CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 Jan 1918, p. 9

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ILRTIL lAIT ?WO COUNTY GLERK'S OFFICE TODAY COMPLETiIO WOiRK OP' EX- TENDINO 1917 TAXES. WAUKEGAN RATE IS HIGH.1 lS $9.48, WHILE HIGHOLAND, PA RK PAY 30.6,HIOI4EST TAX; LAKE BLUMF 18 LOW. TIown sahectars ja!fILàke -counu nu%% are ail ready ta bsgin tîma cn.- liction of $l.7:f,StI.96 worlli 0f taxes. Tiis became passible toila>' vhs-n >1w count>' clerk's- omfice camplete thtie vork of extending the taxes for 1917. Thse fai books an ilis lurnet over ho the- town coloctors and they can lie- gin making collections vithin-tIse neit few days. Te total toi for the cil>' of Waukegan la $34,70241:- The total equalize>! assesd valut- o!rItie cil>' o! Waîikegan, as fixe>! b" thse state board of equalLzatlan lam $3676,015. This valuation la 1'i -r cent b11511r Ihmn taI fias-il by ' i' lAite casiliy board of eview, as tIse aite board added an adidîhonal 3 per cent on lands. The total cilualize>! aa messes! value of lAite Cousit> a$5 155,069. Thi>svalue ln but ane-thinîl the real value. The iamésnî te case witîs valuation givenabsove for Wati- kegan. Thli tax rate for Waukegan 1a $948 as conipare>! to $13.3lait year. Thîre are four s'parte rates for HilIand> Park, dçpendingupon the achool dis- tricts. Tise - iavg$ rate in Ighlsad P'ark ln 39.38-te higItutlq 010.0;. Tbls,-by ie vw ' ay lte llgbst rate pal>! anywhs-re llnIse c(bUtY. 8"1091 district No. M, Norlt ChIca&O. lias a ratét of $960, a-hile scitool district No. 64. ln the sanie ci>'. lias a rate of $9ù8. La4ke Farest also lias two ratés. That portion whîchle theý barn of Shields lias a rate o! J33 -tise portion in tIse town of West flcerfleld lias s rate of $'u' Bluff. in the bawn o! Shl"lds, liasaa rate of $539 i1h' hwest rate Of an%' conmuity ln th"e ounty. Those Il%*- ing ln achool district No. 711, tban o! llthemlyvIile. psy a rat, of $7.88. ZMon city 1bas a low rate-, the psope Ihere paying 16.63. Thserate- at Anlioclitte $1.In carli of tlie atiove instAnc-s thé rate la ane cacb $Ife0 o! .sse'iacî valua) ion. 'l'iîe btghi-n raiw-iii Watiki'gaii le at- fributed tb several thîngsa Amoig thera are the* tai for gartiage dis- posai. 1the lai for parka and! the lu1- vrea8ed -O4t of maintainifg the dry gchoola due, tu a rallier extensive building rgramn. The followiug figures show the in0 tai taxvisich walîl 4wpald b>' the varionua an s and cilie in tite colin t>, together with the total equlized sasesse>! value as fixe>!b>' the ailite board: Benton -.. $..l Zion City'.. Newport.. .&uioch ..-. Lakte Villa...,. Grant ... Avant...... Warren ... Town Waukpg'n Cit>' Waukegau Laite Foret ... Libentyville - Feinent .. .Wasicon>!a .-... Cuba ......... - ala.......... West DiýenfIètit . t ighland fPark. Tot-' Equail> Tot alTax Valise 1 IN, ANNUAL MME; §IOLT R13ELECRD RECONSIOERATION 0 F PRICES . XB Y MILK COMMISSION W""ILL BE ORDERED. WHEELER GIVES A TALK. R*V HE WILL BE m FAtR; WmLL, POUIR PÂQEÀ Lfl3ERI'YVILLE ~D~~11~NT, FEBRUA1~Y1', 1918. _______________________________________________ I FARMBs BOYCLOTT F OTTLN1PLANTS FEED 5111K TII PHIS - GURNEE SOTTLING PLANT NAU O> liOt 011e tfllflg 10 00.