LIBFERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TIIURýSDAYI DE 'ENtbER 20. 1917. CHISTMIlYAS IRL AT HIS NOME IN IOWA.,B FOR 'THE JACKIESc ABLAZE WITII qEMS Prociraim for Festivities Issued ruoimgioiUi uauy, MIVCO vUG' - People to Send'Packages -Every Man, Even in De- Early to Avoid Delay. tention, to Get Gift. Mlail yeur Christmnas packagea o l ~e u'si .utii i eariy Ir you wotld avold disippoint.b 'yh sraut "iic'sday :,n(liu met sth ai iDrrush lis liabl hgeyly rcolîl'aI:s 1 tt du te malle much Chrlîtmit mail late li jwl. and the j.-v etIed Star of lii hia arrlvlng t lUn destinlation." elvnEwg.:opIc. Istgilathe alvice of Pontmaiter ..hIl was ."'u g tte'plai i Dan Grady wbo ap.cks frilm the ae- ors, = lawiitd ii'0w. iorn .,ing tnat -1 perlence of ;..tyears.Il. pe isors, w10et entîi"Iflt Ili v-111 bn.e t 'îa out that It ln much botter for e.pack- oty10prcii tti i oiile .rn * ae tereac,.lisdestination a dauitcdtegoh1..Sfilie: . twoatteant!of dîme. than Il le te iet- 1 Sts K :'Ie if,:e riv 2 day or two late. Ifthe wzrrdB, uineo k ntl ru lit 1-1 Chrstmas" are Wrtten on thse out- r huComptoa < )mui*.fmàt> ar ors tth. wrax th a,!i.iti 15. 4,>i a.y if ia .r u' ljet side of the Chriamas packages thse amS SIoVUbere u bu 1ev eoere rhelr VOUaIM bs eela piaül, otl iw hV11e-îaîîFrank Goteh. l recplents In lthe majOrlty ofcf ases 1118848M417 ItheR« Crou, Sworhom nolS la g l mm«io ylgfti. Net a jaîitk iniii.' - 'l.it0 wl!!abide hi tthe wiéhes of! tisoin.' oeuded. WUb Mpfl s tI . .. k Uayed moe si .1110. whff theyi te i'î' nu wha; fi ' c)ri itiiait Frank- A thît tli,11 CI, fo-i'Y dors. This. plan la conhIg 9te ho foi WM Pbotouraphed e gher weaiste about oferlg amiltiae wber-' 1 t i1 lcit - ti 'r.ti'. iesiW.sfn 'îlîîî ti i lowed more generally each year. V«r eddt. lb. more umBsIaiY 11tDjaUli. Uke the wounded soidier Paynea'.ier 3. 1). î>uyîlîl Iii- ùmo!i stîî' aeilacl."-, iiirin While tise reel Chistatitas rusat , Talae-, C@MPtOUU111ree.t ate ureoabegen bndlng bism ,Ii fln mre 9Ut w - , ' h e ,*(lied ,i lise local vontofil ehas flt Yet start I110omde. -vu fSC-aBe4»roc,1îîromlucuitl, de r> thiîîg p'vtir, une' i ,t'ili cd lit la due to beglu Kt ahnost "Y i n the si x da Ys t1 111 nat Iii. ;oliig. 114,i i.iv etciIJti ni ilg e.i tlme. in tact many people airea.dy - i The eajolole .-togern fofer t e or Iwo ,aîs.i.l . 1,(l.e.f are mailng tiseir Christmas packages. ICiîrIstmSs a ove '-'iai ât tetroe ti-u city fier l,*Inu i.fW( it la s flt thenmiler o no lewstalinke th PJae Alter'ing look place infour bm-.Te 0 In pccaeslq e n lre s fwilhospîtal. HiB condition la net aerions. materîis cowr. furnîished Iychl C, u§as iilUied >e" ti"riay. i at naa Tht.isnoa afa ru, i, aiho--li: t lng paciaea 1, notso largeas it wii iv ciaIdr drawn up by 1.fIati,ýanl (Geodman cd a fel"-'ttî iia:' (Iiiln ha wthln thse next two or three daym, Anta. thse 10'year.old daughter of of thse Sund<ay se-hoo<l 'and lîy fnîî'îds.;tanud appoate as ai!