LBER VLE!,PEN,.DN LakeCountyi's Big Weekly LAKE COUNTYDMV-M WAYCM VOLXV.N 52. W fl 5N xa.LMTYVTT p T K COUNTY, zLilO, THURSAY, DEEMl! 27, 1917. ONE TO EIGH T. $1.50 PER YBA" INAD 1 lois,'ao"mShERIFF HASRA """° A *" ° -- D "°LD A MEOAL GONTEST poiee When th«e caed. That's al Springfield, 11, Dec. 24. (apecialto Miss Marion Mounton won the al. FINDS ANN T æ t oly IhopmiosthoThe ln ) ets der grantini an oet et the TemperanceU.TCeTSfI Nub TelsStoy.incrsese0of gs rate of 18 pur cent Thursday a ght. Her selectionwa IN -RIVAL'S R 0 ""*on- YT' E WITH MANAC. eslnLe ount dosmt uil ie 700 TUBERCU[ARS May a°- I t e . W UrGA hek ismsevtewrt al ie tmInhecompany to make addItional Ethel Haleberg-" Ram'saragedy: HMams they ad benin eah ohcharge to the rminimum bill for surv- Helen Taylor-.t Eaither's Story. LEONARD BROWN PROBABLY FA- er's c ompany S:lurdlay night. Shortly VTTORE MARRACCINI, IN BTRAITI 1ce; that iny haelirge fonsm r Kphaving tae oad teens u w ohae e ensixaycon- TALLY WOUNDS DOROTHY heýfore: the shoting affair lie says he JACKET, 18 DRAGGED INTO lf they desre ga servirecnuesD.Kplmno taeBadeseekp wy Mrs. James Tuoker of STEWART, MIS e"WIFE." i t the roomn for a few mimites. He COUNTY COURT TODAY. Admis Poofly h ldes wr: onm oe hteard the shot but thought fitwu$a a t hre-r Poaly1e jde eü ôniýoir I i oeoýLs chair lbeing ovierturned. As hie ap- ---- asesà. n oÜnty 1nt. A oa n TH EN GIVES HIMSELF UP. r°1%oî eine and recogulelthat Of FIGHTS IN A UTOMOBILE. "es®' "e"tn Jane MoAlister Hos=R 1 . 1 Mise Claudie DeMoure gave a readt- Brown. -À1f T LT E S. IDELAY EMPLOYING A NURSE Ing. She holdq both silver and gold Tursday Ngt. Twasý scared." lhe saidt "and step i medals. The contest in every re. WA EgRNUBE, IN WHOSE ROOM pedi nto a bathroom. 1 locked the;TEARS CUT1SLOS RM -setwa'n f h et*edhr OOTING TOOK PLACE, 111 oo and did not comne out until BrOwp CAR BEFORE H E FINALLY 18 In a long time. ^ao K O L BY POLICIE. wa.s taken away. It's true there was à . PLACED IN RESTRAINT. TR M 1 R 1.AIarm Raised by. Wild RepodNRETRAESS NuBs 16 RELEASED. .48 calibre revolver under yNilo-DBinsAbu Pssbe NUCSE TPRA TENSUS t was one 1 hatd hadlaþout ten years." BngAbuPosleCangeArIOINCSPTET U W il Woman la Wett Known. Sheriff G!. rigin had one of the insesrofNn . F T RU Waukesan, Dec. 22. Dorothy Stewart tel not a 0 harent b of' h is lite Dec. 24 as LATEAt-Mim s Stewarti the victim, In Waukegan by any means. Amh ae ner restrint a volentBoards Feir Registrants Who M â W Nurse Had" Worked fr a'l die Critma mrnng.Brwnt e y ae a d e maniac of decided homfIcidal- tendem- Walt for i.ast Day to File 'rhat omefbody exaeamted or even mn the Frencç e heeor acste hrg f u-man, and 4"ed him several timesesItwsolafeasurme. WIR Be 'Too Late ' " n"**t®"r r*cs Never Ma , de"about the faite, arm and boyhsoretri hat thfthe linate, wuable two• that the state board of healthbas re- Water Nube W»as maedby she could be restrained. The astatr paehmib taijce.Ti a orted there were700 causes of tu.Wa the peiiee ftrNe hâadsaid look place at a club eonducted for pacomle nyafater t hista ieruossifLk cutfbcm ne f et 4,e d ieryen oordpol n sodth bae ranhad torn the side curtains fronth., eiOTHERS COME REGULARLY. eietwe r KTlmn oa de.The pelléesare eeNinced road. Jealousy i adt aeisi-automobile in he was belflocg thmte we met a prinsipal th th*e 1-d the attack. briougt ob nWukean fom Liberty- st;ate bhealth offtcer, Made a stitemeýnt FakKapn akeMy MsJmsTo..4,o sheetng affair. ingurly at the Irimmediately after the womaon was villeF-ato Dr. Brown, ounty physician,.onmetid n cAise hosita*bit afternoon broughNt reomieful and vent to Child's home The, lunettc 1a VittoreMarcn, Few Returned as Yet and Con- Thur.dzy night, that. se far as the Thursday mht ut i110..e:oc leth the etatemen that Umis on Madison street, just east of the agred I1. recently a private .ln Battery gestion Inr asesas End f .tateboard ws concened. te saeea ut .fdiLn .trte