-tht î8îISliit tic lm ýn MEET PARMERS MALF WAY; NOT RECEIVED ANV MI K force us to delivcr milk if 'we dos't bc WAUONA ANOPICR.SINGE LAST SUN-DAY.- want ta." Va ________White the farmers about .,àrnee sa Harry A. Wheetks, atate foodi'ailbv euelt elvrml oteh soinitrator. proniiaed tise IoyCauting SAME IN OTHER PLACES. hv eue odlrrmI a'i Bd0wman company. the coipanp lias dair>'men Tuesdav that federal dair> been bottling- miik since Sunday, bav- ed experte would Judge the farines of MILK *OTTLED 18 PROM DISTANT Ing braughtlt" tiw o 'iadii of milk the prices recenti>' ilîed by his mlli PONTS; FARMEPS TO SIT 14om distant pointa. Thtis înilk bau commission. Meanwhile tihe Chicago TICNT ALL WINTER. been taken ta the bottling plant, treat- milli suppi>' le reduced one-third. ed and bottiemi, tben lting shilpped Mr. Wîîeeler'a promise came soan Lakn caunty armers wbo in thi nt.o Chicago to thse Boa inan coin- after 1.200 meniherâ of the Illinoti p ia-t have bs-en suppying nilk t>) pany's di.tribution station Ilivre. The ee DUIt; Producers' Assoiation, at their the different bottliflg Plants optrated Plant at aurnee thus lias îlot bea t annual election ln the Hotél La Salle; by the big dairy companies are "ait- entirely idîs-. although Ilte amount of ChIcago, sent humt a strong petilian ting tigit-" lu plainer mwords, tbeY xiFi bas been eut down matî-rially as 'i for a reli'arlng. are neot deli' sring a pound of milk to esut or! lia -gbeen sbîpped in front fie ao l ilise dairyvmen he dtd the bottling plants o! the county. distan t P)Ints. 1104 Imîeni tcying la force tbem t10 1înqîcry at thîe Doamaî Pant al P f0 lic present it lîî flot boOt seil their milk at thc $307 prlce pet l;uroîw sbows titat white the orinarstated thfat any of the farniens baye ,,ej ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t us.s.er4ssi17 i5a., violentî nv nen,'-c-t- "'"'- -- '- - s $1.50 EX'I"RA. tRI3DICTS IR 3FAI UNS SINi< TROOP S51PIT 2Igî J1 MANY AMERICANS DROWN. 'Washington, Pcb. «P-Two, hundred' A SCLAAMA H ad Saty-one American soldiers, most- 1 AE ALHN ED0 H <y rom MîchiQàanand Wisconsin na- WAUKEGAN DAIRY CO., WILL onal gitard contingenta, lost their! PILL OWN ICEHOUSE. lviea yemterdmy when the tUanaport micania. bound for France, wup torc' FEARS CAR SHORTAGE. Pedoed and aunk by a Germeun 941p- i - marine off the hIi coaet, EXPRESSES BELIEP ONLY A LIM. Ôf îihe total number of 2,672 on ITEO AMOIJNT 0F 16E WILL bard late adývieslo the Stale »-, MÉRECEIVED IN CITY. DartMent Irmm United St2te,1-i Ambléo-1 suuAr riu a. nniU.,ully -- - ave been saved Ambassador Pare's mesaae.- rceiv- ei et 1 o'clock thia morning, saîd». 114t Il p. in, Peb. 6. 1.912 uMi- cccii and men, of thle Tuscania a'ore acceunfltd fer Ooure!atto' tel af 2.M7" The Tuscani-t's aurvivors werp land!