CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1917, p. 15

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-y- -'c ~ 5f al e n lIir~luIlflk* M im . wlth the Anmli agi of ti ' 't - repra"eôealthé aithrts apqflfeedl U ti lnrclilmg tIhe needy, nulnq thé wounfded. lnlatn erfs4og tly are carottsend thoir eii ara, talafterwards for 0 rea staueit of this eZeessmM II0fIpen incident ens W4ilijat04 etruet fitouday aternoon. The. OW»I0yed 0onthe.i . r "àhappéhse p eme tIsaI th Wuup Juilasetos . HolOs yousu foWard tr'olley pliérnt Maut Is paet ?00 e yu tInlt PiWtorn, ln front of the gçi«$ja1é tdwn e Iee et dt the car jiroady lnis tIehë IsÔwahdIround lns front of t a iwth e rap. in he hnde, baeok alqg eist 41tio. caresat svdAI og fyý. in t that way hi puie»Ii t frih iiPOMilit uier tise boik upsn the loot f et til li. Mi ha, h 'W me ee*ly, but hàd ha ilipped on the lote. !f14 11Mw flvé tpped tecl bofere tha eaio" IlpiSyrs are attemis t110*. founi lshIIiPésgs4ihaa# la' >11. xcetdingly care-> tles mn.ob r f41 Ve~5at r ho w. hslaitboom hut, h. ou hAalfi 41 mlUldunder sucd ci. cumusta c.a l 44 1on de 1 < tw Ilp nt ehould b. heid hllbier- Accordlng 4-t a~iffp ua fooi commission in geiup te instruct faihula oit i. d if OaLo@market at ÎÏtii nsý tiy beuasthe phakoh. 0 ehipat aIthey have en over.stïpply o ibid:ét n4*. if tIsaI là thé is Swe.ilaIt that park le the IUlgÀt l hie s ben thin th* usftMtay. t looks. as though thire Il a0 dhdst >ou let me finlishit vbule 1 vas barhaasl from wia.î Mrs. Price baî sali tJrice al! ipianned itber la a" ~~~kilt i uelf iild a,% veil" bis wtfi or tbat ai least lie planned eý on sotl*g lmbelf atter lelirad rP As aftrhéretuned e!rmenc rRI~rtLAL! *il tien tohéiibvdt. pvrom 11 TO ILLCIJLD4Nvo~s paked by hx vtfe W ootth NERVE ÂIL! hM «By'store',.d brig uacki 1h-' par NERVE lÂIL-0ed on a slip of paper. lie bad tb-'n fâfled in hie attempt Io shoot iluiih t and vutli tbe slip of paper4lb lIs hao It Is Declared He Tjk B#be to veut t: the Taylor store whpti' b Woods, Seloted ire. Iend tbem a rope. It *ovas bis htr Thn Went Home. lie used ltler by ibrovr- I ove r t11 brafitb of a Iree su iter fa,%tenîng Il Lé bic neck.40ij he dd l-1ap TRIE!) TO SHOOT IMSELF. Hie Acted israntdly Asm»oelatea of Price ai arcsaa Lakeâ Otat4oait dclare hé showed many very Wfe at Risk of Own Uife Omp-- sùpnge symi'toms when liiere. For piedWIthHim e <j Waioe It lesait! et hlm tIa he Hs Shotgun. u'out an hour belore the rest cf th( sàs an talalg the abOyer bath, ieavlag thsa hot water faucets open a Tht L. H. Prîce, the Groint Lakos ter hoe va finishsd and pernitiling wlio hanged himeifln thlfiait oibthebot vater té rmn OUiL ater woeds et Gien Fiers avenue test wben the ober sallors weix 10 ta E1 TuMeay wsek did flot WlIirit ' a ahmoer bath liiey found notblng u« a double trsgsdy and peeab 11 but cold water. This plan was foi triple traidy ws» due ln theenrit loweai hy Price for corne lime and Il plae te paisible lack aof vervi or in- vs. o111y alleraomnebOdty laid la vielt abiRy to reconols hlmttf te the for hil tiraI they detected Who il vas kiling of hie two and on-hait yeur thai vas vanthng the w-Mer in ibis 090 ion; and in ths es~ othtiplé w&y Ilagdy possibiy due te th 1 itPut Another thtng about Priée lv tbuit upbihîswlf.whotoo< s eiiiusiot laàdeolared tht Price vw" in the ou@a away froa ihle etaeu1h 1of e bar habi Cf soins ltro ts tlicers' quai- obra Ilite Jut a. holan l t PainIli At ers and relusing 10 sainte sny i- hi own boed uduvay tdr .Otlan. Mer and ratualng tereatove bis b)at, 1-te -,*vhile ln te quartera. Ths, ts.