WOAI aet ber homne f Wl>k~W4î~L'0L lita ., C. Cole or West ~ltaPéa,~g UO0 f*WO1a O UUg 4VUu17lait Bat- TUilantreets. W&Pukagan. iii aloo> the 0fcr»M cargl rW.A lame DUU*er ofîIo*er of Lyman Novell ef North 1shor fwo._ulgmcamd i W* 9rsat sud a coo han road, Waukooc&Mga.mle UaLotawlt iti demtSofl.The set Vwu oIl b a.Mra. C. LBulock. G»Utteavenu, g* 10 nttai and the b«re wmm W b 84Bbb Uo? Qý>V-Wgukeffn. defemit. Cnulh W ta a Wm ho eýt«fl owe ons a wewsCo U .1t«fteàýôt o*t ev W. A. vîeerd6c. & A! X o Imndm a < fa aihmiater. bmea.ho SiRd ho, mi- ai ~T~BOI~SI5yOS mialtanot t Dab; tenWtaieticatoct1n CR Ilvt o reot»t at heogfernetevaaOflcer Tyrrefl tatas flt ib »mi. forrttheveêtal for the,8 r that .'notity ereatai agalust the- as. t oaa electai amltwa tsacra- a eompacy. -Sinca ho start. BdiToUltiela ber. from Seti Dw, ace hal eru Inigr" ai bi pt*y of. it:hie»Wtm qth h a> kta. viitig,,hiealiter, M@ lira. < suf Ucr who reâtdaamtbt. a 4 ou sk Ù jflé as fl = *âfun»ofWetWater ais«. iîgon traet tai, bwt attuim« ové. bai , ibu bla a bIh> *OWiiy nUwmt1. ipton la coa-n-â n b uptdttst, AI40% W t 0af-to Uand mibas 1,aen thora e 158> b aIUba iuat t"on. momIoethrcée i, a.madag trocà autotntmp ~try teo dvan.t tii MaI8bore fo hie e icaflon. No. tht, doesn't -ai&.ho hall rtier, tisa peritting tham toa Was verobea vfi gai fusée; h ans bIhllau aInfeetio viSibbuattend theCeurta bil.inother I L t 6 4 i W Imp s fl o i a t , s a d o i . t a t m e f f o r t t o , - j o b , , t i c oie r. vXât ndWIII Hardie ot, *Cmorta bala IféVr 0of the 011cr ballé lon keepar a lake SimbU>, vistui la Cîranit court fil a altoon t l Word vaa e ouhved by the iehuif's oUi. tcday fiat Paul Pta*, vantai boe on a Chargeof lavtit len« eoqier re hth fe Sorti Shoa ieoctile Mutrs"eaibhouIascatera ta WlseoalSuam WBt le roualt lam fobiglit. 0*er muiobers of san li~ sa gang alueady bave bain Captura sud occugy colles lu t>. uoutY J911 la u anapol to hi. folowers fa -cou*e acro" .Voliva maYa ha muai gsy n85,50en the lison ats i*.4 Chuea onMarnh 1Li.Ou ý it~olina peubam de tfieatt, 0350,000,volibv sers be bai poli c« ovia $700f.00. leavlma a ue «eabout 0*0,.. $camp aUtIt lçewa- 1h6 mmail opolleda a erfeety good data fôr Bur- gosaitDE!ivera omaauGruy mmi Cool, ail or W.ukogmaf uri"a v- infug. The party tobe bolla Wa- lagan vltI4sema e f<airait et the' fair& -0o tbat otI alore Mropeits bai been plammai for, a ions tIme tout the moisies put ilb ml on tIe bnM Wmbw- WAI& Tii. tat that Ruhian women feumed a regifflt cqlled the. 'Battallon 6f Desth," which wau thi.fout regimneut of' th id.i lu the. hlatory of civilization, bas atirrol op tlw.qnUeton viiether eur woeum ouiférm a lino of ddas.for the 1lià oSttm Hvgo7 weWOhi'8burdens lai the.war am.Fegtoied '*hen she tutus te tthe ,ihtmediècinsl.. if her eximenuiein lt#a af-liet k x, *u i't li' 1' âmdcpWton tram ber hie luDr.PieesFavorite Pre- I bsove work.d, nervouus, oÉ orun.down," ah. lida uuw lite und *attthlesta apoweful, invsoratins toui. apd nervi»e which wus d1Acoered 9M ld Iby an muàhunt* phyiean i« mnluyyear i 4enule compWants» andi vaiheaes. For Young girls tist esi*0mg womaithooti, for womnn t etU mm;al inlubearing-.down sema- *RWaspeMubi, leratien, lia umdàlôu4 Ift&U* nonta, the. aeorite Pràmetuton" wli Mr*l. %bI hbil tmei lprepaei viti glymain. ?