- d aet luneranna and lacis", cilleii au te north coast of lreland. .Nt midniglit the foLlOwlng statemèn' was iaaued by the War Ilspartmeftt 'LIateqt ail'ices rKNclvpd oy l>î1ý Statp Dcpartrnieiitfrein eu1 Cii bamgy ai Londlon fiai s' Il P. M. Pcb. il, Americin time. b,,at hi- foi-mation thât ont oP -2.172 011 Appeai ho Conacences icna !n x p- day, that amoutît tavard a few vborc no%%- an>! ts-n de- board tise Tuscania 1.912 P Dr. C'iarlea E. McCarthy an>! WiI I1 oming fnom lîet-woen 44 andil51),farin- sire ta maile delîverlea of.,tnlk rallier - ar ae lialas E. Lamhb -srr nams-d as thie ex erg, that practilaly sirice Stinia>' not than siJg it fon )1111c or fs-s->in " ITlte American ambamsi perla; belisailasked. Food AdmlsItiti an oince of milikli as icstalcs-n l urposea. lit in declansd l thre walli Lndnlisent an asiats trato>' ligooî'r toa asigna for ltse re lmbthelic'iL planît by the.aieraiscawlo be no violence-at an>' of the ftaatini1Iitary attache andl another vis-v. ordlnsirily aupplyi>'fat marketl. In Laketeôcoutt. the farpiîr4.ituiIjj . 1aitcer ta ttelfast. Iri-lan!. ai ln staing ilis Pasosin ,Ir. Whcs-lcr, Fro wiat ane sablte iarn fcom assume>!- tliq 1aaoive asttud-e rathrr cee tves of thse Amieriei anenedbdar> -to do wq Ilt( frn;ql hi oaiyIiy ilbii g absire'eitoui %N,11t I.. Cross andT Y. M. C. A. attý uik as i-ein consiences directe>! un tendIo ~"stand pal"; ln allier von>!> truc si-Oh rnee-.- to itie G,.a'.ii-' goule tbfoi] powerto -ý,lo hijmIsrî e-are inîly adjusle>!. Its> mln!t ietIe ii îat Id e-Io tappt>l- o'ii- varlo'ts ailthe moue>' nsee>! a 1'ta.'tt-la ae sa p l aLto-n plants tIrgugboUt lakp-cQity ilisorlxatian frntIse(! Br1ùi lrisa ho aiIl ;et (ie 1u hanlallirta unIl- $.7. p7 imbe. t- 110 Ot ingplans ent the - c'licwre fhe hlg -4psl- contpietd al- Crostu use thoi'equip.Il Ai OfficiaIaof tise ongatslzalion d.'fxe! li n onoperating uh)ottîfiS eonsern-the' eas. clans- ie uc 11>1nul thsinuk ts-e eppeal îa*yt e cmisinltCiaofarnisnarc nol-dellveriîîg tbs'ln nslk l'ut are "Sitting ligt' , Itlig far vaut>! liiiî- n> tîpuiciable effect. r s-ILAI(E OUNTY About 65 liorn-ft or the normai Ased %aait tîî-y r,- d'ing A itti a readjuatmneal of tt(, ar cssLf A KEC U T muul>'I vas ecsied ty Chilcago mul' hein ntlknov, a aumben aof tiefamnl- b>'the Chcago commission I desiers Tuesda>'. rs rs-ilied: We are As one fariner ni'ar Gîs!'i e salit flesolutiana as-ne adopte>!dsploclng butter an>! feedins, tje sldim nilk to "I vanusan>!dtu stand il just as lon.- "the gros tIio! antagoanimlielveen' tise. 11g9s-Iiton'ît ki-w liii>law as thse dai>' companl'-- ai a. 1 ii the cils- a! Chicago andl the nIt dis whicli wil înake is> farmiios delver lîald m>' mut an>! iake butter an R S R tirlc trict sih sers-es IV'" otî nmilkIo t dhe boîîing planta lu case <ced il f0 the pfils and! go Idouz ait New Officers Chosen. as- do flot aScfit to aceclit fth,,Tetre! inter if necessat>'- 1 ccrtalniy do> ELAM CLARKE RETURNI The foliowing eoi cers vers- electe>!: t b>'>' as>- llxeil. W*e ffnont accePt not ltendto la Ithe- tnllis fon the, CHICAGOOCONFUIRIENCUE Franki T. liait.. Pieliant Prairie,'., hett priées ixeil in Chicago andî mc pte offérel nd1lsCiicagL Tkeon Li LINES PLAN Olt WC Ipieidért: Robert Olimmn. untleyf miain l snes.It le coat-tng I>55 abtetliog 'srenc sanie place Ïa04 -Ie