CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1917, p. 14

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tai igare fair %Waig<egsn food prices for tise week beginnini Di- U. S. POLICY ÏIENTICAL ea filxed by M0e food administrator and lits ccinittee, oopris. WITM TI4AT 0F BRITAIN. EVý iWakeMenfood administration. Nomes cf dealers aeing asoe nUitdV« O-illi10à sould 1b'e reported to John S. Clark, Waukegan food edminis 1vUi.d-.a Whoc will take the proper action. London., Der. 1.-Porb.igu Minster FAIR FOOD PRICES H&RE. "Bll SMofouOd ln the houes of 0Ma. 0 **M.d hy tise Waukegan food ad miniqtration. Effectve wFekl begin- mens. thia afternoon that Probidant 00tr ning Prlday. l)ece mier 21, 1917.) Wliana wr polcy waa "Identicai h.n ."tll prices customer sisould psy for Ilite staples nemed sisould nul witj, that of the leaders of Great For ýed th. following. Tie cosI to tise reu3lier of each article aiso le gîven. Bisn"ch. Centteb Retailer Price te Consumer- tëtd Bgar .................FPer 100 lbâ-$7.87 9e -MOTOR BANDITS KILL MAN col g leur (standard brande) .... Per bag-42.90 $3.10 AND ESCAPE WITM $10,000. ÎsWheat Fleur......... 5-b. bag-30e ý5c (yUie rs. tM Plur .............5.1b. bag-30e 35e Gary, md., Dec. 19-An unldentiflod S lhm Fleur ....... ................. h ag-30-e 3"cpgewsso n kle n isdc in jtai (white buik).. ý....... ..Per 10 l'os-.75 7c 11). ngona sot nd kuil.d and Mioe da *0 Neal (yicw bulk) ...........FPer 1tq) Ib-It î inrn saooneeareIlei. e dt (whoie) ... ....... ei, lb.29e 32e wounded by four mtor bondit$ (etgrades)...............Fe(r lb.-44e 47e afternoon who escap.d with $10.00 ing 00 (medimgae)......te b-:8 2 whlch the nmen were carrylng from a hr il jhet grades, carton) .......... Per Ili. 28ec"4e bank. The bandits overicoked en cre id buik) ......................Per iù.-27e3r, equai amount which the lnegre wa and *éne (fresh> .............. .... Per b.-23e28c errying. ______ *8a........-.......... ......Per lb.-28e 3c **Ys (freah) ................ .40e -- ti .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$er l b. 25. 3toc so full creani cut te order) ..Per lb.-3cie 911 iosé (full cream, brick) .........Fer l> .20e 40 0 ___________________ a.;i (50 te 00) ..................FPer 17 te ce mes (60 te 70) .................. Per I).l2c 1 '2e aes (90 te 10) ................. Per lb-lb" lie _______ ity............... Per 100 ilbs-.$!.00 7 b al <tancy).....................FPer 100 tba.-$10.0 14e lb. * thi» sroe) ................Fepr I100 bs.-49.O 3 b pst (navy, band plckad)..........FPer 100 lbs.--411.OI 20%,c lb.Um ~ln <Lima)-.......... ..........FPer lo0ti -li.1î 20e lb. toa(cc.igtgrades) 100 lhs.-1-2.t I Fi-r pk. 45c k Iseea raes...........- 7 38cel k (mdium~rada)............ 15 1 -te18, h< prodne et 0n ad) . .. 2l ter (creamary, extra, buik) . Mer ceid $orage)..............44e (Ont eot hgher ln cartons titan ln tubs) terine <taniff grades, cartons). Per lb.-30e ttrie (standard grades, rolis) ... Fer ib-29c :Ac gerine (medum) roula sud butk.. Per ib.--28e 31 t a(strictly ireahcaudIed) . I..tozen-60eý f t. Waitjnîrfor the M% À big elf tnid ieaWlf4 t werae *oad by thé bandit$# elvare and mjide neoattem#t to 1ao :A TANQUAY, GRANTIED A DIVORCE IN CHiICAGO# 4By United Prens.) Chicago, Me. 19.-Eva Tanguari :medienne, wua granted a divorc4, r. this afternoon frein John W. ord, a former dancing partn.r, 011 srges of desertion and non-support ONSTITUTIONALITY OF LOAN SHARK ACT UPHELO., 113Y 'ClissO rana. Springfloid, Iii., Dec. 19.-Among thé. Rcialonq of the Supreme court liane Jdown todsy on the adjournmen.tioo,- m Decetnber terni was one uphoid. ithe coisstitutlonality of the lot* rak set pasaed by the MOt geOW i aaaembly,' intending te regillatE id license the makInqo f lcana ln the siof $M0 or le.. steriou Ui-Rosi ou ~r 'm.dJ L i Needies -to Cb ange Econ»mica 1 Xmas S ù st@ns Practical Scau List For Worth'«WVhule hvlngs -CEDAIR CHESTS -SMOKING STANDS sas low as $7.50 iipjrom 90c -LAMPS, Piano and Table, et a.25%* diecount -MORRIS CHAIRS, a gift atene-fourth off" -33 1-.3% DISCOUNT on ail BJIAU COSTUMERS - SLEDS at 98c [wtuiie they lastf (atr apoi 4- dozen (rx DRESSING TABLES-M IEfigerator 01104110d)............ Dozen-42ce Our destroyers and scout shipe are beadache. Tou become norvous, deapus A.»ýxr~., .. i**ru1v (Estra, oppioé. 