t conditi.Merch vefryecov polim.c sta whmed h n ecteE124tbfieldHarillery setationed att Firstd7bDaysnApproaohes. "*at **d e° knowledge that oh r. egg er resil outuLhr n he cae@*was dropped arciifrnyrsdd a Hghwere 700 cases in Lake county. Wb gysuh, -%A-cording to Brown, Misa Stewart, Wood, and was, one of the Lake coun "n ac; Dr. Kapplemnan said, "I0LF0H O ISWF.g, gave her à hatf, Leonard Brown, aged 26, shot and hasea sweetheart ho is srvngth sa tym renent away to the national armny " Don't put off tii tomorrow wha1t was much surprisedl when 1 received Reallaing hop mistake, probably fatally w4ounded Dorothy 'iHrohrarv i he dt, In one of the fIrst drafts. According you can dotoaishemsa DrBow'ltereakng ht mediately becameki hebrfis Stewart, aged 29, whom he says la hiscoespnd ith hm itfrun-to a frienid. Marcelli icci, Marraccini which fmust b red in"to theminae the setinfriatingthat ef e en"ea Od oyosh é atient ilt common-law wife, when he founed hepr formierly served ln the Italian army of hundreds of Lake couinty reg,: ln the room of Walter Nube, aged 47, and did not go into the national army trants If they avoid the penialty for feet." eerinedtoTae Ci ine the patienrt succumbe A an alleged affinity, at the- "Bglask-, Bonds Are Denied. ho f the Ulnited States willingly. He a late returai of theoir questinnlaires.. Accordingly Dr. Brown insisted it. Wife From Her Father. Safi' h'a'hur" """"he atone Motel," Soutth Genesee and LAkeC(w* ehe mpoe s t t ri but1es his mania to worrying over properly Alled out according to twi. • trino two nurrset strets, bou 2 oclok Sudaymorn u-rrier un work that is being done for being drafted. Marraccint was dis- The documents must he returned o was up to the state to correct the re' obetagd en Ingl. Mist; Stewart was removed to h anr opaynrho on charged at Camp Logan on December the local boards within seve% as prt that is prevalent and being result of. this, the fret ete an MAiserhopta, hieHe asked th-, poice on Suay19andoalrogtbaktLbry-trthtaligdteadfa1ile tofIlesra hogot aecut htThat Frank K-ntypen, aged 17,jak Ind that ham takenpiMs Brown ad Nue were placed in collsae a ranemee nt f pobeatose- ville, where he was todged In the vil. completed questionnaires wili auto. there are that many cases in th'1 tteGetlksSain a b optli h 3yasi a Il tent tple tto.Teaba nhscs ota cn s-lage jaif. matically place the registrant in the subjected to further proseetion, fo- sied under Ums e bet trk thelicetti n. The dc ure bonds and go back to work. hrf rfnwssmoe hsEstcast ot h ainlam.county. In pinning Dr. Kaplolman lowing his marriage to Grane Schu- perintendent. Mefar mounond white Indications are that the This request - was denied as ho is morning. The fellow at tiret appear. no matter whIst is claims to exemt down clouer it was learned that hoe macher, 14 year old daught.,eto Ider of wide experinc ad ee intffne were not punatured, a large ibeing held without bond, periding the ed so docile that he wasnot placed ln tien may be. At noon today onl 50believes there are not at the present Van Buren Sichumacher ef Zion City, Murphy's medient unit l fo "fao lo l he dies a forma charge of murer ville he becamne violent and It was by the city 'board badl been retuirned tssi h y latter city today, fllowing the dl>, disers.She la the soit g ofe the re cityoloredthe^Il ltbeoplaced mettanst %».