Ni t a .DRILUNG> r teu 15 wul te a*. . MMAN & DOLAN -Z[ON CITrY s 13W. iRSTOW ctuti 0F 04l -Grouute Wv Woe'k et 5verý " ytifW imd Usé i.~ III te -Untn~ (sp PaLiI Wi111.) secrotary oai Commerçe. Invalca Lume'15 upon ue. ovcicat by te ahedows of war andl Ite.many anti pzzliag prabilms. it cannet h. compareti tao ther.yeer -gone b. '<et Iis voilt stnuiggle Of- fera an ilicentive for unueutil organi- zatian, unusual eMfciency anti unusual achievenient. The Ciamber af Commierce bas faIl the new tiemantis anti bas veicamet the nev Iseantiv-" to carry teaffaira -of nation. saLte ant i tp to sticcesafti conclusion. iiariy la* peer certain urmises fon future devtl:mtentwvero umaie..Ds la gs a]m_'- s.ahee" uapps siMge tiiese proises bave 'been kept.- Peutmpa te mont IMiporaat exten- th" a la .ctivlty. srffl n voro the etreet -rtgallwep iranch the Chouibet ourlel tg a sooosqsfn lusne . ieaslbtsine or a e *te m«ehtchatoies am itrais gr@up,. lis ladwsrw afl rvu. maithe 14*. douty 000iBiaisbo nue.* - bs.t uu. afft.. lalrl hr ,grsuoel Boue Pubultt vas'resoihai ta as cd mioias cromw bp the "vr. Mua esccldep ince or oountry enterai cannaction wuth veli esteblaiteticon- or» nd in lanatactrlag enterprls- es proiucing' articles for te govera- mont. Bci concerna arcnot seedlng nov locationsi: The governuet has oatoolci agint parwticmtaaIn ti- ""ls ondlm tlou sgorieiortunltp tput teflk locoonthe fauda. ueeteluhss o ating a a i- O iisOWWM echia k. &" liusnot mttet moer- AT ONLY have buencaeigo m atl o. ým AoPtci i dt a avla oef . t el 16m. TII.dlvison orai aricut"rai ffet ~~--- -'---laterstel tteiila the gocoadaillh-< ~ F. KflTD mme, rmers' instituts, am tie lme. I~A8T 0110U aoompaibim-npbenfilai fut- Moutgroest. wm su»n vuuuuaia. IL la fr tlamaiirt tiat no big pro- ~stamds hUm., - ectfor te ayedaomehit aetaurco.- tàwovmb.ub". muntty IAs beca uccessiui vithaut Me t m s oIv »ort- of the. Cluaber WaSIAS5 of C»MmerS- a"it.e organistion sa5s~a. . COLEY b bou lde inwit ofai seagrt botie Worthe gaflot our pl. Md ultlgrigt up lau t. irait isais. ReMo Cook Ave, VIoms l1«-Jes utit;o.b& adveIboinssipes, ovever, but It ml &tIglmis on sud on utat fttWsla bon ofetaaotbtingsali !L i U0about, eWudplagby thoe comng a e»àne"*dircotact,wvinfoad the nes"ta wwtmmlis but tom $be mcoamt ualvigIlat f ~~osmd~.forIe i licwvarlcomm iel. sd os bureu ic âëClaubu'te ,uost ____________ mleimseas 0 aet . moussas. »àoes dm amSopesait, lwIanqlta Ci" tsee fa ùabyt eIfa uiu Dbss mlihue. s ~p s I. s~Mds s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~# th*iaB oitc qlag e of iComm«M sbasofai Vrneli c b.c Mabftfor 9pmtb$oMai -~ - .. miactogauclita o tiae *vasMs- cmng Ibe argiatshlon-c9fe la EWi Cnmsscimpteri.:Ulb «hsMre.1 ez- ogssi by te Natiomn d aifttei SCmdsaifDefense asi-tie locaL sne - ayta cmryont theit' motvties. an