w to the ad. -se it lào 100 ltt, . Ife'$l 'iime Sm"' bu1< t of 10e Sexton of Frank Turl t~ od p~MissFier- Story t o y pttad Ilan Enid. Its 1 ua'De Damlner this morfi- Wuea.Dc artwce: .Seven-y«arold Franble 'lTurpin, the but O Milss Forefce Oite', star wftnsa lu the proseCu., an ofMi. ai Mmlion of Willum Brothers,,on trial fi $1..0000 alt Co uacebgn. t:iood nlelludîteé %ton, Chicago contrar- gri-flou èrobsl-.zaMIalOnf <AttI' ney George*field, counhel for the de- there la a fend be- fendant. van and lirs. Arnod '1%. boy related is sordld stnrY to 909 Litfaytte pr an etremlei ynpâtbetie lsud lntçt-i blame&.. llC'a ested Juïry. 1'heboy', nianiier waij Mr. Sexton andi Mlsa illess but he wazc mater of the ait. uatIolv S4 ail t»ges. *Wiuea e di tln0 Returnpd elotunderstsfld the question hbc 514 1aift ulit stîi."-M.-not hoBitate to asa O it ve Il rePeatý eause o!fuuy irsaklttg ed-wben quectioneti sharplY as tu iwth Mr. SEiton." whether he, dld or 514 flot mire Cet- moS ring Mir. Sexton tain statementa at ithe lest trial o! e l reported to bave the case he answered to the Muai o his. recollectiont but sevei'8i tii-iehe eisa Sullivan *a& a safd he could flot renember. tle thlnt,. sale- Mrs. Asistant Chie! cf Police Thomas was 1 whe lai&jodiacd Tyrreil was placed on the tandi and iion. 1-d4id tb8b told of the Vaid on te abbey 6>0- 5lt to go ar-uti Wittt dunteti by Brothers. Thé state then i didult ti1i00w M;; ~resteS. be enaged IWt ý Joe Tumipin, older brother of Fran- quarrel In m bous ke, was the flrst vitness Put on thé aul came tW m« -letand b>' the défenise today. It Itaà ta SI' fix fup. I1coul> isdered rather ineongruous fluet hi e W, toblami. Us shoçîS 4e de! endlng Brothers, as ageait hbeowan yonger brother. th* la Lucky TIi ebiffe!trevafls that the de' hab rif b lmà." sai Ins wilI put a bumaber of chaiacter ', 1met bleu ai tb àk WftDMBisou 09the stand In which case t ojeJs a#,aei b tisate wfll do the dame- the Pl atia t filé x- a.o iy, or which his i#prî Mlisa SuÎ Wdt~-I . LE thei bluié0 ~ît IglO MM. e boiô M'y5It1 A Waaikeg8li 'wlnanwho boashatl *~ ~ ~ ~~ h podi M Mi~a boIaw lu ber possession fr * ~ ~ ~ ~ M ywar litae 1nk< > that It ia au 0o> 1Mi-. 111101-4 »A bi porftne stlme fo prînt t now-and, lm ngo forThe brat battis ever foualut, wl 100 7 tliWMl tell you wbere and when?, Îi - ý' *Lt b dà Onu» 44ig aof the world you i tb6s enaienill t fan t not; '¶»wg foUgif by the mothers of ~ 11* tJ, pvt wfth cnon &battis s,>t, 391 t W»tI«& seod or aijbler pen; Why not wth *eSaleSIword of thtoug ta foWo bu of wonderful o lb! a welled-tsp womaut' - ï lwi'0e tilt oud pot yleld. ~W~at gotiés bl, iently.1*11'Os ber part- is atiat battifielS. Tio l.m1baUugs troop, uo bivfa maleâm t *. Uut obi' fisse btizte 2t rrom l bibyhood ta the grave. * t t flil W sti-a bridgre ot .t, glie Ugita in ber walsed-ul t twa; SUIgts oen andi on lfuthé euendis s'ww M m Tisa slleut, îuseen, goies down. 0 ys, wfit baner. and battle sboi, Andséïsodiers to about ad praluné. [tell