CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1917, p. 11

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TrnIRflAY.20, 1917. EN THOUS~#b 4 Sodkoif f etPro ect Wte dT of et M ns Per- sistent Actions. A iVATCH IS TO SE KEPT. AZyer Is Said to Press His Melcome Attentions on Womnan in Daylight. Tise aiW of the W&ulfegaa police de- ,falmnt boa bisSu tsvked by Phl- ip sodebof Who resde. In oae ar thej Martmnto lu the BernsteIn bulld. 1lue. Prospect drive. Aordl» a thIe story Sodekoff tellestthe police, ai »M,. af wi>cm h ivue a gooideso& arwttoa, perinsaInaannoylng bis wffe In sucs a peralattsit mannes tbat It le weariag on bils nerves. bisl man, according ta tihe com »Wait muade, fDot only toliova lire. 00eloff about tovu, but endeavors *9 oevery way possible ta enter ie;' Ue"I. trangely etiouglih.ceesm deay ligit for bis actions, Sade- bo ttributs. tisa ta lbe tact tiat lb sl<aaor kuove liaI the hban4, -10 y s worx Attlb. tins.. (oue oal@.he noa, ibis man felafeeishievite about tcovu and vllèi sbs rsturued homeete. rtieta OMW the haose btiber.,I-ie staod outrAde mne lime, trying ta = 0th ie vomasi ta lot him lu. Ths kgiée.d Monday afttrnoan. ,laesaty alternoon i.e ppeared at 4»der and whesu itru Sodehoif ap ed. trfd ta force is vay le vo.ulti havp eucceedod If athe bi 72 14EN IN THIE GUARDS. S1enetytva mun ready ta rlgbl for tiir homes andti freidee vEile aur giller boys are ffiglhna lutraasee9 TNt la tise number ne rp«ed 14, tii.cai for the orgaIulon Or à COMPany of Homse Gourds, Mon tram eVar, valk of! lit la Ncutb Ci"eo verst iere-businees men. meroimats. U5 Yesw dadairs, leecher. facto:y X"..da, orkmen and aIn ason. dente. MWI1frband ocf loyal otiseis. The lpo- UadeParlmet vas aiea repreesteti, a<e fialt ay houp, vio bu aeytfsilY râeceveed franc along E:Y.s'.,bei piosent and asuming a ploq In latihe anks. Ex-May aboise *Wj, via already ban tvoamsn la the 0.s*y snd wbo bus beau the. leader la OM ~mavemest. vas proant, aMti eany do"r.dhlm 'the. best aodies- on the. s r"Atlti-neya Marti Dcker andi PrSybOIBkl vers in., as vas xinnyandi Chariet Bouc. -%"Iam Schuman andi Charles Blam. ead uacied au gracefully as smre of bluejaisiets aetlise NoaialStation. Me .bunch af Young fellova rtrmhlb idMe ver. out andi Barber Greu- *hcsen service i Oerrnany. a put la an appearsuce. Tt la lui- »«Mble ta mention the itIl but a ftl liaI vill b. given net veek, vii.! ai esrallmenltaintaSsa. tastructor O toftii. Naval BtInUon acteti as dM strand put lb. men through a «gocUd d i ltnlgit. Hoe uai-de. vas pregesanti ca ptriolie stidrees ta lb. men. otiier drill viii be helti au "tay o( boit veek andi et that tînie an eu- amet viii be madie aud lvisa - iii be aubect la tic cali of the or.e ta case of nesti. Watci tic. caipazy grov. Uargaret Benner tlaun tlis ick liât. Thse Nartin restaurantle sDov oPsis L, B»a Joiiey anti chistiren are bla thiloe.go day. 1 alglas t Breen, Miss Edn 4S&OU, sUd Miss Margaret OKeefe Wi% ta taie part ln a reetal ta lie gt*en by A. L-Ouise Suces Of Wauke- ý0t.e aet meettng o lhs Ladiese' lA - spiClub vIib. an eveuing espion, tq li. eit dWetiueaday eveahng. 