esainamo.ILL lcCamp Coaiuuity ictivi'tim l m il nOUI.1-i tadlng a guai i"aletitino adm thbCasber bas been aSciaii7 aloot- jan «»uaso bho m$ M pr -cd iqcaMryon mai direct iccalyUds Std* i*m vuai t&a t iver ImnÏnt vOrk i À w 'a .1k Tic fod aud fuel admlntthlati vo. Sa" avcfUiclr hdqumueroet thé Cl1aun- teout drat -boalrd bu, mi5a es tahlabsedi tucffat the OhaMbnharpait- ai ifa t,-&Oga ornete On. i t rebens8w orpeaouumlt as vey tiaguh dowbekg0ftii.Cln.lfu Thevi fIl"îàto a vait and olin forkthefo m aLt puer. atvtis idtive f of the ipra npce bauttne ofth ircateswai6realte turWor acliievqinedt. - orThe flbw yeSaers vr otve let iticatve the mperortaCre of, t h e Ui t d S ta t s a n, a le ra m epn every Chamber of Commerce to mc- biise for war. The resourcea and ac- tivities of tbtis chamber durlng tbe puet six mÔntha have been devoted isrgeiy to amuanting-.Wau'<ega a nd North Chicago ln vwr service. but te wort bas been conducted PrlialY tbcough t.heo genoy aOrita.regular dlvi. *ions sad caulttes.Your oflicers n»w propoe, to devalop, a idait. ver orpn1ati Wh"il i il b. able to IU4e "l* y pactlv4ty armuy- w#~p jt1* wvo uaap e called upon ler direct var ser. ilite I, iaeM heor thth 10«oca onu -UsêTht body hbbm = = "thd'aI e i.linos of la fat ies.a dWsc A" lhltd on -gwh~~~~~ dean ttb.etaatyv idmais thehIse- botelu do aMO& m or *Ui obamii*aomlihomavepu9êt la this nobâtm±lom our oegalatluou M v ho oéeotlve lu esepeniion ta the as- fam «aiiepu evullng to remier. it la imaportant uhat tiie service roaaurj- es et ovoaT mmubor -beon fies ithls oEce.Maysp1Iâ« tait pou porsonalY. ubserefore, toa anaer the questions wlVýcb yau a, Il iind on te faiflOwing, pae -aild Ietui*u IL prompUy? Very t.ruiyy olira, PILAM L. CL.ARKE, Preaident. Plan of organitation for war vor< division of the Waokegan Ohamber *of Commerce. .Aivisory commission Preeliont. Director in Charge of Wer Activit- S les. Ciairman ai lthe Waukegan.Noruii Chatumeaot War Commltteos. Ou W umaibes] p (ha) fllaiIaaA Apos w« a i*Communitp 15cr. >.oo»eàF ilsm ta uni maI ebo&~ fsoten a i end Industta EooMy. SDoirpinq *neal'lng -au>d Drm 44) In*aihuiom Bureau, (-)A»slalenote Draft Boanda. War 5.1151 (a) Emcrgeacp Service. (b) CauSants for Bôliltrirun For- eign ServIce:' Educatiot, <Amenicanizmtion> Caoun <a),Draft Men. 1- (b) Industriel - 'Part tinta. Short Course ha IndustrIel Plants. (c) Niaiht Scheeie. Industrill (e) Incemea Praduction. (b) Gavcrgmeat Contracts. Militer>' Affaira (a) Cîvillan Auxiliasy. (b) Cammuunty Hompitait. (c), Information 4cfflu. Labo,' end £mployment (a) Emptaymeat for Returnoti Sol- liers.- (b) Hauuiicappoi Mon Probisu.ý (o) -Plans for National tEplay* ment ( d) Women la Iadiutrp. Physîclal mo Moral Conditions ce) Slaltation- (b) Pi*is Hoamt. (à) W" creelSon. . <c) Moter Tilds (a), Four Misue Non. (b) Bpeader< »««& TIc ~bum * cf<loumerce., boy. em, Reepbelot il teé brlgbtetf* piemsb?» 