- only with the greatest difcilulty thatl and the county beatt had a much i i Stemont-Missai by the state's attorney's&Glue agfed mother ln Chiefg. "OIaàcietone Heti" (th l hra nur tthe hositl rigsforh e asretrained. The aheriff fnal- lower percentage. With three day:i Because of this development. Dr. o h w nitet htwr e Hos)ben odutdexlsv lre statemnent that Miss Stewart's con Iy placed him ln the straitjacket and Of the seven already -past and wvith Brown was to informa thhe skpervie- turned against the young sailor by Mr». Tucker was forsaery'&a' foiss en oe.Bon uenned tha"e l in critical, and that I i ant this was not remnoved when.he was more registrants added each diy teors that he would Onot be in any hur- the December grand jury. more girl and her sister, M fo d himselfBrwn usortly te told'for sometime whether or not jltiokn into County court for an Imme. the list to report, lit appears now that! Schumacher, It lis aad, was very Lund, and hier ueare poticie an gave hlfi p eotl r h le wJil recover.J diate hearing on his sanity. m omeM'ln art going to find the-e ry to have is new county visiting angrTy when he learaed that Knappen but two doors s0out fthe er im to p S i ete. Thet commission which tried him selvese top late when they try : nurse which the board authorized, et was to escape punishmnent on tworc where the 11110anMaw9y ,aIm f Dfense.flya1e fouind hie was Insane and he was ta- port on the very tant day allowel its meeting Tuesday, The visiting eriouschags ep tefc htsc notnt eh. hot in wlf fe ine h ich' dÀN l ken to the 3tate hospital at Elgin ilnk them- nurse was to pay specilattention to the youing Man had shown his sincer- Mrs. Tucker la the umother«e sh hd*eahe fr e wmediately. 1"These men." said a promninent Ity of purpose by marrying the girl. children, a boy flandai% ggr : in bhçw.eri." Brown tofld te poIe*ý member of the city board this mor. tuberelosis conditions and Dr. It is said that Schumiacher will d,.- six years old. Shbe was takos - Suda. ' n, woar outngonfin herBrow admits that he was imduly mand that KCnappen bie prosecuted for with pneumonla andht-m&booe o "I had Ilieh wIth ANligs Stewact fori questionnaires I% the eleventh hou r alaLrmed when he heard that the having 1perjatred hmefwe es ul l ic eebr1@ cotio yearve ontinuredo "NiO man, are going to be badly fooled and they tt or a ttdteewr 0 'cured the marriage Heense, swearing ever, she had gt along veryà cold hvefo e m ore fobrd wferthanwill have no one to blame- but t n ae n te ny ccrigl fthat both he and the girl were of legal lately and had just passed the W I~~~ ddfrhr wokdhrfomyshes. A man this morning told miecssintecony ccrigl sfae. and her condition Was considg money but for two yeare 1 have lai.v N OA Y UX CV ÀRP sE that there was no hurry-be till hadl therea re not that many cases and If "Ia oedtrie hnee eyfvrbe Ishedit al on er. ve more daya to get i question- 1there la no occasion for alarm, 'he to have mywife," Knppen s o atr The family hadsl dfo '1|vrytingwen alng ll igh un . afr Eled ut;. tat s te 1tisays there willbe no haute in hirng being dismised My pa&met have nurse and »J»s = for.selt the shor etly ate ' hinagovingSelhc sgig oco helsaa e to look after this feture of promis ed to take her to their bobe te get ainurse hem h ahe~b& watdt!ot hno.S*Mrs. Della Hardy of Lake For.-. plueesmores of Wauoe e teanma m inteaa'gogtoeef thiso*b use'Cu sG litasgmade ome saspect that she had rst clase while they might rightly health in the county- done. I11019th oughtImy file cwasho1 is ote bwSbl tae som mtie or oig o wet o ,INDtå $ O De. 4 t hehome of- hie claim deferred classiniation if they The feeling now prevails that pos- yeairs ld when 1 married her but it tien of1N»rse. the depot. Isaw bher sa gn nte Hearng St HoSpItal, sister Mrs. H. N. Maxhami, Liberty. had only ont waited until It was toon il hsrpr htteewr 0 ol o 4emd n ifrne Ti •n'Mmsn lamnft é - Ch - Blcker.aged84 yme nth Who ll After December 26th," he con- cases of tubervulosis Winbathe countyr hertheson e nd0 FeieeuM ro dy tcae-to h IS OUTSTIGTEEWasquite well known sIn the vilagetintued, "every 9y WiH be the last w«a sred by persons who were en- any.way.,» "Whn se gt ead togetontheFIRT CUR SITIN THREalthougbho ehad fmagde hi. hom.ere mday for One quota Of wakNoeanand d,&,oring'to put the county hospital w-. last ae ofrh r ad 40 a train I1øsked her if se h adlhar ticket. but four year. Hhe Onrinlly came with aul the help we cmn Mt from i a adnakUtaperthtte cinet S8theesen t rtifert as ««asfor an Uhe MAbse haid forgotéte oset oefrom Benton Harbor, Mich. Mr. Black- lawyors It will be a physicaDy impes. k-idad sk I par tth Qon-1ath-possibleiedbtsutake l'or e min bthUa. t en wdaher aon a e h rMn a tfihe it lyo er was a mmeber of the . A. Rsiblity to 1111 out all Who ore now cBtqosia a ntpoeryt pthe ight to obtanhi wife from ,d Main.thetin ith t he and ak For rat timofint e isyof and blonged to Company L. 17th Illi-trying tu wat tothe ladt day. It gare of oritsetubercul oisae in her father. He mmaysse lle Tahes r« bd& astif theutr oin ste.op ftheIf a eny a waianf9earsofDois cavalry in the Civil war . - takes at" the best calculation thirty the nounty. According to Dr. Kap. thtera.lai-ru About 10:3é0hII67= tie m f 1wa oigtolapo teag asbenfun nsn.He leaves ia Xson. IEdwin, of Madi- minutes for each Questionanfre and lenanW tâttemfent, however It ts " They have tried to trump aptsev-cutuyt gea ýt lest cos. Instead of this 1Ioeit down On Dbe. 22 at the L.ake county son, Wis., who arrived at his bedgide anyoneocn see that we wilno ae baehagraais e" esi in the smoking ear. A little later I"eeralhospital, Mrs. Della -H mey of in rsos oamsae riigtime for two hundred te, the last day se68n1that there is somthing wrong " ut heha en'lt eeable tomi&keth e easete tipped the conductor andmasked him tao ame Forent, a womfan who was an ust a shorte timessefo r i faherThe thing for each xman to do, ne somne place because he has no infer'*anyutfthem setbeabet o ok." bottle onthe 4e kaie. ep wtcd ee atwho phead her mterof e ae unty oëourmiantdied. His wife was burid aet Liber. matter When his seven dys tg oer, nation that there ln any unusuaM Scunacher la saidto tehave. admit- eI h ubrL m W,$ fae.Hetod e ha we-h ake fr nmbrofyers ws oud otyville Bomne years ago and Mr. Black- lis to get busy and get bu"y now." nmeree ncpetcaetfthsidtoclnfcasthto hedy conaid 600 wa" for her fare she told him that a man be Insane asnd was ordered taken to 1er Was laid- to reutat hier side on 1Farmers are wamed tha&t the $i ubresnliin asesf bs ef eorehicaughtera ata ¯t o tm ar. ntained 1mi n ftefonIoce deoa lii.Frtetri im ntebs en$yet23 lc.tefmea a et rsn te etanicdeddioei h ony ai-bsduhe a W&-omBt osv fon one 1of e te Cntco a nwud payV gn rY Othe detY tune in theehi- yi opeetteqetonir ra ies ntecutry Knappen that he Blogged her with M borenry Ob for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an he.Ird oCiaoan aeoyolh ont optl h on dat :3oc Locky,ithe funerl nperson and do it immed%4y. Ey- Accordingly it ls barely possible a od," jst s te Bblesay a og her moeet Notbe and go away wth him. ty court -heldlits session at the ho*. g rmLbryileM .eyrgnrata',re ht hr htteema en iiign rde g sab e d ibereyade s. lors how it wasthat Then I1 came bock toa egan112. When pietalin order to make lit unnecessary church. lsaut present no intimtion on the dnteconyatebl"ecuei she.reurned home 1 told her we would to bring the patient ta the doufrt Mr. Blacker was a brother of Bam- part of the ooncilset an extension lnteout le I eat tout a t=aponu 'son .it quts'--that 1I would net lire house to subit to the inquisition, ne Blacker Of Orville, Wash.; Mrs8. of time and no matter *hat the tir. Was the tubercular condition whichhe tiniso wit he ay lngr. ftr tati Jdg Pesos wntoutthre o.Nichol of Long Beuch, Cal.; Mrs. H. cumstance the responsibility of com-. primurly brought about the Ides. oeelsetiantdea -went to live et Ricks' Hotel on St. comnpanied b eptoCneyCer .MahmIbetvilan rB leig h qetonareTst n h Jame stret.Bullock und a commission conisting. .H ratWuea.regfistrant "pdfnot on the board. cumstance, one that la Came te set Him. of Dra. Nesbit and Brown, uat tohoear ersnaveTosGahmfIrh Iglhsa y "B cm t e e n ihtadt e idne regarding the woman's Ingleside was in Waukegan Dec. 24, o n h urprifte i 4, ago Wanted me to take her beek, but 1 mental toidition. It dId not take inchidentally hie denied rUmorE that he Mssna