- order fi-oni the blis. wrei.liing îiî'i". :iil îpoil but a aulllcently large number luste Mr. and M"'. C. 0. Deleke of 104 Lin ;The numniiu' r ciook'.s s lar'er tibai commandant. Tii' ies cili l," uiarity andl a'i- .r .lir i atnti- 1.a arrlved te Indicate that tie aniount coin avenue. died ibis aftprnoon n a t), Li.atgivrt. i agt ye14r. dfi-fd'd filleto t I iiions. E'. 'ing îîeir ietoir- ilo..ii napîbin *of Chrstmas mail this year vielli beo ociock at the Jane deAli..ler he.ipitai A raliher i'o'.ei weing wiii la l<'Iiilie n frein itîi.iiainipsi wii fi' il) %.a'ae h." aiui 'o l.'i ie 'il-,hi up*to that of otiser yeara. 0 foiiowing anilliies,4 .frotappendicitim. j i îfae-,ati (riat Lake-s next Sattîrdilvaliewed te vfew il- ild. .Tiîs iî la aii inu lI na îfi igil o. .îîîiiîr-s Site waB taken sick Saturday mornini noon, whlEn ari. NI. Watts-. 'tor-- tefli receive thiîi cisi, a îîarra. . wr.' iiatiiîîg iit. 1. i The fact fltI "briKa» courtes o and bilrricd le thse hospital Stindaylk: epJer, tiret î la attit'ititiiin wili i'lve "Ie îî,.t.t'iiîr21, oi cerfid iiîîîiî i-tint 'v fileîîit andil' Tueaday tuiet] of Sunday tir Mon- ahiernooti. lier condition grec woret'd Misa i.liian (SundeîM.iu .'If flic imita cii i' l-ý-' iPe'1aioiiiIfitifetted lhti-ni ait. 'l'i li,, lof01 'ît11 day nîakemt'fntlnowhat casier fût Monday, when se cas operateýd upon, ceod Park. Thbé a iI ii . 'tiîfiiiir Parade groîîuI..'.asia 1littgi(tit tIili. oNIi(.ietl:, carriers lo <iistributé te lemail. and oince ihen »Ife bai.!he'n In a cril t. 1 f i ajiaVe tiiri'.ttnjý iî. ter.i af. i i11i14- AtIs5 'c-lek band ii a v, f,i Tuai iii iateiiii'ea onti aiii a lu Ica] condition. Thse Delckes have one, ceremony Is lp-i lii i- il NMr . 1tIs *(iiin.*and il.I,- w"ail ..' fighi'.for al î lhe i ric, kiioýî n tlu - ~ ~ ~ gher ehîldrtt es.aged 12. 1hbas bfin sl4liiga i j-\Vai.iiiii O tell, This ciii.ltle -i .a un,-t Ilei'ouitgiîesse-uld andîîî' Ii'iii * *~ ** *4* William rothers teck tihe Wlwess o.; West sIreci, X iike-gai ion i' i' musicalI progl.iniîlc-d bhi Ier-l)iî tikei oppîinnii,'iii1 -fi'- iluc ii iii stand la. Il own delensle @sisotY 10e-ýLat few rno!4it . aiis i -Il wl wîGouid n.nd ' ac-i ii'-d by tuitbaud in whieh lii, a': oitwi-i0e. for fît. fomi-1'oclftk thlia afterhacn. itnWtatkPgatt. l-fiaj ProcîX t:: 'i *(on, îis pilsliu.'the lowa farinîer hiyci c.: *IOBS * The Telephone lNewssys: 'crîî'-1Radiolfie and cri atchc." lu MIn Al TeFail (it ii ' ifini Nfght rîed a n -gniicetitl% piIiîîorii-nti-il fromIn IcIrvacation trip throIn h fii W iie tana îxpe-,I"lii hat sitîiiittl menta. safmply -knew tonue îii for iithe for * * * 4 * ** *ada. Ouni,bos.s l9 noc qualffi 0 le),' ma.-ir in î'iinery ilfcek",r auld l'o e Y.N-yC'nj ii'u a lrî.-lîti trench dlzgP.r. Il rainii 1t.