CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1917, p. 16

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For Our Boys ini Camp -sud for the boys who will join thom later CRRISTMAS in previous yeare meant to, themt a festive day aàurrounded by Jaued cnea t home. will ho barren, of çheer wlthout a remem- brance from relatives or friends whom tey yearn tosee this day above ail others of the year. A box irom home of good tbings to eat and! comfcrt-gving preeent wiii do much to radiate the Christmas siit in esup. The Store ol Claristmas Sçdrit There's:an tM e0ceru1s Sthis store - a ". <lncr and fi :7 It findsexpreinltsdiueo f in thà Ô'Dtmtwmôi of esmte1 Siielyis f th toeü e.<~tsma pii. Titris tata6 Shopping Days 2 with the idëa of, .4' b. voue Shopping ladiy Suggèstions Bath iRobies Reguation Shakerýknit Regulation sweaters Hosiery Rlan#,erehiefa Gloves, Practical Gifts for Menù For one long year the Globe men's store lias been buing- 'vith one idea in nind-good me rchandise and getting the prices down. Todey you will find the departments bîîlging with gift things. What mon mostly buyfor themselveal ,Neckwear Give;hlm Neckwear for whlch a man bas constant nesi!. Necker-a wealtit of colora la plain and rlchly patterned »tyIe;splendtd diaplays t ôSO, e.7ft, 100$1.W0 and 12M&0 Suùspenders and Suspendér Sets Malte Deairable Bite te Men. Suspendera in attractive holiday box. single................... 50c and up Sets et suspendera and hose supporters Lt .............. ,.......811.00and up Single and double grip Boston Garters ai....t .......... Mc and 0c Shir t s for Cbristmas Giving Ciever new shirts,.of Madras, silk. salâ mlsed and French flaunel. What bet- ter coul! a mai wish for? Soft and SUT ffeif, ail sizes ..11.00 te $5.00 *Hosiery A manu neyer bus toc uaàny hoae Yu msay bhasure lie viii heatsti>,aei snehk gi a. 25c te $1.00'slk 0e ta $1. Thmo w have combinatlons stk6adpler lelth e tomtétoh .... .poo Bathrobes Trhe comlfort of a bath robe'uppealu to every man. They are bandsiMe pattem nad veilimade. $4 te $10. PajamajS of excellent qualit> solsette. madras, outing and suer maorias.lo., am-, pomo vith oetrsuu5i fden",Kq Street Glove rs Good, serviceabiè street gloves of tan cape. Gray suede moch. A complete 'Une pi 111k lined. un- WwO iandt fur 1used gioves that wer. bought mnontt#'*g and thefre excepti" ta auas. Bat- ter mike your selection wile) stocks are complete.. $1. O t $300 Pair * Sweaters Wh at more couM a mai Lswih for? We bought a IQt-mont#s ago<-se that you coul! bnp' them .vhen you wanted them at te price you wanted te psy. .Saer kit and! Jumbo Walt. $250 to $9M0 House Si"pers Front the Globe 4Look as mucb se you Ilke-yoaili , $d notbuîg btter for a Christmao ,,gtt tha a selectico trom our mait> amnof ob oue@ al it»ra. Fj&ck, and! tau Bd6xeo lipperu, hani! ongaed hoe; extra vle 1. 51*54 aad tan -Iverette lippers; b»J turnai! sole; $8450 value.. . $.96 . Mufflers of every kin! and, deseiton that couid ho desired. Plain colori strlpei! uni! flgred. Biset and! viltae trlpes; others broya, pearl bUne. bac et vll plain uni! knotted eluIt f ringe. Handkiriefs Mi Crlmpiy N.wsIeédy fer Christ, Pure Irish lies beàMttehed; 3 sand 'ÀincIlh emL,....- los te 5m Could youtx hint of martltln« mor Depulsr for sIf t-vh.Oo virybody ex- peets tbem' GiltýHandioe;ç4Vfs the lbrnere.ldIlie. Su n. r, îLUov others #lam ad »sMe inâwad. A cuutffler sali!et: b$d-inn ever> Ilu7e in ov"-butt;a~~ e acom. bare wkth these. Tillt'moi> atux B6k ot 3... 