qant us sauna .1~ itoedaio*~ PiSi useute han, thulu r~t-Uuelay us i - - ~uRo. bgbhWdter, is. lobat uaolo.-"à auYW., tçist day. ** Aubreét vue a Weakes gacller #at ils former@ paranut Unioe r. #uM "Un. ial, of Canada, wve 6UIobiffo, tù».paît voat.- ,lu lama Fibér @put CiltSuo et IL Orabohmé a$ 1lysahoo. lu Dos. and UlaMi"dever ebsi ai a irt dh meret aIthé M.ifl. of e as, M » . lu hm a am"Visa le- « thu -b ots. is W amer .gbla, -ce L-ý 0i.roby ualM-tba,éyw DL luloeesssmai mWM.. mm »d vorlbn «Mlib. li» e morn bsiaevftrpo a% a1:110 at'th*, spumw aicbaich. Min Peal L- ,« a~ Cllcage, vià p"Ic ou the mod u»taetbnisombaser Traala. bglircu la bonor of a anifib Io 1,*mo luida' mhla et MoBilIe TIM étis w va aontsdellabufa tmelu boing Ibm pripelpel lonse i eôulog. At a laIs bout dolI 6is80te ersomivre. Tii gamie, usom aaitrous out.ot4avm, vwoe 8**. l @hdié, Wilim Puitie- ws Qums, &Rpsh é«ebrdweli»f, be#ici blà M of Arsae 13Ri urneMr s, udBIsa à*-lu0uk 01 Silé D f gbland Pait, ia hbai is bo iéýcwkm. miamalgu gm&Mt1ss with ber MoiireabelonAticmb, l noêmt s mWaie gisou. 0 &,Ai-. abonandîulsMm e i m 04 L.C bum i aî u .f d u t 1 <Prk.tb Mrs. Aiufma anarth. ~rahsbaauatscotrmifron lui 6"é m obiétopot. ia eUm udal pedcg Il; vl# the9 n-ys oatteeaooed e fue Mauetbowpasmsiugm.n -0son an d MineOlive are apsnd. -cdt e tWmivacation 'lu Ir, Vains, sd vît. cf WMutgsu dthayoaugpeople ol Iis vieliil> 'Ire* parti Mnda e.tén. its' "liopoi lan hOad a Umima Gabb. epont 1h. e ek.nd P4li mimeReliaeari W4B ire I Nevton Irons Canada' «V astheir son, 114y andl tamisl>. et oba VoanPI.vof DBeit, vag tha We hàpanais Chult,uae. M4 Dm. »aAres,, ?litéd at itie Ir" uboumsud ulisdon other. ~I~ua agnetle apo.ding a wili ier.n mobr, lire. 4eb violel ae ElaM. 1~Ibepu% ibive, Ur.wu4 N.. Jw9mb..- 1 DeMI Gé mebeesovuoe uesgaé dow. .Mro. L. 3. GMkNng mi àdaugbterMies Lmcli..o utUbortyvtU,. visitaWaicodi relti ,a esoi tii. veet. L- Mto issiom ésKanIeof Rochford osu,, stust the p5i*tv Oks ait te homto H. E g maluanoid Wilbur Cookafflu new cabisee Coauba graphonola Ilut Bord« "a utarted Sllng ubir lurgé ýbeauoueoda onalaganf &d elpéet te Ofiishthli w vat l héeather douent bruek np. Tb@ l héba n s e da TIb* Hou.OuaardBil Mgive a&*,ad bull * h ablUmW biil ms til avem1 ~ eau bau.4*b am tla.i = 0 éM 4ïy lsia i çh ï he Nu uas uséao ~Smns ~rau .le The six Sb annuel rilabrailon 0t Wau. COUda Progrl.. wulIttlle place in ourà qsw fusion building whieh bas just been cornpleted. on Monday sterlng, Jan. 7,v 1918, program to beffin at 7:30 wiii a grand baniuas to b. givon lhi the ladies eta ii. upoda -R.d crms, tu whlcht th. entité cummunity léaiMost cordiall'yt A @». progra. bas bée. arraDgod forà tié .vonlag. Tdblîse ill b. épremd fbr 500 gote "d a chargé of 85r per plsts vilii M.ade for the. banquet, Ï thé enl procescda of wbich wii go to thé Wsn.. couda #ed Cméa -.Cbaptar, tIi. charile bellag ulld. émail no that ail mas brimga théir fiiamliy to denjoY the. eveding'é Muis ii h turnlehed toy the Wang bîï4à ad dthe. cyciome Quartelà of U *es .iqr datosbould b.e e à OUI lio111"$ Do Mmr.m hmdW aid belp Waaandài .shbrais ib.op.amg et lu liai eau hiurlnqg bilsutry. lb. .ausbdon? 