CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 Jan 1918, p. 11

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TY'i'~'V8?T iC' VirrriJNFP1TPMflÂ7.. 1F'1IRRA7. 1918. PieTis ~AL LOANS l~ WESK, eMUbSI WiTl4 P INSTS*MSNTS MAC. CD ON IjUCOItO. - IAN WftL TMÇ(s TRACT. Suein of thUe fflordees eau otoi the vo* eadinq 1b. 2. 1918, by A, IL lbov. "amsàK eeret@3y of thé OOumbe Titi.&MaiTruet comjmny. ZI*uher of trout eds end mon, tn$m, 84. l4maer or ebatto1,ý,ortîmeo,2. TOta amoer 0<lastrum ot fi<l Týota anor lmm,. $3220. Oumoambus bem ,orymquet dur' JAU thea eek. The blioving are the Tue. eorttM eem i CotNa ou"$T aeqiffdtiti ta the mIii CL Vanaproperty admol.1 i14 its fatofy os the eeut at a statnl - t f11,50J.7._ Pelotamotensea,,,ogglt 40 feet1 emt. mwest aide or Bonuts3&ckoon stret tria P. W. Petersen for 81,00. NOTICE. " fale of himsd su lots for suat. ceunoty. City, O.nerai and Spfcial Tua.e.. tate of lios.Cotuty of TAX P C»AtiNUs NOICE. Oro tise unx»«ova oera a. M te Il J potti latomtei la tise hllawia deerei lade ani lots or portiosol TIbt aM a TiS Me et là"isand Ldu orts toiilquent taxse.for thse year 1115" 117 h ti strulyTreasmm aMi Oemty duerk la thse Oouty Court rom Je »0t~ CourtlHouse in tise City « akaaCouuty af Lmke ansd atueof tIllnos. io 010890 Tille MadTrust Co.. VaMa Puas. Tute, sud Norths- le Trus & La.. Co.. that on tb"e M tidayof lime A. D. 1916, W. B. 11iUk orceised ot 8. Bocks 17, * leg ub4ision. Vilage or<if t0o Harber, msessed la thse namne et C11110140TRIe £&Trust Ceo,aid the tipe for redeniption *ii i r emontise OvT e ibeleilot on Uic lotis day of j.uae, Aà. 1. n W . n i e. ,Puaeri To loba W;. lavu eZua F. ïMev. kis Mdi -NID« Ely. Trutee., UstauthUe lOti day Of Jane. A. 0. 1916, W. B. j aàitis pureiaei lots i. 2 3. 4, b 6. 0 T,8 .10. Il. 12, 13. 14. 14,. 16 17 13. 2% X0 . 22. 23, 24 25 26, 27, U. 29, *Mi 30. Block 2. Fox River Oprlngs *Obdlvislen.Tovu44 Itortis, Iauge9. ai tise tieafor ederation viii ex- ge on tise misee lotb on tise 26tis da,- Of lun. A. tD. lo. 1W. B. BKjHlPrbaeer. Te FPraU 1 I. * andloin 11005. tisas onUse mi duy of Jans. A. D). I918. W. 9. Smiths mrchaaei tis Noftbvàsst50-100 acre ocf Lot a ct lbe NOrtireot %t <Nortisst 34. Sec. 7 Tevim 45 N. R. 10 HBut et Use Ird P.Z M amaitise tino fer redemptian viii empire on tisel"tis day or lune', A. -D. lois. W. B. SuHIp --bris&er Tro ail parties inteýtstedlatiseEs tataetfJoah .Wil4b. Mary J. Mar- sa ad C. Ç.Matwqell. Mortgageca, tbton tisa ltI dar of ueA. tD. 191&. W. B. BrlSmth eisase Lot 8, Boc~ 1. Marvî-ns Subdivision. Vîfite et -F Tle ..aid lheeItime for reiemp- kl i I expire on thse ZtM day on' , . X t. IBid. l'o EU&a P. Brgau.tisat on tise 3011 ds f lJne. A. D. 1916. W. 10.'1mitis purcbised Lot 32, Bloci 10, Village af là»e Bluff, sud tise Ume for reiarap- tI iesviiexpirp ou tise 201hday of lune. A. tD. 1oi8. W. . ,SUETH. Purchamor. Te bwa Ilpmy qoncern. tisa ton tiIthe d «y inté,uad. D . 191, W. B.ý Baillipurbisel the i03100 A. W. 1 ,.. cf aêMioXW. 23802-100 A. of N. 44 10100 A. bt N. %4 Lot 2, N. W. M. Sec 1% foWM 4&. N. R. 11, aâasa u is e aunepf Broya. aci the lime for redihbn ouvitIell ro on the ubovo on tise Ois ddy of lune A. D). 