ýPymr&plo" upaWma noalcohol, andtisaw>w oinl tahiat go"a mià druiuW for O0 omIs. 5mai10 cote to Dr. Pires, ~~ W ~Y.. for larg trWalpackae of tabil. Ipyt ent ARE your dollars WORKERS or LOA FERS? Monetha is't pofitblyinvested 1q like grain tht n' tplanted. k brn*,P no retufrns. Look b~c ino he isoryftpracticalyv eveqgreat fortune itt o'lfind that it hauat y ta good invest- mýlet ht paid big retwrna. mvtyian or w.oman with rooney should aeek ta make t 10 «atm aey. Jay Gould once saiti that $100 invasteti in tbptàhWthingat tliç right time wouldearn as inuch as a man steadiiX aupet. You houlti profit by that sound advice. It is our business to ativiàt invbstora WHERE andi HOW ta in-. vest where theïr. money cm arnmi a msianuro of proft with a Max. imum> of sfcty. Let us.teill boiut our.plan. The ocuiîiqTsisg il. qota. p&es.c"onlisteti andti wlisted stocks i bonds. We invite inqi y.%dMee r vyou want te boy or mgl. We eau olten sav. you nxm .q on tht invcabmt you wish tu make. If you bave on-dividend-p*ylbÈ stocks write for our plan for exchangitheinb for stocks that ak ahq4w4e. ýW. rgiycrutaaze AnicrM lê4,aaý r"etiourAtlfxt am 'W là, M~#r ont OmcialServie", vt*tpass A-1 in ~4mm#uaI0u efo'e e ibdetfilt10 Eplt tfiir secuities for >uwsi.ut. Wen ui uait fie tet'wcàntctrhie sale a Ita sscntts. lit. type of immn eii$edsdweIl i tt- agel-4is vmtibJy Gould uluddtiamch tb <l t" You ca.byaeurities tbrgqi&AI* iýt op either for «" Qat- inaéeasq eM chUte for carrylng ton, deferrei, pa- sima ndtp 1. EeafF an i re t tebne tfail ' ' -in of dividends, b4mun . madieb the cempaa in which yoq holti this stock ,,Mm *eeyw. ecord vemuà t fm avmese. Ut »sïCil you more abbut tbw planà. Two U*au Ji"uiont fTDLy. Aik for qui OFPÉR 1B2 Modis rU~opn Il r« cm um cCcpgWWUpm Pluse ~ed na T OCE your special O0FFER B, --d you cami or pqUMM eP" mof baptng *"mifain itocksitmi bbptd. h b oecti aIsudmto tut i requuitno 10vy obligates me. dd,...................... e86 end SMke.. ..................... 1o".» rmnu.mm»h. bt 9 regulma' Us vire read ind aflovae. The. ube mrepor t for -the -pa Yaar vas tciy but'an there vwu te lic .4~S Aua,àtrng foi the Votorla -UI1S4 over 1 lte mmxi-- t. MM a. Tom McKtmmey ahi lMma.john OUtY lofti Tbgrday rmorg j«<o. tapa IIpÇII, vere ther voes mil aiOn açofft 0£ the alet0f aa 9bafaetorici of North Chicago &Il lai dossiThuumday niglit te obey tbiA~tjha ovarmmomt. Thé ratI ~liu*imp te' ~b a ymous haro ami thot tmke in. M Ota f th» mm o f fidm W isa ~aibeau recoctvai lIa -W. u0w vus8 uye h J~t tIc l d& anDi'nt- viii ho heW.at tie boumefide afler.. nooc t a«OeiL The b«7êýwilflo Put h lb Mu aUnitil the vU au mod- oeto. Mbuu 41 il hobe benala the; »eV acnelayos the Grece Dayru. Thet famer tfhe. North oboo ara wodilng fcSa 100 Per Mt Ai id Crous %azhor. 'hey. arc ai.'