01athb buidn. a. C. rsai, Prms.Oma. B. Dlskbura SeW, Wawu ud ominanitr ImProve à mét Club. a.. LMàalaman,-W. F. Dahmé, Prof. É. . Lang, A. . Crurs», 9. L. Brown, Progu su d gtirWnmeat4otmnttae. P EVEW Mr. and MUn. H.debrroder eithé proud paret. sotan 8% jaund boy, bore Ban- day, Dec. 30, ab Euglewood houpital, Ohimco. A Union ometing viiil e heid al; the Halt DaY CogrfflaUnalcbnréh B ndx avelug at 7.8,M Ulé P..l L. Waav.r, 01 Oblusago. yl sp.k on. the n.éd anad metbod of sondal échool vont. Nils Weavsr le a gond epuekr and shoaid b. bear by evmryonelnionéed. lnSonday eShoof work. Theé mting wvii b.ut taadsd by mauy from barese Ias à,. Union omstdol o the local Cbngrega. tionsl cbarebà and the Hait Day churech WRITES MO1TIIER FROM ,>FRANCE, lire. B tt i W tof1Loda, leslareceipt. et thé lf011..-v îr.glttai fricaber son, FiantB. Wet. IRoth lins.Wet.-,asd sou au n eli tp in t àtht. iait nSd ereiàd Wuascnd-, U-,.ethe ltt« a lof. apaclaIi alrnl.Tii kr-s amiiy former. - Nove. .~,1917. B9o 1 i4h 1 couid e t eit ulaiti l'am itling ln My thti n ur Ktm iiDtrict, witiu a hunaireal tant or liiib w-ten' edeani ihi ivbato biock*é ,7 fi lilie.- tite thousaudaet on, Noii* ày ép84 bIr-bot 1 marvel et 'U» vodmsl spWt i blb. itbm mon an ohovlug and lb. htastaboth ,nltatpd ma andcoeurrs gard tbe Y. M. C. A. miesary or ortlolry or sanyotbertenture. Tbpy grant as eveny coneideration. -Nu ma or voman. wbo le con. -I and bai a vsll. e4.ddeaire io sorvs tpe~~ ~~ Ôelv-lnpsd thér than b. tbrilcd aisle4pportoulty. But boy ivedonod mon. hlp. At iii. prient moment Wb smmby ma osopmOb ti vOfoitt oabuiluus Wb itairiady ao.lééd imlyboumasvo basn'î a shgI~uau a " omma alanahéPw" Erui2 vi bul heo.W have a viteau$miala tual auus vommatm lOiie é oit more Ïi 9UbéauaM s-a W.fmorlidm as voél - *0 am t im ne.. bo-au sdqp, yulurnMW donm us ~avahsglaml *mt.Au a matinr 0<tiSd ovvr for lt$é peut voi avqrom. i ORuira-ohe-vommubue vooetqlau Bav~ Ueblven bouté or avol irus a dey, sud the. mo-sai, 1 dou'% aow nov long uhay lie44 vortod. Howvvsnobedyleaumpala- le, on thé coutrarî, sumeo aitii. vommn muid io me tndai, vies th*y ha"a alId many lias. belte, '"Ityeai moite usé vurt a @logie heur lem.1 i vi ineyer forgive 1 vish yen coulai bave mééav sous. of~ theuniqus thingé tiat have bappened hr juit ecently. At one tins. on Mou- day ulqit, tire, of ns, luludlag* two physiciens, vers going trous compart- ment to compertmaut lu oa « thei greseat transporte taitaasg 10 thé mon, Ive iuudred sud ftty as s tima, teiliug tem of tie problème they volaimét and tie tamptatien théy olid b. op ageias ivisuthé>'- landed ou French aili. Rieny taik vas heertJiy applaudeai andl thoropghlv appreclateai. The samé' day it va. ayranged viti opi-o! 