1 nqahmmtus of lb 1« viii .0 Cauroe. Omo &Mt .The viii l - e met M 'gym IM mO vory omer Muat cicu «cdibi c-orcautcmpiatoi ,voai t« ira ' cesay I tet ~ ~ .m ptlit, nlahar aPd ai ~nltOacd Industi edvelapuen ;e m lisi ai - -: semte athe comuuitpMdalm silo biobSi by buaircis et busipsu mon. eory euo at via. Is rcadp -c maire ibu Chamber ci Conmmerce - stimn. ffgtIiidve v4*ftrreaubatu.t milansutrWei p o. - Uxcutive Secretar Il a~ aiieifa'~ahBIae'~m5! ioIsmd E>flPê cm iiiiiys~ et Pour mon. te plant ibe I W W. bUt4dl bebâa if vu6ga -uIlding la Wauâenn a nimber of noei cottages iseatire agoe am, oscapsi *ua fronra. tic 4~i cotructcd t4e ito sn qi justic*b~e il _ the amuOrttu la -Jutc W e viir4 i ewnotiier t theta)wýq «t vepdvri.i ' ý- l ý --MsM -4, pis inippers froni the Pa Dyp çwlielarbentamouiit basbeeblh la dilitlo ta iss mprovermunota bop aitii. iîI oncolâter, and thon of upst liipwunJau a. addiito,t.te,.a umber of resldsncoes bave guis riODbg4 M , the . Uic bdof fai thi 'h5hfaOdt014 i .vm'boweve. teaor d0 * te* b iléfdngtAbout000a. n. iheOf h .ahe sd e treoi tumi -lo~r'bl a' eaunstss o ufyaio. aea i a êea ap a anentaf vblc bug mîlt, bai 8v od a be fr èln oU beaut tr rbonisi llb- u -t*ave been -tda cout f$000 f9 Vthe aiothOr pý OrS th eas tilis ody as iithe aia er biteaed st oreand toebfrldng ts,11-13Te b atnth lortytte iin: At -boutany e<,à.thlnantry. reg*ais te -îretan M Ute veue,- ai liimeelau anoff.tlp a theraasvred t aaixgnd ahi mtie a hur-oi 'Poo.wg"are à éwothr iprve-buidct ibatInho ar-lias îTse aiey c a l'id er i t i egrounda. -ebutol afi Pactory et Madison and Sprlag Meations and meeyv peuple dIlillceta fini Do trace of the men,. Il i-t b-- 9treeia-16,O00. take aap declded sand until condi- Ileveti tbey rare giCen outside aid t>y i n Rooming bouse. Glen Fions SpriDgs lions re.adlust themseiveis. This tloes other membene of the 1. W. W. ir aubdlvtioon--$4,000. - Dot mean, bovever, that Waokegan Accordlng tu- Port Sheridan sutlior Addtion ta near of building, 219 carpenters have been hide duriag the ities, thie men are John Mzno, 1935 s North Genease street*-81,000. year. Fnlly 90 per cent of tbemu have or 45 West Grand avenue; Richard fthe rooeig house whicb la belag been employed iD the construction of EriRIohert Haliey, andi Joseph contrucisi on the eitreme north thc nov camaps at the Naval Station. Mangle. aide betveea the railroad and Bherk If It l d fot heen for té extensive fliere have been peveraI eapes dan Road, - t betng puît up by Law- building there 1Iamn afrai mauiy car- fian. Sherian guardhouae necently. rone Wiier of the taaary. It le ppnters would have taeathéL-. work On. &lien enemy bail tbe uniforna of docinc s a asettiemeat hanse foi duriig Lb. aummser' a United Oateu cevalry oSfcar eamui- gici ta hini. He danneti i, vahked MIIJÂRY TRAIIN@ DÀSlAI>A II3AL IIF L otadthe guard saluteil as lbe pas. ea E tI.oa A Oeiq g. 2vf 2, 19.2. H. A . muiad c~k1oeu dIIEcflrA1aImvm~ID 4. Maok âamI Noviics, Long Laie suis-9 hua u.u~m ~iv uiui4uI~mUraIiuv W~ ama ivusedivis". W. Il $10.C H. sa rtlett a"ilvifs tu J. A. liai eea ,De.3. nforeed hore uap hlieprsectsi tao en.