à lade, Nov "t Price.s body lbas btI clared vas due (o the tact ihat wben set to, -is former home ln Nombo. lie Was' In Miasouri ha vas in the Mio,. and that bis vife hais lefti f ate milftla himultf and held a coin- iCamils City,. M. vbare eh. in te Mission. Accardingiy. lie could ne. xDead an Indefiluie tume wrth ber @W comte tla the point vitere he realized ter Intrestng tacts surrouiding t" that b. vas merety a sallor at Great mayserious iStiofl fPi.5i 0i'lie tto n In toi*is. )f 'e "cn' ee tainadthat w»s v whe 'l'. 'un s. uadfr0, rllalerefused to alnte and refused te re- TeSourc boi. t ghat m nsa- lmove bis bat «biiele n the officers gouetai tNtr vie R151i7 quartera. tioalInidetsprmdis hétragedy Wsrs lHourd te Qurai vblcb ended lnabile banlglng in the It la declared Ihat Price and bis vacat vadlt o ti. Iorts S'le vie never liai trouble whlch neigli- h~ ~ bors noticed but that tbes-e vi'-. in 4he tiret Place lit val on Tues. sornethîng "- la evident trom the tact dey' ofternoon ltb taIPrgé vest 1telitaI Mr$. Price. afthougli dovp et tht Mr%. Prani IsqUion. Poplar el'iL maalstation ait day Otnrday nexer, iihose upper hle i'oces haO 000k the trouble to go wbere bit' been ae dln OtoOa oul0f Montol body vau tailooki upon ber buaband and asked Mrs.. outi ot let hlm aMd moie sureaveu Ibat lb vwis lie; laite Mr. Moulton'à .hocgun and some she had t be erad yriyo sheils.iaIs to give thie nacesaary Ordera te' He explalned ba' lie vanted 10 go have the body ehbpped 10 bis torner- hutning ralibits l la iw ooj 6 norîli borne iniNeoabo. blé; ash 10Ovf of tbeir place aid thut h vas &cWFllght concerfiln vbat vas happening- 10 take bis litte tvo and u liit year or a tfe;Anlt.@hdi lved , remonathgi.-ratsd vit hlm flotaoepmp.ay ithe body to Neogho Nbottakireng t e ud îvltlihm utalihougliohsue iet the foloving day lbeu sainglie ain'îig'olng 10 lut ~for Kansas City, Mo,. ln tie sainie d long aid beélai vaagig ed g o ltnrection that Ui baiod l it sonte the lon ad h' jut antd e d alitleday liefore. 1. li" lvt»and a hall practicng and set a tev rablita If ya l ot1 ielIltsf1 passible and lie vould lhé back very y*hio. son 18 aIhlibolt t .àe sbortiy. ta hfeai1( iteaigil Thle gun in quettica vas a four- that bis o htsti aôull 1b hium e abel Winchester "epuunP," the liheilae woo mde upon kltRat a dto-hhi carrylno un ttusnuallyrty charge', hmmde ut10Iiu l ni b PtkOt0shSpot ________ k hla nov learned tih±t Priée al ed, 1e the woots vbere later in the A51555 1555 dla.y rha hanan3j bniseif anlti l cati- Ai.flu iSEI chion la that hé ielicd ot the pet'A ctr-UU tintitar tree wblcii ha migt llrlnb tetr and plaue thé rops tO ,%iaAge. s -nIe feeling fuuther se that thoPrea- and was se insistent on taklag hlm with hlm was tht hie plan %vas te Ciflon Beck. ebo sald hlivas e îbftlthe 111.&nulw. f t hsfomtua aloti at Great Lates viasarrested, Possible shoot hlmagl, That sone. lit Chiacgo early this mornhjtg 'ittei. thiug cain..