24a. dT il $».08 [$31y .sfu,,IIUM&9VV ~P>.00 5value I ~- deadly torpedo-the wateb on the At- SppOuIig beforé the eyez, ba<lds-e ot e hut off until he shows a disposi- lantie are on the lookout for the fint tàî lidoa nd loambition to do tbinga. M tion to do wltat iq rgh . I indieation of bidden deAiger-iteah amcoadet tsfacntion o hoe aBE PPAR ! 1 wr z F.' tt re C W IL redut oneflght forlife. lFor hoeleading aquiet ~~~ma eetv eA A~pU u al oeeno, M. lrkBld."Iif. - ebin.e it le often the unexpected o tzroube la o ea UtS ~OfiTE îeady a bg majority of the de:s bqAb atakdbypi n our $ntistbe eekstnl '- STDAY are >ediig to pblic opinion and Sp R Éare tcf aldrik pen tee EgyNgltTIÇlss a acceptlng the fair prices, fIxed by the bt hctreen eau - t~ood adminitator. 1 think that If îIbt orlibeLÂ-*-rie tablet beiore each ineal for a WatkegnA Dec. 19. la necessary to maire an examrple Beah faykn aotncue Me rutlrcvrd >bu, S. Clark, food admlnistrator of a few dealers hat it will serve Beah faykn àotneudwie rntfrcvra ,W".kezans meya e hola confident the as an exemple te thse rest. I arn more by kidoey dicorder, which Lusses that Sinjsly ask yeux favorite druggist for Lta wlii enforce thse strict reua than ple.ased with tise readiness te 1___in_ ne witis regard te Waukegan and comPly hat la béIn.g ehowa by a big the kîdneys are mot working proporly. Apurie, double etrength. lu tahiets, 60e. _ bfth Chicago dealers wbo Insist <p- ma>orlty of dealers. It ls a new con. Poisonous motter and unie acid aceumu- If you bave lumbago, rbeumatieni gout, "r0tecertnz 'oy cbarglig Price-.dition and omee tr.ô it difficuic toetitnthboyn raaud-rpy,ég' mdaelwt hà thoni thos fixesi by the admin. be- guiided oby these pri ce ecisedulesIlt ti iehd ngeteud rpy oiiixeitl ih ii orThe nain« of neyerai vio- bot they are coming around te thuec, overworking thse siek kidnsys; newsl diseovery of Dr. Pierce, wlîo i8 fthave been roported to Harry rigbt way o! tinkng' bence thse congestion of blond causes Chief Medical Director o! Invalide' Rote 'Wbsolor tate food admnstrater. There wilil be a meeting tonighs taeka las une'case a requet h#A been which prices for the ensulbg week b. ein th sanie manner miasansd Sorgical Insiftnte iu Buffalo, N. Y. We by thse local f004 almiistrator wiii ibc dxed by thse local food admta- imlar congestion. in thse head causes Sand 10 conta for trial package. ___________ gt the floUr sUply o! a prliteer_!strator. Give Shoes for Xmas ComjpIete Assortment of Reliable Shoes H-undreds are Daily Taking Advantage For Women ami Children, at Moderate Prices of ur'Queen Quality Children's Shoes ShoesFit icomfortahly, are Shoeti d[ -made extra well, give -for M.I ressdW)i l asting satisfaction. la n e sTbSrela na elemuent of echance Girls' Shoes or of pocsibe dlàapponltment luIn Priced ..$2» to$6.5 R.e purchasing shoea If Weil kflown ________________ ______________________trade mark rMda are;eaniiald- "Qu4stitShoeforBoys' Shoes eo ontocto Priced ....$2.50 to $6.50 Tehlgh .rae tnl fn - n Children'sShe ish taken wlth.tIsa tact tai-Pi ,nowlnub ance styles are ever i stock Pric.... $1.25 to $2.50 I~zJmalicfthe, seloction of 'Queen " Infant's first step at Three Left C Iathemcto. cntatsore $4 Up to $i2 Pair (Main Flor) Women's Holiday MeiVs Holiday You must hurry to 'otin advantg 2 fSLPESCr1~>R our discounts and make selection before Jutth ainty wam and.O at- Aly inan wiII appreciate a pair tractive slippers that. wtcii like of comfortable slippers and no our stocks are entirely ciepietei to reeive for Xrnas. Coinfortable th 4hfu & cudb adattractive styles i fror rb ae for 1"IW." Neat feit or and ii fur nu- Iather styles; some 'ornamented bon trinimed, or knitted slippers. with pipe designs. Black, brown D is oun s a e rom 10% to 0%Ail sizes; (main floor) $1 Up te $2. or gray. (Main floor) $1.25 to $3.00 __________________________Infants' and Children's Pretty Stippers, 50c Up to $1.50 OpenEvey Nght Lok fr te ~Give Phoenix Hosiery for. Christmas "6Rem Oval Sale" Phoenix Silk Hosiei'y are well advertised and reliable hose for men anti wvomen. The quality i uni form and the wcar niost satisfaetory because oif higl splieed heels, doilb le ',olanid toes. Corne in ail thedeiIwor and sizes. (Main floor) iti en'sWiin' ~Phoenix Planoe (O5ci5)Jeecya a par 90e tôt e $

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