4.e Presbyterlan ciarcisl is naitg li& ta gve a "white" Chrtmas thie = rtisaIla, la make il a "giing" oepltnsaîs testiof a "receiviug" asie. ian tle ta bave ssci clan hi-ta seling la give ta the pour sud thnhave Il distriiuled ot Christmuas amP.Rev. Payne la la charge of tise lT a reportedt tat Mr. Ford of lie Bql ide ta lni vitis pneumoat. tise elsIdren of Mi-, anti Mrs. Allen Mneoiu cii-et are Il.Eveml' m- Is 'tlbe Llismry Club are urgeti toi lie0dtth meeting of tise club tuis ngas à Chi-sImas urageanut I slInerest bas been pitparoti. tp Luchle Mejeaittiof tMnisSt.,, là gelling along ulcciy vitif acariet Tie Nesaus fausily expect la gel ot or quaraittine fi-vin canletfever by Christmsas.- ' ~1è Honte (luarsi-iSVIII Det for qMetoade. The guarda bave tise bck. othbe bestnmen of tise Iwn and i-sure ta iesauccess. The Publie v, itedtutacorne out sud see lie c drill. a i yasrc e lady viwahuoya ta la Itb t-tet Monday la getttng Iieeli'. ILt a l maide thit sic uMt more seriouîiY huittid. roid Thoîssison o! Sheridan rail loie thelb.Davy. He la t0 bc s beior É.t1kâlaviation depai-ment vwii isgin bis duties Jaaery 2. mtakee tva isembers 0f lb. NO. oscboai hoàrd ta loin liseitivY alanak issing joineti a veek tT LAKES NAVAL SIA1floN - ThigI.mmense iiving flag, comp tWi vrydtIl, yau ed by 10.00 b luejockits iit tie naval s;tation ut Crent Lakes, nii., a ftv dyýs ago. Il vwu laid out wIiis considérastion of tise law of perspetive ge t5*« vian photo. graphdIctil stooti outIin proper proportions. Tier. vere 2W0DM ln th le bait sud 560 lu lie paie. Tic flag itscif messuriet 2U ftest la Içogi t lihe top and 73 fee! aithtie bottoan. Orossped la the stars *ere mun faissueers.7nu tat ulie Union. JACKIES SOON TO rpgimets nt Camp Dewey, a part of Tho aîrEu" M0t 4lp. tiie tation, elli approximntcly cost OtrIche.luln m«ur lli live ai. GET MORE 'Y' BLDGS. $3.000;0 anotier building for tic 2000 meat entrely au gr-em gitaifa, anti in usen at camp Paul Jones evilii 0051$7, viler consume sacli about a Poundi of 500, anti apeciai barracia type. af Y. grain undt tres pountià of aifaifa iay Tise jackles a! tice*-CGreat Laies M. C.-A. buta vili be erecteti for thse training staton are ta have a am- men of Camps Ftarragut aud Uscatur s day. Il vouid ësetasberefore liai ber of branti nev Y. NIl. C. A. ' club- Theoe latter wiii be dividet fin b îthe ie i o s riet'Bgo a long vay bouse.» By an order «f the nationgi amall social roomsansd vili have no tovard ilng for ittie isp o! the var vok counil viich bas Jui fn- auditorium. A apectal type ofbhut&- docks. Otrtieeu tuise ln lie dry isieti meting Ilu Nev York city, sai. log ta cost $8.000 viii b put u:s la anti eandy sautivetand upon alfalfa, nev Y. M. C. A. buildings ta ott-sthec bogptni camp. Tiiere wili be a vhIlci l very eauiiy raiseti lu tint re- "»rXimtely 150,000 are ta, b.e teed'aix-car garage. sion vieteSet rrlila tpossibe. vtliut delsy ai tlic norli ahoW -ns-1 'H. L,. Nevin, constraicUis; cugineer Tie average 3rearly rield of festiers tal trainiig station. Tiese buildngs-0f thse centrai department ofthtic ma- ftan'su tichIo is e 11 er s viii b. tiec *home avay frm. hau't ouai var vomi counci fet tceY. M. on n hi au a11 for th. 25.000 lads wva usly are 1C. A. viii have generai supervisionPoniattirvlu u10vs atationeti at Great Laites. Conuanai- of the, van. M. H. Bicitiamn, gen- Ç20 ta SOU sut Maffthin reporteti entinsisâtlce cial sccretnry of camp van ati Great oser tie prospect andthti program bakes, bas been ln coxfersuce ln Ciihf.tWht Tse represents bis roquent. . cago regardlug Y. M. C. A. nestis antie^ àe ie Au adinistrat.ion building of bs returneti reassuredthtint very Ta b. active la lie primai-y voction brick anti conialnlug seveuteen i-tons, requiremeut soon iii b. fulfihicti. of many. AIl lhe Intervals Ilu vic for offices snd lising quartera -fer thc1Wiiinsýfflmîct wâs i)Fn lu tie anse bugddta iest oasioaltieu- staff of execative ecretarles. iii be hspil Tueaiy for an opeation. ptoy ta gaaing cearer kaewlde-e! put spaia a cosl o! $17,000. One '". Superintenticut T. A. Simpson vsiteti external tibiga. fer tiI. viia lbie type Y. M. C. A. building for lie tva. tie Narti Chicago scaonli Tucstiay. tuniatciltste activiy.-Exen. +++ ..............................+++>+.+ . +.+.+.4.4. . +esn Why W% aig Cetfiae arieBs hita Reasons Whyd WoffSiceorbngs, Certàigicaeo + are exBenstinChristmaspig or hYoung Frlp itendrb eigo m * i ~Theyegn toberinterest the linutety4 6 2They aeourage tr taxaion + 3 Thercan b purchaedWat hebneG stdpos offie oSbéke hussvlgtieo . . . .. . + + ++ . . . .. . . t+ + . . . .. 4 4. ACCIDM Mf VIo he artbOft fWhAW» t Tut uSUCUnS WO f t,'S 9 ornr oô tiier employer nudibu TO lU INJRIESThse employer Pays tie connty tii. regutar vage rate. Aftter6a1ltlé ex- pense Of lb. arrest te BubtilOcti frein tis usm euneti the ba"la . ui-O John Traynor Dies Aftte It A». MAcHenry County Jail at Wood- teose ali rsoe &ie peared That Hlm Condition stock Depopulated as Resutsuit or thiafl la e iebt 5 Was Imprveci. of New Pratce. - - Tub« sntad"aM John Traynor,, ageti 62, suceombeil Woodstock, Il.i, ce. 1.- Tie iaw nction han bissu1Vgtv te tI ai tihe Jane MeAlisler bouitili1t18 breakers af Moi-enry countY must sîructlon of undiergr-ound lemêe rail. Sorlig t 10 OelOt ta inJarla a eltier go to work or enlilt. Hi-si-y -l n Madridi. ceiseti on last Stinday momrnug venMas he feli framtlthe top or s etreet car - in tie car barn of tise <'isekgo, North Shore and Milwaukee Electrie Rail- road i a North Chicago. Il bas ano! been determineti witer the victim I lost ils balance andi feul, or vietier hi. skuocketi oif by a trolley paie. Tic I viii b iilh eid tceigit ai the biteandTobin undcrtaking P.3- oeian set' tablisiment. Asi u.resuit of thie 9ii th ic vitwonderful toy tibM you'vý suffercd a badly fracturet i p and in- ternalIinjuries ofthtie ciss. Lile been rcadng about ins .11 or no hope vas extended ftrnt lie lia but on Tueaday atterson bis telaiguqzb condition beesme so muci inuproveti tiat relativea iscame very hapeful. At 1 p. m. h. suffereti a sèverp chili and iapeed Imb unconsclouaneaes. lie rontinued ta grav varseountil ls deati today. Mr. Traynor vis homu lu lie town of Newport, andtIlived tiers for sev- eral ycars. About lifteen years ago ise removedt taNorths Chicago viere ie since Isat liveti. He had issu employeti ailt uat time ln tise car barns tiere. Seaidua bis vldo* he Tiec-man vho luvenfl dEtiasf nvsvia mbya111 e laide leav 'a two chiidren. John, ageti là: Erectar viii lnerloclde ges'i0 4.81 baya Cn hdb* gW& troîg aisd Lilligu. Mced Il. Aea tic fol- j0. <foj -rde l0,wing brotisers and elters: Ni-a. J."