CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Dec 1917, p. 9

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SUN *'~' y YVILLE IDDEPMIDEN 'OUR PAGES $1,50 i JUR Y'Sf iy M»y ON'#b5 l MiasvenuelererRecelveS~ Shock of HMrufeCmstmas *Day Over Tefleli SISTERS IN EXCITING TRIP. ouoelOws thrFrom Kan- sas Nadt Noi eShlnd, ser- - ing thieTr4k N ews. Mrs. George S. Ro.. vbaipe littie baby sud motber vew on enAdosai as the reonit etfaaPbyxI4tIan undayPr hti W*foaldF- minn. arrivei la Waukegan Christ. lhboWA*RcW Fl Mui5 Dey at Il c'clockIL. M. just anIowlng iuyi nf D*ab boùr lueta e itr i e. George ioe, ir.'ab betraveliag about hait buMURDER AND SUICIDlE? apart ail tee vy tram Chasute, Kua., o»a kaovIng -that the mother sud lit. uyB fl ,.4Abet i Use grodehildi'vere doa, the otherJuy afe-lnbet Fm knowing aqtbjng about it. Blarneieofat e lrs. Mrs. RcWs humbaud ln empieyed a Berer p4ý ndchIId. -the Great Làkes "aval station sceai- psnY lcrk and scting maoe4tsrms Did #Ar& . I M. ergler,. 64, cer- fin CAMP fceY. Airs. Roe akeý e. mit murder 'oaê1 suicide; or wu* eeptioc tb the reports about ber m * bm h i nd her four. ors lunclalcondtion &Bd, told au months.old, v00dehi4d, qeerge iitreting stoiyte Tih.ena titis ftos..r., l9l ýccidngU' Meauin& ezplaing bo* iee Ti s huet tWh.and esdber. sisteç m$o 0a 8lmJrThil h ýïQï ho qroner'. bou jurney1 on différent trains a heit1 CJural hic asrd b evidence a h bourapar. frm eah oter, ith Conad &WetZél. ui4drtakli r m bourspattra ashtuato her. 0! Mouday night v« As ble te deeide. iO W rln Vrdict f k, e -frnisi br uanber arriveai athom= . itteai thbeirlp4ý hO fix the blame spd 'b b-ootie being totally nu. fer the double 'i , 0 ' avrCthoBdouble tnagody. .1 AWe Bb'rvealed how la the es"a. cf tho A .Ir #rrn subr. b e she a vo aÇhcge e ihe gsob* Chooécupies the ohé eadesvcred te eall ber inobher dovnatairs lia t ln the building whieh -n the belophome te, lamm ber *ie ,ie. Berger celle*i homme. tell. cf an wouid bhom-f- Chriaimas disanroccrrence wfb is v eird te xay tpe 9"d received thoeaartlng'Iufarma±iolemat. tramS the toisphOne ciierator that'there It seetus thttMa egrsduh mitai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ er b.mmemsee o i. ter, Doris, Whoina&rried George Roc ger bad been tounai da. A noabbor eonsiderably ovor a yetr ago, took 4uiclY emCtmuied the *0Wa te 1(155 ber infant ecila t te aalg'hm Verulce and theIlat urried te lu Cicage about to cbiag Wankegau. ve h ett ul~~Ne. i M r .' R o. gave the tillow ing acou on e h uslan tre iue ho 4 shm e h ato i Ot ber deleêtire frontf Watkogau *aid heen entragd.for a Unie. k OVER <Courtesy emes4o H l*ad'.) j-. urt - .ton m- jq iggs htaaib autm ré= - #** o. IIa.