> plaudum a saise. mp mtli ara ollactilogal Of the usaOMO0f the boys wbo sm lu tha asVlueý, IOr *eal tbey have a lot'cf Mdkb*,fioY eau leol»«W. PrIn4 *laoet.fthea isIiood sobools vtwstble North uào6l onm MPd&Y st.rno.. The flhuhoei scioolçmp$ee-eoen ut tea sUefIat dnrlng ail 01 tho ati- ad boii vuatber roade 0t mot vea tha béer *acou va. out evaty day. XVAlu vpmculd mot rM, the -ui delar mui mt douter oecilbut the beai. wmgon novermiluai a «Ili ami thaîr vagoma awui go op atreets ibt Int e. aimot Impassible. Theru %rasmemrneaxotement haro Saturday efteruoou ven it uni Tg- Worted tht 'Onalif»un sore 0on Shate utreet a on Oir.. The dépant. Mont vas calid done of the lire. emu ian0,r viii teé r. extingutmb. era. SoIearke from a chlîmiawy bol. iii <allem dovu bta an en>ty birrail vbth a Uttie itrmv lu It ani lad caughtt r and badIfit e mn ifoverei lia time t mlght bave beel a costly itra. Mi'.-Uutionunusithe ibultdiug or, a store romain d - il mishi bava gotten a googi. stan ha>- tora bebng dlmeverei as ti mas but Uitie damnasa tva ion.. lira. Bryat, mther or0f Ni. . C Docker, imat vîti s very ipealuu mcl. dent lait veal 'then aho feli do.u staîna ai the homo cf her ismAiter lu -Waukcgn. No boue. era 'rokon tout aie iniferi ed ofal cavera brai. The eoal men of North Chîcago ara havlng bard wor'c te loup up yulb thotr orders. Henry Brameandam Tom MoKlnney voe I n Chicago YcstYand micaSaid upom 1ev. Payne. 'Tbey <oud hlm I=enaLug vth tbo mmie. Tbey ru. louai inthowas gattlmg over the ýcalo lcety but vooeu have to styla d noe time wlth bis* new aclUnenft. Hle ttai fiat the ressen e0 Wa not mrlttem tu bts trieon. vas-that ho vas afraiha mftI aprc e fa dse isfin. W. wy.lr. Payne 4doemot oxpectte ho lie i.te come ont bore »r a vcek.or tvo. The tfolug gupli rec.lvei l te bhibes sandînga if: the rli-yoar cx- auluation. atm grade. «sien Prost, gIpi lnmon, George Wolf. Bavectl w dougjegî b 04f Gorge Va- termel. Cbrlcm Cair', loba Xevaioi%, loin tPallk. Six*I grde, Mary 8tcbý Uq, lama Stugot, *ay h. n" ~à àm tio B exMUit Oer !koi Wce alter Dea9 o. PNLMIL.K RUPRTO oua ft d'alry pr4ito, .tvilcesa or uwvwmiify rotsar 4toea t el t é e a m o ril "ai. loéet .188 ent aart mii irlg thc 4vlMraeipti of ' ifributbogt 13m .14ficeatà a aquart ani abol il »flte #.§ contsa:a <'art for e fila Consoliation or dbeutrUng agan. cem Wofiflot.be aivlpaUe ascon-f Baaswould 1om.,balit et "~Po titich anaimie ar. meuh savlug. "8.6E."Bave "8.II. TM I~Tradinig Uaob lOcIt Pays You Women'sýFîn-ePlushCoa P1ce, or QuickClanc Regular $25 Velues Now $13.7. Wonien'aS 1k Plush Ooats in the newer styles; fuit sweep; handsonie large collar; fuil l ined and a poil range of sizes toe hoffle from. A« most exceptional of- fering. Our regular $25 values. Januar» 13o.5 Clearance Sale ............ ...........1. 3 $39.50 Piush. Coats now $23.75 Best qhality 811k Plush Coata for Women, clever belted, models;-sol satin lized; lihed with large pock- ets and handsome collar.Veyfnqult and great- m ly rednced. $39.50 coats, January Clearance "-" Sale ......0......................... 