19, anci r- -r-- -i -~ 4 i - - 7- - IT'he Gireatest Cd#t-Price Event, .wukegan Has Ever Se iý Puring this Great .January Clearing 1ew e have marked'goods dow» to priçes that t pemta hiving oôf 2091 to- 409 'wh chn cages means a réduction of $8 to $2 ~ h 4ce ! te cot hit ne coseluen icengC &tSaft , say theme sae prices are about hait what the saine ,~~hanhe ill Cou ZxI, but orlnee are 1ncoplets atI*-ar willing to-take the lIcs. Mes Uits Oer etfst o -*2.50 t $13'73 Suits unPtoI23 75 Sùits Dto *25.00 ý,"S-u p to-$27.50 Choie.oe Houe*ta *50 àInlditgBu Sre P"l P" ~leof Men's Ocoats, up to 1895 ofColonMI Stle adJz $100.-OF F on an rc-OFF on ail 11 man's HAT 1.25 1.50 & $2 in the House JJJJ Caps in House I. Sweaters è'eWtei kw up to $4.0O, -Men's sweater eoats, heavy 'shaker Ll ..telrs pea......... m4 knit; ail colors and sizes; $10 v-alue..6,9 s $4»~ and. *5 regular sweater Men 's extra heavy sweaters in val-..7.95 vy, grey and maroon, at ..... iies to $10.50; verýy special at .... 's sweater coata in the best 'Men's khaki sweater coats; worth ies up te $7.50, at ..... ....frm4.950 £ *10, in the sale at .... .o9 Mn'sbut a I olsweater UP <o'$15 at 9.95 Cl.earing $25 O'coats up to .$30 Choice of the HosOe- 24,75 1,,O o OFF un ail MEN'S MACIUNAWS Saleof .MÇi's Underwear Men*s uni.on suits; wveII made and ""0" gtilîlon f s o Ot wll"'267 warm;, Nvorth $2, at, per suit......1. 29e 7 wcoI; good f-oo's; wo-th 4,3.50, ) ..... Men's reguilar $2.50 union suitsini a1 Men's oudd, all-wool drawers and 1ÉL gaod range of sizes, at, per suit .. ..... 49 shirts; .1lîn-ost pil sizes., sppial, at-h 8, .*7Yj Me' 3wliecito rymix- 2.45 nonsi its~; etra qu ality, 3 Men's S$1.00 Ïivo-piece fieeced underwear, a garment 65C ýPot DIen W" iu' l.$1.25 light and r&t4oloed dreas ahi x1my bM Weillsel à* in mnost AUiz ot at id me- Probahly -one of the most important fea- ita in hures of thxe sale will *be the event in the boys' lected« suit section.-. Priées follow: zes, to 1 >Per Cent,. On AUl Othr bug, 1Work or ý,ress Shirts $7.50 Suite'with 2. pr. Pants at 1395 $8.Suits, ad Z.*ants $10 Woo S.uitssjzes 6 at 55 $12 Suits, ai,1 sIze, Where You Qw A A Speejal Lot of M-en's hnot ---at 3S Great Sale of- #9 O.vercoats aui«s isrom 4, to 15at Ailstyles, sizes and colors in these over- voats make this sale the greatest of the season. There i î a wide range of prices. iF O F'ON ALL BOYS' to1 A ~ , " "'"J/Fine,$egoctonot à ~ sCanvas GIove1~ ~>'PLtf eSpeciala $iia t<> 18 p'Canvas Iflttens '7cFor wpIat Desat Zo SALÇ ON0%,LJ1SO IQK Llys Fi the M jdg t ear Ifor Meuand Bo ,9 >A AIll Good& Bold. at tii, ÂAv Proe e W~9T a-: - ..- 4-.--- - 1-- --r-- -7 k41 .rt.' f J .4'. w 1! For Boys Boys' war'm sweaters and sweater coats that button up tight arotind the neck are speciallv liried at Boy's $4.50 & $6 Sweaters An exceptionaily fine as-- sortment 'ofý sweaàters is'this ineiuding the inost deslrabie styles-and colors at -il 0 1 lafige 1 777-