CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jan 1918, p. 3

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OT 'EXPERIMNSTAfflN<iRUSIDENCE t9Al.LAD h4i:V.PISONER *'t OC 8*ANB 0' tLAN APART. 1418 TONOFIGJ AS FRIEN" WSIN' C74 GENSSEF ET ~ SN EARg SAN Y FURN«ACE EXPLODED. . ýu N .S <ASFIMTFuL ix Mjý j #T&I ON PIRST FLOOR r"WPSNINCE AT POSIOfPFICI. N91;flUECOE. aWttf veahng abost 6 oesoot mm ,.(Ilh.$.. 8w er, wft. Waukegaa.Jan. le. .1 glst tli. peeolce.. Ther heud - D14 ltheGerma», do lt---r wvait a *Ws # . lea"d ýmoppsd to, l" mo.rnre» Manaol4t' At j!nt iby coIld not 10o21,0 -tise Weil. "lbellevo un." vile It proitais #o frais whlcb the ry cam@, but 1 Iy Va thse latter. it val'some» a- rpht1 tisey.twed tii.aoee. T ent mttet-moi ltinq--Ii- the e m re*i- ghair u to a spot <tar ont-tinn en' aathse corner o Grand avenu' vlnwtidow6 of thse posqtoe and Genèes se net visen throuph an .~uttn tô ~ ~ 4-ttra<. and It b1sw t.L' bls.-aeeprsfad <astise"gter ln tthe roosaon ttIl - t te.t Wa wtfihsroeçttisewindws. ofnithe. bouse. ~~s uder'ttd wy he Iley The' epIosIon shook thé al 1014m'tidtânmuvawîe.ho rused ; bhjilbszand cause'd tise ours, In Upe«Mgi Imoyaleno heyhu c c f mm. reter Noula ta tielfevp te'~a.> fOrstufld < ' thse bose vas ieing bomniard ed, el TbflI5w»aSthe IttIe ii-ear-oldson l k<iubIig ber suit came, aile made a U<MV liE ira.Pearly ~ismo huis for te door, poasthly thinkinz ' r». Pmarlii.PycisîtarOf Genrm aI anSes ere hoverlrsg over 'IlgI k rosît, and estped 118*pire-ta 'f part et theecty and hb. droppedl g ,'..Dr. J C. . i o ley,,wio as ee-ucknceo bort bl . .1vva siast e fe ll own taifs reently and In .~ It outRO o wwc' iet" b ter- vboao nue pleurlay liuadevoleped. - y %s4* teth cudvotoa.àm Jut letvlg tii. froat'door W»pn b1' ff ex es is omm th teepl@o", oeurred.. proving he .,..emfnfr ~. ~au. ~ la -*0 abats.'&U t ould .Mme a good - e ïj7ý Mu i m ome..o 'aYflm. Dr. Pale4v. fisaend *P Ut * aIbe atUIWU. u o O f aonmtg ieii. agout of the.door W ele itutio. a b&bgéa. it ml huilitat. tihe ,,;r, nb me 1-09 f b*mm Ig Nimoa tom e veth Pr 14 m1 0 ýto -tUil-M" 5q" an.e saMlmi u r mot reiat lmzb Thq atrâaga teser. Mofthe. aplo*- OÙ» 0 Sm usa bt mbaa me&iaWoy mue» wu gfo" wta W s &»famdiets. * - bais oeblo ~lmý Ibt tl.y vira to Toma TonghseLesa.. te.taudi ln very rnom andii 4tmiiy île r' ttUra. inth oucarmaitiho e. 49 19r V. King.thebey l k_ it dvel»Ped tisat onething bal- 4rva. M a alar locaM rPOUona the lb itriuoaS &Mca¶sed lth- lh s oft ttaobei o et r b i'o u-nogion. Thora uwa ce ire mter ~~ li e t tueUe 1 6110vw @-the eKpIWoii uith th ii. .