ý i).' ja lîî'ariîîgtoit (NOP fi.-te iOn,,Dîn.'sung by l, it- i'fiii-ih andtdhi' Word ba% been receliveii ,iere byt tel mont e! thse two we'ks ii oe!)'-Ciî.y uiii(jkf,'iiiiiîiilii, tie.liriiater las Tw-l fln Reglm(-., ativea o! Harold Pilîtfant, cho fefi Ibat ho cai joy rlding, and he apenl bî cii d.ttrr- dil t eis' a cci1 ll-"The Wa'-sit;l yîiug," sug " Johnny'a !ssay. Waukegan foi the training camp ai a great part of lthe ime digging bis lue First, Secetîf tîand Tfird It.'gf o it iesnw ftwlew BatleCrek. . Mlch.. about Octoisel- ienry out of tîxe mal. Aside frein A Imes inodmnt.esonbo ihte suwrso twele .for 10, ibut ho bas agaîn beeu promoted. Iis bactitte the "'il occupation, ece'1An Immense bltmond. melîts. the 1e,ýri fhi.btlanrepni.lfr -Ilime tel'ilergeant. Aterhie a iterytilg waîi " lo'.'ily.-" TIiebot., A bilg dîamoîîîî bas îî-enfuiUllIn a tfi ti sud 7th e IL' gîuî' lit'.a 'ain s- mentisheocas mde a corporal, tUs ooks welland <ela thIbat way ltoo. M. mineIn bGrlqualnîii West (Suthi Af- At the close Mof tIi titia f trogrni aYu . i. Xiiig ele'irlil e. ocîrreil the, hI.. second promotion, goming ai thse und Mli. Ray- formeriy lieed In'Wau- rien). Thse sioe is unîber colored,. Ill., relnents cntipiti fî-four- lSis ii'-.-of Ct'iî,nieusfn I(itialile' Th end o! Ice montha training, indîcates kPgaü, lra. Ray beiîîg a daugiter of tsnd 's iglis four iuulrî'd andl fiortlriititing stalion.,t:lie4ilitiîl:. if tiî,îtviI'w tif ilî'eea oiliîii's laliv'î tihit recognition o! bard work. 'i r. 2nd Zrs. RoIerlT. Perine, c:.rats-iiiîî iti tq< ucrt if :il llol;0 ~o~~ve liMiir g I ' i iithii \ls isîr tn .foliioii.: "u Tise case of Emil Hoiand. tise Bar Toy Day t lise Elte y'sterday and .Alttlou;,I I :.iisi Dot n record ns r.. ' crîic'îs 1li nIîxturc utocfîîîî'i)tît 11,1 illigton young main laken tata cOîa ioday iroîîght tn many toys which ar-' gtrds cliIl i.. the inest il t ai bs -îiitIi<hflenc treil iefr nneîO f -bell tody rocently and suspetted wtb b.e cogiven outInlter 10 Ihe ne'.dy e:f ever beenfouîîd lu lb-t section o! t114 Worth thrice flic price-Sun ada. I'iîfîi' Lîion-i-r.. lng thse mar i ioanoyad the teiucb- lb.' commiînity. Tii. response aas coinltry. Pr was contlnuptd te nex,,,Saturdai-. AI 1cr>'satisfaclerY a a wole an(! that tue bis mental condition ciil ny a Ili11e h.'arl ahil be madP al' itI lue luvetlaated. in otber corda. the PY as a resuit eit tte orignali d4e O 5. - - :s:S siate cIl! try te proveoise la Insane. cari-d out In the- local playiiouse. Watea esci ei ieio san The -tev.lot nî ase toi Tise toamher bas flt y.t corne 10tebs.- (xýte'.. RemP' in as fre who dtatunled ber but.JI la Rad shclîlg'5 '.