-seutji m f 1, .sQ*4tlett Nu (Sp SueriuttiWttW. C..Kaeelk.) aur net lcg#sb»Aar. - i atiee.vlS 8lre Acres ta Bbiwou, dcci. Il. Becco hie tsNdow "or . oever adoption. Tisud otbircrmossssry j. 9. Voflvcaé li vU;iïe ta LiadIil the. cf ii, te h.glmulg i- tvasrcgpMtiou sbave heen gptly sliedbyPmT'Hae, se.»* ters lauscotioms ai W suceosmio a MiPors, ibis »gaMr. p M active P-aetTffbehr Assptoa10' West AMloch township. W., n..t «> praveM uuÏi tindet erfnoia f nov beint bonnai mb a single e, $1.00.a tUne brobsen tata bj ,,..u sumuet vue& .Uv nît br eMfl1a Oi OUJRcIaI 0 C. A. ldawdoPi1. Jr.. te J. B. Huntc tion. Tic perolai verci heu bee utuasoia«oo ol. loW1, bioci22, Waibura Parinh one of prcrm a tmsite et th..""eThplie vebfini ohols bave aUfed Nath iCbicmgo. dcci.$350. aeceuicary _,ditrectiai toado o r ai a Émaer enrolim tionteof aivr P. C. lCfllbt aid vile tuH. H. e vuà& intoroaeto4. sud w« r eb'&Uim. conditions sud a conseillaent resir- Dacibsoli. lot 16. block 15, C. Fm. I Tiie gffl mdan.Ipmd tic general uni- tian oa naturalisation. Ciasases, haw r- iihts additiin-ta Uýbertyvilief, . W tabll tsahoa$ccin t ts period much goond. Sehoola for- telograephers Pet- 21. 1917.-E. A. Cummines and bas he beau a teini admission aOfthe Vriii lie Open tu mon of irait age as ve.,kouh oi Misf onhChi- place the achool accuplea la national sono as necesser p tillamap lehfr. ar- o. lots 10 andi i1, blot16.%N'au- keganHighlandts to !ibrtli ChIcago, t aid communnlty 11ife. The teachersanmd ranged. W 40 ptîpiis rasponici lfis a manner tiat The service of aur countrp bas, of W . 40 toit na doubt as to boy thfel tt course, hati the rlgbt of v. In Une Harry Colin and wiue ta Lena Cahn, the oppotualtY of provlag the 9chaoi'Ps witb the raquent of fedarat authori- lots 25, 26 and 27. Rose Terrace, sub-I division ta tLake Foret. Q. C, i. vorth and Position. ties. Wauicegmn aarly etabtished gav Il Fi.lfeige lt ei l Progreise.ia a more confinedl senne errnmental publications, epecialle n y~a a 'l-tle was idleaed h thereMiess wth "essos lnCommnity nd Ntionl in m a.ttrat oflandb elioctin%11 vas pilate bythereainea vLif"Ls s tnaondatxan atonal and 15. tbertyvitte. deeds, $3,001). vbicb aeceussrp edncatioalmireadlist- lif.,The RedCrsdrite the.mater- Dec 24, 1917-0. D. Gagoa nd vile mente vere matie; up tic standards@e.TeRalrndrv.tealie of aiopei p to peset bariai du-Liberty Bonds. the Y. M. C. A. ver tO J. GQ. Wici. voit 52.2 eL ilots 6 aton tea yta