<vi><of «otAav&ja tongab"dboom t-O - au~ old Mattrons in thse bassment IISd votiuum W 0coufrom bis wideh b lga bt whlat iich w" aquckly O"ub, Hnesald '- ldbaft bed t-ejlnuh. C "jt<r uevont minutes ater stickIflE la the hotse lt the Urne was Mr,. be tomai.againat tihe trou "Justt o'l ionClark snd Miss Hazel Nolan no' ace Wh wotsld b"Dol "dsuters QI Mci. Nolais. thésC drz,, La thse me&ntlmaê.hbi fatiser. emplOY- 1mm;. loan and Dir. Foley. #0 s athqý postoffice. took charge 0<fl ollowlng thé, expkoiiw lait bcait,"i th ii ît, <sow vholied core Cdovn 'neeSaas-y [o remnyf' %mmsNltani tove to meet hlm asnd accompeny hlm the home of ber diCi. (lur. bona bock norili., S3he le now 1,.'lng al' TIa e l injttry vat' a painful <ne itessded ln thoir lions' je evidnt t Il 11 ,,nehave eVer iad InvffltigM Oin showod t ai 01 sncbh an pez4*ren,,. And who. wh0i -Ingle Iad bert ojet ;l asclid levr Irr vcî wtthife i tji ¶'sr 'it... dtfttTho'11,I lltlie <fl ' i ' d-n, h.' .tli w h tise i, a:' TR1 LV -. OR y", O H LICE AID 1B REQUESTED. UIWnk, rmeteWaueg'rtfida CHRLSBTEBNER MEETS TER! taooat a fliorougis searcis for hils RIBLE INJURIES AT WORK; ai~Ma7.a~d20.viom h. ba MAY PROVE FATAL. 'el~wyears. ne ta from rn h'Vauketas .;înXla i,1 ~ br vsîl sie wtt Belleving t Uat a Nerntetl, (s fol- .9" doalt know visat hiap ecome of lowng hlm. fliarlea Stehtser (or Slîîh 'haÉ,« Ruppltach.s aid today. '«T aut er an ho la listed *y his employere te ba" wbther ashe l.ativle o ed iawas severely burned years &go Tua errile saspes9 r. oe1ianltie sugar refinery expotton, was 1 cm sar." aXin thse victInaof an accident whIslt MayRtsniltacis. accordiusg ta thse at volkt tiI morning ln the gas workt eoir.cre to. Waukegan aveu .smsIon ttie lau sihore.. ao tariv vîithem unele «Aid a't. 1HP ew vla lnthe Je-te MAllter Mn ai ad Mrs. Michael Madsteshb o! j ioapitail and ma3y die as a roaslt of MeAllter avenue. ,beng casaglt li n me irpxplalnablp. 4âwiae vltted tem.," Ruppitacis magner lnt a modern elevator vhich.i tcaiE, %it tiiey say tisey bave flot seen it vau belleved. vas as 7.ttsàt ni- imot rdanlrom her la tvo yeas; in, one voflld .1er bI utmilnt t. 1 jhcL.dabost tisesme Urne t laut board RIMlot a visathappnt i oStpbuor, <rus 'SeoW0dng t a report on lite case nt '1elier letter to me sf said t'he thse bOItal: h* arrled to a It'ort SheridaJi PoseMle Pondture of lunz. 'va. liHving ir wthhlm ai Tv.ibe broken. 1 haveaonnultad tise nMar. BatM vnigs t pmnld. e.rcrd here and fail to Ied lsdly eut. atty fîcense vas Ia.ued. Otoivieh ape vhrt 1h - ar datbtful as b wtteth If thse lung la fnnd le inctuir- butfel hey erpnotvive. mal.I"Thseaccident oecr t "-I a- .10 -nistedil,-,ilig at 5:0 'clork wIls"tf Vjit'*Bala aofPstin4r 'GtSE$I( lipolng t1sreW tob et i'ome US asetalled a a ~nr a.<-1wlieis tuopi*Mci b ot lser. The direetory g tuposed to . f""' do" Db ow tise ans e t Mia..Itup- a5Xicde5t-pi'oof. 1,;il. t.. . Pttfflft on tiat of 'rasidas. thse g'mier thise n s ithe .et ý-tn-.i 'eItOt S! v ws.auposwd ta havée marrit'd. not. ktow, ttc' 1, e< < around and eav ien" -'r t.. tI Moi eOlcrmer agi I-oni the four n Ff taaI#elov even viien It comns ltbera "n' ", ftiô coplaag tise profesions" and iily unc< yrar.,'C5 ' Z'- oedebe Ownd Charlet;(Joan c6f tAke reflnery' explosion IbI, "w * 1 wiXaohvth two revolvers Ia tt o ;iti . = luMo0f vLîiy laulmbis r ed and whle l, )u" T 1bse iasand tbei hlm ttsa liensce, he 'If] -i " ' "'. ~t~t9sneadeeao Is .i .W $oflit. N.'l iralt,""'1.e' -e- à - -4 1 H itt ievg.AVA&lievatp ei. M_ n The. AnmlmnttumUnMeager la today a nmbuet the army titat in flgld« a «ai d.moancy la the vorl& more Ilium U.000 itanagm ra et Aseefaa kommo bave eauiowth he u dato vi wrand ipedgd liumWoves te .