CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 Jan 1918, p. 7

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- --v ruAUy 31, 1918. #l ams berne ovit m by a apul dMbtbs Oit bis c ttage a »lIl<aow beyouty lot aite <tomgtueW- ibkauo 1e ii idtorin thewu. ec til iOi eai sry i-Y a ~t.u*ds nghca ver> b"d wiad, ý-pbi b>' inow, .tPo*>d ail 0Ou > as W~~i eil au Toodm. t prothUly ai1Il taftlc 4 Aiew bt@uglit i latl? ta ilLe Md report MouOay ui- colhema ay, ev âO lida aiamfthe cotria AnaJob.. ileti nsc., Ruth MCAOf.utasi aitTbumday for hili home .ldurs'a Oe mouths' eok vktit Ib Mb.lowmaa' aer, Mis. sauas'Rul VsftUn sd iothurMris. Om,~0ouno o01 camp rât, vai r dois. houa. ovir Soada &Rd vas nov b6und un aftbasanaoù lbabortage 0f coul, the bai10 ol thi eek and lasbrsSa popllsare.bavlog anot . r long d Tb@ L&dàIa'Adidyl meetnext Wednea. &-Ptàug day wvltbMm CF . IL-[lmilà la.P1e 'Oveer@'brig W»lea ud ami*ýqedIes. accou- r ctean fairteris 1 ryïbLng- pondent S ~m auàmdy lat Tueiday morniux t elflyuIton accouut o1 '11W R ob tci ompauY bad 1 abat îqlsl1e lant 01on acco thétb t4mouset sîrua; utat uo ent bock - Moad*yMoralaag Chai. BoIe, gtnu.gareean torthe kit. Paul ralîrtiai, *_ &iom Il bstpp otoaible te ehovel the b.depol ptaàtform and W. bavea a tsorond brealer wblcb la -oprabai by oue liveîyitiai. Chai- Skatei. ZIdeas goud noria, onit te lght anuor Ui t " qeady ivery day, etvilqaihll hôtel doua god buus- maa ecordlsi ta report ofl- Narobal SIn D*tlal l ir %ill1e mueI bave amu.odsllomi vina 01h11 hoteli lare jW& 1P. . Bitai od valkad trocceFoi ItImVla teeoo, niîura agMis- uoca. the .MINt"sm leFox LAkeo, @W esb Meubrei ai tomher at lb t ,s oel lb él claol. dstrkt 87 -ïmjua9 epm s l v0kmon cant cf Mietomber fm o lg ableste, connu. ý,$èeM do«kt88 belon lnovn a 8~.voebo 1,wv conly open for a M" ia., la a bilday paort on Off. AUl Ilis la bai a goal ~~m1l C...bai ta bovl Mou, - 4lbobia ath.Cdù healiagrooe, - aifer (sugodi o dalfe8P. OsounMaud..; ce x' Oura- 1 u, W.a1Mm0htrau vlit a eclp n ai. a khvdlyalat viel Seby Lomam 1"c. lam of $1USMUiafaou il oealv U0h Itai bo Sum t. -we ~je~siV" vuhIt9s0m» haM "Is.f. M NoNu e-wul W a va ~.#se vtt Ulua et<s »Bhuof v ~~~~h5?.lAi saisUtb ~~~Wedmoiaywll ifw~puieg«boishellWammIva» w fewu tet* I-O vuz. Krai. J. Fadai ent&rlalai at a opag- feUi dianes Thurmdai siternoun fo r the -beimiet- the -11.8& At- wwlf C4uafur bona boy.. Mr. Noward aadlock aud grando vinitedl at the hume of Mr@. .John John- @un lm WnJflma Sw daya lat week. Nail tlosàirvllle, of Chcago, waa home over Souday. lh. Thimble Club met wltls tMrs. Carley #uoayrd, Tueday alterioon. MulWo-ura @pont, aslow laya lait yul la Chicago, i ea mrl Filvîber entertained lte Clach club on V*ednemday ateabnon of lout week. The, Lii. S. E. Pollock spent Frldsby la M ra« . V. abor Il io lttng relativem la Chicago tt. rele. Jobn: Thayet teli où Tbnrmday mura- I»it fur Caliornie, wbere hi yl erpeud the rsuaalader of thieorbter. i.Bertha Jacam il bert spet a ew dAve kamtwiek wth lber parnta, i. sud Mri. J. V. Jarne, of Ibli place. m"a Mary Poffock of Chicago, W8i houme for the week-end. Mi» LoWet i Hhhbrand ia@a icago Mima Marie Johonntt. of Chicago, spns lbeWeek-end at bit hoe.bars.' Mre. jeonoîotle