III.; lRay'<'liniman, Wlioeler,ynd., lmsd more io. produre ar milk tle tt, cal ging ta ufftrw.11 & I. l nl Af RL tD4M D.I. Pteon Wucnd, II, ie price- Sd n Chilcago irovides fori' jflaita cll i llk fur a pr10 chsUspf'*..Oi-' the eninterson.... Th eieonda. t IIIr..S>vice-,':: . pretqinis: W. J. KîtIle, ('nygtlite m6tstaaras i Pintt.Threc'pls 2'n os t to It1rodlrkecerthtbpf Ill., s-cnî-tarp-, and F. H. ies-se, Dun. __________________________________ Ea .Cak fts des. lit.. treasuner. - <cse League netucnc>! ta ti,-tlkb frre'spad- iORSES SINK IIEP 1 À TRWBUTE TO Àld 1 c:g::inect neil resumption of deiveies t C iU U T " g 7rJf us-sdi>'if tIse Stati Cune cao d-iagtitey as-eeconfident 1 S «Wh l L IL fId en e tbuilding~. retitive to tisat n final adustinenî of privea vould ag orkpil *oi o b c f R r 1 0 t e n . O t e s e e t li d e . D E SC U A a mO T 'Er sn ri- - p) a îg a o r ki t o p î g tn d o fi t fiant. Th,, innttfrequent ns-mark 1 U (îrbt- aioeltt lha i ti aim gtaeOhe erw s aece tili de a y Mc> NiCullosIgit. ctti t)a teng I fb e Y wa a n thes-'ve g et 1 m R E SC O M E T O T O W N AfM E D Idaug lilcr a!fUG orge T . land! Coana M e- s ct c l >' c o >' r a - ctn f Ie'vn temttl WITH SHOVELS; SEVERALtaewsrp.4nd l -ie a hepie"DIO MORSES OUT. - CislOU.ghAwas boni 'AKug. 13, 9 n. sae, alichI se c4I-db - and dis>! Jan. 'A, of a meningitls in- samie commisnity s'-msi,-î' 'READ RATIONS TO MY! WHAT'S COMING NEXT? tection follosviug -1nî'um0nina. 1idfans iorthe $fl,)O0 drive M EV .o IE Fairst-m i iît 10 Waukpgan toila>'mourned b>' a latter, jotIer and 12saîîuI lîîîi <Iai 1k IIII EIr'dIYL db rthat Ibhe.sîght tbaw lready cliti-r ant iInaiiy relatives an>! friend3. stati' ounu-ilor Dlieee.o IN WAUKE(iN SOONI b eerati.nas, y~Site ws eheld in bgb::&te:rnby thom: meeting an>! aal "tE>! ila tenttha Il.ta angeousdrivng h . lr whokne berbecuse f br co- hs lir uqualf suppsupor -t 30,734.34 460,018 52.098-29 908,805 24,443.43 570,011 46,5 43.:m3 710,181 29,847..r2 4903.29 204516.35 445,656 39,39.4a 680,69;i 107,275.92 22'.5.444 75,398.54 931,062 348,702-41 3,676,015 127,274.0? 2,380.420 204,397-21 2,607.084t 106,919.33 1,738,398i 24,119.97 186.785 26,893.57 -403159 31,832.81 641,668 37,50.10 838,09 23.38ý3.65 639,984 54,069.62 691,664 84,272.34 1,071Î06 ',42,106.85 246189 ca 'i - -~,$1,385119625.13.0 't--n - - wmd~tMi Waukegan b110101aflN4 cetaulaut ova- î'rs recelve>! îi hsome surprise dis. patchea froso Washington vliicb tlId o! the latest act o! Fod Admlnstrator iloover in jlacing them'on lires>!ru. ions. M. iloover basardere>! liat t ndividual parlions o! vhs-at lres>! or rolls shah 001 eîce-d tvaolunces. la lires>!or rmils of voramneat. oatmeal on bran the Pas-ion ntay flot ei<yit fouts I unce-. Local bland c>!cale avacra bave nol yeî recelve>! an officiai notice of lise change tli le tago mb effeet Immnefflately an>! vîile Ihe>' express Iheiusalvtc as ceady an>! allling ta abute b>' goverameat culinge i'egard- ing fod, tIse>, lite restaurant min lu iohier ritiegi. are inclIne>! te watuniti offiiai notice vome. Telegrautta have bs-en sient out lrom WéucingLon ltu hotel rspresetatives