~If~e ~ e MI ths bii iln th bêe ~et Ms Iqe fi; ba p»osed th eut!h lotIm *b 1 1 thO etmsol IroUai ls efwrac of DiOU Afswocl vue. it struok a roi. rhé J4sY .ammndcl t Lei gj LVED IN COUNTY 75 YEARS. "Wfleut à arrwsan eovu o% tomnt on Friday. Schangsd m h m u meen d Mliwl 111M àrraignsd betere .ui o-u.. Word vau reeeOiffl heýr-t"aiap.f lh go exetc ho vili isve «oWm the death at Peru, IIL, Cbrimmu tien end lt bjpnd over te the gr- o nng at 6 a'elock of Mrs. Matilda jury. Spaffordageai 75, oueoftheicoldoot -etlr la Lake eounty. Itïrs. sp f-r Danohy *.wat sios fOrda -9vasboraet Miliburu M lve aged 0&uthe y«»$ th- ore gonU.uoulAitil about ayear i~ Wbwae muet sari>. SeRa.>. , '<. èo hen he ventte lve' witb er s4. eM.os fouinab>' hon MUoEàUê dm t siPer ý,* uwndin th e sm o« e isht >Mm5Spafford INa heen slîing for end Lak~te kti, d"ie i stooerWO t&]roYslsandi mince tbeai ai èsettus Je» Meur ~ bislfiaimd tata Durng M-Mdoight Monda., 'anMd the ,t seven-a days er Condition yi m aged 2% a notr hm un..h4.Àt*ntauOa te 'gro-v-Meeteaily te ~ eeêA*olatu esWsared of ber remar et mur'et grown ccuples a oel aiet a Lbo. al Tbursdsy atthe "hof! e eutY SalI. bavlag been omsbet ~ t. bSu* of,8400wvbicb v» immoely Mter lbheshootisa che et asofaui vitb lftmst te ticmilt murder vas changeai tu mur er todaY, sad Brovn in belag heu evitont bail. àrransemsents are being made tu heM the. lnQuot t th, Conrad & 1151undrakla, roonts laie ibis îeornoaor onlahtI. mmediatély art- mgrvard 13-u-iiio ir. a ra ù Ïlsilaary bearlng befare Pouice malp ,Mrate Walter Taylor. Th« latta. ,odesso nay ha diopenscivi= h oy *r , r latcae the oro. 'aj ury boldo 4d" aaer ta the geS maiJi' e Bravn vas sztrémoiy deoisfvuew >0loarucd ot bis vietlm'a duatb. ne #Mdi beau hautIng againat ho"e tlt ~ ~ aldnt man a urt ber rnuob." ~,~lderaeoly "f sht»býr eor . xid"-t Whe o, s 5m .Ëa eintention et-atr "tu trouble vitea I vent te the rocm wb8re 1 *oMdniber. 1tbook aloeqj a sI Just for protetilm lu case1Inia. ced lb." Aocrdlng te Uic stury roum pid the plce., he had boem livlvillaf Miss Stewart tar the lat (vo yomp. loeetly thora vua a isagI'oouul4 ,"d4 the tva aeyarated.* CosMojjd Mlot tii. Young vena asla tige~ roms Of Walter blube, a negro la Vbame cempany she bail boonm ~a- SOldorblY of lato, Brwa vont tu Ifubc's roam ln the otae0. Nube bappeed te ho ot, but Wua *tevart snsvered 'is kkok at the 40r. Whon sb$ refused te admit jlm Proen, accordling ta bis ova a*tOy, kÇqo dlowna the door. He sunsphi) sIgZeued te shoot hlm andl staried R104011for aisuM. Thon It vas, ho that bo.shot ber. 1 #î,udePi a hslan te ho mm. Jmmdiat ely sud thon gavre uE p 0 t e palicq. K»Mrà4 Tucicer bas arlElveai bore Ils. m1- Id., cuai dbeoeb> tolinsugber oethtie lhoobln& :- Mamsie Thom"os am" * ,Thot ro»lae, te Li b. seeu., -i 'r. "W. lut Wues ixyk tii ako supioymen± la the Fred Hou, VeY Bystent of oatlng bouse. andl vere aaalgaed te Chanate, Kua. W. bad been thore su vweelas. Wo phmnud Thoen it vosdiatthe t'aadmotber. recasdneday that a f"vwekis betore ber danglter bad bat ber for- a tir@ dftu-- haviug