lotie a aebiev. :is,t he s' r Y. "Y :1 i -I * I Wli UPIis h moeiyua iemI"tioaUmTe amdvfr »$"yOf Icait, aboh. nt is: IWho carrfid o*a amaulg. The .laai*1asuat 0&I i aua jlaceinfste wit wo , mt <0fthe word. Hovever, we noitat vIlle prae- * ~ticaüiy the saine plai ai uprevalkd Ken6oha couty, ute &=ret liat somélbody that the, doctorstee do not conglider lUethical to se con 110DB ln order to causé aigu their nauea tb a statemeut wblch annoimces that opat a few salooms in lsolated after a certain date hhyar o 0Charge not less than $2 for eaéh'professional caiu dt ime withln the, City te=, Wàukeghn n " sb.d hIrnts of enouha oounly.19VOtcSlarried in large St al .erteoutî7f heytype li tiihe*Aba pper mau a toile signature of 4Mu fie wtU reforuce b a coi-. i" doctr appemar tue bottonWe en It cornes t10aB ma0l.9wï"s 0f daobaylng Pa-pint ot *ti>la««» o te heïr INl uby une of print-, mnl m Atm um eeda i oform' lux i paelytue enodma doclora dg naot consider. ad thonif îIl aba ie po per ft=auic ao v i e 1IIoi bfwd"fe signaturm in, the . * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t paer l0whoi o. sowIat il Juil depedi onu tbitai r4*M maler tie tame 0etuildda = ta-isn wviiehe . oufdem1h w~ev~iude,"s 1'0e th.etblc* l imur.:of il or not~. fere la mmuchmoreethios ~ W~UIdb jU11S4 lu doclorn Sâ.I5EUIUOCpm lmalter, la in the to go ôn Un oiu eifeelng *at xlta a bieay J> - ~w be " 0 or f a»o«nuuunies, for Umee insno il 4 IW~N1. profussion *vi th e riwly i keener or more bitter bu w Wr Othtan lu the mofdlcal prof ion. "w 0. a Doosn'l il seem a sbm i wilh all the buildings "gâIble ati Frt 8h.«lm au it 1h.orhinpo *0 » aG#3- reat -sImoPo turisWho cannot b. accommoda* ea 1ut*0 >S Ob"#l # bney fsaZqo1rnYTiiueare vblpt1 ,00meah UItort --- ridUIM IIw *Ilm atwu Moseilrnif liew -.M inr.lromn for 10,«0. This t' a tàne le b endeaor10 ouývïice lBMm eV", gfM~aoiblbresouro should le nlud by go nomïï o lie hubdMdWa-&d UthS la ilelg a 2*0fllWSb assos gob> as1e Iort IliedaiL*ai- Iy ,ià ahua tu aeZAtrhou- l"aI* a ke useutent, M*vaUue oepro-et tine esrmoa blh au. a itfl,& da, especlafy vien Great Lake eemi as mbardouh.ur.hblas dm. la tact, ho our way of thlnklng, x tut yong vornanbua linus Md nuurç IV11 a_ wj)m doue v* t ÉobuOb $Iu.kIUaif ro Ttt, J.tIb.qesOtf. b o-42àa11w bu h i. aiau ilawy Swon su Nrov tltbçn mus lk of Ianchhng a Y., ILO. A. Au .r.ting a bmi0dhug itZion ily, u"MeY WIlbu GennI= l lvov« reu . iovould âotdaueorne oui t ei agaIusts*~PJL Tm IL .O.L odayla*O tU ww.lag big mau lahho1ofor bha. or ayu ~ Laoutn ut. q« ce r qoivr e rutuitL lut- ALL flL-A»V-UOuro'vI.tt o* boidi ua dyo le sh. foblo e . im f ~ _ ile OhmS -Y« il t W la1 .~~. ~ mile te mxt$mos ywmwuIf hi e mto dUi Vfe us:"Wha Mmh ma wb uctmi IMV it ie k . ow setltd$? uJWa bw i04rtbA e im s ma hiiiC l mpb i u mA 1#9- tiaem la ee* ie i- suie. e, gIf aglf dw etpSLtlm " ate fr 00" ci. 04"et eab ohothrdi t Iiu? fl - eUho ohe T tauupere .eeAthe nau meu woWdh.»