1910,. Te Uqlogn aTilsr, Jrý .. S. W 17am l tt, ou -the 16l8,Uisy et,. lune ,; 11.-11 am".& uh puaeiesed lin >)r. % oet Lots 8 maed 9. Bhoek J. Vpiff cf Lake. Pluff i dtisaI Use tieltroiemp"lon wlI qpr* on lie fetis &Y «0f Ipie . t.1948. fo mmett -ellnfiky.. C. -Frasil W. . B~N# ~'iethe. N auW40bt. Wt l W~~ L1~OA Tf N. W,4M.eofe2Ob*;*vn44é N. ML 1iatl.t' e ~ fo r -xwiftlou il 'expirote 24t% dai t ueA. D. 1918. W WTi3~uqae R; ("m 1 LUM:. joanne C.D. «Marna5. vile 0f . Oc. Sterna.ý took tnue htem bol Wilder ilteai. et I,. et 'i leuorus gla "rte.6a omtia oesioiratlon. Gire. ttras Placed a #s15000 fncumtraace n es tai eIs Myron .,Cisweb bougit ave lots on the southil so0f Norths avenue. eut5 of alirris avenue, trom Samuel W. Church for a noimalcomaldorà- tion. fiN LAKE ic YT: 'Thomas At- toiSg je loit »Emme.aAtterildfe plge. on tise forth aide of Woodland avenue oeposite Summit avenue for] niras Atterige bou5ht the Tisomas Atterige ýplace on thse eudt aide of Om~woi aenue IWV& 'msubdivis- l~aformaealml onsIderatiofl. IN MIiGflMDPARK: Charles A Wlgheoau bogit a lot OB tise '"f aide of Sheridan rosantis of Naver l streel fron William H. boismean Azdrev P. liflunbougbt 80 feet an tise eut aie af Clarkr atreet. Port Clinton, (om ClInton C. Collins for flph Df. and Dorotby B. Cusisman boUsbt tise Frani Gray Shaver 100 fot on thse oet aide of thse Chicago and Milvasliee road for a nominal consiération. William 9. M. Hughes bouglit the Elieu De Long lot ou the vest nsuc of St. Joba'm avenue. near Fornt ave nueo fa *.M0. IN IMIiVdSOD: linge!P- More lin P. DYMeesi. Pr.. tisat an fPIs' day of lune A. D. 1,16. W. B. SMith PMarchs Lot 14, Blgk 25. la C. Frma Wrlght's Addition. ln Town 44, N.I l. 1.asoemsed la ot lawreste E. Brovn. aud Use tibe for reiemi.tloo Ul expire on tise lOtb à&y of âune A. 1) 1o1. W. B. OMM RPureasmer. To Henry Davis sock Johni-Daley it on tise 2lth day nfiboise. A. a> If1, W. e. Sdti bporchesc Lt là, Village cf Waeo.ndi. iassessaci lu the naie eoflienry Davis, and thse tErn for redoaptlon wgi epire on tise 27tis «aY of ia. a.1911. iW. 3. 81UM, .Pareisi@er. TO E. B. Egglouftou. .Divld J. Harris. NatliL 3. Joues..Trustee, mni Chicago' Titi. & Trust Ce. Trustes. that ca thse 27tis day of Jone, A. D. 191, w. B emitis purcissseitUe Bsstenly 77 5/10 t. of Lt le. Diecis70. City of 11gb land Pari[. ausemed lu tb. umme of E. I. Eggleaton. andtise lime fer re- domPtica vili expire on tise 27tis day of Juno A. D. 1Me. To E. A. Cumwnlngs. John P. ICici bieuis. mai Chas. O. Ocea. Trute.. fiat on thse 27tis day of lune. A. D). 1116. W. B. Smith PUpercsed Lot 14, Dloc't 17, Resubdivisiau ef Waoake ,gmes Hlais. City of -Norths Chicago. a tise Ume for reiemition viil ax pire ou tise 27tb Iday of lune. A. U 1918.1 W. 13. BUFfl. Purchaser. Tu Ale 0ird and Aie. Ward Dený slow. tisat on tise tti day of lune. A D. 1916. W. . Smth purebaiod tise S. % of W. 14i Lot 47, Cri's Addi- tion lu City of Wttukegan. asaessed ln tise namse af Ale. Wari, and tise tira for lise redeeutUon o ties me wiii expire on tise 27tis day of liane, A. D. is. W. fi. sIiffl, Purchasor. To Daniel Graiy. Chirles Herder, and C. W. If cydeceor. tist ou the 27t2 dau c lune. tA. D. 1916, 'W. B. Smith gurchrmci Lt 37. lIrai> & Halle- Mel's subdivision llais. Cty ar Waga kegan. for Coueral Taxes; aise onthe ltis day of lune. A. tD. 1916.W. iB 1ritb purciaseltise above dsentb e*, lot lot Opeial Ammeeinents uniet viraUNo. 