îî.He fltu uil - 'a - scollN o W o d r T h yrl bias nflot b-ln diturbe.t ince iso cas aster, not en -'x." detgiued. John WoJtoii. one o0f Itîe uîigiaA lH p y At lt.' local cnwssgn- 01 Jl t w nirpiane men intlhfii lotalifîis le A l H a p sip hisgissciool asso-tation beids! Ùoi i-aw iaad s colgidelrilî itifulinL'1 day atternoon at the First Chistian (7rra't t Lies av iation schi. lWo i. churcis the audience onjoyed a '.ery bas. do.' a great deal cf iving j, lneetng talk on "Inspiration ('ailfolula and ctrill esanV Throgb ontct* byMes Baus xi lire shonlil lirove' a i;g a Tise purpoi.c of the conférence cas t., riuitit lie cants,. iîîîwetýin .1_ diacuas tise question o! organizatiolt a coilie .y(ear.u' istrucitionsil]li- of auperlteudents and teacisers of 'ocal sclîool a.nd likely enroîlbi tise Sunday achoola for co"peration. mP Robert M<arshall cho bas been In The second annîtat banquit of tihe (Il ra foi a. 1-brida for the lent three yeara. mia].- (flamber o0f ('emmirmei ti i- lit-lîl ai lk 't a fing trip to Waukegan Sunde' lic NI. PE. diureInbParlers.,'-t a. e nigbt te greet hie oid frienda aand bid cong Jnury ;l, Cm1)ut:Il vu lei' ia thoem good bye bnerne !eavlng foi ni. -" somnechiri' In France." For yearr Your mn, ouy.eis fartiîer a i te te- eut, itiioak- M. Marshal cast empioyed i the M moral Sale, hullon-Alden Ce. 2962t 1>îiîtd att L m~ l- tore. He la a vet,- Harry Bech, former ec fer of theniaIfiglv e* Çfi lis-Arnerican war. Beach.Garage, bau grineeinto te escr adbas uat re-enlltted Ia tise e -bureter-battery station bausin ' î $160 neering departissent. He le conected 1-asaCty. Mo, itis bis son 'Un- ___- - -___ lth tise Casual Detcbment. 2iat ton. Tise fim will, be Beach & Son I Engîneers. lie left hore thissDoon The son bas been In filat rit>' fîr a for Camp Grant. itickford, from long ime as spccial represen'Ztlt'.eeor tablish cantonmient hse cil! beave in a for a weli known carboureten and on B hort thale for France. He carrited der tise new anrangemenfi he takea O HN IE 0M O L A8 R O8 _______ wtbhlm itise beat whilhea of bis large oVer thse Iocrat l bsness ocf- iifrm N T IGGV SS U U P E B R O8 boat cf frendas. for Kansas Ciity. Mrs. Beach and A Yf'IlTZFO Tisa Fîdeliti- Casuali>' Company te- daugter Miry will rematu hel'e ait Â.s.PEOPLE FOR 8 LONG A TUÉE AT day i Circuit court started suit frrJeat until apring. S0 LITTLE A COST ASA OCOLUM- $1.00 daageaagaiat dwaId M The Ladies' Aid Societly e! the Con- Laing. ' regationai church. ciilmeec Ni cuisG AF NO A Now, atogether. lioott Help moitil- Mca., CIsareu - outloas-910 rh --Ize tise Red Cros an-m agalat suf! County atree. T"tt»day afternoon. ___ !erng. disease andi deatis. i's tise Mc. r* liplar Ile il» te lbc e Biessed Master's own cause, nul agaln uf lde r ~ging an citera- " G, (1îaronhîIa-(iîaouu, MatI Staffe]., son of Malt Staffel lo frap'sddts ttieMels---ijIe ttlîiX'C lke -îb'ove 165Luaaeubsetrdteter liosiitil.