rocetoard of aev campign. the camp ltlranp movement to 10, block 22, Wadhburn Par'(tin school buildngs; bpthe c.pertan -ait ver, gti'n mucb tErne. The ver rtb Ohicago, Q. C. $I0. ai tic macl imi park bourds. pre' avings-stemp' casnpatga viie bb- W. B. Walrath andi viletu T. V. venti npblceUMt o feffort and neci. jeun aiter the bildapa. Ta ix tics. ailb37ad 3,Sa';scn beausrje lýueIdnt m eI1to.aactîvtiep. aetf-dcnillaiagues and a vilt37aD38.baeeon selfgovrnmnt asociaion hs,é nitson Foi làakO, -W. D. $400. ilà bez. formed aet the hlgb ichoal. The Chatteis Koehder osid il e to ladfr- taté..The «tension of th. yard 1 l itaiT risica CmaningCoucty. lote 2 to 5. toe«lsi at iop ta S 1hrmlmlugtath e r r ad*cubas hpbM ed 1, K-ubers sub Gy",W â7b le scàte Ua r eelttsi the moalai.ofi ur boys grost .GreieW vhm pilohar-ilulp uaiaivIleWatcb the 00102 55USd o theU0 buD.. $12.- int, ttu . ai oe u aia"p scioci dmp ate r theti li B. C Po.neroy tu W. W. Wltt, lot gIlves truelble Iothe lad. The PM ientObOO dudliband Py l reosve . bocd 43. lIe B uff. W. D 1. i. fuioU of elice. bi ipo i iS ut in#actical ptrlaumtis t- Anme G' Millet SUaihusii eist , Éab'l h - l ot 4Veros tii. niaiericlcmi -urth or thie Po- ré* OalWw. lot I M1 . Jli'as t u lo le 1îr net Ili veryplis bas bee vhoieeca.ioe»W section 14, Ofiettowvnshitp, W,.,. =ipte.a ?â,4 orai u mdrcvCoodosebP -p un: $i0.t tisw mirdUU.oer e MM. t. et o der the.mont - PWOIao5CIrcu- Ams . o li.v a&" babsuaitoa - tailct. vbethor lt l trne uustsuacer. la disini bos« ot emm lb. usalt , messu n e *Ig..OOVi. MmoaSo tim b ittg msaab Wh*<b~bs»iMe tin ts O tool, v.tbsttac14. ot 3o, W. ri a . $1. et o lQmebItiior' pmaolwaor ShCuld mit ovsi'iodthe siiomdii.orkto 1.Ou 1v9ii.W b,$0 w~eIet~ 5suJam*e~ g~ potg~40obhe t.m a ierofthori -et Elizabeth Krishma &"dhuaba tu h ~ qi~t.* W» ciucbs a *du bisolilla - K'. otmimtdiità01esal imiiss. tbe tuadler hbu lcsaei tho Micitone la lIlrouies. 4fsobol I 31 0Pull. tu mmOsiposilo Ti@ib« mai uahoasée tctr. r.eiMai4 etr t..adia cstae cteia bt ves . tjql doe Mr. Buc[. preildat af the N4itii Chb&O, W. D-, $500. Me.add a er" OUa ab t k ie b~ oard, who Cae.mucb ai bis veluiablo Leo. Kidn ttuJoseph itritan andi lao~rtogra h a. Tic tfalibrs 1tar e tepersoiidlly seperintenti the wienoth40 it.on otii50 feet lot mue nit w uthes tacts. Thc chil'. a ClU0 h uilg 9, block S. McKmps second addition gonemraI&talure muet lhe tmoi tu a MSay laer litea, Ita d ll f tuai Wankegan, W. 13., 12,000. more fuaniaimoatat, ta a more epecijie mnch slgnfiaue, "eonlie .meplis -- cause. cd. lbe gravlng efflcloacy Ila 'Idator Pcue to 1. -E. P*yiie. f; lots at If te progreaboea entioneti bas servic 1ah ltelauualnAnee, deed, $10. -not Aicco spectaculnr nor wiely bier- of the- nov fiee film service, Matie P. W. Paterak ant i wfe tuNIl. H-. ê.ided. vo natal thini non.e the