of te fod atministataion un over>' state asing that tee ces île-or- dcr. Tt la expectei thtIsa Iese 'rap- resentilives yl esetaIL tat oves'> ire§taurnnl an>! botel man roceives na- lice., î aInee etiag bouses In tie,-Cit>' lise ocde,' vili not bave muai ifs-ct. ase thes- pTlaces have bs-oI lititnu vIshite bnci>! rations 'lacrsome turne; supplylng potions of rye an5d bran brea>! vttb amali pocions of vIite 1brea>!. No difficuli>' la anîlidpate>! In thie enforcement of th omis-r lie s a local restaurant an>!botl-Imon have aboya &àvllagnesi lrom lIse ireI la ilet;s an>! meajissday'a are blisen- fonvot rigidI>' an>! te nev reguatlon negarding vheatîeso and msains <ayel I v nware being put ila efficL. liane, aloag te publie' iihwap-,. la praclical>' ever>' Instance the <armera carnie>! hos'els andl lnaut least tva, or thnse cases lthe farinera tld Waukegan people hit-y bl! te shovel hhe Isorses vîenr train drifts in vbich tIle>' acre embedte>! aren atepplng from t4e vhs-el trcks. la spealttng a!flIsemalts-r une tanin salit: "My>'lonne bappenedtota tep out ai the hnack, and! betieve me, bh' -Bas do-va eveu vitl; bis stomach before 1 coul>! gel lu back lnta he tracta and! la order ta get hlm clear 1 ha>! ta use a asovel and shovel ts- sanow ar'ay f rota llm 50as boc oul>! pull humas-If out." Wllh tise conditions of tIse big li- va>'a fa general consîtei'ed, tannera vilI havs- tuabe careful la tucntng out a! lte -bsatea roailysy as thelr hiomes vili gel a inthe drifts la audit a vay1 tuat lthe>'are lhable la lie acniausî>' tnjure>! la tnyiag la extricate them- BOY DESERTER CAPTURED BEGGING FARE AS RUSE. A bclgh-faced mlor boy visa bas lducet ttnd-heartet Chlcsloana ta part vîitsmail change. '!ao lie coul>! Ceh havi to uthe Naval "9'raining Sta- lion," vas anestet mn Chicago Tues- day nigitt asi a desertor. Re la Vin', cent Dorgan. formÙeri>' o! 1019 OrlIeans etreel, Chicago. . Hoenliste>! lasi S eptember, diturt est inDecomber, ceturnîd ln Jaisuar and vas loe>! up ItuIte brlg. A f ev ay a -lter bhoeoîped mand netltrile> to Chicago. . 1 I idor at Lnt mil- ana cen Can lte. ao bav-e 0attend anîd ail ah RLe., qnent ai E;OUT- OR K. ILLIONI tome D Waltkegan ig repor Chicago oi ceil of lx Ili-'rs an, ty ini Ih the confei »the wm lu discut that oppn 'day. Pc' oppn,'d th he proleg rt of Prei E!ctiinîbus' application te ber evcc>' dent Wilson an>! Secretary o! War dut>', belng aven diligent lua choa1. ta',-nd nit <cretan>' of lIse Nas'>'Dan. KiCntg he 1l3 safe là ' taI. btter tels. land, fwe cannot but mieilier ev'r "MNe leartie!" slaid bMr.larke. "Ibtt fui, h.Indi>' face an>! manner, an>! tuaI tti an camp commnunil>' service con- vo gîve hec hack to Thos,, blsieving vank OUTtSDE the training campà> sise vas neyer augitt but Thilie. boit- jesai dos-s not conflict mhis anr dupil- Ing thse vlile Most predous te ln- cale t-b" vont o!f ts- Y. M. C. A. fissonee of thebs-n ebaUlut yeacs LIat an>! K. C. vit.ose activities are malt- she vas vith us. l1>' inde the camp. My loat, ni>'owa, an>! 