- i aviationucorpsavn . Dobas trdtie " The Mysiery Shirt" serf,'.. tanis S etît, wîtlî 1tî'id 1('fi'.rd-lt' lit. withoîît etIlauston, Tcms. Iomorrow ai, thic »roadway thoie.r. eto i gld loikp (li r'Kennclh S. Goodman cas made de- h iiesi lnCmava yer '11V i- fednina 100dmage suit filed lises that 1,.000 lu cusui ciii be paid ttîîîted uo k. nl t O In Circuit court tiis afternsoon t 1 t-bÜe one sfnding lu an answer ex-Eoi~odn uI'is repeplalnlngiîow the serial cull finish. satin wal fl Ioigode Lewis P. ,irs..,ne.- nyte re e Officiais t 0fthe UnIon Paciiecrail'- at ....7 u .... 5 0 ak, fîuniedl uak, înaiog- fTise sicas gied. ii Dvs froad compauy ]lave' issued. a gencral North Chicago, chargeul citb irent- et ouI-o aljpoui sud bng in ft-i Dotlug (te cuti ou brtise st famacwah o!..a eneingsiso ut astdi helsaedn naof a Isi es luto te Red Cross, but also te niIbrwsdaladINotCh- ibeli in the menîbership cam;.)aig-n as 20 Girafuunolas, like abou c cage todai-. Tbe avidence cas in- uhaposbe satifficieit te uatlfy' prosecution. cmucins as possiborle.a Tisiougs atypgrahîcl erer Urge cverybody 10 stick' ut) Red -tf gî11' tako îst Throug a tyograpica arreICross sgrvlce inge wiib (Red CresvagilY cas etated tant eveutug tisat a mr Chrismas seale. We must il re rled mâai la entltled t0 an exempstinmetuber that every Benai ned It a bul a ......- 3 0 Tise1,000un hie uldae e au given u becloî. .aî u3 Th o B$1.00in sld coae ± e hgvnase.let fred in the dealy baitie eagainst $2,000. A sngle man I19 entltled te There le te bc a liver modal con- 15. (1del, n oa oîin iii g John. 1Hill, aged 30, living at 621 monToc nigIl t 8 u o'clock. Six con- - - ai-stret.'va arestti uesa~rtestants wcliitakse part. fiI iunder lty.aCi. nlght on a charge of beatlug hie wlfa. the auspices o! the W. C. T. U. it.... HeadlmiVtted tise charge when arraigu- Ma rne iîiie ±lt edtig morutug. Tise case cas-cGie oti ltc src n.tnces the 2 tilued te Deceutber 21 at 9 IL m. -Hill engagementif e! r daugiter, es20Harînotîxes (as litg - 'wus.sice uue bnd o!$100 s d Eins, ici D. C. Scîdmore. secretary- lie as, çîe $f18 iiiodel) speeial- wis rbmauded to jaîl. 'reasurer of tise Waiukegan Drug Co.,!t - eie Tb% Waukegan boy scouts accord-' d ti.s - <'unPânY. tco local - 10 Gaooalike te 2-haooaslk . - ng t1Af Griffu., bave voted t> pro.> concerie. Tise ite o!f the wedding abov-e eut, in golden Oak 4t 12.95 -12 lieuton old ie tlî& VId, ree baskets for flaady familles a mo 5 ounedbut Il wlllnot take .itw- cu, n ode o et Cbxlstmas aud 'ioda>' askad th Place for nomse'ilme. Miss Detrayer o uaho îy.'