st prisent laiu np -i a dîulcatsd ubonîdir, sea reaut of a Ua down tle baemint t*lta. aima Virginlaliladih., of Kenoiha, aeiWt tha wek-nd as ber bomea bit. KmsA. Dck inteulalid tbe "5S0" club Tuaaday afternoon. LA maulipectad auppWz9f ca] haz basa proeured. liesgrade dcbool vwu riopmssé odaormiez. AUltlb hea"Manbae bansa t11.i suSMisa 511111*@Rioma$ #rimwsteulmcar.Win N40 so. wbe bai @ter"ion a trip le caEmhbbai iitaia. Womd bai bsn tivaibieeof lb *$*of vMm. fuaman..wu* bOced Sm iv Tues day. Mr. Irasms faal mu~plia lwb teght" Mboi èumbf& Who bu b la Li I f oin , Il w a à l a lad ai s aiutlwy a i wlbav"am .p a M b* am0 oasuaus i i 1 - - ' - l ý IbvUs5sM m w~*u<h$00 da mchp1lbsirhmo wu a s m biol Mlidai, bocua tache~~ baino. ail , yu, dtmg beamoudai-uoally flu lhllaa flunéfor Ih, iiý S an ôwE* Ku, Ail*M. Miia Mat m-UsadAmi. nom a" Iol *moi slbaÊ aims a. m~ MA4 of te dtof t b IhUt ts nis IOflwNst-dute ealti l ~afl*avme.aia~ Utlia rad e re ' cf *z te sbol end hresklIngroade. There was au, scbool .a b oBrowa ichoot Moýnday snd TOumdy, On, c. Counft of titi etoru. *Norma ns wilva.a vbstor bre Bon. day and Mondai. .Peler Rolbewh ta taklog viut pluasuis wlt bihl ni. pairof skeeai. leh uiored that Sherua. leltmoer A.A. 4 Cei IIERO. [soRY üI ÊSOLDIIRE SlIOES BUT TIIEY BROUOIIT NO LUCK( Carnegie H-er. Commission In- Lieberman vs. Steinberg Case vestigated Catms but Feit Cames to End Suddeny- He Was Wlthout Scope. Is ta Be Settled? tlood lukta toy-ou, Sherbi. OFICEROS m. 0â F riONORi . Sener - Pkrt Thla a ea batage of coU la"* Oui vil. iluthe jtink 'businc. K, R entCy he na« ow. HlActat' Dani Two Men countracted] to set-il uo,- f We are glai t a bear thtDnilagerty Would Have Laned Medal fhiaolt.-rld.- n ots orbo bas been lit foi@orne time, le mucb f e asNo ýî ffce. ditig ta I' h2t-- lanprved.. ~.tain pritie. Two etc-. il ,-izit, ore Capt. A. A. Walks, of Zon CtJ, tvent auth~e contracf pri . Ir, tit- fomer chief of police cf iha' clty. meantime t a-atti ýý ý ) dosnut draw a Carnegie he,, medal fsital advn -ýt i i f RED endtIti fund that umIaly ae ta have belli ba 1hil, r hr, tîch." >y lIe o' *n.Titis Lpbttrn7Ti ' -J - - ~~~~là&tîj in larescuilng two ni at Llobrman ..,t te ' 'tatr Years agofi rom a ,r1 ,>.Inlu retuit court Tvlt The Foi Lake Auxillary of tht!edfl te laie ai the rii. f cfbi't j %hefl It üCflOtt- [15fr,:t S- 5 Cross gave thte aupper at the Fîremeeus was dî-t'ned of sufllent litc t57ir put on a do'-rt-e hi ý',rctaF miuerade bNId lait Saturda>lgt.t acter bu-,r,. tbkrt:the, ctarvi fi - ave to witjc'lraw aJijtrrcr. Tii Wt Athougb the veaither wvastsormy tand le ootmnlaýsltiflta In* an f. zittrt doune a:nd tht - e'att ýitoaircly wpn t the attendanncesmler than uqunl, a ne. Cty andt V aulcegan soit a ,overta t the March terni (>f court. fi Mui à rai» fo investigat(- -ho details bttc ' le said IIftwil l es etitpýiii ,, 'tu sui oleisaliitfroa t.port now ta Offel tlanthlbe raAt i urne. Mipstird Lund, wnne of f2,5O0tla nt dolisrti corne vutthe i ott f r P'OITOwing this action .Iu(dgt- El gold sa.thb hurdy.gurdj man, took up lai1the ries of the eacmlsion. wards dirl.tisvd te su-> wtt ciap- colletton. wlth the l fMmi. Mariusa1 it as on Novdstber 2 litt ii peam-ed