ar d ditu M refused .Then sheasked inm etotake very long er thre commission to de-ihtnt-eaaadiae so e-leBA.Kwharnosepoured It dat and her to a dance, which I did. termine that @lhe was sufferiog fromt e totas emocrnate forprenaieogvettohrpis. " Snday ight 1 went t o our old sentildem entia and he w au ord red fromT S A K E N O I !t i i s roct. H e ss tatwIe owe gi e t t h t s t hae home on County street but elhe was taken to the state Institution. -it doesn't comef up until next Novem. adminisered the oti met »W à not~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~I thr.ItrIswhrg note Ms ad evsoesn rM norder to ipywitht to rgain ber, that héelis teo b a candidate. 19. A nman whose mnme is not known, thought, and imei tel ohee Blacktone Hotel? I1 had heard ésheHandy of Lake Foreat. and It ls claimt- -.-. - --t...e- . pSoffCe rguaons resentatives Shurleff and Vickers, the was driving asiong th@ town line rad the patIentbomme S1 ida had made severail visite there of lat. ed by relatives and friends that she and foll-wing Instructions from the potmaster at Liber- ther two legislator. are to be candi east of the river sua west Or Arm. the nurse long to e tt te na "Then, 1 went to the home Of a friand ls really one of the oldest women liv. . -..dts codn oalrprs u' paena aeFrs hr-wa a apnd apd h Who haed a revolver. 1 'borowed' lit ing in -Lake county today. Shne ws tvle h aegdyatron e wascodnaaonedsel.ntiedMis Mit ouda when he was not looking, for 1 want- brought to the Lake county hospital -. Jms wdewh ie nte arterettnood H wcni ndsa ig a ry l wsnot o D rsor ed o eeDorth ad hvea alkabut10 ay ao fomth cont uailed after Oicnber31;toýanyotýt who is two years old Elmn road at Fort Sheridan, being proached him. At the time hie autooky and Ar wit Nue ad knw te olysaf por frm Sueritenen .Aple ,- - neof the best known ai dents of mobile Whleels were In a rut and as to the hospital and'", way would be to take- a weapon so0I agaring that she was sick. But11 inm arrears with their sU SCription. We have done Over that part of the countty, pas.saitway ho didn'lt lacken bis speed ·when be within humaen powertON could protect myelf.fiet, according to Dr. Brown, eshe weasat hi, home Sunday. H a ontidtturauhs a wn botm get fppi on. fta •"Inide the hotel 1Iinquired the way, inan t the time @heo.was bMught our list thoroughly and find a few s>,ubscribers who have of Michael and Mary Sweenfey. Death the other way and bufors, he dould Eernueintehsta141 to .Nube's rooma and found it without ln here. However, she was kept as a- was due to heart and kidney trouble. ge cnro f titsotofuhrestot eir a ndhfever a lst trouble. 1 rapped on the door. Dor- Pa@tiet atthe hospItal until hrs. ntpidu nbr ersi er.Fera ededaet t Jmsbnen ult oingf f it Offdthe lbontreadyh and oked&Wera ba othy answered and demanded to know tiens became such that the nurses curch, Hiwooned. wthnernti efetdpMAt e r hoane Sia»twa hd whowa thre Itol -er coldnotcae or eran itwaTO these few subscribere:- UnIess your subaCriptior Everett cemretery. Mr. Sweeney badl The car was completly wrecked fut for - 8mse doi pn. _« deemed advisable t have her place . • livedi n the fiame neighborhoodll bttedie isl iglrye.d oe Wha 'ae yu dingher-goin an Institution where spectilet le paid up to date before Jauary 1, 1918, your paper hilfecaedwtprtcaynonurs. rprtrae way,; she said. I told her 1 wanted, tention 19siven tocase of her kInd. It happened that ira Holdridge, au ewvr tdd' @ ttalk with her, no I put my shoulder Tt was founimpossible to keep r. Will be stopped. The first Kano counfty mn iIn the pervisor of Waukegan township came a0«0lf it hOur fo le Ï11ttntthe door and mashed It open. 1 Hardy ln the ward at the count yhos- • war service' to die since the 'United ,aongabuat!t ie nah hw inis dadly wror n 41 UM nf1,t h hnwi a e ieo ine davored to roam bout-th esia. Jforyof rowelandthe G. A. R., Span- - H--xtria the driver had the aridrt. a h ei