312 and No.360. a»sesi et Iu thse came .-oftD. A. Grady. and the timne for reiemistion yull eXpirp -on thse 28tis day of lune. A.. D. 1919. W. B. S?41TH, Pureisier. Te J. F. Hollister. C. Ël. Rowens, aid claire c. FÀirds. Trustee. Us. on tise 3711 daY af lune. A. D. - 1916 W. Diitis isreb"aiLot i. Block toOk tqtate i.ary A.' Monorés tata prqperty at the northwest comre of Walker and Lake. View avenue for 5 ao t oaumfieati. M 1ËBS*?YVUM: Loule H. and Caroine Relckhoff bougist a lot 99 thse voitaide of Plitis treet, bouth of Orchard street. frgm Orm A. New- som tor $2.400. 4N WEUTANTMH. :Clintoa E. earirige Iought four lots la lhaw's aobdilidp on Fox Lake and tour mres in aorthwest quarter northeast quar ter, section 35 rom B. IF. Marci and roconveyed thse ame property ta Patricks H. hoyce for a nominal con- iàeration, viso &a"ebacis a trust deei for $4,000. ON GR.ANT: lobaIs .Linauebought go acres in section il from A. Batelle Hove or a noMinai eoensiieration. IN WAR.REN! Erneat J. nai 8ldith G. Barustable too'e titie under fore-, closure of' tii. Magle Clark farta of BRD ft*ÂS Chijjcago-in lits publie oting places. at leasttoday gos on a restrlctedl bread ration. Foid Administrator Hoover Tuesday ruied tram Washington that hotels, ,estaurants. cales and dining cars shall fot serve more than tvaoOunces of wheat rolsi or wheat bread per meal ta a persan. ' our. ounceaa bread maie tram corn. bran or.oatfi i may beo served when flot aceornpanied by othèr bread eervllée. Public cating places msa are, or. aered strlctly ta observe the wbegt. lees, metless and poiiess days and ta serve -on mentiese and vhpale;s I 40 acres in soutiseait quarter section ,mexi adi- day of the e ek. le for $2,000, eubject toa $ 3000 i n- ,Chicago hotel aUd restaurant men cumbrauce. lest night made preparallons to obey iN c4MEPORT: William T. Ryan the mandate, which Candes the weght .boubt .t.he .4Mel, Bowers farm of of a federai law. flaIers vers ordered &81- Cres in sections 24 snd 25 ta prepane ral's weiglslng ane ounce, for. $8.000. so that tvo an en hgrved. Fram twc Claies Hae'mugb Lumbier Company i t thres@lces of bread vili be given &iIs certffl t.e or ireile of stock, occrdlng to thee dz. and weight of flou 876"000ta $13.00. iIh caf M. No persan can arien a second help ~p~Sn g of bread or rails at a single meai. mou.ROOSEVELT UNDERGOES L.4iE _ ___ .~OOPERATION-BETTER. Oteter Bay, Fois. 6-Cal. Roosevelt ai ?U~ s a operated upon several days sec, Uns.%e S~~4G for an ahscess, lt vas iearned yester jan. 31. 1918.-BMma Attelgo to da3' ehen ho was reSuoved ta New Thommas Atterldge, lot 46, Green Bay York Cty where lie.wlli ho nearer hi addition, Lake. Forent. W. D. $6,000, physicianm. 