there orere nir rtort- t-- (ilenfortheau îll of. Leonard S-t eau.bere frli î'îm. ready for trial inmmt-dial- IY Thte jury <Jîet, fr he uxl~y.The cakes that'bttrgb 10 invetîgatu lte Walioi ,mat. was instrutta brePort fluai Mon. were letI ere auctioned Off, oni brlag- tdt. lit,- eps-nI a '-ewdays mahingu day. .TomrnoorJîdgt- Elwar(]c ;wLtI lng $275. W@e ortu o bak everyone 1iuquiry btut apparently bis r-or as hear ail motion$ for upw triait. fur tùeir g'fis uppurt01. , unfavvraldt. judging hy tite ],tu r justInlu OuntY Court todaY Jun0,geP, Fer Beowar teanou&eltey dddrl,,'Ipd fronthe ~rni. B, on.-st ,1sevetrrot caq"r triali uxt Bvlw ae lte ntour.I Hte a h e tmterîto iÀ.- i:aily Wey' -sday. Thrso ai., til, b b'- ta Our treasury: Sun front1the- mauager of iiice(c 1rnt- triet' hY court, rather tliau -by a jur, Ladie' tard clubl........ ......... f 5 0. glé, &tmtnissiou, unier dalltOf l iThe case Of t F.Silttît%'. !, U Maiquterade îupper,iahee, etc ...a..180 ¶ary 23, lUIS. Wllderorbi(-lu was i~ta.dfor aant. Colecionatdatce.................7 55 uinacknowladflnent of yctcr cour- et prosec-tin lo titIti- wpee. w"s Cotecio dtie ~ tesy lu callng to, ite at'nt im or ut re-lnelated tbis morning aond ora Dalsy Circle Club.. ......... ....13 52 Carnegie Hero l'uni Coton,: t ii fil,@t for triai bt-forl a jury of torelve Total.............................. q57 817 case ot Alisoct A. Waliaer. Iib,% lt-ave mon next Thtaredas' _______________ to enclose you betsIittla p f My tetter of this date. addressddta Mr. BUIES DAUIR upn is W e.lie:nku IR N( w t ON S T RlA ; ~ iThe îettéentr. ulot o M UTIR DIE3S SUN. Capt. Waiker byt commion un- Ur b VIC NOW d trough dte f. aottsy MnWuJ To bury your litttt. ten-yiar-old daugiter on 6aturday and bave yonr mottier de seems, it about as bard an orical as a man can uzperieuce. Aidthaa.'i obatcaeu, o Supervlsor George MeÇltougit or GuMne. vWho on Oatitnday tured lii laughten, Bina a victtu cof meni- SitUs, vîlci foliowei pneumbala. Bad"y oralag hie uatitir; Mrs. igoet1ouEb, a vef nneillent of Warn twvnip pauuel awayat the me cf go yeas. 8m. liaibea id Mmetothas a yeasr MW.d ilongbai OMeito 10ber bei. SkiWv, oui et titi plosère et Warren, hattuai lival for rysan sora t c vbevae. 91- & e r ithnu»uarUi »&,ca. 11. sdi n eue o- sonai IMaea augton, msm Ry ci=*i. Tay TO NOS OUnPOT. lon cIhy, . " .-A aamsa wu maie tu brq&altu theichet o0S ofet c astWetoir19 lut gtWia àgat PteiI#ar-Wsst 10 vrk "lia orc, jug ha vimsum rlil lte ais t WOMW offSaebât oU c o e-Iie ltaI #j. i-co b hinuedi. Tlhe p9«- bu w»S1a4 -il a n"vI4s*tl4 liai aGI soc etib u salarlpguni lb. Thifne laà vtaiev Utt ai the ticke *t -,d ui lbtop m»»vwi ebroken. Thte abject «à elenttjt» ««st etthe mt.10k uan estheivIa- b ldow.,Titi wndov. hovrea',. v nalk P1 £1 a i 1toW Tithet 1thMcw brq kmias vea ointieticketbAIvinda. Tuei a bjectht b-e le soasIao eta gai rat the catchbt tti. va. iwaokoi. By 0 tht. lim e timval' .-vliiatly ni 0ferlâtgmte"lof el0Od t0ich S kexteut chat hi W Ite. vup. ?hsrm vW« bioou ti t i vna» lo tu"i * a lao os ch.