Mutiler cçme» ta zpend Christ- ta talce goea cars et ber hii* as tue doctrars sud PrafosoDrs vho v iii prori tiedulter lu Paru, thence by rail mas vitu aop andi sent ber 140 vlth '1iglgii" pointed te the tac ttetand certify bis celestial misosion. ta te aiecunaty for iterment Friday wblch teanisie the trip. lu the Ua. "soaietbiug terrible" vas goiug ta hap- great ver viii gIve hlm the Opportu 1. la llbura çemèery vitb s short tintababy vara t"ko« Icit anathera peu tait. ulty ta disclase himself. Tbis vi] *' i"a -aaeod& m. l benfore mother cantl nconte sad kRvas Belleving that ber tender caresud Dot bho oUInst the Freneb Wlug, bu' .1 V 8p&for& hubandkas eenthon our plan ta caehorne sud speaai affoction mlgbt shîclai the luttle mite another veil ituovu, and it yl bi à i«d.about 30 yOUIr. Suie, iaves thge Christmnas vlbh ber aMd Utle George eOf humanltY fient hum j, egr-and- s0 viOleUitbat lu tva vekis the-se .lac sanyllo, ma.; Sumner N. ef. Den. saut Mther Monoy. mother vent ta Chicago and bronght fltvi l art ooeule'a ver ola-the chilal home. The praophtlo voruis It viii dr-v ln ail Christian peuples vrCoa;Alfred G, et Chicago; Mra. "')a theo 1Mb vo sont ber $a0 for Of the clairvoyant voie braugigi home Mussomans' and a-yen meni tram dis Willam Mitchell et Waukstan,*'Mas. Chrlstum a spy bilesud biy WB aM.Olsyve elaaa fbct.i gla W c . Hu h s e P r,1I, m d Me. i e M ight r quire and t e acit day trageay. ".S m ething terrible» ail "'l e am ies viii ather frein the ààlllM Mérslis et North Benai, Neh. lny sister, V'rlîo »ont ber s tale- happened ta the Infant. four quartersoe the vorlai; fer the grarn'saylug she veul4 b. boni. asangela viii openuthe saule of man, to sea spasgîhle. expilaflag she vwu Oaughtma-m Arrve. and inlathe third Year UieY viii ma- My iabefr vladufi als s rte a5 Ma o.arvell Waea ri ze tiat anti-Christ bas corne and thét M 'X itr tdv dy o hepu uhaamt ,C itasmmn.saeiy wvili h. the faete of thc con il! ~~3~< fri baite company witbla a tew day-a. fuhnn lbCrsas a. quare. He vii be recogntzeti li ta arrive., Bho Ieft Chanute at 6 She vas overcoeue ith grieftand -vas everal traits. lHe yl massace O'elpek lMondsy usaienroute borne tan±ateesIonta explain tue atair uiemi eboyei. piests. manke, vaunen. chi Commandant Wllam A. Moffett Iias W-snioa ese hta . t w as an accident. MisaVerWelB. i dreaniidm .Tooeaetu recered an ordler tram Reer Admirai Ch:istmas. t drthatansamno da. Ta tonegrath Laub . s.rne, hit t ral :0it kt& Uedya eer ger, saother daughtor, lashmer rm earthvi iehvmec.Trhl Leg .PInr he fthe bureau, a. eegottru er ad oil pasowtbrughheorin of navigation, ta lmpress UPea ail Mmeta me telllug memo nber sud stang t'ha pAheulai ha borE'ter,- ita save l', even noug Uie nautu onlisteai men the f-st (bat desertidu baby vers deai. aigta e ul hmsor-leasvtaeunokgtenie lu Urne of wai la a mont serions of.