*aUpçIt the SgbflnsM« esby <ha vag ther bar,, oai ad eMp SOL,' ll'od viiiWin lie var.,'am" 1mb vomen viii blp te vin Il. Amies lm amut seti food 1 tibrtspo. Thse armlascapat heli ot If-vs fan te mmd tt. 0f' etain todm ca» be abi1p&--tho6a that pack the. maut $MO palst. m tihe gmmi. at ahppbg leae. Titase food, ar ea it 1.1ats, Bazar, We eannot ast à" and end tlb.. 100.w. e'iol" etast tbem ai. aend tdsW 'W'ss end m tbt <ois aai W tudes to do tiiet Il,* mut . t-4~ léfoda Ourmolqua', Tii. tffei oume Ms.sffl,ý WinimaW i Di o food coSSU, lInto ber b=ý lait do"a nnt do Ias fulîl duty mi,. b"r rtntrmn tu wlunu g O' wur. AI~RiWUVS VII EUMFO NEElIS Mi - Food Admnstraton Deciarea l laM "Wffe lisae sirpatly exportedti tfe Abolute Ilete Waste Food-Food visote of lise surit]ts of tise 1917 vieat1 Han Sllecette Sacred. 1i5tmest over anti above tise[tanmai de- lsislds of aur oassi ppulation. lit la Eu rope la tli seuiînean Insistet ît,,..",tberî'ftîre. for Use foosd tii- cali for morie fond. %%,e - mst send It ilsutratit 0rt-strICt export imbeit sgo Il t rt'atn 1lthtie United eilotes iftise war la t10go0mi iî -< ceitty. If sufbl-ent :1 . to carry our ovn wve4 c atili ie seaî, it' ili t 1,and' p.-.'t'i ii itIe-açt harvet. * the ft,,d aitîtilmItraii te 1L.s already t'.'r. i t,~. 'l îf visent tried tt' fui ure Itow 11, 1,tduit '$et fi.î î~ f'eer' r '- liri' I 1.i4-l iistarve If - ' ii r -a' tc înI (i.~;îAmr tIi' rwy i i îgiit i i, A a tdminutrî- nt It If * . fît' t î . ,.,tiiî s'il) r' ut." 4,1< I1ving' caýshurented Ilecht firm No«: 2. on Sside ot Mlwaukee road, one mile South of Libertyvo 1 will seli, ai. Public auction, on Thursa anuary3 sale COMMencing at 1l0:30 O'clock a. M. the Iollow 70. Heaci'of Cattie 7 as Iollows: 23 cows now in ilki, 14édryp cows,1 sgriOtr,14 he4qiof, earls a 2-eaýof y grade Uolstein bull «ro w 0 ê odt.Vrwl,3 üearoIdxegisered.boar i outpapem am~ t Iarrowýe ln: October. 12 bushels oats, 30 bushels wheat; 40 shoc 1, c6rn in field, 11I tons of straw o1 nOW ownd 2 tox~ straw in stack,. Terrn; cif Sale: 'm o 1 14 T t net, 1 1- nt e."VOGI -1ise lcri.,t ffodnin V AR BREAD [CâJL! TO 'D TI BRITISH (iIENUN S TCIIL i O« ertise IBrtîishgavermnet j IRL' 15LANDED IN rm ... ...paya $200,OOh00lO tw.svrd' the cuit tf philb<~ Wheat-cormn red la more nutUOritios iat natlon's var brend. 