9 Box ù1 4-.. .75e Box of 6.. *1.50 Othets, from 100 each'tô 75e eueh. Giv ~iCorset To display one's newfvocks fr the hôlid4î*functions., weý are exhibiting a number ot Cortet modela that eorrectlV'define the figure. They are'light in, weight and made of handsomne materils Our corsetieres;are espet-iallv successful in fitting. - Ipricefffroni..... ..................... $L to $1100 Brassieres miake damnty gfts-50c 10 -$1.98. Sieend Foft At Gtft J4~siery is more 1aàstu ng h _nagdift f a niepair of slk hosiiyt" Hosiery 'ea6ntli has1esseverybody that rèqlii'e? Omir o 6i4e eu offers many àsugg .tionsfrmpli per per. 'Ifefl~y à éat .1.50 are,,strikd pattevus.'*moit any b~dê'inatr.e~1ve . -Main Floor [7T SIRPPERS i 'igid ~ dtheex 4audiwork. .Yet Ëractical. Bof t, 66 o comfy- iu'dyou àfter f 4/ Second Floor Santa Grams kNTTtb mue-Mr, . VONT& They're cou>sy ud veri uaider a cSa. The n«ki la Sinlsbed vitl eubrold. ered edge. Price lac t. GOWNS MAKE ug. igb or l0w embroidered. Pricad at Uoi nech;$4 .1 ac u No nis" tt tIla tuas.' fo hLtlmat. rieid or Midviivq $LOO t. " Sfflnd-Flo@r 1~I nu 'Q Gif t Sta tioner"'y Whart .wt1l please1 a wo nan more tIiana. ptettY bo 4gt i~onery 1 Dipayed in oui' front wirndow are' iftb«îW u1 "the mont eomprehenaive-àhoWing i t;ze ity. . Pre&i yrOUl amail tolarger boxes ......... 4......... 19e-t w b«~ Somie are regulation site envelopes and ~ writing. paper; other boxes are assorted or.. sizes. Fleut Fioor ': '- Fur' Setg. Te woms, FuM sosei luoerY end cUwkot IIOW glorlous to- slip Ai soft-lfur *a$'.. around your neck these days. ~ u head; nU>êandal nI th'f SUi~it«~~' windIblows. Really, iWi3esi~fi am~ a necessity.1 0 anus'sd- scarfà are, here in evçry im1 - agnbeshape and design. Th ere no end t tho hoiee Sent, muktfox, beaver, coney, martizi and raeon. Second F";~r These make nice, bulky, intei'èt zg pakasto put under the Christmxas treë, and ývhen.ç open Uxem and lndthe.niceeàt, softest, wai=nest býtbobe-whoyWeI2t be d*IgIt d? Delec ate desigas 1k. pink and graY O~DleA r*uOhr There are brigii. . gorgeous colorai obes fer-neOhOl girla La IChV-11 sot abadoa f thos vOr ervkmab e pliai!os Borne wlth Olruothers withoutý bUt *ecêi!.vlth Satin-, vitIl corde ta tie et vaist; othersvitifffg.- 1 , 1 ,:, 4 0. A Wdidexw 1SelOCtiol................ ...!ý......... ......flUOteo014 Second F104!., Bloume --fer cbèâtw'ama Tay rth*.' New cre de the OtbarrtAtr' DeeptinctiveSwéaters -im aigne.. lglt vagh blly9198c"vii =i ons1r thé~ m satS A Se ats amtb Psasdip ous5.0t 1. ..' 4 q * 'I Daity froc of thenewl .Of Crepe, ' 'Vegwbor où effects. Pl Prices $9.s Le new , tiered Gift Gtovi 'If )'oit gve ber <oe. ho »lllo (rosathe. Glb&' Anid ahej, it la to b. Mnod., tbiàt£ V è won't get dmgl Kid Gloves ane SU1 Gloves froni n5e to $J. lb.e «nnu tuafibefffo or after~xtase GiftPruq TallaS Watbr, Èm >dre, skia' Massage V toi- Sut iiLtion lwt*Mear. Skia ClesAser vdu tiè POWDERS Grêteii, Koe Love Me Pdafum P.> nVb WoodOr Love Me T'alc. hI 'Ielitrope -9 Whte .eSwie* -Orchid Boquet O Rixe*0 LIII> of Valley Unoie Love Me. o met AZUREA, ps Leètfer Gooda By far the ma om ever tto$ked TheLthr yopg peopl B ar ~l~>the oer oc ll' r h »Mronf I

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