- . ly, vas toundn iathte dr4tser la tue et Christ, andi'%viile bIs yards are feu u adpunîshable hy destu.,- 1"I mîpodlateiy repoetihis ta aur Berger hame vben effbaers ent see aCriianelsstsveih Mathers af culistea mon allma are manager, Mn, Dennia, anal ho Jasuoaithe Place after bbc tragoal>.. Missgsrnse ofahitanalb is eti out ta b. hformeai that ln aldlug thoir me a yoga andl 1 boardeda, atrain 35 Veralie. ais la et a leu te expisin tago q n ueagle4i i eRauhe e- boys ta romain aver lbave (boy May t. inute aateNmy lgandhabisi Romian apair b. aceumed oet Ianboriig aiseemr. Mnts&irM be-$l Wtf,, Titis varulug cames vutit ec& iante. and al Ithe vsy te WSo ioso as secuters. force i l nor atho thousaaisof bt 35 Minutes behliai er. Venie Officiels Seffleai. ' "Ho vIiibave anuaagIe for bis turlaughs beiug grausteai ta the mca did't kno, any»'1 inottta> . 1crest eofIsaaccomplice (bhe Bible for tue hbailay seam. cdy lu Wauitegan untîl hbtu Dy There are severai tMuge ta point catisetitat acconuplîce tihe faim. pro- uoite t 10 o'clack wvien she Iblù. a m u re t ana ucidethary.phet)thie other vicaed manarcb. This thé aartliug ucus. Upea ber irrAi nthe ae he ac t a Ms.latter viln be a Christian andvilii tun dhago sho Put la a long distance Berger vas pennllesm andl awunabie dileunuder the cul-se of Pope Boue- celePheno caîl for mother. Tho tet ta leave the baby ong 'eueugb ( Be- diabus, whe viilho electeai about the phoncure vorit-there vag flot a« Partwltinteetftbe anti-Christ." Pope Bouc. FIiTU S laV D doa.' go aWor caleai for in.Ue appoeadtab. atarngtue agoal abp>ut a year belore the presoat ver 1W R isRyDeoaan sd chidl t h ute tac. ire gn L1e ,asnolAboranl sute ad li ulgbte< jet tram vblcb gos vas No mare yl priet analmatix vire. Mes.of hee confirtoalbathe1 leing talda amute story wbicb,,point.-ots nlaslv tecmaat Thefit f ueno "-n-ig Xd- stiiatmotter andl My chilaihaut ouissevand abdolve tahesko the "se os" or artmar"Muge, for the* na- beau tonnaidd. Vernie. burried a dt vardE - 1a alsth ' er ortho fia-t tue l ic he ld's bis- l aviation carpe reschçd . Great Waukegag sas quioitly as passble.aOM b ohrbu. tI i~no u tory they viii taite thoir place ln the, Labos<7btlbsuas Tbeyulilho Is aniOùd auhoua laté'.band, It avîe d Outvapl r s and ilgb as citizeus. Pope OUe! ta (ho mon et the aviation train-,ituov about it ail the. 5y- tata Chi. 1 amfbpldcdh enemdictus viii ureounce bis maie- ~~~~ ~~~cageansuai as Partit Preparcai for theto dctos pa nt.Crat' ni n Vii. desiga ef the ne-v enbleiput- terrible diockit. sounce 'tuai al vho tait lu battle .maeg -ear the umoat -cegle,-r erav "An ta fIudag nu focd al uthoparty, POPE ASKS.