'That l1.tiho VII tismi~~ ties bkdwttb vseet -tour principal. Pessa n niN :. iintsii L KEr l AId alaise. Thousands of Amieican m-prie«sare lover tuttay te0theconsumer ' thse Bites today are ntsig tisanixed fiour 1hau in Ansericit. Iucdentally ilArse nCiaoH lut iread. and Instt tlang are, eoaillag tiritisis brest i i ls poo0eth»lithe t' Amantes toi.pravîde msore viseat flou? Amert-tn. In $2,OOOBomdic>-Had 36 co for thse allieq. Here'w a testttd rocpe Great Britain hat. takeli over ail Stck f va'ie. m for tiishrffld: Take one and a'hait boteigoks gr-uf bonit ama ani- mu cupo 0 mliii, water or a milxture et trary prie, and a4 baported vbgat Tis laite cossnty l I ov 1'. isusisg lt tise tvo; na-htfcake compresfed bougit in markets of thse vortd Bt 1><e sn unnuigragj lopJtcg gest, ileni n sai tes<ooie s.I,valilng prices. Titis la turaed ovanto offiias declare la an aid btiste 1 W. one tablespoon .itgam, one laileapnon bise tilla by thie gtvrnet &-aprie W. loters. Rer ..tanela Linda I of fat if dseared. one cuis cornmaei Ilat aiî.osthe adiuertei' van iii'd Jones and mite sas brongisi b Waia- ansd tva cîspe viseat fltsr. 'boat of tour pauuinti 0MUat t18 cents. . igaa Prflday eventng afler bhIng an- Put one a nd a hait eps Mofwter, T'be tmo pounti bat casda 9 tents. aid agned befame Conslssloner blaston tise corameal.1, it nagrian fat (if thse one pound lbat sella ilpr ô cents. of Watiegan, i laxagand isld In uaed) Int a double iiOUug aid iiooi lui .mitIlng, boweven, 14 pan tant, 82.00 bonds. Hlore le vist a Cisica tveaty minsutem. The vater la anS- mon. Lotir ta etracted rei se visaI palper miscf 1ýer: cient only 10 aoften tise - aiea& a lt. th ti u Alis A senc. Aid tetea. o m -.. 'arlag 36 stickm igistest dy- AIlov these tit oolte about th@ . plaonyadulteration of W ertou attlIteaaine vtisade a sitoat temperaune of tise rom sMd id the nd aualavable îdulifoOf lso.tie5ga0elodagr Sau ai gaatnsxedvIli be ot~ ~- iving tise namenetM Lida Joue. vas feuran ytevatn. Ked it' te rtipr cntarrsted saï able loft a Pan ajtl la d matket laoe at. ap an et t tugliiy, 0fredo Amrinbm thil ut Itise Unionstation yestenay.,tiv- U IUèS 10mli î rtts pro-tact ta ont> about e5 p@rn ernnent offlfajIs ay tisey havp cou- vie ard sise, ant rftOti!lia« e'j entpr aIabest lavei ftisaIit e vs'nW as §ll 'tie pan and hate el; or 50 mlii- lait "ue, under eenditleoa marna- sary for t. W. W. ilaottira. up utei. Tt làtaradly practlcabte to'ume wvit sinsilan. btb vif a larger evtnac Tise girl, 10 geasotd, caie on a E a geafr prcetag o o-'ai~t'1 tantinO. tise four poind tout selle ton 16 train front Cleveland.wh sie oisar bhis aven Ia emergences, .fer hnesadso cents--boarded ah Stequensvtlle. O. -Wien fstoi made tlfere verY littie f<Nom bsiad uetioad se sfim se Ilved aIai s mait. 1,è." cornteai case teused Youngolown. 0. . tise, aidîli Stetsn ane tise général mat lli-SAE OI) l rbl OhAumJso od given aisove moy lie tolîowed. WI4Y WE MUT SV OO. 'The girl tioabganaoeo Tt t1.pstýjitt mlte a est talaei - an East Touagtvipolice ciaractelles erm lread i wthot t iret ceokiag thse The .1917 viseut cîroit, laFrance w»a acording ftaa.telegnnsfrnom Youngs- the cornmnel.