*'f4tp W$I*&sfflinlt Ina* revolver figlit. He la amiused fio i. ti. e'og oeqtpioaqf ebr@ being 0one or the two mn h via a te wb. àd'habr sPet.hi' ~se ~.mintebefore bad beld up Williamr tiens uni' Vel h h Ite h 0 . it In lbis drug store aI 600 Raail $Ince tàlwed. 'lNiky-ninth sîreet end rolubed film At aay rate, Pue diiinhé im le of $100. the lttie chili and returned to their Détectiv-es learnIlng in vhlcb direcr bomne about 4 pl4lock Sla the 0atler. ion the Ivo lied, tolkwied. and âsais nomn.- two men enter a shied at Vincenaciý Neie.1liad teVon vtbhlm and avenue and Oakvood boulevard. T'fl vies be 'Ment 'iipatwbtl-ne at <ja shed nuis surrounied and the men'ih ln a roýkJïA chitir Aid .pl&Mgthe ga'eiopened frre. The déecetives replied betwev bis fiaet, ie polated the msz- iick vas wounded ivice, but net ser. zle bisiliqui. sly. Wo if. Gra MisJewith +fln Hé saihic home addresvas 581.1 Hia vIteemsv t&e goitloa lie vai jSouhiRobey street. Hie companion, ln andwUike av*e ta Ulmland'ibegan word a navy sweater. Beck was t: tsiklng to hlm.. h ,taot sits leaneil clvtitan ciothes. over a*i tarffd lb tkWslile ut the _________ gun anld bhé lig¶«d tbUt.sele Iave bJm abne'*Md.10, 'fIW&hJ it I at that lime. MrelIe,,owever. - Harida la inAmortes. sehzed -the guni aÉd a ë '11'strug- More valuabie hattlwoods are fauna gis -entiued, dinlthèi*hmélpi'st man- l n rth Aineric les ý 20 - 1917. s.e e dea. pfit lell' to Make thebattie of Waterlqo ln the BeWaan (lOitS an.fd ".the handiome oenud the necemsry ladrifiee of pleéuire eapital "On wlth the dane," seems RS ES r pe ecl î oehrl Md4 foly sucbas sotms ta bu ram- tube b o fla1. Wbeli a few nil- a roôbaU'g lnouzelÔuCe yM pent as thouaji we vers a people at lions of our »sot men are resting on g John Rijhiet 318 <Cenu' avenue. lin peace with t4h wotl4? Enr 4 befele LEFTgINl mb be enlered Br « t* t an tI1" he b ier b inay aittni and take notiie.UAL WI Ralph's bouse on 'hAfksgiviag day Sele. u -o hv $edmi.AN OIISPR\FR and tô14b ave rcii1*ifld nnil 1île <'bpr séri s. O r Ve oa td ltai * 14. w en they were, ejected by M r.g 'Ob rve' o W14»gn 0 e blein Uabdrneofwronds Lîhù i Pi îph i*ben shp diacovereil ibeir lack 'Osre'ofDuea rings and, esf l nd eautomobiles et the Janet btiad a prty on ber fuformalltM.L.yotn m s hei hee . eDisappear. Ut, Point of Extravagance ocait of & allos of Mi2aô- I 1itbda". The woman who sat by her 'W'andsomt Conduotor' on The Irs are said to have Locl Ue are belngà oonu:ned, ail for mers etLt he fable ohnred ber glass of voter corne 4o the attention of the lieuten- ofLoa People. pîeaaure. Amusemhents of aUl kinfis wlth the lUttie girl. When the des- North Shore Electric. ant when lie dame front Camp ('uster are belng sougit au though there vag sert wua sprved Janet promptly ate ,<0a«pend a turlongh with bis vite. CIESUSTOTE ER A '.no teonerygtbon feeessaty. bevis und ilien asld aweetly tii her1 Highiland Parki developed a- war Lieut. Gorton and hig wife lived In ______e s oul# realize what Gerrneny neighbor: "Shahi we fitY-fifty on the bride" divorce gnit Wedneaday when Highland Park whilc lie wag ini train, bus gten to, vin ibis vat. here ev- i t'e a11et-o?" 1Lieut. Max L. <oron of Camp C'l "ter ing in tbe irai offlers' anhool in FL Just an obervr-«One wbo llved en tete eniperor'q butler olst present - ued hia vite of a tew montha .