ùiiary RcrsNw-o riil((-n, Su t urlss(hm ~ei~ bas reslded lu Waukegan ail ber Ilfe. Piela 45.00 1crd ow.n Ille»Iwhere their baskets woud bcSte1gaduaed !om he ......n -Sfol.Vtliis saleI.... acceptable. This ganetotti-on the She gÏauis eool tes tisecga Sale, i part o! tise yot»tg men la M su M-o! 1916. -Bfr. Scîdiiore bas lived In i inendstory sud should serve Wakega bu h -'yas tadulte -the c e b t îgnaottreya lion of e cty IL Mra. fQnm a steoncof Nortis Hickory mmu do their bit. sreetfravstwt eaie t20-M 1 'I Arthsur Hauley. enploi-ad eathé LaeeI etr a'.N t is eYtvs 210 -Q12 - 214 Allen i!undrle. spent = fromlie yadiezote . . aplOre hiS.eeee roce luto another Tuadysd~ie ~tso 1eCae tetCit- S eee i .' te .beera anopenlispdomr chere taen cburch ou Tdésday baked 3,1EO tetfQ~~Sre t " workàiencal-e making roirataacookiet chic ere sent> Io4aistohe is sLt p ppeHe fei1 a. dtat -e -f10 1OrpbrÀge andsud P 4 0'w biio a oau. fotadbsalaceratoai scaaid Loui. Tbfe *tttoi1 -5 -~ 12. rt o e" <G z i~1 ~ Q LJ 't t1 ,~ - -e Q __ r,, t-. o e z ~ & i *qt 1' ber 98 52 o i-s ît. - I GI o; os o..s GI 51 ai ai 51 US 51 I B.2 o, 8 ~8 a b lirepealet ber. aIMMa&I2*1 iof local barber sisop proprietoft asaert tisaI lley cli"stand <1punIà ~RIcL~ 1111 U o! chat otisers do." - )RQANIZINfi UNION 1 0 7 l Denthîr ispa Or O iIRE ANP WOMAN SEIZe! lan Is Being Discussed in Ef- fort to Keep Barber Shops off peA111île ibatain acke reu Cloted on Sunday. iai*uste-pjj j, a oth irs ra who hppensýo utvh bis eye. * ' Wuîrn-î tan i1iîay sanie, drinks?"W Viutk.giiiP(I. find ent the furst lime ho puts.11 nfii-ni. are- biariiers i: 1i t usin l î la sbe i uZî îo (10nit a nîii- lapin cfi Thsîeutîeliu nt plasib. X tti'îa]î h alb, fî- oituni, 'îited States ,cotmitsîoner - fý,nito ' i bar-' ýe )cýwauki-gan lia..toacrack lan is aChIu f îlea t b>- Ille-action of Ilbil mi .1 g - yu trete nvoiingte ieeal liie'Sunday ciii, go -oîînt. Tce jelli- yo u u taauq ig ordinaii,' Tbi'vare liid(,avoriiîI,.li stuettstja ui u- de i i ii. xiitis t, o "îC jirfe-' Ieil tisera. As a rWs e .eiluinl î'îiî i ci li' - laiit ttîrgett 715 NorthsSat Tue lu ,,it FIiiiili -e.- 1 a s Iikin a'eeping ta tise CIU I,ýin (J !,jail ei'u J' is. iutg tea f Sailiirs just floc'i 10 this -WOMn oueya-i'rn ia i iiint.iitg a' .'safidan annoYMOUS tettar toit 1>. T ta înfi ii i n cîîîî fîi iifîniÏ! Lrufi-tha ifauîe cnploy.' ii' ifattlv I hen the police got ouItisbera t a.-ork on Stitday.ïrpîeneaa e'ia! foîîîd bltles od beer and saliora irs' unlion in i iikt.gti a f.a- '."'ac proiii'ttiontliey sad. Tite> grabt teo but ne -Port btiu lieu niai.' j 1 i i ieer and boys. Tii.' 1îrinc'pîI cuti-iioun ti(d iil - Nx aga uad a cor-e ihat ihi'open tui Thte Island of Hati-Santo DOcUg -5fr' 1 renainil ni Siinday 1 i.. îîfter Cuba, lise largast of tiseIW onti soi b.' uîligi'd tle mpîloy an-, * -ln barbera. <(liber barbers asserî i ldi'os* Tise totat are* o!t the t1s1 iocever, iba thie big majorit>' ;r (taSsquare ntiieb, o! chih 1à ,aihers biýiong Io lthe înîernaîionaî lin npîroximateii' one-thttri.are Ill sSoclatiî,n aI.i(] 4hiave-l alii ' .tensection, or Esilit11)»NI lie citi.i local if il c-au rganfzî i ilie rrnualnlngt o-thrda, ara W t1 cre. - cstern pordIon, or tisa DomInicai 1 I si e efael1h aI Ithe îîrd iîî.uîîce Ipublie. I& , lim.