-In this casa not more tian %M tisai hait normal., ulii the cros j hown. Titis vire baid tise Jot- ýgirl 7 one cnpful tof metl slifstld te naod te of 1»18 aà a bust e, '**PariaaIL r ecntiy vaniaiied about tbi te of at tour cuptls o? iiotr.. Ins ollir ru e ber, vawn a abortag et-,175fifl)<0 tise- tieft of dyoimlle -<rom a cnnithe sparts the. hrend lm muxed and taked i*"bsa.orn-5U per cett 1ii uoat tlosd ItamP, a . tioun ' t ot s tu tise aisove reclus. rm vsoily vutin oii.tM-et nor- surellance. svoiisnv sde ed - 'S.Ths, mugir béet * *0*d B& our alter 1#1e tise name age are o THE ~ ~ ~ e «JIE-oATSF00 i4paM..9br 08e RW MseU .tsapecb'ud Mf. asvolved ia some di. AH NTD 8 * ***"SYC m4~I UoIF r ta" lapu or a sort .« llt. , tiii<te lils. tata- gis îDI:ÎA S .iOuOOaias >. amand Itl l tod hob.en route Food suv.Ing1. b sethe. feu, my ' uassm C tns5~*oSl arns $g mal- i p»ei. £Ver??? Lm stiaas eb7= ow Tb jaeo ,pced muer Sm-oo tiltS. an é V <sI'f»Diub ut br Fja1 d OWn. dé of thnfty ule «u.a- ultkWmlella dit ýte<, ghfougitsl, POOsi ti, b Oapsael P àis.on lte be îd sMy, andzigthie r uMleoRept' (nom ber ileiad enl Si tïe qt. .~ LSi re P EL, Auctior ee r. if lil bit (t vu ivould att ie luseter- iseus the girl t.trtist a pine aoflpa- rlitaiser mouti. Tise men forceif tespur <onsbar ubenchist iteetli moviag lit fragment isy fragment. .ls oatalned a namn and addregi. 'louly la cipiier, as Il 'praved to bel 'saat lot visea operatIveW4seÇ a. epluce. Agan. aItithe tederal balld. Sase trî'ed ho svaIIal a latter ahe Imled. This also vas pieced tôgetien. 1h ntalnad thse narne of ai hidi"teJ bmier ait thse L W.. W. visose cams a llgsirod ofla lu sellidtI- W. W. rature land sabotage propsaganada. It develos tZ t-'li îore visa arp ceit'p Bt ise rifle range t Iampl *an nve breën dotng Oàl!'tant ser- ceof ngSheridan Rond aotib <rot 0 Legan in tie Ite-o? oieng eOZ aiov houird isghwitl. Bvemy day trusck Idanf~' tsttJ sbave been" nt vork :,.inefetise iiji s'a ansd tiiey hav" aeq' -l-Ian-i lveled Ilntl on Irîd'v e sf9",0oa ey bad re=hisd t!s o ,i, il tIse,' itileo voulti riîctis" t 'th-1 1Waukegan. Tt'-y tt."es a btmroitgt- zui- ("lt' te Zlaus City dî'pot. rimre are lover 3411 c,""'. ini eallir Camp Loiis. nid Li i ' Ut kat tise rond ' k e t tr get fond s ' t, ' .' om, tise NaY'M iltt 1 %hat th, ri1 bt 100 saltomsu' a'"r- " a' t- and' tia'y -c 'Crl' . 'Ue Psd servýire îî'î hs' "t' ' t Magivy. - tt la dectarMtal a' j" rta nt don. tise wi'-t t' "'l e au, ythât t-am, f" a-t-3d SoIOMenla cih èlrwb matu rue%",. ,40 t thse Mondz een C. T. Ti. -r = 7t hmend tise vont adfMM lait cittter memu>st V. binait by thse adoptiai Rotolvai. hu l a tbef et auratane, Mme. S s te Wcasqega obr Union ihas laot t tS ter nmr. Ibst u* Isemer fbiedlti h#ýw orgtmatlo. 'a"n1 lo ba ase thé, panyersmaMeths* fmw Rvered. Our 1uter' 1 Beel4 ber four iaaahtwe~ tise vori lIat m0 ii&t 0 l' ot yp*-Wsisu bom ý0 The mûtre mmusharablv tend tisein d4ev symqbtis iser lood Iss IRer chlldren use op i! blëesed,' ai aLso dolier i*15é loina' of Wtsi4 Iii thie RRlWA. N a p e ci t q t i ; b é~is d

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