ànd Sheridan. lic has retîîrncd [o dîty tlirough [lie Ciuvalvr as waîl as the food cards to get supplies; in a coun- named Aifred Zoeilicti. otherwlo*' la Odmp Custer and Mrs. tiortoît and SluishAnelenwa ad reaiîzes try where for more than a yeer filas known as -the hand>eome conductor [-hie handSomne .onduclor'- baven'I JEaa simali degrreeperliape viat %cri. i l )~ dnds have been 50 simee iadr Rgerbs en.fft atrolley cair on te North SIlloru îe ee m lies were neceszary to whn two such that aoaP at thepreseofsla!o7itlml' le sseFis eu lectrie railway. sîruggles. -a pa"id, the ChilcOAgo ýca <of The beanulbna n iourlng enr. One day MLeut. Gorton i, the son of wcalthy - Deceffber 15, 'quoting prîcea breJmr ae vs plnylng ln tbe front ynrd parents of Kiowa, Clo. His witc was >Nov as President Wilson has aaiu. the Gerntsare excnanging proizi nnd te be1udrov<' up In a rondqter miss Agnes iaud (Carlson, of -in iii)Crrecty Oellned. "A iprerne moment ofwhitory bas wth Russia. Instenul of bis toiiriî:g car. Jimimie rmn smte New Yorkti own. A 1usshw . iii-'lt for natulrulle.. cora,'" and ln order ta vin lhia war lit wi no doulit cosi us millions nt< We reitd of a, in@ î nngsanald soôn ibtui the bouse. <nlingîl: "Oh, NMînnie.1 Lawyer'a Charges lion peper s va ked. "Wbat la thâ due best young men and billIiont4 of' thoreater tike the taxi for the plactc,, corne quicti! Nir. Parker bas corne,1 Evîdence bas heen devO-opcd b: f,'onbtittuiton of the Unitedi Ota«r obmy. Tie tiauglit commte tous: of amusement »" 4as O oh 1e. eve of andi b. onlv brio , - front gsent." Liciti. Gopton.:aattorney tlia t Mr .Ru«gedund ltesltbi." lie anaerui il to te. ne la. RD i 1 The Uf tr ~orChildren - Eaihseasoîî brings forth hundreds of new ideas in usefîti gifts and toys that will amise tht' thildî'en. .rils store's huyî'rs are aler't. planniniîg anid buying-înths ini îdxaee-foî' fuis gala event. anîd ibis vegr surpasses ail ïth- ers iin the tî'îeedoaîs assoî'tînenlts of gift tbinîgs assernlldlin- der one roof fou' the kidls- n iyu vî, ail ai-e ioe't<1- The store With the ChrSidmaaAtmospbere T o Y s Chrlstmaa Tree OrnamentO A compmreCnve dlspiav nf new troe.os'iameuIic Made af tinael. apaliglea. sprays. coiored balla. Character nous Tiie famôus ma"AitBoind- ina' character doUs. This Amrcai-maide dni a ho l( agitai eyesiin ftelgi laids. Compositlinbisque hft*d stuffed body. Ail have dainty costumes. - . $150 ghte 4.50#n myhave ail the dols mite vanta. perliape a ew esdtra doil clothes voui bo J*il the clvrymadie dresses. The dtm odluck Cee ith iebo game fryugsesad and iadder vagona. en- grawfl:ups as vel ase tour gines and locomotive@. horaeshoea apd stand. Creat4 lots of excitetinti 45WOC toi $1.65 Building. Blocks Eycry youngsler abouli bave a tlim. Something tiat instrucis 4 - -- as veli as lterestlng to play. Maay different styles. Soine with A B C and animal face cern- binations. Pamous "Pr00t019'l Miniature Pianos Builders Prom the 11111, toi to lte No mater oy iiaiY uh; rnfts. pasie juil toys lie lis, a boy abouid iti pit ipano. Gooti own an Fkrector. If hola ithebi mechanlcally ilpclhned iuiey higlipoliah finihb. ell are juat lie ttnt.contruated. ~ ~SpnciaI 81.25 Pletcher's Battie of - Nations The famos sgaine on na- tional défense. A ganes ual -sholi b.oIeveri' home bOe cause of tBilstructhveniass Cul out batlesihpss ailde, - cannon, codilera and cavairy motined on block 10 stand. 