1"Titi <un>! l; deirnus o!frovi>!lîS Shall bave sa mucis ta ee logether, club coome, gp'mnaalumns, rs-adiag b>' ant b>'. - rama, etc., ln Rowns 'outste * thei 1 do halls-vs- hat juat thcUmre aveet ramupa an>! train->! vanera to stim- face, ulîte tise neighlboring lovas ln cea- But glorifie>!,la s waillng un the e ,laelizalftino! titir cammiunIty respan' Wierévo sla.ll ms-et. Ir on» i1 sibilities tla lý it odiers an>! eallors. Am caunte>! vorthit> n that b>' and "A national funil a! $4.000,000 vilI b>'.-, le complete>!abs-n Illinot-> nralses tia quota; 'otlI<iL' tat-ti have aIrs-aIl'suc- ELGIN PRIEST ATTACKS B18HOP cestuNly conducte>! their campagina." Reiflenbs or thia count3ilWho de Father John J. 7>tlcOnu, privaI ln aiste té ait luu lisa ont are requost' change o! St. SarYs, 34@otl horci.t e to'omunItcate 'withs Mr. Clarkte in EIgia, Wc>!s>ay OpeqosI wIsaIl-et i sago ceale a v-an",againat Blabop J. P. lcd1 W. annes la state chair' Muldoon. lie gave ouetfoc et thse drive. The genpral hoami' ion a bItter addrecsea e t hie log qumrtç~a are la Ilooni 46, Stato Coutt- la whieb 11he mahses Varleus .cIarmh. cil O)t >fense bilding. The ihtop. accoi'diUtthe ic riet XelMr'Iake-expecta ta organixo LaIte la an "occleabasticai C\staum:l.' -ciiunt Ionce- This count>"a - quotai Thene lias heen LouMe lielveen 4«.000. -pris-etend the blithops reaiutlng'u - - McCann pracîlcaîl>' heing relleved ef Tttef vant ta reluse piks oni sieri<1a1 the major part of i dities aller uc road ln Ilvanston. 11ghb 0of0<1v. ha>! refuied ta reain, ' ng and ta help Mn. Hoover are thse 'Ho Je ln posseasilol of 1e parltIsreaàona. Aut amendmnenI ho te oni- hous. and, tIse churcit, vIite Fai nanve proihling te raising of stock WIacput In churge ýty BlaIop -la the ecil>'lisils vas propose e>Iset Muldoon, lsaalatint eveata etuovbeee1 aigitt b>' Alderman M. 9. Slerrett. il Nither iaisop l M i ios'tu. yl be conuldered at the neil me- aida vont>! comment --i* e tt - tg or lte comacli. u~ ~w w 's! 'il ThttmIe ice-shortage next sumnfler wi be far imore serlius than thse coali shraethLs -winter, despite the tact - , that thé available auppty Of Ie neyer DRAFT 111A» CBIlk S *0 wa aIetes lea t snow. due ta DAY TO mit fREAOViFô( tIs Bocetndselirasub-zero weath- ILIZATION ON THAT SA'VP er. was the production mnade tada>' by jamtes Callahan. head of the Wauke- WILL COMPLETE o4 Son Miik Dairy. Mri. Caltahian Bays lie_____ bias receivcd te prediction from wlat ARRANGEMENTS WILL oÉ lic considers le, a cehlable source. TO GIVC VOU Né IIIN A Carntihortage. according tae1fr. Calta. TING FAREWELL. - ban, will make it neît ta imposaIble - ta haut ice ns-il sommer, and thie Ic' The remaining'117 momný ,tý tthat I1i brouglit liere wili have tlie cct fWUflw' ut a sl aai a bige dv'asce in clyofWakeef'8quta. --i haîve been lnformc'd." Ïie 1aid. furthie first draft mb te "ltat the car shotage twîil e even armyi>'ailiecmablissi h.uflj more prollounllCd next stimuler ibiDl about PcbI. 1U. it acodadyqJ it is'now. Artiliul c ls-Plants maRy demrecciled Ibd'th* k l da flot beho eiiowo o0penate lIeCause thseibis maraîlli. Thse ocdli governiuent, requirca every asailable the draft liuérd ta bave tue â'-u galluof ! niiionia ahicl IotaneoeearY for mobilisation on Pcb. 15 b fort lite artlIliclill produoctlbn aOfIe . -titereatter. ornmnut bulleltina sent out have d. ,kgnarayla siseil cveryonc to aiteavantage o etota!qoat Ci rw thie pr'ooljI. st uppiy of îce atndt store Il foccnTh 1t17 qoea t-1a10OmSt. assay agaînsttsaiort;îge neit a frdutu17mn h ll ~ mer" estnow campîlse thse rem~ Mr-. Callatsnayn>s bchoplana ta do et et. lits part tard preventing a abattage 2acb o0ttes 0117 relle la la' b>' .atortiiîg sway tlis a ilîter abat -Ice U atit5' ý eulapesiOd.the. bc thinks hbcscill nerd neitsme tmtaal at aummet u.i ot hi'li>5t nsleste Ice fur the smnoll ed.t teir gree~ iadsnier.,W Conbiîsei. There la an Iebouse oq e~i da 1tutrusctethuW tihe Callalian farta west of Waukeg an, rWiunesê . to.-1Ie.K w9tttiff 4 aill a cnpartty of about 76 tons.' Tle ftc irCd*15,llieir Pink lat ta ha ullesd just &asono0fas possiblo. are tIse l'b.UO mfB- It Is bpiteve(l tîîat otless-ia ho lied YaiikW*oU elq ve iet M tbemiieIvei% ina ýposition to go it. 'wIll aelv"'An r.1Ies5-f. laite similar sops. Thîis would eiable ver*t'o11 buspU i th1e local ice-eempaniffs tau<iasrt more, ttt~~UW S. nti. a1.0çaM.,fiiut s-arl iii .bîing mmde for Uci'git11 $UtIlibPN t kirlatîo,s iarrds.-<'o. k, 4otln flamty..' t>*ort Shierian, aho diaappeared Jap. 0,white rcttrning t ta at Oietidanu UYd10rsi wt$ after spending a 10-day furIough vith t nmae W )n ist uncie, George iliver, owner of 5Cv-1W,- oe- ral -Chicago saoons. Sîlver toidth11e çitrainîng. Arrangemlent ».police ho feareil foui play, as thie young madete l usmmanI=tir ai aîlds-rlînl $01) îîl hl ahthetîm than are nee-àed for tIse 4 id sldir lad 300withIii aithetim sethat tu case any are ae f lus disappearance. attheli st minute iL viii 'i ________ Ifor others ta, step l aui III tbo' ?amil.Wia., Feh. 6-Mn. andenamut, oi. ir.liomor Le itoy Caîkinq. ru iue oie ardentseo!tîts village for more tihan Now Ithat I it laowUOW th J 1 sn W yrirs, .tcelebrate>! llî>fr golden yod- certaint>' thisaWauketga,'s Sding anniversar>' on Jaîn. 20. Mc. Cam'UMu the ti rait draft vIm kins wvas born lit Aitioeh .111II., on bthe middle af Fbrsuary2pim., 1)-e. 24, 1846.,adtvan trace mode to Sive the youxig IMin lý1 e i--aoi- tiaçit291) yesrs lucarly Nov a trewellî. imilar ta thoe*S~j he colia sotîlena. Deaple bis 72 years ailier Increments tIsat have.-~ ý cI tl utworks ut bis trade as aLnma" sway. AÀ igVISnret rssn son. jwili lie arranged. " NUMBIR'OF W0m ., WÀGE E GROWIG LII More than one-tenth. eft womeu of the United 8111l gagedlu garful parmi M.1, z:~>4~ per' cent eo sistqX 4 oidor ovi,, war à !I etage but ter olàapted ftrwôrk la. or office tban &t'e the mek for the %uffeiin, the u weakneaoa of the ses. overt.axed ox-tm. find in Ur. Pierce'*FYU * lion. It gives You = yon need. To bbhiaI It.smedicine' thst' te bunld poe. 7 - .. . ~ ive iUtT tpc oic, ss Il~ brsoin uoliiw; d.pui* scrcecaes tbe tbo. a, di U7 Ilium ~ alep anpmod adu e* latubIi Wh.t a tie nie et try0g 3t" mo If j _W be y atrobuj»he1it iM«4- Ihusd 41100 . ëduu 7- 1

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