'Thomas Atterige and vife ta Em- The colonlel remaino4 iln bed fer ma Attorige. lot 6 and Isoutis 7.16 feet aniy a few days, rging yestenday wîtis lot 5, blocks 1. Holt's subdivision. Lake the deciaration, that 1>0 fit ail right. Foreet. Q. C. D. $1. -ElDie oLong ta W. B. M. Hughes. L sKu4 E gO lot 14 (except westo rly 80 te-t>, b___I 16. Highlian Park. W. D. $1. Thse ?arent-Teacisa Association Disabetis V. Moore et al. ta R. E. held an especiaiiy Intoresting nîcet Mocre part block 16, plat 'ID,"1-gb iiig In tise rest rommof the Centrai vod. W. D. $3. P shool Tuesday aftornoofi. Tho pro H. B. Edwards ta L. N. Bomube, lot gram consisici of seveas songs and narth and adjainiflg part lot 6. block a dramatization of the story of the 9, Exmaar addition ta Hifghland Park« lien ani the plg isy thse pispils of the W. D. $10. th ird grade vhich i vs very enterlain Ppb. 1. 1918-S. w. Churci ta m. ing. The usual business was ejiu HE Churcis. lots 23. 24. 25, 27 and 28,1 ducted with Mfrs. Hale ln tIi' chair. blook 33, Like Bluff. Q. C. $1. Mrso. Charles UÀtchtleld. the secrtary. A. Estelle 110we to j. E. Lane. 80ý resigned and Miss Marion West was acres lu southeut quarter section il, elected ta thse place. Light refresis- Gran tonshp. W a le.ments w-re servea et thse close of Osan towshii. W. $10. the meeting. I. 't 1,. - k 4. Ridmelani. City' or waukelim, te. sud tise lime toi reiption .Win ex. .9re an tise 27tis day ef lune, A. D. 1918. W. B. WÇTfH. Pueiaer. To E. w. Iutatilos aid to tlisAd ministrator of lb. Ontat~ i -.*drev Cooke. deeeased. that mo*6 tishl day «t lune. A. D. 1914, W. B. Sumih eum"ba R»Lt il, Brock M1, (Ei. Su f ivision sudni r!tote Detmeyet) taIÏ thé Orginal Tovn CtY efWIàukegan. &»«»d llis.heameof B. 'W. Mut"-s lus, sud the tiefer redenplog ityl expire on the 2Ilsday ef lune. A. tD. 1918. * W. 8 'B 11. m Purciaer. To W. Fr. Repu. Ojisîappi 0Ot: snd W. g. je"; aftaI otise 2MILday of lune, A. 0. 1110. W. S. if ampur. thssed MWani bu agMgete thle . C ot 3$ 2>fevort1-à la rpo 10.0vSiq, :ClIpoft Hlab'soO*& o #,enlm a l eaetsa"er Warra N&6 321 aiad S6. 54, levimai a ese "t ru qglity Oe i., yC-4 «, mab vocal4. m au theimo et rmreespton *l ipiunosths* 31h day of Jupe. Miust Have From $19000 to $10,000 We uan show AMY XAN how to ieat frqm $1000 to $10000 in a earnlngs <f.froip 70,7oto 1OO<ý on capital iflvested. We can show ANM" A that this NEW induîtry has a mauch larger demand than pre8enta productiaiL. We can show that outjiut -can bi" sold on çontract as fast as po duèed.Ne ecau eowthat railroa are doigg aVinl their power ta nee this busuess develop., in P"« 08 O WAR the demand for thlg product will for -manY yeùs be greater than productioix. DQE't b. gcared by IGH PROIP- ITB. This la No t -A Speculation, But A S~IIdft*duýtrIat Oppor- Wtùy ýCëatd By A New anGroWi n g- Dem and Thqre isno quinatte b- s*La11, et of Ibis prouton. ThIwéare no .",fe", "anda or '¶ut" bo tt.,.Iisassure aU 2 od mkjý4. The ight insu caa k41kIWand gel th. cremai U~~-~n atlufy yas 1tlo IMM1001'Ifnët don4 wrte. if, - you an, wite AT ONCE. et Cràpany CHICAGO, ILLO j »fe Advise Shopping Saturda>' Store Closed Monday Trhe Globe Dep1_'t Storeý il- The Store of Personal Service." Open Saturday Evening Until 10 O'Clock M i I M M I I I E EXTRA!! ECONOMIC'NEWS EXTRA!!