'tie geerAi. te marclihblémen su m certain point by reglanuto 10 ua irtain otiér addreeeeeb>' oir phyàias.a.nsd on thé foliovlug dei tu tuu àreglimmst a tàme over to qui pbysieal diresior for a gou é>lge" Us. amt pqi min., Umom oetets ver. mot balaui today. Toda'itfprusd an.e' ft tiI moat luaPlrlgipsmi.clnyou bai. stram o. B»r Ob tie pau"o gnouud boluses of&s look of otbermmsof.etmirtlm ilibésoàm bualuocf oolitsfreon e rigima ver. detatsd tIou@i@mm hasmsbrou"d *% gme .grounlé. lmad& théés bgimâ #mseom a uuaas lgbtemio budiad min, pméispseol.04a e itanmoment la somter iooib4 agala te renag nain, se" be O m otois.-The y. lM. C.. . avoil a bstm of mense aibtins vbieb kom athe mms ltereslsd aulmtbWsl* The 5.e hof sbis vent upo. thsamorale o! the anas cmnmol b. oiorsstimaated, and viat Ibis sort ot voit tombelar villi ail tii. amirtalasmenS soe ite, the bouse toach. turnlabed b>' tii Y. M#. C. A.' buta maunnealilla théflamome Autonises vosen andl the sort outsoc- tlrvilc wi you aiat nov about, le doing tovard the %wlnning oftte va? Do ce ouf course. vfIiievar taiyv. But, ion eay, are wv oott.ble? !hfat do I to iiSanasal? Réaiy th oui>' tiimg I tnov of sli aieciusiiaau lanée oscf le. iave bocrs mors per day. 0f courue, mmnyro oe ahs living amial "erurde qar;onîip.os Sosae u ing lu bey lotto ovin ccv stabls, invtb ussaors pilas adjoiunag lis barn. Othheneare obeplgtn uitle nooni lu Our trame buts on armi cotas. B oy. avem, rto one of thém lte auserimg uni serions iueoiveuence. Give us>'loeatesMIai iquirlng friands aaid tealI tièni sido their bit (if tale> baven't airesai>'dune su) bv uo mn gIf theY eau andl are selectei, sud If flot, b>' glvlng andti loostlng anal halping along lu euecy Iteesîlle vay asthomé. Wth misci lOVe, Frank B. W-set. Mris.Chster Wolff etta lnsd oaFilo day afttumaoun for ber niesU i. John soilg, lu bonor of heeixlItz.burthday. Nits Wliifrsd Plsgaeof a6usd, Joue tien, lova, te vistlug esi-bkowe.. Mr. anal ti.. Fned Homnbnger led atheir guntéonou dbr, t. uad Ni.' Christ Dent, Win. àEggst of Cbbffo and M r. sud Mrs. Ger oreuydsrot illmetti. iné. itMargaret snd Get$atd'Uloule don oS Chicago, voté thé va*.ond gantte et Mis. J. C. Wolff. iasme Bush aitonn sd Mldd -Iaedrwtd-vere thé gume oafol it. i5 - Milwa.pkoe Avantue us IPM od. Pan a. slolem esU a sa iss, aAao* 2, "ss 0( Wii Ita U»tieuamuMU 9Hoam, Wodeom dei, éçouliag. Jsuuar18,-a p&trioý uneo-ftab au énplaeWm. abe hisparti lont zest. - Ms.Robert Péitia .mtertal-Ded ut a luachoon ou Frliiy for thé gisesta sud dMies-Saînîco Tockoa-of Hlghlaud Park, st a te& ou Bond&>* Théobt-l-town gnueseware;l Mines Cors aBbelnlrarnt 0f DsKuk, and DeuripimlulPortiaul, Mains. Miies Bath, Kreéé .uttaind the IWSltti4Club ta Ciima paty on ?usa arélog. Win #Wel* ài*boi.Who i àtimndlng 04*6 li Mi. atroli, te home for 5M. IbGup -Edseer ithé Paohy- teladséaI £'uhi ~ sNa»la EWO. 4 DooSi ehi emtil, LIr. 1 fo*mobac; direc- Fred ofg. AtualWoWl, Albert Utpa. dabl uni Wui. Moiser.; Unse. Barry P. Thtorne of Forent (.len, wai thé guaet ofie. F. fi. Meer, Tborsdoy.,- 7 -Mr. and:Mrs. W. A. Witlngot Chicag.