[NCESSANT .sga l h l viii rime as nf tyr he s v a ingeiprapetiér. "qus . theUicfâct le, the police diai net look la PRAYERS FOL P»E Te'el u an iiogat te*'utors bave the neimes->. gilets' the psntry uhêre tue tond 's'askepi, ariaaingugtore eofathe ses uheel vltb ving.. Campetm au Mother hai 50 cana of fruit, laber Ronte, tIWYI e~24. (delaycai> -accomplice. Te vauusb sàUtChrlct voodycriera imr theuel *.,ugilahome said tiere vas pleut>. et but- Peceivg the meu=iea i the facrea vil require ntarc men tiisu tue Ro- wittho addition o! the loung ip, toi',css, etc. The. police falled ai eCllege for an exobangeor Cfhristmas mn empire evoré1ai. The efforts 0t tWiMemeats for tb6'oorvae-am b"lI.a.. bola the liantri' vbere tue food vau greetings, PopeEceediettod«y ras- ever>. iingdoma, thbc ceagthi> opa, hesv st Great Lites hy I.5iut. képt. They nturely leoiteailu tue Pan- noeeibis,- rccornaonta.for in- andiibe white eagle, -«III nut avait ~> Wîtt C. Rtmein, . t <, iy vhlch cautaineal te alihes. Thsee ant p<yers for peace. go. cx- wvtout tue pru of itire Chraltian le h a u e l T o O b e t r o u o r i a a e u k l h o t c P reo f e4 b e p c fo r a b rW ib t r fu tu re v r iai, N b v e r ' mlii th e - u m a n ra c e ' --eal u le~ut, asante-sd reoiceai ai lie llbeàlo& f et e 1 <Cosiueai onPane TWO.> 'rsjftJUd8Pg W > - tcuat0 14 U~Y8E Voliva Officia Prints Word Pic. ture of Bible's Prophecy- It Fits Welhelm. FIGARO PAPER PRINTS TALE. Artiole WrlttenbY WiIIs 1F. Jor- dan là Attrxanq an Unusuai Amunt of Attention. In bis nelv bock, "The Pre ent World .Cmais," Eider WiIlli P. 3cr. da.ex-PastofettheFiMrat Bptist Cbarch. Nôywitcb, Ran88s, sud re- <contlY Ordalned au eider ln the Chris- iIa- Cit4holle Apoétotie churcb ln Zian, bua a rmsrai>îe article wie la reprlnted tram the Ncw4 Toh Globe. Eider Jordm% sbook wàh if-, rccently o09 the Preas bas been on- dorred bY 'Vo,,,.and atrendy if 1, havJng a big smie. likO Votive, Rider Jordan l i t het opinion thst the bilser mlght turn eut te be the authrlst.%tha greetý impooter hc Widor thé pretenethat. he ha, the Alnighty vlth bilacm mlits I ai rnds or hmeus atrocities, end by lutrigue snd <rfps POltical and even eoelestastlcal pav. er, thit h e becomes for a brief De- ried the. vorldsa diettr. Be thiâaas i May, te Liser certaiuly bears e remariahis Iikenqos te, the figure per- trayed ln tbis article. The article vas9 the tiret 'Printed In the Paris Pllgaro, but appeared Juiy 13- 1915, in t-he New York Globe. Il reeda: "The veritable autl-Christ wili be a mnarch of bis time. a, son of Luth. er. HIe vili invoke God's Damne, and then bimgeit bis enemy. The priMe viii thea tàe. hise ath on tiel Bible, sud'exploit hitusoîf*as the artu Of the 19-et 11gb sent ta cheaitse tUe carruiltéd iieopl efthe w1orid. -He vill bc e aree4,- maibisgo4,ne ublcb viii be My, *1aai c te a. Wiii ta*eo litdevice., Goa vltb has.' For a long 'wbile ho vili crry eut bis. liaicy by -ruse sandi el. cny. Hie optes vii caver the epulb tries of the -word. aad -be wil libe master cf the decrees ef the paver-j Heîwli have in his My anlthei Al be ls ta wj h ai Mo Col rm If0 It co u s" « h slth , m d tr