-u IIe mumt du imw Ieoires -ovui, o'Saami npt e~v Up Os lourd mmLooinwdmepftsm eladSlsthmmt iliovmaTicmi. liSih. vaki ..,p I t, mIeS jlagi mmeine t .ok adei linIt fos . wakNie bb~Mn aunt et atatrialte Mu"vy me Ouhie tmaffhneto$té" bu"vefeuote - .aikm vu ~ miu hl lqa amiha, P*M ohsale 0. bÏMb*Mbemo fdu~pettWtO - Etu le tW"BO McMbfa ~ tu BOsuti MI «»0 Lettla BatO&0Wo É lb ça.te wOsip oe Mi ch' W ofe o. mwmm.i. wrm i m that brut tbohellie bé oie of Urne. mmic, for WchutWembable .M.M ~lm a ysar a*o lad bopod ta do. W.atreui. uap emoresuotboa oui pbammie.oui ulsaho. mialure. lut m"Ide bom %0. valu e a a 1 d0e mmu fom the luplm.aai thhagu0f Oitalpemy@&>s- "Xmep ibhepput ai. .grave; Dod'1 jet Ite gboe.t bann Sjoui,, It la Dow) uMne 1tufraye ibm 'ulgbt. bave boeu; to We more porpoeic for tbm unSteve mouthu; tu remnember tbat mrvice ia ibe 1mw 0ofle. Buchie on jour armor 0f courage; put new caplitailoto jour permonal investmeut, aud turu jour face tu, Ibe eaet, wbere Auroràý make. tbm future brlgbt wltb prouliLatm ive sud coit emc Ay la sa enutvor to W sàtronger for the morrow; tw reineuner the old pbhUoepby Ibat nôtbiug in Ibm worid malIen uuucb sud jet everything matters a Itittlechair meacured weuh mteroltj. W@.eaIl l b. Mory liat Toiauy iovmd 10 te.1.Hmepoke 10 a farmner: "Ny mmc.Ilif YOUThumeFju vaN 10 die ionîomro. chat could jou d dow'r' To web bm bmgimdiman rmplied. *1i coud ploe." Se belleved iu the Tlmmaea few littie uMd-tbougbtm th eW$ bould lite tu drop *lotoith hearto of our reeders. May morne of then, ai mt feuupon gKood gtoDbd", md sprtcg uop tubear flower mcd frtte 0of baopbwu ansd emucom-bat ie our Nec Tes iotub oevmry rmader of Tbmiundmpedm.. AT., Jr. L. A7Y ourior t There >r'oa2y hoca madle!4p to ay ioel on "look",CbcZua heeare many people who "Y thsway. -thatvs why they aremacle. In many htiùmmmthes bsoi-. tutes are uued ta, reduce the cmo of production and maintain high manufacturing profitq They seldomn reduce the coot to the wearer nor help the shoes. Seiz Slioeu Are Al eatkier -no matter what price you pay. You know by this tirne what it mea ns to be able to get al leather shoca, and know before you buy, that you are get- timg ail lea&hr. Seiz shoco are .the most economical for you to buy beause they will give you more service Per dollWr-tht's why we recommcnd them. If yS awunM i Iae dioe,-w.ha«vemcn RAY N. -SMITH LIBERTYVILLE -- ILLINOIS S,.chlhh.tla ss m.. ThereIs No End toIt- Conditions have raised the cost of Iiv1ngýto a point where a dollar la. only about one-third as large as It used to be.. Peopleno longer walk, nor ride in carniagea. They now travel In automobiles. The man who bouglit a thonaand-dollar pollcy a few .Y'èàa ago will buy ten thonuad today. The unit lha been raised. Every rejection or death wlthout lite insurance la a forcetul reminder of the daknger of delay or lhe reulltu ot nesleet. Every im puid la a convincing demoji- ition. Ini taet,"lOnt .Ve1y condition' lnuIlte, di- vichy or laimlecl, trom one mngie or anoîber, pointe te liteéinsuau..m Tç Ino e nd te IL~ JoIn Hodge Dwtct Manage T" Old Mk Uga Mbma 1f. lisnaum Co. AREAiLUNOS -Offce Phoiqe« 169-R Reaideuce Phone 296-M.1i Orgahized 1867 -Our 55th Anulversary"i drO s u b id id 3- o.- 1 4 LE A v