ydt ee kinglit vitories Ilever Are fought fln the se aslent ways. 0Oasuu swoenulu a a wrd a s letw-tlm Go bao1< b God os wbte as 'you The ktugilea wamu'or borum 4 ompny of 1u med Lc&tiim fiatte corlps «0 18 eUlised la ir UitN qp*r ta tr0S i ' Otto 8piss,. Enroue te One of IL M onaOrui Duts. Reise D e, ak a Ihgn sHafted. d *Otaluitt f0o as iibota o»fe séta la < br' tii las Eoal Cuat'o at SC TÀ"MwHtte kagou., a boat uhieh Vas lm routetixt E ID te~ 'î Oe orthe*san: 'sdockts, but l S lècal« iauwl Mé Cleveland. 0. Dec.18.-A ~ ittllm b>' atfenitacu fttr iti ttllug US IY trm u*e 4IM alu siup asu MM.-les An4 beary seas fa the rll ùi léhltSClevelad la d 1 save ft fom darit homies, £airset a WY utie up, &Bd a crilm edtléphon.e parn ', OW 59 l at 1. theisteamer Otto ]Wei lad lh7.000 tonsubt nmtlàubo i told lOit i* O OeMMandeeted lu LPoMW # b~ ~ arbor, ioda>' by Fuel Admtnitrator ,"ad wMëtf o jobuada ud4î à eo.thi way to O~g iit& ~ O. T~.tend f0 rel$eve theua amn ia 1" »'M$ lrsadI h, janarmsd the cty lf .%Wfl hit1ýý Prcq'atstogis and tbrowui 100,000 41n $ha 'enon' li" vs eSdiLto P. 8. Jaige ir hei e4v"eboreibla sist 0tt'P. Bain, M: ri ! ~~1~eav ber. b l <' ke «taI pool, thei bost"oai0( lt, Mo.w o -utiICe ri a" wM ie uWl! eroti à elbt tAk* i$ opnye i nbod tehi *wad ise faniai*isctur Abeê R; This Iracs e's uover t4» M 1 - .,BM1th i ob4im land *Ie te: D *.6Vet Coterg agi bock t.Sl~QoV giiblimoflon ~ 49, Mary A. p4trj et 61 to . J. m- 10 I lips, lots 5. 4O#bd UBites ftwbor F . L 00 1 elc 17, iaî gila *gml 0t ~ Md~ OpenieEvery Evening Until. The Mtore *ith lini1tehe of Neckwear. 'hie &te showing al the *w colora and styles. Asic to Bee the nelv 1tubber tie to Heavy fleeee ftfted for ___________ street and- -àauto use. Dress gloves migrey and tan eld, unlined, ir k ladsilk gloves in aMU eolors. 5t#5 SYou will ind tkemhwe in alal sizes in p'ey, brown a"dreem ixtures. Thm eemkt are on sale at a wholeme ale ic- bluff lers SUl knitted and fibre "inil al the 'new "~lr combinAtioris; -thp iiew wide stripe you will find at -our store. *1.5 pe*è tind yo want~d. Pr F, find e, SU anmd ULin t.ris ltu Xuuabox*. Doni't wony About wbat y ou an .ge t for rkl tbe ftfher, brother, eitercfr swéetheart for a 9Mf. Juat coie i nti".4 otdr our ýbea9Ml~1 W of, leath*r and i 1 jus1t the kindE sud eoktýim kfnda - - - -pe - - - - - s---- We are showing a new IUne of bot, soft and laundered cuf shirts; itlmo cômplete Une of silk- to We are showiag a eomplete hue of figured pettiirn in a nunmber of color <iobinations ini al ize- to j Owwrco q& Suit. Whv riot a Suit or Over- Scoat for the boy or dad? dy? Just the thing for a a-trne gift. We- hav e them in ail the new styles w îth pmnch back or beit ail around. We lÈave, them iniail the colorsmae Stripeis, plain, a n d dgihfatripesF with cap'~ to mlatch. For boys we have them nlu Iue and white, red and greoen, black and orange Jer- seys in ail colors. t. 'Wodo*- men auLWrnn.n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- NRPJWOWW~