legs oi possible bp the munificence of anc ai, HusBey. loi 4, block 4. Dun.4s soautb- lit for teat. The gretest iirogresla aur bout kmaya citlioen.; the popul- sida mub tu Waukegan. W. D, $10. sametimes maie la the quletast vay. enlsing oi te wridtl art and muniec .It may lie rememberoti "that nothing by maiing the farmer mrs practical E. A. Cummings ant ife 10 Ciril la marc naturat ion peope vhoge cdu- anti comîanebenatve, andi the latter Kize, lot 31, block 8, Waukegatt Htgb- cation bais beena neglecteti than ta more feit tbrough orchestre anti liai I111nd. North Chîcag. W. D.$.125. spal «evaiutlon' wtth an Inittal 'R'." are some af the thinga that ara vortb Anton mattes anti vife ta Charles Proabby the most disapponting fcm- white. Qoawatzkce. lot la Village of Uberty- turc ai tie yeer va athe failure of Our achools muet conscloualy andi the achool revanue relief bil. Aiter avovedty autm t give ail tbe pîîpiîs v ille. W. D.# $10. baving safely passetibelli bouses of an educatian that yull mako tbam W. P. Wryaockl ant i vIe ta Joseph the loglature, Govennor Lowden va pauffltentlp aef-sustainlng upon lemv- Dackiewicz antiville, lot là,.block taci the bill. This limite the educa lag scbot-whetbor et 14 or at 20- 10, WauigM iHighlands, Narth Chi- tianai fund materilll. that thep nay make lai a coatenteti The aaindlzmistlaa aifincsaofte progrestive. Intelligent çcammuiitbr. cag, W. D.. $I. higi achool gtrlp vas coumenai!d UP- hoping la the present anti future- on vlisip an.d fevoably. n'tu. truggle tu mal e cvorl "samfc for -all lm»lasbe tiat e bll cmbodplag ismocrecy." ti. um «" et ca i bc rutiqilooswu.C. KNOIILiCo O u II~NSE IIRAI~D TmOur *48 0M JAT YB*,1, u "R CUse 'sysiom li The nmher ai marriage licenses baving Issue 1,471 marai. 1106c111100 Infielnimnom ume o19r7t issuci atotlet 4pes ura', * clI l hensiont an s as ere miim uersilm tet ai Wd egqa lu. (ie. ttla 41mr Ine asautcipti geatmuacthe fr moe e Ises a la rtM er ndtIs 1maI. icmrnios r. tue l aioal' BEY V I ry repord la 1$10 brade c&U prefions roc- lie ttrrihulte t tres ca1,11ses11 a ris, balai 190 mors Ibm tie pie- MPi18-'fe faeot tia I marriaie O Q E N ITLivie" ileen 1 slava slne i itesoaiWimcOBIislcoli- et Turng 1912 à total of 1U iene neta gror mare rigOns005 yp$miy. b.Ver. grujtai. Th nuutb inl. vith the reuit that 'the n nb*t a0'v ut 191 bnI .Isot1 fbligraigldosscrepliiipcrausai .ch pour vth the exc"Upn couples vho elope br. frols the Bail- zftE M T as large as for tbi Preiots per. lu Nw marrlago lava are oxpecteil tu sle91 te ospurt farvard vas conalsder- senti an even larger tuier hom, A. È. ME, su d a mont unusal neio. For tiat rea- neit pear. praviing Illinais donsant toson the pheaamenal lucrese la U i- peso naw legllatlon- effcting mer- mE BR 0F AR G ,s cousses tts year tg tic marc unci- lngea. E B R OFG A E