<taie. b I I b k V v a- a le y e r. I. 1- ut 'n M e, 'i W. <Iater aifclatag. lmaitte msa mot éein a CIrlitIan. iv. 0ea- ader goal have bei. ule q p«. tenu - tie ceroseu, but 'o beedi ho_. vua1 a RmanCatowe4mal tber* lors che ecterdild met heiltate 10,05- acate. Tite chier vas James iH. 3lii moSotaf te wt IbiiUe eainaliqa go7. hta age as4,aUilisbtte vus Bin araie - Duer, a4eM p. Tm groom admtel st titi coprt boume tit* heis .a tlsigÉ aiauibi ct I-aid Namse hSutmwbr. tau Ie iWi~Ja Immo 'Mr #tueh.fl ttel csm~bpc am mmli w uat a ts. fimtàl, cf ch. WbWWgan Daily SUDn, Waukegau. IIL, Ibe attention of ttbel CaneeHem TMW Commission bai. bien callod ho au mct performeti by you on Auut2 9 13. Tlh, Carnegle imc Tuaitapplies Wo acte InortMcitcomdtule evitleuce may lie obtaiusd sbovlugct t e pirson performing lt.e net voluntarily riae bis ova lite la i mv, or atempting ta si-e, theu ltsofa b fllow4being.--9 Your came bu Mi' personalirlel- venigatid by oui of car teclita- mt.,Msd I amuta recipt of a -upoWt Drce hlm. Allen glvlag te acta tus eommleratlon, It bae bien decliel,1 nigret to«Y. ltaI yeur eu. lBUiSo cous intisthu nm0(cfthe l'W&i Tours very truly '. R equem The reguaitmé,40 Or the DarySa la hée6me« CepL Wi&er ual.- data et j"MIsiàt.1 1916. <aBoya: Sec. 0f Carnagi Hero PliaI Cou. I-FittbbaLuxUs. a e flsrBt:# amethe .wardlns ot a ber* mil. ai «< BogLTewm, 1 bave beau lhlaMn about vital igihaansi 10me st ch. lime nuan si-en moe. it ona titi pat0« amunla a alinag tsrring tw- tac ngacue amis pgt. foSe uW"Séti.a'bdl. ghlng t0 lise eliswatersaof &dom -Micbi- Il. lme lter. vas Mbeae IUI ta-4p. walker'a&«mo» huld cCOMlttei, -but Iunite - It ne-ar 1 te = 0:mplatturi unl le mioIse . pen orbt ê.Wa- C wrçelbm se eope t .A enl e dppag 0t% h oe :19ge. T ibune __dsua d 86;h uhor t.t petaig b itis Insthne màh tare mais fa lte u4p06et ÏaS- mastcoi-rUa ue. I 4. 1h1" Ibins lhit Il mitsutai t lâam1to1 apgcl <acte. aumsure 1ha1io'Y"Vila ale ,tbM atter your careM «"dal- eetion a"I1« vould la.Imont Wsaeed t@ lesttram your turtberelative -te Mis. Our -"r caried an hIg ter abOut thu4nin dte dy it b PiOmplbut 1 regret te auy toi hava me'62i-& N' - W. J. Blilifird Whet Act W« At t la ned ithat two ,mep »Misla a rov boat off ziOCCtyî mitinnoa ea ton -iatamou. lai besa uvauped ila a:Wit aitak ft ttie row boit i ,4àd ever ýo uabe ashore iT% ~?4 loto a W 1W t ,al amie wvale Othe" stbý toeeman dag veuamdlis I fit te tm--d. ntfaýteAl ~~roi chm oo as ol liten t no-.- *it*ulut conclubmi k itor. ly soir theMA "èr hall- A. ii Berman Lie Bolng Cimulated Tendlng to Inerere Wlth Comerment Work. lier. ls anoher Germen lie vhtch la belng cîrculatemin lheIbmiopes of barmlng Gr-eat Luie Naval StatIon. &%cooning t te ouan Woegai-e titi Sun lte'intormallèn: Site state ttâlliter. are tiro vo. mun uWai *gau Wbo ai-e cirulaI- Icg a report bt tlaisefeot-That Cat beeffelI orf Orut Liçis talimlea dilly ,%beraao pmm moir u O nk- larn MWai ovilisa «j*bis hiamoud h. asoded te oethUe MliiB oaPri lti"as i m 1" gtf Wu f l daetais viii ulbt d e bliai i. if sîVIluMawvâ am sta ielIbMi %Meui id aneo iafrle mg fRei ackt Of clmin&rg Tlh. report funther la tat CBWotn Moiteth a doing tis atblg mere4y te cniwpe the United Stats la Ils va, Juat suotiter Gerua l ile. PteaIet titi malter Io that chers la a lot et clotins turned mach day at OMMa 1.158 siatlconbut l lat olotillaf U hu been votabiy mon Who ousMeIWOe titi station sMd vto mmaybavae oe Iietihon or it la malloral unlfoenp that bave baumd iprfor te ttls Infection@ dimesue . This olothlu at- utifly la bunel sud ch, e ion c hIa coursa u ollawei la to Ofhaàt MI' info»nabel u preal about tlb i14ký tics 67bytitnusi me eUclotingchaUt The report t& chat tbm IvO WM*Oe. gas vomea are clz-ulatlng- tala ouataiý lst toi- thm pirpose or &.attt seae! mml ugoînat che .