3ccf5 Women's $45 Pluth COUtS $29.50 Thies a am very handmoue-models; all'iher be8t quai- ity, tastilytrimmed witli fur; belted models, flnished t off with nice pockets; plenty of 'izes te select froi at a great saving lu -price, January -Ciea ance Sale .......9.5........... J 0 Women's Finer Piush Coats $39.50 Ail our fiher coats are iucluded in this sale. Silk plush and uiIk velours with lare fur collars; liuings are of skinilers satin and fancysilk. !ànàéomIe styles in aal sizes, reduced 'for quick cleaace. f January Clearance Sale............9'IV <8Snd boor.) 10 YM Bot LngcIt~ ,.69RO-9- r .23fB.dSPreds 81.29 Longcloth o yf Ue uajitY luin'ufMs-"e-White Bd pra; l.ydboita,;Zet prce <fithis sonue are slight&~ soiled.butin> today ls $2.25; seiuily, priced lu way impaired and the saving i ~ WhiteSale a er I ~unueulul for the Xeason they bo........a.... are $2.25 values redced .~ _35éne #Ityoo )ook a bu 36-luch to, each .........Y. O 9 èe - ais .$150 Wearw.U Shmta $1.19 wiàth . w in an exceptional good. Wearweil 'Sheeèts always give v;alue and worth regularly 35e per satisfaction. These are ini 81 by yard. SpeciaiY purebued *a.nd 90 inch size and'-guaranteed to give pýriçed fer the WhiteSale . good servie-.'SPecially reduced at, per yard................... fo h lieS a, Imt dquaniily vOf IlFancy Pîllow,-Ces69é P. Lohgrloth and Nainsook in good Fancy Pillow Cases put up in, in- quahitles'and actually worth 20 dividual boxes; scied he. at 12%e4. Remember, the quantity stitched and embroidered. These is 1imited, se early selection'i8 ad- areua$1- values and worth it. vise& S~~it SalaReduced for»te White Sale .....ar. ~te, pai. .1...-... ......, ora 4 c .-tt; m ga tru méi àplace 0r woi *M4 bave Inflictai. "lun for Ove 04ià bo h;ure 1attack muet lia b'oeU mibtwew 4 *bd 4: 801o er wbonn& wu b. fbax boliaàeerra"ironct Iipatt gnroly nabody caine ln aiter ha boit sottea bouta, lb.viut to, Ib a t and muet bave airop#aim eleap lhum- i«eelse e@ha wouldhava hoard the ý»p h; ahflhoi1la utheoc 9 awatbrlt &MIWami thon attaelté ai ber--wllm ilia. -tmtm4 mmof ema 4abeg*& No Bolgla 4afýI ogfai *MoiY go twt »hbouma irg thé atternoon but "tic huanud the huuaiman> vie àta aune -w» ltb fempoyer. It ts reportai fiat muaçiolon lunov& ltail tinton. 0orilthe ecuttars at vom. on theo bleu mai have bad a luM la the. aiftr andit w as expectei Muat arreatu atilt take place Iu nn.have. Mmr. Rae la aald toelie receverltg, nboely iem thae eporienceandiDow i ahmnt wel. Ubat M larUu mol andi a aiter of IMrs. Audrew EROnger. fur- Merly etfULctylm WhouMr-mng or vas «euurttniimt for Samuel lu. milL ,TheW moihaer vaà li. ICnole omd is dieditai ona few vatagm. Tbha iréeaet uisi la a whitaevMin. boa'o e agouring aomatlmau aMc la AlIma I0ragions oppomitp tii suc lîn t4lW VeatkerTt'$ *0'. as> iagat -snow M filswing Big eduti01" o -$20.wHEamonLy Grmono liod maluogapy, motor equal to any #50.00, machine; 1 9 --speeia1................ WS $bu-Solid oak, .ftnned flmh#nIy 4awer space, priced, at only............ 50 $260 M fi--A nishes;159 $16.00 Llbrary Tabl"-ohid oak in fumed or golden finialu; pruced special at..............nly..............M $1.15 Carpet, spbcla ......... ........95e $8-00 *ocke, ai only ................. $4.95 LAkO OouutY'JRUM04argut an d MUtt Eeilble «Mr.Ofto nnb of 0" wValuu.