î, ver, 1h.gumtesol tr, sud tirs. B-9l. Km sèngnday, Thé Upetresamese antaetalued! ut a Chritmas parti for Mlss Fati Ileeoit ut theq bomeé otfJ. A. Relehit, i4r., Thu ra- day evenlug. _43argeéuis and tMr@Bruce Busine vere- lie gueote otftMrs. Biaue, .of Fransklin lirove, tlai W"&. Poéiaaéer J. aileume16letuareceipt afa latroua the Unitel-Blalso Bm- ploîment SBarvluè o01ice, Chiugo, Caillonu attention te tho est liait héotims le dmply latraslsd lu éscrlnxg»émpoient forts help for work on thé tarins la tii mai.suMd adjacenat siaisthé comins î "Mon. lb. ittr adiiesofarméts tb " ep dor a $0lniome teai t l"eot ti;OlIi.ioGCod bèlp. malng lchai thas. aay 'ouam a énbotore bolug e omploiumm thioagb thé govérmént omo"memt oumls vu hé sca"afllila. vsoilgu io àpmuk4 ieaéon ubleiatioy uno i. ntborrý Apiaion forme, bb oi éneployer and mmpieîee. ars îvullsblesaithé poutofies, sud Igr. Aile" bvdiiigiedi ulvemfurtber Informa- tkIon aul asàle»taoayoue imtérestod. 1WATWATCII NIiITIIEINQ 1The Epwuîrtb Loaga. cf theo Mathodist charci sud thée Chrestun'Endem*or et the Pros«b.,terlaa oburcib ua a rY (.llgbtul "Waeb la lgh meeting Nov YWO e lthe .feroir er bc,about 100 hlWglu attanicm. !N0 meting luatt ainse o'cak aoui thé arivai 1 o tho nsv jar. darlag vh"cbMme gamese vire laidaela uasd a inamca a64 lltsrart, éntrtluusetwsé given hi tha.;oang peope f the. tvO oclstifra, thé fôoivlg. proffra'a hein« ederéd: Bong, Ilesi gyrtle Sale; cornet solo, H39:go Mntâunbs vsng, Mis- Fronces lliobop; Isadint. eaorge liolltt; piano eoin, Mies@ Ruhy Williame,.e- otw, MIsé £ia Wlliam#n; paodonat, Misée,. Dorim Ltaiser and Franis Viekerman; eornet trio. Idlne"sMbel IMoutsue nud Marion Pre&sLon sud Huge Moutpuus:vocal dunt Miées Maron Presston and Myrtié 8mit. ifot coffe. sattiliches aid pickles vee oservéd durlng thse ening. _Ajprdiii te advlooefroinRoicMord EL .ih&mak. fora" o f Waukegan, ocmaoctad viitt -tke: LuiAuto Saies iCompa>', b. kae or $08 mon Who have beau .solacted as possible Caeaidates for the oficers,.teat lni aep whkh opéisa thore annsuury SBiL.Mr. Shank uDgae apearga mont -thoge Who are subject te futurse xaininatton and be- eau.. ho has bee studylng bord lnl an endeavor lu Malte thé offfce' txalnng amp dia ithan ces are he viii Md Wintu u jt'vllb ttaud ln that ver>' Important bruc1. Yoh. di son Da", Mdiam as i nhn wuri lb. haN Sualy, boa oi bavinE boom décdel st thé uap. ce- oùt folB.uto P";turment aiunl Day. VOI. TBT NO DN SIWR3 gvusaai eslok uela d9d"siar ualateie l soaa' bosité, breuhlig eof t"th@$*oa. te Mp of thé troat V"o»d "ami héfille, "l lgbis ou Mn. Sebmdi'o u osei oUI vbti bu vum taklu ou a.ues tu, thé leokie statio n d teibr aut ligbtm mt bolng on, b uWs 1susthé- buggy outil b.vua bout te trikte h, and vien hé tied te turu out of thé roai the ca stdde'i. Mr. 8uyduru wa. gulug sjt6r blé vile and lami', vin vere vilitlng -et the homa ni bis son, Fiantk ,hbn the acel. dent uScurred. Reih he ur Mr tiehmidt vas hurt. tMr. tiuit tindia vent alter Mir. Suydatu'o taml aud toout theau t0 their home. HOMRE GUARDS DEFY STôR1M,,AND DRILL~ATpARK The Home Onardm éureiy are ,made of thse riglit timber! On Tuoaeédv atieruon, vbec suiv a talliaag thiek and, aud the vind *hlétled au everturé oflwinter, jhe boye, uuauberimg tit.ftmot for drill vort ut Centrai Part. Ûtap.