*Ver=et (%0, )«allitI Do doïbt bai not bhar miaot» cIl bot ltse tat las hue apre0l Iai-omititi acth Bide eqaecluli su a sundier et patrlotlc vojnn vi &aW, «ostinnevrtehbtry lunlte van bave askei thé tSUn te mention Il ai anolter, of tbMe tGerze ia14M. , joseph. ("Jo.") Deunuir, Au. allai- boy vito lIed recintY cf mi meoînsitiseaItte Orsat. Libs N& Training station,- dort lu ail 97 B Inlits inaurmuce. aci policy vui made olu ti ai-or of )LIS motter, VMn -A. J. Denney. (ase poftcy vIt thtit goyeinuent vas for $10,0M0and Ibm nrut vere in ,igului Smitacles. Printing that wil attraçt attention anidputyour ýdvertising in a c1asK by itself --- Printing' that, shows~ originality in its conception and excellence in its execution. This quality of àrigiîîaIity and indi- viduality çharacterizes ail we turn out. Cal1 Poe N. 1 ad a Reprcatatvc WiIl Cali on you - - --- -- - -- -* MOFFI3T -ASKS FOR 96UE F00OD KLANT AT STATION' Station Commandant- WouId Store $1ZGOO0,000 Perish- ables at Great Lakes. A cou touge plant t10 sat 8500.- 000, vitii a espaclty fer $10,000OO ivorth orfoodcibas bien sAMd iy CaPt. Molet oetGriat Ia'ea, Today Capt. MoffeitI earned thast $1470»0bai l bosa aiplated for rwndîilng theti vatê plant and syi- tem, al; Greatlbaie. A draftt f 7 iirernen vusa$snt tb an castera port tc"y in ch&rgeof EnDidgu Sumne, Blosacu. Onethon- sand mosa yul foliOv noxt fmai. Am tt Iaan cotnta* tdUuQuîslaed lai titis and 000km for jaekles at Moelua-piotru Clerlco and »P tiei date. bk tb 1588,.viasu ChalsV. Klug ocfouste. beilevedIlt spanDo& - llcI lcohmobjet lgINWcouno Cm«ien «abmtlt n atiat cfphtlmopby aid pktllicsy. M'a va oece cool for thei le Curo. gaabn~u". Dlac mad Preucl. abo, odmashmadcousuHN- Me 1o Amerlos nias yam Mgo&Wn lea-w«E to, l. out NOUate .proui of Ciies 'cout l Clerc. hi anibis ltome tth 2"".A sud m ýthe uites #fond s t aadlisuech ga Wevirt elte me, spbéntnstrahuri ît daali. hlm in bis brome uni amoug théO ti a tIdWmgaoaked' hiai vhet bho old do fq une ho gol sàidoation of 81,00 àl titi'envi. Wale r .i$hii %baI h oum i that ilput it 1>110 a houe md thé agent thon ilb ~i.s eotfd satifil. -HM dWleS l meie ta n ri ouated aC <s e .prevalilt dbiai . - arety Itanld e ecntaa et, *e#. s.d.Ifor the foromer Cfl c ti011 unéer tmt Il seee hi 4daL.tagt. Wpg tant or IbheNorth h Sone-hlitrc i ImIé k ther Bluff Ja nrctila, bai-Anc iel-led fscq0 ràitfoaieth Mon polldt force about a y *go. Xer, Il a lit.-Banal Msem: PssaoplIon a tasu busu>' onêewy for 6mi3las.of cI cst -i" aldw t - d epiy. Gelta SUélare hlaIbotlla .THE CONVENIRJ NORTH I SUC UNE The,North Shote. i Ioaving -Làb«Wt, flJ tion wlth tm»Mtt trin toi ML WAUJC VS of 1h. city, 1 - G~do aft~ ad-db foe. nobor necth. mmum Ô-u ------------ -s'idtinétive grim il

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