tu poci. -SECONO-The draft 1mw twques-'ý e11The ettp of Rackfani, wttbthe great tlanabiy avelidthe grad total oai10F ILI er 1, we iiIau8litSd our buome -Hem>- semeriemuetlbe pui LE GARAGE- Proprietor OWNERS'.ASOCIATION1 LINOIS I - An early mornlng lire onth tr fam,, piArthurMeeker 71usd a Ioo f $10,010 md îrtment ta make a apectsar -sul )two mlaes.,Iftn thoy ariysi tbav liai thereras no vater. --,_ norty emplcyes woro assee nIhe rmltory -af aagroul, -of tva s?ýtùrv )IMIlug4 C<ntaïf gg the Zarae. q&- %e, and rmitaitgit wheh hé.~ LII. sins ilifilo--oeiU UiOtmI 703 Me or the môn arousei hioecblQma ons. They began fghtint the lire t.r it1epboning L.ake Forest. They wcre maklng IlttIe progre.s hen thëe ombinalion liose and chen,- cal Mat l ilie The water ,stem, ~ho farn, had bepn frozen .d ti.Wfi Pfl ('fcold dû lIIUfr. Tiîev coniined their effnri'. ta gav- g adJoining buildings and ta romov- g lhp prize dairy' bord to safety. RANCIS TiErs UP j WITII WALSHI N1 "ýBahoy lerancis" ta the for,@ ancü' Miciiel C. WZis. founder and te- cars heua ofthe bobo colfl te' 11 Wcgt Wauingto. boulevard. Cli agol, hm bu troe fvlth Othorsla th ummna"ent Mmd le te stert Dp a nw iplace, hicb ho Viti rail tbw CoflIc of i lrary Wots" mau tu mdaicb lM' viii ot taoste Mtl-« ver agltatoa. lne' declarco beh.I bieuti wltb socldam. lie bix besi' la Wamsn u octallste nmetins on severel o0casIons »md tank a si r »Mi ai terosi la tho Piancta case. It nov lofflm that ho »d Pim cù are ta jItabande tuDtheboo cO lgé beosuse. ln he ltsaufcenmeDt la Chicago Suaday ho smye Biabai. Francis *111 be assoclated wltb me.- State's Attorney Wclcb declarm &Z. the next term, of court ho vili star the tdird triel' against Brothe-ric. lie comliaiii of the beys on .wloue taies h.- waxi.ndlcied. SOUSA WRITESAÀ SONG16 FOR JACKIS AT NAAL STATION Great Lakes,' or 'Boys in Navy Blue' la Name of Song Great Master Has Produoed. Nev Yack, Doc. 27.- Lieut. MM PNUhp goums..Ms* Hmvksbaws." htu *Mrvmd tu New York on bie way te 'big huating ledotle iore 0artetta. Ueat. UOOM m a a two veel ie of abseefrom the Great l1"s. M ffl taulalntgstation, M4d mdli ce nomt te eabontaet gemes. ftatsm ie mu *y .1917 " at the Century. a" a,* - er th.- piay vlofted the CoMboaut Mle liathe nof ailianTAaiila maag or fthe. Ceutury. he vil. sa 000& vrd m i L si.Lt le calisi ..Gre" iwLaCes. or the Bo"a lu Nb"a BD»e." nom'& a teinte: ituncmber our ekmm," thie caPtal mayae y he. --Fer tieCOgaor athe shl), lads. ve muet united be." Yeou betla-e are united and knO'w vhs we're about. Bc, ladaman attention, and hear this jacltie ebaut: 1 . CHORUS .. Great L.akes. Great lake». Natte Pan compare witb Yeu. on every lpa there's sure te be Your bays In naVY bine."* Lieut. Sousa ays ha ea bordir watt to get back taete tmIuang atm- tien to reatîm Ma work vltb th@ j«.*- le band.