î.Paul Ray baid échoduied vert for the. dey, but thiaeit t he veaIhér vaa iardly lt to «k thé boys@ turo ontAh oidedd tocei thé voit off, but thé boys, eîtnstmg a most eomumdabls spirit, lsimoisd for voit, alsopil. the veaili. Wiilmdiliig at the paît, thé boy$ vhié aflerded t*9 oppuntaity .40 show théin cbialry. ,ie. John 'Kiagm vus driltngpast thea part vsho, bw orce 4-pp&sdd, .-The OGuards.brote anmut anud burnisal bber assistance. ThéGouards number igbt>'-tonr. but un Tuoada>' nigit t»ai bail seien uav membaré viliib. added. Thé>' are pro- greseinue spleudidly lu their work, d rîli. log et the ilgi schooi éver>' Tnesday' aight, sud bolding affinera'wéhool lai the towu hall eter>' iiondav nigit. The. boys expéit te ha muâtéréd loto lie Iliislé tat. Militin vithin tvo weeko, le viicli eveait lbey viii ha caieal vbersve! tbey are néeded Inluthb étaie, tating over part 0t the dutisé ot the National Quard. Thé>' are ging tteou liat théy may b.oisady tu protait yen aid youm Interet* vjn- evar thé oceasion mai aié. Tbey éd icun liauclal support, sud to tiJp end ans maalilng a latter, appeiing to pnb- llc.splnlted citisma io fond a h.lilg baud. rhe coasmtte n finance léA N. E. Dumind, L. B. Morris, Roy Wright, 0 . C. Gridla', tiré. G(leorue W. Kendall. F. Wý Foulds sud *. P. Miller. WILL NOT CAL M4EN #E FORE FEB.O 15 Tise loéal exemsption board ecelved notifications on lent lîrIday that lie feasling thlrty-flve pr cent., about 108 [nen, uaceééry.te comploe t hefirét quota ai Ditrit *o. 1, te the National Sa.>', wviiinet be réquirod tu report et Camp Gru an e. Februany 15. Great Lakes, 111., Dac. 29-" BUiy Sanida>' la gong to trY-to sakethe 29,060 men et the nav4l'station '«hi? the p-wddst truil " hare Januar>' 9. This wvus anaoisneed Iode>' b>' CaPt. Molet. The eveaigeleil meeting vil!l he In tise camp Dewy> drill hall., the,1 largfeet - the- *world sd 'f ileR 7eatfss 1q,00 parsona. - . Laboetyvifle, lu ---'sp-p---Sp- I --:--~- ------ -- ugute lbe. oy igis »0 eft te do éne Hoveve, Itb Traglo Death of Mrs. James lepiaina lb.enan' difrailnt TUOIoeReoaHs Other Deaths iby theOat .ilor about Wsakaa.ý Wlthin Short Period.k.imbn ue amlsfl FATHER THE FIRST TO DIE fW' Lakrc;iunt ' tdy th -il, uxy .. lent hi& appow»o Mr. Tuoker Lost Father, Two bt the- éecmetar « of the Depatmom# Brothers and Wife Inside of ' A-*n '. Fe a Year and a Haif. ý Dpath bas, laid lisé ipsvvlv or thse Jamo'- Tuckpr tamiv of Wstuke 1 gan. furin>' 1h'"short p rodof ci14 W A __ A n s" mionths d'ýath has lný ad--d te f atnly six times. The taRt I-ah ai t'btRATES nt MrS laines Ii- wh, pa..sed I ,* ' od e. h lmartiaa OwaY at the hnspilaif(IlowinTýii l a- y N lammrhars,: tl ai ecident in a jh e .a Ii U!.' _____________________ ftnm Chicago Ldmijltsifrei1 prà,ot,- R SA ~ ' militakin>' 1? for i-onehl érua. lipe, thîli si t ofd.ath, in th, MORSES SOLO.b mtaa deaI Tuaiher famît dt-c r. banda h,.