W Hehan and tICrie., tiseftasbeing caftais. members vise decidedtIle>' :1119lg nin.lssue. .To MTMINwMU madIe durIna ftse servîng e! auPper to o v an Isaci scamp of tbor ovu ln Secrelar>' cf Waubtelia Rud C01 the bIt crcsvd of Wocdssen vie - t- Wa4tua. sa»das the nseurersitp W. j. SStulua s* the tendeit.or Laké Cap vga cf suci aise tisa imtubois>' ilatl1 C. T. Usydeciter waa s srucleit td ti«te usaicaMeisemPaed ttei liReSd coses fudaa e at±n4 the meeing Satlrday « .y.,i* 1 frganisation ef a s»eÇM camp, liY e w<b oit b@Mfg 4demtlq* *N nt vilciWaukeg#u camp vIl! volete â" eu"'and:Igubn"ed Waukrgau catielidate -vItii aie Camp. he thus' CaMup i'O 8 77Q. -t ensi l',

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