omganer ridy sftrq qe . k chris, iautbom*ça, tholthe Y ic pimgi lenton-wuas t an kedyIr q Po14" lu fer cqoaodorIl :M«. ula tbte, Xwm e, oa4i1 aq tg dey and jopsel, et t" effl à., wiam aeia ndrt Mon Accused of: enting Cer- m. -à dsn~ ~ rade-Absent From Sïdjn Obit Wr. àcae Without Leave. bhlm a-J-isin odta# t'b* A though thc laveo fet bsece gV av b e s-A1iW Iw o te* oi tls a na ta 3. N. Harding sd -W alter. King, b ut a te * lbase o ýsU - Jaitestrain the Great bIiea (ami -adA m-dý 'rsinng týtAoeIw.; cpired Tiiesais>, lt ia .either bas put in an appmarsne»ai 'As vu tie station, eccordlug te captj. eoi- 1118 00<s. et. The. t-v Jacklea are vanted inl ' con ucebon w t b ithe m u ldeo us et-. - i b d b oom IW $jrea teck anTRicititai atndlck. aie*a Jack- e, earlY fluuday rmorula. Âeeralcoejy ha vas Pb""eail Bot*~ o aieal ied aias locblaigi ?ý-M.Md e ibr. aoit u belpg Z uot -xftbout les,.."Ir they TnielOsîig hon the>. wom t So net apposa- et' Uie Naval, stati6n lUte ic i qe *0bigi ho vithin toit days alter Iboîr lbave, ofJitvemtiplq abomaMot b. Ioene. ba& expireai, the>. VIII cutUtr-gill54 O4.e55a a a a o l s4 y b r& ud e a sd e sd e rte r, th a t .h o u l i e i tet w g »01h pOliee and naval authofitles feon fftue oroi 1 ige $11"m i we aearcblng fer the N'a lactrinq be b>. Conet' ariai uheo -tkms oere named byBundiek as -hie aal- iamma mUt tbiJs disilaes;*oa m is. - o f ob erca I s u E eno tinui 14 Bundicit19 ai the count> o»i tai l i C1106toUpasdAy. Q*rlng <rom a fracturei siuli Bi - . a *09. llgIng* bo me Ttiosday nlght -nus beporýtj g aNaa«Itr &M bfot me tii la a serions enaiditbn Md ~ e. U~fkm <e oftt salai Tuesdsy nlaht: . as ma"ob" ils "Theso mon are allegod ta «ethe faut ilot ] ,ff Oaumittodal ccivil offens' and fer Lti eomedte.:nouas (t ýoogrX, 1 mon they vIii no douhi ho turacai boeau luro. :iIad tbq.-; »Mm~ oer te *ho Chicago police depfetuent tmersy.vonai ir o0 aur mou arr'ent ilim. 1 cOmbt givo osad 11010811).17 e, .# 1K. t cm ulp vthout order tram W a ve h ro i n.msvoalby 440thW La l the orders oece 1i ait far theai." ls,#OTAÀSLACKER -Wbetevcr the restons tat ProMpt- ed Miss -Floarence Sullivant of 928 ".a oms avenue, Chicago, te bresit ber en- gageaient ta Josepb Sexten of Wanbe gaf», pa-esident of tbe Boston Oit Com- pany, lt-vas not bécaffl e ola aslack- er. tbc Young man sai d swatishi. Mr. Sextoa returued ta Chicago alu» log the day front Washington. "I den'î buawv vhetbor Muse suili- van sd sai!Zam a sisek-er orei," ho coutinnei. "I amrn rther lcneai te bellev b se allid net, as she beova 1 voluuteere-aSd vas rejeftol. But vbever firetý made tJe'tatèeat té1 "ytroqbie ll-hi eli Te fMithit haosuog~- fM wwgch preeamtaai y *I*Ne Short disance dlprovei«-* tb ettegublai (bat a t su*oeqý ble t perovo mrthotIal MAY LQWÏ Li"S A$ "!à ~ -J'a ut«Gwm me to POUR PAGU le re il Ie e e a ; ï

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