- thiiialunen s and a hay 1,ljor terres % R KLadd. pob CHARLES 'TUCKEL-;cfa: t' r (i , iaýLIaetYvIlle TaCher. paèsed ava ra -, I-F 1 SLÏ-2 .i Ma.y 2. 1916, SI the amge Of ýi vesTe. i'uiIalé. séreral Rhodeates"un-1l Dccath vas due ýo old ae.Witlym tlck oers. GEORGE TTVCKEIR. brothr of -las Frauturter. i Tachker. died e t Anudarkho ki.. on Ioeoh 14, 194. et thse ae aof '5,uieatis + u L ET being dm. le trouble. fl-- - liE» TUCER. aoCiler brothar. FOGR DALIdA>aérée etfsul sI dffl lu a ahogn, Avi il, .1916, u t va mi rnades, 8 #Mr , . the. me et ».9 ésallibeing atromis mimit tLaks Ville, MMat oi ta a cnmlguton of diommes. splomd locauetion. <'bat. am& HORATIO NU0LBON. sice of ise. ii.1 J%11&0111,Tacher. page"d sa>' las WaiirFOR SAL;-W. 0bats a aumhu tew»i la Ma>. 1916, death beiag due imo ~ Dmm&u to la generai brpa*idown. He vas 70 imivli' yeu 014. tiRS. tiXNA GILNIORE. mothl.etof FOR SALKE-Bs oelb o outh par Mm.Jams Tcke-. lêdln atie-vibb lail amodéra couv,nsos tir. Jjua Tukea dld t Wake-Albany 8@«q Chigo Laite cousit> foi iailrerntn.- - __ gais, 3ulY 20, 191'.,li t tbe age or 63. FOR MALE-Parus, 48% ses beath followed a Iîngering illiiess. northiolbetrtyrllleChas. H. Pe James Tuckerded ln Watikegau e.e 9 u ml cember 20, 1917, ai the sec of 44, due hait(joati l urich rllo. r to the srrl4ental aduiitering of tlirouFi î,reiiet.4., gectris Ifflt poison. agendleg a te ter em lu conod(ion witl, tle death of ciésér. lnquir la' aiMmutinh. George Tucher whosa, deuth occurred - et Axsidarko, OtIa.. il i, recalled thast FOR bAt.E-Choii-e resld.ceois ba hl. 17yearold daaghter, rns McKinley Avtl. Allauprovemesa. Mrs. B. J. Grille«. passed avay Ivo years belore heé dld ________________ S11û11Y11 FOR REN-fléi u èotk Prt Iail modern conveunns. laqtga Su 1WANr TO l]MYE J erg. tirot: flot or cail Alb&ZW =31 'SOLDIER L 4I"S WSILIA101-. _____MONEY TO IÂ>ANKWe soit ubq l Develoips Thai Many of'Them Io 1Are Bleachinq Their Leggins, alp Fte ir4t National <ani 1 Making Them White. e2!f>éI _____WANTErD-.1i0Ie6rde 41r cord vea USE -CHLORIDE 0F LIME. -WIi pay cas'h. l slil up 47 Ltértyi That Is Reason One Sees Suoh Lme u a Varied Color in the Leg WAMTCD-Position 'aà 84 Proteotors.r perintendent on a Have y . a noticed titat man ofethtie farm by mi qf 45 with-faN leWgglsaé vbch tihe éa.lor boys ar ily. fias spent enti"elwde vearlag have different cQlorél? For farin excepüing two Instaca tare re ame ta hve swhen im-brick andte tîbeki color snd otheré thut are pure l White. Can furnîsb best e a vbole try to coor their leggings anoenSs as t6' capabiii thet tise> do flot bave the ithaki et- general effilcienya fact, In cher words, thcre la e big L* ... demausalet dthexresent lime for cisior. ager of big fa=r tdeoflime vbich t4e sallers are ne»I dea .O t-f lte rAte -lescis ths eglmnt Tt develops tiat théré sne 1st 0a <k ilu are, m heaarket, fiira Ford, corne ini and sSt me. . mWALKER AUTMiRMP» FORD AGEN q1m .1 si mt. 00*umki mil