48oto 89c What couic! ha more parlo- -~ tic Iban a druin dnrlng var lime? Tbere are many dît- ferent ases Wihb good caît- * skin beasus. 29c ut, - Cildren's Bleds Suitable for bOYS and girls. The fa- mous Flexible Flyer and coaster. AI] are mnade to steer easy., 95C to2. Blackboards Jugt the thing for youbgsters. They are ail inclined to draw and write, fron the vooingest-to the child 'of 12 years. 29c to 2.25 T o Y e Alumlrnum Oooklng Utenuils There le bhardiy a girl vbo dos nt suoy brylng t aie ib ting-ani lbae's nothing ntcer than a^ set o!fliiese utensils Pour-place set, foc. Eflgt. plece net, $1.00. Tiflker Toys Heres another intuctive boy. Carnes in round, coin- - paci carton for mailing. Con- bains spoolsaid roda ibal viii construct a thotissnd marvelous mnovlng faigures. Complete vlth instructions. 450 Gaine of Ten Pins A gamne that carrnes mucli amusement vitti IL Can lie - used on any fiat surface. AÀ good thing 1e train tlie boy's eyes vitb. In box ready for action. 29e Polding Tables ~t~Cams To the girls aepecilly Chldhren enjai' nhdtig «as thsse wiii appeal. Tbey veti ai aaytitg and titese vait lbem for playlng three-viteeled kit cars bouge. Rei aid natural are Just htii hna. Steer- colona. lut seheel that - furme 85cj4nd $1.19 , ' 88 Wblen lt cames t0 ani- mais. Toyiand bas a reg. ular menagerie. Alil knde ef funny wooly aflniai- Rome on vbeels, otbers are flot. but tbey backon ta yon hi' proe-s lng on tbeIr bcd-- les. Ali priei. Trains That'GO lu. 8. Moue>' Ean* Thare la everyimagin- Teacli the youngstera able kîni of train here. Tbe chilîdren are excited blirift. Give then bonite, over bhem. They run on Thesle V. S. bantis open fi acks, to. tIbemelvea wben ful $1.50 te 83.45 Prn $2 Dol lBO& and coope. Sose are foid- uns.ailOtersa4 eflt, anme baye aatiresa and comuplote covaings. Bruss and wbite - finish or enamel. 0f course. "sball" vant one for Christ- mas o* àà 69C to $3.50 Children's Trunks Alil cilîdren are anxhous for trunka Io put tlils'playthlnga. tools and doîl clollies In1. This aise teaclica Ibenuto ha tiiy about the home. Complote wih iock and key. 59c ]Bath Robes They'î'e really clever l.ttle robes. -Made just like the grown pertmon's robe. 98c to' 1.98 £ni Tuie daîîtied to be bal. Floc 99C to 5.00 QOATe Welrae and prettily tiflrnni 1elrnd.00 to 2.25 Pt*. id oor Srmig the Children to TOYLAND The land of. playthings is sjMply bubbling ov er with joy for the kiddies. Hundreds of 'OW* dren will remember the Goe's big store by the en- tèktàinment provided for themh by old St. Nick. He makes his rounds among the childre and ail you have to te!him. is what, you want and he will do everything to see that you get the toys you ,Want for, Christmas. 'St. Niek givi"s the ehil<lt'ii souvenirs and teliltlwîiî ail about the fuîmy thiuîgs that "ae-t tp" iii Toviaiîi. There aiet lousatids aîîd thousaxîds of toys -that o%ilI ujiako theo kidIdies look and look ijitil thpi r fls ilut pop out oif Toyqnd IW, he, iL

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