MIe aeGowns, riVer 3n~ r marke oftb~ nie I 'we'v~ CV 'J S2 -'I t a Urij rge iug wool ad *01 -pop- r plçaëd and. Lh pretty eni-' r, green sud. serges wmtm »Md $Z> ud r4. odc àoft longeIoth Night àuùelette lighGowns4, ihifrjhmker Baimel Pet- 48a j _Iq r- s in sm Pluash, i..VeIi0s, sud1 trni-d, Coats;.- valueés *18.50;.âaism A e 6 #1350 wash'DresSes, 79c. $2.00 wasli Droses, *1.39. *.00 se rge and corduroy Dregses in sizý1 2 to 8, at .Wpn»W's and Mines' eouse sses -W Dres --anmi Aprons $1.60 hou* Drem4s.89c. *h *aliDresses, at $1.29.> 1,000 wah D'. ss, nivsues to10to cloe tu 68 SOc teas Aprons. S3ts. 89e tes Aprmn, 400, ena t $7J&8 01,*6-601,$18» ansd *0 Dresse» of pretty silk u i mut ,POPUiAl oe s àd pli *22.50k *2,afW 1.50 n a 5 su fouiea±*27.50, o M1iu becou*ng .st>deu ul ers, *1.86. oidil coleris, rit 8 st!e6et. <iternoon sad ete oi ve. viel -Bras and colored *1.50 emùroderéd whlite Pet- $30ai 250Wlrt 1eti $3.00 satem, nd milk. finis $ L *d4cel us n70%, $6.50 aud $5.50 odd coney Mufes, 9M&16 46.98, *7.50. suad $5.00 'coney Scarfs, %%. $12;50 bla* wolf Searfs or SMUfS, at *U. b15 laêk Wotsd grey or rod fox 11sf or Seuils, 0.75.- $20, *22.50 sud $25 blak, red .and cross fox;- kunk, blaek Wolf, and 'river- mtnk -Muis and Sca4ja at $14.75.1 $49.50,_$45, *4250 sts of hand- mornme red, taupe, black, point- ed,, sitka mros-and grey fo- nurten--natural iriver rnink, blsok wolf and skunk, $29.50. $75-00. *67.50 amd a few *59.50 Sets of handsome kolinsky, beaver, marten, pointed f ox, taupe fo; .natural Siberian wolf, natilrl cryme fox Sets, et CâÇ.a' us - $àSets, *198 XMulhand Scsrfs,àA lpadconeý-Set, li ge-nuine badger Set, 9.00 $12 tiger coney Set, 0.0 *15 aretie 'for Set,8.. $16.m-~ gelu -me. grey . fox 'set, satin lined asud -beautifully inarkéd, M. $3.5(),$'4" aud il 40wPo1 ilo 50 feeedVeas, SM.e 69e %a ftecedlanUn-7c *50.00 sud ~ s In atIv*wâ $1.00 waià.tsslgtly s< $1.50 and $2 pr.tt 1Wsists ini newest s $3 lingerieand ua W $5 s11k crepe de chine-1 $5M9 silk crepe Walott $7.5 d 8georg* $9.50 and- *10 -silk Wuii *1,5 sd $15 - ilk I $10-75. $1.0 wol Skftg $t*â& Childre-ÉàT35 59sitk boot Hose,3$0s. *1.25 all-silk U4 .~ $1.50 all-silk Ua *10Ù bij t'Il