-. 100 men SCo ats At Fabliloua RoduCtiofa Our New York buyer ecured an advanta- geous purchase'on a New York manufarturer's entire surplus stock of winter coats and -rushed them here for this sale.. They haveî been mnar- shalled in lune and you'Ll be astoriished at the exceptiorial values that are ta bc faund ln this lot. Conte Worth Prom $15 to $40If Prioed A t $9.759 $13.509 $16.50t, $19.75, $22.5#t Wool Velours, Si!vertonms Cheviots, Duveytenes and Porn Pom ,In al the. desirable colors and styles - #Plain, Pur andKerami trimmed' Second Floor 400 Buiigalow A" 'îx UNUSUAL AT 6 005.2-I 48 There are dozens of styles from which to make your seleetioli. They are practical for bouge Wear-the sort that appealet ta wonien. Wonderfuliy made and their nov idea trim- mings lend a distinctive air ta them. Llght and dark çhambrdys and red percales. Ked Croàs Apron s K.d Cross 'Kerchief s Made of good quality cambric. Made To fit over head as cap. One yard full and roomy3. square; large hem. 1.00 aimd 1.50 -soc N'ew! Satin Ready-to-Wedr Hats Here's an attractive group of. hats for those who are Iooklng for somnethlng, inexpensive, yet serviceable. Evmryont is eil made and trimmed wi' h new ribbçn, lancy frilîs and ornament effects, We could ask more for thent and you~ would think they were unusual Yalues, -but we do flot belleve in profltiering. Speciai for Saturday On)>) Speciai' Poplin and Wool Skirt s 4,98, Cd6.75 With the lncreaalng cost of materi. we consider these values arc in a clas by them*acves. Most stpres art akin one-third mlort for the garne skirts-bu we bought thern at Iast year's pfices AU new styles - hansdomely drapei and, tallored. Second FIoc Rxceptional Values The Boat Dollar Waint bu Amerioa Quality, style and workntanahip have madup tht,. blouses famous tle world over. There areQ A dozens of styles ta select from, developed ïo Ie -front plalý and striped voile&, batiste and ÉE- gaberdiues in all whlte-hgli and low neck Linon Tailored Waists Newroedcolartfail t1he ne'wsuit sideinplain and- stripea. at ........ Saturday BASLMENT WASI4 DOILERS-16 oz. copper', capper 21 bettomn. .......... 21 WASI4 BOARO.-Zinc, Fam- Il>' sîze, c CIOTHES PIN- 14 100 for..... NEMP CLaTHES .INE- 50 and .100 ft. langthes 50 ft. iangth23 At ........... ....23 ULII4GANO AMMONIA- Speciai. par 4 boe........... 14 GALOTI4ES BASKETS- 01.98 value .1........ . 50 J&7jui" lU.4a.LIIJL f, £eAý. Special! For Satairday's Selling l Lt '. W~VWon-,en's and Misses' Neweet Silk, and Serge F rocks pvl- '(lei the collection is right up to fash- \oi' latNord. From the standpoint oif qîîality these garments are îuîusual-owing to the iii- j cecase in vost of mnaterials and high cost of pro- vohunending thecm to partieular worncn. Thi-r are S.vrge. Taiffeta Silk, Crepe-de-Cheite anîd Serge aad' Silk Con-binatioîîs in the new liglit and dark shades. Second Floor.

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