à O-boa or Wa±er streel, Waulegan; Mr*e John (Gray of niear Autioci: Hi-a. Dan tei Haggerty of Wattsvorti; William I I F! Traynor »f Wsukegau andi Prank Traynor of Wadsworth.1 Lu"de.atMuet. Dide . as 0«t ayng on a daup. col moun; dremed l taaIm sut and short mach. Later ha ateredt b. iold. valuly hts ng "Il pull ls1111 troUer log dava ta reisbis sou&. ani d ta]de motier* "dibes ail vas., amam, 'elaI s'viere hies legs dont meel." the.8uey aa. In almont every partleular the mod. ern Gan a t an Egyotan rather thais a Byrtan tlv. It la fuli of rich vag.. tatioe, and ls many glenteana mina- rets shcow up againat the. duit green of as of old, a gise. of tInde. or canel andearaane, anun t bams are land with trManfsd flled witi merean- dise. Tllhe rdot« oor Nfloellm mtS biL flm twlmdd is aI you bttild--derd-cks. msuacu its <elia 'tbgrooet ec. Be sure la get Erector for <>.aals. bqs. Yeu ibau Pllemof f un'with k eemy day l isen ati have opçauly bo Y=ou nineering laty la yow'Igd Se. Erectorbei-e today. sfIbr b ac h lkw uig bquit h.eDm piomma. Prixes andi otiier v0al Ners p lal Eredtor baya Who, m-efr ee membes< ujfm"ilelIsttt Erectar ~~~feqarded Inve~teuts===i4wý ARE your dollars XVORKEPRS or LOA FERS? Money that, isn't profitably invested i3 like grain that isn't plaî?ted. It brings no returns. Look back into the hist>ry of practically cvery great fortune and youlIl find that it wats sterted by a good inveast- ment that paid big returns. Every moan or woman with rponey ahould seek ta make that money earn money. Jay Gotsld once said that $100 invested in the rightthiing at the right time wouid caru ns much as a mnan qteadily empioyed. You should profit by that sound advice. It is our business to advise investors WHERP- and HOW ta in- vest %tliere their rooney can earn a maximumîn of profit with s max- iununi of safety. Let ui& tell yo--î about our plan. Brokeragé 'Department The Securities Trust Co. quotes prices on listed and unljsted stocks and bonds. MWe invite inquiry wvhether you want 10 buy or sell. We can often save you rooney on the investment you wish to niake. If you have non-dividend-paying stocka write for our plan for cxchanging thern for stocks that are paying dividends. Underwriting Department 'e rigidly scrulinize and careiullyinvestigate corporations tIsat apply to us for our financial services. They hiave to pass A-I in our ettamination before we undertake to present their secuirities for inveutrnnt. When one passes the lest we contract for the sale of ils secuiriîjes. This type of învetmen-when sound and welI nman- aVed-is what Jay Gould alluded ta as "The right thini et the riht time." How to Buy Securities You can buy securities through the Securities Trust Company either for eash or on easy payments. We make a rooderate charge for carrying tie stocks we boy for you on the deferred pay- nei4 plan and yôu get the benefit of al distributions of dividends. bçinbsea; .tc.,ma<le by thc companies in which yotî hold titis stock froisthe dey we reeord yeur firat pafassest. Let us tell you more about this plian. attrcveiab~ab1aa*- imb.Bt tics. affer ss ~~,0lhk..The amount !of DcOu si s nstti5 ) NOT DELAY. Ask for aur 0IFlËR B Securitie Trp.t Company 122 Southi SUiMO& %usard Soeuritiet Trus0 Co1 pay Please hleni e AT ONCE your special I FFM"l and >our caâh or payment plan of buying and zùïîi st,wks andi bonds. it iq agreed andi understoodtha111t tha request in no way obigates ne. Xasne ................................... ........ Address ............ .......... ....... ......... Ctty and ! . .. ........................V4 b , d , ý- - ý l -

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